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What is a balanced diet, and how can you achieve it

In a rapidly progressing world, it is paramount to stay fit and healthy. A balanced diet is extremely important to remain energetic, rejuvenated, and fresh throughout the day. It keeps your health in check. A nutritious and balanced diet, along with physical exercise, is enough to boost your physical health.

The presence of good physical health helps you in leading a stable life. It keeps you away from illnesses like diabetes, blood pressure, PCOD, PCOS, thyroid, heart disease, and mental problems like anxiety and depression. Hence, it is a known fact that a balanced diet is essential for your health and there is no replacement for that.

Regardless of everything, you must have health insurance to keep you covered against any medical emergency. You can search for online health insurance to explore different options and choose a policy that accurately fits your requirements.

Why is a balanced diet necessary?

Your body needs a balanced diet to function to its best capacity. Without a balanced diet, your body may become dysfunctional and invite problems like fatigue, infections, illnesses, etc.

A balanced diet is also necessary for children in their growing years. The foundation of a healthy life starts in childhood. And bad eating habits in childhood can be transferred to adulthood as well.

Most diseases are linked to a poor diet globally, and obesity is one such complex concern that can give rise to far more intense illnesses. A poor diet can lead to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, thyroid, and so on.

These are a few nutrients that can help you achieve a balanced diet:

● Minerals

● Vitamins

● Antioxidants

● Proteins

● Carbohydrates

● Healthy Fats

● Fibre

But which food items can help you replenish these nutrients?

For a balanced diet, you will need the following:

● Fruits

● Vegetables

● Legumes

● Nuts

● Grains

What are the foods to avoid?

Apart from the food items you should include, there are a few that you should discard. These are:

● Alcohol

● Trans Fat

● Processed food

● Too much red meat

● Refined sugar

● Canned food

● Overcooked food

● Refined grains

Let's understand in detail the dietary benefits of the food items that can maintain the balance in your health.

1. A bowl of happiness with fruits:
Fruits can be added to desserts or consumed as fresh juices. Although they contain sugars, it is not refined. They contain electrolytes and antioxidants, which are necessary for good health. One bowl of fruits daily corresponds to a bowl of happiness and health. However, health experts advise consuming fruits in their natural state rather than packaged drinks.

2. Veggies are must:
Green and leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. To add to your balanced diet, you should add all types of vegetables. You can use them in salads, side dishes, soups, curries, etc.

3. Don’t miss out on the proteins:
Proteins are an integral part of the diet. Protein can be both plant-based and animal-based. Animal protein consists of red meat, chicken, mutton, and fish. You should always opt for fresh, unprocessed meat.
Plant protein consists of nuts, beans, almonds, peas, lentils, walnuts, and so on. If you're a vegan, these are some fantastic alternatives to meat. Protein is necessary for building muscle mass and fueling your body with energy to work the entire day.

It is important to always focus on staying healthy. And the first step towards staying healthy requires a balanced diet. It will keep you energetic and fit at all times. Moreover, you should always have a backup if things go wrong because we know health relies on several other factors, including heredity, age, hormones, and more. It is better to make provisions in advance and invest in insuring your well-being with online health insurance.

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These signs in the morning can indicate that you might be at risk of getting diabetes

Health is an underappreciated asset we tend to overlook when pursuing our goals. What we fail to recognise is that restoring one’s health is not an easy or inexpensive process. Early risk assessment and purchasing the best health insurance in India are effective methods to minimise the risk and protect yourself from illness and medical costs.

Despite all the medical advancements modern science has made, it is inevitable to eliminate the risk of diseases such as diabetes. According to the WHO, 77 million adults in India have diabetes, while 25 million are pre-diabetics. Also known as a silent killer, the disease has multiple symptoms you can recognise early to prevent the problem from accelerating.

Read on to learn about the disease and some common symptoms in the early morning that may indicate your susceptibility to diabetes.

Let’s get to the roots first and understand what diabetes is.

Diabetes is a chronic illness due to the insufficient production or ineffective use of insulin produced by the pancreas. Insulin is a blood sugar-regulating hormone, which, when imbalanced, affects the utilisation of glucose by the body. The multiple types of diabetes include Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes, which are caused due to varied reasons and show varying symptoms. Irrespective of the type, diabetes results in high blood sugar, further causing ill-functioning of the heart, kidneys, vision, and more.

The severity of the issue.

Type 1 and 2 diabetes are chronic, while prediabetes and gestational diabetes are reversible. If not managed at the earliest, any of these types may result in fatal issues like a heart attack or failure, stroke, kidney failure, and continuing problems like weakened immunity, weakness, and slow recovery from wounds.

Early morning symptoms of diabetes.

Be watchful of these early morning symptoms of diabetes, which also can be associated with several other diseases. Suppose you experience some of these common symptoms of diabetes early in the day. In that case, it is recommended to consult a doctor to prevent diabetes. Also, purchase the best health insurance in India or take an add-on diabetes cover.

1. Excessive thirst:
Considered a tell-tale sign, waking up with a dry mouth and throat may require an urgent diagnosis. If you wake up thirsty continuously, checking your blood sugar right after waking up may help confirm the problem. Irrespective of the results, ensure that you visit a doctor for consultation.

2. Waking up with a full bladder:
In combination with the above symptom, excessive urination is a giveaway sign of diabetes if noticed frequently throughout the night. This occurs due to the slowdown of the kidneys, which causes the unusually high glucose to be excreted into the urine with tissue fluids, which leads to dehydration, excess thirst, and frequent urination.

3. Disorientedness:
While waking up frazzled seems familiar, coupled with the other symptoms on the list may indicate a more significant problem. If you are nauseous and dizzy immediately after waking up, it is best to consult a doctor.

4. Blurred vision:
Diabetes is known to cause enlargement of the eye lens over adaptable levels, which causes hazy vision. This occurs due to a sudden change in your blood sugar levels, making it crucial to manage and stabilise your blood glucose levels at all times to prevent permanent damage.

5. Numb limbs:
If the extremities of your hands or legs feel numb immediately after waking up and need some warming up before they stop tingling, it may result from damaged nerves due to high blood glucose.

These were a few evident signs that can help you understand if you’re at risk of diabetes and counter it at an early stage. Maintaining one’s health is a priority since you cannot eliminate the risk of diseases like diabetes, making it prudent to purchase the best health insurance in India to cover the financial burden of medical bills and keep the financial stress away.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These exciting ideas can increase the longevity of your car

Buying a car is an exciting process that takes lots of planning, budgeting, and sacrifices to finally achieve your goal of owning a vehicle. Especially amid economic uncertainties, it becomes essential to maintain these high-value purchases to minimise the effect of depreciation.

While insuring your vehicle with the best car insurance India policy is one way, taking effective care is another to minimise wear and tear and keep your car in its best shape. This ensures its longevity and also yields a greater resale value for you.

Apart from regular maintenance, keep these lesser-talked-about tips in mind to increase your car's lifespan!

1. Inspect your engine light:
The engine is the heart of your car. The vehicle’s check engine light indicates potential problems that may require urgent inspection. Often, drivers do not heed the indication and allow the issue to persist for a while before they notice it and get it checked, by which the problem has already escalated.

2. Protect your car from the sun:
Just as harsh sun rays damage humans, cars that stay in direct sunlight are likely to suffer damage to the paint and interiors, resulting in increased maintenance costs in the long run. Ideally, park your car in a garage or shade. In case not possible, invest in a quality sun cover and interior shades that keep the cabin cool.

3. Organise your trips effectively:
This may come as a bummer for driving enthusiasts, but instead of multiple short trips for your daily errands, club your tasks together to reduce the wear of your engine.

4. Ensure you break-in properly:
After buying your new car, ensure you break in as per the manufacturer's guidelines in the manual. Generally, it is recommended to keep your speed under 80 kmph for the first 1600 km without excessive load.

5. Keep your car clean:
It may seem like a hassle to focus on keeping your car clean at all times, but we often underestimate the damage accumulated dirt, road tar, and rust can do to your vehicle's appearance. A quick cleanup once or twice a week with a car cover to protect it when parked can go a long way in maintaining your car after regular waxing and cleaning services.

6. Keep your keychain bunch light:
It may seem like an unrelated tip, but it is best to avoid linking other keys and accessories to your car key. A heavy bunch in the ignition will likely bounce around while the vehicle is in motion. The weight and movement together can wear out the ignition ridges and lead to ignition switch failure.

7. Choose a comprehensive insurance:
While buying car insurance India, make sure to check the features and ensure that the exclusions are minimal. It is ideal to purchase an add-on feature that covers any exclusions to provide complete coverage for any damages that may occur.

8. Prepare appropriately for long-term storage:
If you do not continuously use your car for more than a month, leaving it in the parking may not be the best option. Fill up fuel and consider adding a stabiliser after consulting an expert. Ensure to disconnect and remove the battery when discontinuing use for long periods to prevent draining.

Good maintenance is key to increasing the longevity of your car. By following appropriate driving guidelines and the manufacturer's instructions with regular servicing supplemented by purchasing comprehensive car insurance India, you can ensure that your vehicle stays in its best form for long periods!

Click HERE to buy a reliable car insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The interesting travel predictions for 2023 that you must know

With the onset of the New Year, travel experts predict a significant increase in tourism despite the possibility of an incoming recession. As the covid-19 has restricted travel for a long time, travel enthusiasts view their hobby not just as a leisurely interest but as a priority. Before making your travel plans in 2023, renew or purchase general insurance that covers travel-related losses and makes your journey less worrisome and more enjoyable.

Check out these forecasted trends before planning your perfect vacation in 2023!

1. Growth of ecotourism:
Ecotourism focuses on observing natural habitats of flora and fauna and untamed wildlife with the intent to preserve and appreciate it. Also known as nature tourism or wildlife-watching tourism, the activity is expected to become popular with the constantly increasing interest of nature enthusiasts.
Several travel agencies now organise such tours and curate itineraries in well-preserved habitats with ample support from local experts and communities to educate tourists and display a side of nature beyond standard safaris.
Before going on such trips, consider the allied risks of the activity and ensure that you have appropriate insurance, like general insurance, that covers any potential accidents and costs you may incur.

2. Focus on sustainable travel:
Sustainability is no longer just a passing phase but an aspect of travel that is expected to stay for years. With Millenials and Gen Zs showing an interest in minimising their travel impact, the tourism industry is adapting to their preferences.
While itineraries in the past used to be all about extravagance and fancy travel without a care for its impact, the effect of travel on the local economy, environment, and community are factors that tourists now keep a check on. The sustainability movement is set to grow in the year and will directly impact travel.

3. Domestic destinations to win favour:
With soaring inflation and the incoming recession, prudent decisions are the need of the hour. Despite the rising costs and uncertainties about the future, travel enthusiasts are not settling for another year of staying cooped up at home.
Instead of cancelling or postponing plans, travellers are altering their plans to stay within their budget while deriving the greatest value. Local destinations are predicted to see a significant rise in footfall in 2023 with their relatively lower accommodation costs and other expenses.

4. Business travel and remote working:
Despite the relaxation of restrictions, many companies are choosing to allow remote working as an option for employees to reduce office expenses and provide flexibility of working from anywhere.
In the last two years, several employees have spent their time working from a remote destination while on vacation, allowing them to travel while working. The trend is expected to continue with a rise in business trips, retreats, and recreational events.

5. Unique experiences to take centre stage:
Almost 75% of responders to a survey focused on Indian travellers' preferences indicated their intention to savour out-of-the-box experiences. While domestic travel is set to be significantly high due to budget constraints, expenditures on experiential activities are not left far behind, with the desire to explore offbeat cultures and cities to gain unique experiences.

6. Focus on savings:
Travellers are focusing on mindful budgeting to prepare for their upcoming travel plans, and most of their travel fund is set to come from their savings. Budget-friendly destinations with affordable transport, accommodation, and plenty of attractions are vital factors that tourists are looking for while planning their trips.

With careful research and planning, it is easy to successfully plan your trips in 2023, despite the expected economic slowdown. By keeping track of budgets, loyalty programs, off-season activities, and purchasing general insurance, you can make the most of your trip while staying within your budget!

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance in India before your next travel trip.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Practical tips for drivers to avoid pedestrian accidents

In a high-population nation like India, pedestrian deaths from road accidents are alarming. Drivers should be fully aware of pedestrian behaviour and the dos and don’ts of driving to avoid accidents with pedestrians. This would make pedestrians feel safe and secure while walking on the roads.

Here are some practical tips for drivers to avoid pedestrian accidents.

1. Control your speed:
Proper control of your car’s speed is the key to ensuring that you don’t get involved in pedestrian accidents. You need to drive slowly where the density of pedestrians is high. Often in a crowd, people tend to move quickly on the roads without bothering much about the approaching vehicles.
Lower speed will give you ample time to react and apply brakes if someone suddenly turns up in front of you.

2. Patience:
Patience is the key for any driver while dealing with senior citizens and children on the roads. Senior citizens may walk slowly on the roads, while children may do the exact opposite and rush. Also, while senior citizens may not see any approaching vehicle clearly due to poor vision, children may completely ignore looking at the vehicles on the road and just run here and there.
The same applies to dealing with people with disabilities on roads. A blind person will not be able to see the traffic on the roads, while a disabled person may be trying to go from one place to another in a wheelchair slowly. The drivers must drive patiently around such people. They should let them pass through first to avoid any accidents with them.

3. Do not drink and drive:
The worst thing to practise is drink and drive as it hampers your senses and decision power. You will not be able to react in time which may cause a serious accident with the pedestrians. Drinking and driving also attract punishment under the law. Never let someone innocent be a victim of your carelessness.

4. Look carefully before overtaking:
A driver should always be extra cautious while overtaking a stationary car in the middle of the road or at crossroads. There is a high chance that a pedestrian might be crossing the road.
The pedestrian may suddenly appear in front of you while trying to overtake the car from the right at high speed. Hence, be cautious while overtaking, as you might hurt pedestrians or risk their lives.

5. Keep away all distractions while driving:
Nowadays, a common cause of road accidents is talking on a mobile phone while driving, texting, eating, adjusting the stereo, etc. Drivers lose focus on the road, resulting in an accident with pedestrians or other vehicles.
Never take your eyes off the road while driving, be it for any reason. If you are getting a call on your phone and it is urgent, stop your car on the side and then take the call. Do the same if you want to send a text, take a small eating break, or if you have to adjust your car’s music system. This will ensure that you drive attentively and are in total control of your car while driving.

Drivers should never drive rashly nor give pedestrians a sense of danger or fear while accessing the roads. Roads are public property, and every citizen has the right to use them without fearing an accident. Drivers should follow the above tips and ensure the safety of pedestrians on the roads.

