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Importance of personal accident insurance

Accidents are uninvited and can happen to anyone, anytime. There is always a chance of an accident when you are on the road. While you may hardly get an opportunity to stop the accident, you can surely secure your financial condition after the accident. This is when you need personal accident insurance.

Yes, we understand your confusion around the new term! Relax, we have you covered. Let’s begin by simplifying the term for you.

What is Personal Accident Insurance?

The consequence of an accident is uncertain and the financial strain that it puts on your savings can be undefined. Therefore, to ensure the financial security of your entire family over such incidents, opting for Personal Accident Insurance is mandatory.

There are two ways to get personal accident insurance online:

● Group Personal Accident Insurance – Here, the company head, along with the employees, buys insurance. You may get discounts as several people purchase together. It is an excellent option to secure all the employees’ financial support in case of an accident.

● Individual Personal Accident Insurance – You need to apply for it by yourself. You get financial assistance in case of demise, disability, or significant injury that happened due to an accident

Interestingly, the advent of digitalization now makes it easier for applicants to get personal accident insurance online. All you need to do is provide your details to protect your family from uncertain events.

Why is personal accident insurance important?

Accidents can happen anytime. Especially when India’s accident rate is alarming, it is always recommended to have personal accident insurance. It not only secures your treatment after an accident but also provides financial aid to your family. Thus the overall financial stress on the family will reduce if you have insurance.

It helps you to process the documents effortlessly and seamlessly send them to the insurance company. The company completely handles the later procedures. Further, this insurance will provide you financial help and minimize the stress on your income in case of an accident.
Let us look into the advantages of personal accident insurance that make it available and effortless for all:

● Financial Security – You remain tension-free when you have personal accident insurance. You secure your family and ensure your treatment when you have insurance.

● Easy Documentation – Most people think of insurance as a complicated procedure. However, nowadays, the process is simple and can be done in a minute. You need to provide the basic information, and the insurance company will do the rest.

● Online Service – In today's time, the most significant benefit is you can apply for personal accident insurance online Thus, you can quickly minimize paper works and apply it whenever you are free.

● Apply without Medical Test – You need no medical document to apply for personal accident insurance. This makes the procedure more straightforward and more effortless.

● Use Wherever You Need – Personal accident insurance policy allows you to get financial aid regardless of location. You can use the insurance whenever and wherever you come across an accident.

● Get Ambulance Assistance – Having personal accident insurance means you start getting help just after the moment of the accident. Most insurance companies provide ambulance expenses to take the injured to the hospital. Thus, you get complete assistance in case of an accident.

Final Words

There is no substitute for personal accident insurance, and it is incredibly beneficial to secure financial aid during any mishaps. However, while you are navigating through different websites, don't forget to check out the terms and conditions to choose the best insurance option.


Complete look into Affordable Car Insurance Plans

Do you know the most significant factor that drives insurance purchases in India? It is not the services or the goodwill of the service provider but it is the affordability. Affordability matters to the customers in every type of insurances, be it life, personal accident, or as a matter of fact; car insurance. Whether you buy car insurance online or offline, you will always look at affordability

Important factors that affects affordability of the insurance policy:

1. Segment of the car: The segment of your car that you are insuring plays a crucial role in deciding whether the premium will be cheap or expensive. An expensive car is ought to attract costly premiums.

2.Facilities: The number of services you are trying to acquire in the insurance also directly affects the premium. You need to identify what services are highly crucial for you and then take an insurance plan accordingly.

3.Insured Declared Value: The IDV needs to be paid attention to before going for an issuance. The manufacturer’s price minus the depreciation is your IDV. It directly affects your insurance affordability as well.

4.Customization of plans: When you buy car insurance online or offline, there is an option for you to customize your plan. You can customize the services as per your requirements and needs. This mainly affects the plan’s pricing scheme; if you add more services to your plan, then it is obvious that your premium will increase. This directly changes the factor of affordability.

5.No claim bonus also affects affordability: You can receive the no-claim bonus in the next year only if you don’t claim in the current year. Sometimes what happens is that we tend to claim small amounts for our car repairs that lead to lapse of no claim bonus. The main losing factor here is that you lose the significant advantage of NCB in the long term for the petty short term expenses. NCB also affects the resale value of your car because it ultimately depicts the condition of your car.

6.Claim frequency: When providing you with the renewal premium of your car policy, the insurers look at the number of claims made. If the number of claims made is high, the premium amount is going to be high as well. They think that you tend to make claims even for very small repairs. This indirectly affects your affordability.

Wrapping up:

There can never be a fixed list of factors that will affect your plan’s affordability when it comes to insurance. But, you don’t have to worry as good companies will make your task simpler. However, all you need to clearly know is your requirement.

Here’s some highlights to add value to the piece:

● Try insuring your car with the same company that manages your other insurances. This way, you will be entitled to receive a discount.

● If you have more than one car, go for insuring them together as it will unlock bulk

car insurance

at discounted rates.

● Ultimately, drive safely and responsibly!


5 Things to keep in mind While Renewing Your Health Insurance Policy

Health insurance policies provide financial coverage for most of the medical expenses that an insurance holder generates while the policy is in effect. One should always invest in health insurance to get subsidized medical care in times of need or health emergencies.

What to Expect From This Article

Everything you need to know about health insurance in India and policy renewal. Nowadays, renewal happens online. You can now buy a new policy and renew it through the company website. You can also use the internet to get price quotes from different companies and compare which policy offers the maximum value for money. You can compare the features, the sum assured and a host of other benefits provided to choose the policy that fits your criteria and budget the best.

Being Responsible

Most health-related expenses are unexpected, and therefore, it is crucial to have a financial cover during such adverse time. A health insurance policy is supposed to be renewed periodically for it to be functional. The renewal period is mostly a year.

Characteristics of a Good Health Insurance Policy

Adequate health insurance ideally covers all possible medical expenses. Health insurance comes in various versions. Depending upon what kind of policy you have, you can avail different types of medical costs ranging from surgeries to post-hospitalization care.

Interestingly, some companies also allow policyholders to add other options to customize the policy and make it even better suited to their needs.

Things to keep in mind while renewing your policy

Health insurance in India has an annual renewal period. Following are the five most important things to keep in mind while periodically renewing your health insurance policy:

1. Re-examining the health insurance requirements

2. Scrutinizing for any changes in the health insurance policy and its terms and conditions

3. Changing the insurance provider (if required) under the portability clause

4. Mentioning any new illnesses or allergies

5. Checking to see if a top-up plan is required

Let us now look at these requirements in detail:

  • Re-examining the health insurance requirements

While renewing your health insurance policy, you must review the requirements to see if anything has changed. You should repeat the reviewing process for yourself and your family and make sure to stay on top of everything. This is necessary in the case of expanding families (childbirth) or the addition of a disease. This process also becomes necessary when you are changing jobs since a change in jobs entails a change in health insurance coverage.

  • Scrutinizing for any changes in the health insurance policy and its terms and conditions:

Many changes could come about in the company policy and standard terms and conditions within a year. The policyholders are usually made aware of these changes through notices. It is necessary, therefore, to read all the notices before policy renewal.

  • Changing the insurance provider (if required) under the portability clause:

If you feel dissatisfied with your current policy providers, you could always change your service provider under the Insurance Regulator and Development Authority (IRDA) provisions. This clause ensures a seamless shift to another insurance provider should you require it.

It is a useful clause since the process of changing occurs without losing any benefits. However, it is important to keep in mind that this change can only occur during the period of renewal. Further, it requires a 45-day notice to be reviewed by your existing insurance provider, to effectively make the changes.

  • Mentioning any new illnesses or allergies:

Make sure you disclose all illness-related details at the time of renewal, to get appropriate medical claims.

  • Checking to see if a top-up plan is required:

This move takes into account future health-based needs.


While your Health Insurance, policy has you covered over medical expenses, don’t forget to keep up with an active lifestyle. Remember, your insurance policy is just a tool to cover your costs in a critical situation but preventing such situation itself depends completely on how much you care about your health.


6 things that affect Your Car Insurance Premium

Accidents are uncertain and can come uninvited, leaving behind an inevitable financial loss. Thanks to tools like car insurance, it becomes easier for us to safeguard our vehicle from such unforeseen circumstances. Car insurance covers repairs, damages, third-party liabilities, and other kinds of coverages related to your vehicles.

While multiple car insurance companies in the market will promise you premium services, you need to understand the factors that weigh-in for an ideal product. Yes, numerous companies offer multiple benefits; but not all services might be useful for your car. Further, availing of such benefits could cost you extra premium. Therefore, you must understand the factors that need to be weighed before buying a private car insurance in India.

Following are some of those factors:

1. Type of cover:

There are mainly two types of car insurance namely comprehensive plans and third-party insurance. In comprehensive plans, both, the insured vehicles’ damages, repairs, or anything else that may arise due to any unforeseen circumstances and also the third party liabilities will be covered. In third-party insurance, only the third-party liabilities and damages will be covered. Thus, a comprehensive plan for private car insurance in India attracts more insurance premium as compared to third-party insurance.

2. Safety features present in your vehicle:

What the insurers look for is the safety mechanism installed in your car. Safety equipment like air-bag, GPS, alarms, central lock, etc. If you have installed a suitable safety mechanism, your premium rates will be less and vice versa. The rationale behind this is that the insurers believe the safer the car, the lesser the chances of mishap. A good safety toolkit installed will be greatly beneficial for you in terms of buying an insurance plan.

3. Geographical orientation:

The kind of terrain you reside in has a major impact on your premium. If you live in risky terrain where there are more chances of accidents, your premium will be high because of the attached risk and lower in case of lower risk.

4. Type of powertrain:

If your car has a diesel engine, then the premium will be high because of the higher prices of diesel vehicles. The factor of Insured Declared Value comes into play here. It means the pricing of your car in the market during the purchase of your car. You will notice that the premium segment cars have higher premiums than their less luxurious counterparts, which might be due to the same principle.

5. Deductibles and Limits:

Your policy’s limit is the maximum amount paid towards the covered loss against your premium amount. Typically, individual coverage has its own limit, allowing you to customize it according to your needs. Further, the more coverage you opt, the more premium you pay.

6. Your Profession:

Interestingly, your profession also has a part to play in your insurance premium. If you are involved in a profession that requires regular usage of your vehicle, chances are that you will have to pay a higher premium. The reason being that here the vehicle depreciates at a faster rate when compared to the other cars covered under a policy.

Final Words

It doesn’t matter whether you Buy Car Insurance Online or offline. What matters is that you look into these factors before purchasing it. Remember, the factors mentioned above are some primary reasons that affect your premium. There can be other numerous factors and not all of them can be estimated. Thus, it is always in your favor to buy insurance only after comparing the benefits from a host of insurers available in the market.


Benefits of Long Term Two Wheeler Insurance Plan


Do you own a two-wheeler? Do you use it frequently? Do you commute every day to get to work using your two-wheeler? If yes, then this article is meant specifically for you. Keeping in mind the rise in the rate of road accidents, the Indian government has introduced a clause in the motor vehicle act that necessitates third-party motor insurance for every two-wheeler owner.

Implementation of the Motor Vehicle Act

This is a welcome step in the right direction. Its implementation, however, is dismal. According to studies conducted by various insurance organizations, 60 percent of two-wheelers in India are not insured. It means that 60 percent of Indian two-wheeler owners face substantial financial risk, every time they use their vehicle.

Supreme Court Mandate

The Supreme Court has also made it mandatory for the two-wheeler owners to have a 5-year insurance plan for new vehicles. The existing owners, however, should also get their vehicles insured, given the immense risk. Two-wheeler insurance in India

 is a service that provides several benefits to policyholders. Some of the benefits will be explained in the course of this article. The Supreme Court’s mandate only states a 5-year plan. We advise you to invest in long-term two-wheeler insurance so that you receive the maximum benefits while minimizing financial risk.

The Need for a Long Term Vehicle Insurance

Since insurance for new two-wheelers has become mandatory, people have started to buy yearly plans just for the sake of avoiding hefty fines by the traffic police. They usually forget about it after the policy period’s termination and do not renew it, owing to the immense paperwork.

In such cases, if your vehicle sustains severe damages, there will be no help from your insurance company. Long-term insurance, in this case, would’ve had less paperwork, same premium, and would provide damage cover. Two Wheeler Insurance in India is fairly new. It is important, therefore, to understand how a basic two-wheeler insurance policy works.

Types of Two-Wheeler Insurance Policies

Most two-wheeler insurance policies are of two types, namely:

● Third-party insurance also known as liability-only policy

● The comprehensive two-wheeler insurance plan also known as package policy

Third-party insurance or a liability-only policy covers costs in case of a liability to the third party’s property or life. It covers cases of death or injuries but damages to the vehicle are not covered. In a comprehensive two-wheeler insurance plan, vehicular damage and liability to the body and life of the third party are also covered.

Benefits of Long Term Two Wheeler Vehicle Insurance

  • Savings on premiums
  • No policy renewal
  • No early policy expiration
  • Accumulation of the No Claim Bonus (NCB)
  • No hassle of Break-in policies
  • Option of policy termination at any time

Let us look at some of these benefits in detail:

  • Savings on premiums: The IRDAI regulates long-term third-party two-wheeler insurance premium rates. The insurance premiums are capped at a fixed rate if the plan purchased is a long-term plan. A regulated premium rate means spending less on insurance along with maximum benefits. Great, isn’t it!
  • No policy renewal: Insurance renewal happens annually. It is required for the policy to be valid. Most people find it inconvenient and let their policies lapse due to this. In case of a long-term plan, online modes of renewal are hassle-free, quick, and can be completed within minutes. Moreover, long-term insurance only has one-time paperwork, and you do not have to continually think about the tedious renewal process.
  • No early policy expiration: A long-term policy, as the name indicates, remains in force for several years and does not expire early. So, even if you have forgotten about it, the chances are that it is still pretty much valid and functioning. It also saves you from committing an offense (riding without valid insurance is a punishable offense).
  • Accumulation of the No Claim Bonus (NCB): NCB accumulation enables you to get discounted rates on premiums if you haven’t filed any claims in the past year.


Different types of insurance policies serve you differently. However, when you opt for long term insurance policies, you are at a better chance of receiving a lump sum discount and several other added benefits, when compared to short-term policies. Select wisely!


Benefits of Buying a Comprehensive Motor Insurance Policy

Why do you need comprehensive motor insurance even after having third-party insurance cover? What is the significance of having motor insurance from a motor insurance company in India? You might be wondering about the facilities being provided by an insurance company. Yes, there will be a variety of more such questions around comprehensive policy in your mind. Well, this piece is your one-stop solution to all those questions. Let’s get started.

What is a Comprehensive Policy?

A comprehensive motor insurance policy assists the insured person in case of accident or any third-party damage. It handles all the damage done to the vehicle due to an accident. However, you will have to renew the insurance policy timely to ensure the vehicle’s security. A motor insurance company in India provides full assistance to the insured person and the third-party.

To assure that your vehicle is risk-free and would get enough repairing facilities, India’s motor insurance companies offers various deals. Motor insurance would keep your vehicle secured and help you repair the damage in case of an accident, if you purchase one.

Now, let’s have a look at all the Primary Services that a motor insurance company in India has to offer:

  • Damage caused by an accident.
  • In case of theft or burglary, the insurance company will help you out. It will provide all possible instructions to minimize the loss and get back the asset.
  • If your car gets damaged due to any fire accident, explosion, or self-ignition, the insurance company will help you repair the damaged car.
  • Suppose someone attacks your vehicle or you come across any terrorist activity due to which your vehicle gets damaged. In that case, the insurance company will help you get the car repaired.
  • The insurance company compensates any damage caused due to a natural calamity.
  • If you get injured in an accident and need medical assistance, the insurance company will cover the medical costs but for an extra premium.
  • Any third-party damage and injury are also covered in a motor insurance policy. Thus, any damage to a third-party is also compensated by the insurance company.

Benefits of Owning a Comprehensive Motor Insurance Policy:

  • You’ll be entitled to a no-claim bonus: Get a no-claim bonus at the end of the year if you don't claim any insurance within the year. It is a reward to the clients for driving safely and responsibly and avoiding an accident. The bonus amount is deducted from the renewal fee that clients need to pay each year.
  • Discounts become easy: You can obtain discounts on the comprehensive Car Insurance price if you own a motor insurance policy.
  • Get it online: You can easily apply and buy a motor insurance policy online. This makes insurance available and accessible for all.
  • You can go cashless and claim a cashless service: This makes the entire procedure smoother for the clients. You can claim insurance from anywhere at any time.
  • Receive your claims over a few steps: Policy documentation is super-fast and convenient in the era of digital media. You can process all the information and documents in less time with less efforts. The systems are now updated and user-friendly to make motor insurance available for all.
  • Real-time customer support: The best thing about the insurance by a motor insurance company in India
     is that it offers 24x7 support to the clients. Since an accident can happen anytime, anywhere, companies remain available round the clock for the clients.


Remember, almost all the losses are covered under a motor insurance policy. These services are very crucial when you face an accident. All these facilities come under motor insurance. It is therefore evident how vital motor insurance is for vehicle owners to secure their assets during a mishap.


Complete Guide for Buying a New Bike Insurance

Bikes are the most popular modes of transport on local roads. It is the best option for daily commuting to your workplace. Owning a two-wheeler comes with its own set of responsibilities. Two-wheelers are susceptible to high risks, which could sometimes be fatal. So, having two-wheeler insurance should be your priority after getting a bike.

It is necessary for you to get the right insurance for your bike to get instant claims and avoid hefty premiums. Factors such as mileage, price, and bike design contribute to what the premium amount of your insurance would be. The appropriate insurance for your bike is the one that is comprehensive and has a few add-on coverages to compensate for any unavoidable future situations.

Tips to Choose the Right Two-Wheeler Insurance:

1. Go for a Reputed Insurance Provider:

Choosing a well-known and trustworthy insurance company is the key to have a stress-free future. First, you need to make a list of the top-most insurance providers. After which, you need to research thoroughly and find the claim settlement ratios for each insurance company. You must also find out about each of the provider’s claim settlement processes. Finally, based on your research, you can choose the insurance provider with a record of smooth and easy claim settlements.

2. Coverage Requirement:

Usually, third-party coverage is enough for a decently-priced bike. But if you have got a high end model, you can also go for comprehensive coverage. All you need to know is about your requirements and the liabilities you have. You should also know how much you are willing to pay for the premium amount. Based on your preferences, you can choose the right amount of coverage.

3. Premium Amount:

As you might have found out by now, your insurance premium depends on several factors such as mileage, price, and design. The engine capacity of your bike also influences the premium amount. The premium amount is always high for those two-wheelers with a higher cubic capacity than those with a comparatively low one.

4. Know about Insured Declared Value (IDV):

IDV is simply known as the current market value of a given vehicle. It is the maximum amount of sum insured fixed when purchasing an insurance policy and the possible amount to be paid in case of complete loss of vehicle or theft. As depreciation increases with age, the value of IDV decreases. As a result, the premium amount will also begin to decrease every year. You must understand all the factors involved in IDV very well, as IDV decides the premium of your bike insurance.

5. Benefits of No-Claim Bonus (NCB):

You can Buy Two Wheeler Insurance Online after comparing the insurers and the benefits provided by them thoroughly. NCB is known as the discount made on your premium amount if you have not made a single claim during a year. It is almost like a reward for two-wheeler owners for maintaining safety on the road. These discounts can help you spend a lot less on your coverage than was previously expected.

