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Six habits of successful weight watchers

If you want to reduce weight, you may be considering a complete lifestyle change. Remove chocolate from your diet, avoid alcohol, quit eating sweets, say goodbye to junk food, begin running 10 kilometres every day and so on. Wait! The list is endless and, while it sounds like a foolproof strategy to lose weight, it isn't easy to follow.

So, what is that unique, the successful weight watchers do to reduce weight? They work on an alternative way to cultivate healthy habits. Here are six habits that can help you reach your healthiest weight.

1. Hydration:
The brain frequently misinterprets thirst, which is triggered by minor dehydration, for hunger. Even slight dehydration might cause your metabolism to slow down and function inefficiently. Don't reach out for a snack, instead find a tap and drink some water next time you feel that hunger calls frequently.

2. Don't skip meals:
Especially breakfast, you'll rarely see successful weight watchers skip breakfast. Skipping meals is a bad idea in general since it means you'll be hungry later. And, when you're hungry like that, you're more likely to overeat.

3. Mindful eating:
The idea of mindless eating is familiar to most of us. Whenever we're sitting in front of the television or browsing through our phones, this is what we do. However, when you focus on what you're eating without interruptions, you create a healthier connection with food, lose extra weight, and are more likely to keep it off.

4. Intake more fibre:
Fibre doesn't have any unique fat-burning qualities. It just makes you feel full without adding too many calories to your daily diet. For example, if you eat a baked potato instead of a bag of potato chips, you'll consume fewer calories and be less hungry an hour later.

5. Caloric awareness:
Simple math, to lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you spend. Figure out your caloric intake and try to meet the demand with nutrient-rich, minimally processed food. Wholesome foods and healthy fatty foods are great choices. Snacking now and then won't hurt; try to be aware of the foods you consume, and as long as you're in your maintenance calorie level, you're good.

6. Exercise regularly:
Hitting the gym, swimming laps in a pool, dancing, and running are the possibilities. Find a workout that you like and adhere to it. Adding various forms of exercise will keep you engaged. Aim for 10,000 steps every day. Take stairs instead of the lift whenever you can. Just keep your heart rate up every day one way or the other.

Be patient with your new habits. Weight management is a journey that all weight watchers should enjoy. What worked for others may not work for you; follow these six habits and add your mix to it. Find the right combination, and then be consistent.

Losing weight leads to a healthy lifestyle as it increases your productivity and efficiency at work and keeps you motivated throughout the day. In addition, it reduces your medical bills, healthcare costs and premium for your health insurance plan. Many insurance companies encourage healthy individuals with affordable health insurance plans.

Click HERE to know about affordable health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five safety tips while riding two-wheeler in bad weather

Bad weather comes with some real testing of your riding skills. It’s not unusual to have bad weather and the unsafe conditions it creates. It can pose a massive impact on riding two-wheelers on the roads. Harsh weather conditions like rain, strong wind, fog and snow affect everyone on the road, allowing space for accidents. So, if you are out and having difficulty in riding your bike due to bad weather, consider not attempting to take that risk to speed up and reach the destination quickly. Instead of being a daredevil, learn to be patient and wise during these situations. Also, we suggest you invest in 2 wheeler insurance as a safety plan if your two-wheeler faces damages due to the severity of the weather.

Here are some guidelines for two-wheeler safety in adverse weather.

1. Prepare ahead of time:
It is never easy to steer through bad weather; it usually leads to unnecessary stress reaching a safe place. It may limit the concentration that may land you in unfortunate incidents. Ride carefully and think of taking a safer route. Find a safe shelter and use navigation systems to track your current location and tracing your way back comfortably.

2. In foggy conditions, use the headlight:
Use the headlights during foggy weather as your two-wheeler’s headlights will alert the vehicles approaching you and avoid chances of accidents. Also, it is better to continue riding in a single lane. This will make the traffic realize your two-wheeler’s presence and save you from collisions.

3. Check to see if your vehicle is in good working order:
Get the tires and brakes checked more frequently. Confirm and check if your headlights are clean. Dirty headlights can disturb visibility by throwing less light, which can be crucial during bad weather. Remember to get regular servicing done for your two wheelers, mainly when the weather is foggy or rainy.

4. Keep a safer distance and check your speed:
Remember, brakes tend to work slow in bad weather conditions. If you do not maintain a safer distance with another vehicle, you can face severe consequences. According to experts, to stay on the safer side, always maintain a double gap between your vehicle and the one ahead of you.

5. Do not forget your helmet and pull over whenever required:
As the law has made wearing a helmet mandatory, ensure that you and the person sitting behind you are wearing helmets. This can save you from injuries if you stumble. Whenever you find a safe spot, stop over and take a break. While riding, you need to be alert and watch out for open potholes or cracks in the roads.

Following the safety tips mentioned above will ensure your maximum safety when the weather starts acting up. Bad weather conditions come with a higher probability of accidents. Besides the safety tips, it is also necessary to protect yourself with insurance. Always ensure that you get covered with valid 2 wheeler insurance and prepared for the safest ride under these bad weather conditions.

To buy the best 2 wheeler insurance, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Twenty-one handy tips to protect your home from burglary

Problems come uninvited, so do thieves. While modern technology makes it safer than before, no homes can be declared as "burglar-proof". The skills of burglars are advancing too with time. So, to avoid clever thieves from attacking your house and stealing valuables, you need to take considerable precautions. Below are the twenty-one tips to prevent burglary at your home so that you feel guarded.

1. Get a pet dog to guard your home: Most common and convenient option is to get a pet and train it to safeguard your home. Believe it or not, most thieves are badly scared of dogs!

2. Keep your spare keys in a place known only to you: Unlike old times, you cannot keep your spare key under a flowerpot or doormat. Unsurprisingly, invaders are aware of this trick. So, it is advisable to keep your keys at some safe place, or you can hand them over to your trustworthy neighbours till you return home.

3. Keep your car keys accessible to you: At the time of intrusion, you can make them scared by pressing the car alarm with your keys.

4. Always use the peephole before opening the door: Use the peephole to see who's outside, confirm the unknown person's identity, and then only open the door.

5. Draw curtains and blinds: Surely you won't like to give some stranger an option of window shopping to your home. To ensure privacy inside your house, make a habit of drawing curtains and blinds.

6. Be a friendly neighbour: A neighbourhood watch is one of the best ways to protect your home. Protect their home when they are not around and request them the same when you are away for a long period.

7. Install security cameras for surveillance: Make this one-time investment in installing CCTV outside your home premises. No invader will break in quickly.

8. Keep your valuables safe: Considering the worst case, even if the intruder breaks into your house, make sure that your valuables, essential documents, and ornaments are in a fireproof and password-protected safe or locker.

9. Hide expensive items: Don't keep your expensive items like jewellery, watches etc., at bay where everyone can see them. It's easier for visitors and strangers to scan through while you open the door for them.

10. Install a video doorbell camera: It is a modern-day alternative to the peephole, providing a better and broader view and a clear channel for communication.

11. Keep multiple layers of defence: Using a single door is not safe. Keeping fences, external gates on the entrance further prevent invaders.

12. Shift your door hinges: Doors having hinges outside are highly vulnerable. Anyone can break in with simple tools. So, make sure hinges are inside the home.

13. Shine a light of security: Having a light outside the home and keeping the gate well-lit makes burglary less possible. Burglars usually try to avoid attacking homes that have lights on!

14. Keep the external switches and wires covered: The invaders will likely break in after cutting the cables and CCTV camera connections. So, ensure that all the cables are covered safely and not visible to intruders.

15. Timely update and upgrade doors and locks: Old doors and locks are easily breakable and cannot provide durability. Update your locks and doors from time to time.

16. Use multiple locks: Like multiple doors, use multiple locks for additional protection.

17. Secure the windows: The window is a familiar and most found intruding means by which burglars break-in. Make it safer by using good quality windowpanes, glasses, and handle locks.

18. Declutter your door: When you are not at home, ask your neighbours or inform some friend to empty your garbage bin, collect your daily newspapers or any parcels and packages dropped at your doorstep.

19. Keep security signboards: 'This property/home is under the surveillance of CCTV.' Such signboards will easily break the will of an intruder, preventing them from entering your house.

20. Don't overshare or overexpose: Make wise use of social media. And don't overshare your personal information, things about the home, or any upcoming events and trips too. It might risk your home and privacy in the first place.

21. Get a home insurance plan: A good house insurance India plan guards your house against losses in case of a burglary. Your insurance company will reimburse the value of the lost items.

Phew! Many of the above tips will save your home from burglary and make it secure inside out in your day-to-day life. The future of safe homes lies in home automation or smart homes. If you have a reasonable budget, you can also opt for such options. However, thinking of additional protection for a home is not a wrong thought. So, always invest in home insurance that provides you additional protection.

Click HERE to get the best home insurance India for your home.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How is technology making the lives of truck drivers easy?

Technology is undoubtedly a key driver for the economic growth of a country. Fuelled by the revolution in internet connectivity, it has evolved over the years and made many advancements. As a result, it plays a significant role in improving people's lives in every field, including the transport industry. Truck drivers encounter multiple issues in their day-to-day life, but the latest introduction of technology in truck drivers' lives has made things smoother for them. In this post, we share how technology is making the life of truck drivers easy on the wheels.

1. ELDs – Electronic Logbook Devices:
Truck drivers are required to manually fill forms or papers to enter the number of hours they drive. To avoid this hassle, ELDs are attached to the engine, which automatically calculates the number of driving hours. Besides, ELDs also assist in helping the truck driver with fuel consumption by the truck. Another perk of these devices is that it monitors the driving route and thus helps the truck driver's safety. Furthermore, if truck drivers encounter accidents, ELDs play a crucial role in proving the evidence.

2. Load boards:
Load boards are another vital tool used to find new shippers who need to haul their loads. This is widely used by truck drivers, owners, freight brokers, and more. You can go to load board sites and enter all the necessary information, including types of loads you can haul, weight allowance, and currently available destinations. Once you fill up all this information, shippers can contact you.

3. GPS systems for truck drivers:
GPS units are a standard device that assists truck drivers to reach their destination quickly with the shortest route. It avoids unnecessary travelling for them and results in efficient delivery. In case of traffic jams and bad weather conditions, the drivers can avoid those routes and save fuel and time.

4. Best use of smartphones:
Smartphones are excellent technology examples that are helpful for truck drivers. Through smartphones, truck drivers can communicate seamlessly and share their exact locations. This is also crucial for knowing how long the truck driver will take to reach their destination. Additionally, you can use smartphones to check out the nearest gas stations, accommodations, and more. During the breaks, truck drivers can use their phones for entertainment, such as listening to their favourite music or watching shows and movies.

5. Hands-free communication:
Voice assistant devices and other hands-free communication devices serve great purposes for truck drivers. Using hands-free communication devices ensures their eyes are on the road while informing people about their route. Since we all are aware of the consequences of holding a phone while driving, truck drivers can use hands-free communication devices and stay in contact with the dispatcher. This is also essential when the driver is confused about the exact route and needs guidance.

It is no surprise that technology innovation is pushing the limits and changing how the transport business functions and improving life on highways. However, as the industry evolves and expands, it also requires safe cover for efficient operation through motor insurance. Good motor insurance addresses the worry of mishaps on the road and puts you away from unwanted risks. Thanks to the technology, you can have online motor insurance renewal even on the move from your smartphone. So, use the technology advancement to your advantage and remain ahead in the business!

To know more about motor insurance, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Six easy ways to decorate your home for festive seasons

When the festive season is around, our homes need a touch of elegance. Festivals are the most-awaited time we celebrate by decorating houses and lighting up lamps and candles with much enthusiasm and zeal.

Cleaning the furniture and other areas of your room is not the only way you want to decorate your home. This post will provide some handy tips and ways to decorate your home for this festive season to bring a positive and fresh look.

1. Spend in good lightings:
Lightings play a vital role in giving a luxurious look to your home. You can invest in good lighting such as lamps, LEDs, chandeliers, fairy lights, and more and set them up with the interior of your home.
Warm yellow and white lights are known for their beautiful and lavish effect. Whereas bright and fancy lights mark celebrations and are ideal for giving your home a festive look.

2. Aesthetic food presentation:
Serving food is another familiar gesture during the festival seasons, so why not give them an aesthetic touch? The easiest way you can decorate the food table is by picking the right sets of crockeries to serve the food. Next, you can use a three-tier platter to display the starters and add candles for the final touch-up. Do not forget to use small flowerpots for a beautiful food table set up.

3. Indoor plants:
Going natural never goes out of style. In fact, in recent years, the trend of indoor plants has increased. Besides a natural look, indoor plants also play a vital role in giving your home a fresh and vibrant look.
You can find a wide variety of indoor plants with different pots and colours. You can either choose to hang the plants or put them everywhere around your home. In addition, you may place tall candles next to the plants to give your home a contemporary look.

4. Paying attention to the bathroom look:
The bathroom is a higher traffic area during the festive season. Ensuring that the bathroom is fresh and comfortable for your guests is a good gesture. You can arrange a small pot of beautiful flowers on the vanity. In addition, make sure that the wastebaskets and tissue covers inside the bathroom match your aesthetics. You can use a small glass or wooden tray to display the day-to-day supplementary items such as hand washes, creams, soaps, and napkins.

5. Look out for the covers:
This comes as no surprise that the bed sheets and covers of your pillows can change the entire look of your home. For a lively look, you can pick bright colour covers, tablecloths, mats, and bedsheets, but you need to be careful with the overall theme of your home. You can use contrast-coloured covers to lighten up your home with a more elegant look!

6. The right furniture:
If the festive season is around, decorating your home does not mean you need to invest higher in furniture. Sometimes just a piece of furniture does the work. You can start with one piece of furniture and place them accordingly. Then, in the next festive season, go for another!

Lastly, you do not want to send your friends and family empty-handed from your home. Say goodbyes on a happy note by giving them gifts as a sign of your love and care.

The festive season has traditionally been an auspicious time to begin new things in life. So, while you shop for new items and furniture, also gift your home with a promise of safety. General insurance plans have been a helping hand to homeowners to claim for financial losses due to damages or incidents. There are several options for general insurance plans to choose from; you need to specify your needs. Purchase one this festive season and feel protected in the warmth of the celebrations.

To know more about the different general insurance plans, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Wildlife photography? Eight tips for the beginners

Wildlife photography requires a great deal of skill to master. However, it is possible to acquire a head start and become a good wildlife photographer with some practice and easy tips. In this post, we'll go through some suggestions to help you enhance and polish your skillset. Here are some tips for beginners to start their photography journey into the wild.

1. Plan your journey:
Start with your apparel; you will require a good pair of shoes to help you in the wild terrain. Next up, wear comfortable clothes that blend with the environment to draw the best results. Always make sure the gear you're carrying is fully functional. Don't forget to check the weather on the day you're out. Carry extra batteries for your equipment, ample water, and some snacks to keep you fresh throughout the day.

2. Photograph those moments you find appealing:
Don't take pictures just because you believe they'll appeal to others. Photographing the things that interest you will keep you motivated to attempt new things and, most importantly, allow you to have fun. Moving beyond your comfort zone can be intriguing and refreshing too. But always remember, originality is the key.

3. Utilize natural light:
Light is essential. Plan your shoot around the type of light you want for the final output, bearing in mind that shooting the same subject at different times of day will provide completely different effects.

4. Learn about the subject's behaviour:
Patience is the key while shooting wildlife. Make good use of your time by carefully observing your subject and sensing their movements and thoughts. This will allow you to anticipate the animal's movement, and you'll be ready for the perfect shot. You need to respect the animals and try to make a connection with them before capturing their movements. Make sure that you don't disturb their privacy, be patient and wait for the right time.

5. Play around with the point-of-view:
Don't just be a bystander! Move around to get a different or more fascinating perspective on your subject. The preferred method is to get down incredibly low so that you're on the same level as the animal; this creates a more intimate photograph by giving you a better bokeh effect in the backdrop.

6. Urban Touch:
Wildlife does not only reside in rural areas; many beautiful species dwell in our cities. Don't assume that just because you're in a metropolis, there won't be any animals. Urban foxes, of course, are well-known, but keep an eye out for monkeys, cats, and even cattle. You can even spot many bird species, as our structures provide suitable nesting areas away from predators.

7. Don't forget to experiment:
Play with different settings of your camera, the depth of field, light conditions, points of view, and much more, an experiment in every single thing that you do.

8. Respect the environment and have fun:
Your goal is to respect nature rather than interfere with it. Be courteous and leave nothing but your footprints behind. As you follow your passion, don't forget to enjoy the process.

You'll be into the wild at the end of the day, and out there, there are no rules. While filming or taking photos, there are chances that you might get hurt as your concentration is just on the animal and your camera. You may tend to overlook the obstacles in your way. We recommend you insure yourself with an ideal insurance plan that will cover you in times of these accidents. It is easy to get personal accident insurance online these days. Purchase one for yourself before your next trip into the wild.

Click HERE to know more about the personal accident policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Moving into a new house? Follow this essential checklist

The idea of moving into a new home is exciting, but the process of it can be hectic. Even finding a good apartment in the desired locality within your budget is a struggle.

Packing and moving all your things is a challenging task; you need to ensure that you change your address in all places, cancel utility services at your old house, and much more.

But the whole process becomes easier when you organize and maintain a checklist for all the tasks.

Staying on schedule will help you calmly move into your new house, and it will even give you time to make any last-minute changes.

Time becomes more precious as the moving date approaches, so we have made the checklist that will speed things up for you.

1. One month before:

● Look for moving companies and get an estimate quote from them.

● Start selling items you would not take with you.

● Make a list of items you need to buy for your new house.

● Schedule a pickup for items you are donating.

● Find a new doctor, dentist, and veterinarian in your new locality.

● Enroll your children in a new school.

● You should purchase online general insurance before moving into your new house.

● Check whether your new house requires any repair work.

2. When you decide on a moving date:

● Finalize a moving company.

● Take leave from work for moving and unpacking.

● Schedule an installation for electronics like television, air conditioner, geyser, and internet connection.

● Cancel utility accounts at your old home and set them up at a new house (utilities like water, electricity, and gas)

● Make a list of all the items you’ll be packing, from your television to your bathing bucket, don’t skip anything.

● Start packing your items into boxes and use tapes and bubble wraps to avoid any damage.

● Update your address to:

○ Your office

○ All important documents – Aadhar card, Driving license, Passport

○ Institutions like schools or colleges

○ Subscriptions

○ Friends and family

○ Financial accounts like a bank, retirement accounts, student loans

● Mail or call your insurance agent to change your address. You can also go to your online general insurance website and do the procedures to change the address.

3. One week before:

● Clear your refrigerator. Eat or toss the food in your kitchen.

● Confirm the details with the moving company.

● Stock your medications.

● Prepare a bag with everything you will need before you unpack.

● You will need a few toiletries, blankets, and mattresses for the first few days until you settle fully.

● Check everything thoroughly before you finally leave your old home, and verify your checklist to confirm that all the boxes are loaded in the truck.

4. After you move and settle in:

● Change all your locks and set up a security system.

● Check if all the packed boxes are in place and nothing should be missing.

● Arrange all the things properly to their desired places.

● Get your security deposit from your previous landlord.

● Open a new bank account if your current bank doesn't have a branch in your new locality.

● Create a home maintenance list.

Now you have a clear idea of how to go about your moving process. Use this checklist to avoid any mistakes during your move, and another essential thing to do is greet your new neighbours. They can help you out with a lot of stuff. Also, don't forget to throw a housewarming party and invite your friends, family, and new neighbours over. It will be a great motivation not to delay unpacking.

To get the best quotes for a home insurance policy, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Healthy habits: 21 Best things to do for your body

Maintaining good health is everyone's goal. But just going to the gym won't help you or add more years to your life. So, here are a few habits to integrate into your life to feel healthier and happier:

1. Drinking water as soon as you wake up can be the best health advice anyone can give you. Keep a glass of water on your nightstand to hydrate your body in the morning.

