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Budgeting your travel plans in advance can prevent feeling a pinch

We all have experienced planning a vacation with our family or friends, checking the travel fares and hotel rates, and making a budget for our trip. However, a harsh shock awaits us when we try to book the flight, train, or hotel room close to our departure date. Last-minute bookings cost us extra, and we may not even get our preferred travel and stay options.

Last-minute holiday planning is almost always upsetting. Here, it would help if you also acknowledged the pinch of delaying purchasing personal accident insurance online only after the occurrence of a mishap.

Read on to know more about the benefits of budgeting for your travel plans in advance:

1. Soaring rates:
Airlines hike their flight rates closer to departure dates. Nowadays, train ticket rates are also priced on a flexi-fare system and get pricier as the travel date comes closer. Hotels also increase their tariff when demand rises. Therefore, the later you book, the higher you will have to pay for the same room.

2. Great deals and discounts:
Travel companies and websites offer great deals and discounts for early travel bookings. You get discounts on travel services, accommodation, rental cars, etc. Additionally, keep track of special deals and discounts that travel websites occasionally provide during festivals, special occasions, or off-season periods. Some companies also offer extra discounts for paying through a specific credit or debit card.

3. Planning for expenditure:
Budgeting your travel plans in advance can also help you save for your dream trip and be ready for it when you plan to go. Prepare a list of all the possible expenditures you may incur during travel. Make the possible reservations in advance so your travel expenditure is split up in parts and does not burden you in one go.
Proper budgeting of your expenditure will take away the stress from the process. You can streamline your payment and start saving more for your trip. You will not feel the burden of your travel expenses when you eventually go and will enjoy your trip with a free mind.

4. Extra time for research:
Every holiday destination has many options concerning the places to visit, travel modes, accommodation, sightseeing, etc. When you plan your trip in advance, you can thoroughly research the possible activities you can do there and find out the best rates for them.

5. Holiday rush:
Rates for travel, accommodation and other allied services shoot up during peak season and may pinch you hard. Make your travel plan well in advance and get confirmed reservations, along with saving a lot of your hard-earned money.

Travelling is a shared passion amongst a majority across the globe. However, it is by no means an inexpensive hobby to engage in. Always budget your travel plans in advance and prevent feeling a pinch in your wallet.

Similarly, Never compromise your safety behind the fun of going on a trip. With personal accident insurance online, you can avoid incurring financial upsets when you meet with an accident. Accidents don’t come announced and can cause heavy financial damage in the long run. Browse several personal accident insurance online, evaluate their pros and cons, and choose the most comprehensive coverage policy. Take all the necessary precautions and ensure that you have a safe holiday.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Financial blunders: Things you should know before investing

Managing one's finances and accumulating wealth are essential activities that one must learn right from childhood. However, since most parents do not talk much about finances with their children, young adults grow up without knowing much about critical financial decisions like how to buy general insurance online, investing fundamentals, savings, etc.

Investing is an ideal way to grow one's wealth. The drastic price dip and sheer boredom during the pandemic introduced new investors into the stock market. However, you should avoid those rookie mistakes that most investors make with their money. This blog presents some common financial blunders you should consider before investing.

1. Constantly consuming media about the market:
It is very tempting to watch news channels that offer trading advice 24*7. These channels give what seems like certain information, but it is not advisable to take advice straight from them as they have no idea about your financial situation. Additionally, when this information has been made public, it has already been factored into market pricing, and listening to them becomes futile. Seasoned experts in the market take their information from several independent sources and then derive their conclusions.

2. Being unclear about your investment goals:
Make sure you are clear about the direction of your investing journey. After having a separate savings account that serves as your backup in case something goes wrong, the rest of the money is safe to invest. A common mistake most individuals make when investing is to expect high returns as the end goal. While making money is important, you should balance it with the amount of risk you're willing to take, and that should be determined by looking over your other financial goals.

3. Too high expectations and a lack of patience:
Investments can be of two kinds, short and long-term investments. While short-term investments provide greater returns, they are riskier. Give long-term investments adequate time to maximise your returns. Bailing out before an asset has matured because of fear is one of the most common mistakes you should avoid.

4. Inadequate diversification:
Don't put all your eggs in one basket, even if it seems like the safest basket in the world. Often, investors make the mistake of putting all their money into one investment they believe will be secure for quick returns. This may be disastrous if the market moves another way. Diversify your portfolio to get consistent returns. Ensure you diligently research various asset classes and associated risk levels to identify the best returns at your risk appetite.

5. Letting emotions get in the way of your investments:
Too often, investors will fall in love with a particular company due to its value proposition or its past performance. However, it is essential to understand that the stock is only here to make you money. So, when the company's fundamentals no longer align with your interests, consider selling the stock.
Fear and greed are the greatest adversaries of an investor. They should not come in the way of your financial decisions. Market returns vary significantly in the short term but are generally predictable in the long run. To be more tension free, buy general insurance online after adequate research.

Investing sooner than later is one of the best decisions you can make. This gives you time to learn how the market functions. Most people fail to enter the stock market because they believe they don't possess the basic knowledge it requires. But this is a skill learned on the job. Start by investing significantly less money and increase it as your confidence increases. Happy investing!

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are some situations where your car may need a jump start

Owning a car entails a considerable amount of responsibilities. You must take care of it adequately to maintain its functionality for long periods. Before you start driving, you must know how to keep it properly and prevent any breakdown. From knowing how to drive to changing your wheel if it gets punctured to checking all the fluid levels, there's plenty to learn and explore.

Additionally, you may also require expertise in jump-starting your car. Jump-starting your car is a viable alternative to starting your vehicle when using a key doesn't do the trick. You must know how the battery functions and why and when you should jump-start. If you do not learn the basics, you can cause severe damage to the car.

There may be several instances when you may presume the need to jump-start. However, to avoid damage, you must know when your vehicle needs a jump start and when it does not. This way, you can deal with your car better and more efficiently. Regardless, you should always buy the best car insurance in India to protect your vehicle against all damages.

This article will list all the possible reasons your car needs a jump start. They are –

1. Low battery:
Being low on battery is one of the biggest reasons for jump-starting your car. You'll probably need to jump-start your car if you have a low or dead battery. It is because your car would not start on its own. This may also arise if the battery needs to be heated up more. You'll experience this more often during cold weather. Batteries can give up due to old age as well.

2. Malfunction of starter:
If there is no problem with your battery, we move on to the starter. The starter may be dysfunctional. It can either be contaminated or extremely old. It can also malfunction due to corrosion. The best way is to check for weird noise that the starter might make. Often even jump starting does not ignite the car's engine if the starter is broken.

3. Bad spark plugs:
The ignition system has a built-in system of intricate parts that keeps it going. If one of them malfunctions, the car may not start. Apart from the starter, the spark plug is also included in the ignition system. It can malfunction due to clogging or contamination due to oil leaks. This can prevent the car from starting, and it may most certainly need a jump start.

