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If you’re struggling with productivity, a morning routine may be what you need

With the advent of the hustle culture and technology moving at an incredible pace, our lifestyles have been affected dramatically towards the unhealthy side. Our diets, sleep schedules, and working hours have seen a massive shift that has negatively impacted our health and relationships with ourselves and others. And this unhealthy switch has a massive effect on our work and productivity. While self-care has become an enormous part of our lives, it is now a must-do activity instead of just a habit we are supposed to inculcate in our daily routine.

Have you been feeling down and unfocused lately? Do you need help concentrating to carry out the menial tasks of the day? Well, mental health is a massive part of our lives today. You should contact trained professionals if you feel severe anxiety and other issues. But if you're struggling with productivity, a morning routine may be what you need!

This blog discusses how you can reform your lifestyle with a proper morning schedule and observe significant changes in your spirit and health.

1. Plan your day in advance:
Figuring out your day's schedule helps prepare you mentally and physically for getting all the work done. Monitoring the time to accomplish a particular task enables you to keep track and improve your efficiency and make space for other personal and professional things. A to-do list is a right way to go about structuring your day. You can allot time for these things according to your estimation and roughly note down the hours you will dedicate to a particular task from your list. This will help you stay on top of your productivity game.

2. A sound sleep:
A good night's sleep is essential. While several other pieces of research every day indicate different hours of sleep required by a certain age group, seven to eight hours is the fundamental need for a human body to function correctly. Ensuring a good night's sleep makes you feel fresh and ready for the next day. It helps you to be productive and complete all the tasks for the day.

3. Meditation and reading:
Meditation helps you connect with your inner self and calms your body. It enables you to strengthen your focus. Meditating every morning will help you calm your nerves and prepare for the day. It is very effective in dealing with anxiety and stress. Mental health professionals and physical trainers always recommend it as a part of your exercise and self-care regimen.
You can also set a target for reading which is a nourishment for your brain. You can either commit to reading ten pages daily and slowly increase. Or you can set a time limit, beginning with reading for ten to twenty minutes and then working your way up. This will help you improve your reading speed and boost your concentration, and eventually, you can develop a habit.

4. Move your body:
Any form of physical activity in the morning like stretching, yoga, and exercise will improve the blood circulation in your body and regulate hormone levels. Physical activities also help you structure your day, improve your metabolism and enhance your well-being. Your fitness journey would eventually lead you to healthier diet choices, thus making an enormous contribution to your lifestyle.

Some other elements you can introduce in building productivity include drinking one glass of water in the morning, eating a nutritional breakfast, breathing exercises, cleaning and organising your personal space and work desk, spending some time in nature without any gadgets, positive self-talk and affirmations, etc. The key is to formulate all these things into a routine and take it one day at a time.

Health is the most crucial aspect of our life. While we try our best to take care of our health, some unforeseeable circumstances can create an imbalance and adversely affect our health. To combat such incidents, you must explore different insurance options from multiple companies and choose the best health insurance policy for family.

Click HERE to learn more about the best health insurance policy for family and its benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are ten easy tips to reduce bloating

Bloating can be a common but painful condition for some. We all know the feeling, the tender abdomen, and the stomach that looks a lot larger than usual. Bloating is a disorder that usually happens after overeating, eating something you are intolerant towards, or having too many fizzy drinks that result in a gas build-up.

However, bloating can also occur due to too much stress in your day-to-day life, which causes indigestion. This blog gives you some tips and tricks to get relief from bloating.

1. Try massaging the belly:
Bloating is usually a build-up of gas, which you can control by giving a gentle massage to your abdomen. This helps move the gas to the lower belly and relieve it. It’s best to follow the path of the large intestine for optimal results.

2. Drink that bottle of water:
Hydration is vital to most of the body’s functions. Drinking less water not only affects the kidneys but it has a significant impact on digestion too. Drinking water will make it much easier to pass stool, which will, in turn, help with your bloating. Also, the mucous lining of your stomach significantly improves from more hydration, so keep finishing that water bottle!

3. Reduce the consumption of fizzy drinks:
The consumption of fizzy drinks has increased drastically worldwide, which also brings digestive issues. Fizzy drinks are pumped with carbon dioxide, which gives the stomach a tough time. People have also replaced water in their households, which makes them even more dangerous.

4. Exercise:
In this technologically advanced world, sedentary lifestyles have become the norm making significant negative impacts on our overall health. Exercise relieves fluid retention as we sweat out sodium and helps move stool and gas out of our system. So, no matter how busy your schedule is, take time to indulge in some physical activity to relieve your abdomen.

