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Drowsy driving: Its implications and how to avoid it

Driving is a skill that requires utmost responsibility while behind the wheel. While several uncontrollable factors cause accidents, motorists must always ensure they are non-negligent, careful, and alert while driving to minimise the risk of accidents.

One controllable factor that may lead to mishaps is drowsy driving. While sleep is uncontrollable, one must never drive in a dazed state of mind. While car insurance renewal may cover the loss to your vehicle, it does not suffice for the mental and physical trauma that results from accidents.

If you frequently feel drowsy while at the wheel, here are some tips to shake off the haze and drive alertly!

1. Break up your driving frequently:
Take a brief break from driving every 100 miles or two hours, regardless of how well you've slept the night before. Plan your route so that you may frequently stop to stretch, get some fresh air, and grab a snack or refreshing drink.

2. Drive cautiously at the drowsiest hours of the day:
Since your body's internal clock tends to make you sleepier between midnight and six in the morning and early afternoon, try to avoid driving during those times.

3. Sleep well at night:
A restful sleep of seven to eight hours is essential before a lengthy journey. When you feel drowsy, park at a safe spot and take a quick power nap.

4. Travel with a friend:
Bring along a passenger who can share driving chores and keep you awake because most drowsy driving occurs during a solo journey.

5. Avoid night-time driving:
Avoid driving at night if possible because it makes people sleepier and less aware. If you work a second or third shift, abstain from driving when your body is most used to sleeping.

6. Avoid using sedatives and alcohol:
Alcohol and other sedative drugs disrupt your sleep and make you feel sleepy the next day. Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol or any other drug.

7. Consider your health:
If you frequently have difficulties falling asleep, speak with your doctor to see what the issue might be. As with sleep apnea or narcolepsy, modest signs of exhaustion can occasionally indicate more severe health problems.

8. Get a caffeinated drink:
Pull up to a petrol station and buy a coffee, tea, soda, or energy drink for a fast dose. Caffeine enters the system and starts its impact after a half-hour. So, if you regularly consume it, you might not get the appropriate benefit.

9. Be alert for cautionary signs:
Look for an instant opportunity to stop and relax if you have any drowsiness. Don't try to push through if you're exhausted. Always remember that it's better to be safe than sorry.

10. Engaging radio programs to hear:
Turn on an exciting radio program to keep your mind engaged and awake if you're travelling alone or your passenger's talk has run dry.

11. Watch out for sleep-inducing tricks:
Some individuals use their windows, air conditioning, or radio to make themselves more alert, but doing so can take your focus off the road. It is preferable to pause and give your body the rest it requires rather than using these tactics.

12. Do not rush things:
Give yourself some additional time to react on the impromptu roadside excursions. Being rushed increases your chance of an accident and injury and decreases your likelihood of taking the necessary driving breaks.

Getting enough sleep is the best defence against drowsy driving over the long term. Focusing on your sleep hygiene, which includes your routines and environment, can help prevent drowsiness while driving.

You can endanger yourself and others if you find yourself nodding off while driving. We encourage you to undertake timely car insurance renewal to minimise the risk of accidents and efficiently deal with damages due to mishaps.

Click HERE to get your car insurance renewal done.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Wonder why two-wheelers are petrol-fuelled

With private modes of transport becoming more popular, the number of vehicles on the roads and policyholders of car and 2 wheeler insurance is only increasing daily. While the automotive industry welcomes the increased demand, it is an exciting prospect for industry watchers. As consumer preferences shift towards more sustainable alternatives across all purchases without a massive increase in budgets, alternative fuel offerings have emerged in recent years.

Why are petrol two-wheelers with a spark-ignition internal combustion engine still seeing steady demand despite the trend? Read on to know why petrol continues to be the most preferred fuel for two-wheelers.

Petrol engine:
A petrol engine is an internal combustion device designed to transform thermal energy into mechanical energy by the spark ignition of gasoline.

The benefits of gasoline engines:
● The power output is excellent
● The cost of buying a gasoline engine is lower than a diesel engine
● Petrol engines burn gasoline more sustainably than diesel engines and have a better price-to-power ratio
● Petrol engines are quieter and vibration-free
● Petrol engines cost less to service and maintain
● Naturally, petrol engines gain from being simpler to adjust and tune up
● They are light and effortless to operate
● Despite being flammable and explosive, it is simple and safe to store the gasoline
● Almost no other source of energy has a higher energy density than gasoline