4. Clogged or contaminated fuel lines:
Sometimes the problem is not with the ignition system or even the battery. In such a case, the problem lies in the fuel lines. If they are frozen or clogged, the fuel may not rush smoothly to the engine. This can disrupt the smooth start of the vehicle. It can be solved by jump-starting, but it will start creating problems again. Your car may stop in the middle of the road if it is not resolved soon. Jump-starting is not the permanent solution here.

Jump-starting a car is a practical way to rescue you from an emergency and help you reach the service centre or garage. However, it is not a permanent solution to fix the delay in running your vehicle. If you wish to have a smooth experience with your car, practise the preventive maintenance tips provided by the manufacturer.

Additionally, you must purchase the best car insurance in India that offers comprehensive protection against all maintenance and accident-allied costs. Car insurance can benefit you when your car demands high repair costs or, in the worst case, a total loss due to extensive damage.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why does the motorcycle engine feel smooth and throttle response crisp in the morning

The feeling of riding a motorcycle in the morning is otherworldly. But it's not only the early morning atmosphere that gives this ethereal feeling to the rider. It's also the smooth functioning of the engine and the swift and excellent acceleration of the motorbike in the morning. Many people experience this but do not pay much heed to why this happens.

This blog aims to make this phenomenon more understandable for curious bike fanatics.

1. Reduced friction:

The smooth ride that the engine provides in the morning and the minimum noise directly result from the engine's internal temperature. However, other parts of the engine maintain their temperature even when kept at rest throughout the night. Due to the thermal expansion of metals, there needs to be a proper gap between various working parts of the engine.
For example, to permit the expansion of the piston, there is a gap within the block of the engine. There is less friction, resulting in less noise in the morning due to this gap between the piston and the cylinder wall in the morning. This occurrence applies to almost every moving part of the engine.

2. Viscosity:

Another reason the engine feels smooth in the morning is the oil's viscosity. Viscosity is inversely proportional to temperature. In the early morning, the engine oil is cold, making it denser in volume. This higher viscosity accounts for maximum lubrication in the engine, which results in the smooth running of the bike.

3. Fuel management systems:

As far as better crisp acceleration in the morning is concerned, the fuel management system of the bike is the most responsible. The bike's fueling is divided into two- either fuel and air can be mixed proportionally by a carburettor, or the fuel is atomised at high pressure, mixed with clean air, eventually entering the engine's combustion chamber.
Carburettors give you a crisper throttle response due to the richer mixture between fuel and air. But nowadays, these are slowly being phased out due to the increasing pollution by carburettors.

So, do you really need to warm the bike up before starting it? This is another question that greatly puzzles bike enthusiasts.

There's no real need to warm up an engine for more than a minute before starting it. For a long time, all bikes used a carburettor for combustion. This type of engine tends to run poorly until appropriately warmed.

So, there is still a misconception that you must let the engine warm up before you start riding it. But it would be best if you were careful about hammering the throttle before the engine has gotten all nice and warm.

Riding a motorcycle gently for the first few miles is a good idea because putting the engine under extreme pressure while still cold increases the chances of damage and breakdown.

This damage is dangerous and can result in the maintenance fees burning a hole in your pocket. The best solution to counter this is investing in a good bike insurance that pays great dividends.

Click HERE to know more about bike insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s how you can support the driver while riding along as a passenger

Driving is an activity that requires extreme carefulness, responsibility, and special attention at all times. One tiny mistake can lead to significant damage to a person and property. Road accidents are frightening and can even prove to be fatal. Hence, being on your best behaviour when driving is recommended.

However, accidents while driving can take place due to a variety of reasons. One of them is the disturbance from your outer surroundings. This can also include the distractions that your passenger may create. It may induce driving concerns and cause road accidents or violations of road safety rules.

Apart from the driver, the passengers must also be highly responsible and dutiful while the car is in motion. They can play an essential role in maintaining peace inside the vehicle. If you're a co-passenger and want to contribute to the vehicle's safety, here are a few ways. Regardless, you should have private car insurance in India to protect yourself and your vehicle.

Let's discuss here how you can support your driver by being a responsible co-passenger.

1. Be attentive:
If your driver is getting distracted by texting or calling on the phone, call them out on their behaviour. It can be dangerous even if they talk with the passengers in the back seat. You must stay attentive to such situations and speak up whenever necessary. Politely request them to focus on the road.

2. Don't draw attention:
You can help your driver focus by not distracting them by any means. You should not talk to them unnecessarily or argue with them in the car. Emotional responses can distract the driver. Moreover, you should refrain from clicking pictures or showing them things on your cell phone. You should lay low and avoid all these activities.

3. Be careful of your surroundings:
You can easily be the co-driver for your driver by being extra cautious on the road. You can help them navigate busy streets by being their additional set of eyes. You can also help them read road signs, point out intersections, or alert them about possible hindrances they may fail to see.

4. Put on good music:
Good music can make the atmosphere inside your vehicle cheerful, serene, and lively. It can calm the nerves of your driver and help them focus better on the road. You should take control of the music in the car. You can put some of the driver's favourite tracks in a playlist on shuffle. This way, they need not constantly touch or operate the music system.

5. Keep quiet:
Small talk with the driver is alright, but you should refrain from having a full-fledged conversation that can distract the driver. You should not shout, yell, or sing loudly in the car. All these can make your driver lose focus completely. You should pause the music or stop talking when a congested road is approaching.

6. Stay out of sight:
You need to lay low and stop obstructing the view of your driver while driving. You should not physically block the driver from seeing the road well. They should also be able to see outside the windows. Apart from that, you should always be an adjusting and supportive co-passenger.

These are just some tips and tricks that you can use to be a good passenger inside the vehicle. It can lead to lesser accidents and mistakes on the road. A car journey becomes enjoyable and safe when the driver and co-passengers have a good understanding and coordination. The more focused the driver is, the better. Don't forget to buy private car insurance India and safeguard your finances against loss due to accidental damages to your car.

Click HERE to buy private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What factors influence car insurance premiums for SUVs and sedans

Driving a car without insurance is considered illegal in India. Automobile owners weigh the pros and cons of different options available in the policy market. Before buying car insurance, people consider various factors such as covers, add-ons, services, premiums, etc. In this article, we will be talking about premiums and how they can vary depending upon the kind and size of your car.

What is a premium?

A premium is an amount you pay your insurer to keep your policy valid. The duration of payment can vary from monthly to quarterly to annual payments.

What factors affect the premium?

1. Model and make of your vehicle
2. Engine capacity
3. The driving experience of the policyholder
4. Age
5. Location

Besides the points mentioned above, previous claims and traffic violations can also affect your insurance premium.

We better understand what premium is and how they can be affected. Let's look at premiums for SUVs and sedans.

1. The make and model:

Car insurance can vary significantly depending upon your car's size, make, and model. If you intend to buy an SUV or a sedan, remember that these models are charged the highest premiums. Putting in ample research into the car model and the respective insurance premium is essential.

2. Driving record:

Another crucial factor that decides the total cost of your premium is the driving experience. If you have no records of accidents, then the premium rates can be significantly lower. Even a minor skip such as running a red light or speeding ticket can affect the premium rates too. Insurance companies analyse your driving records to understand the risk associated with your driving and how likely you are to get into accidents. The more the chances of accidents, the higher the premium rates.