2. Drink green tea; it helps to break down fat and prevents new fat cells.

3. Do not use artificial sweeteners, they may be tempting in your coffee, but they don’t do any good to your body.

4. Plan your workout schedule ahead of time. If you've already paid for a class, you're more likely to attend it. Also, scheduling your sessions with a trainer will help you stick to your routine.

5. Miss your late-night binge-watching sessions and get proper sleep if you want to stay fit and be ready for another challenging day.

6. Avoid emotional eating. It is a fact that boredom and stress trigger unhealthy cravings, so stick to a healthy diet.

7. Be active besides your routine gym. Regularly take walks during lunch, play outdoor games, and go for activities like trekking.

8. Do not forget snacks. It keeps your metabolism high and keeps your hunger and energy levels steady throughout the day. But healthy snacks and not junk.

9. Control your sugar intake; treating yourself sometimes with a dessert is good but having desserts all the time is not a smart option.

10. Walk! To avoid being a sedentary person, you need to take at least 10,000 steps a day.

11. Stick to homemade food; though you might not like your cooking skills, you will surely love the feeling of being healthy.

12. Be in the company of people who prioritize their health. Hanging out with like-minded people helps you stick to your goal.

13. Eat until you are no longer feel hungry, not until you feel filled up. The habit of overeating also makes you feel sick.

14. At one of your meals, double your veggies and skip the starch. For example, you can replace rice with broccoli.

15. Do not multitask during your lunch. Instead, be mindful during eating! It will help you feel satisfied with your lunch and be more in control of your appetite.

16. Know your energy patterns. Do tasks that require concentration in the morning when you feel fresh and save tasks like checking your mail for post-lunch when your focus is low.

17. Journaling helps both your mental and physical health. Just reflecting on your day and writing down your random thoughts will help your mind relax. Plus, you can track your habits, sketch your plans, etc.

18. Socialize. Make connections with people who generally remain happy and empower your success. Humans are social creatures who thrive on healthy, loving interactions.

19. Adopt a pet. When you are accountable for another life, you learn to be responsible for yours too. You start to manage your time, and a pet can be a great source of joy in your life.

20. Be close to nature, make regular visits to the park, and meditate or settle down under a tree early in the morning.

21. Laugh! At a stand-up comedy, while watching your favourite TV shows, or when joking with your friends. Laughter boosts your mood and improves your immune system.

So, try these simple, easy-to-remember golden points for a healthy and stress-free life. But we have one more crucial point that can be an additional stress reliever – a health insurance policy. Yes, health insurance is essential to safeguard your family and have a financial backup in times of medical emergencies. With things getting online, search "best health insurance policy in India" and various options will flood your screen. Stay wise, stay fit!

To learn more about best health insurance policy in India, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Drink and drive: Five compelling reasons why it is bad for you

Only because you made it home “safely” does not make drunk driving a good choice. People usually tend to neglect the severity of driving under the influence of alcohol. When you decide to drive home in a drunken state, you endanger your own life and the lives of people around you on the road.

Regardless of your driving skills, mixing driving with alcohol can put you at a higher risk of causing an accident, injury, or even death.

In India, statistics say that the cases of drink and drive are on larger sides. As a result, we hear news of accidents, unfortunate deaths of people on roads, and damages to vehicles. The only solution is to avoid driving when drunk.

Here, let’s have a look at the consequences of driving under alcohol influence.

1. Lack of coordination and slowed reflexes:
When you consume alcohol, your body starts reacting to events slowly. Because you won’t be able to respond immediately, the chances of an accident increases. While under the influence of alcohol, your motor control, such as hand, eyes, and foot coordination will slow down. These coordination abilities are vital for safe driving, and alcohol should not hinder them.

2. Increased chances of getting into an accident:
A driver with a BAC (blood alcohol content) of 0.10 percent or above is seven times more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident than a sober driver. A driver with a BAC of 0.15 percent or above increases their risk by 25 times. And, while these figures demonstrate the dangers of drunk driving, being at or below the legal limit does not indicate you are safe.

3. Disturbed vision:
Drinking may cause your vision to blur or cause your eyes to manoeuvre on their own. You will even partially lose control over your eye movement. This vision impairment can influence how you’re able to judge the space between your car and other vehicles or objects on the road. You may even lose your visual modality, which plays a crucial role in safe driving. In general, the more you’ve had to drink, the more impaired your vision could be.

4. Poor decision making:
Even a small amount of alcohol can impair your judgment and concentration. Driving requires so much of your undivided attention that it isn’t worth the risk. You must be able to stay in your lane, control your speed, give other drivers adequate space and attention, and obey traffic signals. Because alcohol affects your attention, it dramatically increases your chances of being involved in an accident.

5. Your insurance premiums may rise:
Your driving risk partly determines your insurance premiums. For example, a person convicted of drunk driving will have to pay higher car insurance premiums. This is because the insurance company will most certainly classify that person as a high-risk driver and increases your private car insurance as a result.

Overall, the risks of drinking and driving significantly outweigh the benefit of hoping to arrive home safely. Even when sober, driving a car is challenging in our country. You need to understand that you all have a family back home, be responsible and take care of yourselves. For additional protection, make sure you take the appropriate decision and invest in private car insurance.

To look for private car insurance, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Baby on Board? Why You Must Have a Child Seat

Children are full of energy, and therefore they tend to have a higher risk of being injured in a moving vehicle. Ensuring the maximum safety of your child is an essential part of parenting, and the same is applicable when you are travelling with your kid.

Especially if you have a toddler, you have a higher responsibility of ensuring their safety. Although Indian law has not made having a child seat mandatory, you as a parent can take numerous measures for your child. Ensuring the safety of your car and yourself is equally important as accidents, and unwanted situations occur uninvited. Search for online car insurance and buy one ideal for you if you haven't purchased the right insurance policy yet.

Here are five reasons why you must have a child seat.

1. Safer compared to holding the child in arms:
One of the common myths parents believe is that holding your baby in your arms will protect them better. However, when an unwanted situation arises, your arms may not be sufficient to hold your kid tightly.

2. Seat belts are not convenient for kids:
Irrespective of the car you own, all the seat belts are designed from the adult's body perspective. In an accident or when you pull a sudden break, this may result in the baby falling and getting injured. Child seats are comfortable, and they keep the baby safe from jerks and bumps.

3. Lack of concentration while driving:
Most parents are worried about what their child is doing in the back seat or whether they are safe when they do not have a child seat in the car. Parents constantly look at their children while driving, and this distraction can cause accidents. Having a child seat will ensure they do not move and are protected with a comfortable seat belt. This will help you to just concentrate on the road and your car.

4. Kids are incredibly active:
Kids are filled with energy most of the time. A baby can try to open the dashboard, attempt to open the door and injure themselves. A child seat will ensure your kids do not attempt to act unsafely.

5. A newborn should only travel in car seats:
The most common myth is that parents believe their newborn is highly fragile in a car seat. However, the truth is, they should only travel in a car seat. A child seat is designed in a way that ensures the safety plus comfort of the baby.

Things to know before picking the right child seat:

• Pick a seat that meets the safety standards set by the country. You can see this on the label of the child seat.

• Learn how to install the seat. The label has all the instructions, plus there will be someone in the store who will assist you or help with the first installation.

• Make sure to fill the product registration form. Furthermore, check out the warranty and the brand's name by doing a little research about it on the internet and checking the reviews. Since it's a question of your child's safety, be cautious while picking the right one.

There are professional companies involved in making a child seat with expertise and immense research background. If you are travelling with a baby, having a child seat should be your priority as a responsible parent. And, as a responsible owner, getting online car insurance should be the next thing on your priority list. Implement all these points, and then you are all set to go on joy rides with your child.

Click HERE to know more about an online car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


All the right moves to live five years longer

Living long is not a myth. There are plenty of ways to improve your life expectancy rate and improve the overall quality of your life. Since childhood, we have been hearing the adults guide us on our habits. That’s right; there is no rocket science behind adding those extra five years, but everything that your mother told you. Besides it, having health insurance is also a part of protection you need to consider, as it keeps you stress-free and allows you to focus on your well-being.

In this post, we will spotlight all the right moves giving you extra five years to enjoy life! Let’s dive in!

1. Healthy food for a wealthy mood:
Maintaining and eating a healthy diet has never been as challenging as it is now. Due to hectic work schedules and trying to balance our social and personal lives, we often neglect our food. Most people prefer grabbing a quick fast food on the go. However, they often fail to realize the consequences of regularly consuming fast food in the long run.
A healthy diet must include lots of green vegetables, nuts, dry fruits, natural sources of proteins including beans and fish, and more. Adding turmeric to your diet also plays a vital role as it has curcumin that facilitates anti-ageing strategies. You can also consult a nutritionist if you want to focus on your food intake highly.

2. Getting drunk makes your junk:
Everyone likes to take a few drinks during parties, festivals, holidays, and other events. However, when you’re taking that sip of your favourite wine, be extra careful over how much you are consuming. Alcohol can play the role of both – being healthy and damaging simultaneously, depending on your intake. Regular higher intake of alcohol can cause life-threatening diseases and damage your liver and other organs.

3. Look fit, feel fit – exercise regularly:
This is something that we’ve been hearing as a child. Fitness and your life expectancy go hand in hand. Keeping your body physically active alone includes plenty of health benefits. According to research, 15 minutes of physical exercise a day can add up to three years in your life and promote a healthy lifestyle.

4. Smoking isn't cool:
No, you do not need “just one drag”. Whether you smoke one a day or a packet a day, you’re at an equal risk of early death and health problems, especially lung damages. In addition, smokers may reduce up to 10 years of their life compared to those who have never touched a cigarette. If you are already a smoker, know that you can always find the right solution and take the initiative to quit. You may seek help to quit smoking and find a healthy and non-damaging alternative.

5. Better weight, better life:
Many diseases can be signalled goodbye when you maintain a healthy weight. A healthy weight varies from one person to another depending on various factors, including gender, age, height, and more. Being underweight can welcome unnecessary health issues. Similarly, being overweight also puts you at a higher risk of health conditions. It is in your best interest to contact your physician and take their guidance on your ideal weight.

Although these five tips are enough to push you towards a healthy lifestyle, health issues can still arise. Irrespective of your age, you can encounter multiple problems, from a simple pain in your leg to severe disease.

Protecting yourself and your loved ones with health insurance can be another primary step that you should consider to live a healthy and long life.

Click HERE to know more about the health insurance plans that fit your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


A middle-class life on a two-wheeler: Common mistakes to avoid

Transport is the lifeline of civilization, and the role of low-cost transportation in a developing country like India is crucial. For a larger section of society in urban, semi-urban and rural areas, cars are non-affordable. Therefore, two-wheelers are an all-time favourite among the middle class who can afford something more sophisticated than a bicycle.

While two-wheelers are necessary for many, poor road conditions, unorganized and rash driving, and traffic rules violations make bikers unsafe. Therefore, it is always important to stay safe on the road, ride with proper safety gear and always wear a helmet. To get additional protection for your two-wheeler, you can purchase 2 wheeler insurance online. Insurance can be of great help to overcome the losses due to mistakes that happen on the roads.

Let's have a look at a few common mistakes to avoid while riding a two-wheeler.

1. Listening to music:
Nowadays, many helmets come equipped with a Bluetooth system, with which you can attend calls. They can also communicate with other riders during a group ride, but many people misuse this feature by listening to music through Bluetooth. Music can be distracting to severe extents. It reduces your alertness, and you compromise with your listening ability too. It is always important to have situational attentiveness when in traffic. You can listen to music on a long trip, but that too on a low volume. Be sure that you are still able to hear the faint noises of other approaching vehicles.

2. Travelling at night:
People try to cover long distances at night to avoid the harsh sun during the day, but it can be hazardous. Riding at night is way more challenging than riding in broad daylight. Naturally, the human biological clock winds down at night, thus, making you feel sleepy. So, if you are not a professional rider, it is highly unsafe for you to ride long distances at night. Try to start early in the morning and ride till midday to cover long distances instead of riding at night.

3. Carrying heavy loads:
People have a habit of using their scooters to transport goods for a short distance which can be dangerous. Not only does it deteriorate the performance of the vehicle in the long run, but also affects the braking mechanism. Riding with more than the gross axle weight compromises the vehicle's ability to stop under panic braking situations. So be sure to check out your vehicle's gross axle weight (GAW) on the manufacturing company's website.

4. Overtaking at a blind curve:
At the blind curves on the road, you can only see a few meters in front of you. In such situations, it is risky to overtake the vehicle ahead of you because you may be unaware of any vehicle approaching from the blind side of the curve.

We all have come across at least one person who has met with an accident while riding a bike. Two-wheelers are convenient and cost-effective, but they are also more prone to accidents. So, be doubly sure to have a valid insurance cover, and if you don't have one, we suggest buying a 2 wheeler insurance online. It will financially back you in case of an accident. Be cautious while riding to have safer journeys!

Planning to buy 2 wheeler insurance online? Click HERE for details.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Constructing your dream house? Make these suggestions a part of your strategy

It is our lifelong emotional dream to have a home for us. It is where we make the most memories with our families and cherish them for the rest of our lives. So, have you already decided to build your house? Congratulations to you on your decision!

But you can't imagine a piece of land as your home as it requires a lot of planning and proper construction. It is advisable to hire professionals as you will spend your life savings on this one project. In this article, we have put together some suggestions to help you design and construct your house.

1. Decide your budget:
The crucial aspect of constructing your own house is the budget. Your budget should be precise and inclusive of the expenses involved, from laying the bricks to finally stepping into your newly constructed home after completion. Remember, after building your house, you should have enough money to support a comfortable living for your family.

2. List the space requirements:
Have an idea of how many bedrooms you wish to have. What should be the appropriate size of your living room and kitchen? Will you need a separate kid's play area or a pooja room? Listing all the requirements will make the design work hassle-free, and the blueprint of your house can be accordingly finalized.

3. Hire an architect:
Find a good architect by looking at some of the portfolios online to better understand their expertise and intent. Then, make sure that the architect offers you the best suggestions for your house. An architect will,

• Make a few designs for you to select from.

• Supervise construction periodically.

• Check and certify the contractor's bills.

• Prepare structural design, Bill of Quantities (BOQ), cost estimates, drawings for approval to the authority, a tender document with T and Cs.

Always sign a formal contract with the architect specifying responsibilities and payment of the architect and associates.

4. Concept Phase:
Finalize the architectural design and appoint an interior designer if necessary. Based on the designer and finishing, you can get a better idea of the final budget.

5. Detailed design:
The structural engineers and electrical consultants will develop the designs and details based on architectural drawings. So it becomes convenient for these people to arrange for the materials and manage the required manpower. A detailed design also helps decisions regarding the flooring materials, ceramic fixtures, CP, fittings, requirements of light points, internet, ceiling fans, etc.

6. Approval from the authorities:
It is essential to obtain prior approval and sanctions for the drawings prepared by the architect. Make sufficient copies of the drawings as these will be required to get power, water, and sewage connections.

7. Tender phase:
The architect prepares a tender document to get the best prices and shares it with a few contractors. Then, you can meet the contractors to negotiate further and discuss essential points like the date of commencement and completion, terms of payment, any additional requirements, etc.

Once the construction phase gets over, the finishing stage commences. Now, collect all the documents related to the project, such as architectural, structural, and services drawings, warranties, final bills, and other necessary documents.

It feels incredible when you see the steel bars, layers of bricks glued with cement taking the shape of your house. You will feel accomplished by observing your progress because just thinking of building a house is itself a bold decision, and successfully making it is even bolder!

There is much discussion on how to construct your house, but what once it is ready? How will you ensure its security? For this, you can go on the web and search for a 'general insurance online quote' and buy the most suitable home insurance to secure your priceless possession financially.

Planning to buy a new home? Click HERE to check out a home insurance plan suitable for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The most common driving errors you don't know you're making

When you start driving, you don't become an expert overnight. For any perfect driver, it takes a good amount of practice every day. Also, for error-free driving, it is necessary to identify and rectify the common driving mistakes. The statistic shows that nearly 98% of the road accidents result from human errors and sheer unawareness. Here are some of the common driving errors that you might be doing ignorantly.

1. Distracted driving:
Most road accidents happen because of our distracted driving. So what are the most common reasons for distraction? Usage of mobile phones while driving tops the list. We feel an urgency to read the message or answer the call immediately that we can't resist it even while driving. But in reality, it's not always the case. We forget the fine line between urgency and emergency and end up committing this small error that can land us in massive trouble while driving.

2. Sitting position and driving posture:
Sometimes your driving pattern harms your body. Getting comfortable in your car with the correct sitting position is necessary. It might affect your back and spine. In addition, your posture can compromise your control over your vehicle, such as pushing the brakes and clutch, which can cause you some trouble.

3. Disobeying/ignoring signal lights:
Now, without getting caught by traffic police, the advancement of CCTV over the roads will burn your pockets when you break the signal. But, we still end up making those silly mistakes like ignoring the yellow/amber signal light. Yellow/amber signal lights are an indicator to "slow down", and when it turns red, you are supposed to "stop". But we prefer to "speed up" so that we don't need to stop and wait at a red light. And that's where most of the car crashing occurs.

4. Unused mirrors/indicators of your vehicle:
The rear-view and side mirrors of your car have some purpose. These mirrors are used to look for the vehicles behind you and on either side of your car.

5. Light indicators while driving:
Lights installed on your vehicle play a vital role in safety. Unfortunately, many of us don't use indicators. It can be unfortunate for you and the vehicles following your car on curvy roads or turnings. It is a good practice to use indicators so that vehicles behind you can be alert and slow down without hitting your car.
Driving with a high beam at night is prone to disaster; it is useful when driving on streets or roads without streetlights. However, it can distract and even blind the other drivers on a two-way road especially.

6. Switching lanes at turns:
Driving and switching lanes is equally dangerous. Start early, if you anticipate some traffic, so that you don't have to indulge in rash driving and over-speeding. Know that life is much more important than the destination you want to reach.

On a conclusive note, we must hold ourselves responsible for ensuring safety on roads. Therefore, practice safe driving and purchase car insurance for more safety of your car and yourself. And timely car insurance renewal is equally necessary for extended protection of your valuable possession.

Are you looking for a renewal of car insurance? Click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Sculpt the perfect body in 25 minutes a day at home

The concept of "no time" gradually becomes an excuse for most urban populations not to exercise at all. The long working hours and corporate lifestyle has made life more stressful than before. The hectic schedules leave little or no time for us to go to the gym for workouts.

Remove the idea that hitting the gym is the only way to have a good physique and a healthy life. Instead, take out just 25 minutes from your daily schedule to do some easy workout exercises to fit.

Here is an exercise plan for you that you can practice without the need for any extra weight other than your body weight.

Warm-Up Exercises

Warm-up is crucial before starting any exercise or physical activity to avoid the possibility of serious injuries. You may include the following exercise in your warm-up routine;

• On spot jog

• On spot jumps

• Knee to chest stretch

• Heel to butt stretch

• Side bends (both sides)

• Forward bend

• Arm and wrist circling

After a good warm-up, it's time to go all-in.

1. Chin-ups (Trains your back and arm strength) –
Directions: You can either purchase a chin-up bar or simply use a structure or a solid beam in your home for doing chin-ups. Place your arms at shoulder width on the bar to get a proper grip for performing the exercise. Hold yourselves at the upward position for 30 seconds, and then gently lower yourself. You've just finished one rep; buckle up for the next!

2. Squats (Trains your Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Glutes):
Directions: Keep your feet hip-width apart, and all of your hips, knees, and toes should be pointing forward. Bend your knees and stretch your buttocks outward as if you were preparing to sit on a chair. Make sure your knees are not crossing your toes, and your weight is on your heels. Rise and repeat the process by maintaining the proper posture and focusing on your breathing.

3. Push-ups (Trains your Triceps, Pectoral muscles, Shoulders):
Directions: Push-ups are the most effective exercise in a workout segment. To do a push-up, get down on your arms and legs, position your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Then, straighten your arms and legs and go down till the point where your chest touches the floor.

You should feel that tightness in your triceps, chest, and shoulders. But, it is important to manage your breathing pattern during a push-up. When going down, take a deep breath, and release it when coming back up.