5. Check for lactose intolerance, cut down on the dairy:
Approximately 65 percent of the world has a reduced tolerance to dairy products after infancy. So, it is no surprise that dairy products cause bloating in many people due to their inability to digest milk and milk products.

6. Drink your coffee:
Coffee can help make bowel movements regular and is therefore regarded as suitable for people who suffer from chronic bloating.

7. Avoid alcohol and other spirits:
Alcohol is fermented and is bad for your gut health. This might make you blow up like a balloon and cause severe discomfort. Using fizzy drinks to the mix makes the situation even worse.

8. Pop a peppermint capsule:
Peppermint is excellent for people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) but can also be used for indigestion and other gas–related issues. It is great for the gut as it helps relax the intestinal muscles, allowing stool to pass more easily. However, one should be careful and take these capsules only after reading the instructions. People with heartburn should skip this one.

9. Take a relaxing bath:
A warm bath or a shower can melt away all the stress of the day and make you feel light and breezy. This can reduce stress levels, which are a significant cause of indigestion. The warmth will also be relieving for a tender stomach.

10. Try to reduce your salt consumption:
Salt is a major cause of fluid retention and can cause bloating after an incredibly salty meal. Try cooking at home instead of dining out, and avoid fast food with salt and oils.

Bloating is highly uncomfortable and can ruin a day that otherwise was full of promises. Bloating can also be due to other medical reasons. If you notice regular bloating, contact a medical professional at the earliest to diagnose the issue. Additionally, consider purchasing health insurance that provides coverage against various illnesses to protect your health and look after your medical expenses. The right research and knowledge can help you find affordable health insurance plans that are soft on your pockets but best for your financial security.

Click HERE to learn more about affordable health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Budgeting fundamentals young adults must understand

Young adults are at a nascent stage of life, beginning to understand and bear life's responsibilities. It becomes important for them to understand budgeting fundamentals to adequately control their expenditure against what they earn. It will help them avoid suffering a money crunch situation or a deficit by spending more than they can earn during the budgeting period.

A life without budgeting is similar to a rudderless ship in the middle of an ocean. A budget is a perfect plan to structure our investments and ensure financial stability by estimating our probable income and expenditure. Let's understand a few budgeting fundamentals that can encourage young adults to become financially independent individuals capable of making fruitful investment decisions. When we talk about investments, insurance plays a vital role. Investing in a reliable general insurance company can be a good kick-start for young adults.

1. Know your income:
Young salaried adults should know their net income after considering several deductions and taxes. They should not focus on their total salary but on what they will get in hand during the budgeting period. This will help them not to overspend.
A young adult with an irregular income stream, such as a freelancer, a contractor, or a self-employed, should plan and chart his probable earnings over the budgeting period. They should also consider income from other sources, such as interest and dividend earnings, rental income, etc.

2. Know your expenditure:
Young adults should then divide their expenses into two parts- fixed and variable. They cannot avoid fixed expenses such as rent, telephone and electricity bills, EMIs, etc. However, they can control and trim their variable costs according to their income. They need to track and categorise such expenditures so that they know which expenditures to curtail and which to completely avoid.

3. Setting goals:
The next step in budgeting is to set realistic short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are the ones that will take a year or two to fulfill. Young adults may budget to set up an emergency fund. Long-term goals will take a longer time to accomplish. They may budget to invest a certain amount monthly in a mutual fund through the SIP route to secure their future or plan for their children's future education. They may also budget to buy insurance policies such as term, health, or life insurance.

4. Plan effectively:
Effective planning is the key to implementing any budget. Young adults should plan how to increase their income in the coming time and set spending limits for the expense category that can be controlled. They should understand the difference between necessities, comforts, and luxuries. While necessities are a must and cannot be curtailed, spending on comforts and luxuries can be controlled through proper planning.

5. Review regularly:
Young adults should review their budgets regularly. Income and expenditure may go up or down due to several reasons such as a salary raise, fulfillment of some goal, new ambition, change in taste and preferences, etc. They should adjust their budget accordingly so that it stays relevant.

Young adults must understand budgeting fundamentals and their importance in their lives. This will help them to stay aligned with their budget goals. They can switch to using cash as the preferred mode of payment in case they cannot control their spending when using plastic money.

Young adults are at a stage of life in which general insurance policies also start gaining importance. They should divert some portion of their income towards buying insurance policies, be it health insurance, home insurance, or any other type of insurance per their specific needs. Insurance will ensure their secure and financially stable future and cover their entire family in emergencies. The right general insurance company can benefit young adults by streamlining their finances with protection.