Motor insurance does the same for drivers and vehicle owners. It gives a sense of safety and security from the probable perils on the roads and provides protection even when the vehicle is stationary and parked somewhere. Moreover, it is also mandatory under the law. Hence, go for the best motor insurance company and choose the right policy offering you maximum benefits with an attractive premium.

Click HERE to buy reliable motor insurance for your car.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


List of essential car maintenance tips that teenagers must follow

Certain privileges become accessible only after attaining a specific age. In India, the legal age to drive motorised vehicles is 18 years. If you have recently become eligible to drive legally, congratulations! Driving is one of the first activities that excite youngsters.

However, you must be extremely careful with your first vehicle. Reckless driving puts your life, car, and third parties in danger, so you must always practise safe driving and purchase the best car insurance in India to safeguard your finances. Regular car servicing is crucial to prevent frequent breakdowns and costly repairs.

Here are some essential car maintenance tips that all teenagers must follow if they have already obtained a driving licence.

1. Keep the manual accessible:
Four-wheelers are complex vehicles with several parts that require specific maintenance. Unless you are an automobile professional, it is unlikely to know every part's specifications. Do not shy away from using the manufacturer's manual as a guide to understanding details about your car. You can also find solutions to common problems like changing flat tyres and tips to jumpstart your car.

2. Don't neglect the battery:
An often overlooked auto part, your car's battery can leave you stranded when neglected. Dragging engine sounds are an early sign of a drained battery. Ensure to pay attention to such signs and turn off the engine, radio, cabin lights, etc., when not in use to prevent battery drain.
While most batteries claim to have a life of up to 6 years, they usually wear out within three years, depending on use, making it necessary to keep a check and replace it when you notice early signs of voltage drops.

3. Replace your windshield wipers:
Visibility is crucial to driving safely. Before turning on the ignition, ensure that your side and rear mirrors and windshield are clean. This ensures proper visibility of the incoming and surrounding cars to make appropriate judgements on the road.
Wiper blades enable the windshield to stay obstruction-free. Since they are made of rubber, they may wear out and leave streaks on the glass, making it challenging to drive confidently. Therefore, ensure that you periodically inspect the state of your windshield wipers and replace them when worn.

4. Pay attention to engine oil:
It is essential to pay attention to the heart of your car- the engine. The engine's functioning depends on the seamless working of several parts facilitated by the lubrication provided by the engine oil. If you do not replace your engine oil periodically as per the manual, excessive friction and contaminated oil may damage the engine parts. Leave this task to professionals to identify any issues simultaneously.

5. Check your tyres:
Irrespective of terrain, maintenance of tyres is an essential aspect of car upkeep that you must consider. It is critical to do so to ensure proper gripping and weight balancing to prevent accidents. Ensure you periodically rotate your tyres and check the air pressure, tread depth, and wheel alignment.

6. Replace your pedals:
The ABCs in a car- Accelerator, Brake, and Clutch are primary necessities that must function properly to ensure a smooth driving experience. However, frequent use leads to the wearing out of the ceramic pads over the metal discs that engage the systems. Therefore, keep track of the pedals' sound and thickness when your car is inspected to identify signs that the pedals require replacement.

As beginners, it is challenging to keep track of every minute detail. However, with time and relying on expert guidance and the car manual, it is easy to maintain your car's prime state. Ensure you regularly service your vehicle and purchase the best car insurance in India to take your mind off the safety aspect and allow you to focus on driving safely!

Click HERE to buy best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know these mistakes you should avoid while selecting a wedding destination

Nothing represents India better than big fat Indian weddings! Vibrant colours and never-ending streams of ceremonies are giveaway signs of a wedding-in-planning. However, while guests only see the wedding as well-planned, the staggering costs of planning a wedding in India have only grown over the years.

A wedding is a significant decision that impacts your finances. Irrespective of the size of the event, it involves extensive planning to design and execute that one special big day. Selecting a wedding destination is one of the first steps to facilitate the process. It is best to contact a general insurance company and take out a policy that covers potential financial losses against any substantial risks.

Choosing a perfect venue may seem like a challenging task. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can find the destination of your dreams without any hassle and future regrets!

1. Organise your requirements:
It is easy to get overwhelmed and do things out of order as they please you. However, without careful consideration, you are bound to make regretful choices. Before looking for destinations, make a physical list of some points to remember.
This includes the estimates of guests, the budget set aside for the venue, the kind of location you expect, and the sequence of activities and ceremonies. This will help you consider the site while keeping the facts in mind, making it easy to imagine whether or not the choice is right for you.

2. Pictures are only references:
Starting your hunt for the perfect venue a few weeks or months before the date is an absolute nightmare waiting to happen. However, if you choose purely based on images on the internet, the result is bound to be a disaster. Make sure you check the venue in person to ensure that it satisfies your criteria.
Booking in advance is a recommended step that allows you to avail of discounts and avoid settling for the substandard alternate after finding out that your ideal destination has already been booked.
If cancellations and uncertainties hold you from booking your venue in advance, consider discussing wedding insurance with your general insurance company that compensates in the event of cancellation.

3. Consider the distance:
While it is your wedding, you must consider the travel to the venue to ensure that it is convenient for your guests. Ease of accessibility and nearby or on-site accommodations are vital factors when choosing the wedding venue.

4. Check the venue rules:
Venues often have non-alterable rules. Carefully consider their policies before committing to the site, only to discover that the location does not allow any of your planned activities. If it is non-negotiable for you, ask for their adjustment. In case it is approved, ensure that you have it in writing as proof in the future.

5. Don't hold back your queries:
Asking too many questions may feel like a nuisance but clarifying everything is best rather than being confused. Do not shy away from asking all about the duration that the venue is let out for, accessibility, amenities, and other facilities. Make them aware of any special requests at the earliest to ensure that the organisers have enough time to accommodate your needs.

6. Consider the weather:
An outdoor wedding may be your dream, but it may not be feasible during the monsoon. Ensure that you consider the forecasted weather conditions' compatibility with your venue. Indoor weddings in elegant halls are highly preferred backup options that save the day.

Most importantly, avoid individually taking the responsibility of choosing the venue. It is ideal to delegate the task to a few close friends and family members who can help you find the perfect destination that satisfies you and is practical. You may even decide to hire professional wedding planners to make the occasion an exceptional one. It is also ideal to purchase a prudent cover from a general insurance company while planning your big day.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best general insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's all you need to know about a lapse in car insurance

Buying a car in India is seen as more than just a mode of convenient travel. It is seen as an investment and a status symbol too. In such pursuits, people spend way more on their vehicles than they should.

However, considering the income disparity, uncertainty of economic activity, and rising costs in the current scenario, purchasing such high-value assets without security is not feasible. This makes car insurance a necessity.

Despite the benefits of car insurance, there are several things a policyholder has to consider while going through the buying process. It is essential to remember the policy period and renew it before it lapses. Read on to learn all about a car insurance lapse.

What is a policy lapse?

Car insurance is an annual mandatory policy as per the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. The policy document needs to be renewed within the date mentioned, after which it becomes due and expires—failing to renew it before its expiry is called the lapse of a car insurance policy.

Need to prevent lapse.

A policyholder cannot claim damages incurred after the policy has lapsed since it is no longer valid. Such expenses have to be borne by the policyholder himself. Hence, to protect yourself from getting into such a situation, it is essential to renew your insurance before it lapses.

Effects of a lapse.

Apart from bearing the entire cost of damages by oneself, several other problems arise from allowing your car insurance to lapse, including:

1. Vehicles with lapsed insurance policies must undergo the inspection process, which is rather tedious and time-consuming.

2. After your policy lapses, the premium amount on your policy may be revised and will likely be greater than the amount you were previously paying.

3. Fines and penalties are often inescapable while renewing a lapsed motor insurance policy.

4. If you are found to be driving a car without valid insurance, you may have to shell out a fine of up to INR 2000 as per the present rules in case of your first offence. For repeat offenders, the penalty amount increases, and you may be imprisoned for up to 3 months.

5. Since your insurance is no longer valid, you lose out on the accumulated amount of the No Claim Bonus.

Renewing car insurance after lapse.

Depending on the duration after the lapse, you can proceed with the steps stated below:

1. Within the grace period: Insurance companies usually offer a grace period of up to 90 days post-lapse. If you renew your policy within this period, you may avoid paying additional fees altogether or only have to pay a nominal amount.

2. Post-grace period lapse: If the grace period window has passed, immediately contact your insurer. While some may still allow renewal, be prepared to purchase a new policy if your insurer rejects your request to renew the policy.

3. Post-permanent lapse: If it has been a long while since the expiry of the policy, including the grace period, purchasing a new car insurance policy is the only route remaining. It is inevitable to undergo a car inspection for this process. Ensure you keep track of the policy duration and expiry to prevent making the same error again.

Keeping track of minute details can be challenging amid hectic schedules. Therefore, insurers do their part by sending electronic notifications through texts or emails to alert you about the upcoming renewal of your car insurance. While it is an aid you can benefit from, it is ideal to set self-reminders or set up automatic payments with your bank to stay on top of all things related to car insurance.

Using effective self-reminding mechanisms makes avoiding the consequences of a car insurance lapse easy. Ensure that you compare policies and keep track of periods each time you renew your policy.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Effective tips to make your house a pet-friendly place

The joy of having a companion is truly unparalleled. While some are fortunate to have multiple family members, some adopt pets to count on as their extended family and sail through life's journey together. However, irrespective of the type of pet, it is a significant decision that requires tremendous planning, which comes with several responsibilities.

You must think carefully before getting a pet to ensure that you can provide an appropriate home environment which is safe and happy for it. Having a house insurance India provides personal belongings cover to keep your home safe from the shenanigans of your beloved pet.

Additionally, consider the following tips to pet-proof your home while making it a haven for your furry friend!

1. Inspect your flooring:
Carpets are a standard accessory in most households but and are an easy way to sweep things under the rug. However, for this very reason, they may be a terrible addition to homes with pets. They accumulate bacteria and pet hair, making the house dirty and a breeding ground for diseases. Hardwood floors or non-white tiles are alternatives that can keep your home looking clean and prevent the build-up of dander and fur.

2. Keep fragile items and antiques away:
Adopting a pet may seem like an activity with only fun involved until you see the sacrifices and additional effort required. Before you get your pet home, ensure that you stash away all your fragile and high-value items for the long term in high locations. This way, you can prevent the possibility of damages that are bound to happen as your restless pet explores its new surroundings.

3. Secure all electrical outlets:
Think of getting a pet as the same as welcoming a baby home. You must go through all the motions of baby-proofing the home to keep your bundle of joy- in this case, your pet, safe. Ensure all electrical gadgets are out of reach and all wirings are secured to prevent accidental shocks. Since pets are prone to chewing on all they can sink their teeth on, regularly inspect and secure any worn wiring.

4. Stock up on space separators:
Most effective when in their younger ages, blockades help keep your pet away from specific sections of your home where you cannot continuously supervise or where you wish to keep them away from. Ideally, section off areas where you have large machines like the washing machine or dangerous equipment like the kitchen or your bedroom if you wish to restrict pet access.

5. Get particular about cleanliness:
Pets are messy creatures. No training can eliminate their tendency to make a mess. Use lint rollers to get pet hair off furniture and periodically vacuum the floor to eradicate dirt and pet hair accumulation. Keep your indoor trash cans covered to prevent your pet from knocking them down and creating a more significant problem.

6. Make use of furniture covers:
Depending on your pet's activity levels and age, restricting its access to particular sections may be futile. Therefore, it may be better to use preventive accessories like furniture covers that protect your expensive sofas, lounge chairs, tables, and even bed covers when not in use.

7. Create an exclusive pet zone:
We often hoard items to maximise the space in our homes, leaving our pets with minimal space to stretch out. Ensure that you allocate a small area in your house for your pet to play without obstructions.

Before you welcome your pet, check the above parameters to provide it with a safe habitat. Buying house insurance India is a prudent move to cover financial losses that may occur to your shared home. Depending on its coverage, the policy may even cover pet damages to the house. We hope you have a wonderful time with your pet and enjoy seeing it grow.

Click HERE to buy the best house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Everything you need to know about family floater health insurance plan

Due to the threat of a global pandemic and the surge of different health crises, everyone now should have health insurance. Health insurance coverage can significantly safeguard you and your family from medical expenses during an emergency. This occurrence can be erratic and unexpected, and to protect the family, you or your family can purchase health insurance individually. Or, it would help if you bought a family floater health insurance plan to offer comprehensive coverage to your loved ones.

What is a family health insurance floater plan?

A family floater plan is health insurance that allows your entire family to benefit from a single health plan. These plans cover every family member under one single umbrella policy. Also, they are cost-effective because only one premium payment is needed for all beneficiaries simultaneously.

What are the advantages of getting family floater health insurance?

One of the best things about buying family health insurance is that it covers people of different ages. Neither senior citizens nor even infants require you to have separate insurance coverage. Here are some of the more notable advantages.

1. The Convenience of policy selection:
A family health plan makes it simple to choose a policy that provides coverage for all beneficiaries at once. There is no need to manage the renewals of many policies for various family members or go through the process of shortlisting them all.

2. Adding new members:
Family health insurance policies generally provide maternity benefits. It is simple to add them and provide coverage for newborns and pregnant women. So, if you are planning to start a family soon, choosing a family floater health insurance plan with maternity benefits can be a good deal.

3. Reasonable premium:
Since single-family insurance covers the entire family, coordinating several policies and their renewal dates is optional. In addition, compared to standalone individual health policies, single coverage can be modified to meet beneficiary demands at an affordable cost. Using the online health insurance premium calculator, you can quickly calculate premiums.

What should you consider when buying a family floater health insurance policy?

There are other factors to consider when purchasing individual health insurance coverage. These rely on the individual needs of each family member. Here are some recommendations for choosing a family floater health insurance policy in India.

● Your policy's coverage:
There are various features that you can review before deciding on the final coverage. Coverage is the most important thing to consider when choosing one of these policies since it varies from one to the next.

● Your plan's adaptability:
You must choose supplemental coverage to cover specific age-related ailments. If you start a family, you might have to select maternity coverage. Keep this flexibility in mind when choosing a family floater health insurance.

● No-fuss experience with claims:
Choosing a plan with fewer documentation requirements and other benefits can help you receive a seamless claim experience even though the settlement process is largely the same across insurance companies. Consider a policy that has a high claim settlement record.