Complete as many repetitions as possible in 45 seconds for each exercise. Once time is up, take a 1-2 minutes break before starting round 2. Then, complete a couple of rounds of the whole set, and don't forget to stretch nicely after a good workout session.

To sum it up, practice these home exercises and encourage your family members to do them for at least 25 minutes a day. The results will be slow, but they’ll be evident. Also, we suggest you have a health insurance plan that serves as additional protection and a safety net for you and your family.

Click HERE to know about the best health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn how to turn your ambition of starting a YouTube moto vlogging channel into reality

YouTube is a great platform to interact with millions of people and show your creativity through videos. According to the current industry facts, YouTube is the second most visited website after its parent website Google.

Where there is potential, opportunities dive in. The enthusiastic Millennials and Gen Zs go crazy for video blogging culture and wish to seize the big opportunities to start a YouTube channel. They want to create and post video content of their own to inspire others.

If you are passionate about riding motorcycles, you have an incredible chance to integrate your passion with inspiring video content through moto vlogging. If you are looking for a roadmap on how to turn your ambition of starting a YouTube moto vlogging channel into reality, you are at the right place!

Let’s start from the basics. A moto vlog is a video filled with cinematic shots highlighting a rider’s bike journey to a destination in a few minutes. Riding trips are known for exploring, and when someone captures his experiences in a video, it looks incredible!

1. Where to begin?
Start by planning your video. Your video must convey a story; otherwise, it is just a random clip. Avoid throwing in random facts anywhere; instead, prepare a script to narrate the video in an enticing story. Whenever you are putting your content online, like uploading your moto vlog on YouTube, you must analyze your content from the audience’s perspective. Therefore, your vlog should have ‘WOW’ elements that will steal the attention of your audience every single second. On your channel, you can also make informative videos about bike reviews, the latest models and trends in mobility, awareness content like the importance of Bike Insurance to avoid content saturation. In addition, you can refer to other moto vlogging videos.

2. Planning a route:
For the first video, select a well-versed route that you have frequently visited so that you won’t face any difficulties while expressing your experiences. Next, film your journey with spectacular and diverse views to make it visually appealing for the viewers. Also, consider routes that are challenging for bikers as those always excite the people to watch them.

3. Equipment:
Quality equipment and accessories are an essential part while creating content as they help you make your vlog with ease and ensure top-quality video content. The three main things you require are –

Camera: Cameras are the essential elements of vlogging video because the overall quality of your vlog depends upon your camera and its results. Therefore, investing in a high-quality camera is an intelligent choice. Buy the best action cameras which can capture even a single second of recording of any perfect shot

Microphone: You can’t seriously rely on your camera’s microphone to record your voice. Instead, you will need an external microphone to filter the background noise and record your speech.

Mount: Your video will keep people engaged if you have shots from multiple angles. To get the best angles, you will need a mount to attach your camera to your helmet, different parts of your bike like the steering handlebar, side mirrors, etc.

4. Focus on Editing:
Brush up your editing skills and try to be creative with video editing. You can always hire an editor or use some online video editing tools for the best results. Just recording videos is not it; editing is one of the significant checkpoints to make the vlog ready to be posted on your channel.

Though moto vlogging is becoming increasingly competitive with each passing day, it is still exciting to see new vloggers share their latest stories through cinematic videos. So kick-start it if you have a deep passion for motorcycle riding and share it with everyone out there.

Looking for a bike insurance plan? Click HERE to get the best insurance for your bike.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Horn Please! The reasons why we Indians love honking

While many of us barely use it, still a majority of people honk, mainly out of habit or impatience they have while driving. They consider it as essential as the accelerator pedal. You'd still see a truck on the road that says "Horn Please". Do Indians really love honking? Fancy modifications like pressure-horns or a songs' beats in horns make it feel like an irritating musical jam happening on the roads.

Apart from that, some of the drivers tend to express their moods on the roads. For instance, if they fought at home or were fed up with their work in the office, even a small thing like your building's watchman making a delay in opening the gate, their aggression comes out with excessive honking.

Some drivers commonly use honking as a replacement for pressing the brakes. And it has become a habit of theirs. We have become accustomed to this unsafe behaviour since it is so firmly fit in our brains.

But if we look at how people commute on Indian roads, honking seems reasonably necessary in some cases. For example, you may be in a situation where several cars from all directions are passing you by, the only way to prevent or discourage an aggressive defaulter is to honk. Add to that, people who casually stroll down the busy roads, utterly ignorant of traffic, only honking can alert them.

Many drivers hold false thinking of invincibility when they think that they'll rule the traffic by honking. So their vehicles equipped with a loud pressure-horn try to blow through halted traffic. Here, the problem lies in the misconception that a vehicle in front of you would move and allow you to pass by the moment you press the horn. But the reality turns sour when this false impression results in accidents, significant vehicle damage, and in the worst-case life-threatening injuries. Two-wheelers plying on the road are most vulnerable to these situations. So, get yourself an ideal 2 wheeler insurance online to secure your vehicle and life before getting on the roads.

Honking is a severe issue, and the country is taking various steps to tackle this harmful problem and creating awareness about driving etiquette.

• State Governments are setting up and supporting ‘No Honking Zones’ at many crossings and places.

• Governments, NGOs, and other institutions around the country are running campaigns to make people aware of the hazards of Mindless Honking.

• New electronic signals are installed that extend traffic's waiting time if they recognize mindless honking.

• The pressure-horns are banned in many states, and use of it will cost you a heavy penalty.

The noise pollution resulting from aggressive honking can severely affect mental health by creating spikes in adrenaline levels. Our duty as responsible citizens of the planet is to be aware of the mindless honking and the ways to reduce noise pollution. Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Be the change you want to see in the world". So let us begin with this profound road etiquette and make India Less Honky!

Click HERE to know about the best 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Getting retired? Five best places to consider for a post-retirement life in India

Retirement is a beautiful stage of life. It's the time when you finally decide to take a vacation from the fast-paced lifestyle. Retirement can be an excellent time to relocate to a more tranquil location that is both economical and has pleasant weather.

We've listed some of the ideal retirement destinations in India to assist you in discovering a delightful new way of life that may be a little slower-paced but enriching. So have a look at these places and see whether one of these beautiful cities is somewhere you'd like to retire in.

1. Bhubaneshwar, Odisha:
This ancient city has magnificent temples, opulent fabrics, finger-licking seafood, and tranquil hidden beaches. Because of its electricity distribution innovations in India, Bhubaneshwar is considered a World Bank Model City and is well-known for the lowest electricity prices in India. If it isn't enough to persuade you to move here, then the range of multi-speciality and super-speciality hospitals will do the trick. Moreover, Bhubaneshwar is well connected to most parts of India by air and train, making it quite accessible.

2. Nashik, Maharashtra:
Nashik is one of the most incredible places in India for retirement because of its rich greenery, temperate climate, and old-world charm. This Maharashtrian city was also named to have the best air quality index city in India in 2019.
The crowd from all walks of life come to see the lovely gardens, inherent culture, and historical places. It is known for its diverse art and culture and iconic tourist and religious attractions. In comparison to Mumbai or Pune, Nashik has a lower cost of living and is less congested. Nashik is also connected to all major cities in the state.

3. Chandigarh:
This wonderfully constructed city, recognized as a senior citizen's heaven, is well connected by road and train to all the country's major highways. It is also close to the capital city of India, New Delhi. Chandigarh is recognized for its pleasant climate, relatively clean environment, low crime rate, and excellent medical facilities, making it famous for retirees and older citizens.

4. Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu:
Coimbatore, dubbed the "Textile Capital of the South", boasts a vibrant cosmopolitan culture, low pollution, and a consistent climate throughout the year. Coimbatore is also one of the greatest cities in India to retire because of its fast-growing infrastructure, public facilities and excellent travel connections.

5. Panaji, Goa:
The Goans have every right to be proud of having built a distinct lifestyle that reflects their easy-going culture. Their culture is just as lovely as their laid-back approach to life and to take things as they come. This attitude towards life can be seen and felt all around Goa, especially in Panaji. People here don't strive to outrun life because they adore it so much.

Post-retirement happiness can be doubly celebrating if you are physically fit, mentally active, and have a plan to enjoy your retired life the way you had dreamt of! The above-listed tier 2 and tier 3 cities make it easy to decide the destination that will suit your requirements. Besides a good location, make it also convenient for your post-retirement life to have perfect health insurance that provides complete coverage for your medical expenses. Enjoy a happy retired life!

To view our health insurance policies, click HERE

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these top six tips to declutter your digital world

It’s easy to lose track of time while going through your closet and segregating clothing into keep, donate, and dispose of piles. Or, spend an afternoon organizing your kitchen drawers and getting rid of all the unnecessary items and appliances you never use. But what about your digital environment?

The amount of digital content that fills up our lives might easily overwhelm us. We let stuff pile up without properly organizing it, and before we know it, we’re frustrated and worried. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to simplify your digital life so that you may be more organized and, as a result, make better use of your valuable time.

1. Clean up your desktop:
It’s all too simple to pin items to your desktop and leave them there, from photographs to word documents. But, it may become chaotic in a couple of weeks, and do not forget the fact that it will gradually slow down your computer’s performance. Schedule a day in a month, gather all of your desktop files into a single folder, then go through them chronologically to choose what to keep and what to remove.

2. Invest in cloud storage:
Virtual or cloud storage is a good alternative for storage purposes, significantly when technology is rapidly advancing. For example, you may use an online storage platform like Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox, or OneDrive to free up space on your devices. These allow you to view your documents from any computer with an internet connection and ensure that you won’t lose your data if your machine crashes. Plus, cloud storage platforms facilitate smart allocations and storage of your media files and other documents on specific parameters like the source path, time, etc.

3. Delete the unwanted items:
‘Nothing is better for the soul than a good cleanse’. We can apply this to our devices as well. Remove any unnecessary material from your phone by going through your photographs, music folders, and even your contact list. It can be tough to let some of the contacts go, but if in doubt, ask yourself: Have I contacted this individual in the last five years? Do I need nine different photos of the same landscape? I loved these videos when they were trending, but would I watch them again? After deleting a binge, you’ll be amazed at how much extra storage space you have.

4. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails:
One method to declutter your inbox digitally is to treat it like a real mailbox: keep it clean and free of garbage. For example, if an email is junk mail, unsubscribe from the mailing list before deleting it. It is to avoid receiving the identical trash mail the following week or month.

5. Backup your important documents at a single location:
A dedicated document or a digital wallet allows users to access authentic virtual documents quickly. You may keep important papers like your Aadhaar card, driver’s license, PAN card, voter ID, train or bus season pass, and online car insurance copy safely in your digital wallet. Intelligent and efficient management of your documents can save you from the struggles and chaos we usually encounter at the last moment.

6. Manage your applications smartly:
Look through the applications on your phone or tablet to see what you have installed. How many do you use regularly, and what can you get rid of? It will feel less cluttered if you have fewer apps on your phone or tablet. Fewer applications mean more free storage space, lesser notifications, and more digital detox.

While digital decluttering may appear time-consuming at first, the long-term benefits will boost your productivity and free up time for hobbies, essential tasks, and real-world relationships that enrich your daily life. Learning to manage your stuff is a good habit, so start today by handling your digital world. The motive should be reclaiming and improving your mental space too, by working on the digital one.

Click HERE to get the best online car insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know how yoga and meditation are taking centre stage in the workplace as stress relievers

Work-related stress is a significant public health issue affecting a massive population of people doing desk jobs. And, yoga has proved to be an effective way to manage this stress. Even the simplest forms of yoga and meditation can help you melt away the majority of your stress.

To raise awareness for well-being, International Yoga Day on the 21 June has become very popular in recent years. More and more people now understand the benefits of this three-thousand-year-old practice. Both meditation and yoga are increasingly finding their way into the corporate world as these small healthy practices performed on the desk can be a lifesaver. The rising demand for workplace health has created a greater priority for corporates to focus on the art of living, yoga, and other mindful activities in offices.

But why do companies care about employee well-being?
Good physical and mental health can result in efficiency and greater job satisfaction at the workplace. Also, studies have pointed out that poor employee healthcare is costing a massive loss to the companies. Hence, companies are adopting wellness programs to cut down medical leaves, paid health insurance policies, and other expenses related to health services. When employees are healthy, they can perform better and contribute more to the organization.

One might even think, why not just buy everyone a stress-relieving toy? It would save company's time and money, right? Well, that is not the complete solution. Here, yoga and meditation stand out from everything else; it has multiple benefits that make it a good choice as a stress reliever. A few of the benefits of yoga are listed below.

Improved concentration: Often a busy schedule including endless meetings, deadlines, unlimited calls and emails to answer can create chaos in your mind, which affects your focus on tasks and prevents you from making intelligent decisions. Yoga and meditation can effectively help you stop these unnecessary noises in your brain meddling with your productivity and freeing the mind clutter.

It is not always necessary to physically visit your 'silent corner or happy place'; just a quick mental trip can do the job for you. For example, many yoga practices increase the blood circulation in our body, which improves the brain function for a sharp and focused mind.

Prevents burnouts: Working round the clock is bound to create a feeling of tiredness, which lowers energy levels and burnouts in the long run. We recommend doing any sort of physical activity like stretching or even standing every 30 minutes because it significantly increases your blood circulation and oxygenation rate, which are both highly crucial to energy production. Yoga stretches help to get your heart pumping and blood flowing.

Taking deep breaths and filling your lungs with fresh air can help your anxious mind find some peace and comfort.

Do you think everyone needs yoga? If only a few people are stressed out, will it affect others too? To answer your question, yes! Stressed employees are more likely to be agitated and irritated, which disrupts the peace in the office and negatively affects the work environment causing everyone to be less motivated. A harmonious workplace is necessary to achieve excellence as productivity increases when employees are collaborative and willing to help.

Companies are driving health campaigns in their premises to promote a healthy work environment by encouraging everyone to do yoga and meditation. The corporate sector also makes investments in online health insurance for employees to secure their finances during a health crisis.

Encouraging employees to take ten minutes out of their work hours to practice a few stretches and breathing exercises can help create an active, less stressed, and supportive system that is far more productive and cost-efficient for organizations. So follow this mantra and see the magic happen!

Are you looking for good and cost-effective online health insurance plans for all your employees? Click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Internet shopping: Remember Convenience, Deals and a Few Scams

With the rise of internet-based e-commerce websites, online shopping trends are in the spotlight. A significant portion of consumers is choosing to buy goods online rather than in in-person retail stores.

The majority of retailers have established online platforms for their customers to shop from home. These sellers range from high-end fashion and luxury brands to thrift stores. The internet is an excellent method for suppliers to display their items with detailed descriptions to their customers, all with minimum communication. Elimination of costs such as of sales assistants and showroom maintenance is a perk. As a result, there has been a massive surge in stores shifting to online platforms.

But what about customer’s interests and opinions? Will the idea of Internet shopping still sound sweet to the ears of customers? And more importantly, is it agreeable to their budgeting? Although there are chances of getting tempted by heavy discounts, online shopping has many benefits if you are smart enough to make the best choices.

In this article, we talk about three aspects of Internet shopping for a customer; Convenience, Deals (about finance), and (the possibility of) a Few scams.

1. Let’s talk about Convenience:
The main reason for switching to an online platform is mainly the ease and comfort. What’s better than saving time by shopping even while travelling? And isn’t it wonderful how you can order something fresh cooked to eat from the comfort of your bed while enjoying the heavy rains outside? 24/7 (around the clock) – The ability of e-commerce websites to allow everyone to shop anytime proves most convenient for working adults. You no longer have to wait for the weekends to rush after the office to buy things. There are still restrictions on human resource-based services such as live chats and instant delivery in some cases, but for the most part, e-commerce sites are available 24/7 for you.

2. Great deals to surprise you:
Is online shopping always the cheapest? It is true in most cases, with seasonal discounts, sales and savings coupons, deal of the day, free shipping offers, etc. Managing a physical store is costlier than maintaining a website that meets the customers’ needs with less operational expense. So, retailers switch to online platforms to offer tempting offers and grow their businesses.

3. Scams can come your way:
As People hunt for the best deals and discounts, many fake websites and ads are there to lure unsuspecting shoppers. Unfortunately, these shoppers unknowingly expose themselves to risk by providing their personal information to malicious websites. However, if you are cautious about a few things while making a purchase, the chances of you falling into a trap are almost zero. So, mind the scam next time!

For instance, if you are looking for online car insurance, visit the official websites only. Have a habit of gathering receipts when making payments. Also, IRDAI has made QR codes mandatory on every insurance policy to verify its authenticity.

Due to the recent lockdown restrictions, e-commerce sales have skyrocketed. There is no going back from here, especially when social media is becoming a solid platform for shopping too.
The Internet has entirely transformed the buying experience. People can easily purchase things from all over the world. Payments are instant, and websites recommend products based on your browsing and shopping habits. So, follow the above tips to use the spell of an online purchase smartly.

Are you looking for online car insurance? Check out the best deals HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Exercise or diet? What works best for you

There is much debate on what exactly helps a person to stay fit – is it a good diet or a workout plan? A good diet covers the meals you consume daily, from fruits and vegetables to dairy products and protein-rich food. A good diet will keep you safe from the risks of health issues like diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, heart diseases, and the worst-case – cancers.

Exercise keeps your muscles and internal organs active, and there is no alternative to exercise if you want to stay physically fit. Exercise energizes you from within, and this energy is vital to carry out all the day-to-day activities and even at the time of health problems.

If you wish to reduce weight, dieting appears to be the logical solution. When we intake more calories than we burn, we tend to gain weight. As a result, lowering calorie consumption would be the most natural way to lose weight. Right? This, however, is rarely maintained. People tend to jump back to their previous routines after a while. Worse, the feeling of deprivation causes them to binge, further causing them to regain their lost weight.

So, if dieting alone isn’t enough to achieve long-term weight loss, would exercise alone work just fine? Short answer: NO.

Here’s why.
Regular exercise has several advantages, including a healthier heart, enhanced metabolism, and stronger bones and muscles. Exercise is also part of a formula that can help prevent many clinical illnesses, including several cancers. But, exercising will cause you to break your muscles at the gym and burn your fats. If you don’t repair those damaged muscles through a proper diet, it will cause you to lose bone density. You’ll get thinner, but you won’t be any fitter.

So what exactly should you go for?

The answer is, workout and eat smartly, collectively!

If you’re able to maintain the balance between a good workout plan and a healthy eating habit, you’ll complete your race towards the goal of fitness in less time.

Remember, you don’t need to work out every single day to be fit. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate to strenuous activity every week. Figure out a way to make time out of your busy schedule for a quick 50 minutes workout or have an exercising session every alternate day, whatever works for you.

As for diet, use a calorie calculator on the web to figure out your calorie level. If your target is to gain weight, eat above, and if it’s to lose weight, eat below the maintenance level.

It is preferable to have a minimally processed, whole-food diet rich in healthy fats, fibre, and lean protein to support general health.

Final word:
It may be tempting for you to choose one over the other. Diet and exercise complement each other and combining the two will improve your health and quality of life. As you take your fitness journey more seriously than before, be one step ahead and cover yourself and your loved ones under a good health insurance policy. Because eating and exercising will only take you a certain distance on the path of well-being, good health insurance will be your helping hand when you have to go the extra

Click HERE to browse the best health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Do mountains amaze you? Add these five hiking destinations to your bucket list

It is rightly said that when in doubt, travel. And, traveling to mountain-tops and indulging in some thrilling activities is on the bucket list of every passionate traveller. So if mountains amaze you, this list of some of the most amazing places for hiking is for you. We have picked these five destinations blessed with nature and adventures to explore.

1. Kedarnath Trekking, Uttarakhand:
Situated in the mighty Garhwal Himalayas, the Kedarnath in Uttarakhand is a rejoicing trekking experience for nature lovers and travel enthusiasts. Its bloomed beauty with charming villages, lush green meadows and breath-taking sights of Himalayan peaks are stunning. The 3850-meter lofty summit of the trek covers Govind National Park, a glance of Himalayan flora and fauna. The hike also encounters views of Swargarohini, Ranglana, and Banderpooch with some heart-warming sunsets and the spectacular views. The trek covers forest sections and meadows and is also safe to walk through; spotting wildlife of the region is possible during the tour. Days are warm and sunny, though nights are cold with low temperatures. The difficulty of trekking is easy to moderate.