6. Compare Insurance Companies Online:

Nowadays, you can apply for two-wheeler insurance sitting at the comfort of your home. To buy two wheeler insurance online, all you need to do is to look at the list of insurance providers available in your country. You can compare a policy based on the premium amount, inclusions, exclusions, and the number of coverages provided. Lastly, choose a policy that ticks all your criteria and is the most appropriate coverage for your bike.


No matter how much we plan, we are never ready for any uncertainties that life brings. So, it is better to have precautions in place rather than finding a cure later. There is always some risk involved while riding a bike. Thus, getting your bike insured will help you conserve your savings during uncertainties.


All You Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines strengthen our immune system, and help it recognize and combat the coronavirus. The type and frequency of doses vary for different vaccines, however, beneficiaries are advised to take two shots of vaccines currently available in the country. Post vaccination, it generally takes a minimum of two weeks for anyone to build immunity against the virus.

Key Information and COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory:

  • From 1st April 2021, all individuals over the age of 45 (irrespective of co-morbidities or pre-medical conditions) are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Beneficiaries are requested to complete all prescribed doses of the vaccine.
  • As per medical experts, post-vaccination effects (nausea, mild fever being the most common) are normal.
  • Even after vaccination, all safety measures for COVID-19 are to be strictly followed at all times, including social distancing and wearing masks.
  • The duration for which the COVID-19 vaccines are effective and its efficacy against the new strains of the virus is still unknown. Hence, it is absolutely essential to not let our guards down.
  • We urge you to not be misled by fake vaccine marketing / promotions, as it is not available in open markets yet.
  • Do not attend a vaccination appointment if you are self-isolating, or awaiting COVID-19 test results, or are unwell.
  • Research efforts are ongoing for knowing how many people should get vaccinated to attain herd immunity (which means enough people being vaccinated making it tough for coronavirus to spread from person to person). Hence, rumors about herd immunity being already attained, should strictly be ignored.
  • To know more about the vaccines, please download the CoWIN App, or log on to You can also visit the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) website ( for regular updates about COVID-19.
  • For any queries, call the Government helpline number 1075 or +91 11-23978046.

Cost and Availability of COVID-19 Vaccine:

  • Vaccines are available at different government hospitals for free and at private hospitals at a price of INR 250 per dose.
  • The COVID-19 vaccination providers cannot deny any individual above the age of 45 to get themselves vaccinated, except for reasons best known to medical practitioners.
  • The government is currently working on making the vaccines widely available for everyone at no cost in the coming months.

Explore these five popular street food tours in India

Several factors need to be considered while finalising your holiday destination. You need to think about the budget, hotels, amenities, safety, etc. But one of the essential elements which determine your vacation destination is food.

Street food has a huge fandom. People of all ages love the culture of street food and local cuisine. You not only get varieties of food, but street food is quite pocket-friendly and on-the-go. If you are a food enthusiast, then different street food tours in our country will give you an unforgettable gastronomic experience.

In this blog, we will be discussing five popular street food tours in India.

1. Street food crawl in Varanasi:
A food tasting tour of Varanasi's old town helps you explore the food culture, which still hints at the ancient palette of the city's long history. A part of this walking, street food tour is visiting the oldest shop in Kashi and seeing how the most famous delicacies are prepared and tasting them after a quick demonstration.

2. Food and Heritage walk in Old Delhi:
While New Delhi has seen fast-paced growth and development and is still advancing with time, Old Delhi holds the culture together and keeps it alive. It brings the generations together with heritage and food.
Mixing heritage walk with food in Old Delhi immerse you in the places from cultural depths and taste the local cuisines that carry the original flavours from the legacies of the Mughal Dynasty. Old Delhi is a tasty retreat especially for non-veg lovers to enjoy a few unique and mouth-watering delicacies at every stall.

3. The food lanes of Kolkata:
A food tour in Kolkata begins with a bit of street vendors and leads to exploring one spot followed by another. During your time in Kolkata, you will get to taste jumbo prawns in coconut milk curry, onion bhajis, a range of chicken curries, and different varieties of authentic Bengali sweets like rasgulla and cham-cham that will melt your heart.
The tour has the perfect ending- coffee at one of the oldest colonial coffee houses in Kolkata. You can explore many Bengali delicacies and drinks during your exploration of Kolkata food streets.

4. Explore Jaipur food trail:
A food tour of Jaipur offers you the experience of the culture of Jaipur through its food palette. In just a few hours during your trip around Hawa Mahal, you can taste the famous and authentic delicacies of Jaipur. You will get the opportunity to explore the traditional and historical places, eat Rajasthani dishes and shop in the street markets.

5. Eat where locals go in Old Mumbai:
This food adventure in Mumbai gets you to explore three different districts that offer distinct delicacies like curries with crispy papads, Chowpatty's chaat, snacks, kebabs, hand-churned ice creams, and much more. All this food paired with stories about the vibrant Old Bombay will make your visit a memorable one.

After the delicious discussion about these popular street food tours in India, you also need to understand the importance of your safety during the trip. These tours will take you through crowded streets and congested spaces. It would be wise to explore different insurance plans of the best general insurance company to ensure the safety of you and your belongings while travelling.

Click HERE to know more about the general insurance company and the plans that you can invest into.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few car gearbox problems and the ways to resolve them

Having a car helps you manage your personal and professional lives with convenience and independence. While the whole process of purchasing a vehicle can be pretty extensive, it is equally important to take care of your vehicle to maintain its efficiency. Hence, it would be best to get it serviced regularly. Ensure that all the damages are repaired and replaced according to need.

But how do you ensure that your car stays up and running? There are several parts that require regular inspection. One of them is the gearbox. How can you detect and rectify problems with your gearbox? What happens if you don't get them checked by an expert?

This blog will discuss significant pointers about problems and the ways to resolve them.

1. Unexpected noise:
If you feel that your car is shaking, moving roughly, jerking or making grinding noises while operating, this indicates some underlying problem. And if you notice these noises when you shift the gear, it is an issue with the gearbox.

2. Laggy acceleration:
If you notice a slight delay (more than a second) in your vehicle's acceleration while you shift gears, this could suggest a problem with the gearbox. It could also be due to a faulty clutch part that finds it challenging to engage and disengage completely. Get this issue examined by an expert car mechanic to ensure proper repair and maintenance of the gearbox before the situation worsens.

3. Gear slipping:
The gearbox heavily depends on your actions and how you operate it unless it is automatic. Gear slipping is a phenomenon in which the car jerks and the gear shifts back when you accelerate. There are possibilities that it might change into neutral at times. And jumping to neutral gear while in motion can be risky and invite accidents as your car will halt suddenly.

4. Spilling of fuel:
The gearbox of your car is a crucial mechanical component. Since it moves in a rotational pattern, it needs fuel for lubrication. It is likely a transmission fluid leak if you detect bright orange-coloured liquid drops under your car. Get it fixed to avoid the gear from drying out.

5. Smell:
Overheating of the transmission fluid can cause improper gear shifts and a burning smell. Transmission fluid is essential in reducing the heat and cooling down the gearbox components.

Now that we have listed specific gearbox problems to look out for, the next question is how to resolve them. You can monitor the transmission fluid periodically, keep a check on the gears, make sure that the cooling system works efficiently, get your car serviced at regular intervals, drive with care and watch out for the signs we discussed above.

Another way to ensure that your car stays in good shape is to get it insured against unprecedented damages. You can safeguard your vehicle by purchasing the best car insurance in India and be relieved from the monetary stress involved in car maintenance and repair.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips to change your bike's engine oil

No experience in life can compare to the adrenaline rush of riding a motorcycle. However, it is crucial to note the importance of maintaining your two-wheeler. Regularly changing the engine oil in your bike's motor is a vital part of keeping it functioning and operating smoothly. Without frequent oil changes, it overheats, the friction between its internal components increases, and overall performance suffers. As a bike owner, you must ensure that your bike's oil is changed regularly.

Yet another way to keep your bike safe is to cover it against any unexpected incident, such as damage, robbery, loss, or natural calamities, with the help of ideal 2 wheeler insurance.

Here are some important steps to change a bike's engine oil.

1. Start your engine:
It's a lot simpler to replace your oil while your engine is warm, so make sure you run it for at least 30 minutes before starting to change the oil. Remember, do not start a motorcycle and leave it idle. You will face the risk of causing damage to your bike.

2. Removal of old oil:
The next step is to dispose of the leftover oil by gently emptying it into a drain pan. The pipes from which the motorcycle oil is to be unloaded are positioned differently on various models, so be sure about the correct pipe before you begin.
Bend the motorcycle at a 45-degree angle and maintain it there for a few minutes. With a wrench, release the drain bolt and allow the oil to drain. Don't stop until you are confident there is no more oil left inside.

3. Install a new oil filter:
Be cautious while removing the old oil filter since there may be some spills. Before changing it, apply a little fresh oil to the new filter. This will guarantee that it runs smoothly into the engine and is readily withdrawn during the new oil filter replacement. Screw-in the fresh oil filter by hand, and be careful not to over tighten it.

4. Fill in the fresh motor oil:
Using the repair instructions manual that comes with your bike, measure out the exact quantity of oil required in a beaker. Remove the engine oil valve nut and insert a funnel to help the oil flow. Then, add the carefully measured oil to the engine.
Start the engine without revving it and let the fresh oil flow. With the completion of this step, you have successfully finished the procedure of changing the engine oil of your bike.

5. Finishing adjustments:
There are still some things remaining after the procedure. Ensure that there are no leaks and double-check all the bolts to assure they are snug. Wipe off any residual oil from the bike's surface using a cloth.

Bike owners have a close affection for their two-wheelers. As a result, they are not hesitant to get their hands dirty if it means keeping their bike in top condition. While an oil change ensures more remarkable performance, it does not protect from external causes or physical damages. Hence, responsible bike owners must invest in 2 wheeler insurance for the assured safety of their bike and good financial coverage if they incur loss due to accident or theft.

Click HERE to buy two-wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips for installing an audio system in your car

We all love good music, especially while driving around or travelling long distances. The music system has become an essential factor associated with the purchase of cars. Vehicles today come with fancy sound systems, and their features differ with the price range and models.

The sound system has evolved massively over time. The type of speakers, the sound they produce, and different settings are now being provided in all kinds of cars. The modern intelligent and hands-free voice-enabled audio systems have raised car owners' bar.

In this blog, we will discuss the audio setup for your vehicle and a few tips for installing an audio system.

1. Stereo:
You need to figure out the stereo you are looking for. List all your expectations from the one you want to install. It could include multiple features like touchscreen, playback (video), navigation, etc. You can purchase a stereo (aftermarket) and get it installed by an expert technician to ensure that the wires are not altered, and the warranty doesn’t void.

2. Speaker:
Your current speakers might lack treble bass and dull the vocals. You can resolve this issue by getting a new speaker according to your needs. There are component speakers with two-way or three-way components.
The two-way speakers produce mid-low bass and vocals frequencies, while the three-way component speakers have an additional speaker for middle-range frequencies. You can also pick the full-range speakers, mainly known as the co-axial speakers, for an immersive audio experience.

3. Amplifier:
To achieve loudness from your speakers, you can add an amplifier to your audio system. It comes in various configurations and power outputs. Some of these configurations are 4/3/2 channels which consist of four-channel amplifiers: these amplifiers power one subwoofer or one subwoofer and two speakers or four speakers. You need to get a component subwoofer if you like loud, thumping bass or sub-bass in the songs.

4. Subwoofer:
The customisable option amongst subwoofers is the component subwoofer. It has a wide range of power ratings and sizes options. Bass tube and bass box subwoofers are preinstalled in tube type and bass box type enclosures. You can directly use them to plug and play.
Another option in this category is the under-seat subwoofer. They focus on bass and space utility as they can be easily installed under your seats, thus freeing up the boot space of your vehicle.

You can use some damping sheets on the doors, windows, floors of your car to lessen the background noise from the roads and reduce the vibration from the doors due to loud volumes. This would amplify the impact of the music.

That’s a wrap on the tips to install an audio system in your car. Adding to this, it would be wise if you refrain from listening to loud music while driving. It may distract you, and an unstable focus on the road can lead to severe mishaps. Along with installing an audio system, consider getting your car insured to safeguard it against damages and stay stress-free monetarily. Invest in suitable private car insurance India and ensure the longevity of your vehicle.

Click HERE to know more about buying private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How early immunisation can help your infant have a healthy life

For more than five decades now, immunisation has saved billions of lives. It's a low-cost, high-impact strategy to safeguard your child's health against various diseases and infections. Immunisation builds the groundwork for a healthy future.

Vaccines are critical in protecting the most vulnerable, such as children and infants. However, one out of every five children in the world is still unvaccinated. Having the highest number of unvaccinated children, India has strengthened its efforts to enhance mass vaccine coverage with mission Indradanush 2.0.

Over the last few decades, healthcare has become increasingly expensive. A health insurance policy can come in handy during costly treatments and hospitalisations. So, look for online health insurance companies to buy a policy to secure your child's future and cover them under seamless benefits. To find out more about immunisation, continue reading this article.

What is immunisation?
Immunisation is the process that protects people against illness caused by microorganism infection (formally called pathogens) by increasing the immunity of the body to combat these infections. A vaccine is a biological substance used for immunisation.

How does immunisation work?
When immunised against a disease, your body treats it as a natural infection. A vaccine contains a microorganism that is introduced into the body in a dead or weakened form. However, your immune system has no way of knowing whether the virus is alive or dead, so it takes it as a red alert and treats it as a threat. As a result, the immune system produces antibodies to attack the virus and eliminate it from the body.
As a result, if you acquire a similar virus in the future, your immunity will be prepared to combat that virus and shield your body against its infection. According to a World Health Organization report, immunisation saves an estimated 2-3 million lives each year (majorly children) by protecting against diphtheria, pneumonia, pertussis (whooping cough), rotavirus, diarrhoea, rubella tetanus, smallpox, polio, mumps, and measles.
Immunisation has eradicated many terrible diseases that massacred people in clusters and tons. Despite this, an estimated 19.5 million infants have not received all immunisations. The need to adequately communicate the health advantages of vaccination and the risks of not immunising children cannot be overstated.

Importance of early immunisation:
Most health experts, researchers, and professional medical organisations strongly recommend immunisation. Vaccines are the most effective steps to prevent infectious diseases.
Vaccine-preventable diseases are known to induce childhood stunting, leading to poor growth, poor adult health, and lower learning ability in children. But, getting your infant vaccinated at the right time can prevent them from having to experience such situations.
Vaccinations are an essential factor in determining your children's health. Shots for children are only effective if they are given on time and according to schedule. They aid in developing children's immune systems, allowing them to grow up healthy and happy. The development of cognitive abilities is also observed after vaccination.

Alongside vaccination, it is essential to buy comprehensive health insurance for your child to secure their health and life further. You may look for online health insurance companies and browse through different plans, compare their premium, and then choose the one that fits all your requirements.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


When should you use the handbrake while operating your car

A handbrake, sometimes known as an emergency brake or e-brake, is vital for your car's safety. We're sure you're well aware of what a handbrake is for: it holds your vehicle from rolling backwards once you've stopped. If you're new to driving, you may be confused about how a handbrake functions and when to use it. Is it only for emergencies or also for parking?

Read ahead for the answers to these questions and much more so that you can take advantage of your vehicle's most vital safety features. Another way to ensure the total safety of your car is to buy car insurance online.

How does a handbrake function?
The handbrake on a vehicle may be mechanical or electrical, based on its age, model, and gearbox. Unlike the footbrake, the handbrake is linked to the rear wheels of your automobile through a steel wire. It serves two purposes. First, it assures that you have a way to stop your car if the hydraulic brake fails. Second, it enables you to press the accelerator pedal while braking, facilitating more sophisticated driving tactics like drifting and flawless hill starts. When applying the handbrake, the metal cable goes through an intermediary gear before arriving at an equaliser, distributing power equally across the brake pads. This will eventually freeze the back wheels and cause the vehicle to come to a stop.

When should you use a handbrake?
It is all too common for inexperienced drivers to misuse their handbrake. For example, never use the handbrake while the automobile is still in motion.

You should only apply the handbrake in the following situations.

1. When parking:
Only use the handbrake when your vehicle has come to a complete stop after parking.

2. When stopping:
If you come to a halt at an intersection or a traffic signal, you should apply your handbrake. When you've come to a complete stop at a pedestrian crossing, activating your handbrake will keep your vehicle from moving forward.

3. While turning:
To prevent rolling against the curb while turning on a road that descends towards the sidewalk, proceed carefully, utilise clutch control, and use the brakes after each motion.

4. Following an emergency break:
To conduct an emergency stop, you must utilise your hand brake and, if operating a manual vehicle, then also your clutch pedal simultaneously. However, after your car has come to a complete stop, you should use the handbrake and shift it into neutral.

5. Hill starts:
After coming to a stop on a hill, using your handbrake in conjunction will keep your car from rolling backwards.

When it comes to operating your handbrake, like with any other area of driving, the more you practice, the more accustomed and confident you'll get. However, another thing to keep in mind is to buy car insurance online and save considerably in case your car faces any external damage or requires repairing and servicing. Driving without possession of insurance is against the law, and as a beginner, you'll need to have all the protection you can get.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The complete guide to rock climbing for beginners

Rock climbing is an exciting adventure sport and a great way to stay fit. Today, several gyms incorporate rock climbing within their space settings to help people exercise and strengthen their bones and muscles. Many parents encourage their kids to try rock climbing established in recreation and amusement parks. Mountain climbing and mountaineering are different disciplines that come under rock climbing.

Rock climbing comes with its set of challenges. It requires expensive gear and training, which may not be readily available everywhere. Also, there is a degree of risk associated with the sport, given that you will be working with ropes and harnesses at certain heights. Safety is paramount while rock climbing. So, it is advisable to train formally before climbing in natural settings such as mountains, rocks, etc.

This blog will provide you with the complete guide to rock climbing for beginners. You will learn how to get started and various essential tips you'll need to know.

1. Gear:
Stop splurging on renting gear for climbing if you have decided to pursue it regularly. Purchasing your equipment is a wise long-term investment that will prove to be helpful. Also, check which gear you need as a beginner. You don't have to buy the ‘advanced’ level of equipment when you are just starting with rock climbing. Initially, you'll need climbing shoes, chalk and chalk bag, harness, headgear (helmet), etc.

2. Routine:
Now that you have decided to attempt rock climbing, you need to form a routine. Find time to practice regularly and seriously. To accomplish that, you can join a gym with rock climbing facilities or a training institute that provides regular rock climbing courses. Your trainer/coach can help you get familiar with the workouts, the footwork, etc., to develop the strength required for the sport.

3. Ease into the process:
You need to build a strong foundation before starting a more advanced stage in rock climbing. Give your body time to adapt to the different physical and mental stress levels of learning rock climbing. Pushing your body to do strenuous work can cause severe injuries or soreness in muscles, making it difficult to continue with the learning process.

4. Warm-up:
Warm-up exercises can help reduce the probability of severe injuries. These exercises boost your energy by pumping blood into your muscles. Your body can then accommodate different stress levels with ease while practising climbing. Some warm-up exercises include jumping jacks, squats, arm, wrist, ankle and foot circles. After these, you can head off to practice light and easy climbing, increase the intensity as instructed, and to the extent your body allows.

Rock climbing sounds intriguing. But as we discussed, it comes with a particular risk that can lead to severe injuries, harming your body in the process. While that seems quite unfortunate, a wise option to safeguard yourself is exploring the insurance market and purchasing the best personal accident policy in India to cater to all your needs. Insurance becomes helpful if the policyholder meets with an accident and requires medical care. So invest wisely and make your rock climbing journey hassle-free.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy the best personal accident policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The complete guide to overcoming procrastination in simple ways

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the number of things on your task list? Do you distract yourself by doing everything else? Do you end up hastily finishing your work minutes before the deadline? This postponing tasks until the last minute or past the deadline is called procrastination.

