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If you’re in your 20s, this is the perfect time to buy health insurance

A person’s 20s are a hectic yet exciting part of life. Many gain financial freedom and start deciding how to spend their money wisely. The 20s are a time to be living it up, but it is highly sensible to shell out some money to invest in the best health insurance in India.

As you get older, getting health insurance becomes trickier and more expensive, and it is ideal for insuring yourself against the mounting healthcare costs early in your 20s.

This article gives insight into the benefits of getting insured in your 20s.

The waiting period will not affect you as much:

The waiting period in health insurance terms is when a policyholder cannot claim insurance for certain diseases, pre-existing ailments, etc. This is fine for a policyholder who takes their health insurance in their 20s. As the waiting period is spent in your 20s, when you have a lesser probability of getting diseases, you would be spending this waiting period at a time when you don’t need coverage.

As opposed to this, taking health insurance in your 40s or 50s is much more troublesome. You might have to compromise on getting the benefits of your health insurance and wait for 2 to 4 years before getting the disease-specific help you require.

1. Lesser premium:
Insurance providers assess the risk associated with a person before deciding the premium and the cover of a policy. Generally, a person in their 20s has a lower risk of needing the payout. Thus, the premium is much lower than a person in their 30s or 40s is paying for the insurance policy.

2. Tax benefits:
Health insurance plans provide another significant advantage in the form of tax deductions. Under the Income Tax Act 1961, one can avail of tax benefits if the policyholder pays out of pocket for the health insurance premium. You can avail of these benefits for yourself, your ageing parents, your spouse, and your dependents.

3. More comprehensive health insurance plans:
Being in your 20s makes you a suitable candidate for health insurance. This is because there is less possibility of pre-existing illnesses in these years. Your policy issuer automatically covers any new diseases that materialise after you’ve taken the insurance. Also, you can select a suitable plan according to your budget and requirements by researching the best health insurance in India

4. You can avail of no-claim bonuses for a long time:
No-claim bonuses are discounts on premiums given to policyholders when renewing their policy as a reward for not filing a claim within the policy tenure. The percentage of discount differs between companies. As there is a lower probability of filing a claim in your 20s, you can avail of your NCB for longer or transfer it during renewal.

5. Rejection rates are almost nil:
An insurance company may reject your application based on your medical history. As there are fewer chances of pre-existing illnesses among young individuals, there is less chance of rejection. Also, you may opt out of paying a copay in your health plans, which is impossible for aged policy seekers.

With the present trends of inflation, especially in the healthcare industry, it is prudent to purchase the best health insurance in India early to reap the benefits of protection for an extended period. Since the cost of living only increases as you rise in the ranks of your profession and earn more money, it is ideal to start investing in health insurance from an early age. We urge young professionals to consider investing in the best health insurance in India not just as a tax-deductible but to protect their present wealth and future earning capacity.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are some bike puncture probabilities every rider must be aware of

While bikes are the most commonly preferred mode of personal transport used in all-terrain conditions, easy to manoeuvre, and convenient, their safety is often ignored. The government's strict move to mandate bike insurance makes it evident that the safety and protection of the rider are essential and can’t be compromised.

Besides bike insurance, you can also ensure safety through regular maintenance and preventive measures to avoid mishaps. Punctures are one such risk that you may encounter at any time. They can be frustrating but are unavoidable. Here are some factors riders should be aware of that could lead to a tyre puncture.

1. Old tyres:
As consumables, tyres must be replaced every 5 years or 30,000 to 40,000 kms, based on the riding style and road terrain. If you notice little surface rips, a large tear that may expose the tube, cracks, or other symptoms of wear down, the tyre has to be changed. Since they are your primary point of contact with the road, having new tyres will reduce the probability of having a puncture and improve the overall feel of your vehicle.

2. Sidewall cracks:
The lack of use of the vehicle, the environment, or parking the two-wheeler in direct sunlight can all cause tyre sidewall cracks. They might seem insignificant, but they can cause catastrophic air leaks over time.

3. Pinch flats:
Pinch flats can occur because the tube is forced against the wheel rim and either tear or explode on pumping. The incident occurs due to the hasty insertion of the tube and carelessness. Always partially inflate the tube before fitting it to prevent this from happening.

4. Increased tread wear:
Tyres include grooves known as treads for better traction and grip on the ground. The impression deteriorates due to use, making it difficult to manoeuvre the bike by decreasing traction and lengthening the time taken to brake. A tyre wear indicator is typically an arrow sign that shows the extent of wear and the point at which you should change your bike's tyres.