Now that you know the benefits and how to choose a family floater health insurance plan, use these helpful suggestions to have your family covered and enjoy the peace of mind you deserve. Addressing your entire family's medical needs may appear daunting, but with the proper knowledge and appropriate insurance coverage, you can get the best deal. Compare different policies online, and understand their clauses, premium, and benefits before making the final decision.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance plan for your family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s a guide to parallel parking that has guaranteed results

People often complain about parking spaces, especially in our country. They usually park illegally and in spots that make it difficult for pedestrians to navigate their ways and get to their destinations conveniently. Many people need to develop their parking skills, to avoid the problems of congested roads, traffic jams, etc. Parking your cars also avoids the risk of accidents, keeps your vehicles safe against any damage caused by collisions, and helps maintain proper order on the road.

Parallel parking is a skill that people find challenging to master. Are you somebody who has constant complaints about your inability to parallel park your two-wheeler or four-wheeler in parking spaces or congested parking lots? Well, do not worry. This blog is curated just for you. It discusses the tips to parallel park for you to read, quickly understand and practise parallel parking safely without damaging your car or hurting yourself.

1. Do not just go for a spot:
Always explore the spots that are empty before just going for the first one that you see. Giving it a thought for a minute will help you determine which location will be convenient for you and has enough space for you to parallel park your vehicle without any risk of collisions or damage. Determining if your car can fit in a particular area is crucial. Also, ensure that you keep a distance of at least two to three feet from the other vehicles.

2. Next step – reverse:
Your second step is to reverse correctly. Notice the other vehicle and reverse your car till the middle portion of your vehicle is parallel positioned concerning the next car’s bumper (rear). Keeping a distance of two to three feet is handy when you reverse. There is absolutely no risk of collision with the cars next to you on either side.

3. Platform behind your vehicle:
You must keep reversing your vehicle until you park perfectly parallel to the vehicles on the side and the divider, usually on the driver’s seat side. Ensure that you are aware of any platforms behind the cars in the parking lot to avoid crashing into them and damaging your vehicle while reversing it.

4. Aligning is important:
The last and final step is to check that your car is placed at an equal distance from the vehicles on either side of it and has enough space to open the door and get out comfortably. If not, straighten it or try parking it properly again. Aligning your car avoids the risk of any bumps and damages while you or others who have parked next to you try to move the vehicles out of their parking spaces.

While you parallel park, some tips to keep in mind include using your indicators to signal other cars that you are trying to park and avoid mishaps that might occur due to misreading directions. Slowly backing your vehicle is essential to prevent bumps into surfaces you might have missed out. Determining your parking position and being in control of your steering wheel are two other vital tips to ensure that you do not end up rushing or losing control of your vehicle.

These were a few ways to help you parallel park your vehicle in crowded places. Practise these steps, prevent the risk of damage to your vehicle, and learn to park it safely without creating chaos for fellow vehicles. And while we protect our vehicles against any damage, it is also crucial that you understand the significance of purchasing the best motor insurance India to safeguard your car against mishaps and avoid any monetary stress in case of a damage. Buy the best motor insurance India that compensates for the complete repair and maintenance of your car.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips you should know while upgrading your motor insurance during renewal

Motor insurance is a mandatory purchase that helps you safeguard your vehicle and alleviates monetary stress in case severe damages are caused to your car during accidents, collisions, and other unfortunate situations. And if you are aware of motor insurance, you must know about the premium charges, insurance coverage, add-on benefits, claims, etc.

These factors influence your decision to make a final choice of motor insurance amongst the different policies from various insurance providers. And purchasing motor insurance is not just a one-time deal. It requires renewal from time to time to avoid losing on the benefits. You can opt for online motor insurance renewal for a hassle-free buying process.

Are there some important tips one must know about while renewing their motor insurance? This blog will answer all your queries.

1. Browse through other policies:
With the ease of accessibility of the internet, consumers are at an advantage. They can find detailed information about the services provided by various insurance providers, which makes it easier for them to compare and analyse which policies would optimally suit their needs.
The availability of a calculator helps customers to calculate the premium charges of various policies of the same category. It also allows you to compare the benefits of different policies and enables you to decide which insurance provider gives you the best benefits at the best rates.

2. Go through those add-ons:
Additional benefits are definite game changers in attracting customers. Always check the add-on benefits of the policies before you finalise a policy. Zero depreciation cover, engine protector coverage, etc., are some of the add-ons that are definite indicators of an efficient and affordable policy.
These are necessary, especially for luxury cars, which depreciate as the years pass by a massive margin compared to vehicles in other ranges. You can upgrade your current insurance plan by including these add-ons and secure your asset with complete protection.

3. What is your car currently worth:
Knowing your car's current value is essential for you to get compensated by your insurance provider in case your car gets stolen. Being aware of your IDV or Insurance Declared Value helps you achieve the current market value of your vehicle through your motor insurance policy.

4. What happens if you make no claims:
If the policyholder does not claim for an entire insurance period, the insurance providers/insurers provide a No Claim Bonus to them as a reward. This No Claim Bonus is awarded as either a discount of twenty percent after the fulfilment of one policy year or as a fifty percent discount on the completion of five claim-free policy years. Using the No Claim Bonus at the time of your motor insurance renewal can help reduce the price of your premium charges by up to fifty percent as the years' pass.

5. Read all the conditions carefully before upgrading your policy:
We have all heard the "terms and conditions apply" and the warning related to "read all policy-related documents carefully before accepting any upgrade offered by the insurance company. You must go through all the clauses and conditions before renewing your motor insurance policy to be aware of the benefits, the conditions, and the type of plan you choose.
This will help you analyse if you wish to switch your current insurance policy to a new one based on your needs using the "portability clause." You must ensure that all your benefits are intact even after porting your insurance policies to avoid any hassle in the future.

These are some tips for upgrading your motor insurance during renewal. And while we have already discussed the benefits of motor insurance, you can now purchase one at your convenience without suffering through the exhaustion of consulting various insurance providers or their agents. Just opt for the online motor insurance renewal, explore and renew your policy from the comfort of your home.

Click HERE to learn more about online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Your bike’s cubic capacity can directly impact its insurance premium, here’s all you need to know

Manufacturing date, location, vehicle model, claims history with add-ons, and optional deductibles are a few variables that could impact your bike insurance. However, some other aspects could also influence the cost of insurance.

An essential factor in calculating the insurance premium is the two-wheeler's cubic capacity (cc), also known as its engine capacity. Continue reading to learn how your bike's cubic capacity affects its insurance cost.

What is the cubic capacity of a bike?

The capacity of your bike's engine is measured by its cc i.e., cubic capacity. A bike's engine size is essential since it affects how much power it can produce. A two-wheeler is thought to be stronger if its chamber is larger. Similar to how a four-wheeler vehicle's engine capacity is expressed in litres, a bike's capacity is understood similarly.

Bikes with higher cubic capacity come equipped with large cylinders that can produce extensive power output from the engine. This results in low fuel efficiency as more consumption is observed to drive more engine power output per stroke.

Bikes with higher cubic capacities are expensive. This is because intense mechanical fitness and build are required for the bike to withstand tremendous torque and power. Higher cc bikes have premium quality brake pads, comfortable suspension, and excellent exhaust that can easily overcome the wear and tear that might result from high-speed riding.

What effect does your bike's cubic capacity have on policy premiums?

Your bike's engine power is critical in the premium fixing process. The engine's cubic capacity affects the cost of your motorcycle insurance. A 75 cc bike would be less expensive to insure than a 220 cc bike. Take proper care of your bike's engine to guarantee that it operates smoothly.

Higher cc bikes would cost more to insure because your insurance rate directly correlates to your engine's cubic capacity (cc). When determining the third-party insurance rate, the IRDAI primarily considers the cc of your bike.

A bike's cc majorly determines the on-road cost of the bike. Low-cc bikes are less expensive than high-cc ones. The insurance premium for expensive bikes is more, considering their superior build quality and use of costly parts.

Other elements that affect the insurance premium for bikes with the higher cubic capacity.

Here are the various factors that influence the premium of the higher cubic capacity bikes:

● Geographic location: Compared to Tier II cities or rural areas, the premium is more significant if you stay in a metropolitan metropolis. Compared to non-metro regions, urban areas have a higher risk factor.

● Year of production: The age of the vehicle directly affects the insured amount. The insurance sum will decrease as time goes on since the bike loses value.

● Make and model of the bike: Premiums for high-end/premium bikes are higher; premiums for entry-level bikes are lower.

● Add-ons: In return for a more premium for bikes with higher cubic capacity, add-ons safeguard you against situations that aren't covered by the basic program.

● Installation of security measures: Lowering the danger of theft and the likelihood of damage by installing anti-theft devices or other security measures reduces the insurance price. By installing security devices, you can get a reduction in insurance premiums for bikes with higher cubic capacity.

Every bike driven on the road must be covered by third-party insurance. Therefore, in addition to looking at the bike's qualities before buying one, you should also consider getting bike insurance. Shop around to buy motor insurance online that best suits your needs and expectations. You can reduce the cost of two-wheeler insurance while maintaining adequate coverage if you heed the above suggestions.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Wondering why your motor insurance premium is so high? Fuel may be the reason

While electric vehicles are capturing the vehicle market, petrol and diesel-based cars still need to be put in trend. Maximum Indian citizens today own fuel-based vehicles, be it two-wheeler or a four-wheeler. But these fuel-based cars also have a history of superseding one another. Petrol cars have always been the favoured alternative amongst fuel-based vehicles.

Initially, diesel usage focused on heavy vehicles operated for commercial purposes like duty trucks, etc. But with the advancement of technology today, diesel vehicles have become widely popular and opted for daily use vehicles like passenger cars.

But do you know that your motor insurance premium changes for the type of car you use? Fuel may be the reason. Want to know how? Without any further delay, let’s get started.

1. How much is your car’s price:
Diesel-powered and petrol-powered cars are priced differently in the Indian market. Usually, the price of vehicles that have diesel-powered engines is high when compared to their petrol-powered counterparts. A higher price directly reflects on the motor insurance and premium prices.
Therefore, the more expensive a car you have, the higher the motor insurance premium you have to pay. So, figure out the maintenance and premium charges you will have to pay in the future and create a budget in advance so that you do not get surprises of additional premiums like motor insurance.

2. Repair influences the premium charges:
Yes! Even the cost of repair influences the motor insurance premium prices. The repair charges for diesel-based vehicles are much higher than those for petrol-based cars. Therefore, the company charges high premiums for your motor insurance to help cover the claims if you make any in the future. Similarly, if your car has expensive spare parts or is priced in the high-end range, the companies will charge you high motor insurance premiums.
This proves that fuel has a massive impact on premium charges. Having this information before you make any purchase will help you put things into perspective, especially budget-wise. Many factors should be considered when someone decides to purchase a car, one of which is the motor insurance, its premium charges, claims, add-ons, and other features which vary from one insurance provider to another.

3. Is your car fuel efficient:
Fuel efficiency is another influencing factor that determines higher motor insurance premiums. While petrol-powered cars have great starting and ignition power, diesel-based cars are beneficial for vehicles purchased to last longer.

4. Let’s have a look at the engine:
The engine capacity of your petrol-powered car is lesser than that of diesel-based cars, thus raising the motor insurance premium prices for diesel-powered vehicles. The better the engine capacity, the higher the premium. Who knew that fuel could be such a powerful influencing factor in the premium prices of motor insurance?

5. Cannot miss IDV (Insurance Declared Value):
If the market value estimation is high, the IDV will be increased, directly impacting the premium. Usually, the IDV of diesel-based cars is high, which leads to a rise in premium prices.

We hope this blog gives you a crisp and clear idea about your motor insurance premium charges. This will help you arrive at a decision or educate you about motor insurance and what factors impact the premiums which will come out of your pocket. And there is no doubt about how crucial it is to purchase motor insurance to protect your car and yourself against the financial burden.

Click HERE to learn more about motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top reasons for receiving a partial settlement from a car insurance claim

Insurance is an effective mechanism that protects the insured from the financial loss incurred due to damage to an asset. The prudent instrument protects high-value assets like vehicles, in the absence of which the victim has to shell out large sums of money to compensate for the damages to own property and third-party damages.

Despite the safety provided by online car insurance and its allied merits, sometimes the insurer does not approve a complete settlement, leading to being partially compensated. With proper knowledge regarding the procedure, related proofs, and some tips to remember while making claims, it is possible to receive a complete car insurance settlement.

Reasons for partial settlement:
Comprehensive car insurance is the easiest way to ensure that the insured is covered for maximum damages and receives the entire claim amount. If you haven't purchased comprehensive car insurance, you may encounter only a partial settlement for the following cases.

1. Depreciation:
Loss of value of a car due to wear and tear and usage is an inevitable factor that is considered while paying out claims. Damages to parts, including fibre and glass parts, tubes, tyres, etc., are only settled after considering their depreciated value according to the fixed depreciation rates and the age of the vehicle. A zero depreciation cover can help supersede this clause, but several conditions must be considered to avail of its benefit.

2. Partial car insurance coverage:
A partial cover protects the insured from the financial burden of third-party damages and has fewer inclusions while being less expensive than the latter. The policy restricts customisations and is ideal for infrequently used or old vehicles. The policy excludes NCB and its own damages, limiting its scope and increasing the financial burden on the insured.

3. Policyholder negligence:
Negligence while driving is a major cause of accidents. Suppose your insurer suspects that the driver was under the influence, negligent of general driving safety norms, or holding an invalid driver's licence at the time of the accident. In that case, your claim may be rejected or partially settled, depending on the severity of the issue and the claim amount.

4. Lack of proof:
It is essential to submit valid proof of the accident while filing a claim. With inadequate evidence, the insurer may not process the whole claim amount. Pictures of the accident site, eyewitness testimonies, and immediate filing of an FIR are some of the required proofs asked for by the insurer.

5. The car is used for business purposes:
If the insurer discovers that your personal car was used for business or commercial purposes at the time of the accident, you might not get a 100% claim or even a denial of the claim by the insurer.

Tips to speed up the claim settlement process:
While there is no fixed way to guarantee complete settlement, by following the below stated steps, you can ensure the fulfilment of your responsibilities to ensure that you receive the highest amount of claim possible.

1. Initiate the settlement process immediately:
Starting the process immediately after the accident is vital to ensure a quick settlement. It is ideal for raising the claim within seven days of the accident.

2. Keep all the relevant paperwork ready:
Each payment processed to rectify the effects of the accident, including maintenance of the car or replacement of parts, medical bills, the FIR copy, etc., should be maintained and provided to the insurer as proof.

3. Negotiate your demands:
Before reaching the final settlement, which you must ensure is in writing from the insurer, recheck if the amount is justified. Do not refrain from negotiating the sum with adequate reasoning. Consider seeking the help of a legal professional to make the process faster and ensure that your demands are satisfied.

When purchasing conventional or online car insurance, it is critical to read the fine print to ensure awareness regarding all the inclusions so that you can raise proper claims appropriately to settle at the earliest.