To put it simply, procrastination is the voluntary delay of essential tasks despite being aware of the negative consequences it may have in the future. But don’t worry; you’re not alone in this. Research shows that about 20 percent of adults tend to delay or avoid completing tasks by allowing themselves to get distracted.

The reasons for procrastination may differ from person to person. Psychology states that procrastination is not a time-management issue but is about avoiding negative feelings or triggers. A person may feel overwhelmed by the number of responsibilities and the pressure of completing them, causing intense anxiety, fear, or other negative emotions. Procrastinating then becomes an avoidance strategy to evade those negative feelings. It also revolves around the person’s inability to focus or deal with personal fears and emotional triggers.

Being a procrastinator can affect your productivity and harm your behavioural pattern. Never procrastinate on health issues, and always keep your health a priority. While health insurance plans in India can help recoup the costs of your treatments, they cannot guarantee a backup plan for missed opportunities. It is never too late to change and make better choices.

Here are a few tips to overcome procrastination.

1. Remove distractions:
While working, remove distractions to create a more conducive work environment, even if you’re not ready to get started on your work.

2. Take baby steps:
When we think of a task, the burden of completing it to the finish line can often become overwhelming. Think of the small, immediate steps to begin the task to dodge any such anxiety. For example, if you have to prepare a meal, simply start by gathering all ingredients required. Breaking down a task into more manageable steps can reduce the pressure of an overwhelming responsibility.

3. Reward yourself:
Treat yourself for the steps that you take towards completing a task. If you manage to get started, assign a relatively small reward to create a positive and content feeling. This will self-motivate you to complete the work with enthusiasm.

4. Recognise your triggers:
Recognising and accepting the triggers and fears causing you to procrastinate is a crucial step to resolve your habit. Think through your patterns and try to examine the cause of your procrastination. Ask yourself about what is making you to procrastinate. For example, if you’re afraid that you will make a mistake while doing the task, you can start resolving this fear by assuring yourself that it’s not the end of the world and that you can always correct the fault.

5. Create a plan of action:
Formulate a plan to smoothly complete your work based on two factors - your goals and the nature of your procrastination. For example, if your goal is to study 15 pages of a chapter and you fear that you won’t do it all in one sitting. Break down your study hours by splitting the work equally with timed breaks and small rewards. Doing this will allow you to systematically complete your task while relieving yourself from any negative feelings.

The habit of procrastination can quickly become a detrimental habit in the long run. Investing in health insurance plans in India can certainly secure your health in the future, but forming better habits is all in your hands. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and focus on visualising yourself having completed the goals.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance plans in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on buying commercial vehicle insurance

Transportation and trading of commodities have never been more accessible than now. Taxis, tractors, cranes, transport trucks, and other motor vehicles have become standard trade methods in various industries. Often, these vehicles operate outside of the commercial space and are subject to many dangers on the road.

Business owners require commercial vehicle insurance coverage to handle these risks successfully. Owners can purchase insurance covering third-party and own-damage claims and get it renewed as and when needed.

Let's get a better understanding of commercial vehicle insurance in general.

What exactly is commercial vehicle insurance?
Commercial vehicle insurance policies protect owners whose vehicles are used for business purposes. There are a variety of vehicles covered under this policy, including delivery trucks, staff cars, food trucks, and more.
The motor insurance policy provides liability and accident coverage and helps you with the payment of damages and medical costs in case of accidents. It will also cover the towing costs if your vehicle breaks down in the middle of the road.
If you're looking for online motor insurance renewal for your commercial vehicle, you need to first ensure the types of vehicles covered by the policy. Additionally, you can cross-check various insurance companies for the best features and premiums. Online motor insurance renewal is beneficial, especially when you are in the midst of day-to-day business activities.

Types of vehicles covered by commercial insurance.

1. Vehicles that carry passengers:
It includes a variety of vehicles that typically carry passengers, such as cabs, rickshaws, school buses, and private buses. Passenger transport vehicles such as taxis and school buses bear a great deal of duty due to the high volume of passengers they transport regularly. Commercial vehicle insurance protects these vehicles from financial ruin in an accident and also protects the passengers they carry.

2. Vehicles for moving goods:
Goods-carrying vehicles are primarily used for transporting goods from one location to another. Because these vehicles are so enormous and loaded with goods, they pose a greater risk. Damages to a third-party car or one's own vehicle, as well as damage to commodities, are covered under commercial vehicle insurance. It all depends on the policy coverage; therefore, thoroughly read the terms of all the plans before making a final choice.

3. Miscellaneous & Special Vehicles:
Aside from trucks, taxis, buses, and cabs, numerous other vehicles are utilised for business or commercial purposes. Special vehicles for mining, farming, and construction, for example, could be among these vehicles. Insurance for commercial vehicles protects the vehicle from any damage or loss resulting from or caused to the vehicle.

Commercial vehicle insurance has many advantages:

• Commercial vehicle insurance can be deducted as a business cost from your income tax.

• Travel agencies, automobile rental services, and other businesses can buy this insurance plan in bulk. This simplifies the procedure while allowing for a cheaper premium rate.

• It covers any losses caused by unexpected events like theft, fire, vandalism, terrorist attacks, and natural calamities.

• It provides additional rewards in the event of a death resulting from an accident.

• No claim bonus is given during policy renewals if there has been no claim throughout the policy period.

• It provides coverage for the litigation and legal bills that have been filed against you.

Your company's financial stability depends on how efficiently your commercial vehicles work and facilitate the business. Businesses must opt for purchasing motor insurance to safeguard their vehicles from all potential risk factors. Online motor insurance renewal is the best option for companies already owning an insurance policy. Alternatively, you may choose to include several optional coverages with your basic plan for some extra fee.

Click HERE to get an online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


When is the right time to give your child a smartphone

With the world going digital, smartphones have become an important part of our daily lives. Being stuck at home during the pandemic, smartphones became the only salvation from boredom. And children, too, are getting addicted to digital gadgets as we progress in time. Keeping your child away from smartphones is tricky with schools and colleges conducting online classes.

With new-age technologies emerging so quickly and taking over the world, children are very intrigued with how things function. And with all the information available online, it would be one-sided to keep your child away from smartphones and other gadgets and devoid them of all the opportunities.

This blog will discuss the right time to give your child a smartphone. Let’s look at the factors you should consider as a concerned parent or a guardian.

1. Responsibility:
Are your kids responsible enough to handle an expensive device with care? They might bring up a lot of reasons, but as responsible parents, you must ensure that you set up a boundary for the conscious use of these devices to shield them from the risks of the internet.

2. Maturity:
You need to assess the maturity level of your kids before you give them a smartphone. The mind of a child is fickle and very easy to influence. Determine and validate their reasons. Dig a little deeper and have an open conversation about why they want a smartphone. Be their friend in the process.

3. Limitations:
Nobody knows your child better than you do. So ask yourself, can they adhere to limits and rules? Because while a smartphone can serve plenty of good purposes, it can also cause massive amounts of distractions, which can have adverse effects on their academics, physical and mental health, social interactions, etc.

4. Safety:
Online safety is a huge concern these days. Even more so with children since they do not understand the consequences of the invasion of privacy and data exploitation. Your child needs to understand the importance of online safety and how they should communicate with you in case of fraudulent transactions or hints of illegal activities.

5. Carelessness:
Social media is addictive. And once you realise how easy it is to stay in touch with the people you know or get in touch with new people, it becomes challenging to keep off the phone. Adults struggle with this addiction, so it’s somewhat obvious for children to get addicted to it as well. Many children tend to text while driving or in public places, posing a huge risk of accidents.

6. Value money:
Your child should understand the expenses that come with a smartphone and, therefore, use it cautiously. Kids need to be mindful of their internet consumption and use it according to their needs appropriately.

Now that you know when the right time to give your child a smartphone is, you need to think about your kids’ safety and how you can safeguard their wellbeing during emergencies. Stay stress-free by purchasing personal accident insurance online, which caters to your children’s needs in the best way possible. The younger generation is susceptible to accidents due to carelessness and distractions. Personal accident insurance online will ensure your child’s safety with guaranteed benefits and a reasonable premium.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


When should you switch to comprehensive car insurance from third-party insurance

For many years, owning a car has been looked at as a show of wealth. But in recent years, a vehicle has become more of a need than a luxury or leisure. Yet purchasing a four-wheeler is still recognised as one of life's significant achievements and investments.

As an impact of the pandemic, people are more likely to travel by car than public transport. Whilst the value of owning a vehicle has grown over time, ensuring its security and safety is essential. Therefore, do not overlook your car's insurance and get car insurance renewal on time.

What is comprehensive car insurance?
As the name suggests, comprehensive car insurance is broad insurance coverage that provides security against various concerns. Comprehensive car insurance is so far the most commonly adopted kind of automobile insurance since it covers both parties in the event of an accident. It protects you in a crisis, accident, robbery, fire, or explosion, among many other situations. Including extras or add-ons to comprehensive insurance, such as depreciation cover, emergency assistance, engine protection, and so on, makes it a more customisable and desired kind of auto insurance coverage.

What is third-party car insurance?
The Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 states that third-party car insurance is the most basic and necessary insurance to possess and is required for all car owners. Third-party insurance, as a contrast to comprehensive insurance, provides limited coverage. It protects you against losses made by your vehicle to a third party. The damages done to a third party's car, property, or the individual themselves will be covered under this policy. This sort of motor insurance covers any third-party damages, injuries, or losses caused by the policyholder's misconduct.

When to switch from third-party car insurance to comprehensive car insurance?
Following are a few reasons to switch to comprehensive insurance from third-party insurance:

1. Covers your losses:
With the exception of basic third-party car insurance, comprehensive car insurance covers your vehicle for losses caused by a range of factors.

2. Customisable add-ons:
One of the chief factors for switching to comprehensive car insurance is customising the coverage depending on the various add-ons offered by the insurer. Customising the plans gives the policyholder the independence to get better coverage and benefits.

3. Personal accident coverage:
In addition to injuries caused to a third party, comprehensive car insurance involves personal accident coverage for your treatment in the event of an accident. This feature is crucial for all policyholders and can be extremely helpful during unexpected situations.

Getting the proper car insurance coverage is as crucial as getting the perfect vehicle. While the law requires you to have motor insurance, do not limit yourself to the bare minimum. A comprehensive auto insurance coverage protects you against the expense of hospital and auto repair fees. It provides all-around protection, making it a must-have in your inventory.

Similarly, remember the importance of purchasing ideal car insurance and even timely car insurance renewal to avoid interruption in the benefits.

To get a car insurance renewal, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to clean the car carpets to make them shine as new

Understanding how to keep your car shiny is not only a matter of display but also a necessity to sustain your car's value. Certain parts of the car are exposed to dust and need to be cleaned regularly. The mats in your vehicle are the single most mistreated part and are often overlooked during a carwash. They are continuously battered by dirt, filth, sand, twigs, and stones brought in by your shoes. Not to mention how food and beverage spills create an excess mess on the carpet.

So, here are some of the best tips to keep your car carpets as good as new:

1. Take out all of the waste from the vehicle, including empty bottles, cans, wrappings, and pieces of paper. Gather it all up and chuck it away. Also, organise other personal things and either keep them in the glove box or remove them from the vehicle while you clean the carpets.

2. Now use a strong vacuum cleaner to clean the carpets thoroughly. Apply a stiff rug brush to scrape the fibres. Doing this will remove the dust and small bits that have been trapped between the fibres.

3. Examine the carpet for spots and areas that need further care before shampooing it. Prepare a spray bottle with hot water, vinegar, and a few drops of cleaning solution or laundry soap. Let it absorb for a moment before respraying and scrubbing it with a brush.

4. To get rid of a stubborn liquid stain, use soda and salt. Immediately after spilling something, put soda and salt on it and let it sit for a while. Then scrub it off using a paper towel or a cloth.

5. The best way to clean stains is to act quickly. To remove as much excess as possible, place a piece of paper tissue on the area. Then, sprinkle cold or sparkling water over the stain to dilute it and prevent it from hardening. After, wipe the area with additional paper towels or a cloth to absorb the liquid.

6. Finally, wash off your carpet. Then use a steam cleaner to dry it. The fabrics dry only with the pressure of hot compressed steam, which enters the material and blasts away any remaining trash.

7. Take measures to protect the fabric. Carpet and upholstery protectors come into play here. These chemicals coat the material with a flexible hydrophobic coating. To achieve complete coverage, spray the product evenly over the surface of the mat, then allow it to settle before applying another layer.

When it comes to caring for your vehicle, don't leave anything to chance. Owners diligently schedule regular maintenance of their car and take it in for expert treatment at the first hint of a problem. For those occasions when you decide to treat your vehicle yourself or in between expert treatments, the tips mentioned above will surely help keep your car carpets secured from getting dirty.

Similarly, opt for online car insurance to secure your car from the threat of physical damages during mishaps. Invest in good car insurance to aid you in paying the mechanic's required fees for repairs and servicing.

Click HERE to get online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Common mistakes while learning to swim and ways to fix them

With the summer season right around the corner, it is time to take out your swimming trunks and goggles. For the past two years, the pools have been closed owing to the pandemic. But the numbers have been under control in recent past months, making way for pools to open up again with specified capacity. Although it's best to take refuge inside your homes in well air-conditioned rooms, taking a swim in your nearby pool is an option that most of us might consider. Over the years, we have seen an increasing number of people enrolling in swimming classes and actively making efforts to learn various styles of swimming. This article will prove helpful if you are new to swimming or want to polish your skills.

Today, we will look at a few common mistakes that people make while learning to swim and the ways to fix them.

1. Holding your breath:
Beginners commonly believe that the most crucial thing before diving into the pool is to hold your breath. Instead of helping themselves, they refrain from breathing to maneuver the waters.
A better solution to address this is to practice holding your breath on land before attempting it in water. This will help you control your breath more systematically and in a timed manner. Try inhaling and slowly exhaling while keeping a constant momentum.

2. Head too high:
One of the most common swimming mistakes is holding your head above water for breathing. It sounds surprising. How else are you supposed to breathe? When you lift your head, it causes your hip to drop down, slowing you down and increasing your resistance. Keep your head down, and when you need to breathe, you can do so from the side of the arm when it is out of the water's surface. Rotate your head to the side so that your mouth gets air to breathe.

3. Keeping your hips straight:
In the above passage, we discussed how the lowering of the hip could affect you negatively. Sometimes instead of rotating them, people use the upper body and the legs to move through the water.
Swimmers fail to realise that the most power comes from the hip. Utilising your core muscles and rotating your trunk will help you push through the water without tiring out your legs.

4. Pointing your toes:
Having straight pointy toes while swimming tightens up your muscles and makes it difficult for you to propel yourself in water. Swimmers should have flexible and loose ankles in water to maintain pace and direction. Practice curling your toes outside the pool. Try picking coins on the floor using your toes. Transfer them from one bowl to another to familiarise your toes with curling and being able to control them. This is the best way to train your toes before diving into the pool.

These are a few common mistakes swimmers make when starting their journey. Swimming can seem like a daunting activity, but it is sure to be one of the most enjoyable experiences with time. It is, however, advised to practice swimming under the guidance of certified coaches in well maintained and clean swimming facilities to avoid any health complications.

Another mistake that you should avoid is neglecting the importance of health insurance. Health insurance will act as your safety net in case of any injuries or accidents you might face while training.
A good tip would be to look for affordable health insurance plans, secure your finances against health ailments, and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Click HERE to know more about affordable health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


2-stroke or 4-stroke bike: Which is better for you

A wide range of motorcycles is available in the market today. Every model differs in several ways. So, when purchasing a bike, it is crucial to know its specific functions like its engine, mileage, and fuel economy.

Overall, a durable engine design is crucial for a good motorcycle. Even though two-wheeler engines and their mechanisms have transformed drastically over the years, the two primary gasoline-powered combustion engine designs are — 2-stroke engine and 4-stroke engine. And while you may secure your two-wheeler by purchasing reliable bike insurance, it is essential to know which kind of engine is best suited for you.

If you have done your research, you may be familiar with these two types of motorcycle engines. Although, if you're new to the field, here are some points to help you understand!

Let's understand more about a stroke engine:

To understand the functions of the engines, you must know about their combustion cycle. The engine's combustion cycle or revolution involves the piston's continuous up and down movement.

A stroke is the piston's movement from one position closest to the valve to another, which is furthest away from it. At the end of every stroke, a spark causes the gas and air mixture to ignite, which invariably helps the bike move forward.

So, what are the significant differences between a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke engine?

You may notice absolutely no difference between a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke engine on the first look. In line with its function, 2-stroke and 4-stroke bikes follow the equal gas-powered internal-combustion standards. However, the main distinction lies within the number of strokes the two engines require to produce power. A 4-stroke motorcycle needs four piston strokes to complete the combustion cycle, while a 2-stroke motorcycle does it in two.

In a 4-stroke engine, the piston performs two strokes during a single cycle, completed by a return stroke. The power gets produced after every four strokes of the piston. The highlight of this kind of engine is that it does not need to pre-mix any fluids like oil and fuel.

Similarly, in a 2-stroke engine, the combustion cycle requires just one piston compression stroke and is completed by an explosion to generate power. The power gets produced when the piston achieves two strokes. In opposition to a 4-stroke engine, a 2-stroke engine requires the oil to be pre-mixed with the fuel.

Which engine is better?

4-stroke engines are definitely the better pick. Here are a few reasons why:

1. They offer more efficient fuel consumption and controlled usage.

2. 4-stroke engines are more durable in the long term.

3. While the 2-stroke engine is more powerful, it is highly noisy and creates a loud buzzing sound that the 4-stroke one does not.

4. Above all, 4-stroke motorcycle engines are more eco-friendly. 2-stroke engines emit far more toxic emissions.

While noting all these advantages of a 4-stroke engine, you must also remember that maintaining 4-stroke two-wheelers can be more expensive. They have many intricate parts that require more intensive upkeep. Its modified efficiency requires more investment of funds from your end.

Hopefully, this article helps you understand the functions of each engine and specifically pick which type works better for you! Don't miss out on securing your motorcycle with robust bike insurance. You may visit several policy features online and purchase the one offering the best value-to-money.

Click HERE to buy the best bike insurance to protect your bike from mishaps.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.

A wide range of motorcycles is available in the market today. Every model differs in several ways. So, when purchasing a bike, it is crucial to know its specific functions like its engine, mileage, and fuel economy.

Overall, a durable engine design is crucial for a good motorcycle. Even though two-wheeler engines and their mechanisms have transformed drastically over the years, the two primary gasoline-powered combustion engine designs are — 2-stroke engine and 4-stroke engine. And while you may secure your two-wheeler by purchasing reliable bike insurance, it is essential to know which kind of engine is best suited for you.

If you have done your research, you may be familiar with these two types of motorcycle engines. Although, if you're new to the field, here are some points to help you understand!

Let's understand more about a stroke engine:

To understand the functions of the engines, you must know about their combustion cycle. The engine's combustion cycle or revolution involves the piston's continuous up and down movement.

A stroke is the piston's movement from one position closest to the valve to another, which is furthest away from it. At the end of every stroke, a spark causes the gas and air mixture to ignite, which invariably helps the bike move forward.

So, what are the significant differences between a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke engine?

