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Six things that you must be aware of while buying a superbike

Are you like one of those superbike enthusiasts who would stop talking to their friends only to watch a superbike pass by? Do you also have a dream of owning a superbike at least once in your lifetime? If yes, well, then you have come to the right place!

When we say a superbike, it does not include the small capacity sports bike. We are talking about the ones with a liquid-cooled, four-stroke, in-line engine that produces a sweet humming sound. The options for superbikes in India have amplified a lot recently, but only knowing about the model names is not sufficient and would not help you out in any way.

So here are six things you must be aware of if buying a superbike.

1. Cost:

The engine contributes massively to determining the price of superbikes. A good superbike has an engine between 800 ccs to 1200 cc that derives power usually used in four-wheeled vehicles. A good superbike in India will cost you somewhere between Rs 5 lakh to Rs 40 lakh, for which you can also consider applying for a bike loan. But apart from the initial cost of buying, maintaining a superbike can at times be expensive because of the high-quality fuel requirement, repairs, and servicing. Plus, the bike insurance premiums also add up to the overall maintenance cost.
A cheaper option can also be a used superbike; this can be financially beneficial. But there are always a whole lot of things to consider before deciding to buy a used superbike.

2. Fuel:

You just can't compromise on the fuel quality for your superbike as it can do significant damage to your engines. The superbike manufacturers recommend fuel quality for each model based on the octane. In simple words, the higher the octane, the better the fuel grade. But this can be a problem at many fuel stations in India. For example, most superbikes require 95 RON; this is a fuel rating not available in India. So, before buying a superbike, check whether such high-quality fuels are accessible to you. Along with fuel, other liquids like engine oil and coolant also need to meet the standards.

3. Servicing:

Servicing for superbikes is expensive as most parts are not readily available. Also, you can't be sure that you would find good, adequately trained, and knowledgeable mechanics in your vicinity. Due to the condition of Indian roads, we also recommend quicker service schedules.

4. Insurance:

Basic bike insurance is a necessity for every motorcycle. However, for your superbikes, go for comprehensive bike insurance with multiple add-ons because the superbike parts are costly, and good insurance will be beneficial.

5. Skills:

Riding a superbike requires a lot of patience, practice, and caution. Multiple driving schools teach you how to ride a superbike. You often don't realize the amount of power a superbike has, that a small mistake can cause serious injuries. You must be capable enough to handle the strong machine with ease.

6. Safety gear:

A regular helmet is not enough when riding a superbike. You will have to invest in a good-quality helmet, riding suits, gloves, and boots.

Superbikes are for those who dream for bigger and faster things, but the greed for speed creates a need for safety. Such engineering marvels are full of power and require riders with a sense of responsibility and safety. Think about the usability of a superbike in your life, understand the cost and other requirements, and purchase one to feel that adrenaline rush through your blood.

Click HERE to buy insurance that will ensure the safety of your bikes.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten best budget backpacking tips for solo travellers

We all have one bucket list to travel the world and witness every corner and culture of the globe. Ranging from road trips, hiking, camping, trekking, the excitement is never-ending for a traveller, and if this is a solo trip, the experience is unparalleled. Travelling solo is one of the most liberating and adventurous experiences in life.

You might doubt that travelling solo is not that easy, especially if this is your first. Below is the guide to give you the ten best tips to plan your backpacking for a solo trip.

1. Be a wanderer:

Don't stick to one place. Instead, explore as much as you can by walking around in the cities & countryside. Be like a free spirit, save your transportation cost within the destination.

2. Split up your spending:

Organize your budget smartly and choose public transport to travel. If you need a flight, then try grabbing some reasonable offers. For example, choose a safe hostel stay or travel by night train to cut your hotel costs.

3. Do your research:

More than the excitement for the travel, you need the proper planning. Once you have finalised the destination, do some homework about the culture, the best hotspots, local monuments, popular joints and the best travel route to reach there. You won’t feel alien and will be able to explore places freely and with a better perspective.

4. Don't bind yourself:

Decide a budget before leaving and adhere to it. The motive is to travel and discover maximum with minimum cost. So, research about free public attractions days, bus passes and discounted tickets that cost less than the usual fare. Prior planning will save your time and money for these discoveries.

5. Pack up mindfully:

Going light is still the thumb rule for every solo traveller. Remember to make an essential items list that helps you carry your luggage like a backpack and save time and money searching luggage cloakrooms.

6. Stick to your itinerary:

Before your actual trip, you must imagine yourself visiting the attractions mentally or virtually through your itinerary. Therefore, it is vital to design an ideal itinerary to have an organized trip. If you sincerely follow the itinerary, you are less likely to waste extra money and time.

7. Safety & essentials:

Don't forget that safety is a primary concern while you travel solo. Take a local SIM card to stay in touch with your family and friends if travelling overseas. Note down and save the emergency numbers, helpline numbers of the destination. Carry all the essential items you might require, such as a small first-aid kit, pair of masks, hand sanitizer for additional safety.

8. Organization is the key:

Keep a separate bag or folder and organize your important documents and papers like passport, hotel bookings, tickets, identity card, health insurance agency details etc. Keep a spare copy separately.

9. Communicate and socialize:

You can find other solo backpack travellers and can team up with them. Networking is the gift you will bring back with you, so open up and enjoy the excursions together. And interactions with fellow travellers might get you some ideas and advice that might help you navigate easily.

10. Enjoy low-cost thrills:

Not all good things are expensive. Enjoy local cuisines, weekly markets for shopping with less spending and more memories. Budget trips teach you several worthy life lessons. Through travel and planning, you get an opportunity to uncover your hidden abilities to be the best version of yourself.

You don't always need a company to travel. Managing everything yourself on a solo trip will help you reflect upon your true self. Lastly, as you are travelling alone most of the time, buckle up your health with the laces of health insurance to cover all your needs for the perfect solo trip ever. As it is rightly quoted, "You have to get out of the box and travel to identify who you are!"

Are you looking to buy health insurance? Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten best tips to glide through traffic with safety

No one likes to be caught in traffic for hours. But let’s face it, it isn't easy to find our way without any traffic jams on the route. We can't blame the number of vehicles plying on the road solely, but our driving habits as well cause the heavy traffic jams. Almost every driver wants to get through traffic as quickly as possible, which is not always accurate and time saver.

It’s all too easy to give in to the temptation of switching to a lane that appears free from traffic. But if you think of it, will changing lanes constantly get you any closer to your destination? Or is it all just psychological to be thinking that the lane is always faster on the other side?

Following are the top ten tips to get through traffic keeping in mind the safety and rules.

1. Plan beforehand:

Plan your trip keeping in mind weather conditions, road construction, seasons and festivals, and the peak hours.

2. Keep your cool:

Getting frustrated while driving can lead to aggressive and reckless behaviour. This can hinder your mental state and make you lose your focus while driving, thereby endangering everyone on the road.

3. Reduce your speed:

Now naturally, in the middle of the traffic, you would not get a chance to drive speedily. Yet, some drivers habitually try to speed up to make up for a lost time, resulting in a crash.

4. Do not swerve through lanes or attempt to get ahead of traffic:

Other drivers may change lanes as you approach as they can’t foresee what you’re up to and vice versa. So, staying in one lane and abiding by the lane discipline is essential and the safest option.

5. Use indicators:

While weaving in and out of lanes is not advisable, it is occasionally required. Doing so with indicators will let people know what you’re doing, keep you safe, and make it easier for you if a vehicle enables you to pass them.

6. Remove all sources of distraction:

Always keep your eyes on the road. This is especially critical while travelling in congested areas. It doesn’t make driving less dangerous because you’re moving slower.

6. Remove all sources of distraction:

Always keep your eyes on the road. This is especially critical while travelling in congested areas. It doesn’t make driving less dangerous because you’re moving slower.

7. Practice driving proactively:

Just because you’re driving safely doesn’t guarantee everyone else is as well. So, stay alert and make judgments of fellow drivers on the road.

8. Take a break whenever needed:

Pull over to the side of the road and extend your legs while trying to relax.

9. Maintain a safe distance between you and the vehicle ahead of yours:

The ideal gap is said to be 3 seconds. Maintaining a safe buffer distance from vehicles ahead of you is crucial to eliminate the chances of collisions due to sudden braking.

10. Don’t stop and stare:

Turning your head to look at a crowd or a collision that isn’t involving you is a bad idea. Instead, keep an eye on the road ahead of you.

Always keep in mind that arriving at your destination safely is the first goal for all drivers on the road. Unfortunately, a traffic jam may take up most of your time, and delays are unavoidable in many situations. It is nearly impossible to eliminate traffic jams from our lives. But you can surely reduce the impact it might have on you.

Take the road safety measures, follow the above tips and ensure that you have online car insurance are some of the ways to make your driving smoother and stress-free. Remember that choosing trustworthy online car insurance supplements a layer of protection for you and your vehicle on the road against any eventuality.

To look for online car insurance, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These five indoor plants can significantly improve your health

The past two years have indeed taught us the importance of staying at home and keeping our house and surroundings healthy. Spending most of our time indoors, we naturally miss going out in the fresh air. But, a basic hack to welcome nature to your home and make it feel fresher is to adopt domestic plants.

Many of us prioritize the maintenance and size of a plant while purchasing them for our home but never really look for the benefits they provide. Of course, having ‘trendy’ plants around is a good idea. Still, a beautiful plant that silently works its magic on your health while you go along with your daily routine is even better. Here are the top indoor plants that can help you recover some common health issues;

1. Peace lily:

As beautiful as the name is, the essence of its nature remains unparalleled. These lilies demand no high maintenance and effortlessly add elegance to the room. Apart from its lovely appearance, this plant is known for eliminating hazardous chemicals from the air, such as ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. They even contribute to keeping the environment fresh and relatively humid.

2. Aloe vera:

Nothing makes a kitchen windowsill come alive like this warmth-loving succulent. Being one of the most low-maintenance plants; Aloe vera can do much more than make your skin glow. All you have to do is give it plenty of sunlight and watch out for brown spots on its leaves. The spots are an indication of abundant chemicals present in the air.

3. Philodendrons:

This big-leafed plant has made its mark all over Instagram for its attractive leaves. However, that is not all it offers; Philodendrons are renowned for removing hazardous substances from the air, including xylene and formaldehyde. It doesn’t ask for much attention except for being placed in a low-light and cool spot.

4. Herbs:

Shelter some herbs like Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme for multiple benefits. For example, lavender is well known for its aromatherapy to provide relief from stress. Traditionally, Rosemary has been considered to help people concentrate and sleep better. Whereas, Peppermint can help get rid of bacteria and bugs.

5. Transvaal Daisy:

Commonly known as Gerbera, it has pretty flowers and the capacity to remove benzene from indoor environments. A surprising fact about this plant is that it produces oxygen in tremendous amounts at night, making it the perfect decor for people suffering from lung problems, sleep apnea, and insomnia. Also, NASA recently acknowledged it as the best antioxidant plant.

Just the sense of being around nature can solve more than half of your health disorders, and it is a scientifically proven fact. Having indoor plants not only make your space more beautiful but also offer you many health benefits. Nevertheless, you cannot only rely on your houseplants to keep your health secured. Remember that choosing trustworthy health insurance supplements a layer of protection for your health. So, the next time when you water your indoor plants, consider what they’re giving you in return!

Click HERE to know more about the health insurance plans for you and your family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips to boost your body's performance during winters

Winter is just around the corner, and we all are excited to welcome it with a smile. There is something magnificent about the chilly breeze, beanies, heaters, and crisp evenings. The sweater weather inspires us in numerous ways. Although, a large percentage of people despise this season due to varied reasons apart from the discomfort it brings along.

Our body can have a tough time adapting to the change in winters. Moving becomes a task, and we tend to get lethargic. Being curled up in a blanket doesn't allow us to leave, and all morning alarms go snoozed. We start late, and our daily schedules get hampered. Physical activities slow down drastically, and we love being idle rather than active.

But not anymore because we have compiled the best tips to keep yourself productive and increase your body's activeness. Have a quick look at it:

• Increase hydration and the intake of tea. Staying hydrated and warm throughout the day will keep you from being lethargic.

• The addition of supplements like vitamin D, C, E, and Zinc is a must in your diet as they can assist in remaining healthy throughout the winter. It will also make up for your body not getting enough sun.

• Exercising is an essential factor when it comes to staying active. Regular exercise has several advantages that assist in preventing our bodies from a variety of health disorders.

• Keep a natural diet plan. Take advantage of the season's whole fruits and vegetables and add them to your everyday meals for a nutritious diet.

• A good sleep helps your body regains its composure and energy. As a result, getting a proper amount of sleep is critical to cope with the tiredness and strains.

• A regular eating schedule can help to increase your metabolism and keep your glycogen stores maintained throughout winter.

• Practice conscious eating. Use moderation and substitution techniques in your diet. For example, soups are great options to add fibre-filled vegetables into your diet.

• Maintain personal hygiene. There is a significant risk of becoming a victim of viral infections if you do not possess a proper sanitary environment.

• Find ways to avoid winter blues. Find an activity to perform each day to keep yourself entertained and engaged which won't make you feel lazy. Listen to your favourite upbeat music, take short walks, treat yourself to some hot chocolate or green tea and hot showers, go out in the sun, and play outdoor sports with your friends.

• Start skincare. How your skin would react to cold is unpredictable. Hence, keep it moisturized all the time.

Make the most of the above tips to help you feel warmer and cozier during the winter season. Add them to your ways of dealing with winter blues and flu(s) and see how it works for you. Winter can be harsh, but we can keep our bodies healthy with suitable precautions and care. Sometimes despite being cautious, you may end up as a victim of viral diseases. So, as you layer yourself with warm clothes for protection, add another layer of health insurance to have the perfect winters.

Winters can be a little overwhelming, but it still brings the best; the berries, snow, Christmas, and new year. A little effort from your side can make the season your favourite!

To view the best health insurance policies, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why do some people prefer cab service over owning a car

Owning a car is an investment that some individuals cannot afford, while others do not enjoy driving in overcrowded cities with heavy traffic. A new study shows that around 57% of people in India prefer cab services over owning a car. The figures of similar studies carried out in several other countries will surprise you too. Comparatively, in China and the United States, where people utilize ride-sharing services instead of their automobiles are 53% and 31%, respectively.

So, why in India are people preferring cab service over owning a car so much? In this post below, we'll try and answer it.

Here are the key advantages that people acknowledge to make this choice.

1. Service that is available round the clock:

Cabs are now accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No matter if you're in your home town or out of the station. All you have to do is to book a cab through a mobile app. In no time, the cab will be at your doorsteps.

2. Convenience in this fast-paced life:

Got a presentation to prepare but you have to drive to the office too? Just book a taxi and continue working while your driver takes you to your destination. Not just that, as you don't have to drive yourself, you can utilize the time doing other important and meaningful tasks which you would rather have missed.

3. Variety of vehicles to choose from:

Cab services provide you with the luxury to book from a range of vehicle options. Cars ranging from sharing vehicles to high-end sedans are available. You can select a car based on your requirements and budget.

4. Professional drivers to ride with:

Cab services use well-trained professionals and experienced drivers to offer you comfortable transportation. The drivers are familiar with the city roads and traffic patterns. The driver will also assist you in reaching your destination quicker while keeping your safety in mind. A cab ride is even more favourable for you while commuting in an unknown city.

5. Other perks of being a passenger:

When you ride with a cab service, finding the proper spots for parking, paying tolls, and other things is not your headache.

6. Light on the pockets:

Studies have statistically proven that going for a rental is easier on your pockets in the long term for many cases. Feel free to check the study papers online, and calculate the expenses of both the possibilities.

Sounds good, right? However, the narrative about road safety and the accidents with cabs is anecdotal, proving that not all taxi rides end on a good note. In such a situation, the need for a personal accident policy arises even more. Individual personal accident insurance provides financial assistance to you in the event of an accident.

Choosing a cab service indeed has many advantages. These are just a few of the main reasons some individuals choose cab services over having a car. You may also consider savings like EMIs, petrol/diesel prices, and maintenance costs before making any purchase. On a conclusive note, now, we leave the decision to you, what between the two matches your requirements.

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance to make your trips safe!

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Seven best methods to ensure fire safety for buildings

In the wake of the catastrophic fires in India these days, building owners have become more concerned about fire safety for their residential and commercial buildings. Once a fire starts spreading, it is hard to control it. Even though we have efficient modern firefighting methods, it is always better to be cautious about things that can cause destruction.

Ensuring fire safety for buildings is essential, as even a minor fire outbreak in a building can ignite the most extensive fires, sufficient to destroy the whole structure. No one can predict fire mishaps; therefore, improving our fire safety methods is necessary.

This article will look at the best methods to ensure fire safety for buildings that you can implement right away.

1. Educate people on fire safety:
Prevention is better than cure, and the saying cannot have a better real-life example. Unfortunately, most casualties and deaths occur during fire incidents because of insufficient knowledge on fire safety. Therefore, everyone in the building should be made aware of the fire protocols and guidelines.

2. Emergency escape route:
If a building catches fire, there is a possibility of a power breakdown, and the lift too will stop working immediately. Constructing emergency escapes or fire exits is a necessity in almost all high-rise buildings. It is important to ensure that nothing blocks the fire exit route.

3. Create designated smoking areas:
Always ensure the proper disposal of used cigarettes to avoid the possibility of sparks turning into flames. It is also mandatory to monitor smoking zones as several fires initiate from there. Nowadays, most of the premises maintain a smoke-free zones with the designated smoking areas in the building. Smoking anywhere other than the designated areas should be strictly prohibited.

4. Have a sound fire detecting system:
The first step that the maintenance department should take is to instal a fire detecting system in the building. There have been regular technology upgrades in fire sensors, and you must stay up-to-date with their handling to use them during an emergency. These sensors often send an alert to the local fire department, informing them of your location.

5. Display fire safety signs:
Signs are one of the most effective methods of cautioning people of danger. Fire safety warning signs, fire fighting equipment signs, and the labelling of piping that holds toxic compounds are examples of illuminated signs that communicate safety information.

6. Install a fire extinguishing system:
You do not always require the local fire department to put out the small fires. Modern buildings contain sprinklers and fire extinguishers to control minor fire outbreaks. We advise you to use fire sprinklers rather than fire extinguishers because people might not handle extinguishers because of a lack of training. On the other hand, sprinklers will equally spray water everywhere in the building, thus putting out any fire.

7. Inspect your fire doors:
Fire doors have helped save many lives and have considerably reduced the damage by slowing down the fire. Therefore, regularly check your fire doors and replace them immediately if they have undergone even a small fire.

Fires are not in our control, but the least we can do is prepare ourselves for them. Regular monitoring of fire safety equipment, maintaining them, following fire safety norms for the building, and mock fire drills are essentials for the buildings. Remember that, apart from following the above tips, you also need to choose fire insurance for the building. Fire insurance can immensely help you financially against any fire mishaps. During a fire, even a single second can make a massive difference. Always act immediately and sensibly during these incidents. Don’t hesitate to leave all your belongings and evacuate the place in case of a massive fire outbreak. You need to understand that you can get a new home, but what about your life?

Click HERE to know about the different fire insurance policies you can buy today!

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are electric scooters a reliable commuting option

With each passing day, people are extra concerned about the environment and the reality of climate change. As a result, more and more people are opting for environment-friendly and sustainable options, like e-scooters as a greener alternative.

The face of personal transportation has immensely changed since the introduction of electric vehicles in the Indian market. Electric scooters are an excellent alternative to traditional combustion engines. They have become the new face of convenience and an affordable mode of transport in India, with over 150,000 e-bikes and e-scooters sold in 2020 alone.

Yet, we know relatively little about its reliability. And to better understand it clearly, we will answer a few questions and tell you about its limitations and advantages.

What is an electric scooter?
Electric bikes or scooters are plug-in electric vehicles that use electric motors to get locomotion.

What is the mileage of an electric scooter?
On average, an electric scooter can go up to 70 km in a single charge, that is 70 km in 10 rupees making it cost-effective and an efficient commutation option.

What batteries are used in an electric scooter?
Usually, electric scooters operate on lithium-ion batteries and adhere to a 12v starter battery or a 24v electrical system.

Do you need a driving license and insurance?
Yes, in India, you would need a driving license and 2 wheeler insurance to drive any vehicle which has a capacity of more than 250 kilowatts and can attain a speed higher than 25km per hour.

What is the expected life of an electric scooter?
Electric scooters might not have the same life span as petrol bikes because engines work longer than motors, but motors are easily replaceable.