Click HERE to buy online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Things to remember while making endorsements that can save your car claim from rejection

Applying for a car insurance claim may be a stressful procedure, regardless of how well you may have painted the picture for yourself. However, not all insurance companies are trying to steal your hard-earned money. You can cope with any problems with car insurance claim settlement that may arise by just being informed of the specifics involved in the procedure.

Having a car insurance claim denied is common, though. There's a good chance that someone you know has experienced it. Additionally, it frequently occurs that the policyholder cannot understand why their car insurance claim was denied, which only heightens their frustration.

However, you need to know a few things concerning the rejection of a car insurance claim.

Reasons for denial of car insurance claims:
A typical car insurance coverage will often cover loss or damage brought on by theft, accidents, or other people. However, it would be absurd to assume that your car insurance company will pay for any losses or damages that result from the normal wear and tear the car experiences over time and with use.

What should you keep in mind to avoid your claim from getting denied?

1. Give accurate documentation, even when applying online:
Refrain from giving false or inaccurate documentation for insurance purposes, even if you are applying for a claim online. If you submit a claim and the insurer discovers that the supporting documents are incorrect, misleading, or even phony, your claim may be denied.

2. Read the policy document in its entirety:
Because they are more knowledgeable about the policy's terms and conditions, insurers can better find a point you ignored and use it to support their decision to deny your claim. To avoid this, policyholders are encouraged to carefully read their policy contracts to be informed of what will be covered and what won't. Feel free to seek assistance from someone knowledgeable in insurance jargon to clarify the policy and assist you if you are unsure of what it says.

3. Save every invoice and receipt:
It would be a good idea to have such accessories covered under an add-on cover if your car is equipped with anti-theft gadgets, an expensive radio system, or anything else that is not included in the car's standard equipment. The bills or receipts for purchasing those accessories must be presented, though, if you ever need to claim for the damage or loss of those items. The related invoices and receipts must be available. In every other case, the assertion is likely to be disproven.

4. Remain within the claim intimation time window:
Insurance companies typically stipulate that policyholders have 48 to 72 hours to notify the insurer of any incident or accident after it has happened. Always do so. However, this may only sometimes result in your claim being denied.

5. If a car is stolen, file an FIR right away:
You would be quite stressed if your car got stolen. To register a claim, particularly in the event of a theft, you must first file an FIR at your local police station. Take notice of this step. A claim's submission or approval could be complex without an FIR.

6. For co-passenger protection, take a separate cover:
Co-passenger insurance must be purchased separately for each passenger if you want to provide coverage for them while riding in your car. If you do not have adequate coverage for your fellow passengers, the insurance company may deny your claim for their injuries in the event of an accident.

You can conveniently buy online motor insurance policy, but getting a car insurance claim granted might be challenging. Nothing in this is set in stone, and you may always contact your insurance provider to figure out how to resolve a denied claim or learn the reasons for the denial of your claim. Invite those with knowledge of insurance issues to assist you.

Click HERE to buy online motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is single insurance for multiple cars an excellent investment

Many people are passionate about cars and love to add them to their collections with multiple vehicles of different classes and brands. Are you someone who owns multiple cars? If yes, your primary concern would be maintaining the insurance documentation of individual vehicles

What's the solution? If you own more than one car, you can have a single insurance policy covering all your vehicles. Yes, you read it right. The IRDAI offers a provision of paying a single premium for your multiple cars under a multi-vehicle policy or motor floater policy.

Let's understand in depth about this motor floater policy.

Merits of a multi-vehicle policy:

● It can cover up to 05 personal cars registered under a single owner.

● Helps in reducing the hassle of paying and managing multiple premiums and remembering the renewal dates of different policies for different cars.

● Customisation flexibility is offered to the insured to add or remove the cars covered in the policy.

● When you insure more than one car with the same insurance policy, you can be sure that you will save money and get better deals. The likelihood of long-term benefits is assured.

● A hassle-free process will result in less paperwork, and both the insurance provider and car owners may find the process convenient. The management and renewal of the insurance will be simpler for car owners since there will eventually be a single due date for all cars.

● The premium will be calculated and charged based on the usage of the cars, which is a crucial advantage for the insured.

Limitations you must be aware of.
There are a few restrictions you should be aware of before choosing to purchase multi-car insurance.

● Policy premium burden:
With a single renewal date, payments would typically be in substantial sums. Compared to allocating funds for various programs in an equitable manner, this significant money may put a strain on your finances.

● High-risk driving:
If the owner-driver is considered under the high-risk category, the policy's total cost may go up. Thus, it is important to have disciplined driving behaviour and a good record to avoid paying hefty premiums.

● Failure to renew on time:
Failing to renew your car insurance before expiry could cause all the cars covered by the policy to expire. This will happen because there will be a single renewal date for all the cars. If you forget to renew the policy on time, all the cars could become uninsured. Furthermore, you risk losing the NCB on all the cars if you go past the 90-day grace period following the renewal date.

Even though there are a few significant restrictions, insurance companies are working on solutions that could eliminate them, such as simple payment choices and extended grace periods so that you can have best car insurance in India.

The multi-car or motor floater policy is in its initial stage of formulation in India. It has some clauses and is applicable for selective services. Make sure to check further details with your insurance company for a better understanding and get the best out of your car insurance plan.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The great reform: These customer-centric trends are the new hope for the insurance industry

Since Covid-19 hit the world, nothing has been the same. From individuals to industries, every aspect has undergone a massive transformation—changes that are leading to a disruption beyond the bounds of the economy and the global market. We saw extreme survival, lockdowns, economies tanking, corporates trying to run businesses with work-from-home options, and much more.

During lockdowns, businesses, start-up founders, analysts, and corporate professionals across the industries began to figure out the patterns of changing consumer behaviour and the solutions to address their demands.

We, too, believe that the insurance industry is experiencing profound change. The ecosystem is evolving rapidly, and insurers can no longer lean on old standard practices. With people being worried for themselves and their loved ones, investing in insurance meant investing in a healthy life. This has responded to the change in the insurance sector and marked the start of a revolution!

The following are the few emerging trends I believe will change the insurance industry landscape.

Insurance is not about products anymore.

It is almost weird to think about how the insurance sector is not "product-led" anymore. Safeguarding one's assets, health, life, homes, vehicles, and other aspects highlights the severity of having insurance. For example, you can consider health insurance a consumer product, but it is no longer about the "product" game.

The insurance sector is gaining recognition as a "service-oriented" industry. Constituting the perfect experience, right from being the potential customers' first choice to educating them about how their needs are going to be met, helping them throughout the process and beyond, addressing their grievances and providing solutions, and easing up the entire redemption process in the times of need is how you foster and strengthen your customer relationships. With so much focus on instant gratification, insurance companies need to curate an indispensable "service" – something that is hard to replace. We at Magma HDI endeavour to bring these practices into practicality.

Taking efforts to push digital transformation initiatives forward.

The Indian insurance market is encountering a massive technological shift. Digital-first business models are replacing traditional insurance practices. Gone are the days when insurance agencies relied on the older patterns of customer management, applying outdated systems and business thinking. The rise of state-of-the-art technologies has given new hope to age-old insurance practices, which we are the "modern legacy" powered by digital technologies. Digital-first insurers can offer relentless support, ensure transparency, and entrust their customers with realistic and practical solutions.

With these digital initiatives in place, the insurance sector can defy all stereotypes of being considered "conservative". This shift will push insurance companies to collaborate with different technologies developed by the IT sector and keep improving their services to ensure a seamless customer experience. Digitisation is the new cool. And the insurance sector is happily jumping on the bandwagon.

Personalisation is key.

Insurance companies need to admit that the habits and mindsets of consumers have changed with time. Personalisation is the new way of interaction that insurance companies need to adapt to volunteer the special interest of their customers. Tweaking your benefits and providing opportunities in a way that speaks "your" language, something unique to "you", is how we have been challenging the existing conventional work approach.

Data is the greatest resource in personalisation. This data includes the basic information, location, behavioural data of customers, etc. Making the right use of the collected data, the customers expect a personalised experience that can improve the relationship the company has built with them.

Delivering personalised services helps you strengthen your equations with your customers and prove that you, as an organisation, value their loyalty and contribution to the company's growth. It assures them that the company is standing strong with them. The other benefits of personalisation include an increase in sales, a boost in company’s reputation and the number of converts, customer retention, insights into consumer behaviour, and much more!

The transition of the insurance industry from traditional to digital, is making headlines and grabbing everyone's attention. The innovative-first approach and efficient technological solutions are leading the way to more promising insurance transactions and trusted customer relations. Your products might be one in a million but curating a perfect customer experience takes you to the top.

The industry is at a pivotal moment in developing forward-thinking insurance services, as the market is grappling with change at an exceptional speed. These are exciting times to take a step ahead and build deeper relationships with customers throughout the customer journey.


Signs of hairline fractures and tips to heal them effectively

Bone injuries are severe and painful. They make your life miserable, and everyday chores become a huge task. The post-fracture recovery takes a long time to heal the bone. It requires the patient to undergo complex procedures to ensure that the bone heals appropriately and that normal body functions are not obstructed. Although your body has exceptional capabilities to heal itself, you must still take extra care while doing daily tasks.

We all have fallen at least a couple of times in our lives. We bruise, get cut, bleed, sprain, pull a muscle, or break a bone. There is always a risk of a hairline fracture. You must be aware of the term and how risky it can be. If you are somebody who is a stranger to the concept of a hairline fracture, do not fret. This blog discusses what it is, the signs of hairline fractures, and tips for healing them effectively. Let’s begin!

1. What is a hairline fracture:
Hairline fractures are also known as stress fractures. These fractures occur when small cracks appear and grow on the bones of your foot, lower leg, and hands. Hairline fractures are often observed in the bodies of people with a lot of footwork, like jumping, running, hardcore workouts, and other athletic activities in their routine. Moreover, in other cases, hairline fractures result from accidents and collisions against hard surfaces, during which the bones in your body bear an impact and get fractured.

2. Causes of hairline fractures:
As discussed above, excessive and heavy footwork involves activities that put a lot of continuous strain on your foot and ankles. Bones are very rigid parts of our body and can bend only to an extent to maintain the smooth functioning of the ball and socket joints. Persistent pressure on the bones also affects their elasticity and can develop minor stress or hairline fractures.

3. People at risk:
Apart from those who play challenging and heavy-impact sports and the ones who work out a lot might be affected by these hairline fractures with no warning. Genetic and biological factors like gender can influence a high risk of hairline fractures. These fractures are usually common among females.
Physical abnormalities (arched foot, etc.) or using the wrong footwear could also put your bones under stress, even while doing menial chores. Osteoporosis, or weak bones, a history of fractures, and dietary insufficiency (lack of nutrient-rich food items that help strengthen the bones) are other factors that can cause hairline fractures.

4. Signs and tips to heal:
Shooting or sharp pain, inhibition of movement, swelling, inflammation, tenderness, and bruised patches indicate hairline fractures in your bones. You can consult a doctor and get an MRI or X-ray done to confirm their diagnosis in case you have a hairline fracture.

The first and foremost tip for healing the fracture is to rest completely and avoid doing any heavy tasks. Secondly, in the first one or two days, you need to ice the area using ice packs frequently. This will help in reducing the swelling. With the decrease in swelling and lower pain, you can slowly resume your daily routine with extreme caution. Consult a doctor who might recommend crutches, protective shoes (footwear), or a splint to help avoid putting the damaged part under stress and provide maximum support.

That’s all for the signs of hairline fractures and tips to heal them effectively. You must ensure to stay in good health as much as possible. Take the best precautions and remain vigilant. Another wise decision would be to purchase a personal accident insurance policy to avoid monetary stress during mishaps and protect yourself and your family. Explore your options and buy the best personal accident insurance policy that provides optimum protection.

Click HERE to learn more about the personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Should you opt zero depreciation add-on for your bike that can increase your settlement amount

When looking to purchase bike insurance coverage, there are a variety of options available. A comprehensive policy with zero depreciation add-on coverage is among the most used motor insurance policies.

This post will discuss the advantages of purchasing the zero depreciation add-on, how it improves coverage, and most importantly, whether the higher price is justified. To learn more, keep reading.

What is zero depreciation on bike insurance?

As a policyholder, you must be informed of the numerous crucial provisions of bike insurance. The depreciation component is one of them. Depreciation is nothing more than a loss in value that occurs over time. The bike and its components experience normal wear and tear over time. The result is depreciation.

When you file a bike insurance claim, the depreciation factor comes into play, and your claim amount is reduced. This is why you want to think about acquiring zero-depreciation two-wheeler insurance. You can purchase this add-on coverage along with the complete bike insurance plan. No matter how old or the bike has depreciated, the insurance company will pay out the entire claim amount when you have a zero depreciation cover.

The benefits of bike insurance with zero depreciation.

● More compensation: With a zero depreciation add-on, the cost of repairing your bike is covered without accounting for the bike's diminished worth. Consequently, you are reimbursed for the entire coverage.

● Saving money: You pay a higher cost with a zero depreciation add-on. But it's also true that your insurer will pay you more when you file a claim. Additionally, if you get insurance from an insurer that permits limitless zero depreciation, you can save money each time you file a claim for your motorcycle.

● Abundant coverage: Every bike owner can benefit from a zero depreciation add-on cover, valid for inexperienced and seasoned drivers. This acts as additional insurance to handle any financial problems arising from any catastrophe with your bike.

● Restrictions on out-of-pocket charges: With this add-on coverage, you can limit any additional costs that an insured person would otherwise be required to pay as depreciation charges. The depreciation value will not be considered when settling your claim, though, if you already have this add-on coverage.

● Reduces mental stress: The zero depreciation add-on cover provides a second layer of protection, which gives you more peace of mind by reducing your financial stress to a large extent.

When is a zero depreciation add-on cover required?

1. If you've only just started riding:
Compared to seasoned bike riders, new riders are more likely to make mistakes that result in collisions and bumps. Therefore, a zero depreciation cover would benefit you if you have just started riding two wheels.

2. If you purchased a new bike:
Since new bikes are so expensive, you should cover them as much as possible with protection. You may aid yourself at this point and preserve your bike in excellent shape for longer by getting a decent zero depreciation cover.

3. If you drive a pricey automobile:
If you possess an expensive bike, you should purchase the zero depreciation rider. A costly motorcycle requires a lot of money for repair and maintenance. Thus, you should be reimbursed for the total cost of each repair each time.

4. If your neighbourhood is dangerous:
Some neighbourhoods are crowded or prone to accidents. Acquiring zero depreciation insurance will benefit you if you live in such a location.

Reminders regarding the zero depreciation add-on cover.