You may notice absolutely no difference between a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke engine on the first look. In line with its function, 2-stroke and 4-stroke bikes follow the equal gas-powered internal-combustion standards. However, the main distinction lies within the number of strokes the two engines require to produce power. A 4-stroke motorcycle needs four piston strokes to complete the combustion cycle, while a 2-stroke motorcycle does it in two.

In a 4-stroke engine, the piston performs two strokes during a single cycle, completed by a return stroke. The power gets produced after every four strokes of the piston. The highlight of this kind of engine is that it does not need to pre-mix any fluids like oil and fuel.

Similarly, in a 2-stroke engine, the combustion cycle requires just one piston compression stroke and is completed by an explosion to generate power. The power gets produced when the piston achieves two strokes. In opposition to a 4-stroke engine, a 2-stroke engine requires the oil to be pre-mixed with the fuel.

Which engine is better?

4-stroke engines are definitely the better pick. Here are a few reasons why:

1. They offer more efficient fuel consumption and controlled usage.

2. 4-stroke engines are more durable in the long term.

3. While the 2-stroke engine is more powerful, it is highly noisy and creates a loud buzzing sound that the 4-stroke one does not.

4. Above all, 4-stroke motorcycle engines are more eco-friendly. 2-stroke engines emit far more toxic emissions.

While noting all these advantages of a 4-stroke engine, you must also remember that maintaining 4-stroke two-wheelers can be more expensive. They have many intricate parts that require more intensive upkeep. Its modified efficiency requires more investment of funds from your end.

Hopefully, this article helps you understand the functions of each engine and specifically pick which type works better for you! Don't miss out on securing your motorcycle with robust bike insurance. You may visit several policy features online and purchase the one offering the best value-to-money.

Click HERE to buy the best bike insurance to protect your bike from mishaps.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these eight handy driving tips while travelling on highways

Road trips are something that all travel enthusiasts look forward to. They allow you to explore more than just your destination. From families to working professionals, road trips are perfect for every individual who wants a short and quick escape from the daily hustle of life.

While you enjoy most of the time driving on the highways with fast-paced cars passing along, there are certain things to keep in mind while navigating your way through the roads safely.

This article will look at eight handy driving tips while travelling on highways.

1. Speed control:
As opposed to city roads, on the highway, you are expected to drive faster than usual, owing to the multiple lanes and the light traffic situation. However, it is best to stick to the speed indicated by the signs on the road.

2. Lane change:
Switching lanes is one of the most overlooked driving practices. It is significantly more important on highways as most vehicles travel at higher-than-average speeds. When you change lanes, remember to turn on the car indicators to the traffic behind to signal them.

3. Analysing the distance:
While on the highway, ensure sufficient distance between your vehicle and others. Doing this gives you enough time to slow down and avoid a collision in case the driver in front brakes suddenly.
Stick to the “three-second rule”. Look for a point of reference and check the time you take to get that point after your preceding car passes it. The time taken should be at least three seconds, if not more.

4. Night driving:
Proper visibility is essential when it comes to driving at night. Keep the windshield clean and ensure that all the lights are working. The headlight should not be aimed too high because it will cause discomfort to others on the road. Try avoiding late-night trips. Instead, start early in the morning so that you manage to reach your destination during the daylight hours.

5. Breakdown:
In case of a breakdown, slow down gradually and move to either side of the highway. Turn on the hazard lights and place the hazard triangle about 10 feet behind the car to warn others. Call assistance after examining the damage. It is advisable to have contact details of highway assistance handy while taking road trips.

6. Take regular breaks:
Continuous driving for hours can be exhausting for the drivers. It is advisable to take frequent halts or refreshment breaks to relax your body and prepare to resume your journey. You can either take a quick nap or have some warm tea or coffee.

7. Servicing:
Before going on a long trip, it is recommended to take your car to the service centre. Facing issues while driving on the highway can be troublesome. Hence servicing and checkups should be a must before long trips.

8. Paperwork:
Carrying legitimate paperwork during highway journeys is essential. Make it a point to have your licence, PUC, and car insurance papers. Check the validity of all these documents to avoid getting fined and ensure that you face no legal troubles while on the road.

These are some of the top tips to keep in mind when taking a road trip. Navigating through the highway can be challenging at times. Hence, it is best to have a car insurance cover to safeguard you. With so many options to choose from, you might want to go through the new car insurance rates and choose the one that suits your needs the best.

Click HERE to know more about new car insurance rates.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Drinking Hot Water: Let's understand the health advantages of it

We have all heard about the wonders of water. From personal beliefs to affirmations by medical science, water is proved to have multiple benefits for the overall development of the human body. It is good for the skin, muscles, and joints. It aids in the absorption of nutrients and helps defend against infections. Experts recommend having at least 8 glasses of water each day, but what if we tell you that out of those 8, if you have a couple of glasses of hot water, it will significantly improve your health.

The benefits of drinking hot water have received scientific attention. Ayurveda also claims that drinking hot water is a simple approach to enhancing one's health.

Drinking water at room temperature can help you feel better, but drinking warm or hot water is known to provide extra health benefits.

Let's look at some of these potential advantages in this post.

1. Promotes digestion:
A glass of hot water to start the morning can aid in the removal of toxins from your body. The hot water will help your digestive system by breaking down any residual food in your stomach from the previous night. If you drink hot water before or after meals, it will assist your body in breaking down food more quickly.
Cold water, on the other hand, whether eaten before, during, or after a meal, will harden any oil present in the dish. This will result in fat accumulation in the gut, which will take longer to digest. Iced water is particularly harmful because the ice's quick chilling process depletes the water's inherent nutrients and minerals.

2. Improves blood circulation:
When you consume hot water, fatty deposits in the body are flushed out. Any deposits that have collected in the adipose tissue are also eliminated. Removing these pollutants improves your body's blood circulation. This will assist you in relaxing your muscles and improving your overall well-being.

3. Helps with constipation:
Many of you may have experienced constipation at some point in your lives, and it can be quite unpleasant. The tension and bloating you're experiencing is caused by dehydration. Beginning the day with a glass of hot water before breakfast will improve bowel function.

4. It helps you shed that extra weight:
When you consume hot water, the abrupt spike in temperature causes your body's temperature regulation mechanism to wake up. To compensate for the hot temperature, the body reduces your internal temperature.
This entire procedure boosts the efficiency of your weight reduction attempts by activating your metabolism. As hot water also aids in constipation, you lose some water weight caused due to bloating.

5. Helps you release toxins:
Drinking hot water also stimulates the endocrine system. Sweating and the discharge of toxins via the skin are caused by this stimulation.

6. Relaxes you muscles:
Drinking hot water aids in muscle relaxation by increasing blood flow.

Remember that you should avoid drinking water close to boiling. It's advisable to take a modest sip before taking a big mouthful to prevent burning your tongue and oesophagus.

Now that you know how drinking hot water can do miracles for your body, it's time to adopt the habit. If you are a college student or an office goer, make it a practice to carry hot water in a thermo-steel bottle and consume it throughout the day.

Another great way to ensure good health is by getting insured. Ideal health insurance will protect your financial plan by covering all the expenses. Review multiple health insurance plans from the best health insurance company in India before deciding.

Click HERE to know about best health insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is a checklist to follow after the completion of servicing of your bike

Buying a bike takes a lot of thought and planning. Multiple factors influence your purchase. You arrange the funds, and after making a final decision, you pay the money and get a brand new bike. Just like your other possessions, your motorcycle needs optimum care too.

Maintenance of your bike is as essential as your safety while riding it. Whether you frequently use your motorcycle or occasionally, you need to ensure that your vehicle is not damaged. Even a tiny impaired part could cause significant harm to the bike and risk your safety. So as the owner, be careful about its regular maintenance.

All bikes have their periodic servicing cycle. Ensure to get professional servicing for your motorcycle at the authorised service stations. These centres use authentic spare parts recommended by the manufacturer and follow all the procedures to ensure that your bike does not suffer any damages in the long run.

But what happens after your bike is serviced? How can you assure that it has undergone proper servicing? Well, this blog will discuss what you need to keep in mind the next time you get your bike after servicing.

1. Air pressure:
Check the air pressure in the tyres. Unless your bike's tyre is visibly flat, you can't just judge the tyre inflation. Instead, use a tyre pressure gauge to check the correct pressure. Regularly check the motorcycle at different pressures when you ride it.

2. Engine oil:
You should inspect the engine oil after the servicing is completed. Make sure that proper levels are maintained. Look for any leakages. Carbon deposits can thicken the engine oil. Running the bike on dirty oil can damage the engine life in the long run.

3. Brakes:
Examine the brakes very carefully. Your bike's brakes are vulnerable to damage due to their excessive usage on the roads. Make sure that your brakes are not very loose or very tight, which would cause difficulties in applying them when needed.

4. Screeching noise:
If you hear a screeching noise, it could be due to an issue in the front brake pads. Make sure that they are appropriately checked and replaced if needed. Lack of oil could also be one of the reasons for such noises.

5. Spark plug:
Make sure that the spark plug is cleaned. And in case of any damages, ensure that it is replaced. The spark plug is connected to the engine combustion and should undergo regular maintenance. You can keep an eye out for checking the carburettor, air filters, chainset, etc.

Now that we've discussed the checklist you need to follow after completing servicing of your bike, you need to think about how to keep your bike safe from damage during unprecedented situations. The solution is to get your bike insured. And now, you can purchase bike insurance online from the comfort of your home and even get attractive deals with extra benefits. These benefits can reduce your monetary stress and cover your bike's repairing or garage costs.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's everything you need to know about car insurance for your electric vehicle

In recent times, Indians have increasingly begun opting for electric vehicles. The reasons include saving on fuels and interest in ecologically beneficial features. When deciding if an EV is the best option for you, examine how an electric vehicle varies from a car with a combustible engine. One of these distinctions is insurance, and you must understand how an electric car's insurance in India works.

So, to help you with just that, we've discussed everything about electric car insurance in this post.

The importance of Electric Car Insurance.

1. Mandatory by Indian law:
The Motor Vehicle Act 1988 of India covers all vehicle legislation. According to the act, all cars (including EVs) are required to carry vehicle insurance to operate legally on public highways.

2. Damage protection:
Appropriate protection is essential to prevent or control damages caused due to accidents. Anyone who has had any experience with automobile repairs knows about the expenses involved, especially in the case of electric vehicles. Thus, whether the damage to your automobile is due to your fault or someone else's, a car insurance policy will cover the repairs without putting pressure on your pockets.

3. Third-party liability:
In the event of an accident claim involving third parties, you will be required to pay for any damage incurred out of your pocket. However, you won't have to worry about these ramifications with third-party liability insurance. Under your car insurance cover, your insurance company handles and compensates for any loss or damage done to third parties.

4. Personal accident covers:
Personal accident cover is also mandated as per Indian law. It protects you against uncertainties like accidental death, injuries etc. Remember, it does not come with the car insurance plan but needs to be purchased separately as an add-on feature.

Please note, there are no separate insurance plans for Electric Vehicles (as of yet). The general insurance sector in India has yet to provide specialised coverage for EVs. As of now, consumers must choose from current car insurance policies designed for vehicles with combustible engines.

Also, the IRDAI has recently ordered that insurers should promote electric car insurance policies. This means that India's third-party insurance coverage for electric vehicle cars will cost lower than traditional petrol/diesel vehicles.

What is covered under Electric vehicle insurance?

• Personal accident coverage

• Third-party insurance coverage

• Car theft

• Road accidents

• Damage resulting from fire

• Repairs and replacements of parts

• Damage resulting from a natural calamity

What is not covered under electric vehicle insurance?

• Claims after drinking and driving

• Claims if the driver is found without a driving license

• Higher damage caused due to intentional negligence

• Lapsed insurance claims

To conclude, whether you own an electric car or a traditional one. Having car insurance is mandatory and acts as your financial safety cushion. Like all your expensive belongings, protect your electric automobile against damages.

Car insurance guarantees that your vehicle stays in good condition for a long time and helps you avoid monetary stress. It also pays for expenditures incurred as a result of third-party harm. Furthermore, the IRDAI has decreased third-party insurance prices for electric vehicles by 15%. So save your EV from potential damage like it protects the environment.

Click HERE to get the best deals on car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about the wheel alignment of your car and how to check it by yourself


To be a vehicle owner entails a variety of duties. To get the most out of your automobile, you must frequently care for and repair it. If sufficient care is not performed, not only will your vehicle's quality suffer, but it may also cause an accident. Having your vehicle's tyres aligned regularly is one of the most important things you need to ensure tyres last longer.

Many individuals believe that alignment should be left to specialists. While this is true in many ways, some alignment specifications are simple enough to check on your own, and wheel alignment is one of them. This may be useful after upgrading steering or suspension parts so that the car isn't out of alignment during the journey to the shop, or it can at the very least offer a better knowledge of the process.

Following are a few ways you can check your car's wheel alignment by yourself.

1. Caster:
Most vehicles are constructed with a mild downward caster. Your caster angle contributes to the equilibrium of driving, balance, and turning. A high caster causes the steering axis to lean toward the driver. On the other hand, a low caster indicates that your vehicle's steering axis is tilted away from the driver.
To measure the caster angle yourself, you need to park the vehicle on a flat surface and place both wheels on the turntables. Next, install the bubble gauge on the hub. Then turn the tyre 20 degrees inwards and level the gauge. Using the adjustment knob, set the caster reading as zero. Now, move the tyre 20 degrees outwards to get the caster reading.

2. Camber:
Camber is the degree of tyre lean of a car measured in degrees. Negative camber takes place when the top of the tyre tilts inwards. Whereas positive camber occurs when the top of the tyre tilts outwards.
Most contemporary automobiles feature a somewhat negative camber to increase stability and control. Camber misalignment may be caused by worn bearing, ball joints, and other wheel suspension systems. Excessive inward or outward skew indicates poor alignment and must be corrected.

3. Toe-in:
Toe alignment, as opposed to camber alignment, is the degree to which your tyres spin inward or outward as seen from up top. Depending on the vehicle, typical toe-in standards range from one-thirty-second to one-eighth-inch. Toe-in alignment occurs when your automobile's tyres are inclined in the same direction. Toe alignments are done at the last after caster and camber are done.

As a vehicle owner, you must recognise the signs of misaligned wheels. Take a moment to check your vehicle's wheel alignment regularly. It can add to the life of your car's tyres and improve the handling. Even if you decide to get the vehicle aligned in a garage, you will better understand the issue and information.

As needed, trained and experienced vehicle experts will be able to align your wheels. However, to sustain the absolute protection of your vehicle, yourself, and anyone around you, it is advisable to opt for insurance. If you have just purchased a new car, always remember to buy new car insurance to safeguard your vehicle.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about these motorcycle classes: BS4 and BS6

Are you looking to purchase your first two-wheeler or perhaps on the hunt for an upgrade to your current one? You must have heard various terms such as BS6 and BS4 being used for two-wheelers. Before we jump into understanding them, let's understand why we are talking about these classes.

In order to address the growing concerns about pollution and global warming, the Government of India has introduced regulations known as Bharat Stage Emission Standards (BSES). BSES is the governing body responsible for regulating the output of air pollutants coming out from vehicles. The BSES has made it mandatory for all motorcycle producing brands to register and primarily sell only BS6 bikes from 1st April 2020.

In this blog, we will try to bring forth everything there is to know about BS4 and BS6 engines.

What are BS4 and BS6?
BS4 and BS6 are the 4th and the 6th iteration of the BSES pollution regulations. The Central Pollution Control Board put forth the BS4 emission norms in 2017, which permitted 50 parts per million sulphur content. However, with the introduction of BS6, it was mandated that only ten parts per million Sulphur content were allowed.
Due to BS6, India's emission norms are believed to be equivalent to those of developed countries. BS6 means cleaner fuel and less toxic gases from the exhaust, thus reducing the pollutant content in the air.
The BS6 petrol engine is 25 per cent cleaner than the BS4 motor. And in the case of diesel, it is 80 per cent cleaner than a BS4 diesel engine.

Can you use BS6 fuel in a BS4 vehicle?
BS6 vehicles aren't everywhere just yet, so most motorcycles using BS6 fuel are BS4 vehicles. The important thing to keep in mind is that it is a cleaner fuel and will be perfectly fine for your engine.
Once the laws are mandated, every fuel station will be pumping BS6 fuel. So it is unreasonable to expect one to change their vehicle. This is why it is acceptable to use BS6 power in your BS4 vehicles.

Can you use BS4 fuel in a BS6 vehicle?
It is highly unlikely to have any immediate effect on the motorcycle. There has been certain ambiguity when it comes to this. The petrol engine manufacturers said no effects were seen when a BS6 vehicle used BS4 fuel. However, in the case of diesel engines, there will be some wear and tear eventually. Though, the repercussions would be seen over a very long period.

With the constantly changing time and increasing pollution and population, the automobile industry is preparing for revolutionary changes in the next five to ten years. The laws concerning pollution are becoming more stringent, and it is essential to keep your bike's health in top order to avoid hefty fines in future. Regular check-ups, including pollution checks and servicing, are vital for the good health of your two-wheeler.

It is a good idea to purchase bike insurance to protect yourself from any expenses incurred during these processes. Invest in the bike insurance plan that comes with an attractive premium and features to benefit you when in need.

Click HERE to check out bike insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the difference between fuel injection and carburettor in bikes


Buying a bike is a significant investment for any individual. You put a lot of thought and money into the type of bike you want. The model, budget, brand, features, arrangement of finances are some significant factors a prospective bike owner must consider while making a decision.

An essential part of finalising the type of bike you want is determining the fueling system: carburettor or fuel injection system. For someone who desires to buy a motorcycle but is not technically sound, determining the difference between these two can be an exhausting process.

In this blog, let's understand the difference between fuel injection and carburettor in bikes so that you can get a clear idea about which one would serve your needs in the best way possible.

Let's have a look at the carburettor:
The carburettor is the traditional fuel-delivery system in two-wheelers. It has been the standard system opted by most manufacturers in India. The carburettor consists of a tube connected to a venturi. The venturi then reduces the fuel's flow by narrowing it into a cone-shaped tube. Air pressure is created by the device developing suction to draw the fuel. In layman's terms, the carburettor combines air and fuel in a definite ratio and passes it on to the combustion chamber.

Why should you opt for a carburettor?

1. They are relatively cheap, resistant and sturdy.

2. Affordable and easily replaceable.

3. Fine-tuning is possible (improves mileage).

4. Easily removable and serviceable.

What are the difficulties you might face?

1. You might experience a lag when you squeeze the throttle while riding.

2. It cannot achieve optimum fuel efficiency.

3. Prone to damage (wear and tear).

4. Dust blockages can be problematic.

Now, let's understand what a fuel injection system is?

A fuel injection system is a modern technology-based system used in bikes in the current times. It consists of multiple electronic components and sensors that form the Electronic Control Unit (ECU), which monitors the whole fuel-injected system. The fuel pump inside the tank monitors and controls the fuel flow. The ECU calculates the air and fuel needed for the combustion process.

What are the advantages?

1. Sharper throttle response with no lag.

2. Precise air and fuel mixture for efficient combustion.

3. Durable and low maintenance process.

4. Better mileage.

5. Reduced air pollution.

What are some hitches of the fuel injection system that you might face?

1. Comparatively expensive than the carburettor system.

2. Difficult to fine-tune without expensive and complex tools.

3. ECU takes a professional understanding of how things work. Regular mechanics might find it challenging to repair.

Those were the significant concepts, advantages and challenges to help you understand the difference between fuel injection and carburettor in bikes. This will help you determine which system would cater to your needs in the best way possible. Now, to make sure that you safeguard your bike during unfortunate incidents, it would be a wise option to get it insured.

