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Ways to get compensation for your lost or stolen luggage from the railway authorities

India's railway network is the fourth largest in the world after the USA, Russia, and China, with over 22,593 operating trains. Train journeys are exciting and add many experiences to our lives. Have you ever wondered what happens if your luggage gets lost or stolen from your seat or the railway station itself? Are you eligible to get compensation from the Railway authorities in such cases?

The answer is "yes". Let us go through how we can get compensation for lost or stolen luggage from the railway authorities.

1. File an FIR:
The first step that you should take once you discover that your luggage is lost or stolen from a running train is to file an FIR by approaching the train conductor, attendant of the coach, TTE, or any guard or GRP escort in the train. They will provide you with an FIR form in Hindi, English, or the regional language. You will have to fill it up and give it back to them. They will register a report at the upcoming railway station.
You do not have to pay any charges for this service. Also, you don't have to break your journey by getting down at the upcoming railway station to fulfil the above formalities. However, you can take help from RPF Assistance Posts present at major railway stations. This same process is to be followed in case of loot by dacoits in moving trains.

2. Post FIR:
Once you have filed the FIR for your lost or stolen luggage, the railway authorities will try to search and locate your luggage. If they are successful in doing so, they will contact you and give it back to you. If they cannot trace it within 6 months of lodging the FIR, they will have to compensate you for your lost luggage. They will do a fair assessment of the value of your luggage and compensate you accordingly.

3. Is ticket reservation compulsory:
No, you don't need to travel only in the reserved class to claim compensation for the theft of your luggage on the train. As per the direction of the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), Railway authorities are liable to compensate you for the theft of your luggage even in the general compartment where you do not have any reservation but hold a valid ticket.

4. Case of booked luggage:
When you book your luggage with the Railways while travelling on a train, you can declare your luggage's true value. You will have to pay a prescribed percentage charge of the value of the goods as luggage handling charges to the Railways. In such a case, you are entitled to get the full value of your luggage as compensation in case it gets lost or stolen en route.
However, suppose you did not disclose the true value of your luggage while booking it. In that case, the monetary liability of the Railways for compensation is limited to INR 100/- per kilogram of goods booked.

Travelling by train is inevitable for most of us in our regular lives. Hence, it becomes crucial for us to safeguard our luggage during train journeys. We should be clear about the compensation policy of the Railways in case of lost or stolen luggage so that we can follow it and not suffer losses in case of theft or loot of our luggage.

General insurance India is also important to cover your luggage during your travel. Remember to add travel insurance to your safety while making railway bookings. Taking this small precautionary step can keep you in a relaxed state of mind and protect you from unexpected financial losses. You can also claim for mishaps while travelling, and your insurance provider will compensate you for the damage caused.

Click HERE to buy a general insurance India policy to cover your travel plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top wellness trends for 2023 that you must know

There is no denying that health is one’s greatest asset. While health insurance policy renewal and purchasing a new policy can protect yourself from health contingencies, you can do plenty to maintain your overall health. Well-being professionals have come up with the key trends impacting how we live, heal, and flourish in 2023, such as the rising significance of rest or treatment to treat migraines and mood disorders.

1. Greater emphasis on purposeful actions and well-being:
Prioritising your overall well-being, which includes your physical, mental, social, and the well-being of the community and the planet has recently been recognised as a global trend. Research indicates that people will sensibly spend more time and money on how their actions affect their surroundings and the earth.

2. Teenagers and 20-somethings to appreciate immersive and healing sounds:
In 2023, it's anticipated that sound therapy will become more popular. Binaural beats, 3-D spatial audio, and isochronic tones are types of soundscapes that can stimulate and entrain the brain to reduce anxiety, induce relaxation and concentration, and speed up the healing process.
Therapeutic playlists are being created for use in clinical and hospitality contexts. ASMR is a spontaneous physical-emotional experience that causes a strangely pleasant feeling of relaxation and a tingling sensation at the back of the scalp and from there it moves down to the body. It has taken the world by storm and is continuously evolving.

3. Mind-body therapies for mid-20s to 40s:
Some ways to calm the body and mind are focusing on something, controlling your breathing, and moving around. Athletes have long utilised ice baths to treat muscle pain and inflammation. These treatments are known as cryotherapy and cold-immersion therapy.
Recent research has shown that they can also help lower blood pressure, regulate blood flow, and the rate at which tissues break down food. Migraines, mental problems, dementia reduction, and immune system stimulation are all treated by cold immersion therapy.

4. Taking ample rest is a priority for those in their 50s:
The theme of 2023 will be pausing and slowing down. People will favour restorative yoga and calming sound baths over HIIT (high-intensity interval training) sessions and the hustle culture. Additionally, sleep is being increasingly emphasised as the best form of self-care.
If technology has stolen your sleep, sleep technology will help you get eight hours of undisturbed sleep with its aids and devices. Choose from a wide range of applications offering sleep stories and meditations and download them to rest, reset, and revitalise.