Click HERE to explore different insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Raising a claim for a scratch or a dent on your bike may not be the best move

In a country like India, where rash driving is very common, you must be extra careful about your actions on the road. You need to be familiar with all the traffic rules and regulations. It is because you endanger yourself, your co-passengers, and even the pedestrians on the road while driving. Following traffic rules saves you from unwanted damage and getting penalised. You should also have bike insurance to secure your motorcycle and finances in a crisis.

Although bike insurance is a good investment, what does it cover? Suppose you meet with a small accident. Is it okay to file a claim for minor dents or scratches? We will answer them all for you in this article.

Is it worth it to claim insurance for bike scratches and minor dents?

Bike insurance claims can be tricky. If you are new to the world of insurance, you will find it challenging to decipher everything. You may face difficulties filing a claim for something that is rightfully yours.

Before you file a claim, you must keep a few things in mind. The first is the extent of the damage done to your vehicle. The second is the type of policy that you have purchased. It determines the level of damage it covers.

With a comprehensive policy, you can file a claim for damages that occurred to your bike. However, if you have third-party insurance, the scenario will be different. In the case of third-party insurance, you will not get the cost for all the damages done to your bike as it covers the damages to a third party's vehicle.

So, for your comprehensive motor insurance policy, access the damage done to your bike and the extent of it. If you believe that the damages are beyond regular repair, you can file an insurance claim. However, you should not file the claim if you think the dents and scratches are repairable and will cost you nominal. In such a case, you must save the insurance claim for a future crisis. It is always better to be on the safer side!

What are the advantages of not claiming insurance for minor dents?

There are many hidden benefits of not claiming bike insurance for minor damages to your bike, including

● Low premium:
It is known that the premium will increase significantly when you claim insurance. It can be bothering for you to pay the increased premium after that. To avoid this, you should not claim minor damages as it will keep your finances in control, and you will enjoy a low premium.

● Lack of claim bonus:
The No Claim Bonus feature in bike insurance offers discounts to policyholders when renewing the policy for not filing a claim during the policy period. The discount increases for the years if you do not raise a claim.

Understanding the basics of bike insurance, such as coverage, inclusions, and future implications is a fundamental requirement before deciding to claim bike insurance. It is usually never worth claiming for minor dents as it can be less fruitful in the long run. Do your due diligence before making major financial decisions, such as purchasing bike insurance, raising claims, etc. Wisely utilise insurance benefits to ensure the best compensation for the damages incurred.

Click HERE to buy the best bike insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Simplifying commonly used insurance jargon

While checking any insurance plan, you most likely come across terms like deductibles, premiums, adjuster, etc. If you're unfamiliar with them, you may be confused and make wrong financial decisions.

It is now a given that everyone needs to have basic knowledge of terms relevant to general insurance. If not, you will find it daunting to buy insurance or apply for one. In such a case, it is extremely easy to get tricked. You will likely fall into the trap of fraudsters who can get more money from your lack of awareness and appropriate knowledge. Not knowing things can make the job easier for them.

If you need help understanding a few commonly used insurance jargon, this article is for you. This article will walk you through the various essential terms related to insurance. Prepare to dive into the world of simplified general insurance jargon that aids in making better financial decisions and equips you to help your peers and share your knowledge!

1. Claim:
This is one of the most important terms related to insurance used in all policies, including non-general and general insurance. A claim refers to the compensation or coverage of an incurred loss. It is a request to the insurance company to compensate you in cash or in kind for the loss you have encountered. It can be filed in case of a road accident, robbery, or even a natural disaster.

2. Adjuster:
An insurance company employs an adjuster to settle various claims. They investigate, examine, and evaluate before finalising any claim. The adjuster investigates all the crucial concerns. Be it the cause of loss, insurance coverage, the value of the loss, the amount of loss, and so on. Only after the adjuster adequately investigates everything the insurance company settles the claim.

3. Peril:
As the name suggests, this refers to a potential threat or danger that puts the insured at risk. It can also put an insured item or property at risk. It can be due to any irreversible causes and out of control. For instance, theft, fire, floods, and so on.

4. Deductibles:
This refers to the money to be paid by the insured for insurance coverage before the insurance company starts paying for the insurance policy. This amount is generally deducted from the claim before it is handed over to the insured.

5. Premium:
This refers to the amount paid to the insurance company to secure you against any damages or losses. It is a variable amount that depends on many factors while buying insurance.

6. Liability coverage:
As the name suggests, it protects the insured against any claim raised towards the damages and injuries caused to third parties or property.

7. Nominee:
This refers to a person entitled to receive the insurance claim if the insured dies. The insurance company redirects the claim to the rightful nominee declared by the insured as per the terms and conditions of the policy. They are generally the dependent, your spouse, child, parents, etc.