Explore the market and buy the best two wheeler insurance online India which suits your needs. Digital technology has made it convenient for customers to purchase insurance of their choice online without any intermediary's involvement.

Click HERE to know more about how you can purchase two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the merits and demerits of 4-wheel drive cars

Cars are fantastic companions for commutation, whether you're cruising along highways, navigating busy roads, or going off-roading. On the other hand, the technology-driven components of the cars determine their performance in various conditions.

The variety of car features has significantly increased in recent times, and you now have more choices when selecting your next car than ever before. One such option is a four-wheel drive (4WD) car based on the drivetrain system you want to use.

A 4WD offers to maximise the effective usage of the vehicle on rough roads and rocky terrains. It is an exciting concept that has been introduced in the automobile sector but requires good knowledge to utilise it to its best potential.

You need to understand the merits and demerits of 4WD to make the right choice before buying one.

Advantages of 4WD:

1. A widespread myth is that you must always drive your car in 4WD mode. You have the option of switching between 4WD and 2WD at any time. Modern four-wheel-drive automobiles have a button that activates or disengages all four wheels. So, if you don't require all four wheels to work simultaneously, you may drive around with the 2WD system.

2. In hazardous driving situations such as snow, ice, mountain regions, and other scenarios where staying in control is challenging, 4WD enhances traction and control by engaging both sets of wheels.

3. The improved traction gets combined with the engine's enhanced power. It provides the extra boost 4WD vehicles require to climb over obstacles and up steep inclines. It is ideal for off-roading and mountainous terrain.

Disadvantages of 4WD:

1. The most significant downside of 4WD is the increased expense of acquisition, and maintenance. The extra equipment (transfer case, differentials, etc.) increases the vehicle's complexity and weight, increasing its original market value.

2. Furthermore, the additional weight of a 4WD system and the additional power generated result in lower fuel economy than 2WD systems. Driving your automobile with all four wheels producing power will burn more fuel.

3. Drivers that employ 4WD may grow overconfident, leading to more situations where they become stuck. Excessive confidence can even lead to dangerous accidents if the driver loses control over the vehicle and fails to manage the power that is being generated.

4. The 4WD system connects the front and back driveshafts, ensuring that all four wheels revolve at the same speed. It makes it harder to turn the car because the wheels must move at different rates to corner successfully. The inner wheel rotates slower than the outer wheel, which must traverse a greater distance in the same amount of time. As a result, the outer wheel will rotate quicker. You will damage the transfer case, gears, and drive shafts if you turn the car with 4WD activated. Hence, it's best to use 4WD only for off-roading.

A 4WD is a fantastic investment if you enjoy driving off-road or if you have to deal with difficult driving conditions regularly. But don't assume you need 4WD to get to and from work.
Whether it is a 2WD or 4WD, securing your car from damages is paramount. Accidents are unpredictable, but safety can be defined beforehand. Buy car insurance policy online to stay financially shielded and protect your car to get the best returns on your investment.

Click HERE to buy car insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand why bikes do not have diesel engines

Diesel engines are commonly used in the automobile sector. Cars, trucks and other vehicles rely heavily on them. On the other hand, diesel-powered bikes are rarely seen. Have you ever wondered why? It's not like the industry hasn't seen diesel-powered motorcycles before. In India, only one diesel-powered bike has been introduced. But that is all.

If bikes can run on gas and petrol, why not diesel? With the petrol prices touching new highs every month, it only makes sense to have bikes with a diesel engine, right?

Although the idea is not bizarre, it isn't easy to execute. Keep reading to know why manufacturers do not use diesel engines in bikes. We have mentioned five reasons that will help you understand better.

1. Compression ratio:
The compression ratio of a diesel engine is 24:1, which is higher than a petrol engine's compression ratio of 11:1. The diesel engine must be bigger and heavier to accommodate such a high compression ratio. As a result, it is heavier than a gasoline engine, making it unsuitable for a small vehicle such as a motorbike.
The diesel-powered engine creates greater vibration and noise than the petrol-powered engine due to the higher compression ratio. A bike will not be able to sustain such high vibrations and noise levels.

2. Heating issues:
As compared to petrol engines, diesel-powered engines generate more heat. When diesel burns, it creates a lot of heat, harming the cylinder walls and other engine components like pistons and valves.
To lower the heat, manufacturers will need a larger surface area and a more effective cooling system which is inconvenient. On the other hand, petrol engines produce less energy per gallon. As a result, they stay significantly cooler and are less prone to harm the engine.

3. Price and Size:
The addition of a turbo compressor to push extra air into the cylinder increases the expense and size of a diesel engine. Moreover, injector technology is utilised to pump fuel into the combustion chamber, which is more costly than petrol engine spark plug technology.
A diesel engine is much larger than a petrol engine, and it requires a lot of force to start, making it unsuitable for motorcycles.

4. Greater torque but low speed:
Diesel engines generate greater torque. However, they have lower revolutions per minute (RPM) when compared to a petrol engine. Diesel isn't regarded as an ideal fuel since bikers' high-performance bikes demand greater RPMs.

5. Not so eco-friendly:
The amount of carbon dioxide produced by a diesel engine is around 13% more per gallon than a petrol-powered engine. Its usage is harmful to the environment, observing the average number of motorcycles used nationwide. This figure can be a significant threat to India's climate.

There you have it, all the key reasons why manufacturers won't produce diesel-powered bikes. Even if we look from a biker's perspective, no biker would want a bulky bike with more cons than pros. Although if the technology evolves in the future, we might have a diesel engine revolution. Until then, stick to your petrol-powered bike and insure it with the best two wheeler insurance in India. You can browse multiple options and choose one with the best premium and benefits.

Click HERE to buy the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to improve the fuel efficiency of your car

No matter how much we stress about the rising fuel prices, there isn't much we can do about them. Then how do we ensure we use our vehicle efficiently and stay stress-free about the condition of our car? Moreover, how do we compensate for the fuel prices we pay?

Do you know regular maintenance of your vehicle can save you up to thirty per cent of fuel consumption? And yet, a lot of car owners slack off on taking care of their vehicles. Some don't go for regular servicing, and others use cheap spare parts and end up damaging their car.

This blog is your guide on improving the fuel efficiency of your car. We will discuss various ways to attain maximum efficiency without widening the hole in your pocket created by the increasing petrol and diesel prices.

1. Avoid leaving the vehicle idle:
Leaving your vehicle in an idle state at traffic signals consumes almost a gallon of fuel and increases your carbon footprint by releasing unnecessary carbon dioxide into the air. Instead of leaving your car in an idle state, restart as per your necessity. This saves a lot of fuel and minimises carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

2. Warm-up:
Slowly and effectively heating your car's engine is a better choice than revving it. Unnecessary pressure will decrease the efficiency of your engine, and it will consume more fuel for power generation. After starting your vehicle, wait for thirty seconds to allow the engine to warm up properly at its own pace.

3. Say no to heavy braking:
Reduce the use of throttle and avoid applying unnecessary heavy brakes. This saves your vehicle from the possibility of wear and tear and decreases fuel wastage by almost thirty per cent, thus improving your car's fuel efficiency.

4. Don't rev your car:
Revving your engine causes wastage of fuel. It flushes down all the oil from the cylinder walls. The absence of oil could worsen the next time you start up your car. This will put pressure on the engine and result in excessive fuel consumption.

5. Multiple errands:
Planning your trip according to your errands can efficiently help you utilise the fuel. You can combine and run multiple errands and reduce the number of trips.

6. Alignment:
Check the alignment of the chassis parts and suspension. If the wheels are bent, or if there are broken springs, the drivetrain drag of your car will increase, resulting in increased fuel consumption. Defective parts and misalignment can also put your safety in danger and amplify the risks of accidents.

That's a wrap on how to improve your car's fuel efficiency. Using these tips, you can ensure maximum and optimum utilisation of the petrol and diesel you put in your vehicle. While fuel efficiency is an essential aspect of owning a car, ensuring your car's security is equally important. Invest in car insurance and protect your vehicle from any unfortunate incidents. To purchase insurance, explore the market, and browse through multiple deals to ensure that you get the best car insurance price in India.

Click HERE to know more about how you can get the best car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about the total loss car insurance claim process

Car insurance might include many technical languages that can be difficult to grasp or make sense of. One such concept that might perplex people is "total loss." If you are involved in an unfortunate event where your vehicle sustains significant damage, this is referred to as ‘Total Loss’ in insurance jargon.

This is a tragic situation, and you must follow particular procedures to submit an insurance claim. In case of a total loss, the cost of restoring and repairing your car exceeds 75% of the insured declared value (IDV). Let us learn more about this term, what it means, and some other areas of motor insurance linked to it.

Total loss in car insurance:

When the calculated cost of repairing a damaged vehicle exceeds the car's actual cash worth, the automobile is considered a "total loss." Such a claim differs from other small claims since it requires more work. When an automobile is deemed a total loss by its insurance company, it is referred to as a totalled car.

Total loss can be caused by two means:

• Car getting stolen

• Car getting wrecked beyond repair in an accident

Furthermore, a constructive total loss occurs when the anticipated cost to repair or replace the insured vehicle exceeds its real market worth. Constructive total loss is so severe that it is cheaper and wiser to purchase a new car instead. This is mainly because there is little likelihood of returning the vehicle to its previous condition.

What to do if you suffer a total loss?

You have the option of selling the remaining pieces of your wrecked vehicle to a scrap dealer. Some components are recyclable, while others are not. The scrap trader will separate these pieces and recycle them for other purposes.

The next important step is to cancel your RC certificate at your closest RTO office. It is your responsibility to comply within a 14-day grace time to submit a notification to the RTO office. When you cancel your registration, you provide a guarantee that the same registration will not go to anyone else.

The next move would be to submit a Total Loss claim. When you submit a claim, the insurance provider is only obligated to pay the IDV. If you already have the ‘Return to Invoice add-on’ on your coverage, the motor insurance provider is obligated to pay the entire amount of the car invoice. This add-on allows you to acquire the total value of the vehicle rather than just the insured declared value.

For those who are newly purchasing car insurance, do not sleep on the Return to Invoice add-on. This is something that will ultimately work in your favour. Things are always uncertain when you're on the road, so be responsible and do not travel without car insurance. Take serious responsibility for protecting your possessions and make wise investments in security that will reap you good benefits at the hour of need. Watch out for your car insurance renewal dates and always renew them beforehand.

To get a car insurance renewal, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Six practical gifts for any parent they would love

Parenting is tough, but buying an ideal gift for your parents might be even more challenging. What would you gift the people who gave you everything? Is there even a perfect gift for parents? The finest presents are ones that celebrate their hard work and provide them with a much-needed break from daily life. These gift choices are guaranteed to be a success.

Even a tiny present may be a polite way to express your love and gratitude towards them. Owing to internet purchasing, your options are almost limitless. However, this may lead to some significant stress while decision-making.

We are here for your help as we have curated a list of the most fantastic presents for parents.

1. Packing cube set of 6:
This is a packaging set that contains six pieces. Cubes of four different sized bags, one for footwear, and one zippered bag to separate dirty clothes. This could be the perfect gift for people who like to travel and explore around. It is incredibly organised and easy to carry along.

2. The latest Fitbit:
A fitness watch is an intelligent fitness tracking device that also serves as a watch. It keeps track of your daily routine, steps, burned calories, hourly activity, heart rate, and more. This gift could inspire your parents to start working out and look after their health.

3. A vacation:
One of the best gifts for anyone is a little vacation to cherish priceless moments. A trip that takes away all their stress and worries. Some alone time with nature is what a parent needs after looking after everybody in the family. So, go ahead and book a lovely trip to a beautiful destination.

4. Neck and Back massager:
Growing up, you may have been a pain in the neck (literally!). This is your chance to make up for it by giving your parents an electric neck and back massager. Despite the age, one could always have the benefits of massages whenever they want.

5. Gardening kit for organic kitchen herbs:
A one-of-a-kind gift for people who love to cook with fresh home-grown ingredients. Gardening takes up a lot of your time, but the outcome is worth every second you invest. This is also an excellent hobby for retired parents.

6. Health insurance:
Health insurance is the most valuable gift you can give your parents. They never prioritise themselves, so you have to do it for them. All you have to do is look for the best health insurance in India for parents and purchase it to secure their health and ensure their happiness.

There's no doubt that the most important people in your life deserve nothing but the finest, no matter what the occasion. Nonetheless, when it's time to find the right present for them, it may be tough to think of something as unique as them.

That's where our list comes in. Picking gifts for parents will always leave us perplexed for a while. However, something practical and functional is an excellent choice. We hope this list guides you in choosing the perfect gift for your parents.

Click HERE To get the best health insurance in India for parents, click

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Six best ways to avoid backaches during car journeys

Planning impromptu road trips is always a great way to take some time off and have fun. These days, people like to travel with ease and comfort, so road journeys have become the ideal mode of travel during vacations. However, continuous driving can become uncomfortable and cause various back troubles like backaches, stiffness, numbness, discomfort, nausea, etc.

In this blog, we will discuss the six best ways to avoid backaches during car journeys so you can enjoy your trip to the full extent.

1. Comfort:
Make sure that you are comfortable from the beginning of your trip. Do not keep purses, watches, etc., in your back pocket as it might disturb the alignment of your spine, resulting in discomfort or backache. If you are driving, sit closer to the steering wheel instead of bending or messing up your posture to reach it.

2. Alignment:
Keeping your back aligned to the seat provides comfort while driving. You can add comfortable gear and equipment to help you maintain your back alignment. Roll up a towel and keep it between your back and the seat to maintain the curve of your posture.

3. Smooth rides:
Replace any worn tyres or parts that can cause jerks on the road. Make sure that your ride is as smooth and comfortable as possible. You can use a car seat cushion to help with your sciatica pain.

4. Breaks:
Road journeys require you to sit in the same positions for a longer duration of time which can cause numbness in your legs and back. To avoid the risk of backaches, make sure that you take breaks in the regular intervals of your trip and get out of your car to stretch your whole body. Move around a bit to ensure there is no stiffness.

5. Cold pack:
If you have pre-existing backache issues, it would be good to bring a cold pack for the journey. Backaches can trigger inflammation. Applying cold packs helps reduce inflammation and calm sore and numb tissues. To sustain the temperature of your cold pack, you can carry a cooler in your car and keep reusable ice packs in it.

6. Warmers:
Some people have found that seat warmers help relax the muscles by warming up the lower back. You can use reusable heating pads in place of a pillow that provides lumbar support, heat wraps that last for longer durations, etc., for a comfortable road trip experience without the risk of severe backache.

To avoid backaches, you must take good care of your posture during road journeys. Excessive strain on your body, especially the back, due to continuous driving for hours can affect your physical wellbeing. Follow the above tips to make driving comfortable and less exhausting.

Consider buying car insurance to avoid hefty expenses in case of any mishaps. Reliable car insurance with an additional feature of Personal injury protection (PIP) will cover all the expenses, including garage costs, medical bills and provides financial security under all circumstances.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Plan your perfect workcation at these top five serene destinations of India

Two years ago, the pandemic took over our lives like a storm. People were locked inside their homes for months on end. And as soon as the restrictions were lifted, we saw an increased number of people looking for ways to unwind. Having been cooped up inside their rooms for a long time, people started looking for alternate work locations. This became a growing trend amongst the working group. Studies suggested that taking workcations positively reflected the employees' morale and increased productivity.

The term workcation is a combination of two concepts; work and vacation. We saw people flooding their social media with pictures of them working from beautiful mountains or beaches in the background. If you have been wondering where to go for your next workcation, this article is just for you. We have brought a list of a few places you can go to enjoy your work.

1. Pondicherry:
If you are looking for an ideal beach location, Pondicherry is the place for you. It hosts various big and small cafes with a soothing ambience. Make use of the free Wi-Fi in the cafes for your work as you indulge in the delicious treats offered. Spend time in various eateries in the mornings and unwind by the beach for spectacular sunsets in the evenings.

2. Kasauli:
Any Ruskin Bond fan will know why Kasauli is on this list. This beautiful hill station in Himachal Pradesh boasts picturesque views of snow-clad mountains and lush forests. Kasauli, to date, holds memories of British history in its architecture. The churches offer a peaceful environment, much like the rest of the city, where you can sit with a warm cup of coffee and work your way through a stress-free day.

3. Munnar:
For a tea lover, there's no better way to work than with the aroma of tea in the air. Munnar hosts a variety of tea museums and stalls where you can enjoy the different kinds of tea that the town has to offer. The misty hills, the fast-flowing streams and tiny little cottages are equivalent to paintings. Enjoy your tea with some traditional Kerala banana fritters as you clock off for the day.

4. Udaipur:
The Venice of the east has an array of lakes with the beautiful Aravali hills skirting it. Work in the midst of royalty as you explore the various breathtaking palaces that Udaipur hosts. Characterised by a rich history, Udaipur is a must on your list if you are a history enthusiast. It has something for everyone, varying from grand palaces to tiny cafes, monotony is out of the question for any traveller.

5. Goa:
This is a no brainer for anyone wanting to take a vacation. If you are a party animal, there are many options in North Goa. Work in the mornings while enjoying the sounds of the beach and join the crowd for the party in the evening. However, if you prefer peace and calm, South Goa is the place for you.

These are a few places you can choose from for your next workcation. Keep in mind that the pandemic is not entirely over. So wear masks and carry sanitisers at all times. With such unpredictable times, it is a wise choice to buy insurance policy online. Invest in an insurance policy to ensure your travel plans are intact, and in case of an unforeseen expense, you stay is covered.

Click HERE to buy insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Plan a perfect summer vacation to these top island tourist places of India

From ice-capped mountains in the north to beautiful peninsulas in the south, India promises several travel experiences for everyone. What astonishes the travellers is the diverse local culture, cuisine, and lifestyle that you can enjoy in every part of India. The country comprises various big and small islands with rich cultural backing, and today we will look into a few of these to help you plan your next summer vacation. We bring the top 05 best islands to visit in India, which you can add to your travel bucket list.

1. Diu island:
Possibly one of the most beautiful islands on the list, Diu Island consists of beaches and heritage that are sure to enchant anyone who visits here. From forts to caves to museums, Diu offers so much to explore.
The Diu fort reveals some of the forgotten Portuguese histories with eye-catching stonework structures. After exploring the city throughout the day, a visit to Chakratirth beach is a must. With a stunning sunset and a backdrop of local food stalls, this is the perfect place for you to unwind.

2. Havelock islands:
One of the most talked-about islands, Havelock hosts tourists throughout the year. The largest island in Andaman, it's famous for its blue water, picturesque views, and adventurous water sports. It is an easy competition to foreign beaches and will give you a lifetime of memories.

3. Lakshadweep islands:
The smallest group of islands with a population of as few as 60,000 residents, Lakshadweep is where you would want to go to stay away from the tourist crowd. Spending time on the island will help you closely see the local life in an island town. Since the beautiful beaches are the island's main attraction, this is your go-to destination if all you want is to hear the waves crashing and seagulls hooting.

4. Munroe islands:
Munroe island in Kerala is a cluster of eight islands that promises an impeccable view of narrow canals connecting a network of backwaters. Munroe islands was once an unexplored territory, and only now has it started opening to tourist exploration. Munroe has beautiful rustic architectural relics that have stood the test of time. It still holds the old culture and lifestyle of the place intact. You can enjoy a wide variety of home-cooked meals while enjoying homestay and interacting closely with the locals.