2. Clouds End Trek, Mussoorie, Uttarakhand:
It's obvious why Uttarakhand is called the "abode of the Gods" for every good reason. This holy place consists of magnificent clouds end trek – Mussoorie. The total area spreads over more than 2000 acres of land. Uttarakhand offers the best of avenues to experience some of the best hikes. People also hike up to the Jwala Devi temple that is in the vicinity. Here you can hike with a cultural overhaul and camping experience. The best time to trek here is in winter.

3. Tiger Hill, Darjeeling, West Bengal:
Tiger hill is the highest peak among all hills in Darjeeling, with an altitude of 8482 feet and 11 km in distance. The phenomenal view of Kanchenjunga can be seen with the incredible crystal blue sky. The trail is through the tiny villages and via pine, bamboo forests. You can visit a 150 years old monastery while hiking. Try to get there by pre-dawn to witness a majestic view of sunrise.

4. Chadar Trek, Ladakh (Frozen River Trek):
Ladakh is undoubtedly the dream destination for trekkers and bikers. The highlight of this trek is that it's not on some mountain or high hills. Instead, it is on the frozen "Zanskar River". No words can encapsulate the beauty and thrill of this trek. You will see a frozen waterfall that will soothe your eyes and soul. During the trek, you can interact and experience the culture of Zanskar village. Chadar trek is 11123 feet, and 62 km spread. The best time to go for a trek here is from early January to February.

5. Sahyadri mountains trek:
Situated in the western ghats, 1600 km in length, Sahyadri Mountains are a lush green beauty parallel to the coastline of the west and one of the favourite places of trekkers. This world heritage is rich in wildlife and biological diversity too. Blessed with stirring pinnacles, caves, forts, and hilltop greenery is the point of attraction to trekkers. It's truly a paradise for nature lovers. The best time to visit this trek is Monsoon. Seasonal waterfalls and rainbows, flowing rivers with surrounding greenery of Sahyadri make this trek marvellous.

On a final note, good health and physical fitness are required before you head off to any trekking destination. Your endurance will be on a severe test, so ensure that you prepare yourself by considering all the possible factors. However, mishaps and unforeseen problems can occur too. Therefore, count your health insurance in your essentials to have safe and memorable trek experiences.

If you are looking for health insurance online, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Caught in traffic? Here are five innovative ways to keep your mood high

Getting stuck in traffic has become a usual thing in rush hours, and it is the most unpleasant scenario of every city these days. These long queues of snail pacing moving vehicles can be frustrating and sickening. However, the time taken in your commute does not have to go to waste. You can do some productive things than just hanging in your car or cursing drivers who try to cut the queue.

If you desire to overcome the problem by finding solutions, it won’t be a problem anymore. There are numerous methods to help you with your morning and evening commutes and increase productivity. Here’s how you can make the most of your time while stuck in traffic.

1. Listen to your favorite music or podcast:
There is nothing better than a good dose of lively music to get your day started. Your commute time does not always have to be productive; you can take this time to simply enjoy the things you like, such as listening to music, your wishlist audiobooks, or podcasts of your favourite speakers.

2. Get in touch with friends:
Again, caught in epic congestion! While you are on the way to your destination, take advantage of the extra time to respond to calls, and catch up with your friends. It lightens up your mood for the day. But be cautious; talking to friends is a good idea only if traffic is not moving. Otherwise, keep your mind on driving and avoid any distractions.

3. Make notes of your thoughts:
You can utilize your drive time to develop ideas or plan out a company strategy. And to get hold of these ideas, make sure you note them down somewhere. Writing down things while driving is not what we would suggest; instead, make use of voice assistant from your mobile phone.

4. Perform a daily review:
It’s the ideal moment to make sure the most critical tasks on your to-do list are towards the top. Put the phone down, gaze out the window, and simply let your mind roam to prioritize your work. Take advantage of your free time and pay attention to your urgent tasks and the best solutions for them. You never know; you might come up with an excellent solution to a minor but irritating issue at work.

5. Take a moment to study yourself:
Everyone must take the time to align and analyze their situation. The time you get while being caught in traffic can be an excellent opportunity to reflect critically on your well-being.

Acknowledge any tension in your life and identify possible changes that could be taken to improve your mental and physical well-being.

Getting caught up in traffic is always a moment of annoyance, whether for a few minutes or hours. We end up criticizing everybody around us, like fellow drivers, pedestrians, animals, vehicles, and even ourselves. The frustration caused during this period can have an extremely detrimental effect on your mood. Hence, to avoid letting our mind wander in angry thoughts, one should take up the above activities and indulge in them.

Everybody tries to make their way out of the traffic, which sometimes results in crashes. It may or may not be your fault; either way, you are to face the damages caused. In such situations, having car insurance proves to be helpful.

To get the best car insurance deals, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best Tips: Choosing the right colour for your car

Getting your new car is one of the significant milestones you may think of. When choosing the best model for you, various factors such as price, functionality, car insurance, etc. are considered.

However, another crucial factor is the colour of your car. The colour reflects your personality. Before you go ahead and make your big purchase, here are few tips to consider when picking the right colour for your car.

1. The resale value of your car: You will be surprised to know, but the colour of your vehicle affects the resale value. White and silver usually get a higher resale value than other colours.

2. Model: Another parameter is checking the variant. Not every colour you pick will suit the model of your car.

3. Red is not expensive: One of the common myths is red has a higher car insurance premium. This is entirely not true.

Always consider your car's purpose before finalizing the colour. Every colour might not fit your personality. For example, a politician or bureaucrat having a bright colour car seems bizarre to many eyes. Now let us look at the trendy colours, including those that’d look best on you and are perfect for your requirements.

1. Metallic: Metallic colour cars tend to be beneficial in the long run and make your car valuable. The colour is mainly known for its dependability and value to help get higher resale value and save you substantially.

2. Blue: Usually, blue refers to the "common man's car," but the new metallic options available in the market look excellent for working professionals. It is recently the number one choice for female drivers who need a cool look. As they say, "Blue is cool".

3. Throw off your attitude with the perfect black finish: Black is one of the most popular colours for any car. Known for its elegance and rich look, the black colour gives the vehicle a perfect attitude when you are on the road.

4. Get Sporty with orange and other bright colours: Bright colours, including yellow, green, or orange, always look super cool on your sports car. However, choosing it for your commercial vehicle can always not be a good idea.

5. Chic and Sleek with white: White is yet another safest colour for cars. It is a neutral colour and suits the best on commercial vehicles. Also added to a sport or luxurious vehicle with the perfect tinted glasses and chrome finishing, white makes your car classy!

6. Romantic with Red: Red is a popular and influential choice with a bit of romantic touch. However, keep in mind that red does not fit every model.

There is no such colour as "perfect". Instead, based on your personality and preference, you can pick one that looks the best for your car. When choosing the perfect colour, remember that scratches and dirt appear higher on specific colours and may end up ruining the overall look of your car. Also, reconsider the darker colours for your vehicle if you live in a hot weather city, as it results in heating up your car quickly.

To know more about the car insurance deals available, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you a lone wolf? Use these ideas to manage your luggage on your bike

Do you like motorbike road trips but always struggle with what to pack and how to pack? Then, you've come to the right place. Allow us to provide you with some of the most practical suggestions for reducing clutter and enjoying your trip rather than constantly worrying about your bags.

Compulsive overpacking might be an issue when travelling alone and having little luggage space on a motorcycle. Unfortunately, when it comes to preparing for a motorbike journey, many riders make several basic mistakes. They tend to overload their bikes with luggage that later affects them in their journey. We've compiled a list of a few practical tips to manage your luggage correctly.

1. Motorcycle travel packs are a good investment:
Bundling your luggage and tying it down with bungee cords may be cost-effective, but it leaves your luggage fully exposed to external conditions. If the weather suddenly turns bad, everything will become moist and wet. You can mount the motorcycle luggage boxes on the side of the motorcycle, but what about transporting heavy items? Heavy items are challenging to handle alone; in this case, you may consider purchasing a motorcycle top box. These are ideal for transporting bulky items like motorbike riding boots and photographic gear.

2. Make a list of your requirements:
The most crucial step in decreasing suitcase clutter is to prioritize your travel needs and prepare accordingly. Recognize that a road trip aims to discover and enjoy the destination rather than be oblivious to day-to-day conveniences.

3. Don't pack everything:
Don't bring everything you need because most of the items you'd need are already available at the local places. Rather than stuffing your baggage with unwanted items, buy some on the way. Disposable batteries, paper napkins, and paper plates for eating are just a few examples that come to mind. Unless you are picky about your food, make purchases to eat and drink on the road to save room.

4. Carry multipurpose stuff:
Rather than bringing specialist stuff, seek objects that may be used in various settings when packing your baggage. Carrying multipurpose products without taking up a lot of room is an excellent strategy to eliminate clutter. For example, you can keep a phone case with a pocket, which you can use to keep some essential documents or cash.

5. Organize at every step of the route:
Most people arrange their belongings at the onset of their journey, but things start to go crazy as the trip goes! Keep things organized at all times. Instead of dumping everything in the bag, properly roll and tuck it. Keep dirty clothes apart from clean clothes and separate large items from small items, especially those susceptible to damage due to excessive dampness or heat.

These tips are proven of great help when it comes to packing for your solo trip. However, packing and riding lessons are not enough to keep you secure. Hence, we also recommend having updated bike insurance for your bike while it is on the road. Compare with hundreds of bike insurance online and get the best suited as per your requirements. Safety while travelling is something you shouldn't skip.

Looking for bike insurance online, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Action camera for your bike travel: Nine tips to film the best videos

Action cameras have become a new trend among bikers. You must have seen the riders with one fastened to their helmets or handlebars. One reason being, India is adapting well to the vlogging, thanks to all the biker communities and influencers. With the evolution of action cameras, millennials are interested in capturing their bike rides and sharing the content on social networking websites.

There are some easy steps for you to produce the best-looking shots from an action camera, regardless of riding ability. Read these nine best tips to film better videos through your action camera.

• Choose a suitable device; you may not require an expensive camera and instead need something easier to transport and manage and friendly with all weather conditions.

• Plan out your videos; consider the video's objective, surroundings, the route you'll take, and how you'll film it. Take into account the lighting, the weather, and even the background music.

• The mainstream camera technology can record at 24 FPS (frames per second) for regular speed and at least 60 FPS for slow motion. However, extra-slow motion does not kick in until at least 120 frames per second, and filming at greater frames per second may lower the resolution.

• Set the white balance to auto, although you may set it to specific numbers corresponding to different lighting circumstances (for example, 5500K = daytime). We find that letting the camera make such adjustments for you is always the best option for shooting true colours on a motorcycle.

• With the voice command feature, you can start recording at any time throughout the ride and stop whenever you choose. Even better, you can snap 'Still Photos' while moving.

• 4K recording requires more memory, drains the battery faster, and can be difficult to edit or playback on a computer.

• An SD card in your action camera is always not sufficient. You should keep at least two or more if you're going on a long journey or simply want to capture more films.

• The typical rule of shutter speed is that it should be twice as fast as the frame rate. A shutter speed of 1/60-1/96, on the other hand, is more helpful because it avoids the sickening amount of 'Motion Blur' that might occur when riding a bike.

• To avoid water drops damaging your footage, use a water-repellent glass treatment spray like Rain-X.

Motorcycling has forever changed as a result of action cams. With the rising trend of sharing content on social media platforms, people use action cameras for incredible filming. However, driving bikes on roads brings the great responsibility of getting the proper protection for you and your bike. You can replace your cameras but not your life, so invest in good 2 wheeler insurance.

These tips for getting better footage are only a starting point; if you have something else that works for you, go for it. Beyond any camera setting, position, or attachment, the most important thing to remember is that the one who presses the record button is the real star.

To get the best 2 wheeler insurance, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Festival sale! How to get a good deal for a new bike

It is the festive season in India, the perfect time for family get-togethers, mini-vacations and the excitement of shopping! Irrespective of the socio-economic factors and the varied buying habits of customers, Indians dominate the world in their crazy obsession with shopping.

And this creates an excellent business opportunity not only for the wholesalers but also the retailers. With super busy markets, sales reach new heights, and people begin to recognize themselves as shopaholics. But we can't blame them, can we? With all the exciting deals around, no one will be able to resist the urge to buy things.

And, so it seems like a pleasant occasion to buy the new bike you have wanted for a long time now. In this article, we will assist you in getting an excellent deal for the new bike you wish to bring home this festive season.

1. Evaluate different options: Check out all the options available to you, as the same bike might be available at different prices across different showrooms. Evaluating alternatives and substitutes always result in a better price. Compare the offers that all the showrooms or private dealers have for you during this festival. Always go for offers with a monetary discount and not just some freebies.

2. Do not rush, take it slow: Take your time to do things your way. People always have a fear of missing out. 'Last day' and 'limited stocks' are a few of the many things dealers say to make you swipe your cards. Also, don't stress if the festival ends. Often the sellers extend the offer for the next few days. If you miss Ganesh Chaturthi, there is always a Navratri sale, and the following is a Dhanteras offer, not to forget about the Diwali season. So, the bait of 'last chance, hurry up!' is not for you to fall prey to.

3. Payment mode of smart finances: We often neglect the payment mode thinking it does not make a huge difference, but it does. If you pay close attention, you will notice that net banking charges, credit and debit cards, or a payment application are different for different brands and dealerships. Certain bank cards provide you with an extra 5% or more discount. Making a cash payment at the counter might also earn you a concession. So do not overlook all these aspects if you want to grab the best deals that don't loosen your pocket much!

4. Beware of fake deals: Many dealers trick you by hiking prices just before the season starts and then provide discounts, making no difference in your price. Do not fall for freebies! Not all of them are useful. And if they attract you, you will only end up gathering a load of unwanted items.

Bike insurance will always be a necessity when you buy a new bike. Even the insurance companies flash exciting offers and unique festive benefits to attract potential customers. You can check the BIKE INSURANCE ONLINE, compare the deals of multiple companies, and buy the one offering the best value-for-money.

Do you think is it fair to select products solely based on their price? Sure, money matters, but so do standards and features. It is safe to do some market research beforehand to bring good fortune for you this festive season. Look beyond the offer and also focus on the specifications of the bike you decide to buy. That is how you make a real deal.

Planning to buy bike insurance online for your brand new bike? Click HERE to get the best deals.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Planning a reunion? Consider these five tourists spots you should go to

It's been a long and challenging time of social isolation, lockdowns, quarantines, and cancelled gatherings. But, finally, the series of missed opportunities have ended as more vaccines reach the arms, and the limitations imposed by the Covid-19 national lockdowns have progressively eased. Now, we have been allowed to socialise with our loved ones in ways we haven't been able to for a long time.

So, what better time to plan a reunion than now? It's time to take your travel bags out of your closet and put an end to these slumber times.

Below, we've talked about five great reunion spots for you and your loved ones to call home for a few days.

1. Goa, where vibes match your energy: If the most desired vacation in India had a name, it would most likely be Goa. Goa is as near a fantasy paradise as you can get and is a perfect blend of modern and traditional culture. You think of clean water beaches, enthralling water-sports activities, and crazy pubs and disco parties whenever you hear about Goa. But, wait, Goa is much more than that. The best Goan seafood, a historical Portuguese colony with a distinct charm and the Goan culture has no parallel. Since the proclamation of a nationwide lockdown in March, Goa has been one of the most eagerly awaited tourist destinations. It's the right time to plan a trip and make a vibe – Goa is ON!

2. Darjeeling, a paradise for tea lovers: Located in the Kanchenjunga range of the mighty Himalayas, Darjeeling is a picturesque hill station in the Northern region of West Bengal, which has earned itself the moniker of 'Queen of Hills.'

Rightly so, Darjeeling works wonders to cater to the magnificent Himalayan scenery, offering a blend of splendid tea plantations on steep mountain slopes, toy train trips through the beautiful city, and exquisite traditional Tibetan food. So if you want to cool off and spend time in the arms of mother nature, Darjeeling is the place to be.

3. Rishikesh, discover adventure with spirituality: Commonly known as the 'Yoga Capital of the World’, Rishikesh is part of India's beautiful state of Uttarakhand. Rishikesh is a place that truly epitomises the word serenity since there are several ghats and ashrams for you to rediscover yourself amid the world's craziness.
Go river rafting in the river Ganga or thrilling treks in the Himalayas; there's something for everyone. Rishikesh is catching the attention of travellers massively after the ease of lockdown restrictions. It will help you wake your spiritual side and enlighten your mood in peaceful surroundings.

4. Coorg, mountains calling: Coorg is part of the scenic state of Karnataka. Located halfway between Mysore and Mangalore, it appears to be a sliver of heaven that has strayed from God's realm. Coorg is a land of rolling hills, evergreen jungles, spices, and coffee farms. Fall in love with soothing sunrises, pristine air and heart-throbbing views of mighty elephants while sipping on a cup of famous Coorg coffee.

5. Munnar, surrender to serenity: Part of God's Own Country, Munnar is one of India's most famous hill stations. It is a destination with an abundance of natural beauty to see, experience, and enjoy. It is a land of virgin woods, beautiful hills, Savannahs, gorgeous valleys, countless streams, magnificent waterfalls, extensive tea plantations, and winding walks that are sufficient to calm your exhausted minds. Reside in the abode of greenery with your loved ones by visiting Munnar.

Have you decided on a destination for your reunions yet? If not, plan it soon, but remember that the pandemic has not ended yet, so you must abide by all Covid protocols. Also, don't skip the most crucial part of your trip: being safe and keeping others around you safe. Have reliable car insurance, and if you have one, check for your car insurance renewal before you pack your bags and set out for an adventure.

Click HERE to know about the best car insurance renewal deals that you can get.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How rock climbing can help you boost your leadership skills?

There was a time when only those with unbelievable daring and high tolerance levels could enjoy rock climbing. But today, time is changing; with modern gears and professional instructors, anyone with passion and some training can exercise the sport of climbing.
Mountain climbing is the sport of climbing rocky surfaces with the aid of ropes and equipment. The goal is to reach an endpoint or a summit of a structure.

It is a physically demanding sport that combines fitness and agility with mental strength. It forces you to push your body's ability further to conquer an ascend or traverse. It may be difficult for some, but that is just another positive aspect of the adventure. The activity gives you a mental and physical boost with an immense sense of accomplishment.

One of the significant benefits is boosting your leadership qualities. As rock climbing is a preferred group activity, it becomes the ultimate classroom with lessons applicable to all aspects of life, including business, management, and leadership.

So, here are some of the important lessons you learn during your way up that eventually make a big difference in your leadership skills.

Trust – important of all! Trust and confidence within the team of climbers is a quintessential skill required during mountain climbing. You may enter situations where your life depends upon your teammate's abilities, and for this, their capability and competence must convince you. Trust cannot be earned or given in a moment. It requires several sub qualities like confidence, proficiency, transparency, and patience. You need to be familiar with each other's strengths and weaknesses and to be confident about relying on someone in the future.

Everyone has their fortes in climbing. For example, some are proficient in rock climbing, whereas others secure the rope while your partner climbs, so we must trust each other to lead when necessary. These are qualities of a good leader that he acts as a team player and not a commander.

Decision making – a remarkable ability! The adventure compels you to make many pivotal and critical decisions during your climb. Your one wrong decision can lead to a consequential mission termination, delay conquering the rock or even a mishap. It requires clarity of mind to work through solving problems. Being able to prioritise and understand the bigger picture is critical to navigating through obstacles.

A great way of decision-making in such environmental conditions is the OODA loop used by the US military. OODA stands for observe, orient, decide and act. OODA is a four-step loop approach that focuses on decision making by filtering available information, putting it in context, and making the most appropriate decision while understanding that alterations should be made (if necessary) when more data is gathered. It is helpful in scenarios where the ability to react to changing circumstances is vital.