3. Location:

If you live in an area with high crime rates, the insurers tend to charge higher premiums.
The premium amounts can be excessive if your locality is prone to crime and vandalism.

4. Coverage and add-ons:

Coverage and add-ons are the services insurance companies provide when you buy an insurance policy from them. If you opt for the basic package and maintain a good driving record, the insurer will likely settle for a lower premium.

5. Age of the vehicle:

The age of your vehicle is another factor that insurance providers consider when offering insurance. The depreciation value of your vehicle increases with time. Adding to that is the wear and tear that the vehicle went through over the years, reducing the value of the car. Therefore, older cars will have a lesser premium.

6. Engine capacity:

The CC or the engine capacity affects the premium and higher the CC, higher the premium. And since SUVs and sedans have higher CC, their premiums are also higher.

7. Engine type:

Cars running on petrol have lesser premiums than cars running on diesel. A vehicle running on CNG has a higher premium than diesel engines. If you intend on adding a CNG unit to your sedan or SUV, keep in mind that the premium costs will increase significantly.

8. Modifications:

Modifications that alter the look or performance of your car will have a higher market value. This, in turn, will increase the cost of the premium on the vehicle. The look and feel of the car is a lesser talked about factor when it comes to insurance prices.

These are some factors that affect the premium of your insurance coverage. Irrespective of the kind of vehicle you buy, the points mentioned above determine the overall cost of your insurance. Before finalising your car insurance renewal, do not forget to look through various insurance providers and their services for a price best suited for your needs.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Explained: Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver, the new optional cover in Magma HDI’s OneHealth insurance

OneHealth, Magma HDI’s flagship health insurance is an all-encompassing solution with five plans tailormade to suit a customer’s needs. With state-of-the-art features and a bucket of add-ons, OneHealth provides a solid financial shield in case of a health exigency.

What is zone-wise pricing in health insurance?

Insurers offer zone-wise pricing to strike a fair balance in health insurance premiums, especially for customers in smaller cities. Hence, it may so happen that premium for a similar health plan differs as per cities, especially between metros and non-metros. There can be multiple reasons for this.

a) Hospitalization costs are relatively lower in smaller cities vis-à-vis metros
b) In most instances, the insured will opt for treatment only in their home city / town
c) Moreover, it may be assumed that people living in metros or tier 1 cities could be more susceptible to lifestyle diseases, and thus the higher premium

Hence, insurers try to pass on the benefit of lower cost of hospitalization to customers hailing from smaller cities. Having said that, most of the insurers offering zone-wise premiums have a co-pay clause for policyholders who want to avail treatment from a higher zone, which they bear during their claim settlement.

Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver Optional Cover

In Magma HDI’s OneHealth insurance, the zones are classified into Zone 1, 2 and 3:

  • Zone 1: Delhi including National Capital Region, Mumbai including Thane, Navi Mumbai, Vasai-Virar, Bangalore, and Gujarat
  • Zone 2: Coimbatore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Chennai, Kolkata, and Kerala
  • Zone 3: Rest of India

One of the latest optional covers added in OneHealth is the Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver. As mentioned above, the premium rates of a health insurance product are fixed as per the zone opted for in the policy (Zone 1, 2 or 3). Zone 1 calls for the highest premium, followed by Zone 2 and Zone 3. If the insured undergoes a treatment in a zone higher than the one opted for in the policy, he must pay an additional co-pay amount which is charged as a fixed percentage of the claim amount. The existing OneHealth insurance plan has the following co-pay:

Premium paid as per zone Zone where treatment is taken Co-pay
Zone 2 Zone 1 25%
Zone 3 Zone 2 20%
Zone 3 Zone 1 35%

Now, with the Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver Optional Cover, the insured can get this co-pay amount waived off if their treatment occurs in a zone higher than the one opted for in the policy. The cover is available across all plans and sum insureds.

Let us understand with an example.

• Mr. Parag, a 40-year-old from Amritsar plans to buy the OneHealth Secure plan for himself, his wife and two children, with a sum insured of INR 10 lakh.

• As Amritsar falls in Zone 3, Mr. Parag would have to pay INR 12,997 + GST as premium but would have to bear 35% co-pay on his claim amount if he ever gets a medical treatment done in Delhi (which falls in Zone 1).

• To avoid this, Mr. Parag can also opt for a Zone 1 premium i.e., INR 16,154 + GST for any eventuality. However, even this is 24% higher than the Zone 3 premium.

• Thanks to the Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver optional cover, Mr. Parag would only have to pay INR 14,362 + GST and get a Pan India coverage.

  Premium Amount Additional Amount
Premium paid on buying policy in Amritsar (Zone 3) INR 12,997 + GST 35% Co-pay levied on claim amount if treatment taken in Zone 1 areas
If opted for Zone 1 premium INR 16,154 + GST 24% higher premium
If opted for Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver Optional Cover INR 14,362 + GST Only 11% higher premium, and 0% Co-pay levied

An insured can also opt for this optional cover at the time of renewal. However, a waiting period of 1 year shall be applicable for renewed policies. No waiting period is applicable for this optional cover, if opted while buying OneHealth for the first time as fresh or portability policy. In case this cover is discontinued by the customer, and again opted for subsequently, the 1-year waiting period shall start afresh.



Here are a few top magazines you can follow if you're a sports car enthusiast

Who doesn't love cars? We all do. But then there is a different set of people who especially love the sporty and stylish category. What is so special about these sports cars apart from the speed and looks? Only sports car enthusiasts can describe their passion for this!

Are you someone who is looking to read more about sports cars? If yes, we've got you. In this blog, we have curated a list of magazines which would give you all the information about the world of elite sports cars, their history, latest developments, upcoming launches and their features and technology. Let's get started.

1. Autocar India:

Autocar India magazine is one of the oldest circulated car magazines in the world. The magazine talks all about cars, headlines of the world of cars, their new features, road tests and their results, used cars, new launches, upcoming models, and much more. The Autocar India magazine is the Indian edition of the British magazine about automobiles published by the Haymarket Media Group.

2. Car India:

Known as one of the most informative car magazines, Car India has everything a car lover needs to satisfy their curiosities. This magazine explores every nook and corner of the car manufacturing industry.
It brings you the details and the latest trends and developments in newer and older car models, information about cutting-edge technologies, innovation taking place in the automobile sector and much more. Get a subscription as soon as possible and quench your inner car fanatic's thirst with this great piece of content!

3. Auto Today:

Looking to choose between two cars but are confused? Don't worry. Auto Today magazine is going to solve all your problems. You've got all the information you need in this magazine- car reviews, comparisons in features, user reviews, testimonials, statements from car manufacturers and companies, advice, pointers to be careful about before buying your new car and a lot more.
You do not need to sit and browse through everything and strain your eyes. Get clear and compact information through the Auto Today magazine to help you make an informed decision.