5. St. Mary's islands:
A collection of 4 small islands, this place is famous for its unique rock formation similar to Ireland's. A serene island, close to the coast of Udupi, it has significance in science as well. It is believed that these unique rock formations were caused due to subvolcanic activities in Africa.

These are a few of India's many beautiful island tourist destinations, which magnetically attract people from all over India. Remember that these places are set away from the mainland; hence ensure to look into safe and comfortable travel options. Carry first aid, emergency medicines, and snacks for the commute. Insure your travel plans with general insurance for greater financial safety. You can buy general insurance online and safeguard yourself against any unprecedented expense you might incur during your trip.

Click HERE to know more about how to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The merits and demerits of combi brake system in two-wheelers

The braking system in any bike is the most important mechanism. A Japanese auto giant has been granted a patent for their combination braking system (CBS) for motorbikes. The combi brake system (CBS) simultaneously applies the front and rear wheel brakes with a single lever.

According to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways’ new requirements, all two-wheelers sold post-April 2019 with an engine capacity exceeding 125cc must be fitted with Anti-lock Braking System, while models with an engine capacity of 125cc or less must be equipped with a combi-braking system (CBS).

In this post, we're discussing CBS, including its merits and demerits. Read ahead if you wish to know about this remarkable technology.

CBS vs Traditional Braking System:
The most effective braking approach is to use both the rear and front brakes simultaneously. However, most bikers either don't possess the skills for it or simply lack patience. Even if a rider manages to apply both brakes simultaneously with less competence, the chances are that they won't be applying proportional force to both brakes.
In most circumstances, this results in unstable and dangerous braking. The Combi Brake System with equaliser minimises stopping distance. It also enhances braking stability compared to traditional braking so that you may ride with the assurance of effective brakes.

Merits of CBS:

1. Braking distance minimisation: It helps to minimise accidents caused due to unexpected braking by reducing braking distance compared to standard brakes.

2. Safer option: It is better and safer than the standard brake system. CBS aids in maintaining the bike's balance during braking and avoiding the risks of accidents.

3. Suitable for wet surfaces: CBS delivers greater performance and secure braking in slippery and bumpy road conditions.

4. Availability: Combi Brake System's price is relatively modest, and it's simple to use on standard motorcycles. In contrast to the Anti-lock braking system, which only works with disc brakes, the CBS system works with both disc/drum and drum/drum braking combinations.

Demerits of CBS:

The Combi Brake system is not ideal for high-performance two-wheelers. It also impairs the handling of motorcycle riders who perform stunts on the bike, putting them in dangerous positions when confronted with abrupt and intense events. That is why Indian law has only made it mandatory for bikes whose engine capacity is lower than 125cc.

So far, more than 10 million people ride bikes with CBS. While CBS may have some disadvantages, they are mainly concerned with high-performance two-wheelers. In moderate engine capacity bikes, the pros outweigh the cons. While the Indian government makes it mandatory to have CBS in bikes below 125cc engine capacity, it is also required to have two-wheeler insurance according to the Indian Vehicle Act.

Renew or buy the best 2 wheeler insurance online available in India. Several insurance companies are offering exciting offers for online transactions. So, purchasing 2 wheeler insurance online has become more popular, especially post-pandemic. You need to be wise and choose a policy that will be the best for your bike.

Click HERE to purchase 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best summer driving tips for long-distance drivers

With the summer approaching, we are all excited to get out and soak up the sunlight. Road trips during the summertime are at the top of everyone's bucket list. You can enjoy a long drive to sandy beaches and resorts or a journey to cooler, remote hill stations.

While we all love long road trips, they can quickly get exhausting when you're stuck in the same spot for hours on end. The landscape might be worth every bit of your patience, but driving for several kilometres at a stretch can be mentally and physically bothersome.

You may invest in motor insurance India to secure your vehicle's health but caring for your health while on a lengthy midsummer journey is equally needed. Following these tips while driving long distances can make your journey more comfortable, safe, and fruitful!

1. Plan ahead:
Planning your road trip is essential so that you manage to follow the itinerary and reach your destination on time. As you know, you're going to be driving for long hours at a stretch, so you must make sure to pack all the necessary items to carry.
Keep track of your routes and highways, petrol pumps or gas stations on your way, restaurants or motels for refreshments, and the amount of food and water you require during the drive.

2. Prepare your vehicle:
Whether you are taking a car or a van, ensure the vehicle's condition and fitness are thoroughly checked before setting off on your journey. Check if your car fits for the long drive and the fuel tank is full to its capacity before leaving. Also, check the air pressure in the tyres and examine all other technical requirements.
Ensure that you carry all necessary car documents like your car's registration certificate, motor insurance India documents, driver's license, and PUC certificate.

3. Stay hydrated and eat well:
Dehydration and an empty stomach can disturb you immensely while on the road. Dehydration for long hours can cause blurry vision and muscle cramps that are incredibly dangerous while driving. The sweltering heat can get to you and cause dizziness if you haven't eaten.
Make sure to drink enough water and consume plenty of liquids during your journey. Eat a healthy meal before taking off and eat energy-giving, light foods whenever you make stops during the trip.

4. Take enough breaks:
Driving may be stress-relieving for some individuals but sitting behind the wheel for long hours can physically strain the body. You must make regular stops along the journey and get out of the driver's seat. Stretch your arms and legs and relieve any tension in your neck and back. Inculcating this habit can make the long journey much more comfortable.

5. Keep essentials handy:
While food, water, and car documents are the most vital essentials to carry, remember to pack other travel essentials like sunglasses, caps, sunblock, a torch, and a scarf or sweater. Carry emergency hardware to fix your car if any damage is caused on the road. Keeping a first aid kit is essential as you never know when you might need it.

Long road trips under the sun are what summer dreams are made of, but they can quickly become challenging. You must not forget to secure your health and safety in all the fun. Following these tips can relieve long-distance drivers from the issues they may face on the road. Prioritising the security of your vehicle is equally important. So invest in an ideal motor insurance India policy to protect you from unexpected losses and put less pressure on your pockets in case of physical damages to your car.

Click HERE to know more about motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Try these effective ways to have a pimple-free and glowing face

Our skin and face bear a lot due to oil production, sweat, dust, and weather effects. Maintaining a clear and glowing complexion in these harsh conditions is a difficult thing. With social media taking centre stage in our lives, unreasonable beauty standards have been a constant.

However, one thing to keep in mind is that using multiple products might not be the path to glowing skin. Thousands of brands in the market promote expensive products to tempt you into buying them. Today we will look at a few inexpensive yet effective ways to have pimple-free and glowing skin.

1. Wash your face:
Pollution is a leading cause of breakouts and uneven skin. Research says that people who washed their skin twice a day saw a significant reduction in acne. Washing your face with a mild cleanser and cold water is the best way to clean your face and remove impurities.

2. Moisturise:
People often neglect moisturising when talking about acne-prone skin. However, moisturising can be significantly beneficial in the long run, no matter your skin type. Choosing non-greasy, light products that suit your skin type will help you in achieving glowing skin

3. Exfoliate:
Exfoliation helps get rid of dead skin cells that may clog pores and lead to acne. However, exfoliating daily can be harmful to your skin, hence stick to only once a week.

4. Consume water:
It’s no secret that water is the best medicine that solves a lot of your skin and health-related problems. Drinking at least 7-8 glasses of water is highly recommended as it helps wash out toxins from your body and reduces acne and scarring.

5. Avoid sugar:
If you have an excess acne problem, it is advisable to reduce your sugar intake as much as possible. A high glycemic index is a leading cause of acne.

6. Eat healthy:
Your skincare is only as effective as your diet. Having a well-balanced diet is crucial for clear and glowing skin. Consuming food items rich in vitamins and minerals is not only good for your gut health but also the health of your skin and hair. Eating clean food can show drastic changes in your skin.

7. Healthy Lifestyle:
There are countless articles on how leading a healthy lifestyle can positively affect your overall health. Regular exercise, sleeping on time and staying away from alcohol and smoking should be considered if you are aiming for a healthy life and glowing skin.

These are a few ways to give primary care to your skin and avoid pimples and dull skin. However, if the problem persists, consider going to a dermatologist. Your dermatologist will inform you about the products best suited for your skin type and any dietary changes that you may need to make.

Sometimes, the dermatologist might suggest getting blood work done to recognise any deficiency or allergies causing persistent acne and dullness. These tests and checkups can be expensive. Therefore, consider looking at online health insurance companies and choosing the best that equips you with the best healthcare treatment without stressing the huge costs payable for medical bills.

Click HERE to learn about online health insurance companies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's examine the most common trucking violations in India


India's economy is heavily dependent on the transport of various goods. As the world's second-most populous country and one of the fastest-growing economies, different food and industrial needs can be met only with effective and constant transport operations. Supplying goods for a population as vast as over 130 crore people isn't easy, and various modes of transport are used to meet the demand and supply requirements of the nation. Be it the well-connected train routes or the extensive trucking system, transportation is pivotal for the country.

And while the train pilots are heavily compensated and well paid, the trucking community is often neglected. With minimal pay, over the top work hours and extended working conditions, truck pilots face a lot of trouble.

Today, we highlight the most prevalent trucking violations in India.

1. Sleepless nights:
Truck drivers are constantly working for 12 hours at a stretch. Sometimes this goes on for days non-stop. Covering long distances within a given time can be challenging for the drivers. And sleepless nights and bare minimum food can add to the fatigue.
Research showed that almost 53 per cent of the current driving force face various psychological and physical issues, including but not limited to insomnia, obesity, joint pain, poor vision etc.

2. Extended work hours:
Since most truckers come from low-income groups, they are always looking for ways to work extra hours. This leads to added fatigue and exhaustion.
There have been instances when drivers have unknowingly knocked vehicles from the road and crushed the pedestrians. While there is no mandate stating the number of permissible work hours in India, it is illegal to drive for more than 10 hours at a stretch in most countries.

3. Overloading:
About 10 percent of total accidents are caused by overloading. These accidents can be caused due to various reasons such as tyre burst, loss of balance, manoeuvring the speed on an incline, worn out brakes etc. The weight of the truck changes if it's overloaded, which impacts the centre of gravity, making it challenging to handle the vehicle.

4. Poor health care:
Trucking services neglect the need to provide basic insurance to truckers and co-pilots. The truckers often turn to home remedies and generic medicines in case of injury. In most cases, they cannot afford the treatment as they prioritise reaching the destination on time. As a result, severe back pain and loss of vision have become some of the most common health issues amongst truckers.

Truckers are one of the most villainous communities on the road. However, we need to understand that they are put through extremely hostile work conditions. Providing sufficient health care and funds to truckers should be made mandatory. Limiting the working hours, maintaining a logbook and providing good resting conditions for the drivers can bring a considerable change to the trucking business in the country.

Sometimes, the truckers are responsible for bearing the cost of repairs on the truck while on the road. Burdening the drivers with such extra expense can be avoided by investing in comprehensive online motor insurance and selecting the plans that provide the best benefits. Various NGOs and individual transport companies can look for multiple covers, including health insurance, public accident insurance and motor insurance for the drivers.

Click HERE to know more about buying online motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best car accessories and extensions that can safeguard your vehicle from damages

Several car owners consider their vehicle to be an expression of themselves. Car enthusiasts may pick aesthetic modifications for their beloved vehicle in the same way a person chooses particular outfits to showcase the style quotient.

Remember, having automobile protection accessories may help prevent any slight or significant wear and tear that occurs over time. Such accessories will undoubtedly keep your vehicle spotless, increase its longevity, and add value to your car.

However, you must strike the correct balance between aesthetic and practical modifications so that your vehicle stands out in terms of both elegance and convenience. Here are several useful and practical extensions to enhance your vehicle's overall quality.

1. Additional fog lamps:
When the primary headlights fail, the extra fog lights turn on. These are primarily helpful if the battery is dead and no other power source is available. They also use the braking system to minimise acceleration in certain circumstances, leading to a lower speed when the vehicle meets an obstacle and preventing it from veering off the road.

2. Side moulding on the body:
This is an excellent option for vehicle owners who wish to armour their cars and protect them from knocks and dents on the road. The resilient material is elastic enough to absorb the impact of slamming car doors against your side. When buying a body side moulding, you can pick from various designs and colour choices to enhance the appearance of your car's exterior.

3. Tyre-pressure monitor:
Some individuals are picky about certain aspects, while others are not. A tyre pressure monitor set could interest you if you fall into the first group. Your car's tyres should always be in perfect condition, and this device guarantees that they have the correct pressure for travel. If there is a deviation, the monitor will notify you to remedy the problem.

4. Grill protectors:
A strong grill shield protects the front of the car from severe damage caused by pebbles, tall grass, and anything that it may kick up. It can also secure the driver and passengers in minor accidents or collisions with other vehicles or wildlife.

5. Jump starters:
A jump starter may serve as a backup power source when your four-wheeler's battery fails. If you like taking long road trips, it is advisable to have a jump starter tool kit in your car. This equipment becomes even more important when driving on frigid terrains or secluded locations.

6. Hydraulic jack:
Always keep a hydraulic jack handy in your vehicle. This mechanical tool can be of great help when you need to change the tyre in case of a puncture. A hydraulic jack can reduce the mechanical effort involved in tilting or lifting the vehicle.

You can select from a plethora of accessory packages and accessible alternatives to further safeguard your four-wheeler. However, before purchasing protective gear, examine how you will operate them for the best benefit of your car's safety and needs.

Aside from protective extras such as tyre pressure monitoring, keyless locking, and additional bumpers, protecting your car with motor insurance is an investment that will surely pay off in the long term. It will provide you with a hassle-free car experience without jeopardising your safety. Therefore, look for the best motor insurance company in India to protect your car, yourself and other drivers on the road.

Click HERE to connect with the best motor insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Six best tips for the newcomers in fishing

Fishing is an easy sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Many people like to camp near fishing sites and spend time with family and friends. The excitement of holding the rods and attempting to catch a fish and cook it into a delectable dish is a joyful experience.

While fishing is a simple sport, newcomers interested in trying their hand at it might find it difficult to get started. Catching the first fish is a memory to cherish throughout your life, and this blog will help you accomplish that.

Let's discuss the six best tips for newcomers to get started with fishing easily.

1. Research:
It would be best to do some research before heading straight to the pond with your fishing rod. Get a general idea about fishing. Read some books on the basics of fishing to understand the process. You may even watch a few tutorials online to clear the fundamentals of preparing the rod, using the bait, and understanding the techniques involved.

2. Basics:
After you are done with your research and are familiar with the terms and equipment used in fishing, you can get started by understanding the basics and pre-fishing tasks. For example- you can learn how to put baits on the hook, tie knots, etc.

3. Bait:
You need to know about the various types of baits that attract different fish. For example, raw chicken liver attracts catfish. Adding the wrong bait can make it difficult to catch a fish. So acquaint yourself with the proper knowledge about different types of fish and the tricks used to catch them.

4. Location and weather:
Be mindful while choosing a location for your fishing trip. Look up the site on the internet and learn more about the water bodies and the types of fish that might be available (if any). A cloudy sky is considered to be the best weather for fishing. You can also catch fish in other weather conditions, but an overcast sky speaks magic comparatively. If you are not aware of the proper conditions for fishing, it could be a disappointing experience not to find anything to catch.

5. Apparel:
You need to dress for the occasion. In the case of fishing, wear boots since there is a slight chance that you might have to (or by accident) paddle into the water while catching a fish. Dressing according to the weather would make the fishing experience better for you. Wear layers if it is cloudy and chilly. Tie your long hair into a ponytail to avoid getting distracted.

6. Bug spray:
Make sure that you carry bug spray. The places around these water bodies tend to have a lot of bugs and insects (mainly mosquitoes), which might cause trouble while fishing and can get you sick if you are not careful. Using an itch-free bug spray is advisable for a comfortable fishing experience.

That's a wrap on the six best tips for newcomers in fishing. You have to be quiet around the edge of the water bodies to catch fish efficiently. Even a slight mistake can be risky and may land you into unwanted trouble. So, get the best personal accident insurance India to protect yourself against any unfortunate incidents and make your fishing experience a memorable one.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy the best personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why are annual health checkups required for adults above 50

As we get older, our body becomes subject to more wear and tear. Several adults develop comorbidities and illnesses as they hit the milestone of 50. At this stage, getting medical tests and screenings is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and habits.

While maintaining overall wellness is important at any age, adults are more prone to discovering their underlying health issues at this age. This is when it becomes imperative to get well-rounded annual health checkups to ascertain any medical worries and improve their quality of life.

Unfortunately, along with a sense of wisdom, getting older also brings a list of health complications. While investing in health insurance in India can secure your parents' medical worries, conducting annual health checkups is paramount.

Benefits of annual health checkups for adults above 50.

1. Discover health issues early on:
Getting health checkups involves various scans and blood tests. There are several things you can learn from these tests. When shown to your physician, they can point out any deficiencies and more extensive problems that your tests may reflect. Knowing about these health problems as soon as possible is key to controlling and managing them effectively. You may not be suffering from any symptoms early on. However, it's better to learn about these issues by running tests before matters get out of hand.

2. Know about a disease you're at risk for:
Your tests can also help your doctors find any problems leading to more severe diseases or illnesses in the future. Knowing your family's health history and comparing it with your own can help draw parallels and understand what condition to prepare for.

3. Manage chronic diseases effectively:
With every annual checkup, you can learn how many changes your body goes through. You can also know when you may develop long-term comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, asthma, arthritis, etc., that need hands-on treatment.

4. Save time, effort, and money:
Precaution is always better than cure. Regular checkups can help you prevent illnesses and save you from dealing with severe symptoms later on. Even though you may have secured the retirement life of your parents by investing in health insurance in India for parents, it is always better to know about the upcoming challenges you need to cope with. This saves the amount of time, effort, and money that needs to be spent controlling the health complications that get worse with time.

5. Make better lifestyle choices:
Health issues do not arise simply due to hereditary or genetic makeup. They can also occur due to unhealthy and toxic lifestyle choices. A regular habit of indulging in unhealthy food, liquor, and other narcotics can adversely affect your health.

Unhealthy habits like smoking can cause respiratory and blood toxicity. Getting annual health checkups can help you understand what physical issues these unhealthy habits are causing and how to fix them.

To sum it up, adults need to understand the importance of getting annual health checkups once they turn 50. Ignoring your health will only lead to more problems in the future. Encourage the elders in the family to get yearly checkups on time to avoid undue stress and health concerns. Remember to consider health insurance in India for parents to cover the medical needs of your parents and loved ones.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Checklist to change your 2 wheeler insurance online

Having two-wheeler insurance helps you during unprecedented financial situations such as accidents, natural disasters, theft etc. A comprehensive plan covers the damages and repairs you might require in the future for your vehicle.

Over time, with new insurers coming to market and new insurance plans taking centre stage, we find ourselves wanting to make a switch. You might be tempted to change your insurance provider or simply want an upgrade.

This article will help you better understand things you need to look out for before changing your two-wheeler insurance.

1. Sometimes, due to a lack of attentiveness from your previous insurance provider, you might want to make a switch. You can look up the renewal process of the 2 wheeler insurance online. Insurance companies provide a hassle-free renewal process.

2. Instead of switching your insurance provider, you can simply upgrade your plans. At the time of renewal, ask your insurance provider to brief you on all the best and updated insurance plans. You can also check online and find the kind of upgrades the company provides.

3. If you need to switch services during your current policy, you can conveniently do that. First, you will have to close your existing policy. Most insurers will refund you with a few deductions. The switching process is generally hassle-free. You are required to submit documents to cancel your old one once the new insurance provider has given you cover.