5. Ignoring tyre inspection:
Small, sharp objects pierce the rubber of the inner tube to cause a puncture. If the item remains lodged in the tyre unnoticed for a long period, it can cause the new inner tube to be punctured. Have a proper tyre inspection before replacing your tube to avoid such issues.

6. Wheel damage or bending:
The alloy wheel or steel wheel may break or bend from the area around the tyre bead if you ride over a large, deep pothole, collide with another vehicle, or have an accident. This may result in an air leak due to a puncture.

7. Improper tyre pressure:
Under-inflated tyres will bend in response to the slightest bump or obstruction, making them vulnerable to pinch flats when the tube can become wedged between the rim and the tyre. You risk hitting a pothole or other impediments with more force if you have too much pressure in your tyre, making it challenging to bend against any object and keep it rigid. Your weight, the breadth of your tyres, and the weather will all affect the proper tyre pressure.

8. Unusual deterioration pattern:
The tyre may show signs of wear and tear. It can be on the shoulder or in the middle of the tyre. Mechanical problems, such as worn-out shock absorbers or a problem with wheel alignment, are to blame. It's essential to replace the tyre if it shows evidence of abnormal wear and tear.

9. Valve stem damage:
The valve stem, located on the inner circle of both tube-type and tubeless tyres, is where you fill the tyres with air. The ability of the tyre to retain air decreases if that valve stem is damaged, whether by corrosion, blockage, or breaking.

Punctures are a constant worry, especially considering bikes' lack of sophisticated safety features. While you cannot prevent punctures, you can keep a look for signs of a possible puncture. We also recommend riders consider purchasing comprehensive bike insurance. This will shield you, your bike, and others from finances worries if your bike suffers severe damage.

Click HERE to purchase the best bike insurance to secure your assets and finances.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Experience the thrill of powerbocking

In the hustle and bustle of today’s modern world, youngsters are always looking for an adrenaline rush. This rush has made extreme sports increasingly popular in this day and age. Due to India’s wide geographical variety, many of these sports are offered in different corners. From exploring the mesmerising aquatic life and corals in Andaman to parasailing in Goa, these sports can push you physically and psychologically out of your comfort zone.

However, checking the coverage offered by your personal accident insurance policy before engaging in such sports is always recommended. This ensures that your insurer provides compensation in case of accidents while participating in adventure sports.

One such extreme sport that is getting increasingly popular among young Indians is powerbocking. This blog will introduce you to powerbocking and the thrill you’ll crave once you indulge in it!

What is powerbocking?

Powerbocking is an extreme sport where players wear jumping stilts and jump to great heights. Jumping stilts are specialised leg attachments containing springs to hoist the person into the air. Jump stilts are very exciting! They enhance your ability to do tricks and flips and help you take greater strides, which makes you run faster. These stilts are called powerbocks after the creator, Alexander Bock, a German inventor who first named them powerskip.

It is a popular sport in urban cities, and finding a surface on which you can go powerbocking is essential. Balance being one of the critical factors affecting this sport, it should not be done on grass or dirt, as the boots have a small surface area on the ground, which may lead to injury. Thus, jumping stilts should ideally be used on asphalt or cement. Since this can result in injury due to the hard nature of the surface, you should be equipped with a personal accident insurance policy that covers such accidents and injuries for your physical and financial safety.

While they may seem unfamiliar in Indian settings, they were recently used in an Indian sporting event. Different interesting videos on social media have always been creating a buzz regarding this sporting activity. With time, this event is expected to observe growth in India too.

● Benefits of powerbocking:
Powerbocking makes you feel superhuman without the same risks as other extreme sports. They are most suitable for people who want to feel like bionic humans from the future without any of the associated perils. It is an exciting offbeat adventure sport that one should surely try.

● Risks associated:
Despite being a reasonably harmless sport where the most significant injury is usually a knee scrape, some people have suffered severe injuries while seeking the thrill of jumping in these devices. For such misadventures, it is always advisable to take an extreme sports insurance policy or a personal accident insurance policy covering medical costs for such injuries.

● Powerbocking competitions:
When it comes to any sport, the main thrill of it is the competition. They bring out the competitiveness of the best players in the world and are incredibly engaging to see. As this is a niche adventure sport, there are fewer worldwide competitions, and the most famous ones are in France. The Riser Winter Cup, held each year in Lille, France is one of the most sought-after competitions for powerbockers.

Have you ever watched videos of Kangaroos jumping and wished you could jump that high or take such great strides? Then powerbocking is the perfect sport for you. Just make sure to take the proper precautions before undertaking this sport. And the first step to your security begins with purchasing personal accident insurance policy.