Keeping the zero depreciation add-on cover in mind will help you recall the following:

● It is offered for new bikes up to two years old

● This addition does not waive the required deductibles

● Most insurance companies permit claims with no depreciation addition twice per year

A comprehensive bike insurance policy provides additional financial security if the bike sustains damage. Furthermore, a zero depreciation add-on to comprehensive insurance strengthens and adds more security when you file a claim. The most incredible thing about this addition is that by avoiding depreciation reductions, it can raise the amount of your claim. If the zero depreciation add-on is offered when you renew the bike insurance plan, you should consider opting in.

Click HERE to buy the best bike insurance plan in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Read the insurance fine print if your bike has a high engine capacity

Over the years, there has been a significant and gradual increase in the demand for luxury goods globally. In the automotive industry, superbikes are an excellent example of the shift from only necessities to splurging on comforts and luxuries. Once considered only for racing enthusiasts, high-capacity motorcycles with an engine capacity of over 150cc are now being used for recreational purposes and commuting.

However, the recent cases of rejected claims by motor insurance companies for accidents involving superbikes have raised concerns over the technicalities of insurance contracts and their effectiveness in shouldering financial losses.

Read on to find out about one such case, the aftermath, and some tips to ensure that your policy covers all such damages if your bike has a high engine capacity.

Case study:
This claim settlement case involved a bike with an engine capacity of over 340cc, which faced an accident, resulting in the rider's demise. The motor insurance company denied the claim since the bike insurance policy included a clause that stated that it should not cover personal accident claims involving bikes or scooters with over 150cc engines.
While the claim was initially denied, the motor insurance company later released the sum to the insured's family and clarified the issue. The insured was covered under an outdated policy that they had since updated to include personal accident cover.

This brings us to our question, is a high-engine capacity bike not covered under bike insurance?
While the case in question may make you believe that superbikes are not included under the provisions of bike insurance policies, it is not the case! The legal requirements of an insurance contract are constantly tweaked to provide maximum benefit to the insured while ensuring that the motor insurance company is aware of all the facts regarding its client to ensure that no insurance fraud occurs. While the old insurance clause excludes personal accident covers, potential policy buyers should read the fine print of their insurance documents to ensure that they are provided with the most recent version of the insurance policy that maximises inclusions.

General engine capacity and usage inclusions as per the old rule:
The old rule prevents the insured from lodging personal accident claims for motorcycles with an engine capacity greater than 150cc. Generally, 2-wheelers with an engine capacity of less than 150cc are used for commuting purposes only. They are, therefore, less risky and more profitable for the insurer since accidents are relatively fewer when compared to bikes with high engine capacity. High cc bikes are expensive, have lower mileage, higher premiums, and have less fuel efficiency.

Tips to ensure that all relevant damages are included in your policy.

As a prudent mechanism, insurance protects the insured in most cases as long as the circumstances are not stated as exclusions from the policy.

1. Read the fine print:It may seem tedious to go through the minute details of your insurance, but it is the safest way to ensure that your motor insurance company is providing you with the latest version of the policy with the most inclusions.

2. Consider purchasing an add-on: Despite close inspection, if specific clauses restrict the scope of potential claims, it is advisable to buy add-on facilities such as zero depreciation cover to keep your expensive possession safe.

3. Compare your alternatives: Before committing to an insurance provider, it is highly advised to compare the existing options and choose a plan with the most inclusions and justified premium with a high claim settlement rate.

4. Renew your policy on time: Delayed renewals and outdated coverage plans are significant issues that potential policy buyers must avoid.

Bikes with higher cubic capacity deliver a powerful performance, making it a worthwhile investment for motorcycle and speed enthusiasts to get their adrenaline rush. Since their cost and insurance premium is more significant than lower cc engine bikes, it is necessary to check the specifications your motor insurance company provides thoroughly. Read all the terms and conditions before making a final decision.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best motor insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's decode the BH series number plates in India

We have seen cars with various types of number plates. Usually, the number plates of vehicles include the vehicle's registration and the state in which it was registered. There are VIP number plates too, which have digits in a unique combination and cost much more than the regular number plates.

In this blog, let's decode the BH series number plates that have been quite talked about recently in India.

1. What are BH series number plates?
In layman's terms, a car with a BH series number plate will not have to get a new registration card upon moving to a new state. These BH or Bharat series number plates were brought into execution in 2021 by the central government of India. It allows the vehicle owners of non-cargo automobiles to shift from one state to another without worrying about getting a new registration for their cars, two-wheelers, etc.

2. How are these BH series number plates useful?
The BH or Bharat series number plates have proven helpful for people in the government sector who frequently have transferable jobs, for people in the defence sector, or the private sector who regularly have to change their location to cater to the demand of their work and the companies they are employed in. These number plates allow them to avoid the hassle of exhausting themselves by running to the RTOs (Regional Transport Office) and getting a new registration for their non-cargo four-wheelers and two-wheelers.

3. Some information about number plates is essential.
The regular registration of a non-cargo vehicle involves limiting it to one state. The initial two letters of the number plates denote the state the car was registered in. For example, GJ for Gujarat, BR for Bihar, TN for Tamil Nadu, DL for Delhi, MH for Maharashtra, etc. The two digits next to the letters depict the district of the state of registration.
However, for regular registration, when a vehicle is shifted from one state in India to another, it is permitted to use its old registration and number plate for up to twelve months. After this period of one year, the vehicle needs to get a new registration at the RTO of that particular location. This new registration includes a NOC certificate, additional charges, and taxes, which will be informed upon your visit and consultation. The vehicle owner will be fined according to the costs of the new state if they fail to complete this process in time.
However, the registration process for BH series number plates began on the 15th of September 2021, and is entirely digital. Therefore, all your application work has to be done online. This avoids the struggle of commuting to the assigned government office and getting in line for your work to be completed.
A BH or Bharat series number plate will look something like this:
XY BH $$$$ XX
XY is the registration year, BH is the Bharat series code, $$$$ is the registration number of the vehicle (ranges from 0000 to 9999), and XX are alphabets from AA to ZZ indicating the category of the car.

The introduction of BH or Bharat series number plates provides a huge relief against this tiring and lengthy process for the people who have to move their families and house setup from one state to another quite often.

We hope this blog gives you insights into something new that benefits you or clarifies the BH series number plates. And while we are on the subject of cars, you must already be aware of the necessity of getting car insurance to safeguard your car during unfortunate circumstances which might lead to hefty damages. To choose which car insurance to buy, one of the most critical factors is to look at the standard car insurance price in India and compare different plans and their coverages accordingly.

Click HERE to learn more about the average car insurance price in India and which insurance would be beneficial for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know whether oversleeping can be bad for your health

We all follow different sleeping patterns and habits. Some people like to sleep more, while some tend to avoid sleeping at all. Many fall asleep the moment their head hits the pillow, whereas others struggle to get any sleep throughout the night.

Inconsistent sleeping patterns can be hazardous to health. It disintegrates the whole sleep cycle and leads to various health problems. Sleeping too little or too much can be problematic in their ways. But how is oversleeping a bad habit? How can it affect your health negatively?

There are several reasons why oversleeping is bad for your health and can lead to severe problems. These problems can affect your health adversely. You must always have a health insurance policy handy to deal with unexpected medical expenses. Also, ensure that you take care of your health insurance policy renewal to enjoy the seamless benefits without interruptions.

Let's look at various things related to oversleeping.

How much sleep is adequate?

The amount of sleep you should get throughout the day varies for different people. If you're unwell or tired, you will require more sleep. If you are young, you're likely to fall asleep faster due to increased physical activity.

It is recommended to get over 7-9 hours of sleep at night. Any sleep above this can result in oversleeping. The various ill effects of oversleeping are mentioned below.

● Diabetes:
If you sleep more than the designated time at night, you are likely to be on the verge of developing diabetes. Oversleeping puts one at risk of a spike in sugar content in the body. Even not sleeping enough can lead to the same problems.

● Back pains:
Research has shown that oversleeping can be one of the causes of back pain due to disoriented sleep positions for long hours. It is recommended to perform certain exercises to help you deal with such back pain and, most importantly, avoid oversleeping.

● Obesity:
Oversleeping can cause weight gain drastically. If you sleep more than 9-10 hours, you'll likely develop obesity over five to six years. The reason is that your body goes into relaxation mode while sleeping. Lack of physical activity reduces the BMR, impacts digestion, and results in fat accumulation.

● Depression:
Not just physical ailments, but oversleeping can also lead to mental health issues. People who sleep more than usual are likely depressed. While oversleeping, one decreases their chance of recovering from depression.

● Headaches:
If you're prone to headaches and migraines, oversleeping can worsen it. Whenever one sleeps more during the weekends, it can disrupt their sleep cycle. Irregular sleep patterns can lead to persistent headaches. This is because it fidgets with the neurotransmitters like serotonin in the brain.

● Heart disease:
A lot of research has been conducted to validate that oversleeping can lead to increased heart disease. It puts you at risk of developing cardiovascular disease due to a sedentary lifestyle and lethargy. Oversleeping causes obesity which in turn puts pressure on the heart.

● Impaired fertility:
Women who oversleep can find it difficult to conceive. It is also the same for women who sleep less than the given time. It can affect their cycle badly and disrupt the hormone levels in the body.

● Death risk:
It is alarming to note that oversleeping can lead to an increased risk of death. It can also be directly linked to the risk of developing a stroke.

Everyone should sleep only 7-8 hours throughout the day. It is best to avoid napping during the day to sleep better at night. One should also maintain a good diet and exercise to keep themselves fit and energised. Prioritise your health, practise mindfulness, develop a sound sleep routine, and invest in health insurance to keep away your worries. You should also complete your health policy renewal on time to avoid problems later.

Click HERE to get your health insurance policy renewal done.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is comprehensive car insurance truly exhaustive? Here's the complete guide

A car has the capacity for durable and comfortable rides, ensures safety, and is a significant investment. All this has given cars an upper hand over all the other vehicles.

Although buying a car can be easy if you have enough money, it is not always the only thing. With a car, there are a ton of other responsibilities. One is getting your vehicle covered and ensuring the car insurance renewal is done on time.

There are multiple options available for car insurance online and offline. This can leave you to require more clarifications. One such option lies in the comprehensive car insurance that covers almost every damage that might trouble your car. From man-made problems to natural disasters, you'll get compensation for all the damages. However, this insurance might cost you more money than usual. Is it worth to have comprehensive car insurance, or is it just exhaustive? Let's find out!

What is comprehensive car insurance?

Comprehensive car insurance is not mandatory insurance by law, but most people prefer to buy it. It is because it comes with many benefits that set it apart from the other options.

Comprehensive car insurance will cover own damage (OD) as well as third-party damages. It covers all damages due to natural calamities, accidents, theft, man-made issues, and even fire. Natural calamities like floods, cyclones, and earthquakes are covered. Acts like vandalism and riots are listed under man-made issues.

What are the benefits of comprehensive car insurance in India?

1. Complete coverage:
This insurance type is the only one that offers complete coverage to a car, including its total or partial loss due to own damage and third-party damages. It also compensates for the death or disability of the owner-driver, third party, or property damage.

2. Best returns on investment:
Comprehensive insurance eliminates the need to buy separate policies to cover own damage and third-party damages. All the benefits can be obtained from a single policy, including the personal accident cover. This helps in saving money and offers the best ROI.

3. Liberty to add optional covers:
You can purchase additional covers like zero-depreciation, no-claim bonus, tyre protection, engine protection, breakdown assistance cover, etc. This makes your base policy stronger.

4. Cashless benefits:
Yes! You may enjoy cashless benefits while claiming your comprehensive car insurance when you get your car repaired or serviced in a network garage. You don't have to pay even a single penny for the damages!

You may have understood what comprehensive car insurance is all about. But, did you imagine to whom this insurance type would benefit the most?

1. The city drivers:
Cities signify constant traffic jams, chaos on roads, and persistent risks of accidents due to overcrowded roads and indiscipline traffic situations. Metropolitan residents must buy this policy to provide all-round protection to their cars.

2. The adventurers:
If you love to plan road trips and explore places frequently, this insurance can do wonders for you during emergencies with its road assistance cover.

3. New owners:
If you have bought a new car, the first step should be buying comprehensive coverage to improve the longevity of your new asset.

4. Premium and luxury car owners:
If you own premium and expensive car, having this insurance in your investment portfolio can be fruitful.

5. Obsessed with your car:
Even a small dent or scratch on the car panics you. Then you must opt for comprehensive coverage to calm your nerves and stay stress-free regarding compensation for any damage to your car.

You should keep various pointers in mind while buying comprehensive car insurance in India. Owning an asset is a crucial responsibility and ensuring its safety is paramount. Comprehensive car insurance has seamless benefits that make it a reliable investment option and less exhaustive compared to its counterparts. Regardless of the policy you buy, get the car insurance renewal done on time to avoid your policy from lapsing.

Click HERE to get your car insurance renewal done on time.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


If driving in reverse scares you, here’s what you need to know

Reverse driving and parallel parking are two things that most people are scared of. Parallel parking takes some practice and extreme caution. The same goes for driving in reverse. Expertise in these driving techniques helps in becoming a skilled driver.

If driving in reverse scares you, here's what you need to know. This blog answers all your questions and more information on driving in reverse gear to understand how you can gain confidence over your anxious mindset about these driving techniques. So, without any further delay, let's get started.

1. It is not a big deal:
Many expert drivers get confused and anxious while driving in reverse. Due to nervous feelings, they might even mess things up and land in collisions. Therefore, it is vital to make yourself comfortable and relaxed in your position to get an accurate view of the traffic and the path you need to reverse.
You can place your foot on the brake and for your confidence, turn around to ensure you get a clear view of the pathway. Ensure that you keep your seatbelt intact and ask the passengers to fasten their seatbelts properly.

2. It is time for the reverse gear:
After positioning your seat, fastening your seatbelt, and adjusting your mirrors to get a clear rear and front view, you need to shift your gear to the state in which it indicates R, i.e., reverse gear.
After performing this entire process, you can slowly put your foot on the accelerator pedal and put slight pressure, just enough for your car to move, avoiding the risk of any collisions. Slowly release the clutch after putting your foot on the pedal. Drive the vehicle in reverse at a carefully vigilant speed, and park your car right where you want it to be.

3. Mirrors at the right angle:
You must always ensure that you keep looking in the passenger side mirror to be aware of any other vehicles or objects in the surrounding area, especially when driving in reverse gear. This will avoid any risk of collisions or accidents with things that might come your way. Mirrors even help you get a better view and understanding of available space to park your car correctly.

Some other tips to take care of while you are driving in reverse include placing your right hand on the steering's upper portion to gain optimum grip, going reverse in a straight line, stopping the car at the desired position slowly to avoid any jerking, doing a complete 360-degree check before you begin to reverse in a particular location, etc. Make optimum use of a rear parking camera that will assist you in observing the obstacles and parking your car precisely.