Reasons for not using diesel engines in two-wheelers:
● Comparing the two engines, the carbon-dioxide output from the diesel engine is roughly 13% more per 3.8 litres. As a result, it pollutes more than a petrol engine and is unhealthy for the environment.
● Fuel pumps, glow plugs, and other components are necessary for diesel engines, and their combined cost will raise the bike's overall price.
● Diesel engines have lower RPM than gasoline engines but provide higher torque. Therefore, it is not appropriate for motorcycles where we require great speed.
● Because diesel engine combustion occurs due to auto detonation, diesel engines vibrate more than gasoline engines.
● A diesel engine is heavier than a gasoline engine and cannot be used in a motorcycle or other small vehicle.
● The engine block must be more vital to resist more excellent compression ratios because they result in higher pressure applied to the cylinder. This makes the cost of diesel engines higher than that of gasoline engines.
● Diesel engines use fuel injector technology, which is more expensive than the spark plug technology used in gasoline engines, to pump fuel into the combustion chamber.

Petrol engines are used in two-wheelers because they are slick, lighter, quieter, better at picking up, and require less maintenance, among other reasons. Petrol is significantly easier to ignite than other fuels and burns more efficiently. Gas engines are lighter, stronger, and more responsive than diesel engines. Diesel engines often have a slower throttle response than gasoline engines, which makes them less ideal for bikes.

While petrol may be a better alternative than diesel, it is essential to consider its hazardous nature and use it accordingly. Practice recommended fuel-filling habits that preserve the longevity of your engine and purchase comprehensive 2 wheeler insurance to protect your bike from any contingencies.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance for your motorcycle.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s how you can protect your car doors from dents and scratches

The thought of getting a dent on your car doors while driving, parking, or simply due to external variables is upsetting. While door dings may not be expensive to repair, they diminish the car's value and make it an additional ordeal. Car Insurance renewal or purchase is the best way to protect yourself from the financial burden of repairs.

As preventive measures, here are some straightforward ways to avoid scratches on your car doors.

1. Test your defensive driving skills:
Along with following the fundamental traffic laws like wearing your seatbelt and obeying the speed limit, defensive driving also includes practical abilities like anticipating potential errors other drivers may make. You can reduce the possibility of car damage by maintaining a safe and appropriate distance from other nearby vehicles.

2. Install door edge guards:
Door edge protectors help to cushion your door from dents and scratches. You can DIY or get it installed by a local car accessories shop. They are available in adhesive and cling door variants and do not harm your car's paint when removed.

3. Pick your parking spots wisely:
Consider parking your car in a garage rather than on the curb or select a quieter location on the lot. Also, use a different mode of transportation while visiting crowded places like open markets to protect your car doors from scratches.

4. Door sill protectors:
The door sill area is vulnerable to wear and scratching because of constant contact. Door sill protectors almost eradicate this issue. The practical device is easy to install and cheap, making it the perfect preventive measure.

5. Regularly wash your car using the correct techniques:
Most minor dings and dents aren't due to collisions or bumps but usually happen while cleaning due to abrasive brushes used in automatic car washes that can easily scratch your paint. Consider going the manual route and ensure to rinse the dust and grime off before getting to work.

6. Avoid unnecessary contact:
Do not lean or sit on your car, put anything on it, or touch the painted surfaces excessively to prevent door scratches. Although it may seem unlikely, opening and closing the doors without using the handles could even cause scratches.
Using car covers is another habit you should break to avoid car dings. In addition to providing no defence against potential road scratches, they could do more harm than good. Along with probable paint damage from wind flaps, a similar outcome will also be anticipated each time you cover and uncover the car.

Although nobody wants their car's doors to get scratched, it occurs frequently. It looks terrible and can cause rust where the paint has chipped off. You may take preventative measures and exercise caution when handling your automobile doors to keep this from happening and the pricey paint repair. Car insurance renewal can help you avoid bearing the costs of the painting job in case the dents and scratches result from accidents. However, in all other cases, you will have to pay the expenses yourself, which is why you must practise preventive measures to maintain your car’s doors perfectly.

Click HERE to get car insurance renewal done.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top tips to take care of your car windshield before leaving for a trip

Can you imagine a car without a windshield or with a cracked windshield? A car windshield caters to various functions, such as keeping dirt and debris out of the vehicle, preventing the heat and glare from the sun, saving the driver from an impact, providing a clear front view to the driver, and much more.

Taking proper care of your car's windshield is not difficult or expensive. All you need to do is regularly check for any cracks and fix them as soon as possible. Proper care and maintenance make the windshield last longer and keep the passengers safe. Additionally, purchasing car insurance India can help shoulder the burden of replacing any car components due to an accident.

If you are planning a long trip, here are a few tips to ensure the safety of your car's windshield.