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Worried about driving alongside heavy vehicles? Here’s all you need to know

Driving is a tricky activity that requires extreme responsibility. One minor mistake can land you in serious trouble. It is always advisable to take extra precautions while driving. Be it a two-wheeler or four-wheeler, one should be cautious while driving, such as following all the traffic rules and being mindful of your surroundings.

Driving along heavy vehicles can be challenging, as they are different from other vehicles. They are so heavy that the controls are not always in the driver's arena. It can become dysfunctional and cause havoc on the road. Therefore, driving carefully around heavy vehicles is always recommended to avoid collisions.

Drivers of light vehicles must always be on high alert when around heavy vehicles. While collisions between vehicles of any size are disastrous and result in significant physical, mental, and financial damages, one between a heavy and light vehicle can be catastrophic.

Purchasing motor insurance from a reliable motor insurance company and following the below-stated tips can help you safely and confidently drive alongside heavy vehicles.

1. Always maintain distance:
Heavy vehicles can be intimidating to drive alongside, even as a beginner or an experienced driver. Crashes are common when other cars are driving too close to them. You need to maintain a safe distance from all heavy vehicles. Additionally, you should always maintain adequate distance from other cars as well. This will give you ample time to apply the brakes in an emergency.

2. Do not overtake:
Trucks or loading vehicles require a lot of space while turning on roads. It also prevents them from looking at the rear end of the truck. Your car can hence fall upon the blind spot. To prevent this, you should always give the heavy vehicle enough time to turn completely. Refrain from overtaking these vehicles or turning quickly in front of them. Slow down and wait for them to pass.

3. Have a firm grip on the steering wheel:
You must maintain your grip on the steering wheel. Air turbulence is created whenever a heavy vehicle is driving in front, which can be a problem for your car. Large vehicles can also throw loose gravel, dust, or snow that can hinder your vision. You need to be mindful and aware while driving behind them. Ensure that your windshield wipers are functioning properly to maintain proper visibility. Use horn, passing light, and indicators appropriately to ask for a side.

4. Be mindful of the lanes:
It is always recommended to follow the lane rule or discipline diligently while you drive on the road. This also means that you should not shift lanes hastily. It can lead to accidents sooner than later. It is because trucks take time to move and slow down. They may not see your vehicle approaching if you instinctively shift your lanes. As they will have no time to react, this can be dangerous for both vehicles.

5. Night time rules:
The night time is already tricky for driving, but heavy traffic makes it more challenging. With heavy vehicles in sight, the situation can get worse. Night time observes heavy truck traffic, making it daunting for cars and bikes to navigate. It is recommended not to use high-beam headlights at night. It can blind the vision of the truck drivers resulting in an accident.

You must follow these guidelines carefully while driving alongside a heavy vehicle. Although challenging, staying safe and sound while driving around them is possible. While a comprehensive car insurance policy from a motor insurance company protects you from the costs of an accident, it is better to be safe than sorry. Always follow safe driving practices irrespective of the time and ensure that your car insurance is active.

Click HERE to buy the best insurance from a reliable motor insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Material disclosures are key for a successful claim

Insurance policies can be tricky! You need to fully understand the policy terms & conditions before you sign the dotted lines. The government has set up many regulations to implement insurance rules in India efficiently.

Hence it becomes imperative to fill out the insurance policy papers yourself. If you do the formalities through an agent, you might face problems later. You need to know everything about the premium, risks, disclosures, etc. This can also cause the claim to be rejected in due time, which can be devastating, especially if you're in an emergency.

You should always be cautious about everything that you disclose to your insurer. This involves the disclosure of your materialistic goods, qualifications, medical history, income, bills, and so on. The more you disclose rightfully, the better. It is vital for all health and general insurance India. So, regardless of the insurance you're applying for, disclosure is essential.

Let's look at the things to disclose to your insurer while taking a policy or filling a claim, as they increase the chance of a successful claim.

1. Income:
It is one of the best things to be disclosed early on. Your income needs to be revealed whether you're employed permanently in a company or as a freelancer. The job designation, salary, and experience are also taken into consideration. The more experience one has, the greater their expertise. This also means that they are not eligible for hazardous work. All this contributes towards a successful claim.

2. Material possessions:
It is essential to disclose all the material assets that you have. From your house to your car, you need to declare them all. It also involves any land that you own. You should disclose anything materialistic as well as expensive at all times. Adding them later while raising a claim decreases your chance of getting a successful claim.