Another leadership quality is 'care and concern'. No doubt on the hike, you look out for each other, but that is not enough. Ensure that everyone has a personal accident insurance policy, as it is a necessity that many may overlook.

Is a good leader enough for a successful trek trip? Absolutely not! Every individual requires a skill set for this sport. Skills of navigation, communications, survival, and climbing are all necessary. In addition, rock climbing requires courage and determination. The hard work of ascending is worth the peace at the top.

Click HERE to know more about our personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five safety tips every female driver should know

Women taking over the world has defeated the dependency on others to get things done. Female drivers are just another example of this scenario as they are considered safer drivers than males.

However, the risks for women on the road are twice as compared; especially if you are a lady driving alone as you are exposed to many dangers. A female driver needs to be extra cautious to avoid undesirable events such as falling victim to hijacking, stalking, assault, or worse, murders. Here are a few tips to prevent from these situations happening and keep you driving safe.

1. Maintain your vehicle:

• Maintenance will assure you fewer chances of the vehicle breaking down midway through your journey.

• Get the car thoroughly checked before every long trip and in regular intervals for daily commute.

• Do not forget to keep an eye on the fuel indicator.

• Look out for unfamiliar noises of the car and get it checked from a reputed garage immediately.

2. Learn the basics:

• Acquire complete knowledge of the car, including its engine capacity, tyres, oil, and fuel capacity.

• Every female driver should know how to change a flat tyre, jumpstart the battery, clean up the carburettor, etc.

• Top up your oil, antifreeze whenever needed.

3. On-road safety:

• Lock the car doors first as soon as you enter.

• Park the car in a settled area and check your backseat when you get in the vehicle.

• Do not interact with anyone on the road.

• Never offer a ride to strangers, especially when alone.

• Always inform at least one person from your circle about your trip details and plans.

• Avoid pulling over at dark and isolated places.

• Install a certified GPS device in the car and give access to your close people

4. Driving suggestions:

• Beware of easy distractions such as using your phone, loud music, zoning out, eating or drinking. You need to keep your eyes on the road and stay alert while driving.

• When required to stop, make sure to turn on the flashers and then pull over slowly.

• Flashers should be on in case of breakdowns, illegal parking, tyre change, lousy weather or slowing down to exit.

• If you notice someone following your car, drive to the closest police station to get help.

• Honk your horn only in critical situations like blind turns, warning someone, to avoid collisions or possibly dangerous circumstances.

• Maintain a distance of at least 8-10 feet from every vehicle ahead of you.

5. Insure your vehicle:

• Refrain from driving without car insurance.

• Insurance can serve as a support aid when caught in unfortunate situations such as road accidents, breakage, etc.

• The insurance company will also track down your location and reach there in emergencies.

• Keep your car insurance up to date. Car insurance renewal is requisite when it is about to expire or expired.

Driving alone is not always scary and of insecurity. Yet, women have to take precautions to ignore indulging in misfortunate events and be their own protector. Increase your safety while driving by being alert, paying attention to your surroundings, keeping your car maintained, car insurance renewal before expiry, follow driving instructions and so on. We hope that these tips will add to your security and keep you guarded when driving around alone.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance assistance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How innovation in e-scooters is making the headlines in India

Today, climate change is a severe concern. According to a survey published by IQAir, India now has 22 of the 30 most polluted cities globally, which is alarming! Nations around the globe are researching to find environmentally friendly alternatives for everything that feed on fossil fuels. India, too, has set a goal of reaching zero greenhouse emissions by the year 2050. For that, the country is exploring electric mobility solutions that will cut down severely on greenhouse emissions.

When we talk about the electric mobility of the country, its primary segment is the electric scooters. According to nationwide surveys, the market of e-scooters in India will grow by 25-30% by the year 2030. Reasons for these impressive figures are the constant hikes in fuel prices and also the rising pollution levels. Thus, E-scooters are the next big thing in India, making them flash in the headlines in India.

We've seen plenty of new businesses competing for professional status in the electric scooter sector in the recent past. Their advantages reflect their focus on newer technologies, cutting-edge designs, accessibility, and practicality. However, more encouraging is the arrival of international electric two-wheeler powerhouses in the Indian market.

The Indian government recognises the importance of environmental sustainability and renewable energy. It has launched programmes such as 'Switch Delhi' and 'Go electric' to encourage citizens to use electric vehicles. Below, in brief, we've discussed the pros of e-scooters and why you should think of getting one in future.

Environmentally friendly: Electric scooters are ecologically friendly since they reduce the emission of harmful greenhouse gases such as CO2. Every time you ride an electric bike, you're contributing towards a cleaner environment.

Pocket friendly: If you use an e-bike instead of a traditional motorbike, you will save huge money in the long term. Petrol and gasoline are expensive in most nations, and price increases can significantly affect your budget. With e-bikes, you can purchase low-cost batteries that can go 18-50 miles on a single charge.

*Quick math – an e-scooter consumes around 250 watts of power for 20 minutes of driving. Because the cost of electric power per unit (1000 watts running continuously for an hour) is Rs 5, it is evident that electric scooters are reasonably affordable.

Low maintenance cost: You no longer have to be concerned about the upkeep of your scooter. Because of the electric engine, you don't have to spend extra money on time-consuming activities like oil changes, filter cleaning, and gasoline, typically with standard two-wheelers.

Financial incentives: Indian Government provides tax benefits to owners of electric vehicles. Loans are also made accessible at cheaper interest rates, encouraging more people to buy e-scooter. In addition, the Department of Heavy Industries recently revised the 2019 Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME-II) initiative to provide 50% more incentives for the electric scooters sector.

Easy to the Ears: In India, noise pollution has long exceeded permitted limits and has become a severe problem, particularly in metropolitan areas. Switching to an e-scooter can help with health issues, including anxiety, tension, and headaches, as they are almost silent due to the absence of disturbing noises of combustion engines.

Pat yourself on the back if you're planning to go for an electric vehicle or use one already. The future is certainly electric, and not only you're part of it, but you're also helping this world become greener. While you contribute to our mother earth's safety, protect your e-scooter by getting 2 wheeler insurance online for it. If you're planning to buy a scooter, then GO GREEN...GO ELECTRIC!

Click HERE to get the best 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Turning 18? Here is our beginner's guide for riding a bike

Are you turning 18 soon and just starting your life as a motorcyclist? Most of the teens are filled with enthusiasm and hold a different excitement for bike riding. That's quite obvious as the adrenaline rush of turning 18 keeps the soon-to-be-adults on the tips of their toes.

Are you excited to start riding but don't know how to get started? In this space, we've put together some key points to ponder on if you're a newbie rider, also acquainting you with important terms like basics of riding, bike maintenance, and bike insurance.

1. Choose your model and learning space wisely:
As you start anew, you must choose the best-fit model. It should not be too bulky or heavy; rather, it should be modest, lightweight, and easy to handle for you. After all, you will be riding the bike, so you cannot compromise convenience over physical appearance. The second step is to choose the learning space where you can start riding. It is not advisable to get on the heavy traffic roads of India for a beginner. So, better choose the roadway with flattened or open ground, less bumpy, and with fewer vehicles around; this will help you make your learning process hassle-free.

2. Learn about the components & functionalities:
You cannot glide on the road directly without having basic knowledge about your bike. Be proficient with the parts of your bike and understand their working. You should know the fundamentals like the clutch lever, gear shifter, rear brake, throttle, side stand, accelerator, etc. Anytime, good research can help you uncover the unknowns, and this information can surprisingly come to your rescue if your bike faces any faults.

3. Buckle up and get started:
Get on your bike, make sure you side up the middle stand first. Give ignition, roll on your clutch, and adjust yourself in a comfortable driving position. Shift your gear in neutral, wait for half a minute, and let the engine start properly. You need to be alert at all times and keep the clutch, gear shift, brake and accelerator in rhythm to allow the bike to move smoothly. If you are not confident with your driving skills, take some learning classes from a certified motor training school.

4. Maintenance of the bike:
Like any other machine, your bike also needs the care to provide you with a smooth and safe riding experience. You can do this by scheduling an appointment for complete bike servicing and washing that will boost the performance of your bike. In addition to it, just as life insurance covers your damages, your bike needs BIKE INSURANCE to shield it from any mishap. But are all the two-wheelers owners meeting their responsibility of safe riding? Unfortunately, many of them don't even hold a valid two-wheeler insurance policy. So always be a responsible rider and carry a valid insurance policy for your bike.

5. Ace it with practice:
Be it a bike or any other activity, 'practice' is the key to excellence. Practice safe driving and follow all the traffic rules when on roads. Always wear safety gear like helmets, gloves, bumper jackets before hopping on your bike. Remember that the greatest pleasures can be enjoyed only if you’re safe and sound.

6. Be alert – potholes ahead on the road:
Be a responsible driver, and don’t let the excitement turn sour due to recklessness while driving on bumpy roads or ignoring potholes and stray animals on the roads. There are no magic tips to manage these situations. The only solution is to avoid them by slowing down your speed. There is no other secret.
Lastly, keep patience along with your enthusiasm, and don't rush while learning. You'd look cool on a bike, but always remember that life is more important than the ride. Follow the rules and invest in an ideal bike insurance policy for the comprehensive security of your asset.

Click HERE to know about the bike insurance plans that are best for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Proud to be a foodie? Check these five amazing food tours that you cannot resist

There is no doubt that the relationship of an Indian with food is above and beyond anything else. We don't just love the food, we worship it. Every time someone talks about food, and we get all nostalgic and tempted about it. Food is possibly India's biggest obsession.

Travelling from place to place to explore the best food and culture is another trend which is quite popular in India. If you are a foodie and looking for some famous cuisines, there are boundless cuisines exploring options you can find. Below are the best 5 amazing food tours you must try as a food lover.

1. Mumbai: ‘The city that never sleeps’ holds a speciality in street food as well as fusion dishes. In the city of nightlife, you will find a whole range of cuisines served at night too. Some remarkable famous signature delicacies are Vada Pav (local trademark snack of Mumbaikars), Pav Bhaji, Misal Pav, Dabeli, Bombay style Chowpatty Bhelpuri, and whatnot! Savoury food with a hint of Maharashtrian spices and taste is all you need to bless your tastebuds.

2. Old Delhi: It won't be wrong if we call Delhi as ‘food capital’ of India! Historical places, super delicious food, and politics are in the blood of Delhi. Delhi is famous for its street food and traditional cuisine of 'Purani Dilli' (Old Delhi). The famous landmark, of course, is ‘Paranthe Wali Gali’ in Chandni Chowk. The series of shops selling varieties of parathas make it the most happening food destination.

Other delicacies of Delhi food culture include Momos, Kebabs, Chhole Kulche, Paneer Pakora, Mughlai Biryani, and a large variety of chats. Crowned with their signature desserts like Jalebi with Rabri and Kulfi Falooda, Delhi perfectly satisfies your sweet tooth.

3. Ahmedabad / Surat: Gujarati delicacies exhibit homely comfort food with complex flavours, oscillating among sweet, spicy and savoury. Ahmedabad, aka Amdavad and Surat ‘The sun city', are both filled with food streets loaded with huffy-puffy food. As the significant population is vegetarian, here the food is full of vegetarian options. 'Manek chowk' is a prominent place loved by Gujjus. You will get fusion eating options created from traditional dishes, such as Khaman-Dhokla, Surti Locho, Jalebi Fafda, Khakhra, Undhiyu-puri, Khandvi, variety of Farsan, Thepla, and last but not the least is the whole ambit of 'Kathiyawadi' delicacies.

4. Amritsar: When it comes to counting the best of taste, you cannot miss out on the contemporary north Indian food of Amritsar. As you step into the streets of Punjab, the utterly buttery aroma of Amritsari Chole-Kulche, Karah Prasad of Golden Temple, and ghee emerging from Sarso da saag with Makki di roti is mouth-watering.
The food of langar at the Golden Temple is what makes this food tour worth it. A whole ambit of large Amritsari glass of Lassi and buttermilk will drench your heart with happiness.

5. Bengaluru: Famed as the IT hub of India, Bengaluru has preserved and marked its cultural flag with authentic South Indian food and its incredible taste. A quiet morning with a South Indian breakfast is the major ritual of true-blue Bangalorean.
Masala Dosa at CTR, Filtered Coffee, Seafood platter, Idli with four style Sambar, tomato chutney, Medu Vada, Dal Vada, Rassam, the whole trunk of South Indian variety is exclusive here. Wrapping up this south Indian elegance with Coconut Lassi and Payasam tastes straight from a local chef's kitchen.

On a conclusive note, while visiting all these places for your food tour, consider another essential factor of your health and safety. You're likely to catch a 'Delhi-Belly' if you ignore the hygiene factor at the roadside eateries. Avoid drinking tap water or eating uncovered cut fruits as much as possible. Also, avoid unforeseen health issues caused by travelling and experimental food tours by protecting yourself with good health insurance. If already not purchased, you can opt for an ONLINE HEALTH INSURANCE policy before planning your next food trip to any of these destinations. Keep exploring the world on your plate!

Are you looking for an online health insurance? Click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Does bike riding excite you? The top five bike trips you must not miss

Going on bike rides in India is an enthralling experience, as our country is home to awe-inspiring landscapes, natural beauty and colourful local rural life. From the snowy Himalayan range to the lush green forests of Kerala, the sandy deserts of Rajasthan, to the beaches of West Bengal, one can never be bored.

As you see, there are many bike routes that any travel enthusiast will be excited to go on, but we have shortlisted the top 5 bike trips you must not miss!

1. To the highest motorable road in the world (Manali – Leh): It is probably one of the most recommended routes for bike trips, and it is famous for all the right reasons. Every second spent away from work and home is worth watching the picturesque scenes pass by. You will come across the beautiful and challenging Rohtang, Gulaba, Khardungla Pass, Dorcha passes on the way. Winter jackets and thermal wear are necessary as the climate is exceptionally chilly.

The tour lasts for about 12 days and 11 nights. The total driving distance is 1055 km from Delhi, and it is worth every mile. The best time for this trip is from July to September. Take refreshment breaks to enjoy warm sips of hot coffee/tea as you en-route towards your destination.

2. The road towards yellow sands and palaces (Jodhpur – Jaisalmer): You cannot possibly find a better way to explore these traditionally rich and rustic cities. These places are all about their palaces, music, dance, and authentic mouth-watering traditional cuisines. It is ideal for bikers who are curious to explore beyond just nature and concentrate on the city's glorious history, rich heritage, and tiny nooks and corners.

3. Riding on the salt marshes (Ahmedabad – Rann of Kutch): The short tour is full of surprises. It is the perfect blend of nature, tradition, and escapade. Don't forget to have a night's stay at a Bhunga (mud house) to experience the local lifestyle. Plan your trip during a full moon because watching the full moon from the Rann is considered a liberating moment in life.

4. To the French heritage town (Chennai – Pondicherry): For the people in Chennai, Pondicherry is a great weekend getaway. A ride along the east coast will take you through tranquil sunsets by the beach, along with eye-catching green rice fields and fascinating fishing villages.

Though many people don't take any halts, there are a few underrated places worth visiting on your way to the French town, like the Chunnambar backwaters and the Dutch Fort.

5. In God's own country (Kochi – Ooty): You will feel close to nature in Kerala, nestled in sublime greenery; the tropical place makes you feel alive. The journey begins from the beautiful city Kochi and continues along the Arabian coastal strip with a soothing breeze encompassing your soul, straight towards the hilly terrain of the state.

You will come across several tea and coffee plantations, which produce the best and most expensive coffee beans in the world. Overall, the plantations, beaches, and backwaters will rejuvenate you! The recommended season is summer, between March and May.

A helpful tip: Bike rides are the best way to connect with nature and learn about a region's traditions, food, and art forms. But, you may not know specific state laws regarding tourists and driving, so go through travel websites to stay out of legal trouble. Also, get your bike an essential servicing, carry a basic tool kit and always ensure valid 2 WHEELER INSURANCE before going on such trips.

Click HERE to know about 2 wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you health and budget conscious? Here is how you can eat organic on a tight budget

On a limited budget, going organic and all-natural sounds unusual. Still, the truth is that eating organic is not only better for you, but it is also better for the environment. Let us know, how. Organic food is chemical-free, 100% natural and full of health. In addition, it is environment friendly as natural fertilizers like cow dung or manure and kitchen wastes are used for farming instead of pesticides.

Organic foods are popular among health-conscious consumers, although they might be more expensive than other foods farmed conventionally. Harvesting and managing organic crops is time-consuming for the farmers, thus making them more costly for the consumers. So how can you manage your health and budget wisely? It is certainly conceivable, even though it appears to be impossible. Here are a few ways to manage eating organic foods while on a budget.

1. Shop at budget-friendly stores: The first approach to save money on organic is to shop at the correct place. Stop by the local market on a weekday to see how cheaper local food may be than imported stuff. Deals are constantly available for you to take advantage of.

When you buy organic food at a farmers' market, you may expect fresh and less expensive organic produce than you would find in a supermarket. In this way, you even contribute to promoting the sincere efforts of the local farmers, and you assure maximum profit to the farmers by buying directly from them.

2. Cultivate your garden: You will save some money on vegetables if you grow your own organic produce. You don't even need to have a large garden to grow organic vegetables. You may grow your favourite vegetables in pots, which occupy very little space. Even better, you may choose a raised bed, which is ideal for packing many vegetables into a bit of space.

3. Purchase produce that is in season: Buying produce, even organic stuff, is usually less expensive when it is in season. This is owing to plentiful supply and the fact that it has not been shipped halfway around the world. Seasonal organic vegetables have the advantage of being less expensive, fresh, and more nutritious. If you're not sure when your favourite organic food is in season, check out one of the many seasonal produce guides available online.

4. Consider organic frozen food: Fresh vegetables are always healthier than frozen ones, regardless of the conditions. That isn't always the case, though, as frozen fruits and vegetables are just as healthy and nutritious as their fresh counterparts. Frozen food is collected and frozen at the peak of its season, ensuring that it preserves its nutritional content. On the other hand, fresh veggies lose some nutrients over time when they travel longer distances to retailers. Therefore, consider buying frozen organic food next time you are shopping.

5. Purchase in large quantities: Buying in bulk saves money because most things are less expensive than a single package. However, buying in bulk, even if you don't need it, will result in waste. It exacerbates the problem by removing money from your pockets you can spend on the food you genuinely require.

We hope you no longer have to compromise over the quality of your food simply because your budget is getting in the way of it. If healthy practices are managed efficiently, they can be pocket-friendly, focusing on sustainability and a nourished lifestyle. Healthy practices even include investing in health insurance. When buying health insurance, do not necessarily go by the conventional method; instead, you can buy ONLINE HEALTH INSURANCE conveniently from your smartphone or desktop.

Click HERE to explore our online health insurance services.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Family on the road trip? What to know before you go

Road trips are the best part of any vacation, and if it is with family, then nothing can be perfect than this. Family road trips can turn into a great time for everyone by strengthening the bond among the members.

A road trip can either feel like an exhausting chore with endless hours of constant irritation or a fun-filled adventure with memories that will last a lifetime. It depends entirely on planning a trip and what engaging elements you try to include during your journey.

Are you in a dilemma about how your family trip turns out to be? Then, before you hit the road, be sure to read our recommendations to prepare for a family road trip. These tips will help keep the children happy, parents sane, grandparents comfortable, and make your trip a memorable one.

1. Make frequent halts: Go on the internet to look for exciting places you can stop by on your way to keep everyone engaged. Even stopping at a regular park or a garden space allows everyone to stretch their bodies and get to enjoy themselves. You can also carry a Frisbee to play as these small fun activities keep the excitement intact for the long drive. Driving can be exhausting, so taking breaks helps the driver to de-stress and helps to regain concentration. Refreshment stops are a must. You can discover varieties of food and great highway-side restaurants if you decide to have a meal on the road.