4. Autocar Professional:

This magazine gets delivered fortnightly. The leading Indian Business to Business (B2B) magazine, Autocar Professional, talks about heavy and intricate details about cars. The magazine's content is calculated and compiled after extensive research in the automobile sector. If you enjoy learning about the minutest of details and are interested in the field of car analysis and study, Autocar Professional is the magazine you should opt for.
It identifies the patterns in manufacturing and other processes, making it a crucial resource for people keen on learning about automobiles. The magazine also contains insightful and crisp interviews, direct vehicle sales and accurate data regarding production and technologies. Want to see what goes on in the deeper end of the automobile sector? Subscribe to Autocar Professional magazine and get your brain motor churning.

Evo India, Overdrive magazine, Motoring World magazine, TransREporter, and Commercial Vehicle magazine are other renowned names sports enthusiasts can look into. These magazines give you quality information and the current developments, insights and analyses of different trends, performances, sales, etc.

Now that we have your attention and know that you love cars, it would be best to talk about taking care of your vehicle and safeguarding it against any damages in unprecedented circumstances. Just reading about cars, their models and features are not enough. If you own a car, invest your time and money in exploring various insurance options and purchase the best car insurance in India. Car insurance provides the perks of ensuring the safety of your vehicle and being assured of the expenses involved in its maintenance and repair.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Beginners guide to writing a fitness blog

Content marketing is at its peak with the fast-paced development and boom in the social media industry. Big and small businesses have invested a lot of capital in content creation and marketing. And one of the essential parts of the whole content and creative game is blogs. You will observe that every brand has a blog page on its website. These blogs are carefully curated and optimised to reach the target audience better. The content is about its brand, what it stands for, its products, the consumer benefits, the causes they support, etc.

The health and fitness sector has also seen immense growth in the number of people reading about different trends, health issues, diets and exercise. Health-focused brands ensure that their website stays flooded with content that enriches the customer experience and brings them the needed traffic. But what if you are just getting started in the health industry? Don't worry. We've got you.

This blog is a beginner's guide to writing a fitness blog. We will discuss the crucial factors you need to pay attention to and cover as you go ahead with your content. Let's get started.

1. Ambitions lead the way:

Before starting your fitness blog, you must determine what you want to achieve through your blog journey. There are several things one can achieve in the health and fitness industry. But it is vital to determine the value and impact you wish to create in your audience's life. Why and how your work will be different from others and what your mission and ultimate vision are some questions you need to analyse before you proceed.

2. Narrowing it down:

It is crucial to find your niche before getting started with your blog. Narrowing it down to what you want to solve through your content helps you find your niche. You can start with writing about important stuff your audience should know and would appreciate reading. But as you progress, you can circle it down to specific topics about fitness you would love to enlighten your readers on. This will help you in mastering that particular niche.

3. What's in a name:

If you think your blog name does not matter, you are wrong. In the infinity pool of current content, blog names matter a lot. If they are quirky and easy enough to catch someone's eye, they could interest your target audience in exploring your blogs. And, if they find your blogs interesting and valuable, they might suggest it to their contacts which would benefit you in bringing organic traffic to your website.

4. A domain is the main:

Now that you have figured out the starters for your blog, it is time to set up your website. But, you will require a domain before working on your website. You can either purchase a domain or use hosted sites on which you can pay a nominal fee and customise your websites the way you want. Self-hosting can be done through a blogging platform (for example - WordPress), and then you can pay the required fee to keep your content on the site.

5. Strategy is important:

Now that you are up and running with your website, it will be your priority to develop a content strategy to curate content for your blogs and market it according to the current trends. You will have to think and rethink your plan from time to time to keep pace with the content writing and marketing world.

That's a wrap on the beginner's guide to writing a fitness blog. While we are talking about health and fitness and how essential taking care of your body and mind is, especially in the current day and age. Your blogs can also discuss health insurance policy and spread awareness about its importance through your writing.

As many of us tend to forget how urgent and vital it is to look after health insurance policy renewal, spreading knowledge to others on crucial topics like health is a significant step in itself. Bring the above points into practice and create the best content that educates your readers with the "mantra" to a fitter lifestyle!

Click HERE to know more about health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten best tips for female travellers to ensure safety while travelling

We all are aware of the saying “safety comes first”. And while travelling can provide you with the adventures and experiences of a lifetime, it is essential to ensure your safety during your trips. Having fun should not come at the cost of risking your safety. It would be best if you were watchful about several things while on the road to your destination. Always be mindful of the safety concerns and risks while planning your stay and an itinerary.

And when it comes to female travellers, there is no doubt that they need to be extra careful about their safety. Many travel groups are curated just for women so that they will feel safe and can travel without any looming fear or stress. Are you a female traveller taking your first solo trip or someone who is looking for specific safety tips and reminders?

This blog will discuss the best tips for female travellers to ensure safety while travelling. Let’s get started:

1. Be thorough with the online reviews of the hotels or homestays you might consider booking for your travel. If you find something fishy or if any review seems “too good to be true”, or if there are any “fake indications” in the study, refrain from booking a room in that particular hotel.

2. Go through the maps and existing itineraries of your travel route and destination. See what fits your budget, look for safety directions, and search for how people felt about that particular experience. And then make a decision.

3. Always keep your emergency contacts informed. Let them be aware of your location and stay calm if you land up in an unforeseen circumstance. Call for help in case of an emergency.

4. Keep the police’s number: 100 on the speed dial so you can use it if necessary.

5. Always keep pepper spray and other legal safety equipment you can use in times of distress. You must know how to use them and avoid being casual and playful about them.

6. Avoid visiting shady places you feel are not safe during the night time. Make sure to get acquainted with people and families in your hotel, so you do not feel alone. Get their contact details so you can use them in an emergency.

7. Learning the local language and a few important words will help you communicate with the locals in case you land up in a problematic situation. You should pick up commonly used terms to help you with the interaction.

8. Packing light is essential. This will help you in better planning and easy travel. Carrying excessive weight will be difficult for you while commuting from one place to another. You can ensure the safety of your valuables by leaving them in the hotel.

9. Learning self-defence for future trips would benefit you greatly in times of distress. It will also help you gain the confidence to travel alone.

10. You can opt for all women travel groups, public transport and staying facilities to ensure you are comfortable and feel safe throughout your trip.

These were some of the best tips for female travellers. Include them in your travel checklist to ensure your safety while not compromising on the fun. And while we are already talking about female safety during travel, it would be a wise option to talk about safeguarding yourself against unprecedented mishaps you might land up in through no fault of your own.

In this case, insurance helps. Make insurance a part of your travel essential. You can explore different personal accident insurance plans and research their benefits. You can purchase personal accident insurance online and stand a chance to get discounts with lower premiums and hassle-free buying procedures.

Click HERE to know more about different personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The ultimate theme park guide to planning a memorable family trip

Theme parks are the unrivalled choice for having an incredible time with your family. From exciting rides and fireworks to riveting stage shows and tasty treats for the little ones (and adults alike!), they are the perfect place for planning a family getaway.

While going to a theme park may seem fun and games, it can get stressful if not planned accordingly. You may end up with crying toddlers and grumpy adults. This blog will give you some tips to make this family getaway unforgettable.