3. Occupation:
Your occupation directly correlates to occupational risk. It assesses the risk of accidents and even the wellness of an individual. The work done by the individuals is of prime importance. It helps in determining the claims as well. The risk assessment of a particular occupation also affects the premium paid by the individual for a health insurance policy.

4. Medical history:
Insurers give the medical history of the individual prime importance. It provides a brief insight into the history of illnesses an individual has suffered and the risk they bear. If it is more severe, the premium will go up significantly. Serious issues like heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes can increase the premium. They must be considered and disclosed to ensure you purchase the right policy with appropriate coverage that leads to successful claims in case of contingent events against which you are insured.

5. Family history:
This is an essential element that will determine the extent of the illnesses in individuals. If there are genetic disorders, it will also mean that the individual is at a greater risk of developing them. It can make the insurance company more cautious while assessing the individual's health or life insurance risk profile. Incorrect disclosure or misrepresentation of such facts leads to the rejection of claims.

You should reveal these critical elements to implement a successful claim. Material disclosures are of utmost importance as they determine the success of a claim. If not disclosed at the right time, they can cause problems later. You must follow these rules diligently while purchasing non-general and general insurance India. Good luck!

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What is constructive total loss in two-wheeler insurance.

Whether you own a two-wheeler or a car, you should always ensure that you know everything about its maintenance and insurance. Getting insurance for your vehicle is of utmost importance. It protects your vehicle from severe damages by giving you compensation and solves third-party disputes.

However, just getting insurance for your vehicle is not enough. You also need to check out the various additional services offered by the insurance. This way, you can choose the most comprehensive insurance for your 2 wheeler. You must also inquire about all the essential terms relevant to your insurance. One such term is a constructive total loss. Although the term sounds complicated, it is not.

This article will help you to understand various aspects of a constructive total loss.

What is a constructive total loss?

You will likely file a claim for your 2 wheeler insurance only when your vehicle has suffered severe damages. Once you have filed a claim, the insurance company will inspect all the damages and reimburse the amount accordingly. Either you will get cashless compensation or money for the repairs. The damage is assessed well, and only compensation for the damages is provided.

If the vehicle is in dire need of minor repairs or servicing, the insurance company will reimburse that. It can also refund the amount for the replacement of bike parts. However, reimbursement only occurs after all the deductibles are assessed carefully. No matter the damage's severity, you will only get compensation up to the Insured Declared Value or IDV. You will not get any claim money that exceeds the IDV value.

There is also a major catch here. For instance, your two-wheeler undergoes irreversible damage. In such a case, the bike will be beyond repair. The insurance company can then declare it as a total loss. In other words, if the repair cost for the vehicle far exceeds its value, it results in total loss.

It is said that when the repair cost is more than 75% of the IDV, it is impossible to reimburse it. The constructive total loss takes place here.

Let's assume that your two-wheeler gets stolen. Then what will happen? In such a case, your insurance company will reimburse you for the IDV of your vehicle. The claim for theft of your bike will be treated as a total loss claim. The reimbursement amount will be sans the deductibles and depreciation.

How do you apply for a constructive total loss claim?

Now that you are familiar with constructive total loss let's look at the various steps to file a claim. They are:

● Go to the official website of your insurance company

● Look for the claims process tab or page

● You will see blanks to fill in your information

● Provide all the necessary information carefully

● After that is done, verify the self-inspection of your bike through the link sent to your mobile number

● A surveyor or inspector may be sent to get your vehicle inspected. Cooperate with them

● Once everything is done, you can submit all the required documents and forms

These easy steps can get you a total claim from the comfort of your home. You need to keep all these things in mind before you file a claim for your 2 wheeler insurance under constructive total loss. Once you give the correct information and abide by the guidelines, you can access the claim amount.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance to protect your motorcycle from unexpected damages.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Not responsible for the accident? Here's what you should do

The numbers of road accidents in India are astonishingly increasing every year for many reasons, including drunken driving, being careless at the wheel, driving without attention, not following traffic rules, etc. Regardless of the reasons surrounding the road accident, you need to be extremely cautious on the road. You should also buy car insurance policy online, not as a mandate but as a comprehensive protection for your vehicle.

A lot of times, challenging situations may occur regarding road accidents, even if you are not at fault. Sometimes you may be accused of an accident you have no connection with. If you're not responsible for the accident and wondering what to do? You need not panic. We have curated this article to help you determine your next steps if you're not responsible for an accident.

What are the immediate steps?