We hope this blog will help you drive in reverse more comfortably than before and help you alleviate your stress. Always wear your seatbelt while driving to ensure safety. And while we are talking about safety, understand the importance of purchasing car insurance to safeguard your car from financial distress due to damages. Therefore, to stay on top of your insurance coverage and continue to enjoy the privileges, you need to make sure that you take care of your car insurance renewal.

Click HERE to learn more about car insurance renewal and the tips you need to know when you pay your premiums.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the best tips for administering first aid for burns

First-aid tips and techniques have been a part of our educational curriculum since junior school. We all have learned the first-hand treatments one must do when there is a manageable injury or burn on our or someone else’s body. However, with time and as the level of injuries and diseases evolved, our knowledge about first aid falls short in terms of adequacy in the healing process.

Moreover, burns can happen anytime, primarily if operating around heavy machinery, fire, or in the kitchen. And it requires a lot of time to heal with proper care, ointments and medications, and extra precautions.

But what are some of the best ways to take care of these burns? What items should you include in your first aid kit to help you or someone else? Are there different degrees of burns, and which type of burns can first aid easily?

In this space, we’ll clarify all your doubts regarding first aid for burns. Let’s get started.

1. Minor or major:
A burn usually indicates tissue damage when the skin comes in contact with high flames, boiling water, sunburn/radiation, chemicals with corrosive properties, etc. Before starting the burn treatment, it is advised that you determine the degree of the burn to alter your treatment accordingly and determine whether immediate medical attention is needed.
A major burn occurs when the diameter of the burnt area is more than three inches, resulting in brown, black, and white patches with a dry and leather-like texture of the skin. In case of a minor burn, blisters appear on the burnt area, usually less than three inches in diameter. You will experience pain and inflammation, which might cause redness and soreness on the burnt site.

2. What you should NOT do:
Before we tell you the first aid tips you should follow, you need to be aware of the contamination of the sensitive and burnt part of the skin. Avoid using home remedies like butter, ice, water, etc., and immediately do not take any medications or remedies without consultation.

3. Must know first aid tips:
Remove jewellery items like rings, bangles, etc., from the burnt area. Cooling off the burn is essential. You can gently use cold water on the burnt portion and wet compresses to help with the inflammation and lower the pain. If you see any blisters, do not remove or poke them, as they protect the area from infection. If you see a blister pop, gently clean it with a disinfectant solution and cover it with an antibiotic cream. To ensure that the affected area does not dry out, use skin-friendly and chemical-free moisturisers. Aloe vera is a good option in such cases. Use sterile gauze and tapes to bandage the burn, but ensure that you do not tighten the grip of the bandage. Keeping it loose will prevent excessive pressure and alleviate pain.
You can take any doctor-recommended painkillers if the pain gets unbearable and causes too much discomfort. Avoid heavy tasks involving the burnt area, and avoid using fluffy cotton as tiny threads of cotton might stick to the burn risking the chance of an infection.

We hope you found the blog helpful. You must take care of your body and be extra cautious about your health to lead an extraordinary life. But sometimes, your efforts might fall short in unfortunate circumstances. To alleviate the monetary stress of such times, you must purchase the best personal accident insurance India which will provide you and your family with a reliable layer of financial protection.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of buying the best personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips for skincare in older adults

Even if you've taken exceptional care of your skin throughout the years, it still ages. The youthful flush eventually disappears and the indications of ageing, such as brown spots, wrinkles, more frequent bruises, and dryness, start to be evident.

Your skin can convey your mood and show how healthy or unhealthy you are. As you age, taking care of your crucial outer self is important. For elders, here are some skincare suggestions.

Why does your skin alter as you age?
Skin changes brought on by ageing are typical and include a combination of the following:
● Allergies
● Weather
● Genetics
● Nutrition
● UV exposure
● Smoking is, among other things

The most harmful of these to the skin is continuous and direct exposure to the sun. According to research, among the people having skin illnesses, nearly 80% had one or more skin conditions requiring treatment or medical attention.

If you're an older adult, here are a few best skin care tips for you to enjoy a youthful and glowing skin.

1. Frequently moisturise your skin:
Emollients and fatty acids are combined in the best moisturisers to resemble the skin's natural lipids. Choosing an occlusive moisturiser can help you to build a barrier that will trap moisture in your skin and reduce water loss.
TIP: Always rub face moisturiser in upward strokes, never down. Apply a high-quality moisturiser to the skin after a bath to lock in moisture.

2. Wash gently:
With limited natural oil production, mature skin is extremely dry. Cleanse gently to prevent further drying out. It's okay to wash once per day. Use gentle cleaners as opposed to harsh soaps and alcohol-based products.
TIP: When washing, use warm water rather than hot and limit the number of baths or showers you take. If you enjoy unwinding in the tub, stay away from bath oils because they make the tub slippery and increase the chance of falling.

3. Eat right for gorgeous skin:
The saying "you are what you eat" has never been more accurate if you want skin that glows. Our skin's health is significantly influenced by our diet, which should be balanced and high in nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and necessary minerals. Include berries, melons, avocados, walnuts, oily seafood like salmon, and green vegetables. These items are a part of a healthy diet that can support maintaining healthy skin as you age.

4. Do maintain a simple, consistent routine:
Dermatologists advise simplifying skincare regimens. Irritation can result from excessive scrubbing, exfoliating, and product use.
TIP: As a general rule, use sunscreen, a cleanser, and a moisturiser, as these are the only three items that will make a consistent visible difference.

5. Avoid the sun:
This is the most crucial thing you can do for your skin! Dermatologists advise you to shield yourself from the sun's damaging rays.
● To protect your face and any other exposed skin, use a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
● When spending time outdoors, look for cover because the sun's rays are most intense between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

6. Drink water to rehydrate:
Never undervalue the importance of water or the benefits that staying hydrated may have on your skin and general well-being. Drinking water can give you radiant and clear skin.

Inner beauty begins with the skin. No matter how much money you spend on anti-aging therapies, poor health can manifest in your skin's appearance. Keep up a healthy lifestyle, and pursue your passions. After all, ageing is a natural process that includes wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Be proud to wear them!

Enjoy your retirement life with wholesome meals, daily and different exercise groups, and regular health and wellness events. Also, invest in the best health insurance in India for parents to secure your finances from uncapped medical expenses due to ageing.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few home remedies to treat psoriasis

Your body is a temple, and you must take care of it to ensure your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. However, certain conditions can take longer to cure, and their development or progression varies from person to person. One such condition is psoriasis.

If you are new to this term, let us explain psoriasis. It is a disease of the skin, which manifests itself by creating a rash with itchy and scaly spots and patches, usually on the elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk of your body. This inflammation in the skin caused by psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, and there is no single method to treat it. As every instance of psoriasis differs from the next, the treatment prescribed by dermatologists also differs.

This blog will shed more light on these treatments and the few home remedies to treat psoriasis.

1. Aloe vera to the rescue:
Aloe vera is believed to be very beneficial for managing your psoriasis and calming the inflammation of your skin. And the best part? It is readily available and hassle-free if you want to grow aloe vera in your home premises organically. If you are using aloe-vera infused creams, it is medically recommended that you use the ones with 0.5% aloe vera and apply it three times a day to treat the discolouration, rash, itching, and scales on your skin.

2. Warm water to cleanse:
Who doesn't like warm water baths? The soothing water at the right temperature falls on your skin, relaxing your body. But there is a disclaimer! You must strictly avoid "hot" water. It might not be helpful with the inflammation of the skin due to your psoriasis condition. Warm water is advised. You can add mineral oil, Epsom salt, or olive oil to help with the rashes and itchiness.
But you must be careful about specific things to avoid triggering or worsening your symptoms. Some instructions include: showering once a day, a maximum of fifteen-minute bath, using a soft, moisturising soap bar, patting dry, and applying a skin-friendly moisturiser post-shower.

3. The household's favourite – turmeric:
Every Indian household's favourite ingredient for cooking or home remedies is turmeric. There have been many studies on the usage of turmeric and its benefits which have suggested fruitful results in using this age-old home remedy in Indian culture. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory abilities, which help rid psoriasis.

4. Omega-3 is essential:
Omega-3 is an essential component that helps to strengthen your body's immunity, prevents heart diseases, reduces the chances of stroke, acts as protection against cancer, and much more. The omega-3 fatty acids are believed to lower the inflammation levels of the skin in your body.

Other ways to help you manage your psoriasis include keeping your stress levels in check by meditating, journaling, aromatherapy, anxiety management (therapy), etc. It is also advised to monitor your body weight and control it if necessary. Living with psoriasis compromises your immune system, which makes you prone to other health issues. Therefore, maintaining a moderate body weight is essential.

It's high time that we all understand the significance of our health, especially after the pandemic. While you try your best to stay in optimal health, you must be ready for any health crisis that might come without warning. Therefore, you must get online health insurance to avoid such unforeseeable situations. Explore your options and purchase the best online health insurance that caters to your needs.

Click HERE to learn more about online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to overcome your driving test nerves

While buying a car is hectic and time-consuming, learning how to drive a vehicle is a different ball game. We all know that Indian roads are chaotic, and sadly, the strict implementation of traffic rules is lacking. People are ignorant of the traffic rules. The high number of vehicles on the road makes it difficult for the traffic police to control the cars and catch the ones breaking the regulations, thus encouraging the environment of neglect. New learners find it challenging to navigate the roads under such conditions and risk a massive chance of landing in or creating an accident or collision with other vehicles, poles, and bumpers if they are not extremely vigilant.

Considering the above reasons, it is imperative for any potential learner or driver must pass a driving test with good scores or grades to show their understanding and make them eligible for driving on the road.

This driving test examines a candidate based on a written and practical test. Both these tests are focused on your knowledge of the traffic rules and road conditions, situational risks and solutions to avoid any accidents, and a practical display of your driving skills catering to the tasks given by your examiner. This driving test is extensive and essential, which is why many test takers get nervous before the test.

Are you someone who gets the pre-exam jitters that makes you anxious about the upcoming test and interview? Well, do not worry. This blog has the best tips to overcome your driving test nerves. Here are a few tips to get you started.

1. Confidence is key:
It would be best if you assured yourself that you are ready. You have studied well for the test and practised your driving skills enough times to be confident that you will pass your test with flying colours. You need to be satisfied that you will not be able to take this test until and unless your driving instructor thinks you are ready. So, if you are applying for this examination, you must avoid hyping up the test and magnifying its importance to make yourself anxious. This test will examine your skills in something you have done many times already.

2. Do not tell everyone:
Avoid telling everyone that you are about to take your driving test. Keeping it a secret will help you avoid the millions of tips and techniques people will say to you, and various negative reviews you might come across will make you more nervous and break your confidence. Losing confidence is not something you can risk. So, avoid revealing your test dates and take the pressure off.

3. Never skip your meals:
Skipping your food and having anxiety about your performance on the test is not a favourable combination. It might make you weak or cause a panic attack, which will eventually force your examiner to declare you unfit for the test, and you might have to reapply and go through the hassle again. Therefore, have a light meal, like some fruits, salad, or something which is fulfilling and energetic and does not make you drowsy.

Some other tips to overcome your driving test nerves include:

● Using the washroom before you go in for the test

● Washing your face lightly to wean off the pressure

● Chatting with your driving instructor to create a normal atmosphere

● Not consuming caffeine for a couple of days before the test

● Consider the actual test to be a mock examination

● Carry a jacket in case the exam hall gets cold

● Avoid too much revising on the day of the test

● Arrive at the test centre well in advance to give yourself some time to calm down and understand the procedure of the test

These are some of the best tips to overcome your driving test nerves. Follow them righteously, and you will pass the test with ease. And while we talk about driving tests, we should discuss the necessity of purchasing car insurance too. After getting your driving licence, car insurance is the next essential document you need to drive a car legally. Compare new car insurance rates and consider other factors before buying a policy.

Click HERE to learn more about comparing new car insurance rates.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best hacks for home buyers to purchase their dream home at the best price

Purchasing a home is a long, chaotic and hectic process. In addition to the budget, multiple other things come into consideration when you plan to buy a house. With several financial and real estate scams happening around, it becomes challenging to be decisive about purchasing a house. Several apps, real estate agencies, and brokers claim to help you find your dream space.

But how would you know if you are being scammed under the name of getting the best deal worked out “especially for you” or if you are getting the best price for your house? Do not worry. This blog lists the best hacks for home buyers to make them aware of what they need to know beforehand and purchase their dream home at the best price.

1. Talk to your bank:
There is a certain urge to move into your dream place. But before you get the ball rolling on your shifting, make sure that you communicate with your bank about getting a pre-approved loan. The bank must be ready to grant you the loan at a certain set rate. In addition, getting pre-approved from the bank also acts as a symbol of trust and confirmation for the agents and house sellers on your house deal.

2. Dig a little deep:
When you are looking into properties that are available for sale, be it a new construction or an old one, always investigate thoroughly. You should seek information on the reasons why the property is on sale.
And if the agent or the seller is in a hurry to sell the house, more often than you might predict, it could be a potential red flag which should lead you to dig a little deeper and see if you are willing to purchase that particular house or property. Only make your offer after you have all the details.

3. Be smart about your offers:
While low-balling on the prices is practised in our culture, it might get risky if the market on your property or potential dream home is competitive. You might lose the opportunity to negotiate further on your offer. So, gather some information on the comparable bids, do little calculations and come up with the best price in your first shot at the proposal.

4. Keep an eye out for the inspection:
You must be very vigilant about the inspection results when the home inspector comes and checks out the place. If your deal has been finalised and accepted and your home inspector finds any issue which can cause discomfort in the future, you need to get in touch with the seller as soon as possible.
Have a polite discussion with the agent or the seller to bear the repair charges or negotiate the price again to bring it down a little, keeping in mind the damages (this would be a wiser decision).

Some other tips include offering a quicker final decision/closing, negotiating respectfully, discussing the amenities in detail, and making yourself ready to compromise a little. These tips will prove handy to you when you go out looking for your future home.

We hope the blog was helpful and gave you the information you wanted. While we are on the subject of buying homes, it is essential that you also look into the home insurance option in advance to avoid the hassle of piling things up for the end. Purchasing the best home insurance policy in India will help you protect your home and your family from unfortunate circumstances and avoid monetary stress during such times of distress.

Click HERE to learn more about how you can buy the best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


A detailed guide on how plumbing works at home

When we say “water is life”, it is more a reality than a necessity. A day without running water in the pipelines of our house can be torturous, as we will not be able to take baths, use the washrooms or cook. This is where our home’s plumbing system plays a crucial role.