1. Review the condition of windshield:
Parking at the wrong spot, especially for long periods, can damage your car's windshield beyond repair. Due to extreme temperature exposure under direct sunlight, the windscreen gets stress cracks. Such stress cracks lead to an increase in windshield breakage risk. Moreover, such damages can get worse due to constant temperature fluctuations.
Whenever you decide to leave for a trip, ensure the windshield is in good condition to prevent glass breakage and maintain the glass's durability.

2. Fix every crack:
Before leaving for any trip, ensure your car's windshield is crack free. Ignoring small cracks or chips in their car's windshield can result in bubble formation between the cracked glass layers. Regardless of the bubbles' size, they can severely damage the windscreen if left unattended. It is essential to fix them immediately because if you don't, you might have to vent your pockets to replace the windshield after you return.

3. Replace the windshield wipers timely:
Some car owners don't know, but the windshield wiper affects the glass's health in many ways. Along with the windshield, taking care of the wipers is also essential. It is common knowledge that wipers have an internal metal structure with a rubber coating on the outside. The rubber coating wears off regularly, revealing the metal frame. Using metal on the glass can weaken it and lead to scratches. Therefore, check the condition of your wipers before leaving on your trip to prevent the exposed metal's pressure on the glass.

4. Windshield tinting:
The windshield is the largest glass surface of a car that facilitates proper traffic visibility for the driver. Since parking under shade may not always be possible, laminating your windshield may minimise the impact of harmful UV rays and block out sun glare to a certain extent to preserve the strength of the glass.
We recommend approaching a professional mechanic or your authorised car servicing centre to ensure that you adhere to the mandated visibility limit of applying laminated tints that allow a minimum of 70% light transmission. While car tinting kits are readily available, self-modification may result in your insurer rejecting your claim against car insurance India.

Considering the massive investment required to purchase and maintain your car and its components, it is essential to take preventive measures when leaving your vehicle unused for long periods. Your car demands regular care to be in its best shape and ensure effective functioning. Additionally, consider buying car insurance India to cover any replacement costs or damages that may arise from involvement in accidents.

Click HERE to buy car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


To-be entrepreneurs, prepare to face these obstacles while establishing your small business To-be entrepreneurs, prepare to face these obstacles while establishing your small business

Establishing a business can be challenging but not impossible. Many thoughts may cross your mind when you consider starting a business. Whenever you start a business, you need to take small steps to fuel your business growth. A small-scale business can take flight later and become a lucrative and flourishing venture. It is also a given that you will encounter many problems during your startup. These issues are generic and are experienced by every business. Hence, you must plan accordingly and prepare to face these challenges.

If you're a new entrepreneur looking forward to mapping the roadmap of your startup, then this article is for you. We have carefully curated a list of the common obstacles you may face in scaling your business. You should also know about public liability insurance prices before establishing your business.

We have mentioned the everyday problems of a business owner below.

1. Raising capital:
Every business needs enough capital to get started. It is the first prerequisite before a company is established. Putting initial investment can be overwhelming as you require it to run your business. It can put a lot of pressure on you as the owner. Hence, it is recommended that owners work a side job to generate capital for the business.

2. Dealing with work fatigue:
When establishing a business, you must devote more hours than others. The company becomes your sole responsibility; you still hustle even when you feel tired. Hence, you continue to give in extra work hours even when physically and mentally exhausted. This can lead to rash and unhealthy decisions that you can take in an unstable frame of mind.
It is recommended to take frequent breaks. You need to find a balance between your work and personal life. Try to incorporate the 8+8+8 rule (8 hours of dedicated hard work + 8 hours of proper sleep + 8 hours of personal time for family, friends, hobbies, and health).

3. Time management:
As a startup owner, you must manage most tasks throughout the day. This means that filing the paperwork, answering calls, attending meetings, and also employing others will be done by you. This can put you in a real-time crunch. You will fail to meet deadlines. You should always work out proper time and task management before starting your day.

4. Finding the right people:
When a small business is established, you must find skilled and trustworthy staff. Not only should they be qualified, but they should have the potential to adapt to the dynamic environment and evolve as their role expands. It can be a big challenge as most skilled people work in established companies. You must identify and sort through multiple applications before finding the ones you seek. It can take a lot of time and effort. Bring only those people on-board who have the same vision as you do.

5. Establishing a customer base:
Your small business will be unable to take off without the involvement of customers. It is their demand that helps set wings for your vision. However, it is a daunting task in itself. Customers might not know about you as you are not a big name in the market yet. They may also not trust you with their needs. It is advised to create effective brand awareness to attract the ideal customers.