Are electric scooters reliable?
When buying a vehicle, the main factor is its reliability—whether it is safe to use, performance, durability, flexibility, etc. To know it, let's understand the pros and cons of buying an electric scooter so that you can make a choice.

1. Easy maintenance
There's no need to maintain a battery, clutch, or oil change, and there are no valves to tune, throttle bodies to sync, or air filters to replace. You'll only need to change tires and brake pads every once in a while.

2. Limited noise pollution
Of course, it is a myth that electric motorcycles are entirely silent, but still, the noises are comparatively minimal. This means that you get to enjoy a peaceful experience. Also, no neighbours will be disturbed late at night!

3. Environment-friendly
The best advantage that electric scooters bring with them is the green revolution. These sustainable vehicles are shaping the future of the world towards a cleaner and more environmentally safe era.

4. Insurance benefits
Reports suggested that the Indian EV market will grow at 36% in the coming years and emerge as a key segment in the insurance business. Thus, in most cases, you will notice that the 2 wheeler insurance premiums are comparatively low for electric vehicles.

1. Charging
One of the main problems is finding a charging unit for your electric vehicles. Let's say you do find one, but certainly, charging will take more time than filling a tank with fuel. Therefore, a fuel-based vehicle is more practical due to the easy access to a gas station.

2. Resale value
Electric scooters have a low resale value. And if the battery needs replacement, there is almost no market value of the vehicle. Also, it is hard to find a buyer interested in a used e-bike.

3. Storage space
E-bikes generally do not have much storage space below the seat, but new design technology is finding solutions to address this requirement of ample storage in vehicles.

These checkpoints related to the reliability of an electric scooter come in handy for you to compare the advantages and understand your requirements correctly. Planning an e-scooter certainly brings your meaningful contribution towards zero air pollution.

Planning to buy a new electric bike? Click HERE to cover it with a reliable two-wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These seven healthy breakfast recipes will charge your day

A nutritious and filling breakfast fuels you up for the day and provides you with the energy you need after fasting for 8 to 12 hours. And not having one will leave you feeling irked and restless for the rest of the day. Therefore, it is essential to have an energy-rich breakfast in the morning.

But, what should be your ideal breakfast diet? Nutritionists suggest that your breakfast should have approximately 50 percent fruits or vegetables, 25 percent proteins, and 25 percent carbohydrates.

This article has rounded up seven healthy and tasty breakfast recipes that will charge your day.

1. Smoothies – a protein delight:
If you do not like a heavy breakfast, a smoothie is a perfect fit for you. It is a complete meal with all the essential minerals and vitamins. Then, just whip up a few fruits and veggies, and you are good to go! Adding a couple of ice cubes, dry fruits, or sleek pieces of fruits will elevate the taste of your smoothie.

2. Poha – the delicacy of the west:
Next on our list is everyone’s experimental and go-to breakfast. It is a famous dish of the western part of India but loved by the entire nation. It is tasty, light, and easy to make. It has a lot of variety to fit every taste - Kanda Poha, Aloo Poha, Tarri Poha, Curd Poha, Coconut-jaggery poha. The key ingredient here is rice flakes. You can add vegetables and spices the way you like.

3. Upma – cook it quickly:
Students living away from home prefer it because it is prepared in under 5 minutes without much hassle or even ingredients! It is slow to digest; therefore, it keeps you full for longer. Prepare this breakfast food using semolina or sooji and rice flour.

4. Salad – the authentic taste of fitness:
Some may think that a salad is not enough for breakfast, but there is nothing better than salad if you use the right ingredients. It is a perfect delight for diet-conscious people. It will boost your mood and productivity instantly, help maintain weight, enhance your digestive system, and be an excellent light breakfast option.

5. Idli – the trademark of the south:
Whenever South Indian breakfast is considered, idli always stays at the top. It is a steamed cake made of rice and black lentils. You can have an Idli with coconut chutney or vegetable stew. It is a healthy option as it requires no oil and is rich in carbohydrates, enzymes, and fibres.

6. Paratha – stuffed with love:
Many people consider it an unhealthy and heavy breakfast option as it is stuffed with excessive fats and consumes amounts of oil or butter. But, if you swap a few ingredients, it can be nutritious and delicious at the same time. Use whole wheat flour or multi-grain flour and knead the paratha dough with curd of whey water. Make your innovations as per your dietary requirements and enjoy parathas with curd, ketchup, or a chutney.

7. Muesli – the powerhouse of taste:
Muesli is a cold oatmeal dish full of fibre and proteins. To start your day on a sweet note, you may add chocolate, honey, and almond milk to your muesli. This breakfast recipe can give an energetic start to your day.

“One should not attend even the end of the world without a good breakfast.”- Robert Heinlein expressed this years ago, but it sounds right even today. Indeed, breakfast is crucial for the day. But on-the-go breakfast like bread and cheese or a packet of cookies is not sufficient. So, even if you are time-bound, it is still necessary to have an elaborate and disciplined breakfast daily.

To reinvent your breakfast routine, try bringing variations into your recipes. Search for exciting recipes online, watch videos, and bring newness to your morning meals. Along with these tips, invest in healthy habits like buying online health insurance to add the flavours of good health and financial safety to your life!

Click HERE to know more about the online health insurance you can buy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why should businesses start thinking about cyber security?

In this digital age, our professional and personal lives have all begun to gravitate toward the internet. Unfortunately, due to this widespread phenomenon, we are now more exposed than ever before to invasions of privacy and fraud. Businesses are at a higher risk of cyber attacks than individuals.

Hackers are making the best use of their mischievous minds to discover and exploit vulnerabilities in the working infrastructure of several small and large businesses. As a result, tons of sensitive digital data of users, customers and organizations, including government agencies, are subjected to threat from cybercriminals.

It's more urgent to get a solid cyber security policy in place to safeguard your business from cyber-attacks. In this article, we'll go through some pointers that will help you understand the criticality of this issue and help you take the necessary actions to get it secured right away.

Let's take a look at some common cyber-attacks first.

1. Phishing:
Phishing is when a fraudster appears as somebody else to trick individuals into supplying personal information such as credit card details. Financial institutions, Banking, E-commerce sectors are at high risk from phishing.

2. Ransomware:
This type of malware attack affects a computer or server; it encrypts files and locks them down. The attacker then demands payment to restore the files to their original state. Both private and government sectors can be affected severely by ransomware.

3. Spyware:
This is when a cybercriminal installs malware on a victim's computer; it collects their internet history, credentials, bank account information, and other sensitive data.

4. Denial of Service Attack:
Also known as a DoS attack, a hacker attempts to take down a network by flooding it with traffic to avoid other people from utilizing the service.

Why should you think about getting cyber security?

• Ample resources are required to recover from a cyberattack, with the typical breach taking 55 days to resolve. This will hinder and divert time, money, and personnel resources away from the other operations of your company.

• If your company stores a lot of personal information about your consumers, you must maintain its security so that no data of even a single user gets compromised. Customers can lose trust in your company when their valuable information is at risk in a data breach, and you can face unfavourable lawsuits as a result. 41% of customers believe they will stop doing business with a firm if their data is compromised.

Statistical overview:

• Every 39 seconds, a cyber-attack occurs around the globe.

• Cybercrime will cost the globe $6 trillion by the end of 2021.

• 24,000 malicious applications are eliminated across the web every day.

• By the end of 2021, the average ransomware request will be more than $1000.

• Only 25% of businesses worldwide have their cyber security department.

The threat of cybercrime is gradually rising. Millions of records are affected each year by data breaches, and reports of violations are increasing at an alarming rate.

It's not only about data privacy or net neutrality that needs attention; a complete change in emphasis to internet security is concerning. In the long term, taking an extra step in cyber and email protection can help businesses increase their overall productivity. You can take an extra step today by getting public liability insurance in India. This will help you cover both first and third-party liabilities caused due to online attacks.

See the best public liability insurance in India HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are happy hormones? Best ways to activate them and your lifestyle

The current pandemic situation has undoubtedly left us feeling depressed and lethargic. Unlike before, being stuck at home, we do not have much to look forward to, which has affected our hormonal balance. Everyone is dealing with this situation in their own way, and some of us have a hard time adapting to this change. Especially people with an active lifestyle find this switch extremely challenging.

Before it starts to take a toll on your mental state, we must find ways to cope with it. One of the ways is to boost your happy hormones to keep yourself healthy.

What are happy hormones?
These neurotransmitters have a role in mood control, pleasure, bonding, and even pain reduction. These enzymes are essential for your health in areas such as growth and development, metabolism, and reproduction. Happy hormones mainly include Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphin.

How to boost these hormones?

1. Dopamine – the “Reward Chemical”
Linked with pleasurable experiences and a motor system function, Dopamine is an essential element of your brain’s reward system. It is nicknamed the “feel-good” hormone.
To boost it: Get plenty of rest, eat nuts, try to achieve realistic goals and spend time practicing healthy hobbies or getting soaked in the sun. Musical therapy and meditation can also increase dopamine levels surprisingly.

2. Serotonin – the “Mood Stabilizer”
This hormone assists in the regulation of your mood, appetite, digestion, learning capacity, and memory. Low levels of serotonin can land you into depression.
To boost it: Work out, or participate in a sport, consume carbs, drink milk at night, and focus on incorporating omega-3-rich foods into your diet. Mood enhancement can also boost serotonin levels. Cheer yourself up by recalling all the beautiful memories of the past. You may open an old photo album or do an activity that excites you the most.

3. Oxytocin – the “Love Hormone”
The feeling of love, affection, and being valued boost the oxytocin level; hence it is nick-named as the “love hormone.” It also helps develop trust, empathy, and bonding in relationships through deeper connections and physical intimacy.
To boost it: Get a massage once a week, take up a new hobby, spend quality time with loved ones, help someone, have a pet, or practice yoga.

4. Endorphins – the “Pain Killer”
Your endorphin levels tend to rise when you engage in reward-producing activities like eating, working out, or having a fun time celebrating even small moments. It is also a natural pain reliever produced by your body in reaction to stress or suffering. Endorphins redefine our social attachments by promoting pleasure.
To boost it: Go out for a run, eat a protein-rich meal, plan out a romantic evening, take a hot shower.

Your body remains active and energetic if your mind is refreshed and active. Therefore, boosting your happy hormones is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. Besides the suggested ways to improve productivity, you can figure out your methods to develop and boost these hormones. Find what makes you genuinely happy and pursue it often to lead a healthy lifestyle. While you are at it, do not forget to back up your physical health with insurance. Browse through our online health insurance plans to seek the best one that makes your dopamine level go high, to feel good and safe!

To find online health insurance plans, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Unable to decide between petrol and diesel car? We got the answer

Unlike old times, almost all car manufacturing companies are now producing new vehicles with both petrol and diesel variants. With it, the common misbelief of a petrol car being superior is also burning to the ground. The way diesel engines have advanced significantly poses a severe threat to their petrol rivals by being more efficient and economical.

But the debate remains as to whether to go for a petrol or diesel model. Allow us to clear it out for you quickly. Here are the 5 major aspects to compare both the options, and let’s view the results.

1. Performance:
If you are a power enthusiast looking deeply into car performance other than anything, remember that a car’s performance is mainly affected by the amount of weight it carries. However, both petrol and diesel cars offer specific power. For example, if you like instant pick up, a petrol car will impress you better. On the other hand, a diesel car will amaze you with the sudden thrust despite the slow start. So, out of the two variants, decide what suits you better.

2. Prices:
Diesel models are generally more expensive than their petrol rivals, and so is their maintenance cost. Do not let the fuel prices confuse you with the car prices. Although diesel as a fuel is cheaper than petrol in our country, the cars sell at a higher price. It's on you to decide whether to pay more for your car one time or more for your fuel every time.

3. Maintenance expenses:
Do diesel models require a higher maintenance cost? That no longer stands true for every case. Although maintaining a diesel vehicle is still more expensive than a petrol vehicle, it has become comparatively affordable than earlier. It even varies between the different classes of the car and the brand.

4. Fuel-efficiency:
This is something to consider later in all the aspects mentioned earlier. Mileage for diesel vehicles is one of the sole reasons for people to choose them over petrol vehicles. A diesel car will run more kilometres in the same litres of fuel than a petrol car. So, in terms of fuel efficiency, diesel cars are clearly the prize winner.

5. Fuel costs:
India has always had diesel at a reduced price than petrol owing to the subsidies. Although the price gap has reduced continuously in almost all states, this is still a fact. Hence, diesel is cheaper than petrol, with diesel vehicles having a better mileage than the latter. Therefore, despite the initial higher charges, it is proved that a diesel car is affordable after all.

Owning a car is a luxury in itself; hence ensure to get the one most suited to your expectations. Regardless of what type of car you buy, decide it after assessing the running cost, the duration you want to retain it and resell value it brings to you. And when you finally make a purchase, do not forget to buy new car insurance as made mandatory by the laws. Apart from choosing the best vehicle variant, you also need to buy new car insurance for a financial safety net if the unexpected occurs.

To buy new car insurance for your car, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Things to do after your car gets totaled post an accident

No one likes to think about the possibility of their vehicle being in an accident, but knowing what to do when it happens, helps you a lot. According to a survey, almost 77% of drivers have been in at least one accident during their lifetime. Thus, as per the facts, your chances of getting into a car accident during a 1,000-mile trip are 1 in 366.

After a car crash, your immediate response is to ensure everyone's safety and get medical attention even if the injuries seem minor to you. The immediate aftermath of an accident is quite stressful, and not knowing what should be your next step only adds to the stress.

Therefore, it is time you learn what to do when your car gets totaled post an accident.

After the accident, when you inform your insurance company about the incident to claim your insurance, the company may deem your car to be 'totaled'.

But, first, what exactly does 'a totaled car' mean?

• If the value of repairing the vehicle is more than the value of the car, pre-accident.

• If it can be dangerous to use the car again after the repair work.

Some companies cover the cost of towing the car. Few look after your rental car bills only for three days, whereas some might cover for an extended period. Different companies have different policies for the drivers. Therefore, it is better to be familiar with your private car insurance policy.

Now follow the given steps to claim your insurance settlement.

Step 1
Give your insurance company a call. Many companies have mobile applications where you can click images of the damage and post them, and an inspector will survey the specifics. But, when you think your car is totaled, it will take much more than a basic inspection to verify the damage.
Sometimes, there is not much visible damage, but some damaged parts of the car can cost much more than you anticipate. For this, you will have to trust your inspector to do a thorough inspection of your vehicle.

Step 2
Submit your application, policy details, and police report. Now, all companies have different documentation processes, and you must be sure to understand what papers you will need to submit precisely. Your settlement request would not proceed further unless the company has received all that it needs.

Step 3
Whether you own the vehicle or are leasing it, the insurance company will write a check to you, your lender, or the lease company. The amount of your total loss settlement will be the AVC, average cash value of your car, which depends on the following

• the current market value of your vehicle

• the condition of your car pre-accident as well as its mileage

• other features of the car such as leather seats, power windows etc.

Sometimes fortune turns harsh on us, and it becomes tough to accept the reality. Accidents can happen anytime, and it is rightly quoted that 'Accidents hurt, but not safety.' The recovery post a severe accident is never a peaceful process. Seeing your beloved car turn into crushed pieces of metal is an awful feeling. Don't wait for the worst to happen. Be prepared by buying private car insurance that assures you the complete assistance and compensation you expect during the tough times.

Need private car insurance? Click HERE to get the best insurance quotes.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to save money on your car loan

Most people think that buying a commodity like a car is a significant expense, especially if you have taken a loan. Understand that a loan is a liability, and if not managed properly, it could lead you to huge debts. Also, the maintenance and motor insurance can additionally cost more and affect your pockets.

Don't think that the market decides loan and interest rates, and you can do nothing to save the cost. In reality, the high-interest rate on the loan you borrowed affects your car loan. There are practical ways to save up on the loans of your car. Below is the guide to give you the best tips to save money on your car loan.

1. Constrain/control your credit:
Your credit history will directly affect the interest rate of the loan. If you have a low credit score, the lender may apply higher rates for your loan amount. Sort your credit report, and know that a good credit score will help you lock up the best deal on loans.

2. Navigate beyond the dealers:
Find ways to look beyond just one middleman/broker for your car loans. Getting advice or financing quotations from the dealer is not a bad option. But, when you shop for other things, do you stop at one halt and purchase? The answer is NO. So, do the same with your car loan options.

3. Buy an inexpensive car:
It does not sound like earnest advice, but at a point, it is proven logical. Getting a car is more about comfort and ease of life than merely a status symbol. Buy a reliable, best-fit vehicle that comes with lesser interest on the loan amount. Buying a car within your budget will also help you save up on motor insurance premiums.

4. Budget your down payment:
If possible, make sure to pay a substantial down payment on the purchase of the car. So, it will decrease the amount of interest on loans. Logically, the lower the principal amount, the lower the EMI will be.

5. Smaller tenure of the loan:
Opposite to the down payment, the tenure periods should be short. The lender will benefit from it if you have an extended tenure period. If you have a shorter tenure, you'll pay off the loan much faster. Also, interest components will be lower.

6. Count the processing fees:
The processing fee for the car loans is a one-time fee, and some banks waive off their prices during special occasions. So try to benefit from it by taking loans in that period. Also, make sure you don't get charged any extra in the name of processing fees, apart from general rates.

7. Go through the fine print:
One of the vital steps is to check all papers pertaining to the loan. Whether you take the quotation or make the final deal, read all the legal documents and understand them. Don't get trapped, and be conscious of the agreement while you are availing of a loan.

Stick to budgeting your loans. Be thoughtful with your financial position to consider the loan, interest, and ways to save up on your hard-earned money. There are ample ways to save the cost of your car loan payments. Don't rush the process and check every option before choosing the right one for your car. Like having good motor insurance comes with reasonable premium rates, a car loan can also be obtained with lower EMI if you make intelligent moves.

Are you looking for suitable motor insurance for your car? Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Be adventure-ready and know these six tips before your next overlanding trip

Have you ever felt bored of your mundane daily routine and wanted a much-needed break? Overlanding helps you get away from all the stress of your work and refresh your mind and body, boosting the state of your mental health. It is a travel experience that focuses on a scenic destination away from the bustling city life. With this, you will get the chance to be closer to nature and give your body the rest it deserves.

Let's understand the tips that will make your overlanding trip memorable.

1. Plan well before you go:
You must decide on an adventurous overlanding route through the pleasant countryside and remote destinations. Do deep research about the destination, consider the weather predictions, and ensure favourable camping conditions. To avoid heavy traffic, accidents, or mishaps, you should know what particular amendments your car requires to suit the terrain.

2. Have basic survival skills:
Despite planning efficiently, mishaps occur, and you need to be prepared for any scenario. You might get minor scars or bruises while on the adventure, so carry a basic first aid kit to ensure you can treat minor wounds to avoid any infection. You might get stranded in an unfamiliar area, so it is always advisable to carry maps of surrounding regions in digital and physical forms. You should be capable of changing a tire in case of a flat tire. Adjust to the different weather conditions as your journey progresses.

3. Budget according to your needs:
Overlanding is a cost-effective travel experience. However, you might need to allocate your daily budget based on your needs. You can take inspiration from travel bloggers/vloggers and use similar tactics, or you can carry more resources to satisfy your needs. You should take into consideration your food, vehicle maintenance, and living expenses such as mobile connectivity. Save more by cooking food yourself and camping instead of staying in overpriced hotel rooms.

4. Comfortable dressing:
Wear clothes that are comfortable to be in for long durations. Pack appropriate attire for your activities and make sure it is compact. You can hand wash your clothes or use laundry rooms on your stops to clean and dry your clothes. It is also advisable to wear a roomy pair of good shoes that grip any terrain.

5. Carry essential equipment:
Carry equipment that protects you from excessive cold, wind, and rain, such as umbrellas, raincoats, jackets, gloves, and earmuffs. Emergency dry, nutritional snacks and bottled water should be a part of your travel inventory. Additional tools such as flashlights, fire extinguishers, and gas always make your trip must also be part of your travel checklist.

6. Take precautionary measures:
Safety is an aspect that you can never compromise with when planning an Overlanding trip, especially if you're travelling solo. During the journey, it's just your car and you who are for each other. So, keep spare wheels that fit your vehicle in case of a flat tyre. As roads are a package of undesired events, it is always advisable to get car insurance so that you return with good memories and no financial worries. Opt for online car insurance if you haven't bought one, hit that road less travelled and enjoy that overlanding adventure of a lifetime!