2. Plan your route: Nowadays, most cars come equipped with GPS. Still, you should plan a route suitable for you before leaving. Check if the weather conditions, in any way, would affect your course. It is difficult and dangerous to drive on certain roads in monsoon season, especially the landslide-prone mountain areas. So, try to avoid them as some have traffic congestion while others may be blocked. Keep a physical paper map to navigate through the journey. It comes in handy when you lose a network connection. Plus, it will be a great real-life geography lesson for your kids while travelling.

3. Food and Entertainment: We can quickly be bored on a long trip. And we tend to eat whenever we are bored. So, pack healthy goodies like sandwiches, protein bars, and fruits. Avoid carrying and consuming eatables that can make a person with motion sickness feel nauseous. Instead of sitting in your car and uncomfortably having your meal, you can also plan a picnic at a rest stop or try new hotels and dhabas on your way. Another solution for boredom is to have some good entertainment. Enjoy some good music, make a playlist with songs that everyone likes. Audiobooks are a great way to listen and learn something new.

4. Get comfortable, but safety first: Carry a couple of comforters, blankets, and pillows to ensure a refreshing nap. A neck pillow can be a favourite item for long drives. Along with comfort, ensuring safety is also essential. Make sure to buckle your kids safely in a car seat or a booster seat. Also, have an emergency first-aid kit ready with you. Check your car's tires, oil changing status, wirings, and level of fuel. Carelessness on the roads is something that you cannot afford to do, especially with your family and kids.

What do you think about going on long road trips with your family? With Covid restrictions easing out, you can now plan a long road trip soon to make some priceless memories with your family. Before you leave, double-check your driver's license and other essential papers like PUC and motor insurance. As ONLINE MOTOR INSURANCE is available, you don't need a hard copy of the documents; a soft copy will be enough. Nonetheless, have a fun drive, and enjoy a vacation with family!

Click HERE to know more about online motor insurance for your car.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why running a marathon is not a crazy idea at all

You'd love the fact that not many people can say, 'Yes, I ran 42 kms today.' Indeed, of all the races, there is no better ground for heroism than a marathon.

There can be various reasons you might want to train for and run in a marathon, whether you are a veteran jogger who wants to strive toward a new goal or a rookie runner influenced by a friend's achievement of participating in a race.

Although training for and running a marathon can be a challenging and painful experience, there are numerous health, mental, and spiritual benefits.

You may be afraid of getting hurt or in constant pain; that's natural. You can talk to yourself and ask a question, 'Can I do it?' Because deep down, you always wonder what it would be like to put in the time and effort required to train for a marathon, and believe it or not, every drop of sweat is worth the pain.

Following are a few reasons why running a marathon will prove more helpful than you think.

Advantages for your physical well-being:

• It improves your overall health by strengthening your muscles and boosting your immune system. In addition, it makes your heart stronger and helps you maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol level.

• You will get more restful sleep as the training for a marathon can be challenging. Our body restores and recovers while we are asleep, so you will surely crave a sound sleep.

• Even if you don't lose much weight, running all those kilometres will tone your legs and impact your lean muscle mass.

Positive effects on your mental health:

• Running during stressful times, according to research, can help you better face life's obstacles by strengthening your mental resilience.

• When it comes to marathons, you can't afford to skip training, so having one on your calendar will keep you motivated to stay on track.

• You'll be a completely different person after you cross the finish line because you'll always know that you have the mental and physical strength to endure, even when you don't think you can or will succeed.

Advantages for your personal growth:

• It will keep you engaged. If you've just had a life transition that has provided you with extra free time, such as retirement, a breakup, a job loss, or a freshly empty nest, now could be the ideal time to take on the marathon challenge.

• Your running self-assurance will almost spill over into other aspects of your life, such as work and relationships.

• Although there will be some difficult times during marathon preparation and the event, it will all be worth it once you cross that finish line.

More amusing benefits:

• Marathon running is an excellent reason to explore a new city or country if you enjoy travelling.

• Suppose you're used to running and racing shorter distances. In that case, training for a marathon will encourage you to find new areas to run because you'll be running a lot and getting bored with the same routes.

• You'll receive something as a reward for your accomplishment, whether it's a medal, a shirt, or a fantastic finish photo.

• You're a marathon finisher once you cross that finish line, and you'll always be one. One will never be able to take that title away from you, and neither your bragging rights.

A consistent long-distance running plan brings many physiological and mental health benefits to marathon participants. Before you start preparing for a marathon, make sure to examine your current fitness level and take the expert advice if required. In addition, it is advisable to purchase a HEALTH INSURANCE policy, especially when you are participating in sports events.

To get the best health insurance, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Upgrading your car? Why do you need to consider these five factors?

So, you have got a promotion and decided to upgrade your car. When you choose to upgrade your vehicle, the first thing you feel is nothing but complete excitement. However, in reality, it takes more than just excitement to upgrade a car. You might like to consider many other reasons before selling your current vehicle and getting a new one.

You have to introspect on the very first factor: how necessary is it to upgrade your car? Because with upgrades, the cost of maintenance and CAR INSURANCE changes too. Let us help you to decide if upgrading is a rewarding decision for you or not.

1. Budgeting: Car is an expensive and fast depreciating commodity. If you think you have got enough money to upgrade the car, you must decide on a precise budget you can spend on the new car. Another point is the type of car you want to upgrade. See the model, features, and warranty policies of the car and check if it justifies your requirements. Rather than only visual choices like the colour and design of the car, you must also focus on its features and comfort.

2. Monthly maintenance cost: Make sure you can pay the EMIs, maintenance, and other hidden costs with ease without stressing your budget. Car is like a perpetual drain on your pocket. So pay attention to hidden fees like fuel, repairing, servicing, registration, or car insurance policy.

3. Usage of the car: A small to a medium car (preferably electric) would be fuel-efficient and easy to use if you live in a metro city. It is convenient for driving, and you can park it easily. Be mindful that bigger cars require more parking space and can be an everyday hassle if you live in a crowded area with no dedicated parking.
If your family size increases, you need to choose the car with the ideal cabin space to accommodate all your family members and enough boot space for luggage.

4. Higher annual insurance: While the upgradation will enhance your comfort level, it's necessary to consider the impact on your car insurance premium. The higher the cost of the car, the more you have to pay to insure it. Usually, expensive vehicles have very high premiums. Therefore, it's better to estimate the annual car insurance cost than to put sudden stress on your pockets.

5. Smart features: If you are an auto-enthusiast, have a passion for cars, and can afford a luxury vehicle, you should go for a premium car. Try to get some smarter and better features when you upgrade your car. It includes light bars, a GPS, reverse-parking assist cameras, cruise control, auto-pilot, keyless entry, and a better sound system. Safety features like airbags should be the top priority. High-budget cars also bring other safety features like anti-theft alarm technology, anti-lock braking system (ABS), and traction control.
And a final thought before you decide on a model, changing your old vehicle is the best occasion to refresh your lifestyle, but you need to stick to your budget and surf for multiple options. Research thoroughly and find the best deal for the vehicle. By considering the above points, you will not regret the thought of upgrading your car.

Are you looking for a Car Insurance policy? To know more about it, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Relocating to another city for work? Tick all these boxes.

Starting a new job or getting transferred to another city is stressful already. What adds more to it is the requirement to move away from your current city. The transition is exciting, but at the same time, when you imagine the severity of the relocation process, you feel daunted. Naturally, it will be a bit on the tougher side to figure everything out by yourself.

Shifting to a new city means finding a place to live, adapting to the type of weather, language, people, food, lifestyle, and culture. While some like to experience the newness of a place, others find it challenging to accommodate themselves. Either way relocating is nerve-wracking.

Here's a quick guide to making relocating easy for you.

1. Logistics: The very first thing you must plan is shifting your belongings. Whether it is your personal valuables or simply your furniture, these are the things that cannot be left unattended by just anyone. Therefore, choose a trustworthy packers and movers company with a good reputation for helping you migrate your stuff. To search for the best packers and movers in your vicinity, customer reviews or company ratings available on the internet can be of great help!

2. Prepare a budget and checklist: Keeping your expenses in check isn't simple at all in such hurried times. Hence, preparing a budget for every payment caused will help you save some bucks and refrain from spending on redundant things. It will also aid you in attending transactional details. Similarly, creating a checklist will ensure not leaving anything behind for the last moment hassle.

3. Acquaint the location: It is better to have some knowledge about the city you are planning to move to. Find a good home broker or take your network group's help for some references already living there. Making contact with the locals beforehand, such as your colleagues and people in your society (if you have found an apartment), will prove helpful when settling in the new city.

4. Traveling arrangements: After checking out all the boxes mentioned above, the last thing that remains is how you will get there. If you plan to take a flight or train, ensure you book it before time and not at the eleventh hour. This will not only secure travelling but also get your money and time saved.

5. Insurance for your goods: It is highly recommended to secure your goods and chattels with transit insurance before having them packed and moved. No one can guarantee zero damage to the goods that are to be shifted, but you might be able to cover the loss by getting paid for it. The transit insurance policy covers all possible perils to the items. Whereas for things like your vehicle, get CAR INSURANCE to prevent damage cost.

On a conclusive note, migrating to a new city is not the same trouble as it used to be decades ago. With all these services and networking through various platforms, it has become convenient to plan out relocation. However, everything seems to fall short when you are actually at it.

Hence, we came up with a list of things to assist you in your new start hoping that it will help. Wish you a Happy Moving!

To get the best car insurance Motor Insurance, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Aerophobia – How to overcome the fear of flying next time?

Roughly around six million people are flying somewhere every day. Air travel has become a necessity for most of us for multiple purposes; study, work, holiday, and different other reasons.

Air travel brings in a different excitement of seeing the world from a bird-eye view. But some of us are still terrified of travelling on an aeroplane. Air travel is not an easy game for all. These are all signs of aviophobia, from feeling groggy to having a panic attack during or before a flight. And this fear and anxiety can hold you back in your life. With that in mind, here are a few tips to help you overcome the fear of flying before and during your flight.

1. Recognize your fear: Extreme avoidance of planes or anything in association with flying like airports is considered the fear of flight. According to psychologists, people with severe aerophobia organize their life around avoiding flying. When stepping onto a plane, you may be afraid of a single or a range of things like noises and sensations during takeoff and landing or sudden or prolonged turbulence. Therefore, it is crucial to figure out what triggers your flight-related anxiety so you can take steps to anticipate or avoid it.

There can also be underlying reasons for aerophobia such as claustrophobia – fear of enclosed spaces, agoraphobia – fear of crowds, acrophobia – fear of heights, or simply uneasiness of not being in control. It is necessary to treat these baseline anxieties. You can try taking small steps to deal with them; for instance, choosing the aisle seat will make you feel less restrained by giving you the freedom of movement. It will also help you avoid looking out of the window if you are uncomfortable with heights.

There can also be underlying reasons for aerophobia such as claustrophobia – fear of enclosed spaces, agoraphobia – fear of crowds, acrophobia – fear of heights, or simply uneasiness of not being in control. It is necessary to treat these baseline anxieties. You can try taking small steps to deal with them; for instance, choosing the aisle seat will make you feel less restrained by giving you the freedom of movement. It will also help you avoid looking out of the window if you are uncomfortable with heights.

2. Distractions can be saviours: Keep your mind off it. Many people can sleep the moment they are on a plane, but typically, people with aerophobia find it difficult to relax, let alone sleep. Therefore, to keep your mind occupied, we suggest you pack many distractions. Of course, it is sometimes impossible to concentrate on something when you have high levels of anxiety. But stuff like music, movies, books, magazines helps you pass the time and refrain from overthinking.

3. Educate yourself: If your aerophobia has got nothing to do with other phobias, then you are probably paranoid thinking anything, and everything is going wrong with your aircraft mid-flight. Instead of indulging in scary, unrealistic fantasies, educate yourself on some other interesting stuff, such as the reasons behind the switched-on seat belt sign. There are multiple resources offline, and online that educate you on what happens during different flying conditions. YouTube videos are always a great help. Many airline employees like pilots and air hostesses have their channels to explain how turbulence is uncomfortable and what safety measures are taken from their side that you might not know.

Of course, worrying about a person's well-being while flying is digestible, but it would be best if you did not fuss over the possible financial loss as there is online GENERAL INSURANCE available to secure your valuables.

So, are you ready to work on your fears to enjoy a good flight this year? For sure, it won't be easy at first, but eventually, you will overcome your fear. Some techniques may be helpful to you, and some downright not effective. So, you might want to experiment a little to find a strategy that works best for you.

Click HERE to know about health insurance policies that are the best for you!

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Planning a long bike tour? Read these motorbike riding tips beforehand

For adventure seekers, biking trips across India have become more common than you would have imagined. Bike riders are known for their love of long, challenging excursions and trips. For any bike owner, going cross-country is always on the bucket list.

A long-distance bike ride will put your riding skills and your bike’s endurance to test, so it is suggested to prepare thoroughly. Before starting your journey, make sure you have insured your vehicle with valid bike insurance.

While you have shortlisted your destination, we have also made this list for you to look at quickly:

• Tip 1 – You should plan a budget to spend on the trip and try not to exploit it.

• Tip 2 – Do invest in safety gear like helmets, gloves, jackets, glasses, shoes, knee elbow guards, and so on. Also, ensure that everything you buy is certified and genuine. Your safety is paramount for a pleasant trip.

• Tip 3 – Schedule a bike servicing right before leaving for the journey. Facing issues midway is certainly something you would not want.

• Tip 4 – Learn how to ride for long hours and the highways. Just starting with your tour is not how it works. You will have to practice at least a month before you begin the trip because these long journeys are the actual test of your endurance.

• Tip 5 – While packing for the trip, do not forget the following: two-wheeler documents, PUC, your ID (preferably Aadhar card), a spare key for the bike, and bike insurance papers.

• Tip 6 – Pack light for the ride. Don’t end up carrying the unnecessary weight. Be smart and only pack the bare minimum.

• Tip 7 – Be prepared for unexpected changes in the weather. When travelling for a long distance, chances are very high that the climate will keep varying.

• Tip 8 – Stick to your schedule and try not to take any detours. Install a GPS device on your bike and carry a physical map, which helps you navigate your journey.

• Tip 9 – Avoid late-night rides. Starting early and ending early is the bikers’ motto. Riding late at night can be tiresome as well as risky.

• Tip 10 – Stop at regular intervals. In your spare time, let your bike cool down, inspect it, or take some time for refreshments before you set off again.

• Tip 11 – Plan up an itinerary. Set a time for daily rides, breaks, stay and follow it.

• Tip 12 – Don’t miss out on the fun. You may face difficulties, but everything about this trip will be worth it. So, enjoy the ride and give yourself a break from the daily hustle.

The most important tip out of all is to ensure bike insurance before travelling anywhere. Keeping your two-wheeler insured is a step towards security and should not be neglected.

Put in some effort and follow the above tips to create an unforgettable journey to cherish for yourself. Good memories make great stories, so pick your bike and don’t miss the opportunity to do something thrilling in life.

To look for bike insurance online, click HERE...


How can your insurance save you money

Let's face the fact, who doesn't like to save money? Though many people see insurance as an unnecessary expense, it can still save your money and provide you with the financial security you need.

Motor insurance or vehicle insurance is an insurance policy that safeguards you financially when your vehicle undergoes damage or costs other people or their property. It's easy to buy motor insurance online and even easier to avail benefits that come with it.

So, are you looking for ways to save money on your annual motor insurance premium? We have put together some suggestions to help you save extra with your motor insurance.

1. Tax Benefits that you shouldn't miss: Most people invest their money into insurance when they land a job, as insurance policies have always been a popular tool for saving on income tax. But can an individual claim tax exemption for the premium paid on motor insurance? There is a small catch. If only the vehicle is in business use, the person qualifies for tax exemption on the premium paid for their motor insurance. Well, there is an exception here too. A claim may be made for a vehicle used for business and personal purposes, but it is time-bound. Meaning, the rebate is available for the proportion of time for which the car is being used for business purposes. So, for example, if a vehicle runs for ten hours per day, eight for business, and the remaining two hours for personal purposes. Then the taxpayer is allowed to claim the benefits from the insurance policy for the eight hours of business use.

2. General insurance benefits: People often prefer to deposit their money in savings accounts and avoid having insurance and paying the premium. The common factor they consider, if an individual doesn't claim their insurance during the valid period, all the premium paid is a waste. But, people don't consider the possibility that the amount claimed during an accident can be much more than the premium paid. And, in such instances, buying a good insurance policy is an intelligent choice.

3. Why buy motor insurance online? By choosing the right policy online, you can save a decent amount on the overall coverage cost. And, with your no claims during the policy period, you are entitled to a No Claim Bonus (NCB) upon the policy renewal. Everything can be managed online with ease, and additionally, your annual premium works out to be significantly cheaper.

4. Follow the motor vehicle legal requirements: It is a legal requirement to have motor insurance when driving on Indian roads. If you don't, you are violating traffic laws. Thus, having motor insurance saves you from paying enormous penalties. Moreover, since third-party insurance is mandatory, motor insurance can benefit the survivors in case of death during the accident.

Basic motor insurance is a legal necessity, and good motor insurance is a personal necessity regarding safety, financial security, and mental peace. One must remember that buying insurance comes with many advantages, and there is no advisory involved. Therefore, have the right kind of due diligence and pick the best motor insurance for you to save money.

Click Here To Buy Motor Insurance Online…


Wondering how to keep your car shining post-monsoon?

We love the monsoon for bringing down the temperatures and making us fall in love with books, coffee, and comforters. However, with the pleasant rain comes floods, water-logging, and much more. And all over again, the monsoon season never fails to surprise us with the amount of damage it does to our vehicles.

The lengthy bills from your car service centre for rusting, complete breakdown, and other damage to your vehicle remind you of your car insurance renewal.

Please remember your car needs some special attention post monsoon time. So here we bring some valuable tips to keep your vehicles safe and minimize the damage to your car.

1. Car Wash – a thorough cleaning: ‘Keep it clean!’ is probably the most ordinary and mundane advice anyone can give you for anything. But here, it is also the most effective. Nothing is better than a good clean-up of your car once the monsoon is over. Be sure to get rid of the leaves, mud, twigs, dirt, and other contaminants that could damage your vehicle. For example, if you have parked your car out in the open during the monsoon, you should get a proper car wash at a service centre to prevent the build-up of leaves and twigs that could potentially damage the paint on your vehicle.

2. Protect the Paint – keep it shining: The best way to keep your paint new as day one, even after these heavy downpours, is to use a protective paint layer, which separates the moisture and rain from the original colour on the surface of your car. For this, you can select from a wide range of quality protective products or opt for less expensive ceramic paint protective layer options. You can also go for a protective paint job at the workshop.

3. Electrical hazards – don’t get SHOCKED: Water and electricity can be dangerous together. So it is advisable to check all the wiring and electrical components of your car to avoid any short circuits. Get your car thoroughly checked for the wirings and any loose or open ends. Use electrical tape to fix them or call a mechanic.

4. Drive Slow – stay safe: Though this one is for all seasons, you need to be extra careful on the road after monsoons. There are potholes everywhere, and the quality of the road is even more aggravated. Drive cautiously, don’t attempt to be reckless as it may cost you badly.

5. Car insurance – safeguard your finances: Relying on your car insurance will help you recover and repair the significant damages to your car if it requires a visit to a workshop for the post-monsoon repair service. Car insurances are financial saviours, and it is your responsibility to avoid delays in your car insurance renewal.

Now you know these must-dos to keep your car clean and in good shape after the monsoon departs. It is always a good practice to get a post-monsoon servicing done to ensure that all the parts of your car are correctly functioning.

To know more about the car insurance add-ons that will be beneficial this monsoon, click HERE...


Why do most millennials buy health insurance online in India

India is a global capital for housing millennials, as almost 34% of its population is GenY. Powered by advanced technology, data, to be more precise, millennials consume a large amount of data each day. No wonder they are recognised as the most data-driven generation.

Because they grew up online, the idea of getting things done from smartphones appeal to millennials' tech-savvy attitude. Rightly so, as it involves a lot less effort. The fact that millennials (and the great majority of customers) are accustomed to doing nearly all of their daily transactions online makes sense to purchase online health insurance.

