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These five indoor plants can significantly improve your health 20th November 2021

The past two years have indeed taught us the importance of staying at home and keeping our house and surroundings healthy. Spending most of our time indoors, we naturally miss going out in the fresh air. But, a basic hack to welcome nature to your home and make it feel fresher is to adopt domestic plants.

Many of us prioritize the maintenance and size of a plant while purchasing them for our home but never really look for the benefits they provide. Of course, having ‘trendy’ plants around is a good idea. Still, a beautiful plant that silently works its magic on your health while you go along with your daily routine is even better. Here are the top indoor plants that can help you recover some common health issues;

1. Peace lily:

As beautiful as the name is, the essence of its nature remains unparalleled. These lilies demand no high maintenance and effortlessly add elegance to the room. Apart from its lovely appearance, this plant is known for eliminating hazardous chemicals from the air, such as ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. They even contribute to keeping the environment fresh and relatively humid.

2. Aloe vera:

Nothing makes a kitchen windowsill come alive like this warmth-loving succulent. Being one of the most low-maintenance plants; Aloe vera can do much more than make your skin glow. All you have to do is give it plenty of sunlight and watch out for brown spots on its leaves. The spots are an indication of abundant chemicals present in the air.

3. Philodendrons:

This big-leafed plant has made its mark all over Instagram for its attractive leaves. However, that is not all it offers; Philodendrons are renowned for removing hazardous substances from the air, including xylene and formaldehyde. It doesn’t ask for much attention except for being placed in a low-light and cool spot.

4. Herbs:

Shelter some herbs like Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme for multiple benefits. For example, lavender is well known for its aromatherapy to provide relief from stress. Traditionally, Rosemary has been considered to help people concentrate and sleep better. Whereas, Peppermint can help get rid of bacteria and bugs.

5. Transvaal Daisy:

Commonly known as Gerbera, it has pretty flowers and the capacity to remove benzene from indoor environments. A surprising fact about this plant is that it produces oxygen in tremendous amounts at night, making it the perfect decor for people suffering from lung problems, sleep apnea, and insomnia. Also, NASA recently acknowledged it as the best antioxidant plant.

Just the sense of being around nature can solve more than half of your health disorders, and it is a scientifically proven fact. Having indoor plants not only make your space more beautiful but also offer you many health benefits. Nevertheless, you cannot only rely on your houseplants to keep your health secured. Remember that choosing trustworthy health insurance supplements a layer of protection for your health. So, the next time when you water your indoor plants, consider what they’re giving you in return!

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