These are some of the many obstacles small business owners face while setting up their enterprises. Entrepreneurship is a challenging journey that requires significant efforts but provides excellent returns. You need to be patient and resilient until your company takes off. We also recommend researching public liability insurance prices in advance for your business to protect your business from any lawsuits or claims made by employees or third-party.

Click HERE to buy public liability insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These drive-away destinations make for a dreamlike weekend getaway

Have you ever felt unproductive while having tight deadlines and no creativity or motivation to complete your tasks? You may be facing burnout and are among 40% of the Indian workforce. While it may seem challenging to get out of such a phase, the best way to overcome the symptoms of burnout is to step away from work and hit refresh! What better way to do so than going on a short vacation?

Considering the intense work pressure and hectic schedules, taking a leave may not always be possible. So why not make the best use of your weekends to drive away from monotony? Short road trips are the perfect way to meet your requirements without overspending. Considering the traffic-packed roads across the country, taking your bike on the journey may be ideal.

If you’re convinced, pack light, gather your friends, get your bike serviced, ensure all the papers are in order, and purchase two wheeler insurance online India. Pick a destination from our specially curated list to experience the joy of a quick getaway over the weekend!

1. Cherrapunji, Meghalaya:
Known as a quaint town, the wettest place on Earth is home to unique living root bridges that you must check out. With well-built expressways through scenic greenery, motorcyclists are in for a joy ride on this journey. We recommend starting from Guwahati or Shillong to experience the best of the town’s old-world charm.

2. Goa:
Planning a vacation without mentioning Goa, irrespective of duration, is impossible. With excellent connectivity to neighbouring states, the party capital is the best place to head to if you need tranquillity or happening parties. The ride through the picture-perfect Konkan belt will stay in your memories forever!

3. Ooty:
The rolling hills of Ooty and its lush greenery make for a serene getaway. Enjoy the view of far-reaching sprawling tea and coffee plantations as you drive through valleys on meandering roads.

4. Jaisalmer:
If rough terrains excite the motorcyclist in you, Rajasthan’s cities are the perfect destinations to plan your next road trip. A panoramic view of the beautiful blend of culture, heritage, and vibrancy will follow you as you make your way to the Golden City. Considering the arid surroundings, planning your trip between November and March is suggested. We urge you to purchase two wheeler insurance online India to cover any mishaps you may encounter during your journey.

5. Araku Valley:
At a little over a hundred kilometres away from the City of Vishakhapatnam is Araku Valley, a hill station with rustic heritage, tribal influence, and coffee plantations. While the journey may be short, the valley offers the best nature, biodiversity, and climate, making for a refreshing retreat.

6. Munnar:
If you fancy long-distance road trips, plan your next trip to Munnar, a hill station in Kerala. Its green hills, waterfalls, and tea plantations make for the perfect view on your journey, which may take up to 04 hours if you start from Kochi.

The other popular destinations include Lonavala, Karjat, Alibag, Nasik, Daman, etc. which promise a happening weekend setting for you to unwind and return with positivity and energy.

This list is not exhaustive and only includes some destinations you can consider setting off. While each destination has a unique appeal, we urge you to purchase two wheeler insurance online India before you depart on your two-day vacation! Safety should always be on top while planning bike trips. Wear proper gear and a helmet to safeguard yourself from any mishap.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These advanced technologies are making motorcycle rides safer and how

The ever-increasing number of vehicles on Indian roads is constantly posing a risk to the safety of drivers, riders, and pedestrians. While purchasing the best two wheeler insurance in India is a mandatory requirement, several advanced technologies have also evolved to make motorcycle rides safer. These technologies are helping to reduce the number of accidents and enhancing road safety.

Let us have a look at them in detail.

1. Anti-lock braking system:
An anti-lock braking system or ABS is a technology that prevents a motorcycle’s wheels from locking when sudden brakes are applied. Hurried braking is usually used when an object or a vehicle appears suddenly in front of the bike. This may cause our motorcycle to skid and cause serious bodily injuries and even damage to the bike.
ABS makes use of speed sensors that are fitted on both wheels. It senses that a wheel lockup is about to occur and instantly reduces brake pressure. This prevents the motorcycle from skidding, preventing an accident.

2. Wearable airbags:
We have always known that cars come equipped with airbags that open up instantly at the time of a car crash. They minimise the impact of accidents and help to save lives. Most of us do not know that wearable airbags for bikes are now being made with the help of modern technology that performs a similar function as cars’ airbags at the time of a crash. Wearable airbags are put into a vest and can be worn with a compatible jacket. The airbag inflates during a collision and then deflates automatically. It cushions the rider and the pillion rider, minimising the crash's impact. These airbags can be a lifesaver and protect the upper half of the body. Also, these airbags are universal in nature and can be used with any motorcycle make and model.