Overlanding journeys expose you to pure and unaltered experiences and introduce you to life in a way you might not have thought of. These trips also boost your self-growth as you learn to make arrangements to sustain yourself in any situation.

Click HERE to know more details about car insurance before you set on a trip.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you using your private vehicles for commercial purposes? All you need to know

Transportation is one of the essential parts of our day-to-day lives. Whether it is for commercial purposes or personal use, vehicles have turned out like our favourite support. Legally, the law doesn't allow the use of personal vehicles for commercial purposes. However, a recent announcement shows that private car owners can use their vehicles for commercial transport and work purposes under some provisions.

The use of the private vehicle as commercial makes the transport 30% cheaper. You must be wondering whether to use the personal vehicle for commercial use or not? And if yes, then how?

As you read this blog, you will find the best tips to use your vehicle for commercial purposes.

1. Know everything about licensing: Before the government imposed rules on vehicles, there were only two categories of license: transport and non-transport. However, the same license is now allowed to drive two or more different vehicles, considered only if both are LVMs (light motor vehicles). So, before assigning your personal vehicle for work purposes, it is crucial to understand the licensing method.

2. Type of your commercial usage: You may introduce your private vehicle to commercial use in several ways. Converting it into a taxi is the most common method. Apart from taxis, convertible trucks / tempos, school buses, minivans for goods transportation are quite popular. In the case of two-wheelers, the same license is allowed, with the permission / allowance to operate as public transport. You can also use it for exporting or importing goods.

3. Know about taxation/laws: According to the motor vehicle act, vehicles should be given rights and respective licenses according to their class and not the type of vehicle. This rule made it convenient for private vehicles to be used for commercial purposes. As of now, there are no separate endorsement/taxes charged on it.
Initially, you need to follow the conversion process to convert the vehicle into a commercial one. Do it with the valid registration number and by filling a form named "Conversion of Vehicle". You can find all the details about the same on the RTO website. Do some research at your end, or you may even ask expert personnel to make the entire process smooth.

4. Be thorough with the insurance policy: When you run a private vehicle as a commercial, the insurance policy may differ. For example, the usual car insurance may not remain the same when you use your car as a taxi or for other business purposes. You can confirm the details and changes in the car insurance policy from your insurance company.
Also, don't forget to use the appropriate number plate after the conversion of the vehicle.

Just like private vehicles benefit from insurance and other rights, commercial policies also provide the same vigilant coverage. Enforcement of legalities by the authorities has become easy now. Dissolved licensing and flexible transportation rules are encouraging steps for the people who want to convert their vehicles for commercial purposes.

So, if you wish to expand your business or provide your vehicle as a transportation fleet to other companies, these tips can help you understand it better. Remember, holding good car insurance and the appropriate license is the key to driving vehicles' safety and successful conversion.

Click HERE to get the best deals on car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


21/90 magical rule to build a routine and your dream lifestyle

Do you want to break a bad habit? You probably should. According to one research, nearly 40% of the "decisions" we make aren't decisions. It's a matter of habit. We do what we've always done, making us less productive, efficient, healthy and fit. In other words, less in everything than we could be.

So, what can be done to change an old bad habit and adopt a better one? The 21/90 rule helps you to overcome that. The 21/90 formula is a simple approach that can help you reach your predetermined goals if followed and challenged for a few days. According to the method, if you can stick to a plan for 21 days, it becomes a habit, and if you stick to it for another 69 days or a total of 90 days, it becomes a lifestyle.

In this article, we share the tips that will help you get started with this method and stick to it.

1. The first stage is to have a clear goal: You will not be able to see where you're going in life unless you have clear goals. Identify your purpose, define your vision and translate your objectives into attainable benchmarks. You've almost assured success if you have a clear milestone to achieve.

2. Have a strategy: Every new habit requires a plan. It assists you in achieving your objectives. Create a timeline of activities to follow. Decide how you'll reward yourself at significant milestones, such as the 21st day, 69th day or 90th day in this 21/90 approach.

3. Resist temptations: The best method to create a new habit is to eliminate everything that would hold you back or tempt you to return to your old habits. Rebuilding your surroundings will help you distance yourself from your old habits. For example, don't stack up on snacks in your house if you're trying to lose weight or uninstall the social media apps from your phone if you're trying to cut on your screen time.

4. Avoid distractions and be disciplined: Theodore Roosevelt's words, and we quote, "With self-discipline, almost anything is possible". Self-discipline is tough to attain since it demands a fight with oneself to make the best decision. But if you master the art of self-discipline, nothing can stop you from being your best self. You can carve out a schedule or reminder to pay your utility bills or online health insurance payment on time if you have a habit of missing the due date.

5. Eat, sleep and repeat: It's time to restart what you've completed in 21 days and help you achieve your first objective. Set a brand new goal for yourself, and with your new habits, you'll be on your way to 90 days and a lasting lifestyle change in no time.

Life is delightful when you enjoy what you do. When you begin your 21 to 90 days journey for a lifestyle change, don't forget to enjoy the process. It will be more accessible, and you'll reach your milestone in no time.

Another effective way to cultivate new habits is to tie them to the existing ones. So, if you are already getting up early for some work, add regular exercising or a morning walk with it. Spending time to maintain good health, managing routine medical check-ups, owning a robust health insurance plan and renewing your online health insurance is important for overcoming any health-related bad habits. So, start small and keep adding new habits with this 21/90 magical rule!

Click HERE to get the best health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


A complete guide for first time commercial vehicle buyers

Whether you're looking to purchase your first pickup vehicle, minivan or heavy-duty truck, there are several aspects to consider beforehand. The process of buying a commercial vehicle can be daunting for first-time customers. An excellent place to start is to gain enough basic knowledge about trucks to understand how they will meet your requirements. In contrast, existing truck owners should focus on increasing the benchmark performance of their present fleet.

If you fall in either of the categories, here are some pointers to help you while buying a commercial vehicle.

1. Research your way into it:
Regardless of your level of knowledge about commercial vehicles, most showrooms would be happy to assist you. However, doing some comprehensive research as part of the purchase process will help you better understand commercial vehicles before going to a dealer.
Talk to people in your known circle who own commercial vehicles. Find out what goes into daily and long-term maintenance, and get details about performance and cost. Read through buyer reviews and do plenty of research online.
This may appear a tedious task, but buying a commercial vehicle is a significant investment. If you go for the wrong product, it can cost your company in the longer run.

2. To help you make a better decision, ask yourself these questions:

What kind of chassis am I looking for?
Chassis is your vehicle's structural backbone. Fuel will be wasted if you use a chassis that is too large for your needs. On the other hand, a tiny chassis might cause your vehicle to get overloaded, requiring you to make additional trips, wasting time and fuel, and reducing efficiency.

How much power do I require?
When the vehicle obtains the best torque at a low engine speed, the overall fuel consumption is lower than when the engine is operating at maximum speed. So choose a vehicle with an engine designed to provide maximum torque at the speed at which the vehicle will primarily operate most of the time.

What type of tyres am I looking for?
Tyres support your truck in operating at its maximum design speed safely. When moving, they should provide as little resistance as possible. If your vehicle involves driving on high-speed routes, low-rolling-resistance tyres might be beneficial. For small trucks, remember that tyre maintenance is more important than tyre selection.

Which fuel will my truck need?
Although most commercial vehicles run on diesel, alternative options are gaining popularity due to growing fuel prices and environmental concerns. Hybrid electric engines can be helpful for trucks dealing with a large number of small deliveries.

An increase in fossil fuel prices may make these alternative fuels more tempting for your applications. Still, given the current market, you should do thorough research because these options have challenges, fewer refuelling or charging stations, to name one.

Purchasing a truck is a significant financial investment for anyone. A good vehicle can be your business's maker or breaker. It is an asset that needs regular servicing and maintenance to perform at its best. In addition to doing extensive online research for some valuable takeaways to buying a commercial vehicle, you also need to study online motor insurance that can provide financial cover to your vehicle against any mishap. While making the most impactful investment of your life, it is also crucial to get online motor insurance for your purchase to help you be carefree when it travels miles for your success.

To know more about online motor insurance plans for your next commercial vehicle, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Guide to make your first ever flight journey more exciting and less daunting

Flying thousands of feet up in the air for the first time is always one of the best experiences in life. Picking a window seat for stunning views, excellent food, comfort, and convenience are a few things you can associate with air travel. When you are boarding a plane for the first time, you have different emotions; your eyes sparkle with anticipation, your heart races with delight, but there is a lot of confusion that daunts you. Few of us wait impatiently for our first ever flight journey, whereas others are a bit worried, and it is natural.

So, to prepare you for this incredible experience, we have put together a guide that will make your first-ever flight journey more exciting and less daunting.

1. Turbulence is normal:
Even regular flyers are still afraid of turbulence, but it is nothing to be scared of. Engineers design the planes to undergo much more shaking than you could have imagined.

2. Arrive early:
Usually, people adhere to the reporting times given by the airlines. Still, being early for your first flight makes you a little more relaxed to adjust to the atmosphere at the airport. The spare time lets you complete the baggage check-in, collect boarding cards, security formalities and cross the immigration counter with ease.

3. Know about the airline's luggage policy:
How much luggage would you be allowed? How much should they weigh? What all things are you restricted to travel with? What if your luggage is misplaced? Acquaint yourself with all these important guidelines to avoid chaos.

4. Not all noises indicate dysfunctional aircraft parts:
Commercial planes are super complex machines. And it is pretty normal for devices to be noisy. For example, when retracted or deployed, the landing gear sounds like a thud that usually startles people. But, even the engine will be relatively quieter once the aircraft is in the air at a certain altitude.

5. Prepare yourself for motion sickness:
The likelihood of having it in mid-air is less because you do not experience twists or turns as you do in a car or a bus. But, some people have aerophobia that makes them feel sick and anxious mid-air. There are air sickness bags in each seat, and you can bring pills for yourself.

6. Choose your seat according to your liking:
Window seats let you peep outside with a few of the most sensational sights; on the other hand, aisle seats give you the option to take a walk more frequently during the journey. Consider your choices if you get the liberty to select your seat.

7. Carry these useful items:
Bring good noise-cancelling headphones, eye masks or neck pillow with you if you wish to have a few good hours of pleasant sleep. Use onboard entertainment music to engage you throughout your flight and make you rejoice in the journey with the melody of beats.

8. Comfortable dressing:
Aircraft's economy class seats are not the most luxurious ones out there. So, for a comfortable journey, choose breathable and stretchable clothes and footwear; think about the weather too.

9. Keep your cabin baggage light:
Wisely choose what you will pack in your cabin baggage. Remember to put the liquids, medicines, wallet, and electronics on top as, during checking, you might have to remove them for inspection.

The first trip can be a nervous one, but if you're confident and enthusiastic, you'll never say 'no' to flight journeys. Everyone has had an enjoyable first flight experience that becomes a story that they often recollect.

Also, as you pack your bags, it is essential to ensure some security in terms of insurance before boarding a flight. We recommend having general insurance plans as these will prove to be helpful all the time. General insurance plans include protection for your travel and will be beneficial to cover passport loss, any loss of baggage, or medical emergencies. So, keep the worries aside, and get ready to check in for your first flight experience!

Are you travelling internationally for the first time? Click HERE to know about the essential travel insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten features that your car might have but you've overlooked them

You may be spending every day driving around in your car but not well aware of its every feature. We can guarantee you that you have missed out on more than one feature of your car. But you have got nothing to worry about as we have you covered.

Failing to notice each of your car’s features is quite common and happens to all of us. The reason could be because it is not in your direct vision or sometimes, we are just too caught up to notice it. People are not familiar with these high-tech vehicles yet, and it is understandable.

Allow us to introduce you to these amusing features that you probably overlooked.

1. A trunk that doesn’t require you to use your hands: Some new cars have these sensors that automatically unlock and open the trunk when you wave your palm in front of a sensor or detect your smart key in your pocket.

2. Extra storage space: Few cars come with hidden storage under the passenger seats or beneath the foot space.

3. Rearview mirror that dips: The rearview mirror has adjustable settings to keep you from blinding by headlight glare? To switch between “day” and “night” settings, you only have to utilize the tab below the mirror.

4. Sensors for lane centering: Another feature of self-driving technology works based on a camera installed behind the windshield to scan lane lines and alarm you if you go out of the lane.

5. Hooks for hanging things: Also called the takeaway hooks, these are commonly located near the headrests and above the rear doors. You will also find spaces to hang your shopping bags if you look closely.

6. Fuel-efficient body frames: Some cars feature aluminium frames instead of steel bodies to reduce their weight. It makes the car more fuel-efficient as it increases the speed and eventually improves the mileage.

7. Magic seats: This seat system allows you to fold the passenger seat entirely to increase your boot space.

8. Colour-coded cables: Many modern-day cars come with different colour cables in the hood so the driver can quickly know what to look for between maintenance. The oil cap, coolant, brake fluid, and washer fluid cables are all colour-coded for convenience.

9. Amplified soundproofing: Accelerometers fitted on the vehicle detect the motions and vibrations that generate noise. Then the Bose RNC technology sends a cancellation signal directly to the car’s sound system.

10. ESD: It stands for Electronic Stability Control. This feature automatically applies the car’s brakes to regulate a turn in tight corners or bad weather.

These are the top ten overlooked yet valuable features of newly produced cars that we accumulated for you. So, acquaint yourself with all the fantastic features of your vehicle and make your driving more comfortable and hassle-free than ever.

As much as it is fun to discover your car’s crazy features, it is crucial to look after its protection. Overlooking your car’s functions may not be a big deal, but ignoring your car insurance renewal is. Do not forget to keep your car insurance renewal on time to avoid interruption in receiving the policy’s benefits in terms of safety during the time of mishaps.

To buy or renew car insurance online, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Planning to make modifications to your bike? Understand how it may impact your insurance

The craze of upgrading the look and feel of bikes has been a massive attraction, especially for the youth. These modifications are mainly made on the aesthetics or performance of the bike. However, people spend hefty amounts to get these modifications without considering their influence on the vehicle's insurance premium.

Also, know that not every modification is for looks and performance; some are for ensuring security. So, the question remains, how do all these modifications affect the insurance premium?

Below, we've explained all the types of modifications and their effect on your vehicle insurance premiums.

1. Modifications aimed at performance enhancement:
All bikers seek greater performance from their motorcycles. Whether it's a small or large modification, most of them enjoy altering things that they feel would considerably improve the performance of their bikes. Changes are done for faster acceleration, better handling, and effective braking.
Typically, insurance companies view such bike modifications as 'risky,' as more incredible speed increases the likelihood of an accident. As a result, they charge a higher premium for bike insurance.

2. Modifications aimed at aesthetics improvement:
Aesthetic changes improve your bike's visual appeal and give it a distinct appearance. For example, you may customize your bike by changing its colour, altering the seat cover, adding fibre components to bulk up the bike, or adjusting the headlights to make it look sporty. These upgrades come with an increased danger of your bike being stolen. As a result, the cost of your insurance premium may shoot up.

3. Modifications aimed at security:
Not all bike upgrades raise the value of the bike. Security upgrades might help you save money on your bike insurance premiums. Such changes are to reduce the likelihood of bike theft. Increasing the security of your bike with sensors, locks, and other such equipment can help you save money on your bike insurance.
Insurance companies provide discounts for installing anti-theft systems because they perceive it as a deterrent to theft. As a result, it is a win-win situation for both the insurer and the insured. To get benefits on your bike insurance rate, make sure you only install gadgets that have been certified by the Automotive Research Association of India.

4. Modifications aimed for specially abled persons:
If a rider is differently abled, his bike will be modified to accommodate his impairment, thereby allowing him to ride more comfortably and conveniently. There are no additional fees for such modifications. Instead, the insurance provider offers a discount to make these modifications.

Several factors influence the premium amount whenever you modify your bike. As a result, you must notify your insurer of any changes while purchasing bike insurance online or physically.

We all want to make our bike unique by personalizing it. However, before you make major changes to increase its appearance and worth, you may seek clearance from the ARAI and RTO about all the modifications. As previously indicated, modifications made for safety purposes will not raise insurance premiums, but those made for aesthetic reasons can be pricey. When purchasing or renewing bike insurance online, make sure to inform the insurer of any changes to avoid any hassles at the time of claim settlements.

Click HERE to get the best two-wheeler insurance for your modified bikes.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know about these cool technologies for safe two-wheeler rides

With increased riders' registrations and two-wheelers plying on the road, motorcycling is becoming more popular in India, thanks to new technologies mainly observed in cars. This digitalization in the automotive industry helps improve fuel efficiency, reduces emissions, and eliminates the possible risk for the two-wheeler and rider.

Manufacturers are steadily researching new technologies to make the bike experience safe. This article will look at a few inventions that have revolutionized how we think about motorcycle safety.

1. Anti-lock Braking System (ABS):
Anti-lock Braking System prevents the wheel(s) of a motorbike from locking up during hard braking. This technology employs speed sensors on both wheels to correctly estimate wheel speed and recognize when a wheel will lock.
This mechanism adjusts the braking pressure to prevent the tyres from locking up and maintain the motorcycle's balance. It also helps to minimize braking distance in several situations. Motorcycles equipped with anti-lock brakes are less likely to meet an accident on the road.

2. Traction Control System (TCS):
Traction control avoids drifting while accelerating on a slippery surface. It limits engine power until the bike can travel without the wheels slipping and provides maximum turning stability.
The sensors and the Electronic Control Unit are the two primary components of a traction control system. The ECU captures data on gravitational forces, lean angles, and other factors. The sensors are constantly updating raw data about the motorcycle's present location. This information helps to adjust the amount of power sent to the back wheels and prevent skidding.

3. Slipper clutch mechanism:
A slipper clutch aims at reducing the effect of engine braking when the rider decelerates. It works by transmitting braking force through the chain drive, making the rear wheel shake and lose traction when the back wheel tries to move the engine quicker than it would under deceleration. The slipper clutch partly disengages the engine until the conditions are suitable for reengaging.

4. Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS):
This technology works by installing pressure monitoring sensors inside each tyre's valve. These sensors collect data from each tyre, send it to a module that compares it from both tyres and notify the rider if any tyre has low, high, or uneven pressure.
Low tyre pressure can cause slow handling, increasing your chance of meeting an accident. The TPMS technology assists you in avoiding such instances.

5. Ride By Wire technology (RBW):
Ride-by-wire is a new-age acceleration system; it eliminates the need for cables. It's an electronic throttle system that removes the mechanical throttle wire's coupling to the acceleration handlebar. This unique system results in faster and more accurate throttle response.

These cutting-edge technologies are helping bikers with safer riding experiences. As a rider, make sure your bike has these advanced safety features to provide you with a comfortable riding experience and the best possible protection. While you get prepared to upgrade for a bike loaded with these new safety-enhancing features for your bike, also remember to have valid two-wheeler insurance; not only is it necessary, but it is mandatory by the law. Always remember to get ideal 2 wheeler insurance online to improve your safety!

To know about the best 2 wheeler insurance online, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to ensure the safety of pillion riders during bike journeys

If you travel daily to work together or plan long rides during holidays, riding with a co-passenger always makes a journey lively and enjoyable.

Riding a two-wheeler demands alertness at all times. But, being accompanied by a pillion rider requires more vigilance. Most riders have a basic understanding of riding a bike safely, however, things change a lot when riding with a pillion rider.

Being a responsible rider, you must ensure the safety of your riding partner too. Any injury to the pillion rider might detract from the enjoyment of your travel. In this space, we’ve emphasized how to safeguard your co-rider during your bike trip.

1. Basic dos and don’ts for the pillion:


• Always maintain a constant posture and balance your body weight

• Assist with the navigation


• Never engage the rider in too many conversations and unnecessary distractions

• Don't shift your body weight to the rider

• Avoid sudden reactions or jerky movements

2. Best use of a seat and a backrest:
An uneasy pillion passenger may shuffle in their seat, resulting in a persistent state of unbalance. Hence, investing in a decent quality backrest can be of great help. It not only guarantees the pillion rider’s comfort but also keeps the bike from losing balance.

3. Check your two-wheeler’s suspension adjustment:
A pillion rider results in a greater centre of gravity, which can affect the bike's handling. As a result, make sure your bike’s suspension is adjusted correctly. For example, installing an adjustable rear shock might assist you in achieving the proper setup for riding with a pillion rider.