4. If cost is the primary reason for you to switch, you should first compare the 2 wheeler insurance available online. Sometimes an insurance company may provide you with more cover for a few extra hundred bucks. If that’s the case, you might want to stick with your existing provider.

5. Look into factors like customer service, efficiency, claim settlement ratios etc. This gives you a better understanding of the company and their market ratings. This plays a massive role in choosing the best insurance provider for you.

6. The following documents are to be kept handy in case of a change of insurance provider:

• Identity Proof

• Address Proof

• Registration certificate

• The previous insurance policy document

• Passport size photo

7. While making the switch, don’t forget to look into the add-ons that the new policy provides. Add-ons such as roadside assistance, engine cover, etc., might increase the premium of your insurance, but it also assures prompt and easy service.

This is a comprehensive list of things you should keep in mind while changing your insurance plans. Remember that the insurance providers are there to help. Asking the right questions and understanding all the services your insurance provider is willing to provide can go a long way. With easy access to technology, you can go onto the internet, analyse various options, and choose the 2 wheeler insurance online that suits you the best.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you need to make these decisions before renewing your policy. Since riding a vehicle with no insurance is a punishable offence. Hence researching beforehand should be your priority.

Click HERE to take a look at 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ways to detect natural gas leaks at home

Natural gas is commonly used at homes for cooking and heating purposes. It is a fantastic fuel and is highly convenient for domestic purposes. However, since the gas is combustible, a leakage in large amounts can cause suffocation and death.

As natural gas is colourless and odour-free, it is always difficult to find any gas leak signs in your home. Also, remember that it might not have physical indications or smells. So, how can you identify natural gas leaks? Let's look at everything you need to know.

Detectors for Natural Gas leaks.

1. Propane & Natural Gas Detector:
The goal of these sensors is to notify about grills or stoves being switched on. Many homes use sensors to detect whether the youngsters in the family are tampering with the grill or stove. These sensors come in both connected and wireless forms. If you have a hardwired sensor, you can use a wireless transmitter to connect to it.

2. Carbon Monoxide Detector:
When these detectors sense a particular level of carbon monoxide in the air, they go off and sound an alert. It has a combination of different sensors that help it function, such as

• A biomimetic sensor changes colour as it absorbs carbon monoxide, and this colour shift activates the alert.

• The silica chip's circuitry system detects carbon monoxide, which reduces the electrical resistance and causes the alarm to sound.

• If the electrodes in a chemical solution present in the detector come into touch with carbon monoxide, they detect variations in electrical currents, triggering the alarm.

Traditional ways to detect a gas leak.

1. The smell of a rotten egg or sulfur:
Natural gas and propane have unique odours for a particular reason. Gas processing companies employ mercaptan as a safety additive because it gives the colourless and odourless gas a distinct odour. Most people associate this odour with rotting eggs or sulfur. So if you smell anything of such nature, investigate for a gas leak.

2. Dead vegetation:
Although you can't see the gas pipelines beneath the soil, a visible patch of dead vegetation can signify a leaky gas pipeline underneath.

3. Hissing sound:
You may hear a mild hissing sound coming from your gas line if there is a leak. This is a solid sign to get the line diagnosed immediately.

4. The bubble test:
Combine a teaspoon of detergent with a cup of water. Apply this solution to the area you believe is leaking and watch for bubbles to form. This signifies that gas is leaking from that location.

The possibility of a gas leak can be frightening, but understanding how to recognise danger and what precautions to take can help you relax. When it comes to gas leak detection, using the methods outlined above can assist you in determining whether your family and house are in danger.

One more step in maximising safety is to get insurance for you, the loved ones and your valuable assets. Browse through different plans of general insurance companies in India and analyse your requirements. Buy the plan that meets all your needs and safeguard your home against these risks.

Click HERE to explore insurance plans from one of the best general insurance companies in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five home remedies to deal with insomnia

People with insomnia do not get enough sleep, and most of the days do not wake up feeling refreshed. The cause of sleep deprivation varies among individuals. Sleep deprivation is associated with various issues like weariness, difficulties focusing, mood fluctuations, and poor job performance. However, most cases of insomnia are caused by stress, an unpleasant experience, or abnormalities in the sleep cycle. Severe insomnia can only be cured via treatment. However, short-term insomnia is manageable.

If you have trouble falling asleep after retiring for the day, no matter how weary you are, here are some home cures you may try.

1. Yoga:
Yoga is considered a proven method to improve sleep quality and boost mental well-being. It also helps reduce stress, enhance physical performance, and increase concentration.
Remember to choose a style that emphasises moving meditation or breath work over strenuous physical motions. Slow, controlled motions help you to maintain your attention and concentration. Practicing the poses before going to bed might help you relax and unwind.

2. Meditation with awareness:
Mindfulness has been shown to improve well-being by lowering stress, building tolerance, enhancing good mood, and even strengthening immunity. It also has a positive influence on one’s sleep quality and schedule.
There are many free and commercial mindfulness videos, applications, and podcasts accessible online. People who want to experience mindfulness may decide to take a class, join a local weekly workshop, or visit a retreat.

3. Magnesium:
The magnesium generally produced in our bodies also aids in promoting a balanced sleep-wake cycle. Taking a daily magnesium supplement may help patients sleep better and for more extended periods. Consuming magnesium-rich meals, particularly in the evening, may aid in inducing better sleeping patterns.

4. Lavender oil:
For years and years, people have used this essential oil as a natural medicine to enhance sleep and produce feelings of relaxation. Lavender oil may be used as a pillow spray, patch, massage oil, or aromatic diffuser to help sleep. Lavender promotes sleep onset, healthy sleeping habits, and sleep patterns.

5. Practice sleep hygiene:

In its most basic form, sleep hygiene outlines a person’s nighttime habits and activities.

Individuals may improve their sleep hygiene by doing the following:

● Avoid computers, laptops, mobile phones, and televisions at least an hour before night

● Making the bedroom dark with muted lights, thick drapes, and blinds, or wearing earplugs and eye masks

● Avoid liquor, tobacco, and caffeinated drinks in the evening

● Maintaining a regular bedtime pattern that involves sleeping at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning

● Abstaining from eating large meals for dinner

● Take a hot shower or bath before going to bed

As per the studies carried out, insomnia is a frequent disorder with up to one-third of individuals suffering from it at some age. There are numerous cures and practices that a person who has insomnia might attempt to enhance their sleep. However, these home remedies will only work for people with minor insomnia.

We recommend consulting with a doctor for anyone going through chronic insomnia. Also, almost every health insurance covers the medical treatment for this disorder. Remember to get your health insurance policy renewal on time to avoid the last-minute hassle and avoid the lapsing of your current plan.

Click HERE to get a health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Practise these habits to improve your cognitive skills

We have all heard the famous proverb, "a sound mind lives in a sound body". Both are integral parts that should be taken care of to lead a healthy life. In this blog, we will discuss some methods to sharpen your brain and polish your cognitive skills.

You can call your brain the control centre of your system since it processes all you see, hear, touch and think. Your brain perceives different sensations, sounds, images, etc., and conveys the signal to your whole body, signalling it to respond accordingly. Incredibly, this process happens within a matter of seconds.

It is crucial to take extra care of your brain's health and mental wellbeing. Dietary and lifestyle changes help combat cognitive-related issues such as mental health problems, anxiety and depression and help in enhancing creativity.

Here's how you can sharpen your cognitive abilities.

1. Relieve stress:
Develop a habit of taking walks daily and breathing in the fresh air. Other relaxing activities can include getting a massage, reading, meditation, etc. These activities help release the tension and stress from your body and lower your cortisol levels which tend to affect the memory sections of your brain.

2. Sleep well:
Sleeping at least eight hours a day is crucial to maintaining a sound mind. Quality sleep helps your mind commit things to memory and improve your brain's retention capacity.

3. Play:
Include games like crossword, sudoku, and puzzles in your daily schedule. These games intensify the usage of brain functions, thus helping in improving your reasoning and retention abilities.

4. Doodling:
Recent research has proven that doodling and colouring activate your brain's reasoning and problem-solving region. These activities enhance the blood supply to the prefrontal cortex and strengthen your mind's analytical and attention capabilities.

5. Dark chocolate:
Dark chocolate has been proven good for your physical and mental health. Studies have found that it contains flavanol, a substance that boosts your brain's memory retention, functioning, and processing abilities.

6. Reduce sugar consumption:
Consumption of carbohydrates and a sugar-rich diet can slow down your brain as your body takes time and energy to break down these substances. Consuming too much sugar also leads to depression and heart diseases, thus risking your physical and mental health.

7. Exercise:
Research has shown that lifting weights help in improving cognitive abilities. People who lift weights tend to increase their spatial memory. It helps in memorising the environments one is in at any given moment. Spatial memory enables you to remember layouts of a room or how you arrange things in your space. People who achieve their physical goals by walking strengthen their verbal memory.

These are some techniques that can help improve your cognitive skills. Apart from the above tips, you may even practise mindfulness by indulging yourself in daily yoga and meditation sessions. Yoga and meditation These healthy practices can keep your brain active and impact your productivity.

A wise option would be to protect your and your loved ones' health against unprecedented circumstances. To stay monetarily stress-free in health emergencies, explore multiple options and purchase the best health insurance policy in India.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips for finding a short circuit in your car's system

An automobile comprises interconnected mechanical elements and complicated electrical wiring technologies. While we may enjoy contemporary comforts such as stereos, interior lighting, and even hologram speedometer readings as long as the electrical systems function correctly, all systems and components come to a standstill on account of short circuits.

A short circuit is a wiring fault because of a loose or defective wire that shunts electricity between courses before it hits its target. Although the signs of a short circuit are similar to those of an open circuit, the diagnosis is somewhat different. A short circuit may happen in various ways, and it's not always straightforward to locate and fix.

However, to understand how to discover a short circuit, we must first grasp how a perfectly working circuit operates. So here are a few tips for locating a short circuit in your car.

1. Make a map of your vehicle's circuit:
Remove the wire harness from your vehicle and turn to your Early Warning Device (EWD) to start diagnosing the circuit. Identify the various cables and circuits you're inspecting so you know where to go next. Wire colours should match the colours specified in the EWD. However, this may differ based on where you obtained your EWD.

2. Examine any exposed wiring:
One may also save time and effort by inspecting any exposed wires first. You may find a damaged or chafed wire that you can immediately begin mending. However, since most automobiles' wiring is tightly wrapped, you'll almost certainly need to try a few boards to figure out where the issue is.

3. Inspect all wires for faults:
If you feel a specific wire causes the problem, you may detach its connection at either the sensing or loading ends. Check your test indicator to see if it fades out or your multimeter to check if it stops buzzing. Next, you may remove your car's panelling and inspect the wires to see if you can pinpoint the problem.

4. Testing the 5V circuit:
In case the short is a 5-volt circuit, the Engine Control Module utilises it to regulate the gearbox and engine. You may unplug the battery first, then the ECM. It'll also enable you to identify electrical oscillations and approximately pinpoint the location of the short circuit.

5. One-by-one assess all the fuses:
Check the fuses and look for any easy, quick short circuits. Take a fuse at random and attach your testing indicator to its socket terminals. If a current is detected, the test LED will light up. If the test light does not ignite, it may suggest that electricity is not flowing to that fuse. This indicates that the damaged wire is along that route.

Knowing how to detect a short circuit may save you a lot of time and money while ensuring that your car is safe and perfectly operational. While it might be time-consuming, utilising the approach mentioned above should provide you with the knowledge you need to detect and fix any short circuit in your vehicle.

However, if you still face difficulty identifying the origin of the short circuit, visit the nearest garage. It is ideal to have your vehicle backed by insurance for even minor expenses like these. Search for the best car insurance in India and get yours right away to cover your vehicle against damages caused due to unexpected short circuits.

Find the best car insurance India for your vehicle HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top car care tips during the summer season

Be it the summer season, winters, or heavy monsoon, you need to take care of a few things to ensure your car's proper functioning and longevity. While external servicing and maintenance of your car are crucial, some particular factors ensure that your vehicle is up and running.

The summer season brings in good weather. But the drastic temperature rise can harm your car. In this space, we will discuss tips for caring for your vehicle during the summer season to keep it in good condition.

1. Cooling your engine:
Engines getting heated due to high temperatures are one of the significant causes of car breakdowns in summers. You can cool off the engine by using cooling systems in your car as recommended by the manufacturer.

2. Coolant refill:
To keep your cooling system in excellent working condition, make sure to refill the coolant according to the overflow status. According to most manufacturers, the cooling liquid mixture usually contains a fifty-fifty water to coolant ratio.

3. Inspect your car:
Some parts of your car are susceptible to heat damage and may deteriorate in high temperatures. Examine your vehicle, and replace any wear and tear or other damages as soon as possible. Also, keep an eye on the coolant leakages due to fuel expansion in summers.

4. Tyres:
Take a close look at your tyres. If they appear to be more inflated than required, get them checked. It's necessary to regularly monitor the air pressure levels in your tyres during the summers.
Failing to do so might risk a tyre blowout which can be a considerable safety risk, especially if you're on the road, examine your car tyres for signs of wear and tear and replace them if you find any damages.

5. Corrosion:
Once your vehicle reaches a specific limit, it is recommended to check your ignition system. The electrodes might corrode or wear out, so replacing the spark plugs is the solution to combat any ignition issues.

6. Air conditioning:
Examine the air conditioning of your car, especially in the summer season. Any defects leading to the disruption of the air conditioner can cause massive discomfort during your travels in such rising temperatures. Also, ensure that you inspect the compressor clutch while checking the air conditioning system.

7. Wipers:
The wipers of your car play an integral role while you're driving. They clear the windshield, making it easier to see while you drive. Replacing the wipers for the summer season with new ones would prepare you for the storms or rainy downpours midseason.

These were a few expert car care tips you will need to take care of your vehicle during the summer season. Apart from these tips, consider protecting your car against unprecedented circumstances. Emergencies like road accidents or damages to different parts of your vehicle can lead to heavy monetary expenses. To avoid paying a massive sum of money in such unforeseeable situations, you can explore various options and purchase car insurance online in India.

Click HERE to know more about how you can get car insurance online in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These are the six best destinations to enjoy paragliding

Every one of us has once had a dream of flying. As kids, we have looked at birds and planes and wished for the ability to fly. Today, we have various ways to live this dream. Different adventure sports like sky diving, hang gliding, and paragliding have created opportunities where people can enjoy a safe yet thrilling experience of being in the air.

India proudly displays unique landforms, making it one of the most enjoyable places for such activities. Paragliders have referred to paragliding as one the most unforgettable experiences of their lives. Being up in the air and away from the ground is sure to be one of the most humbling experiences of your life.

Today we will look at a few places in India that offer this experience.

1. Bir Billing, Himachal Pradesh:
Situated near Kangra Valley, Bir is a beautiful village in Himachal Pradesh. It has over 11 paragliding options, giving it the name of the 'Paragliding capital of India'. Bir promises you the spectacular views of lush green mountains and the beautiful sunsets that paint the sky in all shades of orange.

2. Panchgani, Maharashtra:
Panchgani is a small hill station in Maharashtra that offers training as well as flying for all paragliding enthusiasts. The landscapes of Bilar, Khinger, and Tapola are arguably one of the best locations for flying. The best time to visit Panchgani is between November and February.

3. Arambol, Goa:
Goa is famous for its beaches, food, and party life. But Arambol promises priceless views of the Arabian Sea and beautiful arrays of palm trees. Choose the evenings for your paragliding adventure to watch the sunset while you sail over the blue waters reflecting its golden shine.

4. Nandi Hills, Karnataka:
Situated close to Bangalore, Nandi is the perfect place for adrenaline junkies, as many tourists choose it for camping, trekking, and paragliding. People here are mostly seen enjoying paragliding in the day and camping at night.

5. Gangtok, Sikkim:
The land of magic, monasteries, and mountains, Gangtok is a must-visit for anyone who wants to combine adventure and spirituality on their trip. Paragliding in Gangtok promises you a bird's eye view of the unexplored places in Sikkim and a beautiful view of the mighty Kanchenjunga.

6. Shillong, Meghalaya:
The Scotland of the east, Shillong, has a wide variety of flora and fauna. Paragliding here is sure to be a cathartic experience. Shillong is a canvas of dense, lush forests and beautiful waterfalls. Visit during the summer months to ensure the magnificent view that this palace has to offer.

These are a few of the best places in India that offer you a safe and fun paragliding experience. Over the years, adventure sports have become more prevalent in India. While well-trained and licensed professionals are always there to guide you through the process, invest a fair amount of time researching the best paragliders in the area to ensure maximum safety. Add to this a personal accident insurance policy to help you evade any expense that you might incur in case of an accident.

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five effective tips for lorry drivers to have safe nighttime trips

Driving a lorry at night can have several advantages, including reduced traffic, availability of parking spots, and a magnificent night sky. While nighttime lorry driving may be relaxing, it is critical to practice safe night driving to avoid mishaps. According to the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways of India, road deaths increase three folds at night.

As human eyes have poor night vision, with decreased depth perception and peripheral vision, it is no coincidence that the highways are dreadful and dangerous after the sun sets.

The best safety tip would be to not drive after dark, but if your schedule mandates you to do so, here are some tips that will help keep you safe on the roads.

1. Adjust the headlights:
Check that your lorry's headlights are correctly set. When it's dark, use upper beams whenever it's safe to do so. Uppers beams can see twice as far ahead as dipper. Switch back to dipper when you're within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle.

2. Follow speed limits:
It's a fundamental reality that humans can't see as clearly during the night as in the daytime, no matter how excellent their vision is. So, driving slow at night helps you see the warning signs or other vehicles better. Slow down even more during severe weather and foggy conditions due to less visibility.

3. Reduce glare:
Maintaining a clean windshield is vital to reduce the blindness that an approaching vehicle's headlights may cause. Furthermore, replace your wiper blades regularly to maintain a clean windshield.

*Additional tip – Staring at an approaching vehicle's beams can slow your response time. When you see such lights, gaze toward the center or right side of the highway until traffic passes. Moreover, adjust your mirrors so that headlights from vehicles behind you do not blind you.

4. Beware of your limitations:
As per the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways of India, most police-reported truck collisions are caused by sleepy driving each year. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep before you get behind the wheels. If you ever start experiencing fatigue, pull over right away and rest or refresh.

5. Be responsible:
Do what you expect of others, don't use upper beams unnecessarily, don't drink and drive, always use your side indicators while driving, flash your lights before overtaking, etc. Remember, even a small thing can trigger a severe collision and lead to an accident, so be a responsible driver.

Additional Tips:

• Maintain the health of your truck by carrying a routine maintenance

• Cover the truck with motor insurance. You can also buy motor insurance online now

• Overloading is illegal as well as causes much trouble while driving

• Never forget to wear your seatbelt

• Turn on the mp3 player to avoid feeling drowsy but ensure you don't keep the volume too loud as it might prevent you from listening to the vehicles outside

• Take periodic refreshments breaks

Whether you're a novice or an expert, the roads are uncertain. As we earlier said, the best tip is to drive during the daytime, but if night driving is inevitable, these tips will surely benefit you in driving safely.

Visit HERE to buy motor insurance online now.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these effective tips to keep your asthma under control

Asthma is a health ailment that can take a severe toll on your health. In this condition, the air passage observes inflammation, and the bronchioles of the lungs swell, making it difficult to breathe. Asthma affects the functioning of your lungs and can lead to various long-term diseases as well.

While you can control asthma most of the time, it can affect your daily activities and may even be fatal. If not addressed correctly, the symptoms can worsen over time and lead to severe asthma attacks.