8. Waiting period:
This is the time that a policyholder has to wait before applying for a claim. Depending on various factors, the policy's terms & conditions, it can range from a few months to a few years.

With general insurance becoming necessary to protect your highly-valued assets and your finances, everyone must understand basic insurance jargon before evaluating and comparing policies. Only when you are aware of the basic terms can you buy the best insurance for yourself! Keep yourself aligned with the advancements of the insurance sector and buy general insurance online to get better offers and attractive premiums that account for efficient coverage.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Single mother: A health insurance can secure your and your child’s future

Women have surpassed their traditional gender roles and are now leading huge organisations, establishing their start-ups, investing for their future, taking care of their families, and when they decide to become mothers according to their own choices. While we all know how society functions and several stereotypes have been crumbled to the ground by women, we are still far from creating a safer space. But there is no second thought about how the position of women in society has improved over time.

Due to unfortunate circumstances or by choice of living a stress-free life, several women are single mothers today. And most of them hold sole custody of their kid(s). Again, the stigma against single parenting is quite challenging to go through. There are several aspects to ensuring you create a happy life for yourself and your kid. This blog aims to make single mothers understand the importance of health insurance and how it can secure their future and their child’s upbringing. Here’s a guide to achieving that and all you need to know about the topic.

1. Explore all your options.
There are several insurance options in the market. You will see a herd of insurance providers. It would be best to thoroughly research every health insurance- the merits and demerits, terms and conditions, renewal policy, sum insured, service quality, hospitals in the network, trust, and ratings. After all these detailings, if you still feel the process is overwhelming and you cannot differentiate amongst the integral factors, you can consult a financial expert who will help you prioritise your needs and put forth the best options for you.

2. How do you prioritise your requirements?
Health insurance should be at the top of your priority list. And while the details of various types of insurance available in the market can be overwhelming, you need to prioritise your requirements. How can you do that? You need to figure out your insurance coverage, keeping in mind the range of medical expenditures in your location, as geographical factors influence hospital expenses.
While determining the amount for coverage for your health insurance, you need to be careful about the limitations like the hospital expenses, the settlement for the claims regarding the ailments, etc. Health insurance with these restrictions tends to cost you lower than those who endorse full coverage. Listing your needs will help you find the perfect insurance for your necessities.

3. Plan ahead of time.
As a single mother, you have a massive load of responsibilities on your shoulders. It would be best if you secure your future and your child’s/children’s and family’s future from an early stage. Also, you will see a significant increase in medical inflation, impacting health insurance premiums, hospitalisation costs, prices of medical aids and equipment, etc. To combat the unpredictability of this journey called life, you will need to gear up.
You need to look for the additional benefits provided by the various insurance providers and the type of features these benefits carry, for example, daycare, expenditure of an attendant/caretaker, etc. You can explore and analyse the benefits you can get through different added features or insurance for critical illness.

We discussed the perks of health insurance for single mothers. But in no way is it limited to just single parents. Everyone out there requires health insurance to stay monetarily stress-free during difficult phases of life involving health troubles. And with technology, the hassle of buying and renewing insurance is just a matter of a few clicks now! You can purchase or renew health insurance online and be the master of your ship to choose what’s best for you and your family.

Click HERE to learn more about how to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Your car manufacturer’s service centres can help you cut costs in the long run

Although buying a vehicle is a significant investment, it also brings with it several additional expenses to ensure the driver’s safety and maintenance of the car. To ensure its longevity and appropriate functioning, get your vehicle serviced regularly and buy car insurance online to minimise the risk of accidents and the burden of allied costs.

Remember, both these factors are non-negotiable. While opting to buy car insurance online can get you the best insurers, your authorised service centre also helps you cut costs in the long run.

This article explains how you may derive greater benefits in the long run by availing of the services of the manufacturer’s service centre.

1. Specialised technicians:
The manufacturer’s affiliated garages employ specialised technicians that have undergone rigorous training in exclusive components or have the technical know-how of specific car models, making them the right persons to inspect and evaluate your car. You can also raise any concerns and ask for expert maintenance tips regarding essential maintenance.

2. Never worry about counterfeit parts:
While cars themselves are expensive, replacing components is also a costly affair. Some parts may require replacement due to obsoletion, while others depreciate and add up to a significant amount, which only some can afford. This situation leads to the rise of counterfeit parts. They are of similar specifications but are made of inferior quality, risking your vehicle’s safety. Authorised dealers only store authentic parts and provide a guarantee, eliminating counterfeit concerns and recurring costs arising from their use.