4. Pay attention to your braking and turning:
These are the two factors that have a significant influence on a two-wheeler’s balance. Keep your speed under control, specifically on the turns. Also, practice a progressive braking technique rather than grabbing a fistful. These are the two moments in which you should be aware of the presence of a pillion rider and alter your movement accordingly.

5. Communication is the key:
Some co-passengers feel uncomfortable while riding. They are scared of speed or sharp turns and find it difficult to adjust with maneuvering. Your pillion rider must know your motorcycle riding skills and is comfortable while on the road. You should have the transparency to tell the other person to speak out the fear, and you can accordingly adjust the speed to make the co-passenger comfortable. If you are riding with someone, always make sure you both can talk things out comfortably and enjoy the ride without hesitation.

6. Safety should always be a priority:
One cannot compromise safety, especially when riding with a pillion rider. As two-wheelers are more prone to road accidents, it’s your responsibility to take safety measures seriously. Invest in good quality riding gear, purchase ISI-certified helmets for you and your co-rider. Don’t let unfortunate incidents affect the excitement of your ride. Check for bike insurance online, browse through different options, and buy one to avoid financial setbacks in case of damages.

Making your pillion rider feel safe about riding with you is important for a pleasant ride. There has to be trust and understanding between both riders. Take extra care when riding with kids or older people. Cover distances together but keep safety and comfort as the priority.

Looking for bike insurance online, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to install WiFi in your car and make it a moving hotspot

The internet is a whole new universe that is opening up several opportunities for people. It is a clear manifestation of innovation and endless possibilities. And WiFi lets us access the internet quickly at reasonable rates.

For almost all the new car buyers, cutting-edge features such as WiFi connectivity is increasingly becoming popular. With WIFI onboard, you feel like resting on the couch at home and accessing social media, working on the go, checking important news, or having quick connectivity with emergency services and navigations.

So, how do you install WiFi in your car? Nearly every new car variant provides an in-built WiFi feature. But if you are not changing your vehicle anytime soon, read through the different ways to install WiFi in your car and make it a moving hotspot.

1. Use your phone as a WiFi hotspot:
All smartphones have the option of enabling personal or WiFi hotspots, and it can be an excellent quick fix. But it is not a long-term solution for a few significant reasons- iPhone allows five devices at a time to connect to a hotspot. In contrast, Android allows ten users, consuming a lot of data from your limited Internet plan. Can an unlimited data plan solve the problem? No, because this is data tethering. Therefore, many Internet-providing companies restrict the amount of data you can transfer through mobile hotspots. Also, switching on the hotspot will drain your cellphone's battery quickly.

2. Buy a portable hotspot device:
It is perfect for people having mobile offices. Just a suitable hotspot device is enough to send emails, have meetings, even a quick refreshing episode of your favourite series. A mobile hotspot device is a portable WiFi router that also has a cellular connection. It uses data, but not from your smartphone plan but a different internet plan instead.
You can either pay a monthly cost or with the "pay-as-you-go" option. But these devices require electrical power, which you can supply from the car's electrical outlet, the cigarette lighter, or a USB port. You can opt to buy a device designed to plug into the USB port of the laptop.

3. Go seamless and install a wireless router:
These are similar to the ones at your homes. You can also install a wireless router in your car, but you will need to buy a data pack with it. This is ideal for business vehicles requiring configuring for mobile connectivity, but for casual users, the whole process of installing can be a little expensive.

With remote working influencing our lives profoundly, making your car an internet hub can help you explore unique touchpoints of joyful experiences. Now, with the advancements of internet mobility, you can plan frequent business trips that allow you to work along with the luxury of travelling, access real-time traffic data, or navigate smoothly with the help of enhanced maps.

But remember, before choosing a way to install WiFi in your vehicle, consider factors like affordability and data usage per day. Thus, calculate the other maintenance costs, car insurance renewal, commuting costs before adding extra WiFi expenses. In the end, it is about your personal preference and weighing the pros and cons.

Click HERE to know more about motor insurances for your car.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to be the saviour of bike accident victims? Know about these first aid tips

According to government data, 50% of India's road accident deaths might have been avoided if the injured had received basic first aid within an hour of the accident. Generally, before the paramedics arrive, police and pedestrians are the first ones to be present at the spot of the accident. If they have proper knowledge about first aid, they can be the link between the life and death of an individual. These quick points will help you learn some essential first aid tips if you find yourself in a similar situation.

1. Look for injuries:
When you're at the scene, clear out the traffic, and importantly, don't panic. Take the injured person carefully to a safe place and quickly look at all the injuries they have. Excessive blood loss is the main reason for the wounded person succumbing to the accident. If the victim is losing too much blood, tie the part above the wound to restrain blood flow and avoid further loss.
Important tip: Many individuals have their first aid kits on the bike; you can use the bandages from the first-aid kit to help you with the first aid tasks.

2. Call an Ambulance right away:
102 is the national helpline number for the ambulance service. To the best of your knowledge, provide whatever information asked by the dispatcher.

3. Check the victim's air passage:
It's critical to check the airway to ensure they're not facing breathing difficulties. Then, constantly, keep checking their pulse and feel their nerves.
If the victim is responsive, it's a good sign that means they can breathe. But if the victim is unresponsive, make sure you put them in such a position that opens their airway. Here's how:
• Gently tilt the victim's head backwards by holding their forehead
• Lift their chin vertically upwards by placing two fingers beneath the bony area of their chin

4. Perform CPR:
If the process mentioned above didn't work, try combining it with CPR. It will assist in the re-establishment of the circulatory and respiratory systems. Here's how you can do it:
• Rest the victim on a plain flat surface
• Interlock your fingers and place your palms facing down on the chest for compression; push down on the chest for roughly two inches. Repeat for a total of 30 compressions
• If you notice that CPR is working, place them in the recovery position (on either of their sides). Make sure to support their neck to prevent additional damage

5. Keep the victim warm at all times:
When an injury is severe, the core and skin temperatures can drop considerably. This can lead to hypothermia and worse death. It's crucial to keep the victim warm, so use anything you have on hand, whether it's a jacket, a blanket, or a pullover. Try to provide good support to the spine of the injured.

Don’t over-exert yourself in your attempt to revive the injured; it might worsen the situation. You need to understand that you’re not a medical professional, so whatever you do involves potential risks. It is righteous to save lives, but only within the boundaries of our expertise, knowledge, and capacity. Your best care during the ‘Golden hour’ can give someone a new life.

We’ll witness an accident or a medical situation that needs our assistance at some time in our lives. But remember that it can be the other way around; you might get caught up in an accident. In such times any aid is of great help. Safety first is what you should bear in mind when riding the bike. Ride with proper safety gears for uncompromised security. You can rely on Magma HDI bike insurance online plans to provide an additional layer of protection to your bike. Buy bike insurance online if you haven’t got one yet.

Click HERE to know more about the best bike insurance online to keep your bike and finances safe.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How are hybrid cars a boon for our environment

Hybrid vehicles are the next significant advancement in the automobile's evolution. They combine the best features of both classic internal combustion engine vehicles and modern-age electric cars. In practicality, both electricity and petroleum power the motor of a hybrid vehicle, making them incredibly fuel-efficient. As a result, a hybrid automobile consumes less than half the fuel as a regular family car. This also means that they are not only cost-effective but also environmentally sustainable.

Unlike electric vehicles, hybrid cars don't have a plug-in system for charging the batteries. Instead, these vehicles use kinetic energy to charge the batteries. Hybrid vehicles are gaining popularity and are making headlines of a green revolution worldwide. In this article, we'll see precisely how.

1. Lower carbon footprint:
Hybrid vehicles lower carbon emissions while boosting fuel efficiency by combining power from both electricity and fossil fuels. The vehicle generates its power with the help of energy stored in its lithium-ion batteries and supplied to electric motor generators on the electric side. These motors provide power to the wheels while simultaneously generating electricity through regenerative braking. Hybrid vehicles do consume gasoline, but they do it with small engines that produce low emissions. The engines are either employed to create electricity for the batteries or power the electric motors.

2. Hybrid vehicles have better mileage:
In addition to advancements in engine technology, characteristics like lighter chassis material, stronger tyres with greater pressure, better aerodynamics, and a smaller fuel tank helps a hybrid car be more efficient and save money on petrol, contributing to reduced usage of fossil fuels.

3. Hybrid cars make little to no noise:
Among ecologically sustainable automobiles, hybrid vehicles occupy centre stage. They are known for being extremely quiet in urban traffic circumstances, in addition to emitting less pollution. They may be able to lessen urban noise pollution as a result of this. You might not hear anything at all if a hybrid car drives down the street. It’s that swift and silent!

4. Recycled material goes into the making of hybrid cars:
To build automobile components, hybrid car manufacturers blend automotive eco-plastic with regular plastic. This is not only environmentally beneficial but also cost-effective. Its environmental impact is most apparent when looking at the overall effect of mass manufacturing rather than on a case-by-case basis.

5. Car battery production can be environment friendly:
Although hybrid automobiles do not contribute much to road pollution, the production of their batteries can be hazardous if done incorrectly. But the corporations are developing more environmentally friendly production lines to ensure minimum pressure on the planet.

Also, suppose you compare the carbon emission caused by the production of batteries to the carbon emission of cars running on fossil fuels in the longer run. In that case, hybrid vehicles prove to be more sustainable.

Finals Thoughts
Despite being still a relatively new technology, Hybrid vehicles will only get more advanced and sustainable as time goes on. Moreover, as the pollution created by ICE cars becomes a more significant problem, hybrids provide a rational option for a cleaner future.
Like traditional cars are subject to mandatory insurance in our country, hybrid vehicles are no exception. They need to have a motor insurance too. So if you're planning to join this electric revolution happening in our nation, have thorough research on the best car insurance online that provides an insurance cover to your next hybrid vehicle.

Click HERE to know the best car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Hit and run parking scenario? Know what to do next

Imagine how you would feel while returning to your parked car and finding it dented out of nowhere. You went to your neighbourhood store for some groceries; that was enough to ruin your day as well as harm your pockets, right? Unfortunately, hit and run parking scenarios are the frequent incidents to be noticed around.

The driver's fleeing with no apology or contact note is the least you can expect to worsen your situation. Such incidents might result in a reactive scenario as well. Here is the guide to help you handle such a situation, considering all the factors and possibilities.

The first step
Note the incident in detail. You may or may not have a witness around or any CCTV camera present always. So, take the notes—the time, date, day, damage level, surrounding, etc. Also, take pictures of the damage/dent/scratch caused to your car.

Inform the cops
After the incident, if the damage is severe, it is essential to follow the legalities and inform the police. Report it to police and solve the incident peacefully. This will also help you get your insurance claim depending on the severity level. Sometimes, a personal injury is likely to happen if you are present in the car at the time of the incident.

Search for the accused driver
A well-mannered driver would always be present at the spot till you return and get it resolved. Or least leave a detailed apology note after such an incident with the contact details. But it's rare to find such. That is why it makes it 'Hit and run,' because people tend to leave the spot irresponsibly out of fear. You may hunt the accused driver either by asking the witnesses about it or watching the CCTV footage if available.

Contact your insurance company
Contact your insurance company immediately and register your complaint. Even if you don't have details of the driver who damaged your car or any CCTV footage to prove it, your insurance policy may still save your costs and help you recover damage. Hence, it's always helpful to have a vehicle insurance policy. While many people don’t calculate such risks and ignore the features of a good car insurance policy, get an online car insurance policy that provides financial cover for such damages.

Now you would question what if the driver fled? Will your car get covered in such a situation? Yes, you will get the claim! If the offender runs away from the accident spot without informing or compensating for your loss, then you can contact your insurance company. There are two types of coverage provided by insurance companies.

a. Uninsured motorist/driver coverage
This claim is possible when the person who hit your car is uninsured. Additionally, this is applicable for physical injury, so don’t claim it if there is no human presence in the vehicle at the time of the incident.

b. Coverage of collision
This coverage is a super shield. Regardless of who was at fault, this covers all the compensations for your car accident. You just need to prove that your car suffered a loss due to an unfortunate incident, and that’s it; you get the claim.

On a conclusive note, try to engage with the witnesses. Once in a while, everyone faces such incidents, so remain calm and follow the legal procedures. Consider the opposite person's explanation and look at the whole picture of the accident.

And, the good news! You will be compensated in every possible way if you have a low-risk driving profile and a good insurance policy for your car. So, check online car insurance policy features and see if it provides a comprehensive cover for your vehicle.

Click HERE to learn about the best insurance plans to protect your car.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Buying a used car? Avoid these seven mistakes

Buying a used vehicle has taken centre stage as people believe that second hand vehicles are not a bad investment. A well maintained second hand car saves you a lot of money, gives you the same satisfaction as a new car, and keeps providing quality transportation for many years at a much reduced rate.

Did you know that a new car loses 11% of its value on the way home? And significant vehicle depreciation occurs in the first few years of use. But with a used car, the bulk of depreciation has already happened!

Here is the catch; tons of pre-owned vehicles are available in the market, and narrowing down the best deals is rather complicated when you do not have enough knowledge. So, to save your time and money, here are 7 common mistakes you should avoid when buying a used car.

1. Not enough research:
Do not rely on the car dealer blindly about everything. Before you take a decision to buy a car:
• Note down your requirements
• Figure out what things are non-acceptable to you
• Decide what model and price fit best to your needs

2. Not having the test driving:
Test drive is your chance to inspect the car’s condition thoroughly. Check the engine noise, brake, clutch control, steering components, gearbox, air conditioning, and how comfortable you are when in the driving seat. It is better to ask a car expert friend to accompany you for the test drive. And do not make the mistake of taking a short test drive; this is your time to feel the vehicle and help you make the right decision.

3. Ignoring the online reviews:
They are there to help you buy a perfect vehicle. Though every business receives a few negative comments, only if there are consistently bad reviews about a dealership or a car model, think twice before buying it.

4. Not getting it checked by a mechanic:
Remember always to get a professional’s second opinion. Please do not pay for the car you are interested in unless you get your trusted mechanic to verify your choice. Otherwise, you might find many unpleasant surprises down the road.

5. Skip reading the car documents and paperwork:
Agreed, this is the most tedious part of buying a car, but diligently checking the paperwork will help you understand the whole process. You will also be aware of the perks provided by the dealer, which you can take advantage of! Also, proofreading all the documents will ensure the trust factor and the authenticity of the car and the previous owner.

6. Relying on appearance:
It is essential to understand that a car’s performance is the main factor determining its overall condition. Sure, a good-looking car will make a good impression on the people around you, but it is not hard to paint your vehicle and add a few accessories to make it look polished and new. Instead of relying on external factors and aesthetics, focus on the car’s performance to decide the value for money.

7. Not asking about the history:
Ask whether any car parts were changed, or major repair work was performed on the car. Please do not trust the dealer’s word here as they might trick you into buying a car with a bad history. It is crucial to confirm whether the vehicle was involved in an accident or holds any other concerning history.

Buying a used car means no excessive fees or tons of paperwork, plus the lower car insurance renewal. And you still get to buy a certified and thoroughly inspected vehicle. Also, along with your RC documents, ensure that the dealer transfers the insurance in your name too by checking the car insurance renewal status.

Buying pre-owned cars is not a luxury asset, instead an opportunistic investment done for fulfilling dreams. So go for the best deal for your driving experience!

Are you buying a used car? HERE is everything you need to know about car insurance?

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips that you should know before you go for a two-wheeler test drive

Researching what type of bike to purchase and comparing its features is not enough; getting a test ride of your chosen model is equally important. It is a thumb rule not to buy a vehicle until you take a test ride. Test driving helps you to determine if the vehicle model is the right choice for you.

Getting reviews about a product is undoubtedly advantageous, but remember not to make up your final opinion solely based on that. Do not decide upon a model until you have tried the two-wheeler yourself.

Here are ten quick tips you should keep in mind while testing a two-wheeler that you are looking to buy:

1. A new bike will be in better condition than a test bike. Not all dealers make an effort to keep the test ride motorcycle in its excellent shape.

2. Make a mental note of where and what the controls are. Naturally, every bike has a different build and console. Therefore, before you hop on a vehicle, it is vital to know its layout. It is necessary to understand how the new bike will complement your daily commuting needs.

3. Pay attention to how the basic components impress you. That includes the comfort of its seat, clutch force, gear change efficiency, effortless braking, smooth acceleration, and overall performance.

4. Examine the effectiveness of brakes. But do not make a sudden emergency stop to do so. A modest stop or two will also give you a more precise idea of its capacity.

5. Instead of being influenced by the riders in advertisements, consider performance in the context of your daily travel. It is always a good idea to believe in your instincts and judgments rather than what others say.

6. The engine is the heart of any vehicle. It is crucial to verify engine performance thoroughly before making the final decision. Observe the bike's reaction to the throttle at a low speed in high gear and vice versa.

7. Don't forget to check its off-roading capability. Road conditions you cover regularly might not be as good as the ones near the showroom. Hence, ride through some unsophisticated paths to check for the sturdiness of the two-wheeler.

8. Look for ease of use as per your requirements. You cannot gain the confidence to handle a bike right away. Therefore, check to see if the bike's features respond to your expectations without any trouble.

9. Note down what doesn't please you. Then examine whether those things are changeable or replaceable.

10. Apart from examining the bike, ask these questions to your dealer; What does the warranty cover? What is the maintenance schedule for the motorcycle? What is the cost of essential services at the dealership? Is insurance covered, and what is the price of annual 2 wheeler insurance online?

Remember to be entirely sure about the bike before making a purchase. And If you're still indecisive, ask to take the two-wheeler for a second test ride or until you are confident. Once you've chosen to go from test riding to buying, be sure you have the right insurance coverage for riding your newly bought two-wheeler on the roads. Get Magma HDI's 2 wheeler insurance online with the additional benefits to give your two-wheeler lifelong protection.

Check out the best 2 wheeler insurance online HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Trendy international cuisines becoming famous in India

George Bernard Shaw had once said, "There is no love more sincere than the love of food". And for Indians, this relationship is above and beyond that. They don't just love food, they worship it. As the world is growing more connected, Indians have developed a unique relationship with international cuisine from across the globe.

To give your taste buds a chance, here is a list of trendy international cuisine famous in India that you shouldn't miss out on!

Italian cuisine – get obsessed with pasta and risotto:
Most Indians are already familiar with Italian recipes like pizza, pasta, or risotto. Indians can't go days without eating a pizza which is almost like their comfort food. Some are seeing this paradigm already shifting; imagine restaurants are experimenting with tandoori pizza! Besides pizza, people are even hyped up about pasta and lasagne.

Korean cuisine – spice things up:
Koreans have our hearts. From their music to food, everything about their culture is impeccable. Korean cuisine mainly consists of rice, seafood, and vegetables. Some of the top Korean cuisines that should be on your menu include Kimchi, Bulgogi, Korean fried chicken, and Red rice cakes, also known as Tteok-bokki.

Japanese cuisine – feel the magic of the sea:
People in India are crazy for spices and flavours, but they would never think twice when it comes to Sushi. This delicious combination of both fish and rice with some special sauce is becoming a favourite among modern dinners. If you are a fan of exotic vegetarian dishes with noodles, you won't miss out on some of the Japanese restaurants in India.

English breakfast and high tea – a western culinary influence:
Like a favourite story, who knew Indians would always love something from the UK so much. Tea is India's most beloved beverage, which has become a tradition as an evening high-tea in fine-dining restaurants. Pancakes are another delicacy ruling over everyone's heart that now Indians are shifting from idli-dosa to pancakes for breakfast.

Thai cuisine – taste happiness:
Thai food is one of the few global cuisines that Indians genuinely love. Thai food is a mixture of so many ingredients altogether, and Indians love all the hidden flavours and aromatic elements of it. Today, Thai curry has become a part of most Indians' kitchens.

American cuisine – a heavenly delight:
And always keep the best for the last. Indians have loved American cuisine for years now. With numerous American fast-food chains opening their outlets all over the country, American food culture has gained popularity among both young and adults. Chicken wings, tacos, steaks, and salads are the new favourites today. Almost everyone's go-to food is now cheeseburgers and sandwiches.

Food is perhaps India's biggest obsession today. If you are a foodie and looking for some famous cuisines, there are endless options you can find. You can even participate in several International Food Festivals to delight yourselves with the best food from around the world. But, also remember that having a well-balanced food with appropriate calories and enough nutrition is a key requirement for good health. A growing number of restaurants, health consultants, fitness experts and online health insurance advisers recommend food as prevention-based medicine.

