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Navigate roundabouts like a pro with our simplified guide 10th March 2023

Have you already purchased car insurance India for your new car as a mandatory feature but still fear taking your vehicle on a spin? Driving in India often leaves most drivers intimidated. The crowded streets, impatient drivers, and lack of enforcement of traffic laws can make navigating the roads a harrowing experience. One of the most confusing elements of Indian roads is the roundabout.

Roundabouts, also known as traffic circles or rotaries, are circular intersections designed to help traffic flow more smoothly. However, they can be daunting if you need to become more familiar with them. But fret not! This blog post will provide a simplified guide to navigating roundabouts like a pro and help you stay safe.

What is a roundabout?

Before we dive into how to navigate roundabouts, let us first understand what they are. In a roundabout, traffic circulates counter-clockwise around a central island in a circular intersection. Drivers entering the roundabout must give way to vehicles already in the circle and continue driving counter-clockwise until they reach their desired exit.

Why are roundabouts safer?

Roundabouts have become increasingly customary because they are safer than traditional intersections. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety conducted a study that shows how roundabouts decrease the number of severe crashes by 78% and fatalities by 82% compared to traditional crossroads. Roundabouts eliminate many conflict points in traditional intersections, such as head-on collisions and right-angle crashes.

How to navigate a roundabout?

1. Approach with caution:
The first step to navigating a roundabout is to approach it with caution. Slow down as you approach the roundabout, and be prepared to stop if necessary. Look for signs and markings on the road to help guide you through the roundabout.

2. Yield to traffic already in the circle:
Once you have reached the roundabout, you must yield to traffic in the circle. It means you must wait until there is a gap in traffic before entering the roundabout.

3. Choose your lane:
Before entering the roundabout, you must choose the appropriate lane. If you are turning right, stay in the right lane. If you are going straight or turning left, use the left lane. If multiple lanes exist, choose the one that will take you to your desired exit.

4. Maintain a slower speed:
Once you have entered the roundabout, maintain a slower speed of around 10 km an hour. Do not stop or change lanes in the roundabout.

5. Use your turn signals:
If you are turning, use your turn signals to indicate your intentions. Don't make rash turns without giving proper signals. You may end up crashing your car in an accident. Make the best use of your car's rear-view and side-view mirrors to get a clear judgement of the traffic behind you while making a turn.

6. Exit the roundabout:
As you approach your exit, use your turn signals to indicate your intention to exit. Yield to any pedestrians or bicyclists in the crosswalk and exit the roundabout safely.

Roundabouts can be intimidating, but they are a safer and more efficient way to manage traffic. By following the above tips, you can navigate roundabouts like a pro and reduce your chances of getting into an accident.

Remember to maintain a cautious approach, pay attention to traffic already in the circle, and use indicators while maintaining your speed and staying in your lane. It is that simple! While the regulatory body mandates it, we recommend purchasing car insurance India to protect yourself from the financial damages you may incur in an accident. With these tips in mind, you can stay safe on the road and drive with confidence.

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