1. Plan expenses:

Theme parks have a bad reputation for being expensive, but this is quickly addressed with a good strategy. Before buying the tickets directly from the official websites, doing your research is necessary. Find the perfect theme park that fits your budget and try to get coupons and promo codes that help reduce costs. Plan a budget for the day that includes everything, from rides to the food to buying small souvenirs to remember the day. Stick to the budget, and there will be no regrets.

2. Dress to impress:

Pack cameras, extra batteries, and plenty of films to capture all the unforgettable moments that you'll all laugh at years later. Have fun with it! Wear matching outfits or quirky family T-shirts to stand out from the crowd. At the same time, it is essential to wear comfortable, loose clothing to stay cool and fresh in the hot weather.

3. Food and Water:

Drink ample water to stay hydrated and active throughout the day to make the most out of the day. Even mild dehydration can cause headaches which can be worrying and may spoil your mood. It is also helpful to carry some snacks or munchies with you (if it's allowed on the premises).

4. Research rides in advance:

The worst thing about theme parks is the hour-long waits that are seemingly inevitable to go on your favourite rides. So, before the day of the trip, decide which rides interest you and your family members the most and finish those up before rush hour begins. If there are kids in your family, researching height requirements in advance is a surefire way of avoiding meltdowns.

5. Pack all essentials:

Be prepared for the sun, rain, and the wind like a true pro. Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, raincoats, and umbrellas are necessary when braving the outdoors. Pack a first aid kit in case someone gets motion sickness or headaches. If travelling with a toddler, bring all their requirements – nappies, sippy bottles, and small toys to keep them engaged.

6. Don't overstretch yourself:

While travelling, people often forget that breaks are essential. If travelling with kids and the elderly, take plenty of timeouts and pit stops for refreshment. While entering the theme park, locate a region with shade where you can all go if someone gets tired or sick. Overstretching yourself is a recipe for disaster. You may never know what might happen. Choose a proper general insurance plan to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

7. Avoid peak times:

Weekends and national holidays are theme parks' busiest times of the year. These are the least suitable times to venture to these places. You won't be able to enjoy the most iconic rides and eat their famed pretzels. Mondays are the least crowded, so consider planning the trip then, getting there early, and enjoying all the rides before the rush hour.

The most important thing is to enjoy your time in these parks. But these parks are also places that are prone to accidents. From getting a phone stolen to having a medical emergency, one should be prepared for everything. General insurance can be your secret ticket to stay happy and relaxed while on vacation. Invest your time and do good research to buy insurance from the best general insurance companies in India.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance companies in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Home insurance is a must for you if you are a jewellery enthusiast

Are you fascinated with the ever-changing and beautiful jewellery designs that keep coming every second day in the fancy showrooms, and go and buy a lot of them? If yes, you must buy a good home insurance policy as soon as possible and safeguard your treasure against any perils.

As you might be stacking a lot of that jewellery in your home cupboards, the policy will protect your home and your most valuable possession.

In this article, let us discuss how home insurance can help protect your jewellery.

1. Go for a comprehensive home insurance policy:

A comprehensive home insurance policy provides umbrella insurance coverage to your house, its contents, or both. Hence, opt for a comprehensive home insurance policy that will protect you and your precious jewellery if ever your home is looted. Even if your house is damaged or destroyed due to natural calamities such as floods, fire, or earthquake, this policy will reimburse you for your house and its contents, including your jewellery. The policy also protects other valuables, such as expensive art pieces, antiques, etc.

2. Insurance valuation services:
A home insurance policy provides protection and coverage for your expensive jewellery after proper inspection and valuation. The insurance company provides accurate valuations of your jewellery, including gold, silver, or diamond ornaments and gold and silver coins.
An insurer covering jewellery expects you to take proper precautionary measures at your house to prevent it from being stolen or getting damaged. Although the size of the jewellery may be minuscule, its value could be in lakhs and even crores. There should be no scope for wrong valuation and interpretation issues between you and the insurance company when a mishap occurs. You expect a swift resolution from the insurance company, for which there should be no room for confusion.

3. Premium amount:
The premium amount varies with the amount of insurance coverage you are seeking. This will depend upon the valuation of your jewellery from a certified valuer of the insurance company. Also, insurance companies now cover up to 100% cost of your jewellery and charge you premium accordingly.
You should compare the premium amount of standalone jewellery insurance with comprehensive house insurance. Also, check the policies of several insurance companies, compare the premium amount of their respective coverage and choose the best among them.

4. Exclusions:
You should also be aware of the few exclusions in your home insurance policy that will not provide coverage for your jewellery.
Wilful negligence –
An insurer will not process your claim for jewellery that has been wilfully mishandled or recklessly handled and damaged by you.
Sale and replacement –
The insurance company will not cover jewellery sold and replaced by a new one. The insurance policy does not automatically apply to a new piece of jewellery. You will have to inform the insurer first, get it valued and complete the required formalities for taking coverage.
Non-payment of premium –
Your home insurance policy will cease to protect your jewellery in the event of non-payment of the due premium by you against the insurance policy.

Jewellery is a great investment for most of us. It is expensive and has good resale value as well. Moreover, there are a lot of emotions attached to them, if they are a part of our family heirloom or have been purchased by us for our dear ones on some special occasion. Hence, it is essential for you to buy home insurance and get them insured.

You should compare the policies and premiums of several home insurance policies and opt for the best home insurance in India. Going for the best will keep you stress free, and you will be assured of the safety of your house and its contents at any point of day or night.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best tips for driving with a baby on board

Travelling as an adult can be a tedious process in itself. Figuring out the roads, the map, arranging for a vehicle, finalising the itinerary, making a list of the things you might need, medical emergencies, and packing your luggage are a few important things one has to do in the process of starting on a trip.

Can you imagine doing all of this while having a baby on board? It's challenging and hectic for parents and families to be travelling with young kids and babies, especially on long-distance road journeys. Things can go south in a matter of seconds, so you must ensure that you are prepared for whatever is to come beforehand.

But are you a parent of a new-born? We know you are seeking the best tips to organise a trip around the baby's comfort. Because let's face it- the higher chances of the baby being safe and comfortable, the better possibilities for the adults to enjoy the trip and claiming it a memorable journey.

This blog will discuss the top five tips that will make your driving experience less chaotic.

1. Car seat for babies:

It is uncomfortable for the parents and other people in your company to carry the baby throughout the trip. But it might also get annoying and cause discomfort for the babies. Using a car seat can do wonders in this situation. This way, the baby can sit comfortably, all buckled up hence no negative points for being careless about their safety. It also gives the baby a certain posture without hurting their head and neck muscles.

2. Backseat for the young ones:

Sitting in front has a higher chance of severe injuries. Hence, it is advised that you install your baby's car seat in the back where there is a comparatively lesser possibility of any impact of an accident. Also, fully functional airbags in your car can help lessen the aftermath of any dangerous mishap which can endanger your baby's life or health. Also, if you have two babies on board your vehicle, it would be wise to buckle them up individually instead of buckling them up together.