3. Motorcycle alert systems:
Modern technology has enabled the incorporation of radar sensors that can scan our surroundings and identify potential dangers, even in motorcycles. These sensors can help us map the vehicles around us and alert us of any possible collision. They can also warn us of approaching vehicles or if a vehicle gets too close to us.
Motorcycles nowadays also come with sensors that alert us if our kickstand or side stand is open by flashing a light on the display panel. This helps avert a possible crash due to the open kickstand while riding.

4. Advanced lighting:
Motorcycles now have advanced LED lighting systems that produce optimal beams for enhanced street visibility. This minimises the chances of an accident due to poor visibility on the streets at night or during heavy fog conditions. Also, motorcycles have hi-technology illumination systems that enhance their visibility in poor light conditions.

5. Modern helmets:
Helmets are being made with advanced technology, making them lighter and sturdier. Modern-day helmets make our rides safer and protect our heads better than older models of helmets at the time of a crash.
Helmets nowadays also come equipped with hi-tech Bluetooth headsets and good-quality cameras. They help bikers stay connected during a ride, especially in difficult and risky terrains. The cameras are capable of capturing minute details during a ride. Riders can go through the recordings after finishing their ride and make a note of the possible improvements.

Modern technology is a blessing in reducing the number of road accidents. These innovations might cost us money, but they are worth every penny spent on them as they reward us with a safe journey. Two wheeler insurance also makes our motorcycle rides safer by protecting us financially in case of a crash. Choose the best two wheeler insurance in India to ensure complete motorcycle coverage and hassle-free claim settlement in times of need.

Click HERE to buy the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The only one-stop guide for motorcycle accessories you must always carry

When it comes to motorcycles, many accessories can enhance your riding experience. Whether a seasoned rider or a beginner, carrying certain accessories can significantly improve your comfort and safety. When you have the proper accessories, riding a motorbike is an exhilarating, even more, pleasurable experience.

This blog will discuss the one-stop guide for motorcycle accessories you must always carry. Without any further delay, let's get started. The following list of some essential motorbike accessories should be on your must-have accessories list.

1. Reduce the minor vibrations through hand grips:
Hand grips seem like a small addition, but they can significantly enhance your riding experience. Do you know how annoying vibrations on your handlebars are; maybe you've ever felt them. A nice set of hand grips can lessen vibrations and improve the smoothness of your riding.

2. Protect your motorcycle using disc brakes:
You worry about someone taking your motorcycle when you leave it parked in an isolated location. A disc brake lock can add a level of security for you. Although some might counter that disc brake locks can be broken, having an extra layer of protection helps prevent burglars. A disc brake lock that beeps if someone tries to tamper with it can also be a good option.

3. Use your phone conveniently with a phone holder with a charger:
A motorcycle phone holder is essential for riders who want to use GPS properly while riding. A sturdy phone holder with a charger helps you to navigate your route without taking your hands off the handlebars. You may use this holder to mount your phone and access GPS.

4. Safeguard your shoe for the convenient operation of your motorcycle by using a proper gear shift pad: The lack of proper rubber padding on gear change levers might cause long-term damage to your shoes. Your shoes will be protected and last longer if you use a rubber gear shift pad. Choose a shift sock that you may place on the gear lever if you do not want to wear the shoe pad.

5. Pack your things in a motorcycle tank bag:
Carrying small items while riding is inconvenient, but a tank bag can help. It would be best to consider using the Tank Bag to transport your goods. It features a clear map pocket where you can keep your phone. The material is sturdy and durable and comes at pocket-friendly prices, so you don't burn through your savings.

6. Purchase cleaner and chain lube for lubrication:
For the chain sprockets on your motorcycle to last a long time, your chain must be kept clean and lubricated. In India, most mechanics lubricate the chain using motor oil that has been burned, which might harm your chain. Buy a better chain lube set, including a handy cleaning brush that simplifies cleaning.

7. Riding comfort with an air suspension seat:
When you ride a long distance on bad roads, you may experience back pain and discomfort. You can avoid the unpleasantness of terrible roads by using an air-suspension seat. This seat can be utilised when your passenger is an older adult, a pregnant woman, or someone with back issues.

You can carry these few accessories to make your ride smooth and enjoyable. Now, let's talk about safety! You need to purchase motor insurance to protect your vehicle against heavy and unprecedented damage and save yourself against the monetary stress of getting your motorcycle repaired. Once you explore the options and get the best motor insurance to cater to your needs optimally, you must also remember to renew bike insurance online at equal intervals to keep availing of the benefits.

Click HERE to learn more about how you can renew bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.