3. Keep your car up to date:
The global automotive software market is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 13.1% until 2027, indicating the vast scope of upgrading cars to increase efficiency and facilitate seamless driving. Manufacturers frequently release software updates, and there is no better place to get it than at an affiliated garage! Along with a regular check, you can also install the latest updates at no additional cost without delay!

4. Maintain resale value:
Regular servicing is proof of a well-maintained car, and service records are documented evidence of the same. While your local garage may not offer reliable documentation, your manufacturer’s garages ensure that you have proof of the car’s servicing history after each check. If you choose to resell your vehicle, this record is essential to justify the car’s value and convince the potential buyer of its safety.

5. Early identification of festering problems:
There is no greater pinch to the wallet than an expense that could have been avoided by taking preventive checks and spending a minimal sum. The experts at your manufacturer’s garages are well-equipped to identify issues and recommend monitoring or an effective solution to curb the extent of damage to your vehicle.

6. Risk of invalidated warranty:
The manufacturer may refuse to provide warranty coverage without proof of the procedure, the equipment used, and the technician’s expertise. Hence, contacting a dealer for any significant concerns or repairs is ideal as it provides a more significant resolution to the issues related to your vehicle.

There is no greater relief than that of reliability, which authorised service centres provide. We recommend carefully assessing alternatives before choosing your preferred servicing garage and buy car insurance online to derive the most significant benefits possible.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Would your corporate health insurance suffice? Not amid layoffs

In the aftermath of a global pandemic and rising economic uncertainties, a job offers what matters most- financial stability and social security. It may also provide perks like allowances for specific purposes like children's education, medical expenses, relocation, etc., and perquisites like a company car, accommodation, etc.

A primary add-on facility is corporate health insurance for employees. While it may cover medical emergencies and allied expenses during employment, does it satisfy the need for additional health insurance? Experts suggest that, employed or not, each individual should buy health insurance to reduce the financial burden of medical expenses.

If you have a corporate insurance policy and need more clarification about needing a separate cover, read on to learn about the risk you face.

What is corporate health insurance?

Also known as group health insurance, the company takes the initiative to buy health insurance for all its employees during their tenure with the company. It covers medical costs arising from accidents, medical conditions, surgeries, etc. While the policy coverage is vast, it also extends to the dependents of the employees- creating an illusion of comprehensive coverage.

Not only does it benefit employees as an additional security against contingencies, but it also doubles as an attractive perk from the employer that makes the job offer appear comprehensive, leading to a satisfied workforce and resulting in greater productivity. The Indian Income Tax laws also allow claiming a deduction for the premium payment, sweetening the deal for both parties involved in case of a co-payment arrangement.

Concerns about corporate health insurance:

While the policy is undoubtedly beneficial for employees, it is not a substitute for individual health insurance.

1. Term period:
Corporate health insurance is purchased in bulk to cover all employees of the organisation. An employee is only protected until his employment tenure continues. Considering the volatile economic conditions and the talks of an incoming recession, more layoffs seem inevitable in the near future, making it essential to buy more health insurance at the earliest.

2. Standard coverage:
While corporate health insurance covers a broad scope of issues that may lead to medical expenses, you cannot customise the policy to fit your and your dependents' needs. The company makes decisions on the technicalities, including insured sum, number of dependents, etc., leaving employees at greater health risk with no option but to buy online health insurance individually to cover specific concerns. Even if you do not need a custom cover, we highly recommend purchasing an individual policy.

3. No direct benefit to the employee:
If you buy online health insurance and don't raise a claim during its active period, you can avail of a no-claim bonus, a reward that offers up to 50% discount while renewing the policy. The same does not apply to corporate health insurance.

4. Cumbersome claim raising:
When looking for online health insurance, comparing alternative insurers and purchasing a comprehensive plan from a company offering a seamless claim-raising experience is essential. Since the technicalities are outside your hands, you may have to deal with long wait periods and inefficient claim-settling mechanisms before reaching a fruitful settlement.

5. Undependable state of personal finances:
Health insurance makes for an integral part of budgets and financial planning. Choosing to rely solely on the insurance provided by your employer is a risky move that can affect your financial stability.

6. Lack of tax deduction:
Unless the premium has been paid under a co-payment agreement between the employer and employee, the employee cannot claim a tax deduction. The employer, however, continues to have the option of claiming the expense as a business expenditure that can be claimed as a deduction while calculating the profits of the business.

While group health insurance offers comprehensive coverage, it does not substitute the need to buy online health insurance. We strongly urge you to purchase separate health insurance, not just for tax-saving purposes but to ensure your financial security and protect your health under comprehensive coverage.

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.