In this space, we will talk about why this data-hungry generation prefers to go for online health insurance purchases and why you should too.

1. Lower cost: Millennials are identified as frugal shoppers as they believe in cost-effective purchases. They typically choose to follow their instincts and value the price over recommendations. Buying insurance offline involves a cost consisting of the paperwork, the commission of intermediaries, and the transportation cost to make the sale. These variables being absent for online health insurance reduce the premium cost immediately. There is even a chance of getting a lower premium that adds to the savings in some circumstances. And all this attracts millennials; after all, they love smart investments.

2. Ease in comparison: While purchasing health insurance online, you can compare several insurance plans from different company side by side, either by yourself or using dedicated comparison tools. It can help you look at the pros and cons of an insurance company and select the best for you. This ease in comparison is almost impossible while making an offline purchase. This speeds up the overall buying experience and matches this generation's demand for online convenience.

3. Customer reviews and testimonials: On purchasing online health insurance, users have an option to leave feedback on their experiences. These reviews are available on the insurance company's website, their social media pages and other third-party review websites. These reviews help to ascertain your decision for the best insurance plan for you. Millennials never overlook the reviews section; sometimes, that's the turning point in finalising or rejecting a purchase for them.

4. Time saving and DIY: Time is money, and millennials have a reputation for spending an average of two minutes looking for product information and making decisions. Moreover, they want to control their decision and follow their D.I.Y. style. Once convinced, they prefer to finish the entire procedure in a few minutes and get an instant digital copy of the insurance papers. They are more comfortable with online health insurance where neither the insurance company nor the intermediary agent is visited.

5. Online insurance calculators: Online premium calculators are available on the websites of majority of health insurance providers. It makes it simple for clients to assess a plan's premium based on their specific needs before purchasing. In addition, these calculators offer highly accurate estimates. Millennials believe in cost-saving even as much as they look for other features from their policy like add-ons and NCB (No Claim Bonus). Nothing beats a good policy with all the features and a low premium. These online calculators justify the needs of millennials to a great extent.

What does all this tell us about millennials' inclination towards online health insurance? As you can see, this generation is more likely to use the internet for their insurance-related purchases than average consumers. So whether you're a millennial, Gen Z, or a baby boomer, online health insurance is here to evolve and to provide convenient and attractive policy advantages. It's time for others to start exploring online health insurance options too.

Click HERE to buy the best online health insurance for you and your loved ones…


Two-wheeler insurance hidden costs you should know about

Buying a two-wheeler insurance requires investment of time as the long and complex policy document in small font might look tiresome and time-consuming to read. Most people overlook those crucial details and rely on their life insurance agent while purchasing a policy. You need to be aware of the hidden charges that ridiculously drive up your insurance bill, as your agent might not explain everything you should be knowing.

A few adjustments here and there in your two-wheeler insurance policy might not seem like a big deal to you, but trust us, those will help you save a considerable sum that stays with you over time.

So, here are a few two-wheeler insurances hidden costs you should always pay attention to.

1. Paperwork fees:If you are not opting for 2 wheeler insurance online and instead buying your insurance physically through cheque, you are certainly paying a higher premium. Your insurance company charges you a couple of hundred rupees for the paperwork. Also, the company will not bear the postage cost and handling of all that paperwork; they will undoubtedly pass those expenses on to you. In an online policy, your insurance providers will reward you by waving off extra charges for choosing to go paperless, setting up automatic payments, and paying your premiums online.

2. Avoid monthly payment: When it comes to your 2 wheeler insurance, the payment interval is equally important as the mode of payment. If you pay a monthly insurance premium, the company charges you for specific "processing fees" and "administrative costs" each time you pay. The "instalment fees" will cover all these expenses. Like most businesses, insurance companies also would like to collect their money first. So they encourage you to consider paying upfront, and for that, they offer you some rewards. Therefore, if you decide to pay quarterly (four times each year) or semi-annually (two times a year), you will notice that you have saved considerably on your premium. Of course, if you pay annually or pay-in-full, the offers are even better.

3. Cancellation fees: If you decide to withdraw your policy within 14 days of the cooling-off period, you will have to pay a small fee to the insurance company for the paperwork. What if you cancel your policy post completion of 14 days? Unfortunately, it'll cost you an even bigger fee for the days your insurance company has insured your 2 wheeler. These fees range from zero to thousands of rupees or even more. It takes administrative efforts to cancel your policy, so these efforts justify the cancellation fee.

Other fees include replacing paper documents or fines for providing inaccurate information to insurance companies when getting a quote. Yes, that's the fact that most of us are not aware of. Therefore, make sure that you provide the correct information while applying for a policy.

Did you also get promotional emails and phone calls for the cheapest 2 wheeler insurance online? Don't get fooled by these fabricated illusions of these promotional offers; instead, be a smart buyer to make intelligent purchases. You can often save a significant amount by moving online and paying annually.

Click HERE to get a quote for your 2 wheeler insurance now…


Two-wheeler insurance policy. Popular facts and myths

Have you got stuck in heavy traffic again? Guess who'll make the riding experience smooth and convenient by sliding through traffic? Your two-wheeler, of course!

For all the experiences you plan to rejoice in with your two-wheeler, there is a bit of practical advice – as a responsible owner, you should carry a valid insurance policy. But many people doubt that choosing an insurance policy is a daunting task and is expensive. So in this article, we'll tell you more about the myths and facts you should know about your 2 wheeler insurance policy.

Myths get a huge living space in India as false information and rumours always travel faster than light. So let's first have a look at some common myths about 2 wheeler insurance.

1. Choosing an insurance policy is a difficult task: Choosing an appropriate policy is confusing, full of hassles and a tedious task.

2. Insurance is expensive: Insurance is only going to cost money and would not be worth it. This is instead a very common thought every customer has when buying Insurance.

3. Third-party cover is sufficient for two-wheelers: Third-party cover will provide complete coverage for bikes. In case your bike is old, it does not need an insurance policy.

4. Insurance premium depends merely on credit score: The credit score of the owner is the only factor that determines the premium for your chosen policy.

5. An insurance policy covers all damages caused: The insurance policy is enough to cover all costs of damages despite the cause behind it. Your policy will pay you regardless of any terms and conditions.

Usually, facts get lost somewhere in the chaos of myths, but no worries, we'll present them before you.

1. Selecting an insurance policy is no fuss at all: With the assistance of professional insurance companies and their customer services, choosing and buying the right insurance is as easy as buying anything else. You can purchase the insurance right from your couch without even visiting the company.

2. Insurance is not expensive if chosen correctly: Nowadays, customers can choose from many options and plans offered by various insurance companies and even compare them to select the right one. Not only that, you are free to go through every little detail of the policy to avoid unnecessary charges.

3. A proper two-wheeler insurance policy is necessary for your bike: Just having a third-party cover is not enough to secure your bike. It will only provide cover for the losses against third-party and never for your bike. Hence, going for a comprehensive cover is a wise choice.

4. Online is safe: There is absolutely nothing to fear when opting for 2 wheeler insurance online. You can find the most attractive deals and discounts online and even compare policies with smart comparison tools. Moreover, sharing your personal information such as your name, age, address with reputed insurance firms is safe and trustworthy.

5. Every policy has specific terms and conditions: For all the insurance policies, there are limitations on claiming coverage. For example, the insurer will not cover any cost if the mishap includes the drink and drive case.

Having good information about both myths and facts should help you get a clearer idea about a two-wheeler insurance policy. So be a responsible citizen, don't fall prey to any myths and choose a policy for your two-wheeler now by clicking HERE.


The benefits of staying loyal to the same car insurance company

Are you happy with your existing car insurance policy and making repeat purchases from the same insurer every year? Your busy work schedule doesn't allow you to squander on choosing a new insurance plan or an insurance company every time your car insurance renewal is due. Anyone would know that renewing an existing policy is far easier and uncomplicated than looking for a new insurance company each time.

But do you know that your insurer also offers a certain level of loyalty appreciation to their existing customers? Most insurance companies offer reward points to their "mini-marketers" for renewing their policies, as these customers act as their company's brand advocates. They provide loyalty benefits to prevent policyholders from switching to other companies with competitive premium rates.

This article will explain 3 significant advantages of opting same insurance company for a car insurance renewal.

1. No Claim Bonus (NCB): Do you know that you get rewarded for not claiming your insurance? That's true; you receive the No Claim Bonus (NCB) when you have had a previous policy and have not made any claims during the policy period. The insurance company gives you a discount on your insurance premium as a reward in the form of a No Claim Bonus (NCB).

2. Decrease in Deductibles – enjoy surprising discounts: Few insurance companies offer you a reduction in deductibles for sticking with them. Usually, multiple factors determine the amount of reduction, like the number of claims-free years you have accumulated in your plan. Even in some scenarios, the car insurers entirely wave off your deductible. Meaning you don't have to pay any deductible at the time of the accident. Though it doesn't help you save any premium, you undoubtedly get cost benefits when filing a claim.

3. Buying a new policy – is it necessary? There are many other costs to starting up a new policy. For example, most insurance companies charge new policy process fees and might require a down payment. In addition, keep in mind that you will also lose the benefits at the time of car insurance renewal if you switch to a new insurance company. Therefore, considering the expenses mentioned above, the overall process of changing your insurance company could prove to be much costlier than what you would have initially anticipated.

Whether staying or not with your car insurance company is a personal choice. However, it is also good to get an insurance quote from other companies to keep up with car insurance renewal and market trends. In addition, there are other things to consider like customer service and claim service that are important for your decision.

Loyalty will nurture the relationship between you and the insurance company that will be beneficial for the long run. If you are satisfied with your current insurance company on the above parameters, there is no need to go around checking out new companies and giving up your loyalty benefits.

So, as you prepare to hit the "renew" button, consider these valuable points to get the privileged customer badge from your car insurance company.

Check out the best insurance plans for your car. Click HERE...


15 smart tips you always wanted to know about your car insurance

How can you make your car insurance foolproof? The intricacies of car insurance can be puzzling, but it is undoubtedly worth the effort. After purchasing a car, an intelligent person’s first thing is buying insurance, as one shouldn’t delay good deeds. Car insurance is just as valuable and necessary as health insurance. It is crucial to be secure financially once you get behind the wheel.

We bring you tips for making the right decision so that you select the best possible car insurance policy and enjoy stress-free driving:

1. Always review the policy cover yourself to make sure it fits your requirements. Do not go for the first deal suggested by your dealer or insurer.

2. Cut down the costs of any non-required benefits provided in the policy to get reduced premiums.

3. Search for additional discounts such as membership benefits or one-time payment discounts, etc.

4. Make a sensible move and go for higher deductibles. A higher deductible will make your annual premium cost lower than expected, leading to a profit.

5. Do not settle for the first policy that comes your way. Explore your options carefully, compare every selected choice and then opt for the best suited one.

6. Usually, if you get insurance for a single car, it ends up costing more. Getting insurance for two or more vehicles at a time will save you thousands. This is known as the multi-car discount or bulk rate in insurance.

7. Insurance companies may consider the credit ratings of a driver while evaluating the premium cost. Therefore, keeping your credit rating high is only going to be beneficial.

8. A Pay-as-You-Go policy is the best choice for people who drive efficiently. This policy tracks driving to calculate your annual discounts based on how well the car is driven. So this way, driving safely can now save you additional bucks.

9. Do not forget to claim your yearly bonuses such as NCB while renewing your car insurance policy.

10. To avoid inspections of your car from the insurance company, be punctual when it comes to renewing the insurance. Companies may conduct tests on the vehicle to ensure its performance if the policy is not renewed on time.

11. Installing a certified anti-theft device in your car will get your premium cost reduced by the company.

12. Your geographical area makes a difference in the premium of your policy. Two people using the same car model, the one living in an urban zone, will have to pay more than the other living in a rural area.

13. A company providing you with a Cashless option is of advantage since you will never have to worry about arranging cash every time you make a claim.

14. Avoid waiting for your policy to get issued. Instead, take advantage of the updated technology, go for insurance that is given in a short time and does not take months to issue the policy to the buyer.

15. Switch to online policy purchase mode as you get an additional discount for online insurance.

Were you able to draw productive outcomes from the above tips that we have stated? Although car insurance is a basic necessity in today’s life, it can sometimes be cumbersome to your pocket. If not chosen wisely, one may end up paying more than required. So be smart and stay safe by considering these tips when buying car insurance.

For more information on car insurance, click HERE...


Are you in your 40s? Here are some essential medical tests you should consider

Does your physical appearance matter to you more than your health? If you consider so, you need to take a minute to understand why this thought needs to be corrected. Forty is the best time to take a deep breath, do a little introspection and say to yourself, "there are a few things I need to do to ensure that I stay healthy". Just because you feel you are in great shape does not mean your health should be left unsupervised.

People in their 40s need to upgrade their game by great leaps by evaluating their well-being and planning for the long run.

Wellness and health experts suggest these few general medical tests as a preventive measure for people over 40.

1. Blood pressure – keep stress away: High blood pressure or hypertension is also known as the silent killer since the patient does not experience its symptoms until very late. It increases the risks of a stroke and other heart as well as kidney-related diseases. Hence, you must check your blood pressure every six months to ensure that you do not suffer from hypertension.

2. Diabetes – an alarm for sugar lovers: Does sugar tempt you, and your taste buds crave to taste sweet regularly? The majority of people will relate to this, and it is pretty natural. But, excessive sugar intake leads to the risk of Diabetes. To eliminate conditions like Diabetes, keeping your blood sugar level in check is essential. A simple blood test can keep you away from numerous risks like heart attack, stroke and kidney problems. So, keep a record of your blood sugar level regularly.

3. Eye and Dental exam – have a clear vision: Regular eye and dental check-ups are just as important as any other medical check-ups. Spectacles do look cool, but why make our eyes suffer? An eye check-up to ensure the best vision is essential to bless our eyes with a long life. Similarly, dental visits to keep your teeth from decaying are equally necessary to keep your teeth in good shape. Indeed your smile complements your personality and leaves an impactful first impression.

4. Mammogram – a wise thing to do: A mammogram or breast cancer screening should be practised every year or two for women in their 40s. Mammograms immensely reduce the risk of breast cancer, saving many women's lives by making a substantial difference. There is a strong message for women: spare time for your health and take care of your body. Your body demands your attention, and never overlook even a minute hint that your body gives you.

5. Health insurance tests: Recently, many health insurance companies ask you to go through several tests before issuing a policy to clients over 40 years old. This requirement has proven to be an intelligent choice for both the client and the company. Buying an appropriate health insurance cover post 40 will be the best gift you can ever give to yourself.

In your 40s, you discover considerable life changes as you feel more in charge of your life. So instead of allowing your 40-phobia to get in, turn it into an elegant transition. This is the time when you need to be careful and alert.

What do all the above signify about planning your health routine after turning 40? Regular medical check-ups and signing up for health insurance should be a top priority to lead a healthy life. Simply getting medical tests done is not enough. If tests can help you prevent serious health ailments, health insurance will safeguard all your health expenses.

To know more about buying health insurance, click HERE...


Are you picking up the right car mechanic? Here are a few questions to ask

After your home, automobiles are probably the second most valuable assets you possess. Automobiles are machines, and they'll undergo wear and tear with time, demanding a proper service at regular intervals.

It's only natural that you'd want to locate a mechanic who would adequately care for your car while keeping your best interests in mind. Here as we are talking about maintenance and safety features of your vehicle, so doubly ensure by dealing with only experienced mechanic or repair workshops.

There are hundreds of mechanics available in your vicinity, and making the right choice isn't always straightforward. So, let's have a look at some questions to ask when selecting a mechanic to ensure you receive the most satisfactory job for your vehicle.

Is the mechanic certified? Car manufacturers or other reputed training institutes certify some technicians to work on specific types of vehicles. If a technician gets a proper certification, it implies they've completed necessary exams and are knowledgeable about the various brands of cars. Therefore, it's always best to go for certified mechanics as you won't agree to hand over your priceless possession to an amateur person.

What is mechanic's reputation in the market? Make sure to look over the mechanic's reputation. Find out how good their service is by checking their website or any other trusted online forum for reviews. Also, ask around your petrolhead friends for inputs. A reputable mechanic will always give you better service than the competition.

What are their charges? Nobody wishes to pay an arm and a leg to get their automobile serviced. It might be challenging to locate a skilled mechanic who isn't overly expensive, but it is doable. Look for certified and self-employed mechanics who run their businesses since they are generally the most economical. If you have good car insurance coverage, it will be easier for you to pay the fees of a mechanic as most of the excellent insurance coverages offer an add-on for car servicing and repairs.

What guarantee do they offer on the repaired parts? Although many technicians provide a guarantee or warranty on their services, some do not. If possible, choose a mechanic that gives a warranty; otherwise, you will face difficulty if the problem reappears.

How convenient is to reach the garage from your place? Having a mechanic close to your workplace or home is both handy and cost-effective. It helps you save money by removing the need to travel long distances and makes it easier to monitor the progress of the repairs. You may also swiftly return to the workshop for any extra service, if necessary.

Are they good at communicating? Speak with potential mechanics and observe their approach when dealing with you. If they have time to sit down with you and explain things or go over what's wrong with your automobile, there's a good likelihood they'll take the necessary time while servicing it. If they don't have time to talk with you, on the other hand, there's a strong possibility they'll speed through the work and overlook minor things that can have significant consequences later.

Final thought: A skilled mechanic will play an essential part in keeping your automobile in good working condition and serving you for an extended period. As you look for the perfect mechanic for your car, don't forget to pair it with reliable car insurance to help you cover your repairing cost at the garage.

Click HERE to know about the best car insurance coverages…


Everything you should know about General Insurance: The Complete Guide

Life is full of turns and twists, making it thrilling and happening, but every turn comes with a different experience that can sometimes set you back. No one can predict what the future holds, but we can secure it.

Under the umbrella of the General Insurance sector in India, several insurance plans protect our assets from all aspects of unexpected risks. These plans provide us with a financial cover for valuable assets like a car, motorbike, house, etc., against an economic loss caused by unforeseen events like accidents, theft, burglary, natural calamities, etc.

We will see the preliminaries one should know about General Insurance and why one should choose it.

Why do you need General Insurance? Your priority is your safety, followed by the avoidance of any mess. But at times, you may experience unexpected losses that you are entirely unaware of. In such cases, insurance is your best friend. A good coverage plan from a reputed general insurance company can act as your assistant in covering economic losses which otherwise would be heavy on your pockets.

Advantages of having general insurance:

• In the event of an emergency, insurance will be your financial protection. It will repay you for the losses and expenses you had and keep the load off your wallet.

• Some insurance policies are mandatory by law. E.g., in India, a motor insurance policy is mandated under the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. When you purchase such policies, you fulfil a legal responsibility by avoiding violations.

• Tax advantages are available with health insurance policies, which are a form of general insurance plan. Premium paid for such schemes are deductible under Section 80D. Such a type of deduction reduces taxable income, lessens your burden, and allows you to reserve some money.

Types of General Insurance in India:

1. Health Insurance: Health insurance plans provide you with a double bonanza by securing your health and wealth at the same time. It covers all the medical expenditures incurred during accidents, illness, or injury, including hospitalisation fees, doctor consultation fees, or medicines costs. One can pay it monthly or annually, depending on their convenience.

2. Motor Insurance: Motor insurance coverage financially secures your vehicles from any potential risks. The policyholder's two-wheeler or car is subjected to compensation against damages caused by accidents or any other dangers.

3. Property Insurance: Property insurance can protect your property against any risks or damages to it, such as theft, burglary/housebreaking, fire or damages due to natural calamities.

4. Travel Insurance: Travel insurance provides you with compensation for financial losses due to flight cancellation, trip interruption, delays, baggage loss, or any mishap during your trip.

Required document while buying General Insurance:

- Proposal form of the policy

- Identity card, Age proof, and Address proof

- Passport size photographs

- Documents of the assets that are to be covered

- Other supportive documents that the company may ask

When should I buy insurance? The answer, in most cases, will be a resounding "now". It protects your life, family or assets for a specified period, as long you pay timely premiums. So whether you are an unshakable optimist, a thorough planner, or someone who prefers to go with the flow, obtaining an insurance policy from a trusted general insurance company provides you risk cover and precious peace of mind.