A plumbing system in any house is usually very complex. It is beneath the floors or hidden behind the walls. Hence, any fault associated with it cannot be repaired easily without damaging the walls or the floor. Therefore, it is vital to understand the plumbing network and how it works at home.

Main components:
The main components of the plumbing system are supply, drainage, and venting. These components help to separate the potable water from the wastewater. This ensures that we get fresh water for personal consumption while the wastewater is thrown away through the drainage system.

Modus operandi:
The water supply system in our home works with the help of water pressure. Good water pressure is essential for the free and uninterrupted flow of water in all taps and showers in our home. Pressure carries the water from the tank or source of supply to the kitchen, bathroom, or wherever we need it. The water supply system functions with the help of pipes, valves, faucets, and plumbing fittings.

The drainage system works by using gravitational force. The drainage pipes are downward sloping to direct the wastewater to the sewage line or the septic tank. This ensures that the wastewater does not flow back out of the drain and spoil your home.

Vents in the plumbing system are as important as the water supply and drainage systems. We can usually see these vents emerging from the roof of our house. They emit air into the drainage pipes, so the sewage gases do not mix in the drains. This air ensures that the traps in the drains do not open, and the entire plumbing system does not get contaminated and malfunction.

Hot water:
Getting hot water through your taps adds an extra step in the journey of the cold water. The cold water first flows to the electric geyser or natural gas water heater. If you plan to install the geyser in or near your bathroom, it involves laying off a few extra pipes through which cold water will reach the geyser, and hot water will flow back to the taps, faucets, or the kitchen.

However, if you plan to install a bigger water heater on your terrace, such as a solar-panel-enabled water heater, you must plan the plumbing system properly. It will involve a complex network of pipes that will take the cold water to the heating system and distribute it back into your home.

Supply shut-offs:
Nowadays, homes are equipped with individual supply shut-offs for freshwater in every bathroom, kitchen, or balconies and washing area. We need to simply shut off the respective valve where we are planning repair work. All individuals at home should also be aware of the main shut-off valve so that anyone can restrict the water supply to the entire house in case of any emergency or malfunction.

We only realise the importance of a good plumbing system at home when it malfunctions and needs repair. As we use this system hundreds of times daily, we must ensure it is top-quality.

Similarly, we need to ensure a good home insurance policy that takes care of our house and well-being by protecting it against damages arising from theft, fire, earthquakes, etc. We accept the importance of a home insurance policy only when the actual damage occurs. So why wait for such instances? Go for the best home insurance in India and keep your worries aside.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Before you buy your car, here’s all you need to know about ex-showroom and on-road prices

You have saved money for a long time to be able to finally buy your dream car and bring it home. It is a special feeling to give whatever it takes to turn your dream into a reality. However, you should know the various aspects of car buying in India. Before you consider buying a car, you need to understand the difference between the ex-showroom price and the on-road price.

If you don't know what these two terms mean, this article will help you. You will be familiarised with everything that can determine your car's price and help you consider all these parameters before you invest money in a car.

You should always buy new car insurance for your car to keep it secure and take care of the expenses against any unforeseen accidents.

What is the Ex-showroom price?

The ex-showroom price is a price tag posted on various vehicles like cars or bikes in the showroom. It does not include road taxes, RTO registration, insurance, etc.

To understand the price at the ex-showroom, you need to know that:

● The ex-showroom price is the price you see being advertised on television, the internet, and on the car manufacturer’s website and brochures.

● You need to pay the additional amount for road tax, the registration fee for RTO, and insurance before you own a car. If you do not, you can be charged with a variety of penalties or challans in India.

● The price displayed as the ex-showroom price includes GST, ex-factory cost, and profit margins.

What is the On-road price?

The on-road price of a vehicle refers to the total price you pay to start driving the vehicle on the road. Simply buying the vehicle from the showroom is not enough. You must pay for several other things if you legally want to drive your car in India.
Some important things to consider under the on-road price are:

● It includes a variety of prices like ex-showroom price, registration fee, road tax, and insurance policy, among others.

● If you need any new accessories, they will also be added to your final bill with applicable taxes.

Difference between On-Road and Ex-Showroom price:

1. The ex-showroom price is the price tag excluding other factors like tax, insurance, and registration fee. The on-road price uses all the additional charges: life insurance policy, road tax, registration fee of RTO, and so on.

2. The ex-showroom price does not justify the final price of your car. You need to pay a lot of additional costs. On the other hand, the on-road price is the final price of a vehicle. You need not pay additional costs.

This gives you enough insight into how the car is priced at the showrooms. The price you see on the internet is clickbait to lure you into buying the car. You should be fully aware of the on-road price of a car before you buy it. This will help you analyse your budget better and prevent you from going overboard with your decision. You should also buy new car insurance that gives the best insurance coverage against any mishaps.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance to safeguard your valuable asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


A complete guide on hamstring injuries and the best ways to get relief

While YOLO (You Only Live Once) can be the mantra for many of us to enjoy and create beautiful memories, it is also important to remember that accidents come without warning. The slightest of injuries can make your life uncomfortable to an unimaginable extent. You can never be too cautious, and it does not harm to be careful and vigilant about the body against the potential dangers in the surroundings.

This blog is a complete guide on hamstring injuries and the best ways to get relief. If you are someone who has no information about hamstring injuries, their diagnosis, recommended treatments, symptoms, and causes, do not worry. Here we answer all your questions about hamstring injuries right from the meaning. So, without any further delay, let’s get started!

1. What is a hamstring injury:
Often, you might have noticed athletes and people who are into fitness and go to the gym regularly get their muscles pulled. A strain or a tear in the muscles or tendons in the backward portion of your thigh is described as a hamstring injury.
Athletes, gymnasts, and sportspeople who practice long jumps, high jumps, climbing, etc., are usually at risk of these hamstring injuries, which can make movement and daily chores and practice very difficult for them. In some cases, the severity of the damage and the induced pain can lead to getting disqualified from the competition or complete bed rest.

2. Let’s learn a little more about hamstring:
The hamstring joins the bone and the largest thigh muscle in your body and helps the leg bend and stretch easily. When you jump, climb a rope, jump, stretch, run or sprint, your hamstrings are used extensively.
The level of the injury is described by the extent of damage caused to the hamstring. A grade one injury involves a slight muscle pull, whereas a grade two injury indicates a partial muscle tear. The most severe grade three injury occurs when there is a complete muscle tear.

Note: if someone has suffered a hamstring injury, it makes them prone to it in the future if they do not take proper care.

3. How is the hamstring damaged:
The causes include overstretching, lack of rest combined with fatigue after a heavy workout session, a direct hit on your thigh, insufficient warm-up before athletic and sports activities or workouts, lack of a pre-conditioning program, and a history of hamstring injuries.

4. What are the symptoms:
You need to be aware of the symptoms of different grades of hamstring injuries (as discussed in the second point). If you have a grade one injury, you will experience sudden increasing pain in the backward portion of your thigh, leading to difficulty in movement. In this stage, your leg strength will remain unaffected.
If you have a grade two injury, you will experience some inflammation, redness, swelling, soreness, bruise patches, and a decrease in the strength of your leg. A grade three injury will worsen the pain, inflammation, swelling, bruise marks, and tenderness. A popping sensation occurs when you initially injure the hamstring.

5. Best ways to get relief:
The RICE method: rest, ice, compression, and elevation are essential to help you manage the injury and get relief from the pain and the soreness in your hamstring. Avoid excessive movement till the soreness goes away and the swelling goes down. Ice the area at fifteen-minute intervals for the next day or two.
A thigh sleeve (elastic, preferably) or a compression wrap is a wise choice to help support the area during the slightest movement. Subtle exercises like lifting your leg to a comfortable level while sitting on a chair or the edge of the bed help during the icing intervals. Crutches are advised if the movement is unbearably painful.

You must be careful and take the required measures to be watchful about your body. It is also wise to get personal accident insurance to avoid monetary stress in times of difficulty. You can explore all your options and purchase the best personal accident insurance online which suits your requirements.

Click HERE to learn more about buying personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How technology-aided insurance services can be a benchmark in efficient customer handling

In recent times, technological advancements have been table-turners for corporates in the insurance industry. They aim to bring a noteworthy revolution to the conventional business management approach. The reorientation of the entire business using these futuristic technologies can be a great advantage in bridging the gap between service and convenience, which are major pain points for insurance providers.

Talking about the insurance sector, "efficient customer handling" is the need of the hour that demands the maximum technological support. If you think on a broader level, customer handling encompasses every aspect of the service provided by the insurers.

Customers are seeking higher expectations from their insurance providers to enjoy services conveniently. Insurance companies have been analysing and implementing every strategy placing customers as their top priority. With automation establishing itself diversely in every field, insurance industries are now ready to upgrade their business model to consolidate their position in the market and be more liable to their customers.

Moving into 2023, the insurance world will be riding this wave of technological advancement. It will be interesting to watch how technology-aided services help the insurance sector build a solid customer-centric approach.

Automation: Where imagination shapes into reality!

Who had imagined that getting tasks done automatically would be a practical thing? The introduction of automation is significantly impacting behind-the-scenes operations, making them more hassle-free. The involvement of automation technologies is a boon to the insurance industry that works as the brain behind all data handling tasks and achieves all desired objectives.

Companies can now supervise various processes and real-time monitoring and delivery of the services with the help of automation. This allows the organisations to lower their servicing costs, keep an eye on the operations and maintain transparency, which helps ensure faith and trust in their employees and customers.

There is a lot of sensitive information shared by the customers during their interactions with the insurers, be it purchasing, renewing, claims, etc. And this information needs to be carefully stored and safeguarded to avoid any data breach.

The technology like blockchain will help companies keep track of customers' vital information and help consistently revamp the data, along with developing robust and resilient networks to mitigate the risks of cyber-attacks and identity theft.

What other aspects of insurance are influenced by incorporating technology-aided services?

Technology-aided services enable insurance companies to track customer demands and preferences, current industry trends, and product innovation. Adopting artificial intelligence and similar technologies will help analyse a pattern and eventually create more applicable and prevalent algorithms, transforming how an insurance company handles its customers and curates an unmatched customer experience.

These technologies will humanise the process, thus increasing productivity and providing better touchpoints for the customers to interact with. There will be efficient data storage and analysis, thus helping the professionals gain insights from past interactions and offer reliable solutions to all problems to keep up with the frequent change in consumer demands and buying patterns.

A new era of storage and computation:

The businesses are future-ready and opportunistic about the evolution of cloud technology and believe that it will advent the massive shift of insurance companies and their infrastructure. This switch of all the core systems to the cloud will make it significantly more accessible for the insurance sector to launch new products and services. Once this transformation to the cloud completes, the large data sets will be easier to analyse and draw patterns.

Cloud technology aims to create an entirely different ecosystem that balances customers' expectations and insurance companies' aspirations.

The services are being reshaped with the involvement of automation and other prominent technologies. This global adoption in the insurance sector will help reform the life, health, asset management, and other fields of customer handling. Technology is the backbone of the insurance framework, from instant applications to faster claims and customised purchases to hassle-free settlements. These smart services will be a massive bonus for the customers to interact with their insurers, mention their grievances, and provide their feedback.

With the global advent of technology-aided insurance services, you need to be proactive to keep up with the pace of advancement and the changes in the expectations of the customers. The world of insurance is observing a digital shift, and you need to welcome it to see what it offers.


Understand these signs that show newborn illness and immediately act on them

Bringing home your newborn from the hospital is a wonderful yet challenging experience as a parent. The fear of the infant getting sick is a big worry. It takes time to understand typical infant behaviour and gauge abnormalities, which can be challenging.

Detecting initial signs of illness is crucial as it gets difficult for infants to fight off diseases that spread swiftly due to weak immune systems. Comparing family floater plans offered by online health insurance companies is an equally important step to consider to protect your baby.

Additionally, here are some symptoms of newborn illnesses to be aware of.

1. Consistent crying or irritability:
A baby can only communicate its needs by crying, be it hunger, tiredness, loneliness, a change of diaper, or discomfort. At first, you might not understand your baby's cries, but cancel out reasons to identify the cause. Consistent irritability and cries are signs of sickness.

2. Fever:
Bacterial and viral infections, including pneumonia, ear infections, stomach bugs, and urine infections, can cause a fever. Use a digital or mercury-free glass rectal thermometer to take your child's temperature. A temperature of up to 100 degrees is considered normal. For children younger than three months, a temperature of 100 degrees or more, and 101 degrees for children between 3 and 6 months is the threshold, after which you must immediately contact the doctor.

3. Apathy or laziness:
Being tired, dizzy, listless, or excessively sleepy without responding to sounds and sights or reduced appetite are gradual changes you may notice. Lethargy may be a symptom of an infection or other illnesses, like low blood sugar. If your infant shows fatigue or isn't as active as before, consult the doctor.

4. Little appetite:
Most babies eat every three to four hours after the first day, and they will typically express their hunger by sucking on their hands or fingers, screaming, or making yelling gestures with their hands or fingers. Contact your paediatrician if your infant refuses to eat and skips multiple feedings.

5. Vomiting and diarrhoea:
Intestinal, bacterial, or viral infections and obstructions can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Regular examination of your baby's poop can help the doctor identify bacterial infections. The symptoms of viral infections generally go away after about a week without medication.

6. Inconsistent stools:
Your infant may lose excess fluids due to a fever, illness, or heat and have extremely dry stools. Once your baby begins eating solids, excessive consumption may cause constipation and the formation of firm stools due to difficulty in digestion.

7. Urination:
Typically, babies soil a minimum of four diapers daily. Excessive urination could be due to an infection or other urinary tract issues, such as distress while peeing. A pinkish stain on your baby's diaper indicates concentrated urine and is not worrisome—however, blood in its diaper or persisting discomfort requires a doctor's intervention.

Immediate steps of actions:

Caring for an infant is a significant responsibility that requires prior planning. We encourage to-be and new parents to compare infant insurance offered by online health insurance companies and prioritise their child's health.

Once you notice any symptoms persisting for long periods and deviations from typical behaviour, rush to the doctor. Ensure you follow the doctor's advice to nursing your child back to health. Additional preventive measures include:

● Introducing easy-to-digest foods

● Keeping a constant watch on your newborn

● Maintaining a clean environment

Dealing with kids is always a challenging task, especially when it comes to infants. Since they have weaker immune systems and cannot do things for themselves, it is the parent’s responsibility to make prior arrangements to provide the best possible environment for the infant to thrive in. You can start by including your infant in your family insurance plan after carefully considering the alternatives online health insurance companies offer.

Click HERE to buy insurance for infants from online health insurance companies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips for hosting the perfect party at home

At-home gatherings are now again in fashion post-pandemic. However, throwing a simple house party requires the right mindset, preparation, and skills to have an epic event. Make sure everyone will enjoy themselves if you're planning to host a dinner party, a modest birthday celebration, or any achievement.

