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Ten best tips to glide through traffic with safety 20th November 2021

No one likes to be caught in traffic for hours. But let’s face it, it isn't easy to find our way without any traffic jams on the route. We can't blame the number of vehicles plying on the road solely, but our driving habits as well cause the heavy traffic jams. Almost every driver wants to get through traffic as quickly as possible, which is not always accurate and time saver.

It’s all too easy to give in to the temptation of switching to a lane that appears free from traffic. But if you think of it, will changing lanes constantly get you any closer to your destination? Or is it all just psychological to be thinking that the lane is always faster on the other side?

Following are the top ten tips to get through traffic keeping in mind the safety and rules.

1. Plan beforehand:

Plan your trip keeping in mind weather conditions, road construction, seasons and festivals, and the peak hours.

2. Keep your cool:

Getting frustrated while driving can lead to aggressive and reckless behaviour. This can hinder your mental state and make you lose your focus while driving, thereby endangering everyone on the road.

3. Reduce your speed:

Now naturally, in the middle of the traffic, you would not get a chance to drive speedily. Yet, some drivers habitually try to speed up to make up for a lost time, resulting in a crash.

4. Do not swerve through lanes or attempt to get ahead of traffic:

Other drivers may change lanes as you approach as they can’t foresee what you’re up to and vice versa. So, staying in one lane and abiding by the lane discipline is essential and the safest option.

5. Use indicators:

While weaving in and out of lanes is not advisable, it is occasionally required. Doing so with indicators will let people know what you’re doing, keep you safe, and make it easier for you if a vehicle enables you to pass them.

6. Remove all sources of distraction:

Always keep your eyes on the road. This is especially critical while travelling in congested areas. It doesn’t make driving less dangerous because you’re moving slower.

6. Remove all sources of distraction:

Always keep your eyes on the road. This is especially critical while travelling in congested areas. It doesn’t make driving less dangerous because you’re moving slower.

7. Practice driving proactively:

Just because you’re driving safely doesn’t guarantee everyone else is as well. So, stay alert and make judgments of fellow drivers on the road.

8. Take a break whenever needed:

Pull over to the side of the road and extend your legs while trying to relax.

9. Maintain a safe distance between you and the vehicle ahead of yours:

The ideal gap is said to be 3 seconds. Maintaining a safe buffer distance from vehicles ahead of you is crucial to eliminate the chances of collisions due to sudden braking.

10. Don’t stop and stare:

Turning your head to look at a crowd or a collision that isn’t involving you is a bad idea. Instead, keep an eye on the road ahead of you.

Always keep in mind that arriving at your destination safely is the first goal for all drivers on the road. Unfortunately, a traffic jam may take up most of your time, and delays are unavoidable in many situations. It is nearly impossible to eliminate traffic jams from our lives. But you can surely reduce the impact it might have on you.

Take the road safety measures, follow the above tips and ensure that you have online car insurance are some of the ways to make your driving smoother and stress-free. Remember that choosing trustworthy online car insurance supplements a layer of protection for you and your vehicle on the road against any eventuality.

To look for online car insurance, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