3. Let them sleep peacefully:

A child's sleep is more important than the parents'. And we are pretty sure that the young or new parents can vouch for this. Because as long as the baby sleeps, you can have some moments to yourself in peace. Similarly, it would be a good idea to put your baby to sleep during a trip to help them with the newness of a road trip and the discomfort they might feel along the way.
Staying in one position buckled up the entire time can make them irritable. If a baby feels uneasy, the situation can quickly become chaotic. To avoid this, ensure that you create convenient and familiar conditions for the babies to induce sleep.

4. Stops throughout the way:

If you are attempting to feed your baby whilst driving, STOP. You are endangering everyone's lives and creating a huge ruckus.
And if there's a tiniest event which causes inconvenience for your baby, the whole travelling situation could go downhill, real fast. Therefore, make stops throughout the way so that all co-passengers can take a breather after exhausting rounds of babysitting and travelling.

We hope the blog helped you with the preemptive insights to make your journey less daunting by keeping your baby happy! For additional security, you must ensure that your vehicle stays in the best possible condition. Be on your toes while undertaking your car's maintenance, especially while having a baby. One of the many other ways is purchasing car insurance. Browse through several available options and check the best car insurance price in India to see the ones which would fit your budget and cater to your needs.

Click HERE to find the best car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Things to know before planning a trip with family group on a bike

Riding a motorcycle provides the exciting feeling of being out in the open air and experiencing the beauty of the landscape. While riding alone is sometimes the goal, hanging out with family is one of the most enjoyable motorcycle experiences.

There's no doubt that motorbike road trips can be fun. However, road travel is more than just filling up the tank and driving to your destination. There's a considerable difference between riding a motorcycle down a local street on a Sunday afternoon and travelling hundreds of kilometres across a state.

A bike trip with the whole family is a great way to have fun and gather unforgettable memories. However, the happiest adventures typically begin with meticulous planning, so remember these four tips before your next family ride. Also, make sure you have a valid two-wheeler insurance policy before going on a trip. Now that insurance firms have gone digital, you may quickly purchase bike insurance online and protect yourself from unexpected costs.

1. Pre-ride meeting:

The group can plan the itinerary and route to the destination or any halting spot along the road. The primary goal is to travel safely. Therefore, determining who would lead the group is crucial to the family's safety. The leader should be aware of the group's path and identify any unique communication signals required to keep safe and connected.

2. Hand signals:

Hand signals to aid in group organisation and coordination while on the road. Knowing how to use hand signals is essential for people in charge of the group, as these signals alert the rest of the group to upcoming circumstances. As a result, ensure your partner knows how to signal a fuel stop or a road danger and how to slow down, accelerate up, or overtake other vehicles.

3. Staggered formation:

When riding in a group, ensure adequate room between two riders within their lane. Maintaining tight formation allows you and other riders a clear view. So, stagger yourself within a lane and avoid side-by-side formations.

4. Know the group:

Each member of the family will have a different level of riding experience. The goal is to keep each rider comfortable and safe; thus, keeping the least experienced members in the middle of the group is essential. This stance will provide them with a visual guide from riders in front of them, indicating upcoming items to be aware of, like traffic.
The riders in the lead and tail should have the most experience because they can best adjust to traffic and shield the others from traffic and road debris. Your most inexperienced bikers should also figure out when and where to rest.

A family trip on a bike is all about cooperation and communication, so follow the rules, and everyone will have a good time. As you prepare for the next family ride, keep these practical suggestions in mind to keep you and your company safe. Another valuable tip for motorcycle riders is regularly reviewing their bike insurance policy. If you require a review, get in touch with an insurance agent or visit the company's website for a quote as soon as possible.

Click HERE to find out more about bike insurance!

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s why you should check your insurer’s persistency ratio before purchasing a policy

Seller credibility is a crucial factor that affects buying decisions. This is especially noticed in high-value assets and financial products. Since these are transactions involving large numbers and significant interest, it is a must to check the insurer's reliability, which becomes a greater priority in the case of insurance products.

Insurance is a critical product; therefore, before purchasing such policies, checking the insurer's past performance and customer satisfaction is essential to ensure that you choose the best policy.

*For your understanding, we’ll be talking in reference to purchasing a health insurance policy.

The insurer's persistency ratio measures customer satisfaction, making it an important factor when comparing policies offered by various online health insurance companies.

What is the persistency ratio?

The persistency ratio depicts brand loyalty and the continued interest of policyholders in availing of the insurer's services. It is the number of policies renewed compared to the policies issued by the insurer. This ratio may be calculated for a financial year or a continuous period.

Calculation of the persistency ratio.
This is a relatively easy ratio to derive through two methods. It is determined using the annual premiums paid or the number of renewed policies. For newly issued policies, it is calculated in the thirteenth month, after one year for which the insurance plan is valid.

What does the persistency ratio indicate?

A high persistency ratio indicates a favourable position for an insurance company. Apart from showing the number of renewed policies, it offers multiple takeaways, including

1. Customer satisfaction:
The clearest inference from the ratio is the rate of client satisfaction. It indicates the emphasis health insurance companies place on valuing their customer's needs and assessing circumstances when claims are raised. It is an effective way to measure the insurer's performance and ability to facilitate a seamless insurance experience from the enquiry stage up to after-sales services. With the broad range of insurance providers available, customers can choose amongst them based on each insurer's transparency, overall quality of services, and customer gratification.

2. Solvency position:
A business's perpetual functioning depends on its ability to generate and expand revenue streams. The primary revenue stream for online health insurance companies is through the sale of insurance policies. Insurance companies need lower liabilities and higher revenues to maintain a prudent solvency position as regulated by the IRDAI. The higher the persistency ratio, the better the cash inflow and the more favourable the solvency position.

3. Claim settlement position:
If policyholders feel content with the insurer's services, they are more likely to become loyal customers who renew their policies annually. This becomes more likely when the insurer has a high claim settlement rate, which indicates that the company makes the claim settlement process more accessible and resolves claims sooner. Claim settlement rate, persistency rate, and renewals are interlinked, resulting in reduced risk for the insurer and more significant funds at their disposal to settle claims.

Why insurers may have a low persistency ratio?

Like all other ratios that serve as a barometer of online health insurance companies' performance, potential consumers need to understand the possible causes behind the result, irrespective of a favourable or unfavourable ratio. This becomes especially important in case of a negative ratio, which may be caused by the following:

1. Poor after-sales and administration services offered by the insurer.

2. A low claim settlement ratio deters potential buyers from purchasing a policy since the possibility of getting compensated is low.

3. Lack of innovation puts the insurer's products at a disadvantage against other evolved products aligned with consumer demands.

The persistency ratio of online health insurance companies is ultimately a reflection of their ability to retain customers. It is an essential parameter that potential buyers must consider before purchasing their health insurance to ensure that a reliable insurer protects them with a sound claim settlement system and customer satisfaction rate.

Click HERE to buy health insurance that suits your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are dry-type and wet-type clutches used in motorcycles

A clutch is one of the most integral parts of your bike, and without a properly functioning clutch, your bike won’t be operational. This mechanical device is used to engage and disengage power from the engine to transmission for the change of gears. It facilitates energy flow to the rear wheels to change the gears.