Having a sensible approach towards your choice of food can help you with improving health outcomes or driving down healthcare costs and online health insurance premiums. So, next time, incentivize your better decision-making with those exotic and international food menus as a way to improve your health too!

Click HERE to know more about online health insurance plans for you and your family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Twelve tips for the new parents to upbring their little ones in the best way

Being a parent is always a testing situation and becoming one during COVID-19 adds to the many new challenges. The pandemic means significant changes for newly become parents. Keeping the kids confined in the house leaves an impact on their overall development. Here we look at how new parents can navigate this difficult time and upbring their little ones as a gift for entering parenthood.

1. To encourage trust-building, expose your child to physical presence and emotional connection with you and your family.

2. Imitating facial and other expressions is a natural act of every infant. Therefore, smiling, sticking out the tongue, and hands movement are good ways for your child to study and follow you. These innocent gestures will assist you in finding out what they need and even how they feel before they have the words to say it.

3. Allow them to have physical movements on their own. A significant part of a child's overall growth relies on how much they move. Hence, let them indulge in activities like walking, running, dancing. In addition, motivate them to play outdoor sports to stay active and fit.

4. Never leave a baby unattended and ensure a high level of safety with a baby-proofing setting done for the house.

5. Pose basic questions to your toddler and correspond to their attempts to communicate.

6. Allow your child to select an activity where you can spend quality time together, avoiding disturbance and making it your daily favourite time with them.

7. Allow them to speak out their tantrums. Encourage them to be more vocal towards the people they trust.

8. Engage them in activities and games from which they can learn, for example, shapes, colours, numbers, alphabets. If learning is made fun during the first years of children, they grow healthy.

9. Read aloud stories together and ask questions about what they observe in the stories. This cultivates interest in your children and makes them feel curious about new things with deeper perspectives.

10. Applaud for their help. Let your kid know your feelings when you see them doing house chores.

11. Find ways to share with them why moral values are significant in life. For example, make them understand the importance of helping others and doing their work with loyalty and dedication.

12. Last but not least, try to be your child’s best friend first and live the moments. They always look for a friend in their parents. Be the one!

Raising a child is something that no one can prepare us for. Just like your newborn, you too will learn as you go. The initial years with your child will take up most of your time and even leave you exhausted, but this is the best opportunity to cherish a beautiful bond with them.

Every parent has ongoing concerns regarding the growth and safety of their kids. Lay the foundation of a healthier tomorrow for your little ones by investing in the best health insurance in India for parents that covers your as well as your child’s health. Kids receive health insurance benefits from the family floater plans until they turn major.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why a first-aid kit in your vehicle is an excellent step towards safety

Justifying the name, first-aid kit is the immediate response of medication at the time of emergency. Those initial moments can help prevent an injury from getting critical during an accident and can potentially save the life of someone on the road.

A first-aid kit in the car is essential for many situations that don't require the help of a medical professional. Most of us spend our time travelling, either for work, holiday, shopping or long drives during weekends. Unfortunately, with roads becoming more prone to accidents, the probabilities of mishappening are common.

In such situations, having a first-aid kit in your vehicle enables you to avoid severe complications until help reaches you. For the minor injuries, a first-aid kit will be a saviour to cure cuts, scratches, and other minor wounds.

The advantages include:

• Helps prevent injuries from getting worse: It is crucial to address the minor cuts or wounds developed after accidents before they turn septic. Leaving the wounds open will invite infections, and in no time, you will start feeling weak. Avoiding such situations by using first-aid is the best thing to do. Soak the cotton with antiseptic liquid and gently apply it over your wounds or scars and clean the area thoroughly. Later, use bandages to cover the wounds and let them heal at their own pace.

• The belief of being safe: Having a safety kit in the car will give you the mental satisfaction of having resources ready in case of emergencies. It makes you feel prepared to take good care of yourself even when driving solo. Another add-on to this belief is valid car insurance, which provides financial protection against any eventuality.

• Be the saviour in the crowd: If you ever witness any severe accident, having a first-aid kit will make you the first responder. You can treat and bandage the wounds to prevent excessive blood loss that can deteriorate the injured person’s health. Remember, your alertness and courage can save a life.

Must-haves in your first-aid kit:

A first-aid kit is a personal resource for emergencies, and everyone may keep them equipped with the accessories they think they may need. However, here is a checklist of some essential items that should be in your vehicle's first-aid kit.

• Cotton (swaps) and bandages

• Basic antibiotics, antibiotic cream and pain relief spray

• Hand sanitizer

• Antiseptic wipes and antiseptic liquid

• Safety pins, scissors and a tweezer

• Gloves

• Rehydration sachets

• Torch with extra batteries

• A thermometer

You must check these necessities before you pack your vehicle's first-aid kit. Additionally, ensure that you keep a list of contact numbers (family, friends, doctor, etc.) so that in case of any severe injuries, someone can reach out to your close ones and inform them about the event.

Preparedness can prevent unexpected situations from getting worse for you. Whether you are travelling alone or travelling with your friends or family, you shouldn't compromise safety. The earlier you understand the importance of having a first-aid kit in your vehicle, the better it’ll be for you.

In addition to it, for the safety of your car during mishaps, consider getting car insurance. Although having car insurance cannot prevent accidents, it can assure financial security during emergencies. As it is rightly said, "It's better to be safe than sorry". With these small precautionary measures, you can keep big troubles out of your way. So, travel safe, travel responsibly!

Click HERE to get the best insurance for your car.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Winter motorbike tips: What all you need to know for cold weather riding

Morning chill, dense fog, and cold weather are the signs of winter's arrival. Even visualizing yourself riding through the empty roads in freezing weather can shiver you with cold. Riding a motorcycle in winter can be challenging. Therefore, proper winter gear, clothing, and some tips are essential to consider while planning cold weather riding.

In this space, we've shared our best recommendations to make your winter motorcycle riding plan fool proof.

1. Warm yourself up; feel the heat:
Layering! Wind-blocking is simply the formula. Before you even think about your bike jacket, you need to put some layers of clothing barriers in place right near to your skin. Here's a brief guide.

• The base layer – a warm t-shirt

• A hoodie or fleece

• Motorcycle jackets – leathers aren't particularly appropriate for the cold. Instead, choose a warm, waterproof textile alternative

• A neck warmer or snood – especially if you're riding on the highway

• And finally, suitable warm gloves

• Layering your torso isn't enough. Invest in winter boots, layer-up socks, and pants

2. Charge up your batteries; don’t let them chill:
The chilled months can be difficult for your bike's battery since the colder temperature delay its chemical processes, causing it to cease operating. To keep it charged, you must ride your bike regularly. Utilizing a trickle charger to keep the battery completely charged can also help.

3. Ensure visibility; keep your vision clear as your enthusiasm:
Install a pin-lock and wipe your helmet visor with running water to keep it clear and fog-free. Don't go scrubbing since the salt and grime will damage your visor and cause it to become foggy.

4. Helmet; not for fashion but protection:
You should consider purchasing a winter-specific helmet with reduced front-end ventilation. And a visor that doesn't allow fog to settle in. Only buy a helmet that has ISI certification.

5. Clean your bike; to have consistent running:
Cleaning your bike in winter can be difficult, especially if you know you'll have to do it regularly. But hear us out, cleaning off the road salt can make a significant difference in the start of corrosion. You can use a protective lubricant and anti-corrosion spray to avoid components from melting into a puddle. It will also make cleaning the bike faster and easier. Winters invite unexpected damages and repair works to your bike. Next time when you buy warm clothes to be winter-ready, consider checking your bike maintenance and bike insurance policy to ensure your preparedness against the weather.

6. Monitor the weather; be the forecast expert:
Following the weather forecast is a must for every motorcyclist, especially during the winter months. By checking the weather online, you can prepare for a foggy day or lovely day accordingly.

Whether you’re planning for a long ride or a short trip to your neighbourhood store, cautious riding is essential to help navigate cold and wet roads. The freezing weather outside determines more than you think; when to slow down, be smooth, maintain enough distance for braking, following essential tips and ensure bike insurance to cover you for any eventuality. So check back regularly the above tips for comfortable riding and keep you protected on the bike throughout winter.

Click HERE to know about the best bike insurance plans before your next bike ride.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten tips to follow before attempting bungee jumping

Bungee jumping is a growing obsession for thrill-seekers. It is one of the terrifying and exhilarating moments of your life when hanging with an elastic rope and throwing yourself off a great height. There are no signs of decline in its popularity, with the gen-z and millennials becoming the trendsetters.

It is a mental hurdle, and by overcoming it, you will experience the freedom which is unparalleled to anything. And once you have experienced your first jump, you won't be able to wait for the second. You want to face the fear and get a craving for jumping into the unknown. So, here are ten tips for you to follow before attempting bungee jumping.

1. Do not visualize:
Though your thoughts suggest otherwise, why expose yourself to the risk of overthinking and psyching yourself out? Avoid thinking about how anything could go wrong. Dwelling on things beforehand never helps.

2. Get ready to face your fear:
Yes, the events that lead to the final moment will scare you. Climbing to that height, wearing the safety equipment will panic you. Just before the jump, the adrenaline will numb your senses. And once the instructors say 'jump', you dare to leap.

3. Choose your location:
It is true; the scenic surroundings will be the great background of your experience. Pick a place you genuinely like and are comfortable with. It is not just about the jump but the whole experience. Choose to jump over a forest or river, whatever feels serene to you.

4. Do not stress-eat:
Especially people with a fear of heights tend to overeat. To remain active, consume energy drinks, fruit juices, or bland food. Overeating leads to vomiting, and that will spoil your mood.

5. Choose a reputed company:
Do some research to find a company that has expertise in this business. Find whether they have adequately trained instructors and follow all the safety measures. Check online reviews, costs, and experience before coming to a decision.

6. Safety must come first:
Remember that, apart from choosing a trustworthy and reputed instructor, you also need personal accident insurance to cover any mishap. Many adventure companies even ask you the same at the time of registration. So, if you don't have one, you can still buy personal accident insurance online.

7. Comfortable clothing:
Go for comfortable clothes such as t-shirts, shorts, and pants. The goal is to feel free and light, so avoid dresses, skirts, or extra accessories.

8. Do not look down:
The instructor asks you to always look straight. Do not look down, as it will only give you more anxiety. Instead, viewing straight helps you relax and be in the moment.

9. Trust the process:
Thousands of people have successfully tried bungee jumping before you, so do not worry. Also, have faith in the instructors; they are professionally trained and probably do this a dozen times a day!

10. Bring someone along:
Sharing this extraordinary experience with a friend is the best way to feel less tense. Thus, if you have a partner, you will make a memory with them for a lifetime.

Once you float in the air, enjoy every single second of this gentle swing. A reputed instructor makes you feel safe in the air and have the experience of a lifetime. Stick to these guidelines, follow all safety precautions, and have personal accident insurance online before you take your first jump and feel accomplished, feel unstoppable.

Thought about getting a personal accident insurance policy yet? Click HERE to know more.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten useful tips for finding your passion after retirement

You worked your entire life to become financially happy. But, what about your passions and dreams? Somewhere at the bottom of your heart, you wanted to pursue your passion but had to give up the dream due to the challenges of the earning days. What you were passionate about in your 20s or 30s may not be the same when you grow old.

Most adults question how they can find their passion again in their 60s or 70s. They feel that retirement is the “final point” of their life. But, as someone rightly said, “Retirement is not the end of the road; it is the beautiful start of a new journey”. Finding your passion after your retirement can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Therefore, we created a list of ten valuable tips that will make this process more accessible.

1. Avoid severe injuries:
We might think that sitting on the rear seat is safe, but that's not true. During accidents, the rear seat passenger might get badly injured. Injuries on prime parts of the body like the spine, head, abdominal can be life-threatening. To save yourself from this, make sure that you wear the seat belt correctly. Unfortunately, some cars have installed only lap seat belts, which are not entirely secure. Three-point seat belts are a better option, which have shoulder and lap belts to support the passengers' chest, shoulder, and pelvis.

2. Learning has no expiry:
Sometimes you may feel that you are not talented enough to follow your passion. However, the truth is, it is never too late to learn something new. Education has no age limit, and therefore, you can explore and learn various things through a medium that keeps you engaged and motivated.

3. Find what makes you happy:
Sometimes passion is all about things that make you happier than anything else. So, question yourself about the activities that make you truly happy or what will you regret not doing in life? Having answers to these questions can guide you towards pursuing your passion.

4. Step out of your comfort zone:
After their retirement, people feel like their lives now require a slower pace. Especially considering their age factor, people tend to think that it’s “too late” to follow their passion. Although age can play a role in physical capabilities, it does not limit your potential. You may not be as active as you were in your teenage years, but finding your passion can bring the lost joy back in your life. So, just give it a shot.

5. Recall your childhood:
Go back to the years when you were in your school or college. Put a spotlight on what you were passionate about, and then note down all the things you did as a “hobby”.

6. Take inspiration from online resources:
The Internet is a pool of free resources. Explore your options by checking out free courses online, books, shows, podcasts to keep you entertained and sane at all times.

7. Discuss with your dear ones:
Talking to your loved ones about finding your passion can help you find what’s the best for you. Your family and friends are the best advisors as they know what you love, and they can guide you on what you need to do ahead.

8. Pay attention to your thoughts:
Our mind usually dwells in our thoughts about the things we love. Pay close attention to what you think and what activities make you feel excited. Chase the feeling that inspires you to do more!

9. Take advice from a life coach:
Life coaches are experts in the field and know how to work the best in your interest. Consult the best life coach to guide you towards the next steps.

10. Prepare a list of all the activities and get working:
Lastly, prepare a to-do list to start experimenting and working on each option. You may include activities such as travel plans, world tours, settling in a farmhouse, or just a game of golf with your old mates on your bucket list.

Retirement is the start of the golden era in your life, and while it is essential to explore all the possible options, you should always prioritize your and your family’s health. Being healthy improves your overall quality of life and inspires you to pursue your passion. But, on the other hand, you won’t want your savings to blow away with all the hefty medical bills you may encounter in any unwanted situation. Therefore, make sure that you get a health insurance policy for family to live a peaceful and passionate retirement life!

Consider the positive side; investing in a good health insurance policy for family can boost your mood to experience a whole new kind of life ahead!

To know more about the health insurance policy for family, Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Running a food delivery business? Here are some important tips you must follow

Technology is paving the way for convenience in all businesses, and even food delivery businesses are taking advantage of it. In today’s fast-paced life, people find online food services most helpful. They love it when their favourite dish is ordered and delivered through online food delivery apps.

According to studies, the food delivery business is rapidly growing in India at a 25 to 30% rate. This opens yet another stream for entrepreneurs to dive in to cater to the expectations of urban middle-class Indians. If you are thinking about running a food delivery business, here are a few essential tips you should consider.

1. Get a targeted audience:
Before setting your food delivery business, you need to spot your potential customers, their buying behaviour and eating habits to give you better insights about

• What do they like to order, which cuisine attracts them more?

• When do they place orders the most, lunchtime, evening snacks, or dinnertime?

• Where is the maximum order coming from? Is it their homes or the workplace?

2. Be discoverable online:
Since the large urban population places online food orders, having a mobile application makes your businesses discoverable and accessible to potential customers. But, to get an edge over your competitors, you need to carefully address the frustrations and expectations of customers in the food business. Have an impactful website or app and add it with high-quality images and a variety of food and restaurant menus. Keep the user-friendly interface right from searching for restaurants to selecting the dish and finally making the payment and getting the food delivered. Regularly update your app and website to fix the bugs and add security patches to provide uninterrupted services.


3. Delivery network:
Hire delivery staff that are experienced and reliable. Verify all the documents such as the valid driving licence or previous work experiences before appointing them. Remember that the delivery vehicles should also have valid registrations papers and 2 wheeler insurance. In haste to deliver the order, don't allow staff to break the laws. So, if you don't have an insurance policy, you can quickly buy 2 wheeler insurance online to save time and keep running your business uninterrupted.

4. Legal license and documentation:
To run any business, you need to have proper licenses and government approvals. Get all the government-authorized documents such as shop act license, health trade license, NOC from the municipality, GST registration, trademark registration, business permit, and E-commerce agreement.

5. Marketing and promotions:
You must have a perfect brand name and a tagline to ensure that it catches the eyes immediately. Then, design a brand guideline, specify all the important details like logo, colours, and highlight your business’ USPs that make you better than competitions.

Consider implementing launch ads marketing campaigns with some discount to draw traffic to your website. You can also flash exclusive festive offers or weekend bonanzas to attract more customers. Discuss these offers and terms with your partner food joints to collaborate and promote these offers on your official social media pages.

With every repeat order and a new customer, you taste the success of the business. Remember to impart adequate training to your delivery staff on hygiene, personal care, healthy customer interactions with other drivers and food joint owners as they represent your brand all the time. Also, consider their well-being, ensure they drive safely, and your vehicles are insured. In case you haven't thought yet on these lines, consider taking a 2 wheeler insurance online.

The food delivery business has made it easier for everyone to buy from the local restaurants without going out. The growth of the 'cashless economy' has also contributed significantly to the digital food ordering business. So, capitalize your food delivery business, bring small restaurant owners, deliverymen, and technology together and turn it into a big cloud kitchen to reach every home and win every heart!

Click HERE to buy a 2 wheeler insurance online with a few clicks.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five reasons why campervans are becoming popular among travellers

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page". If you also relate with Saint Augustine's words, then why not consider travelling? And, road trips on campervans are the best way to explore places at your pace and comfort.

Campervans are new travel trends gaining popularity in recent years. So, if you own a campervan or rent one to travel in it, then your vacation is already a highlight. Let's have a look at the top five reasons why campervan is becoming an ideal travel partner!

1. Freedom and comfort:
Campervans are the new trendsetters in the tourism sector. They ensure complete freedom and flexibility, making no compromise to ease and comfort. With a campervan, you have flexibility over your schedule. Now, say NO to the last-minute hassles about searching hotel rooms or check-in and check-out restrictions that may kill the excitement of the trip.

2. Home on wheels:
Instead of carrying luggage, how about taking the entire home on four wheels? That's possible! The motorhomes can take everything you need on your journey. Be it your coffee maker, music system, board games, stove for cooking, grocery, a favourite blanket, or even your PlayStation game. And you feel at home doubling your fun on the move!

3. Easy and efficient:
As driving and maintaining a campervan is not that tedious task, large families or a bunch of friends may use it frequently for short trips too. It efficiently accommodates everybody on board, from your crazy travel gang to a budget-friendly family with kids for the summer holidays.

4. Pocket saver:
Frankly, who doesn't want to save extra money? Campervans are cheaper than your whole travel expenses. Moreover, staying at campsites is rewarding; it's affordable than the hotel rooms, and you get to spend your nights amidst the mesmerizing interiors of nature. It saves your money on food too as you can cook for yourself while enjoying the changing landscapes.
However, while travelling with your campervan, don’t look for every cheap option to save money. For example, don't park your vehicle in unsafe areas, compromise with security features or proper motor insurance. Remember, in the event of an accident, your motor insurance company becomes the best assistance for you.

5. Harmless to the environment:
Is it good for the environment? Yes! Concerning climate change and environmental awareness, campervans are fuel-efficient too. The latest Hybrid and Eco campervans variants are less harmless to the environment than cars, producing significantly lower carbon compounds.

Sounds like a fair idea to add up a road trip with a campervan to your bucket list? That's the kind of flexibility provided by campervan, and hence becoming popular among travellers. However, with the best of plans, things outside of your control can derail your trip and also your budget. Since campervan safety should be your primary priority, doubly sure to get it protected by the motor insurance company. Take advantage of the flexibility, travel slow and deep in your moving home!

Are you looking for motor insurance that meets your requirements? Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these best tips to ace your batting skills in cricket

"The bat is not a toy, it's a weapon. It gives me everything in life, which helps me to do everything on the field." These wise words of the Indian skipper Virat Kohli are enough to inspire any young batsman.

The feeling of striking the ball in solid defense or in a swing that deposits the ball whizzing away to the fence is unforgettable. But it requires sweating on the ground to be the ‘best batsman’.

Remember that there is no hack to ace your batting performance without working with immense training. To achieve your dream, you will have to undergo strenuous training sessions. We’ve some essential tips that will guide you in developing, improving, and maintaining your striking abilities.

Gripping your bat:
Grip variations can do wonders when you know what shots you want to play. Let us explain how correctly holding the bat can help you play the best shot.