Your gathering will be the party of the year if you follow these easy hosting recommendations.

1. Make a plan:
No matter how big or small, house parties are necessary to celebrate all of life's significant occasions. We've discovered from some of the event experts that preparation is half the pleasure. Prepare the invitee list in advance, deep clean your dining area or living room, and also remember to set up little sanitising stations throughout the gathering.

2. Decor objectives:
The house's decor would be the next thing to be played with. The cushions and upholstery can be changed to suit the occasion. As colour coordination is essential for tying the space together, you may use flowers to fill the day's mood. These simple and quick modifications give the impression that a lot of work was put into them.

3. Play quality music:
Party vibes are incomplete without happening music. Play fantastic playlists to keep the party going, whether it is an afternoon brunch with friends, a baby or bridal shower, or a holiday party. Keep the sound manageable so you can converse with your guests.

4. Proper lighting:
A well-lit space is needed every day, especially when you have company. Make sure all windows are open and provide plenty of natural light for a gathering during the day. In the evening, warm lighting creates a cosy atmosphere. The proper lighting transforms a room instantaneously, bringing out all of your home's lovely nooks and places.

5. Pay attention to the minor details:
Having additional closet space for jackets might be a simple example of this. These thoughtful additions will give guests the impression that you put a lot of consideration into this at-home party.

6. Absolute clarity:
First, ensure your environment is clutter-free, especially the hosting area. This advice is very relevant when young children are present because they frequently leave their playthings in impromptu locations throughout the house. Remember that a clean space feels airy, pleasant, and warm.

7. Understand your guests:
This is essential to mastering the art of entertaining at home. Understanding your visitors' preferences, dislikes, and ideas about what is most enjoyable is necessary. Take advantage of their preferences or encourage them to try new dishes you have prepared for the occasion.

8. Play games frequently:
A basic board game or a deck of cards should always be available if your party turns into a game event. At night's end, these essentials are impressive. Outstanding cuisine, good company, and extraordinary beverages are the ingredients of a successful party.

9. Ask for assistance:
You might want to appear to have it all together. We are here to tell you that just because you are having a party doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself. Invite your friends to bring wine, dessert, or other light fare food. A little aid can go a long way.

Nobody wants to feel tense during a party, dinner, or other function. Make everyone feel as though you are happy to have them there.

Also, a home is one of the most important investments you may strive to make throughout your life. However, you need to secure and protect this crucial life investment. House insurance India can help protect your home and your belongings against unanticipated events like burglaries, fires, floods, storms, and explosions. Buy the best house insurance India policy today, and always be prepared to celebrate good times at your dream home.

Click HERE to buy the best house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The effective tips to deal with motorbike wrist injury

Wrist damage is one of the most frequent types of injuries among motorcyclists. While some may be caused due to collisions, some are caused due to general riding activities such as using the throttle for a prolonged time or during long bike rides.

However, not all wrist injuries require similar treatment. Some may need substantial surgery and numerous treatments to correct the problem, while others recover independently with little to no therapy. If not given appropriate care immediately after a collision, even relatively minor injuries can cause lifelong disabilities and an adversely impacted lifestyle. If you have recently suffered a wrist injury, keep these tips in mind to help you recover faster!

Also, it would be wise to invest in the personal accident and bike insurance online to cover allied costs of damages done to you and your bike due to an accident.

Why you should seriously consider aftercare for your healing wrist:
Wrists are an integral part of our daily movements. While an injury is enough of a setback, neglecting aftercare worsens the situation. Repeated strain due to bending and bearing weight on them can cause further inflammation and have severe consequences like tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome.

However, using the following tips regularly can aid in improving flexibility and easing the pain.

1. Stretching:
Place your palm perpendicular to the forearm by bending the wrist or using the help of a wall to maintain the position. Push back your fingers and hold for 15–30 seconds. Do the same by folding the wrist downwards such that the back of the hand is against the wall and holding for 30 seconds.

2. Extended wrist:
Targeting the wrist, hold a weighted object in your palm. A small bottle or jar serves as the best prop for this stretch. With your fingers cupped around the thing, twist your wrist upwards and backward at a total angle of up to 160 degrees. Start slow, as your movement is bound to be restricted and strained. As you get comfortable, increase the weight and range of motion.

3. Bent finger stretches:
Much like the first stretch, this starts by holding out your fingers splayed out. Bend them at the joints for five seconds. Start with two sets of five repetitions slowly to ease the strain on the nerves.

4. Rotations:
While it may seem impossible immediately post-injury, ease your way into doing this stretch. You may do this with additional weight. Rotate your wrist by focusing on your hand until discomfort sets in.

5. Increasing grip power:
Hold and squeeze a grip gadget or a rubber ball for 5-10 seconds each time. It is a comprehensive movement that helps improve overall flexibility.

Depending on your doctor's advice, avoid riding if your wrist is severely impacted. However, if your doctor approves your riding plans, here are some extra tips that may reduce the strain on your wrist.

1. Practise good posture:
Poor positioning when riding a bike can cause wrist pain. Your nerves and joints may become stressed if your wrists are constantly locked. Make sure your elbows are slightly bent to ease some of this pressure if you need to lean forward while riding your bike.

2. Use attachments on your handlebar:
Add cushioned or gel grips to absorb movement and eliminate handlebar vibrations. Weighted bar ends can help reduce hand fatigue by stabilising vibrations and movement. Also, ensure that you grip the bar with reasonable force.

3. Lock your throttle input:
For simple cruise control, install a throttle lock. It helps maintain speed without adjusting the throttle, reducing the strain on the wrist.

Injuries are an inevitable risk in life. While you cannot avoid them, you can prevent them by exercising caution. Similarly, the mandatory purchase of bike insurance online prudently covers the motorcyclist from shouldering the financial burden of theft and damages to a bike.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's discuss naturopathy and its effectiveness for a healthy life

While the allopathic world is trying its best, home remedies have also proven very effective, especially in our Indian culture. Naturopathy is the alternative medicinal route to building antibodies, curing health issues, and catalysing the body's healing capabilities and defence mechanisms.

But, how well do you know about naturopathy? Are you aware of the positive effects naturopathy has on the human body? What precautions must you take while going down this route of alternative remedies? Don't worry. This blog has all the answers to your queries and more! Let's discuss naturopathy and its effectiveness for a healthy life.

What is naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a healthcare practise that brings science and nature under one umbrella. It relies on fundamental principles and natural remedies like sunlight, water, exercise, diet, and stress management. Naturopathy enhances the body's ability to regain excellent health without using allopathic or over-the-counter medicines.

What are the pillars of naturopathy?
The five crucial elements of naturopathy include - air, water, fire, earth, and ether. Naturopathy practitioners ensure that they direct your body and mind toward holistic development through hydrotherapy, sunray therapy, mud therapy, air therapy, and vacuum therapy. Naturopathic physicians are state-licenced medical professionals recognised as primary care providers (PCPs).

Following are a few ways in which naturopathy helps heal our bodies.

• The healing power of nature:
The study of naturopathy believes that the human body has a self-healing ability. Naturopathy helps enhance the body's capability to fight and ward off any issues by following a healthy diet, nutrition, regular exercise, and herbal medicines.

• Treat in entirety:
Naturopathy practitioners approach the human body entirely. They believe that human's overall health is composed of more than just physical health. While developing their treatments, naturopaths consider all these factors and establish the medications on a holistic level. While western medicine focuses on suppressing or treating the symptom, naturopathy focuses on restoring the body's health and curing the illness from its core.

• Complete focus on zero harm:
Naturopathy always prioritises treatment methodologies that cause no damage to the body and are non-invasive. While physicians believe in "doing whatever it takes," naturopathy has shown a reluctance to use drugs and methods that can put the human body under external distress. It uses only natural remedies and elements like air, water, earth, and herbs to perform the treatment.

• Identifying the cause:
Symptoms are not only the focus area in naturopathy. Naturopathy practitioners prioritise identifying and removing the cause, not just eliminating the symptoms. The reason helps them diagnose the underlying problem, which allows them to curate their medications and suggest treatment methods.

• Prevention is always the first step:
Naturopathy focuses on developing the body's strength and immunity to keep all diseases at bay. Naturopaths prioritise assessing the risks and provide suggestions through healthy eating habits, a sound sleep cycle, and practising meditation.

Yes, it is effective.
Naturopaths work in close connection with their counterparts to exchange ideas, research, and treatments for the betterment of their patients. Naturopathy can also be related to alternatives like ayurveda, homoeopathy, acupuncture, etc.

Naturopathy is covered under insurance.
Yes, naturopathy is insured by health insurance under AYUSH treatments. All the medical expenses involved in the naturopathy treatment, including access to AYUSH hospitals or day-care centres and in-patient hospitalisation costs, are covered. Also, you may save a considerable amount on your sum insured as the cost of AYUSH treatments is lower than that of allopathy.

These were a few benefits of naturopathy for a healthy life. Since we talked about health and its significance in our daily lives, you must ensure that you stay on top of your health insurance game for yourself and your loved ones. Did you check when you are due for your health insurance policy renewal? If not, hurry! You must ensure that your health insurance stays intact and updated to live your life without worrying about unforeseeable situations.

Click HERE to learn more about health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn how you can deep clean your car's trunk

As the owner and user of your vehicle, you need to understand the importance of cleaning your car regularly to save money and ensure that your vehicle is safe and hygienic for other passengers.

The vehicle's trunk can become the dirtiest place due to the stuff we put there. It could be the dust from the roller bags and carry-ons, stains from the fruits and vegetables, baby items, liquids, and more. So, it is essential to deep clean the trunk of your car to keep the atmosphere in the vehicle healthy and avoid any smells, decaying, and dust that could be harmful to the health of the people sitting inside.

This blog will teach you how to deep clean your car’s trunk. Without any further delay, let us get started!

1. Identify the suitable materials:
For deep cleaning, you need to identify the suitable materials you must use to ensure that it does not cause any adverse effects like bad odour, staining the carpet or the rag in the trunk, damaging the surface inside the trunk, etc. Removing the stains and cleaning the trunk is essential, but the right kinds of detergents, liquids, and cleaning cloth helps you make the process easier and show effective results.

2. Remove the lint:
You often store your furry coats, jackets, sweaters, trench coats, etc., in the trunk. Such clothes generally leave particular woollen shreds called lint on the surface of the trunk, which should be removed properly. If not, they tend to stick to interiors and lose their colour when they come in contact with chemicals in cleaning liquids, soaps, or detergents causing irremovable stains.

3. Vacuuming efficiently:
Deep cleaning involves cleaning the surfaces, the trunk, and the carpet-rolled interiors. However, do not stop just at the cleaning but also vacuum the trunk to get rid of those tiny pieces of paper, leaves from the vegetable stems, or fruit peels. Clean everything that is not easily visible to the naked eye while cleaning. The trunk of your car can be a complex surface to maintain if you do not deep clean regularly and follow the complete routine and methods.

4. Cleaning the carpet:
While the surfaces are supposed to be clean, do not just leave the carpet and vacuum it regularly. Occasionally, remove the carpet from the trunk and wash it well by shampooing and conditioning it. You need to dry it completely before putting it back in the trunk. Even a slightly wet carpet can cause damage by giving rise to bacteria, thus making it unhealthy and unhygienic for you and the people in your car.

Adding to this list, remember to clean the lid of your trunk. A dirty top of the trunk of your car might make your entire effort of deep cleaning your car’s trunk go to waste due to the dirt and dust sitting on it.

We hope you found this blog valuable and effective in maintaining cleanliness and pleasing odour inside your car. Moreover, it is always a good idea to get car insurance and protect your vehicle from any damages which might be caused during unfortunate circumstances. Explore your options and purchase the best car insurance India that optimally caters to your needs.

Click HERE to learn more about car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Importing a car to India? Here is a list of things to consider

Indian celebrities, cricket players, and business tycoons have all made headlines for driving fancy foreign cars that they brought into India. It takes time and is complicated to import a foreign car into India. But if someone is willing to put in the time and money, they can import their dream car by following the rules and going through the process.

In this article, we'll go through the steps involved in bringing a foreign car into India and some crucial rules you must abide by.

India has stricter regulations than other nations regarding the import of foreign cars. Foreign cars will be permitted to drive on Indian roads only if they meet all requirements.

Guidelines for importing a new car.
To import a new car, the following prerequisites must be satisfied:

● The car must be built or assembled outside of India.

● The car must be brand new in every way, and you can only import it from the nation where it was made. It cannot have been registered, leased, sold, or loaned before being imported into India.

● A right-hand driver's car is required.

● Kilometres, not miles, should be displayed on the speedometer.

● You can use only the naval docks in Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata to import cars. Therefore, you should use just one of these ports to transport the car to India.

Rules for importing a used car.
The procedures for importing a used car into India are complex and may take longer than expected. The rules are as follows:

● Imported used cars shouldn't have a manufacturing date older than three years.

● It must be a right-hand drive car.

● Kilometres, not miles, should be displayed on the speedometer.

● Again, only naval docks in Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata are allowed to transport the car to India.

● The car should be financed, leased, registered, or sold.

● It must have a roadworthiness certificate with a minimum 5-year validity.

Who is authorised to bring commercial cars into India?
You must meet additional requirements before you can import commercial cars into India. Because people can travel in passenger cars, SUVs, and jeeps that were imported, the rules for commercial cars are strict. The following are the profiles that can bring such cars into the country:

1. An NRI who last lived in India at least two years before the import and owned a car for at least a year.

2. Relatives, i.e., the legitimate heirs or successors of a person who passed away overseas and left a car in their care.

3. Individuals with physical disabilities.

4. Companies with foreign equity participation that are already operating in India.

5. International corporations with a presence in India.

6. Trusts that are legally established for religious, missionary, or charitable purposes in India and abide by the regulations established by the state or central government.

7. Any honorary consuls that the Indian government's Ministry of External Affairs recommends.

8. Any journalist who possesses an accreditation certificate issued by the Bureau of the Indian government's Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

Things to take into account before bringing a car into India.
Before you start the time-consuming process of bringing a car into India, you need to think about a few essential things.

1. Import taxes on cars:
You might be required to pay an import duty of up to 116% of the car's CIF (cost, insurance, and freight) value.

2. Registration:
The closest RTO in India must register the car. The import tariff does not include the fees for registration and road tax. These fees vary based on the kind and price of the car.

Insurance is essential to drive your car in India legally. You can conveniently buy car insurance online to financially protect you from paying for damages caused by an accident or third-party liabilities. Your car insurance can offer financial security against collision, fire, or other unavoidable natural or man-made disasters.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.