Changing the gear without engaging the clutch while the vehicle is static can be dangerous and cause friction. Over time this can affect the gearbox and even break it under stress.

When talking about clutches, there are two kinds: the wet type and the dry type. This article will look at both of them and how they work.

What are dry-type clutches?

The main difference between wet and dry type clutches is the build and the lubrication. Dry-type clutches are not covered in oil. Without lubrication, dry-type clutches fail to stay cool and cause the dry clutches to be louder. Dry-type clutches also undergo wear and tear rather quickly compared to wet-type clutches. They are not easily found on regular bikes for the reasons mentioned above. However, racing bikes tend to use these clutches as fewer drag results in enhanced speeds.

Why did bike manufacturers start using the dry clutch? Since the clutch is connected to the gearbox, it was meant to be located inside the engine. But this would hinder the lubricants in the machine, which the manufacturers didn’t want. Hence, they put the clutch outside, making the entire assembly smooth and lightweight.

Dry clutches are easy to operate and can be repaired quickly. Since it is placed outside the engine, it does not degrade the engine oil and aids in the longevity of the oil. It also gives higher power to the rear wheel for high-performance bikes.

However, because of lack of lubrication, dry clutches heat up quickly and can be susceptible to cracks and other wear and tear. Dry clutches have less life than wet clutches and require frequent cleaning.

What are wet-type clutches?

Wet clutches have been the more popular choice when it comes to clutches in recent years. Since the wet clutches are placed inside the engine, it is covered in engine oil, thus allowing it to cool down quickly.
With a higher degree of lubrication, these clutches can endure mishandling and perform better. As it is located within the engine, so any noise inside the engine translates to nothing outside the main body. If your bike runs on wet-type clutches, you can rest assured that your bike will experience a smooth ride and long life.

Wet-type clutches typically face fewer maintenance issues since it is well lubricated. But if the need is, service is challenging and time-consuming as the engine, and the casing needs to be dismantled to reach the clutch.

This article gives you a good idea about the advantages and disadvantages of different clutch types. Remember that no matter the kind of clutch, it is essential for your bike to undergo regular maintenance and services. Proper operational habits and servicing are vital to extending your bike’s life. Do not forget to look for bike insurance online to protect it in case of accidents, repairs, or general maintenance.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Using lenses and spectacles and determining which is the right choice for you

Your eyes provide the vision to see the world in its truest form and help you interpret and control every tiny movement in your body, whether it is a reflex or voluntary action. But in this era of fast-paced technological development, spending long hours with gadgets can significantly affect your eyesight.

Staying on the screens also comes with disadvantages; the major one is eyesight issues. This phenomenon can be easily seen in the younger generation. There are mainly two ways you can protect your eyes or rectify your vision problems- spectacles and contact lenses.

Are you someone who’s looking for some more information about the difference between using lenses and spectacles? This blog discusses the differences to help you make an informed decision. So, let’s get started.

How does using contact lenses or glasses help you?
They help with multiple vision problems like hypermetropia (farsightedness), myopia
(nearsightedness), distorted vision issues or astigmatism, age-related vision disorders
(presbyopia), and protection against blue rays emitted from screens, and much more.

Now let’s discuss the differences between using lenses and spectacles:

1. Time duration:

Wearing contact lenses for extended periods without removing and cleaning them can put your eyes at a high risk of infections. But if you clean them regularly, contact lenses can be used for comparatively longer durations and help you see clearly without discomfort.
On the other hand, glasses stay on your nose but tend to cause less discomfort and difficulties while you put them on. They are easier to clean and maintain. Glasses run a very low risk of infections.

2. Customisation:

The lenses can be customised according to your priorities and needs, for example, protection against the sun and UV rays. Some lenses also provide UV ray protection, but they cannot be considered as a replacement for using sunglasses built for the said purposes.

3. Safety:

Glasses can help you in avoiding severe eye injuries. They act as a barrier between external objects and your eye, thus preventing any substances or particles from impairing your vision. Lenses are put in place inside the eye, so protection against injuries and vision loss is at a lower grade when compared to glasses.

4. Risks during activities:

If you have to wear glasses constantly, it can be difficult for you in heavy activities such as workouts. You might end up breaking your glasses or experience significant discomfort as the glasses would run the risk of falling or slipping on your nose. Using lenses in such cases is a lot more convenient and low maintenance. The sweat would cause uneasiness in the case of glasses compared to the ease and comfort that the lenses provide.

Apart from the factors discussed above, other deciding factors between lenses and spectacles could be the price, replacement, availability, prescriptions by your doctors, peripheral vision, etc. You need to check all these points before arriving at a final decision.

While we spoke about taking care of your eyes against various issues and injuries, let’s not forget to consider your and your loved ones’ overall health. Due to some unprecedented circumstances, things can worsen the situation. In such cases, health insurance provides significant relief from all the financial stress of the moment. You can explore all the insurance options offered by online health insurance companies and choose the one which caters to your needs in the best ways.

Click HERE to learn more about purchasing insurance from online health insurance companies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Before riding a borrowed bike, run these quick checks

Two-wheelers are extremely convenient modes of conveyance. Being easy to control and manoeuvre makes them a popular choice, resulting in the continued exponential growth of the Indian two-wheeler market.

While it is known that bikes are relatively unsafe compared to cars, an experienced rider doesn't face safety issues when following general driving rules. The additional cover provided by bike insurance enhances the safety quotient for riders and protects them from contingent financial losses resulting from accidents.

However, if you choose to borrow a bike, it becomes essential to run some quick checks to assess its condition before taking it for a ride. Whether you borrow it from a friend or rent one from a bike rental, here is a list of basic checks before riding a borrowed bike.

1. Inspect the tyres:
A bike's tyres are essential components that can cause or prevent an accident. Before you turn on the ignition system, ensure that the tyres are in good shape. Borrowed bikes have the possibility of having worn-out tyres, which you need to inspect thoroughly before you ride them. This is to ensure that no issues arise while you're on the road that may leave you stranded.
While a quick look can help identify any significant problems, such as deep treads or punctures, it is ideal to use your hand or kick the tyres to check the air pressure. The tyres' ideal PSI is listed on the body of the bike in case you need to fill up air in the tyres.

2. Don’t miss out on the brakes:
Well-functioning brakes are just as important as tyres to ensure the rider's safety. Depending on the type of two-wheeler, you may not have a foot brake to test. In the case of bikes, engage the foot brake and gauge the force required to engage the brake. Also, check the brake levers near the handlebars to test how much pressure is needed to apply the brakes. Even if you skip some of the other steps on this checklist, this is a non-negotiable inspection.

3. Did you check the side mirrors:
Every rider adjusts their side mirrors as per their convenience. While they may not seem important, they are essential for ensuring complete visibility of the rear traffic to make appropriate judgements on the road. If you have trouble setting them right, use this trick- adjust the mirrors such that the inward corners of the mirrors show your shoulder line on each side respectively. This way, you can have an optimal view of the vehicles behind your bike.