● Rounding the grip: With this grip, you can open the entire face of the bat. It's beneficial for playing square drives with a full face. If you’re someone who loves striking more towards the offside, then this shot can do wonders.

● Gripping the bat closer to the bottom: This will offer you more control and allow you to generate more bat speed. The bottom hand is dominant to play more intricate strokes.

● Gripping the bat closer to the top: This type of grip extends the batsman's reach; it's more convenient to hit strokes on the front foot. However, this grip does not create much power, so pick the short deliveries smartly.

Grill in the Drills:
Drills help improve your muscle memory, eventually improving your reflexes. Drilling for at least half an hour will improve your actions and make you a better hitter. Below, we've listed a few drills which will be critical for your batting. You'll find video tutorials of each mentioned drill online. Look them up and start practicing.

● Shadow batting (pretend to strike an imaginary ball with your bat to train your mind before facing the actual ball)

● One hand batting (making those arms stronger)

● Hanging ball drill (learn to coordinate your bat and body depending on the movement of the ball)

Perfect stance for the best shot:
When you take a stance, attempt to bend your knee, and get into a comfortable position to shoot the ball. If you shorten the distance between your knees, you may find it challenging to perform the perfect shot in cricket.

If you have difficulty playing shots on the leg side, you are said to have a "closed off" stance. This means that you're too sideways in your approach. To overcome this, you need to maintain an open posture. It puts you in a balanced position from which you may make room for yourself and play the shot comfortably.

Remember, cricket is rated as a dangerous sport, and if enough protective gear is not used, it could lead to severe injuries. Tiring hours of regular practice on the pitch and the gruelling net sessions also make you vulnerable to many injuries; some of those can be even life-threatening. In addition to protective gear, always protect yourself for overall safety with ideal personal accident insurance to avoid financial worries. It can make you feel protected so you can enjoy your sport with complete peace of mind. Follow your passion and put in your best techniques and stroke play to mastering the art of batting!

Click HERE to know about the best personal accident insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are eight common myths about traffic laws in India

The growing number of vehicles plying on the roads have notable implications on traffic congestion and highway accidents. According to statistics recorded by the Indian Road Congress, road accidents occur in India every four minutes!

Most of these incidents happen due to the drivers' incomplete knowledge and failure to follow traffic rules. Although stringent measures are taken to punish the faulty drivers, individuals continue to believe in a few myths regarding the laws that can put their and others' lives at stake.

Here are eight common myths about traffic laws in India that you should not believe.

1. There is no need to follow traffic lights at night:
People think that there is no need to follow traffic lights after a particular hour at night. But, they forget that they are not the only ones driving at night. Although some intersections display blinking amber traffic lights, it doesn't mean the high-speed crossing is allowed on those signals. These blinking traffic lights indicate you to proceed with caution without stopping.

2. You can overtake from the left:
India is a right-hand driving nation, so a driver should overtake another vehicle from the right-hand side; that’s what even our laws say.
However, there is an exception. If the driver in the front has indicated to take a right turn, you can overtake that vehicle from the left side while maintaining a distance. But, always give appropriate indications while turning and even follow the indications given by other drivers.

3. Parking anywhere you want:
Parking, as per our convenience, has always felt normal in India. Parking anywhere is okay if the road doesn't have a 'No Parking' sign. People tend to park their vehicles everywhere as long as there is no towing van insight. However, it is essential to park the cars properly to ease the traffic for everyone.

4. Reversing on a one-way street:
People find it convenient to reverse a car on a one-way street because they don't see this as an offence. In such scenarios, the logical concept of 'vehicle facing the same direction of traffic flow' is untrue and can be a significant driving hazard. It is prohibited to reverse on a one-way road, as it interrupts the ongoing traffic.

5. You don't need insurance for an old car:
Another crucial myth is that we don't require motor insurance policies for old cars. However, driving without valid insurance documents can land you in trouble. So, if you don't have one and are driving your car, buy motor insurance online to avoid distress during your driving.

6. Seat belt is not required for slow driving:
There are countless advertisements put out to emphasize the importance of seatbelts. Yet, many drivers consider that seat belts are not required for low-speed driving. They assume that seat belts are used to avoid being "caught" or "getting a ticket" rather than for safety reasons. The myth that you do not need to wear a seatbelt has put a lot of lives in danger.

7. Hands-free are allowed while driving:
The traffic law has banned using phones while driving; still, many believe that using a hands-free device is acceptable. Is attending calls more important than your life? This shouldn’t be the case, as any distractions while driving can be a potential risk.

8. Drink and drive:
According to traffic laws, the permissible limit of Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) in a person's blood is 30 mg per 100 ml (0.03 percent). To explain it, even one drink of 30 mg can wander your thinking, blur your vision and impair your reflexes. There is a myth that if you drive slowly after a drink, you can still handle the road. Such overconfident drivers can be moving threats to other drivers that are sober and responsible.

Remember, ignorance is not a reason for doing something unlawful on the road. While many drivers are cautious, the mishappening still occurs due to mistakes from the other side. Always have motor insurance for the financial protection of your vehicle. You can buy motor insurance online from a reputed motor insurance company for safety on the road.

Prevention is always better than cure, but not everyone is fully clued about 'safe driving'. So clear up that confusion and misinformation about traffic rules. It is time we change the common motor law myths.

Click HERE to buy a motor insurance online for your vehicle.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is your car making unusual noises? Know what they could mean

People are emotionally attached to their car so much that even a small scratch or dent woes their heart. What bothers them more is when the car makes strange noises. This situation sometimes leads to trouble. So instead of panicking, you need to understand the underlying cause and take your vehicle to a mechanic if required.

We've created a list of seven common car noises to listen out so that you identify and then fix them at the early stage itself.

1. Squealing sound:
One of the most frequent noises is a screeching sound from under the hood. It hints that the rubber belts that drive accessories such as AC compressor or power steering pump have either slipped off or worn out. If the screeching originates from the wheels when you use the brakes, it might indicate that your brake pads are weary or have faults with the braking system. On the other hand, if the squealing comes from your tyres, it may be due to a loose wheel cap or rims.

2. Hissing sound:
This sound underneath the hood indicates a fluid leak onto a hot engine component—for instance, radiator coolant seeping onto the engine block or exhaust manifold. If the hissing occurs while you accelerate, it might result from a vacuum leak from one of the small hoses around the engine's air intake.

3. Rattling sound:
Rattles suggest that something is loose or has stuck itself in an inappropriate place. For example, a component of the exhaust or suspension might have been broken loose. Mind it; this one needs attention as soon as possible. Remember, if you need an expert mechanic to ensure preventative maintenance, suitable car insurance helps you with your costly repair bills.

4. Whistling sound:
Whistling sounds are disturbing and might indicate a vacuum leak in one of the hoses around the air filter, which can be challenging to locate but is typically straightforward to fix.

5. Clunking sound:
If you hear a clunking sound when you apply the brakes, it might reflect that the braking discs or pads have severe wear or damage. If the clunk occurs when driving over bumps, your car's suspension may be faulty, or an exhaust section may be loose. If your automobile clunks when turning corners, it might be due to a problem with the steering or a worn-out wheel bearing.

6. Roaring sound:
When you accelerate, a roaring or noisy exhaust indicates that the existing exhaust system has eroded to the point that the silencer is no longer keeping the car quiet. Although an exhaust problem is unlikely to cause your automobile to stop or cause more damage, it may be allowing carbon monoxide fumes into the cabin, which is hazardous. Get it fixed ASAP!

Next time when you're out for a drive, apart from listening to the music, make it a point that you hear your vehicle first. You won't want to experience an awful drive with crazy noises that result in the breakdown of your car midway.

Few noises may indicate possibilities of damages. It is, therefore, important to get your car inspected at a service station to address the issue. Additionally, with time, the repair cost will also keep on increasing. So, reduce dependencies on the additional expenses, and consider purchasing car insurance to add value to the life of your car. With the best car insurance protection, give your four-wheeled companion the strength to drive more miles together.

Click HERE to know about the best car insurance plans in the market in 2021.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Keep these essentials in your two-wheeler riding kit at all times

In a busy and constantly moving country like India, most of the population uses two-wheelers as the daily mode of transportation. Regardless of whether you ride your two-wheeler every day or just a short trip to a grocery store, it is a good idea to carry some essential items in your two-wheeler riding kit. This includes everything from motorcycle replacement parts, first aid kit to important documents and 2 wheeler insurance.

In this article, we'll tell you exactly how to put together a riding kit that will be an excellent aid in chaotic situations.

1. Keep the basic spare parts:
You should always have some vehicle spare parts and equipment handy so that you can be the mechanic of your two-wheeler during an emergency. A few extras to have in your tool kit are a screwdriver, a headlight bulb, and battery fuses.

2. First-aid kit:
First-aid kits have always been prioritized when driving vehicles, but how many of us religiously carry them? If NO, then pack one today and take it the next time you leave your home on your two-wheeler. Some fundamental essentials must be an antiseptic solution, bandages, pain relief sprays, and painkillers. However, this kit is to be used only on minor injuries like cuts and scratches. In case of significant damages from accidents, approach for assistance and go to the hospital right away.

3. Accessories for personal protection:
Riding on a bike is not a fun game each time. It can get tougher with distance and situations. It is dangerous to ride a two-wheeler without wearing a proper helmet. A full-face helmet should always be part of your riding kit. Also, ensure to kit up appropriately with something that is breathable and will keep you at ease. Hence, have a decent quality sunscreen or scarf to protect your skin from exposure to the sun, dirt, and pollution.
Besides, staying hydrated throughout the day is important and neglecting it while riding isn't an option. So, having a water bottle on your bike is always a good idea.

4. Necessary documents and paperwork:
Traffic police regularly drive campaigns of checking the legal papers. If found riding without legitimate documents, you can face the consequences by the authorities. Therefore, when travelling on your bike, it is mandatory to have a Rider's Driving Licence, Registration Certificate, PUC Certificate, Fitness Certificate and a valid 2 wheeler insurance policy.

It is believed that 'life is always better on two wheels'. However, in a country full of turns, traffic congestion, narrow lanes and potholes, the possibility of vehicle breakdown is a prime concern among two-wheeler riders. So, if you think that you're a pro rider, you're also not completely safe on the roads. The above essential items are for your convenience on the road and quick-fix minor issues when they arise. Keeping these points in mind, put together your necessary bike riding equipment, ensure your bike papers, including valid 2 wheeler insurance before you kick-start the bike next time.

Want to know more about our best two-wheeler insurance policy? Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Proven ways to stop worrying and overthinking

Overthinking is a thief of your energy. It takes away your peace and composure of mind. It is an art of creating problems that don’t even exist. Unfortunately, some individuals can’t seem to stop their minds from wandering with many thoughts. It’s like running a marathon each day mentally.

You invest your time, attention, and energy in thinking about situations and issues that are irrelevant, hypothetical, or baseless. Breaking this toxic habit will help you with extra mental energy to get the express ticket to happiness. Follow our brief guide about reducing and eventually stop worrying and overthinking.

1. Don't be mind-full; instead, be mindful:
Whenever you catch yourself overthinking, take a moment to reflect on your thoughts. Breathe and acknowledge the present moment. Then, challenge your thoughts and try to be aware of what's happening around you as much as possible.

2. Focus on solving problems and not amplifying them:
Overthinking about a problem will only lead to more problems. When you're actively investing your mind into problem-solving, you're using your best asset (the brain) positively.

3. Change your perspectives on things:
Stanley Gordon West once said, "Smile, and the world smiles with you". Changing your point of view can provide you with a completely different way of thinking and feeling about yourself. Moreover, changing your point of view might lead to a whole new universe of possibilities and ideas.

4. Diet plays a vital role than you think:
As Ayurveda rightly says that Medicine is not needed if the diet is correct; healthy food improves brain function, regulates blood circulation, reduces blood pressure, and eliminates toxins from the body. These aspects can directly impact your pattern of thinking and help positive outputs throughout the day.

5. Stop being a perfectionist. Even the almighty isn't:
It is a double-edged sword. Sometimes being a perfectionist is like being your enemy. Rather than assisting you in achieving success, it works against you. So next time you're worrying and overthinking about making a presentation perfect, consult your colleague. It can turn out that your existing one is already good.

6. Take out time to reflect at regular intervals:
Whether daily, weekly, or once a month, take out some time for reflective thinking. This task will assist you in examining your assumptions and making connections between different bits of information systematically.

7. Techniques to cope:
Try these techniques mentioned below to bring your attention back to the present whenever you feel overwhelmed.

You can follow these tips anytime and anywhere:

• Meditation: The best escape to calmness is meditation. Getting answers to unsolved questions becomes easy when your mind is free from junk thoughts. So invest 10 to 15 mins of your day into a peaceful meditation session and see the magic start happening.

• 5-4-3-2-1 Rule:
- Look for 5 things around you.
- Feel any 4 things you can touch.
- Recognize 3 things you can hear.
- Acknowledge 2 things you can smell.
- Become aware of 1 particular taste in your mouth.

Overthinking is not an illness, but research reveals that it can pose severe consequences to your health if continued for a long time. It can hinder your social, personal and professional life due to mental discomfort. To overcome this, you will need to shift your perspective and make a concerted effort to dismiss any thoughts that lead you towards wrong assumptions. Along with all the above practices, get yourself health insurance covering all your needs for perfect well-being. It's also one less task to think about!

Click HERE to know more about health insurance to keep you financially fit.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you feeling depressed? Ten proven ways to combat depression

According to the World Health Organization, around 57 million Indians suffer from some sort of depression. Depression takes a considerable toll on your health. It can make you feel physically weak and mentally drained, challenging your desire to seek treatment and get rid of it.

We've curated a list of ten beneficial tips to manage depression without the need for medicines and improve the quality of your life.

1. Follow a routine:
When circumstances become unpredictable, a routine can help you feel organized, minimize stress, and cope with change. When you stick to a schedule, you prioritize self-care activities which you often overlook when life gets complicated.

2. Value yourself:
Take out time for your interests or extend your skillset. Cook your favourite dish, go dancing with your earphones on, learn a new language. Do what pleases your mind and soul, and treat yourself with compassion and respect.

3. Consume healthy food:
Diet can affect your mental state in ways that you can't imagine. Make sure you consume a well-balanced diet that's low in saturated fat and rich in nutrients. A nutritionist or dietitian can assist you in analyzing your eating habits and identifying any dietary deficiencies that may be contributing to your mental health.

4. Exercise:
Exercise stimulates those chemicals in your brain which are in short supply due to the depressive phase. Studies show workouts help you boost your endorphins and truly make you happier.

5. Meditate:
Mindfulness can help you change how you react to negative sensations. Meditation teaches the brain to maintain continuous attention and focus when unpleasant thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations enter.

6. Change drinking habits:
Alcohol is a depressant, so that's already a big NO while combating depression. Coffee has proven to have adverse effects when combined with sugar. Try to lower down your consumption of coffee as a whole, and if you decide to have it, have it unsweetened. Strongly linked with depression are sweetened drinks, so it's a better option to distance yourself from them.

7. Socialize with people with a positive mindset:
Interact with people who lift your spirits. While it's OK to spend some time alone, strike a balance and avoid isolating yourself; otherwise, the sadness will persist.

8. Music therapy:
Music improves the mood and general well-being of a person. Music therapy involves playing music using various instruments, singing, dancing to music, or simply listening to it.

9. Get inspired by motivational content:
It can change negative thoughts and make a depressed person feel better. Depression-fighting literature, quotes, movies, and posters differ from person to person. Go online and read reviews to get a sense of what could work best for you. You can listen to podcasts or watch videos of motivational speakers.

10. Volunteer:
Volunteer for acts of kindness, donate for a good cause or commit a random act of kindness. Presenting or performing acts of charity can have comparable mood-lifting and well-being benefits.

Sadness is a complex emotion to deal with; these ways are only supposed to act as your support in the tough times. If you have chronic depression symptoms, always seek professional help. Understand that depression is just a bad phase in life that will eventually go away if you stay positive and strong.

By taking too much stress, you will affect today's strengths by worrying about future. One way you can avoid the additional worries of tomorrow and make your future secure is health insurance. Health problems due to depression involve medical expenses that may drain your pockets. So, consider buying health insurance to cover the losses. To simplify this, online Health Insurance provides you with a suitable plan to protect you from any impact on your financial plan.

Click HERE to know about the best health insurance plan for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These appliances can ease your life at home, learn how

In this hustling world, everyone wants to save the most valuable aspect of their life – time. Finding out time for household chores feels like an impossible task in the middle of your tight schedule.

But, many gadgets and appliances have made the way to clear the chaos and get things convenient for you. From the start of our day until we retire, we encounter several devices that work as our assistants and eliminate the worries of most household tasks.

Below you will learn some of these intelligent home appliances that make your life easier.

1. Speakers with AI and Bluetooth – technology reimagined:
Apart from listening to songs, we can use smart speakers to remind every major-minor event or daily tasks such as paying the bills, recharging your internet pack, weather forecasting, news, and what not. The exciting feature is that it also operates by voice recognition feature. You may even integrate your smart speakers with your other smart home devices to enjoy a fully customizable and command-driven home environment.

2. WIFI/portable routers – make smarter connections:
The Internet has become new oxygen for the globe. Constant evolution in the WIFI system like portable routers and mesh WIFI systems are trending and valuable for the smart home network that connects all your smart devices.

3. Smartwatches – the world around your wrist:
Smartwatches are a great invention that looks classy and way more productive than just showing time. Get all the notifications and regular updates without touching your mobile. Additionally, it's the best investment for health by keeping your active schedule with your walks, work-out, and counting calories burnt.

4. Innovative kitchen appliances – cooking made fun:
Smart refrigerators, dishwashers, microwaves can be paired with your smartphones through helpful apps and make the cooking experience more enjoyable than we could ever imagine. These appliances would do the task in minutes which you finish in hours with your bare hands.

5. Laundry appliances – happy clothes, happy wardrobe:
Fully automatic washing machines with timers, clothes dryers are the appliances that have become popular and essential in the last decade. They are an excellent example of time-saving and doing your laundry easier and faster.

6. Living room appliances – feel like the 'modern king':
It is where we tend to spend more time with our guests and visitors. You can easily interact and schedule the smart lights, automatic blinds, Smart TV and sound system and turn your living room more automated to your requirements.

7. Smart doorbell/locks – safety redefined:
Safety is the biggest concern for homeowners. Using an intelligent doorbell system, remote control of door locks, and security cameras will bring a good change in your life by making you feel secure. Also, the house insurance premium goes down when you add a layer of security to your home. This way, you guarantee yourself a peaceful sleep at night and the shield of double protection from unfortunate incidents like burglary for your home.

You can make your home a lot more automated by using these intelligent electronic appliances and gadgets. Imagine cooking in your microwaves from anywhere with your smartphone and receiving alerts when the food is ready.

The constant upgrades and new appliances make way to your home and give you the upper hand to manage the daily household work. Some of these items are expensive devices to install in your house. A suitable house insurance plan can provides you compensation for the damages caused due to fire, theft, or man-made hazards or any vandalism. Get house insurance for the financial security of your insured belongings and enjoy your life with the golden-age technology appliances.

Are you looking for a best home insurance in India for your new home? Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are five ways to make travelling fun with your pet

Having your furry friend accompanying you as a travel partner can be an exciting experience. When you have good company, the journey appears to be insightful. No trip is complete without the favourite member of the house! So, if you're planning a vacation, let your cute friend know that he's coming too.

People might think it's hard to travel with pets considering they might litter around or cause trouble for others. But, in reality, travelling with your furry friends can be one of the best travel experiences ever. With just a few tips and precautions, you can go on adventures with your pet and take your bond to greater heights.

We are here to offer you the top five essentials to make travelling fun with your pet.

1. Visit your vet before leaving:
Always consult your vet before leaving for the trip, especially if it is your pet's first long journey. Your pets might need some extra vaccination or require a health certificate for the travel. Check all the documentation from your vet mentioning your pet's proper health before starting a trip.

2. Practice can make your pet perfect:
A long-distance car ride for the first time can get them nervous. So it's better to take some shorter drives before the main trip to see if they are comfortable for long-distance. As they get used to the travel conditions, they start enjoying the little things. Try some commands and tricks to calm them in new public places and to avoid any mishaps with strangers.

3. Travel pack for your pet:
As you wish to have all the best things with you while travelling, so does your pet. Carry your pet's favourite toys and treats. This will make them the happiest even when they aren't able to do much while travelling. Pack ample food and water that will last the whole trip. Also, add a separate first aid kit for them. Be a responsible guardian and take the best care of your pet; you will find that it'll keep you entertained throughout your vacation.