Your immediate action plan should be:

● Try to stay calm before taking over the situation

● Call an ambulance if you or anyone involved in the accident is hurt

● If the cars are damaged, you should also call the police

● Make the drivers aware of the insurance coverage

● Take pictures of the vehicles involved in the accident

● Wait for the officials and car insurance companies to decide the next steps

● Do not panic and blame others

What to do if you are not responsible?

A car accident can be extremely stressful and anxious situation, so you must maintain your composure and pick your battles wisely. Some tips to help you deal with it are

1. Gather information:
You need to get important information like the name and address of the other driver. You should also take pictures at the accident scene. Collect photos of the damage to the involved cars, the number plate of the at-fault car, and then the driver's driving licence. Try to note down the statement of the passengers and witnesses.

2. Inform your insurance company:
Your insurance company should get involved in such a situation. But you must be very quick in submitting your details and proofs to your insurer (probably in the first 24 hours of the accident). The insurer of the at-fault driver may hold you guilty of the situation. Fret not! You should just state the facts, statements, and pictures for them to decide. You should also inform your insurer as it will establish your reputation as a good-faith citizen. They can also protect you if the other insurance company denies your claim.

3. File a legal claim if necessary:
Legal claims can be tedious. You need to choose that very wisely. You must only go for a legal claim if the extent of damage is massive. You are eligible for a legal claim when the other person's insurance company denies your claim and does not give you compensation. You can fight this with the other insurance company for rightful compensation.
However, if you are seriously hurt, you need a lawyer to fight your claim. Things can get pretty intense, and you need to choose everything with caution.

If you get into a car accident that you weren't responsible for, you should collect information on-site as much as you can. This will give you an upper hand. You can also claim their liability insurance. If you buy car insurance policy online, you will be covered against all the losses you encounter after a car accident. But, all of this should happen swiftly without any delays. You can win the situation only if you act fast and present your case strongly.

Click HERE to buy car insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Nails: An overlooked indicator of good health

Good health is considered to be our greatest gift. It results from practising healthy habits, including eating nutritious and well-balanced meals, sleeping on time, and exercising daily. These contribute towards a balanced and wellness-focused lifestyle that is exceptionally significant in the long run.

While your habits can help minimise the risk of illnesses and facilitate overall wellness, there is no practical way to prevent diseases. However, prudent mechanisms like buying health insurance online in India and conducting regular health checks can help maintain your well-being.

As astounding as it may sound, your nails can say much about your body's health in no time. You may not believe it at first, but this article on various parameters of nail health and what they may indicate is all you need to learn more about the topic!

1. Yellow nails:
Yellow nails indicate various things, including wearing nail paint frequently. In such a case, you need to take a break from the salon. Your nails may also turn pale yellow as a result of old age. Another significant cause may be excessive smoking.
Additionally, it could also be an indicator of yellow nail syndrome. It is a rare genetic disorder that causes thick yellow nails. If you notice that your nails are yellow for an extended period, consider getting them checked immediately.

2. White spots:
White spots are extremely common in nails. You can find these white spots scattered across your nails. Contrary to popular belief, it does not indicate a calcium deficiency. Instead, it could be the result of a minor nail accident. It could also be a symptom of leukonychia. It is harmless but may indicate other health problems, including liver or kidney issues. If you notice such white spots regularly, the best action plan is to consult a doctor soon.

3. Brittle, cracked, or dry nails:
Dry and cracked nails are extremely common in recent times. A dry nail plate causes dry nails. It can result from swimming, dishwashing, or excessive use of nail polish remover. Reduce the frequency of these activities to prevent dry nails. Low humidity could be another cause of this condition. It can also occur due to old age.
However, brittle nails can also be an indicator of hypothyroidism. Since it is difficult to gauge the root cause of the problem without medical intervention, we encourage you to consult a medical professional who can help diagnose the problem. To reduce the burden of hospitalisation expenses on yourself, you must buy online health insurance. If your tests do not indicate a significant problem, using lotions to keep your nails moisturised may suffice to correct the issue.

4. Blue nails:
If your nails turn blue frequently, it can mean that your body is not getting enough oxygen. This severe problem could also result from underlying heart and lung problems, requiring immediate medical attention.

5. Nail clubbing:
Frequent swelling and curving of the nails can result from serious issues like lung disorders and kidney issues, for which you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Many diseases and abnormalities can change your nails' colours or cause them to grow abnormally. All these are indicative of other ailments that may prevail in your body. You must consult a doctor immediately if you notice such signs and symptoms. Do not overlook these signs. Be responsible and ensure regular check-ups to keep your body in the best shape. You should also buy online health insurance to stay ahead and protect your health with comprehensive coverage.

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.