So if you don't have the best insurance plans already, HERE is what you need to know…


Online bike insurance plans. Why and how is digitization helpful?

The insurance industry in our country is experiencing an IT revolution. It is gaining a competitive edge in innovation and advancements in technology. The insurance companies have also adapted their business models to become more relevant and approachable online to cater to their growing online customer base.

The new work-from-home culture and series of lockdowns are further fuelling the online process to a greater extent. Result of which, the economic advantages of digital transformation in India have been highly encouraging. More people are inclining towards getting insurance online for their vehicles insurance policies. As per the Finance Ministry and IRDAI, the Insurance sector is expected to grow by 40-50% in the next half a decade.

So how exactly is the digitization of the insurance sector helping you with your bike insurance online? Let us answer it here.

1. Quick and Easy buying process: The digitization of insurance purchases has made it easier and faster. Earlier, a lot of documentation was required to obtain two-wheeler insurance offline, including visits to the insurance company's branch offices. It is now possible to buy insurance entirely online, with no physical paperwork. The shift is unquestionably a beneficial one.

2. Reduced total policy premium: Several insurance companies offer bike insurance online, allowing clients to browse all their policies features. Because of this, fewer intermediaries, agents and other personnel influence get involved. The company also has to spend less on stationery and other office resources by skipping all expenses mentioned above. Therefore, the total operating costs for the insurance are reducible. That is why online bike insurances are generally offered at reasonable rates in comparison to offline purchases.

3. The option of comparing different policies instantaneously: Today, all insurance firms display the features, premium amount, and T and C (terms and conditions) online. Therefore, the buyer can access these parameters of different companies all at once and compare multiple policies in one location, verify their requirements and make an intelligent choice. Thus, the role of mediators reduces, and the customers make a more informed decision.

4. Claim settlements made easier: Due to digitization, not only the process of acquiring bike insurance online got smoother, but also the process of settling a claim. It is now possible to register a claim immediately on the website. Fill in the incident's details and gather the relevant papers. One of the insurance inspectors will visit the accident scene and check the damage caused to the vehicle, and will prepare a claim estimate. The consumer can then track their claim status online by entering the claim number in the tracking window.

What impact will digitization have in the years to come? Digital technology is already influencing the purchasing habits of people. Insurance companies and agents will work seamlessly together in the future to provide better online customer support. In addition, insurtech solutions will be tested in a more controlled environment thanks to the new rules by the IRDAI. In the next five years, digitization will also help insurance reach India's semi-urban and rural segments.

Click HERE to get the best bike insurance online now.


Personal accident insurance can be surprisingly beneficial. Know more here

Accidents can sometimes cause severe damages, disability and, in the worst-case scenario, even death. Situations like these can have an unfortunate effect on a person's financial stability. Unfortunately, no one can predict accidents but can protect or cover for such incidents.

Therefore, a sensible choice is to get personal accident insurance online at your convenience.

As the name suggests, personal accident insurance gives you cover from any mishaps that come your way unannounced. A personal accident policy is, however, much more beneficial than only covering for your losses.

Let us look further at the benefits you didn't know about personal accident policy.

1. Provides 100% sum insured:

No matter the cause, the nominee gets a 100% claim on the cover in case of accidents. If, unfortunately, the insured person dies in an accident, the kin of the policy can claim the entire coverage amount. Minor injuries like fractures, burns, stitches are also covered under the policy, depending on the inclusions.

2. No change in the premium:

Another benefit of this policy is that the cost of premium stays the same throughout time. It will neither increase nor decrease. Also, the policy provides renewable lifetime coverage.

3. The whole family can be covered in one policy:

A complete personal accident family insurance plan can cover an entire family from unfortunate circumstances under just one policy. All you ought to do is choose a policy that provides coverage for each family member of the policyholder's.

4. You don't require preliminary medical tests:

As accidents happen irrespective of a person's medical history or state, unlike any standard health insurance, personal accident insurance does not seek any previous medical tests for the policyholders.

5. It is even more affordable when purchased online:

As we all know, buying insurance online is a lot easier than offline. Major insurers recommend that these policies be purchased online and offer a lower premium that adds to the savings in some circumstances.

6. Daily cash allowance:

An excellent feature of a personal accident policy is setting up a daily allowance amount for the insured. If the victim needs to spend on hospital bills, regular check-ups or hospitalisation, they will not be out of cash.

One can never be too careful when it comes to inevitable situations. Likewise, the safety of yourself and your family can never be thorough. Even the most cautious person can be caught up in an accident and get hurt. Policies like personal accident insurance can save you a lot of inconvenience during trouble times.

While almost all insurance companies offer personal accident insurance coverage, it's less unlikely that your agent will share the importance of this policy with you. These are not very popular policies because of the low commission to the agents. So take some time out of your schedule and get personal accident insurance online.

To know more about online health insurance, click HERE...

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Steps to claim your health insurance policy

The Covid-19 pandemic shook the world's medical infrastructure from the ground. As a result, the cost of medical services and its subsequent operations is now more than ever. With the huge inflation in the expenses of medical bills, investing in health insurance coverage is no longer an option but a necessity.

To live carefree in these uncertain times without worrying about medical expenses, a trustworthy health insurance cover for every family is a must. And, if you're someone who is already holding a health insurance policy, you should be familiar with the claim settlement process as well.

In this space, we help you to understand steps to claim your health insurance policy so that in the future, if need be, you're prepared beforehand.

There are mainly two types of claim settlements.

1. Cashless settlement:

The cashless claim facility relieves you of concern during a medical emergency when receiving treatment at any of the networked hospitals. According to the policy features, the health insurance company will pay the hospital bills directly. Therefore, it frees you of the burden of making direct financial payments to the hospital.

Steps to claim a cashless facility:

• Select a hospital from the list of network hospitals provided by the insurance company

• Then, notify the third-party administrator (TPA) and provide them with your membership number

• At the hospital, fill out a cashless request form. However, remember that a valid certification by a doctor with proper stamps and signatures is a must

• Next, mail the form along with the medical records physically or digitally to TPA

• TPA will then inspect all the documents submitted by you, and if the settlement is approved, the charges will be paid by the insurance company directly to the hospital

If in case of disapproval, you should apply for reimbursement. We cover this in the following category of claim settling.

2. Reimbursement settlement:

If you choose a non-network hospital for treatment, you must first pay the medical expenditures out of pocket. Then, following the submission of relevant papers, the health insurance company will reimburse the charges according to the terms and conditions of the policy.

Steps to claim the reimbursement facility:

• Contact your health insurance provider using the toll-free number and give them your membership number

• Settle all your medical bills with the hospital

• Then, download and complete the reimbursement form that is available on the health insurance company's website

• When requesting reimbursement, attach the downloaded form, include the invoices, medical bills along with reports, discharge summary, and any other relevant papers

• Then, submit everything to the claim office in your vicinity. You can even digitally mail the documents to the insurance company

• After the approval of your claim, a cheque will be sent to your registered bank account by the insurance company. The whole procedure takes 20-30 working days from the day all papers are presented

Additional tips to speed up your claim settlements:

• Fill the reimbursement form correctly. Make sure all of the medical records and subsequent documents have stamps and signatures of the concerned authority

• Register for a claim as soon as possible after admission to the hospital

• Take regular updates from the insurance company after the submission of all the documents

• Always go for cashless claims whenever possible



What is cooling-off period in health insurance

Not many people are familiar with the term cooling-off period in health insurance. So let us take a quick look at what it means and how it affects you during Covid time.

The cooling-off period, also known as the waiting period in health insurance, is the time during which you are not eligible for claiming particular benefits of any insurance policy. This period lasts from about a few weeks to even months.

Recently, many insurance companies are initiating coverage for covid-19 related treatment, however, there is a “cooling-off” period for patients recovering from covid-19 and buying health insurance. Since some people may be asymptomatic and can later be diagnosed with the coronavirus, there is a waiting time of over three months before signing up for health insurance.

Why are companies choosing to opt for the cooling-off period?

- First, there is still not a completely accurate test for detection of the virus, and there have been cases where a contacted person tested negative and vice versa

- The after-effects are still unclear and give rise to complications to create a specific policy for the recovered/suffering patients

- The cooling-off period gives an adequate amount of time to assess a customer’s proper health, hence leaving time for an appropriate judgment for the insurance company

- It buys the company enough time to make preparations for all kinds of emergency services. But, of course, this impacts the policy’s claim in case of difficult situations

Can we avoid the cooling-off period?

You can try and avoid the cooling-off period with the help of the following instructions:

- You can purchase health insurance before the coronavirus infects you. This will help you enjoy the exclusive benefits of your health cover without any hindrance due to the cooling-off period

- Be sure to check all the terms and conditions while purchasing health insurance cover for Covid

- Do not keep any information that can later cause trouble in claiming the benefits

- Keep your health insurance policy up-to-date and renew it from time to time

To sum it up, getting a health insurance coverage policy and drawing the benefits of the cooling-off period before the coronavirus affects you is of great importance. To stay off from any troubles when claiming the benefits of your insurance cover, we suggest purchasing health insurance right at the time when you are healthy and show no signs of Covid.

Insurance companies presently offer various promising online health insurance plans. Looking at the current scenario, purchasing online health insurance might be the best option. People try to avoid visiting places and contact others, and being online just saves you from doing so.

Look for a suitable policy right away and secure your own and your family’s health to avoid a cooling-off period. Always disclose all the essential health information when buying the policy so that you can prevent any rejection of the claim later on.



Top tips to cut the cost of car insurance renewal

If you are a car owner, it is mandatory to have valid car insurance before driving on roads. Purchasing a one-time car insurance policy is insufficient since the annual renewal is equally important. As a responsible car owner and a policyholder, you are accountable to keep track of your car insurance's renewal.

To save money on premiums, many car owners choose the basic insurance plan with minimum benefits. This, in fact, during an unfortunate incident, gives more trouble than any advantage to them. However, there are better ways to reduce the cost of insurance without sacrificing good coverage and features.

To help you with that, we've put down some tips for you to save money on your next car insurance renewal:

1. Always compare:

There are more than a dozen companies out there that offer car insurance. Compare them and understand the clauses of each. Doing full-proof research work is essential to draw maximum benefits from your car insurance plan. You may also do an online evaluation of insurance companies to assist you in selecting the most economical coverage.

2. Opt for online mode:

Purchasing and renewing car insurance online is more economical than the traditional offline method. A vehicle insurance company's overall operational costs reduce when it operates online as it eliminates the funds that go into a mediator agent, paperwork, and other factors. Moreover, car insurance companies believe that online customers are more aware and offer some discounts.

3. Look out for deductibles:

Almost all automobile insurance policies include deductibles. It is the percentage of the claim amount that the automobile owner agrees to pay if a claim is filed due to damage to their car. By agreeing to pay a portion of the claim amount, you lessen your motor insurer's liabilities, and hence you get the car insurance at a more economical rate.

4. Save using your No-Claim Bonus (NCB):

You are eligible to earn a No-Claim Bonus if you do not file any claims during the policy year. The discount rises after each subsequent policy year (for a total of five years). At the time of renewing your car insurance, keep the NCB bonus offer in your mind. You may utilise this to get a reduction on your renewal premium.

5. Always renew your policy before it lapses:

Always ensure you renew car insurance annually on time. If you let the claim expire, it will make the insurance company consider you as an irresponsible person. In addition, the company has the authority to deny you any discounts or additional advantages at the time of renewal. It may even cost you the No-Claim Bonus.

6. Go for long-term insurance policies:

Various insurance companies provide attractive discounts, particularly on long-term vehicle insurance policies. Long-term vehicle insurance plans lower administrative expenses, and these savings are passed on to policyholders in the form of incentives and discounts.

On a conclusive note, insurance renewal is an important exercise that no policyholder can give a miss. So getting preliminary information about renewal tips will be beneficial to maintain a positive track record. So follow the above tips and save some amount on your next car insurance renewal.



Five health tips for people with obesity

People suffer from obesity disorder worldwide because of their hectic lifestyle and inactive fitness routine. Obesity is nothing but the accumulation of excess fats in the body that negatively impacts a person's health. Factors like genetics, overeating, no physical movement, psychological factors, and side effects lead to the cause of obesity.

Being obese puts you at a greater risk of developing potentially severe health problems, including – diabetes, heart disease, stroke, breathing disorders, fatty liver disease, and lot more.

You might be aware that obese people are more likely to pay a higher insurance premium than other healthy policyholders. This is because obese people are prone to illness and are likely to make more claims than normal policyholders.

But obesity can be brought under control with the help of dieting, daily exercise, weight loss, and many other disciplines in our everyday routine.

In this article, we give you some handy tips that are useful to control obesity.

How to know if you are obese? If your Body Mass Index (BMI), which is commonly used to determine obesity, turns out to be higher than or equal to 30, it classifies you as an obese person.

There is a thin line between being overweight and obese; if your BMI measures between 25 to 29, you are overweight and not obese. Therefore, the formula to calculate Body Mass Index is the weight (kg) divided by Sq. of height (m).

Practical health tips to control obesity.

Here are five tips weight-loss experts recommend to assist in keeping obesity under control.

1. Personalized diet plans:

You must have read a lot that a few minutes of daily exercise are the key to controlling your weight. But, cutting calories and reducing junk food intake is better than increasing your exercise time to achieve weight loss. Overeating and consumption of more calories than needed is one of the primary reasons that cause obesity. Customize your diet plan to ensure calorie intake and the proper nutrients that your body demands.

2. Exercise can help you to stay fit:

Daily exercise and fitness schedule is vital for controlling your weight, and physically inactive people are more likely to gain extra kilos. If you are already maintaining a healthy diet, plan a perfect workout routine or join a gym. Regular exercising helps you burn calories and lose fats.

3. Set up a strong will for an active routine:

You have to work harder than many other people – possibly for a long time if you are overweight. For instance, taking the stairs instead of the elevator will make a significant difference. By changing your detrimental habits, you will cultivate an active and fit lifestyle. Remember, losing weight requires patience and discipline, which does not occur overnight.

4. Eat more healthy snacks between main meals:

You read it right, eat more – just not at your mealtimes. Diet experts recommend keeping many healthy snacks like sunflower seeds, almonds, whole wheat crackers, sliced apples, and other fruits and eating small portions every couple of hours. If you wait until you're starving, you generally tend to eat more.

5. Maintaining a sleep hygiene:

The importance of good sleep in overall well-being cannot be ignored. It works wonders for your goal of preventing obesity, too. There are studies confirming that people who get too little sleep have a greater risk of weight gain and obesity than people who practice seven to eight hours of sleep per day. Sleep hygiene includes a proper sleep schedule and a bedtime routine like reading or listening to some good music.

Obesity, if it gets serious, can take a toll on your pocket. Although there are no policies especially for obesity yet, insurance companies protect obesity in exchange for higher premiums. Therefore, it is always advisable to secure your health insurance at an early stage of life to save you from that extra premium.

To know about the health insurance that gives the best benefits, click here…


Is mental illness covered under your health insurance policy

We all can debate if mental health is as crucial as physical health. Because of our stressful lifestyles, it is necessary to stay both mentally and physically fit. Nowadays, doctors, fitness and wellness experts recommend equal attention to a person's mental health, which seems reasonable.

Is mental illness covered in health insurance? Any person who is buying health insurance would have this query in mind. The answer is "yes". The IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) has also made it mandatory for insurance companies to have policies with mental illness coverage. Every insurance company has to keep coverage for treating a mental illness in the same way they cover physical ailments.

We explain in this article how a health insurance policy can take care of financial emergencies arising out of any mental illness.

What are mental health and mental illness?

Characteristics such as psychological wellbeing, behaviour, emotions, cognition, and socialising make up a person's mental health. Each of these influences how we act, think, respond and feel. It also plays a role in our decision-making, interactions, and other functional activities. Mental illness refers to the situation when at least one of the characteristics mentioned above falls short in performing their role, and an imbalance occurs in a person's mind. It affects their thinking ability, decisions, behaviour, grasping, responses, memory, and the like.

Facts to know about mental illness coverage in health insurance.

Here are some factors you should know about mental illness and how it is covered in a health insurance policy:

- Just like any physical health insurance, mental health insurance covers your expenses of treatments, hospitalisation, medications, etc.

- Any person suffering from overthinking, moodiness, anxiousness, depression, loss of memory, coordination inability, and the rest is considered mentally ill and can opt for a mental health insurance policy

- Mental health insurance also gives you cashless services like comprehensive insurances

- Unfortunately, mental health insurance does not cover retardation

- The benefits and claim process may differ from one patient to another

- Illnesses resulting from the consumption of drugs or alcohol are excluded from the coverage

- It is more advisable to include mental health insurance in the initial stage with health insurance

Final thoughts:

As we lead a stressful lifestyle, investing in mental health insurance is undoubtedly a wise decision for every health insurance policyholder. We spend a lot of time discussing our physical wellness and weight loss plans, but not nearly enough about our mental wellbeing. Every third person you come across may be suffering from some kind of mental issue. Although there is still a taboo of mental illness being inferior and shameful, it is remarkable how IRDAI acknowledges this concern and makes it compulsory for insurance companies to cover mental disorders.

Though the policies have some exclusions and restrictions, it is only equitable for the insurance companies to provide you with the best available facilities even in emergency.



Seven interesting facts about car insurance you should know


With all types of car insurance available out there, which one should you go for? Many vehicle owners get confused by unfamiliar terms and calculations. Buying car insurance is undoubtedly necessary as it protects you from financial trouble. However, selecting it based on lower premiums and skipping other important features about car insurance may not be a good option; if you don't know some lesser-known yet important facts.

So to help you with decision-making for the best car insurance or car insurance renewal, here are seven things you should know about car insurance.

1. Factors that determine your premium:

Although every insurance company applies its own formula for calculating premiums, there are some basic factors used by all of them. The list includes the model, engine, type of your car, current condition of the vehicle, Insured Declared Value (IDV), your age and marital status, etc. This information helps the insurer to evaluate risk and computing the premium for your car insurance.

2. You can save on your insurance premium:

Yes! You heard it right. And this might get you a considerable discount on the insurance premium that you have to pay. You may be eligible for discounts if you have anti-theft devices installed, buying insurance online, or applying for multi-year coverage, among others. There are several ways to lower your insurance premium. Double check with the insurance company on discounts available to you or when to use your no claim bonus.

3. Zero depreciation on damage:

When you make a claim, your car insurance company subtracts the depreciation costs from the cost of the components even before the determination of the claim amount. If your policy includes a zero depreciation cover, your insurer reimburses you for the cost of the components, including depreciation. Purchasing a zero-depreciation policy would raise your premium slightly, but the added coverage is well worth it.

4. Get rewarded in the form of No-Claim Bonus:

Did you know that you are eligible for rewards in the form of bonuses for not using your insurance? For example, insurance companies will offer you a No-Claim Bonus if you do not file a claim during the policy period. It's a premium discount that works as an incentive for improved driving and prevents individuals from claiming tiny amounts.

5. Insurance is transferable:

If you're the second owner of a car and the vehicle's insurance is in the first owner's name, you need not buy a new one. All insurance companies offer car insurance renewal and transfer of insurance to the second owner. All you need to do is to provide the transfer forms with the relevant document to the insurance company, and it's done.

6. The insurer can cancel your insurance:

If you break one or more of your policy's rules during the policy period, your insurance provider has the right to cancel your coverage at any time. The same is true for non-renewal. Failure to pay your premium on time, losing your driver's license due to suspension or revocation, filing too many at-fault claims, or lying about your driving history or prior insurance claims might be grounds for cancellation or non-renewal.

7. All insurers have different premiums:

While the insurance regulation sets the prices for third-party liability insurance, the premiums for all other types of coverage vary between insurers. Therefore, before settling on a vehicle insurance cover, always compare among the available options.

Always make an informed choice about where to cut corners on your insurance features and where no to. Also, remember to choose an insurance company with a good rating and high claim settlement record.