4. Time for stretches and play:
All pets are hyperactive, and they can't sit still in one place for a long period. Stop at every 3-4 hours for them to stretch out and go for a bit of run. This will place their energy in the right direction, and they won't be jumping all over and creating chaos during the drive. They would love to have these sessions in between, making them bear long travel runs.

5. Maintain a pet-friendly environment:
Having an environment they can enjoy and be comfortable with is the most important thing for long journeys. While planning, choose hotels and restaurants that are pet-friendly to have the opportunity to socialize with others. As the most pet-friendly hotels get booked in advance, always have a prior reservation for your stay. While in the car, don't drive too fast as they quickly go through motion sickness.

All these tips will help you make your journey so much more fun and exciting for your pet. Along with that, keep a check on other minor details such as carrying pet seat belts, a first aid kit, and your pet's medical documents.

While you have to be a little extra careful about the well-being of your furry friend, ensure you have already guarded yourself against other travel-related worries like theft or damage to your baggage or a medical emergency during the journey. To deal with these unfortunate incidents, a general insurance company can be of great help. Magma HDI General Insurance company covers the losses amidst your travel plan so that you focus on playing and making memories with your pet.

Click HERE to know more about general insurances available.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on how different colours can make your home alive

Multiple studies claim that the paint of your home plays a significant impact on your mood. When your eyes connect with various shades, your brain automatically releases different chemicals that enhance your mood.

Colour therapy plays a vital role in the healing process by making you more expressive and lively. For example, if your walls have dull tones, you will likely feel lazy, sleepy, or tired. Similarly, bright shades bring a freshness that cheers you up by making you feel energetic.

This blog will list how different colours used in your home can impact you and make your home feel alive.

1. Red for high energy and power:
Red signifies power and energy within you. Although a dark red would look awful on your wall, a lighter shade can signal courage, strength and promote alertness.

2. Lilac for calmness and relaxation:
Painting your room with a lilac shade will help you feel calm and relaxed. Imagine waking up with a feeling of peace and positive vibes surrounding you. It will mark the start of perfect daily mornings. That’s the power of Lilac!

3. Light green for positive energy:
Light green depicts the shade of nature and symbolizes peace, balance, refreshment, and reduces stress levels. Shades of green can go a long way to help you feel relaxed and stress-free.

4. Pink for happiness:
Pink is highly recommended for bringing a feeling of happiness and joy. You can paint your room pink, indicating the positive energy around. However, pink carries a misconception that it belongs to girls. But that’s not entirely true. Pink is a vibrant colour and has shades that are considered gender-neutral.

5. Cheer up your mood with yellow:
Yellow is widely known for its cheerfulness, simplicity, and elegance. Even though yellow may not be an ideal choice for many people, you can use it to paint your cabinets and other furniture attachments in the kitchen to add a bit of spring. Now imagine waking up to make your coffee and feeling enchanting around!

6. Violet for increasing artistic ability:
Violet stimulates our brain’s problem-solving capacity and promotes artistic ability. Both teenagers and adults prefer violet for its calming, creative promotion, and deep feeling. However, note that overusing a colour may result in suppressing emotions and feeling insecure. So when choosing violet, ensure limiting the quantity.

7. Blue for rest:
The colour of the sea and sky promotes a feeling of renewal. Curling up in your bed with a beautiful blue shade around your room can help in eliminating insomnia and induce deep sleep. Blue is usually known as “cool colour”, making you feel rejoiced and relieved.

8. Warmth of orange:
Orange promotes joyfulness, cheerfulness and invokes feeling emotionally intense. For relationship building and encouraging interaction, orange can be a perfect fit for your bedroom.

Wrapping Up!
“Colour is a power which directly influences the soul” – this insightful quote of Wassily Kandinsky depicts how different colours reflect on our day-to-day life. Happy, calm, cheerful, or motivated? You’ve got a handful of options of the colour pallet to select for your home.

While the colour of your home can affect your mood, it is essential to coordinate other aspects too. Along with appearance, it is also essential to cater to the security of your home. The gleam of beautiful walls and attractive ambience can be an open invitation to the thieves. So instead of worrying, relax and get a shade of home insurance for your home to make it secure.

Click HERE to know more about the home insurance plans that best fit your requirements.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Got a salary hike? Four things you must do after getting an increment!

Ever imagined what the three magical words for people with jobs are? It has to be, “Salary got credited”. But the actual happiness comes in when you get an increment in your current salary. Getting a salary raise after years of hard work is a significant milestone in life. After constantly working towards achieving your goals, earning a salary hike is a moment to celebrate, even if it’s small.

Once your source of income increases, your expenses also go up simultaneously. In addition to this, your taxes inflate too. Unless you have a proper financial plan, things might take a toll. But, not to worry, here are a few essential steps that you can implement after getting a salary increment.

1. Clear all your debts – no more instalment reminders:
Before you start spending more, it is important to clear the outstanding dues. If you plan to purchase something new on credit card or instalment, you must clear your loans or ongoing EMI. This will ensure that you don’t end up in any financial burden or unnecessary late payment on your existing loans. Once your dues are paid, your financial responsibility will automatically lower down, meaning you can spend extra on your next vacation or upgrade of your car!

2. Review your general insurance plans – improve the quality of life:
Life is unpredictable; you never know what another day may bring. The previous insurance might not be enough to fulfil your current financial needs. As your salary increases, you want to make sure that you secure the future of your loved ones by saving adequate funds. Insurances could be multiple such as your life insurance plans, motor insurance, general insurance plans, or your health insurance. Make sure you increase the budget of your coverage with more features for the better financial security of your family.

3. Make effective tax planning – be a super saver:
No one can neglect the taxes. As a responsible citizen, you are obligated to pay a certain amount of income tax on your earnings, depending on your income. After an increment, your taxes will also increase. Unless there’s proper planning, you might end up paying heavy taxes, which you could avoid by investing in financial instruments. For example, you can invest in life insurance plans, mutual funds, stocks, etc. Under the law, the taxes will not consider the fees you will pay for your insurance.

4. Work towards increasing your net worth – get ready to grow more:
Securing your money for long-term benefits is one of the wisest decisions. As your source of income increases, your standard of living improves. Your hobbies will change as you want to travel, learn new courses, or provide all the facilities to your kids. However, this cannot happen if you simply earn and spend. You can decide to invest in properties, gold or SIPs. Depending on the risk you can bear, ensure to invest in balanced funds, equity, or other market-linked funds.

After years of hard work, you feel more motivated at work when you finally get recognition. Always hold on to this motivation and work with dedication to justify respect and financial security. Since maintaining a sensible lifestyle should be your priority, ensure you get protected with a robust general insurance plan to gain extra benefits for you and your family. As it is rightly said that hard work has no substitute, you need to sweat and exploit your capabilities to conquer the milestones you’ve set for yourselves.

Click HERE to know more about the general insurance plans available.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understand these four things before you modify your two-wheeler

Bikes are never out of fashion, and every biker wants his favourite bike to be the show-stopper. You may have seen a lot of tastefully customized bikes and may be interested in modifying your two-wheeler. Different people have different reasons for customizing their motorcycles. Some do it for better designs, while others do it to improve performance or safety.

No matter the reason, here are four things that you should know before you shift into high gear and head straight to one of the bike modification shops.

1. What The Motor law says:
When considering change, the first thing to examine is if the law allows it. To illustrate, if you wish to update the engine to boost its power output, your registration certificate should reflect such modifications. As a result, you must go to the Regional Transport Office and have your registration certificate updated. Minor cosmetic changes, such as adding a sticker, are permissible without clearance. Each state has its own set of rules regulating the use of lights, indicators, license plates, and horns. Before making any changes to your bike, you must comply with the government's regulations, or you'll have to pay a heavy fine. Ensure that you stay lawful!

2. Types of Modifications and their Impact on premiums of 2 wheeler insurance:
Performance-based modification: Performance enhancements on two-wheelers often involve fuel-efficient technologies or mechanisms to enhance speed. Remember, a higher speed increases the probability of an accident. Given the danger, it will surely raise your 2 wheeler insurance premium.
Aesthetic modification:When you modify your bike to look more aesthetic, it raises the chances of theft, thus increasing the premium.
Safety modification: By adding security features to your bike, you reduce the chances of bike theft. As a result, you save money on insurance costs too.
Modifications for the disabled:If a specially-abled person rides a bike and is modified to meet the convenience, the insurance provider will not charge an additional premium.

3. Inform your insurance provider:
Keep your insurance company informed of any alterations you want to make to your two-wheeler. Some two-wheeler changes may result in an increased premium amount. Failure to disclose these modifications may be seen as unlawful, leading to claim denial by the insurer.

4. Get the job done by a professional:
While the potential for heavy-duty modifications to two-wheelers is restricted, you can still make many alterations. Paintworks, for example, are still permitted as long as they are within the RTO guidelines. Similarly, the installation of minor extras such as decals, visors, and engine fairings remains allowed. Make sure that only specialists perform these tasks.

Remember, your bike is a machine, and like any other machine, it has its limitations. Therefore, you need a skilled bike modifier who can assess your bike's capabilities, consider your needs in terms of adjustments, and then begin working on a plan.

Whether you modify your vehicle or not, you must hold valid insurance if you want to ride your two-wheeler lawfully on Indian roads. Also, you need to prepare yourself for uncertain events or situations like accidents, maintenance fees, and other service costs involved before they take a toll on your finances. So get reliable 2 wheeler insurance and forget all the stress.

Click HERE to know about the most economical plans for your 2 wheeled companion.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten habits that will make you highly productive

In this new normal post-Covid world, the work environment is getting more convenient as work from anywhere culture brings flexibility in your life. As a result, people are spending more time at home than in offices. Yet, despite this significant change, people are still finding themselves less productive.

What does being productive mean to you? Are you still wondering about the ways to bring the change you want? Here are ten habits you can apply in your life to become super productive.

1. Having a proper sleep schedule:
An irregular sleep will get you nowhere. The short naps you take don't qualify as restorative sleep. On the other hand, having a sleep schedule helps you be more energetic, creative, and productive the next day.

2. Start early and peacefully:
Wake up early to follow a proper morning routine without rushing for work. Include exercise in your morning routine, as it releases endorphins and keeps you healthy. Try to include a little meditation to recharge your mind and give you a positive outlook on the day ahead.

3. Unplug:
Advanced technology helps your efficiency, but it can be a major distraction if used excessively. So, the best way to get things done is to turn off the things dying for attention. For example, have a 'shutdown' time [switch off electronics] before going to bed, as needed for your mental health and well-being. Take some time off your computer to connect with nature and get some freshness.

4. Plan to prioritize:
Prepare a rough to-do list before you go to bed. It will give you a head start on your day, and the mental preparation guides you effortlessly through your day. Decide in advance for the clothes to wear or breakfast the next day.

5. Do not multitask:
Multitasking isn't the right way to get things done. Sharing your energy and brain space to several things at the same time will reduce your efficiency. Instead, dedicate your attention and energy to one task at a time to derive the best results.

6. Learn to say 'NO':
We believe that 'saying no' is terribly bad for our reputation. But, not always. Learn to say no to things that are not worth your time and energy. The earlier you realize this, you will observe better results. You can utilize that time in doing an activity that makes you happy.

7. Take a break:
Your brain needs a break to refresh and gather the lost energy back. Not taking a break lowers your productivity levels and makes you feel burnt out. So, take a break, stretch or go for a short walk in the open space.

8. Declutter:
Having a clean working space makes your work easier. It only takes a few minutes to clean up your desk or throw away your coffee cups.

9. Keep going:
Be persistent, not a procrastinator. This is what qualifies you as a productive person. Get things done now; do not apply later on policy.

10. Feel accomplished:
Rewarding yourself is the best incentive for being productive. Therefore, provide yourself with reasons to be productive.

For many in their high-pressure jobs, being less productive can make them stressed, thereby hampering their health. With the rising medical cost, life cannot be financially secure unless you have the right health insurance coverage. In addition to the above tips to boost your productivity, it is recommended to build a significant portfolio for health insurance to secure you from medical worries.

Always remember, optimism is the key to a productive lifestyle. Figure out what's holding you back and work on yourself accordingly. Don't hold yourself back!

Looking for a good health insurance cover for you and your family? Click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learning music can do wonders. Here are ten ways to prove that

Music is the universal address of happiness, and even Einstein had once expressed: "Life without playing music is inconceivable to me". It can do wonders in ways that you won't even imagine. So, whether you're learning to sing or play an instrument, immerse yourself in music and reap the numerous advantages it has to offer.

We've listed ten excellent benefits that you get from indulging yourself in a musical activity.

1. Music will make you sharper:
Playing music demands the use of nearly every area of your brain, mainly because you must learn new bodily motions as you become accustomed to holding and playing the instrument. Your brain is activated with this new knowledge as you practice, making it more productive for you to learn and retain new things.

2. The best therapy:
Scientifically proven, singing has been shown to produce happy chemicals – endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin which lift your mood and make you feel better. There is no better healer and stress reliever than music.

3. Bring harmony back to your life:
Studies have found that individuals who listen to soothing music before a stressful event dramatically drop their cortisol levels (the hormone responsible for stress), slow the pulse, and lower blood pressure compared to individuals who choose not to listen.

4. Enhance your breathing:
Singing is therapeutic for various lung and breathing conditions since it requires deep breathing and the regulated use of respiratory muscles. Researches have shown that the breathing methods used while singing can help individuals with asthma, COPD, and even cancers associated with the lungs. In addition, you will feel cheerful along with some healthy habits you cultivate.

5. Have the musical immunity:
Music boosts immunity. How? When you indulge in musical activity, it causes your body to produce more immunoglobulin A, an antibody that helps you fight infections.

6. Improves posture:
During classes, every music instructor will correct your posture frequently. As a result, even though you're not performing, this will help you develop the habit of sitting up straight and aligning yourself properly. These are all excellent methods for relieving neck and back pain and having a great posture. In addition, good posture enhances your personality and makes you feel confident.

7. Mathematical ability upped:
Learning music demands the counting of notes and rhythms, which can improve your math abilities. In addition, there are numerous mathematical components to studying music theory. Individuals who learn art do better in mathematics than those who don't.

8. Be the social bird:
Practising music in groups, like a band or choir, helps people develop emotional and social skills. They learn to perform together as a group and eventually build empathy for others.

9. Improved coordination:
It can be difficult for an average person to maintain the coordination required for playing an instrument. The precise movement of fingers, hands, and feet is a challenge. However, playing music improves your coordination abilities in ways that go beyond hand-eye coordination.

10. Expressing yourself:
Music helps you express yourself uniquely, whether creating your piece or playing someone else's. You can even represent yourself creatively by selecting your style and genre. Sky's the limit!

Music can help you manage physical and emotional discomfort by lowering stress, improve immunity, boost academic capabilities, and the list goes on. But remember, your overall health is essential for your wellbeing, protecting you from unannounced medical attention. So while you pursue your passion every single day, let your health insurance policy take care of all the medical worries. Protecting your life with the best health insurance plan is one of the most important things you need to feel happy about too.

Life is like that one hit song, so let's sing along!

Click HERE to know about the best health insurance plans for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


You cannot miss these five exciting water sports at beaches

Beaches are no longer just lying down in the sun under a shady umbrella and relaxing by the bay. Beach holidays offer you a new outdoor adventure that is more than a vacation. There are plenty of adrenaline-pumping activities for adventure enthusiasts to get wet and sandy.

From sailing to diving, the countless water sports give you a thrilling experience. Irrespective of your prior experience, you do not want to miss out on these exciting adventures. Let us look at some of the top exciting water sports activities that you shouldn't miss out on your next vacation.

1. Wakeboarding – time to surf beaches and not the internet: One of the most thrilling experiences in water sports is wakeboarding. Similar to snowboarding, wakeboarding involves you standing on the board while a motorboat tows you. Get a chance to feel the force of water that makes you feel the pump of enthusiasm in your body.

2. Water-bike – race through the waves: Another mind-blowing experience that should be on your bucket list is the water-bike. Like motorbikes, you can ride a high-speed waterbike with water splashing all over. It is open for all age groups, but elders also feel the child-like excitement within them. In specific locations, you might even see water-bike races. However, there are specific safety guidelines and precautions for beginners. Once you understand the procedures, you are all set to roll in the water!

3. Scuba diving – life's beautiful underwater: Scuba diving should be on top of the "must-do" list for all the water lovers out there. No prior experience is needed to enjoy life underwater. You can explore the world underwater with all the safety equipment and adore the beauty of marine nature. But before you dive in, please ensure your personal accident insurance plans provides these adventure sports as an inbuilt feature.

4. Parasailing – the sky is the new playground: For people who enjoy seeing the world from above, parasailing is the best adventure. This water sport activity involves you attached to a parachute which is towed by a boat. Parasailing gives you an experience of a bird flying high in the sky, but without the wings. Some places even allow you to accommodate a partner that doubles the fun.

5. Surfing – live life, one wave at a time: Chasing the waves and finding your way is something that everyone should experience at least once. Surfing is not an easy adventure; you need to have the right skills and talent to pull it off. Many surfboard rental places provide a quick and practical guide on how you can surf your way through the waves. It would help if you learned how to maintain a balance, the proper techniques, different riding styles, and more. Once you grasp the basics, it's only you and your surfboard against the waves!

Water sports are the wonderful adventure experience of a lifetime. Although your guide or the expert conducting the water sport activity will ensure your maximum safety, accidents can occur at any time. Take precautions when engaging in water sports with the help of personal accident insurance plans so that you don't miss out on the fun.

Click HERE to know more about the different personal accident insurance plans you can buy before your next beach trip.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How social media is affecting your mental health

With the internet being easily accessible even in remote areas, today, people engage and entertain more through the digital world. Social media is proving to be a significant source of entertainment worldwide. However, it turns out that it is also one of the rising causes of bad mental health. Primarily, the rise of social media has long-term consequences and adverse effects on people's mental health, including cyberbullying, depression, and severe anxiety.

People think that social media is a mood booster, which is true but under certain limits. Excessive socializing can make things odd for you, majorly affecting your mental peace. Let's take a look at how social media is affecting people's mental health.

1. Comparing our lives with others:
The comparison is one of the primary reasons why people feel socially isolated. As we scroll down our social media feeds, we start comparing our lives with other people. This may be in terms of money, their day-to-day activities, looks, or happy moments. Unfortunately, the habit of comparing ourselves to others is linked with symptoms like anxiety, depression and loneliness.

2. It triggers sadness:
The more you use social media, the higher it triggers your sadness. For example, a person already dealing with mental health issues may see things that can make her feel down. This way, people feel the fear of missing out, leading to higher anxiety.

3. Low self-esteem:
People on social media are all about showing off materialistic things. We tend to feel excluded from these show-offs, which can lead to higher insecurities. Seeing someone ‘perfect’ on social media further lowers self-esteem. You'll begin to judge your self-worth, and that's dangerous.

4. Social acceptance:
Social media has taken over people's minds by its craze for ‘followers’ and ‘likes’. Youth indulge in the thoughts that if they don't get a certain number of likes or followers, they are probably not good enough or aren't socially acceptable.

5. Abrupt sleep cycle:
Social media is like that one toxic addiction you want to leave, but you can’t. According to research, almost two-thirds of the youth check their social media at least once before sleeping. Sometimes you may come across a specific post, and you decide to check about them more out of curiosity. Within a blink of an eye, you'll lose hours just scrolling on social media.

6. Leads to jealousy:
Besides comparing ourselves to others, another way social media affects one's mental health is by inducing jealousy. Seeing other people's success stories, luxurious accessories, and vacations can be envy-inducing. This vicious cycle of jealousy can lead to severe consequences.

The rise in the influencer culture has further brought plenty of side effects on today's youth. Unfortunately, draining mental health can affect one's physical health too. While these health problems may not look concerning, they can turn out more significant and take a toll on your overall well-being, productivity and finances in the future. Therefore, it is in your best interest to get HEALTH INSURANCE so you do not drain yourself financially to protect your mental well-being.

Social media is not just scrolling feeds and looking at what's going on in other people's lives. If you use it wisely, social media is a perfect medium to make you productive and happy. You will find profiles and posts related to improving your well-being, practising mindfulness, drawing positivity through education, and even the importance of mental balance, health insurance and a perfect lifestyle.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance that fits your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Work From Home (WFH) culture: Revealing the truth

The year 2020 was considered the year of WFH (work from home). In the beginning, everyone took it as a blessing, and people experienced enough flexibility at work and more time for family. However, as the trend continued into 2021, it presented new communication and collaboration challenges among teams, mental health issues, and imbalance in the work-life cycle.