4. Indicators:
Poor indication habits while switching lanes and taking turns are leading causes of accidental grazing of vehicles, which sometimes escalate into massive accidents. This can be avoided by simply locating and checking the functioning of the turn signal controls, also called indicators and testing them before riding the borrowed bike.

5. Gear shifts:
What makes bikes difficult compared to scooters is the need to shift gears. If you have borrowed a manual transmission bike, check its gear shift mechanism to efficiently and effectively switch between gears while riding.

6. Valid driver's licence:
For bike insurance to cover any unfortunate accident while you ride a borrowed vehicle, you must hold a valid driver's licence and not drive under the influence of any substance.

It is legally required to purchase bike insurance for every bike before it hits the road. While the policy can be purchased by either the owner or the short-term user, having valid bike insurance proof is essential. Check if the owner has already purchased a policy. If not, buy one for the short term in case of a rental to avoid legal troubles.

While your friend may have lent you a bike in good faith, it is necessary to check these aspects to ensure your safety. Additionally, inspect the bike's throttle, clutch, display, and the validity of bike insurance to avoid any mishaps and getting involved in unnecessary trouble due to poor maintenance of the borrowed bike.

Click HERE to buy a robust bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Traditional vs. modern kitchen equipment: which is better for your health

A kitchen is called the heart of a home for a reason. It is nothing less than a laboratory for enthusiastic food lovers. These kitchen stars love to experiment with new recipes, but they hunt for clues when it comes to kitchen remodelling.

The battle between traditional and modern kitchen equipment has been a close one. Modern technology has given us reliable, highly accurate equipment with timers that help save time. So, they are our first choice while buying utensils.

However, studies have shown that various metals used in modern kitchen utensils are detrimental to health. For example, stainless steel cookware has nickel and chromium leaching from it to cause long-term harm to an individual's health.

The revival of the traditional vs. modern kitchen equipment debate has started from the new wave of awareness about the carcinogenic properties of these everyday utensils. It has shifted the paradigm in favour of traditional equipment.

This blog strives to give you an insight into why traditional kitchen equipment is the healthier choice between the two.

1. Brass utensils:

While modern living has made us turn to the more convenient steel and glass, utensils made of old-school metals have been noted to contain many benefits. Experts have found that food stored in brass utensils preserves about 93% of nutrients.
Brass is still used abundantly in small towns and villages across the country. According to Ayurveda, it increases haemoglobin count, improves skin conditions, and pacifies pitta (aggression). Additionally, water stored in brass vessels increases strength and immunity.

2. Copper utensils:

The modern Teflon and non-stick cookware are easy to use and look great, but they may lead to health issues. The chemical that comes from the non-stick cookware is highly detrimental to your skin and may also cause liver tumours, breast cancer, infertility, and kidney disorders.
Copper is a great alternative. Research has now proved that food cooked in copper vessels is rich in collagens that offer various health advantages. Water stored in copper overnight gives the maximum benefits of this metal. It detoxifies the body, helps increase haemoglobin secretion, and helps the peristaltic movement of the gut.

3. Silverware:

Silver is an unconventional choice for cutlery these days when everyone has turned to ceramic. According to Ayurvedic science, silver is good for people with dizziness and excessive thirst. It calms down inflammation and helps people with low sperm count.
Continuing the teachings of Ayurveda, if you're a pitta type, you have a higher chance of having red, sensitive skin and are quick to anger. Using silverware will reduce your irritation and calm reactive skin.

4. Clay utensils:

These utensils help in maintaining healthy nutrients while cooking. Although it takes double the time to cook in clay pots and generally doesn't look as sophisticated as modern kitchen utensils, they preserve complete nutrition in food. An Ayurvedic study proved that eating in clay utensils relieves pain in those with rheumatoid arthritis.

Modern kitchen equipment gives a level of comfort and sophistication to our homes. The traditional utensils have a charm of their own. They may look old-fashioned compared to the modern but overshadow their health benefits. You cannot compromise with quality when it comes to health.

It's always good to keep your health as the topmost priority. It is rightly quoted that "health is the greatest wealth". If health is compromised, then it can drain your wealth. Don't fall victim to unexpected health expenses. Choose the best health insurance policy for family to remain stress-free.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Driverless cars have become a reality, but are they covered under your car insurance

Futuristic innovations are taking the world by storm, and the automobile industry is no exception. The most recent trend that has caught an upswing among car enthusiasts is self-driving or autonomous cars. While progress has been slow, it is still exciting to imagine a world where driving is hands-free.

While the concept is likely to do away the requirements of the drivers, what about the need to buy new car insurance? Will the revolutionary technology make insurance obsolete, or will auto-insurance companies alter their products as per the evolving market needs? Read on to learn all about the impact of driverless cars and their impact on the insurance industry.

What exactly is a driverless car?

It is an autonomous vehicle, meaning it can move from one location to another without help from a human driver. Self-driving vehicles, or driverless cars, manifest the machine-driven future we've envisioned. It is believed that they will make our lives easier and more productive.

But are they covered under your car insurance?

A top American consulting firm predicted that vehicle collisions would drop dramatically by the middle of this century. The insurance market is expected to be negatively impacted. Since claims related to autonomous cars are expected to decrease, insurance rates will go down. However, you will still need liability insurance because autonomous vehicles can also be driven by hand.

Apart from this, the insurance industry may also see a significant drop in business as the demand for theft protection coverage falls. Cars will be equipped with a 'kill-switch,' which prevents anyone but the owner from starting the engine, and a modern GPS tracking system may make it fully theft-proof. Car owners may feel safer without theft insurance, so the insurance premiums will also decrease as a result.

However, this is also another side of it!

Some experts think introducing self-driving cars will not affect the car insurance business much just because these cars have better safety features. These days, there is already a wide range of vehicles that feature a variety of cutting-edge technologies thanks to the rapid evolution of the car industry in recent decades. However, that has not resulted in noticeable shifts in insurance premium costs. Various collision-avoidance features are available in modern cars, despite which the number of reported accidents has remained relatively high.

How will insurance companies adjust to new conditions?

Although it is currently challenging to predict how driverless cars will affect car insurance businesses, it is likely to assume that the transition will be slow enough to allow the insurance industry adequate time to adapt. There are three main areas where insurance companies can improve in the future, according to certain reports.

1. Heightened cyber security risk:
Driverless cars will observe an increase in the use of hardware and software in cars, posing a cyber security risk. There may also be an increase in the likelihood of cybercrimes such as theft, ransomware, hacking, and the improper use of data about cars. In the not-too-distant future, car insurers will be able to start offering coverage in this area.

2. Technological concerns:
There is a significant risk of catastrophic loss due to software faults, memory overflow, and algorithmic flaws in automotive-related sensors and processors. Insurers will typically cover these types of losses with additional features.

3. Infrastructure insurance:
Factors such as cloud server systems, signals, and other safeguards that will be set up for the protection of vehicles and drivers will give a substantial yearly revenue potential in premiums. The need for public infrastructure insurance and security is bound to increase.

In conclusion, the automotive and car insurance industries are changing tremendously, and this transition will likely to drive the automated future. Until we have more information about innovations, it is ideal to buy new car insurance in case you don't have one to safeguard your current asset.

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.