Today we will look at a few ways you can control your asthma.

1. Identifying triggers:
Almost all cases of asthmatic attacks arise due to a triggering agent or underlying factors. It could be pollution, smoke, allergies, exercise etc. Identifying what triggers your asthma is essential to prevent attacks as much as possible. One handy way of doing this is by keeping notes for a few weeks. Take into account all environmental and emotional things that affect you.

2. Avoid allergens:
Once diagnosed with asthma, you can do allergy tests to learn what you are allergic to. A comprehensive understanding of what causes allergies can help you prevent them in the future. Contact with allergens can cause inflammation which may block your airway and worsen your condition due to poor respiration.

3. Immunotherapy:
Immunotherapy or Allergy shots are injected to help mitigate allergic symptoms. Over a period of time, these small doses of specific substances allow the body to adjust to them and become less reactive in the future.

4. Avoid smoke:
If you are asthmatic, you should avoid smoke from vehicles, incense sticks, and cigarettes. Even passive smoking can be a deadly trigger for your asthma. Always carry masks, inhalers, and your asthma medication wherever you go. When stuck in situations where you're unable to avoid the smoke, use masks to cover your face thoroughly. Protecting your air passage should be a priority when you're in crowded places.

5. Take medications:
Even if your asthma has been under control for a while, never skip your medications. Asthma medications are designed to help to prevent symptoms and attacks over time. Skipping on your medications can be dangerous.

6. Keep your environment clean:
Sometimes the bare minimum can go a long way. Regularly vacuuming your couches and floor can help keep dust at bay. Use a dehumidifier to reduce the air's moisture and prevent mold growth. Install air purifiers to get rid of dust mites. Lastly, don't forget to change your bedsheets and liner every week to ensure maximum protection from dust and allergies.

These are a few ways in which you can prevent an asthmatic attack. However, in case of a severe asthma condition, it is advisable to visit a doctor. Having medical reports handy at all times is a good idea to give the doctors a better understanding of your medical history.

We are often not prepared for the expenses we might incur during visits to doctors. Costly medical bills should be the least of your worries in such times. Having the backing of an insurance provider is especially helpful. Consider this a reminder of your health insurance policy renewal and prevent it from lapsing.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the risks of driving overloaded trucks

India's vast network of national highways is usually busy with trucks carrying hefty cargo across the states. Transportation of heavy-duty materials and goods is majorly carried out by trucks. Their labour happens to be an essential work that contributes to the entire country's economy and aids multiple industries in flourishing and growing.

As essential as the transportation of the loaded cargo is, it can be a complex process to manage. Hauling loaded shipments for kilometers at a stretch is a strenuous activity and can become dangerous. Due to their massive size and load, several rules and regulations are levied upon the lorries. There are standard weight limitations to be followed to avoid any road accidents. All shipment companies and truck drivers must follow these safety provisions.

What are the basic truck requirements to keep in mind?

1. The weight of the load or cargo must be evenly positioned in the vehicle. Distributing the weight evenly throughout the truck ensures that its balance is maintained while driving. It also guarantees that no part of the truck is heavier than the rest so that it drives safely across the distance.

2. The cargo must be positioned and secured firmly in its place. If any items of the shipment move with the truck's movement along the road, it can cause the lorry to tip over or fall while making a turn. This can cause major road accidents and distract the driver from driving.

3. The regulatory bodies imply a standard weight limitation depending on the truck's size. The driver must ensure that these weight limitations and norms are adhered to before setting off on their journey. Not only can they be heavily fined for disregarding these rules, but they can also cause significant weight displacement of the vehicle, leading to severe accidents.

What are the risks of overloading the trucks?

1. The mechanical components of the truck are proportional to its smooth functioning. The weight limits are placed to protect the vehicle's mechanical parts from the damage caused by overloading. Parts like the suspension and engine can be easily damaged.

2. Heavy loads cause high amounts of pressure on the vehicle's braking system. The driver is forced to push harder on the brakes to stop sooner, impairing the system. Extreme pressure on the brakes can significantly increase the possibilities of brake failure.

3. Like the truck's mechanical parts, tyres can also deteriorate due to truck overloading. It causes a significant chance of them blowing out. A tyre blowout can cause the cargo to shift, displace its weight and lead to accidents. If the driver is unable to steer the truck to safely move out of the road, it may cause a major road collision and pose a threat to other vehicles on the road.

Understanding the risks of overloading trucks is essential to securing yourself, people, and vehicles. Following the safety protocols and driving with alertness and lesser (permissible) load is key to avoiding landing into unwanted mishaps. Investing in a motor insurance scheme can ensure your truck's safety at all times and get you compensated in case of damages. A good motor insurance can help you secure your finances and make your journeys stress-free.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance to safeguard your truck.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on using the residential apartment for commercial use

Using your private property for commercial purposes may seem like a fantastic way to grow your business if you have an office at home. It has been common practice to convert a residential property for commercial use to increase income. However, housing societies usually don't appreciate it when a whole residential unit is used for business.

Owners are permitted to use a portion of the property for commercial purposes. However, there are several restrictions and legislations that you must be aware of to use your apartment as an office space. In addition, getting the best home insurance policy in India can help you save money when you rent or buy a business space.

Is there a regulation in India that governs how residential property is used and rented out?
Across Indian cities, the zoning law is enacted by the local municipal government or authorities. It governs the use and allocation of land to different services and purposes. According to the legislation, commercial activity should be kept out of residential areas for the benefit of residents and to encourage the growth of the proper commercial regions.

What exactly does the law state?
It is essential to note that different states have different levels of leniency when it comes to commercial use. In some states, professional service providers such as doctors, lawyers, and chartered accountants are permitted to use up to 30% of their homes for business purposes. But in other states, they are not.

Before converting a residential property into commercial space, ensure that it's permitted. You must get clearance from the local housing authority. Once a property has been officially considered for retail space, it will be regarded as such for all purposes, including paying a higher property tax rate than a residential property.

Things to keep in mind when turning a residential property into a place of work.
Commercial activity is any activity related to the buying and selling of merchandise. Most housing societies allow the operation of businesses such as professions, services, and the teaching of specific art forms.
Activities such as yoga classes, tuition classes, or the services of chartered accountants, doctors, and lawyers are not considered as commercial activities. Commercial activity within residential properties may not be authorised due to security concerns as they create a significant traffic hazard for the neighbourhood.

For those who are willing to use their home for commercial purposes, here are a few considerations to bear in mind:

1. Before making an application, make sure you know exactly how much space you'll need and what kind of business you want to start.

2. Obtain a permit to operate a business from the local municipality.

3. Ensure that your clients are not using communal spaces such as the parking lot or other amenities.

4. If your home is turned into a business, you may have to pay more property taxes.

Many people find that running a business from home is an excellent way to save money since the cost of rent and transportation are significantly reduced.

Before starting a business in a residential space, get approval from the housing society, local councils, and zoning authorities. Also, get the best home insurance policy in India so that you can keep your apartment safe as you turn it into a business.

Click HERE to get the best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to apply adhesive wallpaper for better results

Owning your own home is an extensive process. You explore hundreds of houses, put a lot of thought into remodelling and painting, and invest a ton of money in furniture and appliances that match your home's feel.

The walls of your house hugely contribute to the decoration and the aesthetic you want to create. They bring out the vibe you want your home to radiate. And while you can do many things to decorate your walls like hanging art, using textured paints and patterns, adorning them with home decor items, etc., a recent trend of adhesive wallpapers has garnered people's attention.

Adhesive wallpapers are easily accessible, come in various designs and colours and embellish the decoration of your home within a friendly budget. But applying these wallpapers can be a tricky and messy process.

This blog will discuss the best tips to use adhesive wallpaper for better results.

1. Wipe your walls:
It is good to clean the walls first with a microfiber cloth before applying the adhesive wallpaper. This will remove the dust on your walls and make the surface smoother for better application.

2. Move your furniture:
For correct measurement and easy installation of adhesive wallpapers, move all the furniture, switch covers and other removable outlets. You should make sufficient comfortable space to conduct the wallpaper work efficiently.

3. Layout:
Planning and jotting down the layout makes it easy to understand the space and the amount of wallpaper required to cover the area. You can either start by measuring the length and width of the walls and stick the stripes from left to right or by beginning at the centre, marking the left and right extremes and working your way, one direction at a time.

4. Check:
Once you stick the outline stripes, inspect the walls to check whether they are aligned and distanced equally. Overlapping might result in messy wall decoration.

5. Paint your walls:
Smooth wall paint works well with adhesive wallpapers if you apply satin-type primers. Matte paint becomes challenging due to its firm texture, thus making it difficult for adhesive wallpapers to stick.

6. Tools:
Using the right tools will help you in making the process of applying adhesive wallpapers easy. You can use a cutting knife to cut tricky corners and edges and a ruler to smoothen the rough edges and measure the intricate spots. You can also use a needle for popping the bubbles while sticking the wallpaper.

7. Peel properly:
Peeling the wallpaper must be done correctly. If you peel off the back paper in haste, you risk tearing the wallpaper and messing up the whole pattern and decoration. You can start from the top and work your way down slowly as you apply. Maintaining a steady flow of action and focusing on just your movement is essential.

Now that we have discussed the best tips to apply adhesive wallpaper for a better feel and appearance, it is also necessary to think about the safety of your house. Protect your home against unprecedented situations like fire, theft, or natural disasters, and avoid unwanted monetary stress. You can explore different options and choose the best house insurance in India, which caters to your needs and offers exclusive benefits.

Click HERE to know more about house insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Important things to know before you set on a cruise trip

The sea has always opened up numerous opportunities for humankind. And now, with cruises becoming popular in the travel culture, people want to avail this luxurious and unforgettable adventure. Sailing from one horizon to another, experiencing the waters, foreign sunsets, and the regal amenities of the ship, make a complete package and a perfect bullet on your bucket list.

Planning a cruise trip can be intimidating and overwhelming. Ships are now as high as six to ten storeys and can contain upto three thousand passengers! You'll come across people from various cultures and backgrounds when visiting different port cities and countries. With expansive breathtaking views of the ocean, enjoy the vibes of a unique vacation far away from the city crowd and hassle. Cruise companies make every effort to make the guests feel welcome and curate experiences that cater to all travellers' expectations.

In this article, we will discuss some essential things to know before you set out on a cruise trip.

1. Windowless cabins:
For first-time cruisers, this can come as a shock. Some rooms may look like a coach in a train (size), but they might not have a window. These cabins are small spaces and can be congested for some. If you are uncomfortable in tiny spaces, make sure you check the amenities before booking a room. You can always travel with a partner to split the cost of the room if the price is too high.

2. Dress codes:
Some cruises have strict dress codes for mealtimes. You can be turned away if you don't adhere to the code and show up in ripped jeans or anything that comes off as casual. Make sure you prepare yourself in advance, enquire about these rules and regulations, and pack your outfits accordingly.

3. Book a higher cabin:
If you get seasick, booking a higher cabin will help you have a fun trip without the stress of feeling nausea or seasickness. Consider your health as a priority while sailing. Carry all necessary medications along with you and take good rest. The more you look after your body, the better you will enjoy your trip.

4. Last-minute upgrades:
Amenities like bigger beds, rooms, complimentary spa services, rooms with balconies, etc., become available at reasonable prices and deals if they are not sold out by the time the ship sets sail. Check the last-minute offers, upgrade, and avail of the luxuries if you like a discount.

5. Pricey internet:
Phone companies slap you with high roaming charges if you keep using your data without checking the roaming prices or switching to roaming data packs. Most ships have Wi-Fi options for basic tasks like emailing, online meetings, etc. Check with your travel group while looking for Wi-Fi hotspots.

Now that we have discussed some essential things you should know before setting out on a cruise trip, it would be wise to insure your travel as well. Cruises are expensive and can be risky if you don't get your trip insured in case of some unprecedented situations. These can be very stressful monetarily. To avoid this, explore general insurance plans in the market and choose the travel plan which suits your needs.

Click HERE to learn more about general insurance plans

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Six tips for choosing the right auto repair shop

Owning an automobile is one of the most rewarding things in life. Going on long road trips, midnight drives, or simply commuting between your office and home, having your own vehicle is sure to make you happy. But like everything, this also comes with its set of challenges. Zeroing down on the best car insurance company in India, and choosing the right auto repair service are just a few of the many things that need your attention.

Selecting an auto repair shop is not only about the care that your car gets but also about the rates, reviews, customer service, and overall experience. It is a good idea to look for options even before your automobile faces any issue so that you already know where to go. Let's look at a few ways to select a reliable auto repair shop.

1. Experience:
Your car's relationship is with the mechanic, not the company. Look at customer reviews online and get to know the mechanic who will be working on your vehicle. Having an experienced mechanic allows you to have peace of mind.

2. Company-specific service provider:
Repair shops that specialise in specific companies have more hands-on training with upgraded instruments and tools. So, it is best to go to a service provider who deals with the same company as you.

3. Online reviews:
Online reviews are a great way to understand the history of the company. More often than not, people tend to leave reviews of bad experiences they have had with the company. Keep in mind that not all companies have a 5-star rating. So going by the reviews and personal entries, you can make an informed decision about what kind of service you require.

4. Estimate pricing:
Solely depending on your car servicing agent might not be a good idea. Asking around in various service centres and mechanic shops, online rates, etc., can be an excellent way to estimate the money you might have to shell out during or after the process.

5. Warranties:
Ask your mechanic about warranties on different parts. This time frame varies from place to place. Having a good warranty period is crucial to ensure better car performance. A warranty ensures that you get a replacement free of cost.

6. Off-site services:
Sometimes, your car can break down during your journey. Under these circumstances, having your service provider's support will make it easier to avoid further damage. Before signing up for the services, talk to the staff and understand if they are willing to service your vehicle outside of the service centre. Having this added benefit goes a long way and ensures the credibility of your repair shop.

You need to keep these points in mind while choosing your repair shop. Having the right mechanic work on your car is a boon for you and your vehicle. Poor servicing can lead to poor performance and be costly in the longer run. To save yourself from the extra expenditure, it is an excellent option to first look for the best car insurance company in India. Car insurance can offer a bundle of exclusive benefits useful during unexpected mishaps.

Click HERE to know more about the best car insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about the long term effects of using cosmetics

Cosmetics have become an integral part of our daily lifestyle. Facial makeup, perfumes, nail polishes, eye makeup, hair colours, etc., all enhance our physical attributes and appearances. The cosmetics market has developed various products for different cultures, skin tones, types, and seasons.

While these products may accentuate your physical features and give you a sense of confidence, they can be harmful in the long run. The high chemical contents present in cosmetics can be toxic to your skin. Often, the side effects of these chemical ingredients are not mentioned on the packaging.

The harsh chemicals in cosmetic products can affect the functioning of your skin's protective barrier, making it significantly easier for pathogens to enter your skin. Regular usage of makeup can hurt your skin's glow.

This article will discuss the long-term side effects of using cosmetics. You need to be aware of these consequences to be vigilant about the ingredients and the usage of cosmetic products.

1. Ageing:
One of the worst things you can do to your skin is to apply makeup without sunscreen. When you expose your skin to the sun, it damages your skin and leads to premature ageing signs like wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines. Also, make sure that you remove your makeup before calling it a night; otherwise, it can get into your pores and break the elastin, thus causing wrinkles.

2. Cancer:
Many cosmetic products like waterproof mascaras, foundations and long-lasting liquid lipsticks contain polyfluoroalkyl substances. These toxic chemicals are proven to cause cancer. When added, they change the properties of surfaces to make them resistant. PFAS are usually not mentioned on the packaging and labels of cosmetic products, making it difficult for consumers to detect their presence.

3. Allergy issues:
Cosmetic products are made with different ingredients. Some are formulated with mild components that don't affect your skin's health. However, products with strong and harsh elements like parabens and SLS-Sodium Laureth Sulfates can trigger your allergies, severely damaging your skin.

4. Acute risks:
Several cosmetic products have ingredients that pose the risk of burns and infections. Hair-straightening products (keratin treatments) contain formaldehyde. Frequent usage of such products can cause blisters, extreme hair fall, rashes, etc.

5. Behavioural issues:
Makeup products consist of eyeliners and lipsticks. Lead (heavy metal) is a component of these makeup essentials. If ingested in small amounts over time, it can have severe consequences like behaviour and cognitive problems, which can be concerning and can disturb your everyday lifestyle.

Now that we have discussed the long-term side effects of using cosmetics, it would be wise of you to consider safeguarding your health in case of unforeseeable circumstances.

Health emergencies bring in a lot of monetary pressure, causing additional stress. You can buy health insurance online to save yourself and your family from the financial load of unprecedented situations. Lastly, act wise, never overuse cosmetics, and use natural products free from harmful chemicals.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Try these effective home remedies to get rid of constipation

Constipation is the most prevalent digestive condition and can affect people of all ages. It is often not indicative of anything dangerous, but it can certainly create discomfort and aggravation. It can occur due to various reasons, including a lack of fibre consumption, exercise, water intake, the use of certain drugs or pregnancy.

Prolonged constipation can be caused by various factors, including poor eating habits or a medical condition. Changing your habits or turning to over-the-counter medications might quickly alleviate occasional instances of constipation. You must buy health insurance online India to safeguard your health against troubles in an emergency.

Try some of these essential home remedies for constipation alleviation to see if they work for you.

1. Warm water:
Poor hydration is a typical cause of constipation, making it harder to expel hard stools from one's system. Therefore, increasing water consumption is the first and most straightforward cure for constipation.
You must drink lukewarm water as often as possible. If constipation is a recurring problem for you, make it a habit to drink at least one glass of lukewarm water in the morning.

2. Ginger:
Ginger is commonly used to enhance flavour, but it also has many health advantages. Being a prominent spice in every Indian kitchen, it is recognised for its natural laxative effects. Consumption of ginger aids in promoting bowel movement and the treatment of constipation. Drinking ginger tea or massaging your abdomen with ginger essential oil are some effective methods.

3. Fibre-rich foods:
Foods rich in fibre can provide instant relief and may even be beneficial in preventing constipation in the long run. Soluble fibre can aid in absorbing water and binding fatty acids. This results in the formation of a gel, which leads to softer stools.

4. Coffee:
Bowel movement can also be induced by the contraction of the abdominal muscles when drinking caffeinated beverages. To aid in the movement of the stool, drinking coffee can be helpful. One or two cups will readily alleviate constipation.

5. Lemon juice:
Lemons are naturally acidic and high in vitamin C and antioxidants. Constipation can be cured by drinking warm water with lemon juice, a common home remedy for the condition.
This helps remove waste products from the digestive tract and draws water into the intestines. Water helps soften stool and encourages bowel motions when the volume of water in the body increases.

6. Probiotic:
Probiotics are well-known to support maintaining a healthy digestive tract. They contain beneficial strains of bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, which help keep a healthy digestive system.
Natural probiotics can be found in various foods, including sauerkraut, yoghurt, and kefir, which are all readily available. Those who suffer from stomach troubles should use these remedies regularly.

7. Pineapple juice:
Besides being delicious, pineapple juice provides a long list of health advantages. Because it contains a digestive enzyme known as bromelain, it can help to relieve constipation, bloating, and stomach cramping.

Constipation may appear to be a minor condition, but it can harm your overall health and well-being if left untreated. It can also indicate an underlying condition and alert you before things worsen. Health ailments such as intestinal blockages, metabolic problems, pelvic prolapse, or even colon cancer can be the next stage of untreated and regular constipation. To keep yourself protected under the umbrella of health benefits, buy health insurance online India for a happy life.

Click HERE to buy health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.