Working from home looks like a job incentive for many employees, as suddenly they have more flexibility to get their work-life balance. But that's not the whole truth; reality seems to be different. Work from home culture has depended significantly on one question: Is remote working a sustainable option? In this article, we'll discuss some of the most common challenges that home-based workers are facing.

WFH affects your mental health:
Though work from home has proved to be helpful, it is also adversely affecting our mental health. A report states that about 76% of the global workforce recorded negative impacts on their mental health in 2020 due to WFH.
WFH results in total exposure to the computer all day, leading to headaches, fatigue, tiredness, and eye problems. In addition, rather than the benefits of work-life balance, some people lose sleep due to workload and family chores altogether. This continuous work-family adjustment results in emotional exhaustion. People who are hyperactive at work find it hard to detach themselves from work at home.
On the other hand, work from home has turned out to be an advantage for many introverts. You can work from the convenience of your customary conditions without any physical human interaction.

WFH takes a toll on physical health:
Because you are in front of the screens all day, there is no time for physical activities. Due to prolonged remote working hours, people are more often facing health issues. A sedentary lifestyle, irregular food intake, and sleep deprivation are common concerns. Parents working full time, taking care of household chores, and home-schooling their kids face much bigger physical health issues.
Tossing within the many tasks simultaneously; it takes the life out of those employees with productivity shame, lack of motivation and burnouts in most cases. Most surveys suggest that as many as 50% of people have back and neck pain and other musculoskeletal problems leading to more stress. Although the pandemic has blurred the boundaries between work and home, we learned a lot from WFH culture. These alarming health-related issues have brought well-being to the forefront. Both employers and workers are more aware than ever of the impact of mental and physical health.

We all know that stress and fatigue are not just resulting in some temporary problems but are also impacting cognitive health with some life-threatening issues such as anxiety, diabetes, heart diseases, and clinical depression. As a result, the corporate sector is taking measures to ensure the well-being of the employees and assuring better working conditions, flexibility and HEALTH INSURANCE coverage to their employees.

Since WFH impacts your overall well-being, re-think your current remote working style. There are undeniable benefits of work from home if you have a positive WFH culture, flexibility, work-home balance, time for other activities and a health insurance plan to address your mental and financial stress. So go, set in motion the true meaning of WFH!

To get the best deals on health insurance, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's a guide to help you start your bike rental business

'Big business starts small' – wise words by Richard Branson. If you plan to become your boss, a bike rental business can be a good venture. A rental bike allows people to ditch cars and public transport without owning a motorcycle or being bothered by BIKE INSURANCE, storage, and maintenance hassles.

In recent years, the opportunities and demands for a bike rental business have increased considerably due to the convenience of two-wheelers. With just a helmet and a 2-wheeler, a person can go around the city efficiently running their errands; or take in some fresh air on an empty highway.

Now that you are ready with your business idea let's proceed to the next step. We have brought together these seven easy steps to help you start your bike rental business.

Step 1
Plan – 'A target to accomplish without a plan is just a dream!'
• Estimation of setting up your business

• The business operation cost

• Potential customers (set up the target audience and promotion offer accordingly)

• Method of business (hourly or daily rates, whether or not you will sell bike-related merchandise, policies concerning damage caused, etc.)

• More profits (consider extra services, like bike sales and repairs; if in a tourist place, offer tour guides)

• Name of your business (what's there in the name? Your brand, logo, website, etc.)

Step 2
Tax – 'Pay for doing the right thing!'
Register for taxes; your small business will be taxed depending upon your business structure (e.g., LLC or Sole Proprietorship.)

Step 3
Bank accounts and credit cards – 'Start your financial journey!'
A business bank account separates your assets from your company's assets. Similarly, getting a business credit card will help you separate your business and personal expenses, and it builds your company's credit history, allowing you to acquire your investments later.

Step 4
Daily cash flow and expenses – 'Maintain a proper business account!'
Keeping track of various expenses and income is crucial to understand financial performance. It also simplifies the tax filing for you. Carefully manage the cash flow, make all entries and maintain a daily account sheet.

Step 5
Legal requirements – ‘Keep the books clean!’
Get your company’s name registered, obtain GST, PAN card, trademark certificate, and other prerequisite licenses and permits to avoid any fines or legal issues in the future.

Step 6
Insurance – 'Keep your umbrellas ready before it rains!'
Similarly, for your firm's financial security, it is necessary to get the right business insurance. There are several types of insurance policies designed to cover different risks. For the growth of a bike rental business, the security of bikes makes a huge difference. With the rising operation cost of the bike rental business, having robust bike insurance plans helps you overcome financial risks related to your bikes.

Step 7
Move online – 'Make the internet your new market!'
Maintaining a good website and the social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram will help your business to grow with more user engagement. In addition, you can flash special offers, exclusive deals, trade merchandise as a part of your marketing strategy to draw more sales.

For running a bike rental business, you need to have mechanical skills or hire at least one full-time mechanic. Remember, a nonoperating bike won't earn you any money. Also, a significant amount of your customers can be tourists, so you should be well acquainted with the location to build a good customer relationship. Follow your passion and work in the direction of making your vision a reality with this quick guide.

Are you starting a new bike rental business? Click HERE to buy insurance that will ensure the safety of your bikes.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Eleven good habits every two-wheeler rider should follow

The two-wheeler segment is considered the most convenient mode of commutation in our country. It is believed that 'life is better on two wheels.' With a couple of benefits like fuel efficiency, compact design, and budget-friendliness, two-wheelers are people's personal favourite to withstand the fast pace of life. From youths to retirees, you will find a large Indian population riding two-wheelers.

Despite many worthy features, two-wheelers elevate the risk involved in riding them. No matter how good your driving skills are, you can't deny the risks involved with two-wheelers. Unfortunately, people tend to overlook it while riding two-wheelers. Following traffic and safety rules is essential even if you have many years of experience under your belt. In addition, pursue another good habit of renewing your 2 WHEELER INSURANCE to ensure security in case of mishaps.

We bring these eleven good habits every rider should consider:

1. Start your two-wheeler only after wearing the helmet. It is unlawful and dangerous to ride a two-wheeler or a bike without wearing a proper helmet. The helmet should be ISI certified and of the best fit.

2. Always go for a bike that you can comfortably ride and control. Choose one that is appropriate for your physical capabilities, low maintenance, and compliments your budget.

3. Overtaking a vehicle from the left is always the wrong decision you'd ever make. Stay away from overtaking at intersections, schools and public zones, bridges. Honk before you take a turn.

4. The rider must be visible to other vehicles during the night and extreme weather conditions like fog. Stick reflective bands on the helmet, use dipper lights appropriately, especially when riding at night.

5. Riders must be cautious of their proximity to the vehicles ahead of them. Understand the distance required to go to a complete halt and brake correspondingly.

6. Maintain your motorcycle or scooter in excellent working condition and get regular servicing at an authorized workshop or service centre.

7. Always look out and be aware of potential dangers such as speed bumps, potholes, environmental disasters, and pedestrian crosswalks.

8. Obey all traffic rules religiously. Always signal first so that others can anticipate your next action. Make sure you don't slam on the brakes or make sharp bends suddenly.

9. Using your phone on the bike is a big threat for the rider and the pillion rider. If it is exceptionally urgent, pull over your bike at the side of the road to use your phone.

10. Only because you own a vehicle does not make you superior on the road. Be considerate of pedestrians and allow them to move before you in all situations.

11. In addition, an overall increase in service cost, maintenance fee, or a sudden accident may impact your financial plan. So, prepare for uncertainties in advance with 2 wheeler insurance. 

2 wheeler insurance will not just cover your finances at times of damage but will also provide you with compensation if your two-wheeler is stolen.

Keep the above-mentioned habits in mind and enjoy the pleasure of a bike ride to chase more smiles per hour.

Looking for 2 wheeler insurance, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


With these five tips, you can give your bike tyres a long life

Bikes are the most commonly used vehicle when it comes to riding on India's busy roads. But did you know that your safety relies on one more thing than just your driving skills? Your choice of tyres and how you maintain them are two major factors contributing to a safe and smooth ride.

Still, most of us don't take the health of our bike's tyres very seriously. Tyres suffer a lot while making your riding experience pleasant. Besides this, bike tyres face significant external damage and develop cracks due to constant wear and tear. You cannot afford to leave the tyres unattended because a faulty tyre can be a threat to your life and others around you. Below are the five best tips to increase the life expectancy of your bike's tyres.

1. Wash them regularly:
Cleaning the tyres of your bike is an essential routine that you shouldn't miss. Leaving dirt will expose them to damages, thereby affecting their quality. The dirt racks up on the tyre's surface and affects its grip, which tends the bike to skid on the road. So, next time you go to the washing centre, get the tyres clean and dirt-free thoroughly.

2. Schedule regular repair checks:
Your bike runs over any sharp object like a nail or edgy stones on the road. With time, tyres also meet with alignment and wheel balancing issues. This happens due to extensive riding and wear and tear of treads or grooves. Get these issues fixed at the earliest, as otherwise, such things can damage the tyres inside out.

3. Get the best fit:
Sometimes we opt for fancy or trendy tyres and don't pay heed to the actual requirement. Always look out for the best fitting and necessity of your bike and its model. Mismatching tyres is never a good option – neither for your bike nor for you.

4. Timely replacement of tyres:
Tyres don't come with a lifelong guarantee. Ideally, they need to be changed every 4-5 years, or the kilometres you cover, depending on your bike's specifications. Due to resisting the friction continuously, tyres tend to lose their grip. Taking out your motorcycle with such tyres on the road is dangerous, especially on uneven roads or during the rainy season. So, timely replacing of tyres is required before the situation gets uncontrollable.

5. Check for ideal pressure:
Refer to the user manual of your bike to know the perfect pressure of the tyre and maintain it consistently. Don't forget the essential maintenance of air filling and oiling the engine. Riding under less pressured tyres is risky as there are chances of bursting or unexpected puncturing.

Your bike is your responsibility, and keeping it in good shape will give it an extended life. Moreover, regular maintenance to your bike and tyres promises comfortable and safe rides to you. Along with good care, buying suitable BIKE INSURANCE also counts as a wise step. Bike insurance comes with plenty of benefits that can help you as an owner during unfortunate incidents like accidents, theft, or damages due to calamities.

Click HERE to buy or renew your bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why seat belt for the rear seat is equally important

A seat belt is one of the necessary safety items that come with the car. But we often avoid wearing a seatbelt on the rear seat. It is important to understand that as per the Section 138 (3) of the Central Motor Vehicles, seat belts are compulsory for the rear seat passengers as well. However, most rear seat occupants give it a miss because of the lack of awareness and relaxed law enforcement.

The automotive industry experts researched that passengers tend to suffer collisions when a car meets an accident. A seat belt protects the passengers from undesirable forward motion during sudden brakes or crashes. Hence, it prevents critical harm to the life of passengers on the rear seat.

Remember, the rear seatbelts are not decorative accessories; they are installed for a reason. And, in case you are not wearing a seatbelt, your motor insurance company can also object to your claim for damages to your car.

Let's understand the reasons why a seat belt is equally important for the rear seat.

1. Avoid severe injuries:
We might think that sitting on the rear seat is safe, but that's not true. During accidents, the rear seat passenger might get badly injured. Injuries on prime parts of the body like the spine, head, abdominal can be life-threatening. To save yourself from this, make sure that you wear the seat belt correctly. Unfortunately, some cars have installed only lap seat belts, which are not entirely secure. Three-point seat belts are a better option, which have shoulder and lap belts to support the passengers' chest, shoulder, and pelvis.

2. Reason to be penalized:
In 1988, the government enforced an act to consolidate and amend motor vehicles, known as the MV act. According to this safety rule, if passengers are caught with unbuckled seat belts, they are liable to pay a fine for traffic safety violations.

3. A threat to the passengers in front seats:
Studies show that, in many cases, unbuckled rear passengers tend to collide with the front seat and push the front seater into the steering wheel or dashboard. It might damage airbags, and even passengers may strike with or fly out of the windscreen too. So, not wearing seat belts at the rear seats can be life-threatening for those sitting in the front.

Seat belts reduce the secondary danger impacts. It works as resistance for the passengers by holding them in position, such that airbags can work efficiently

Every individual should hold themselves accountable for spreading awareness about the necessity of wearing seat belts during car journeys. Especially when you are travelling with kids, you need to be extra cautious. Check if your children are correctly seated and have their seat belts fastened.

On a conclusive note, never undervalue the use of seat belts. From driving to a grocery store in your neighbourhood to long-distance drives, you must fasten the seat belt at all times. Driving is meant to provide you convenience and comfort, so make a habit of following safe practices such as wearing a seatbelt. Follow the traffic rules, buckle your seat belt, and keep your life, car, money and motor insurance company record safe.

Click HERE to buy/renew your car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Vaccinated? Why do you still need to build your immunity

The vaccination drive is in full swing in India, and the government is trying to vaccinate the entire country before the year-end. But, once vaccinated, do you still need to focus on building your immunity? Absolutely yes! Medical authorities, wellbeing experts, and health insurance companies encourage people to continue wearing masks, maintaining physical distance and sanitizing hands. In addition to it, you should also focus on nutrition and a healthy diet to continue building immunity. And here are a few reasons why you still need to build your immunity even after getting both vaccine doses.

1. New virus variant:
In December 2020, the media reported the first variant of covid-19. Since then, many new variants have been identified in regular researches done by scientists. So the question arises, will the COVID-19 vaccine be effective on the new variants? Laboratory studies suggest that current vaccines may help reduce the severity but might not provide complete immunity against these new variants. Meaning you have a chance of contracting any of the virus variants. The best way to prevent this is to keep following the coronavirus safety precautions and focus on developing your immune system.

2. Not 100% effective:
So, will the country be safe and covid free once everyone is vaccinated? Few vaccines have a high rate of success in preventing the illness or reducing the severity of it. It is a fact that vaccines cannot be hundred percent effective against the virus on an entire population. The clinical trials of various vaccines show 90-95% efficacy, indicating that the vaccine reduces your chance of contracting COVID-19. There have been instances of people getting detected with the COVID-19 virus after getting both doses. Therefore, vaccinated people still need to follow safety protocols. The vaccine prevents the severity of disease, reducing the possibility of being hospitalized. Having high immunity further improves your chances to fight against the COVID-19 virus.

3. Other diseases:
Your immunity helps to fight any harmful substances, germs and viruses entering the body. So your immune system allows the body to fight microbes and acts as the first wall of defence in your body, not just when the coronavirus is concerned. Therefore, to not contract any disease, you must take measures to boost your immune system.

4. Protecting the community:
The only way to end the COVID-19 pandemic is to reach the state of herd immunity. Herd immunity is a situation where a massive section of a population gets immunity against a disease. As a result, the whole community is under protection from the disease, not just the few who are immune. Even if you are vaccinated and might be safe from a severe illness due to coronavirus, the people around you aren't, so you are responsible for keeping them safe too.

While it is inevitable that vaccines protect you against the severity of COVID-19, you must still build your immunity, follow COVID-19 protocols, and have good health insurance to be financially and physically prepared for any medical conditions or diseases coming your way.

Are you concerned about the medical bills during a pandemic? Click HERE to know about the health insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Eight safety measures that need to be followed at a construction site

In the developing world, with growth comes the need for constant construction of infrastructure. But construction projects at the cost of human life can be risky for any developer. Just like any other office, a safe environment is required at a construction site too. Safety rules serve a purpose at construction sites. Still, every year, many fatal accidents occur at construction sites.

So, how do we secure a safe construction site for everyone? In this article, we have put together eight safety measures that need to be followed at a construction site.

1. Check your tools and equipment:
Examine all the tools and equipment that you often use. Check them all before starting to work and ensure that they don’t need repair work. Even a slight fault can cost massive damage when operating them.

2. Training is the key:
The company’s responsibility is to hire trained and qualified workforce for working at a construction site. Even though most people learn things during the job, safety is a skill that is better to know before starting the job. Regular instructions and safety drills should be given to the workers and everyone to be adequately trained on security procedures.

3. Proper supervision can be a guiding hand:
Every construction site should appoint a person capable of enforcing discipline and proper safety standards with no exceptions. The supervisor should be responsible for checking on every person present on-site and also check if the safety protocols are correctly followed or not.

4. Proper signs to stay alert:
There are multiple possible hazards at a construction site for the workers and others. Therefore, it is necessary to caution people of potential dangers like the falling of heavy objects or the presence of gas or chemicals. Signs and posters are the most effective and affordable way of reducing accidents by making people alert when they are close to the site.

5. Communicate regularly on safety:
Communication is not confined just among the selected group of employees. The employer is also responsible for talking to the workers about safety or taking all precautions to avoid accidents. Often minor occurrences of miscommunications lead to severe accidents. So, it is crucial to ensure proper and clear communication on safety rules at the construction site by the authorities.

6. Be careful about the scaffolding:
When erecting scaffolding, ensure that every worker has enough training on creating scaffolding and working on it. It should be constructed firmly on the ground with the support of solid footing to avoid it from collapsing.

7. Beware of surroundings when using heavy equipment:
Caught in between and run-over accidents are the most common occurrences at a construction site. Therefore, stay away from blind spots of any heavy equipment. Always maintain a safe distance while working on heavy equipment.

8. PPE:
Provide personal protective equipment to every worker. Ask them to wear a reflected vest, safety goggles, head and fall protection gear, and safety gloves at all times. The safety of workers should be taken care of at all levels because they are the ones who face the maximum risk of getting injured.

To avoid any casualties, provide a set of safety rules for everyone to follow. But still, unfortunate accidents can happen, and there is a need for extra prosecution. So, another step that construction companies oblige is to buy 'public liability insurance India.' This insurance offers cover for third-party liabilities that adds to an extra layer of protection.

Click HERE to get the best deals on public liability insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Do helmets really save lives? Here's proof

Section 129 of the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 makes it mandatory for two-wheeler riders to wear safety helmets. According to the law, the helmet must also have a thickness of 20-25 mm and be made of high-quality foam. It should also be ISI-certified and adhere to the Bureau of Indian Standards.

Now the question you ask: Do helmets save lives?
According to recent research published by the United Nations, at least four out of every ten motorcyclists killed in road accidents might be spared if they wore proper helmets. The UN Motorcycle Helmet Study further points out that two-wheelers are one of the most dangerous modes of transportation, stating, "Motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die in a traffic collision than drivers of passenger vehicles. Wearing a proper helmet increases motorcyclists' chances of survival by 42 percent and prevents almost 70 percent of injuries."

In India itself, effective helmet use can save at least 15,000 motorcyclists in India each year. The traffic discipline on Indian roads is annoying to most good commuters. Even though you follow all the rules, lack of lane discipline, over speeding and jumping the red signal light by the defaulters around you cause a higher risk of accidents. So while you are cautious on the road, getting an extra layer of bike insurance protection is always recommended. If you haven't bought one, purchase bike insurance online for your vehicle to remain extra safe on uncertain roads.

Why don't riders wear helmets?
Despite these facts, people neglect to wear a helmet citing the many excuses such as; heaviness of it, narrowing view, neck pain, or hair loss because of it. But they should understand that the advantages surpass the disadvantages in these cases. Some individuals avoid wearing helmets in their community by lanes, but they fail to realize that accidents do not always happen at high speeds. People have died from severe head injuries after falling off a two-wheeler at low speed. Furthermore, several incidents have occurred when bikers met with accidents due to potholes on the roads. Also remember, not everyone travels at 20-25 kph.

Quick tips before you buy a helmet?
By now, you've probably recognized that wearing a helmet is an essential part of your safety routine. So here are recommendations to help you to get the appropriate helmet:

• When purchasing a helmet, look for one that has the ISI mark on it.

• The ISI marking on a famous helmet brand assures that it can withstand the forces generated by accident and protect your head from damage.

• Only buy helmets from well-known manufacturers.

• The helmet's fit is essential, so get a helmet that fits your head tightly

• Ensure the protective padding within the helmet, which absorbs the power of an impact.

With a good helmet, a good bike insurance plan is what you also need to have. You can go for bike insurance online and select the best one with an attractive premium and features. You always look fabulous on the bike, but safety comes first. So, be cool, wear your helmet!

To view the best bike insurance online, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.