5. Senior citizens to focus on spiritual well-being:
Spirituality is something that experts say people in their 60s and older should do for their overall health. Studies have shown that the most effective modern therapies help people build social support networks and, often, a spiritual connection to something bigger than themselves.
This new take on the idea of wellness is at the heart of integrative and functional medicine practices like yoga and meditation. For many people worldwide, religion and spirituality serve as both a valuable health resource and a means of community building. Current studies on meditation and well-being emphasise the importance of our spiritual welfare.

Wellness trends serve a greater purpose than just being a global movement. They can help you live better with aim and purpose. Ensure well-being your top resolution for 2023, and see how your life changes. While these trends can help improve the quality of your life, purchasing and ensuring health insurance policy renewal continues to be a non-negotiable to protect yourself from rising healthcare costs.

Click HERE to get your health insurance policy renewal before it lapses.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips for maintaining optimal spine health

Millions worldwide suffer from back or neck pain occasionally or regularly. A healthy spine is as essential for our body as oxygen is for living. Poor spine health can result in strained muscles, spinal ligament injury, ruptured discs, or spinal stenosis, generally caused by age-related wear and tear.

It can cause severe pain in the back and make you unfit to do your daily activities properly. In the long run, poor spine health can make you depressed and downhearted and cause immense psychological distress.

Hence, it is vital to maintain optimum spine health. Here are a few tips for doing the same.

1. Exercise:
Proper and regular exercise is essential for optimal spine health. Create and follow a simple exercise schedule every morning or evening as time permits. The exercises should stretch and strengthen your back, hamstrings, and abdomen muscles.
Targeted exercise under proper supervision can also reduce inflammation. It will accelerate your healing process and rehabilitate your injured spine.

2. Sitting and standing posture:
It is essential to maintain the correct sitting posture for optimal spine health. Your sitting posture should support the arches of the natural curves of your spine. Failure to do so can damage your sensitive spinal nerves and cause pain. Get a proper adjustable chair at the office and home to help you maintain the correct posture.
You should take regular breaks and stand several times daily to maintain a neutral spine alignment. Keep your back straight while standing. A slumped posture can hurt your spine in the long run. Also, frequent breaks will keep your spine in motion, keeping it flexible and limber.

3. Correct sleeping posture:
It is vital to maintain correct posture while sleeping as well for optimal spine health. Ensure that you have proper lumbar support with a good mattress and supportive pillow so that your back and neck are not strained while sleeping. You should also avoid sleeping on your tummy as it can strain your spine and cause injury and pain in your back.

4. Lift heavy objects properly:
It is important to lift heavy objects with proper caution and care. When you lift a very heavy object, you put tremendous pressure on your back and spine. It may lock your spinal joints or rupture your spinal discs. You should keep your back straight, bend down on your knees and use the power of your legs and abdomen muscles to lift a heavy load. This will reduce the load on your spine.

5. Do not over-exercise:
Do not over-exercise or engage in any activity or rough sports activities that can put unwanted pressure on your spine and hurt it. Consult a doctor immediately and take expert guidance if such a situation arises.

6. Yoga:
Performing yoga can be an excellent way to maintain optimal spine health. Several yoga asanas help to stretch and strengthen your back muscles, helping to keep your spine in good shape.

7. Massage and heat therapy:
Massage relieves back pain by improving blood circulation, restoring spinal motion, increasing endorphin levels, and boosting happiness. Also, massage helps to cure insomnia. You can also go for heat therapy for your back muscles. It increases blood flow and reduces muscle and joint pain around your spine.

Optimal spine health is a must for your fitness and overall well-being. If not maintained, it can lead to several back and neck-related problems resulting in difficulty while performing routine activities. Follow the above tips to maintain optimal spine health.

Other than the above tips, health insurance is a must to protect you from health hazards. It will give you comprehensive coverage and security if you require medical assistance and hospitalisation due to spine and back-related problems. Go for the best health insurance plans in India to enjoy the best medical treatment with hassle-free insurance coverage and protection.

Click HERE to invest in the best health insurance plans in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to take care of yourself amid changing seasons

Every season has its own character and is anticipated to practically play a hot-and-cold game with us. The seasonal changes sometimes make us feel a little under the weather. More illnesses, particularly colds, are frequently associated with this unpredictability of the temperature and weather. The main reason is that individuals often make the rookie error of becoming overly impatient and slipping into summer mode too quickly!

While there is no way to prevent falling sick during seasonal transitions, opting to buy health insurance online India and taking a few precautions can help you minimise the chance of developing common illnesses.

Five considerations as the weather begins to change are listed below.

1. Drink enough water:
Commonly prescribed for most health issues, drinking adequate water is essential, especially for staying healthy during the changing seasons. If you consume enough water, you can remove all the toxins from your body. It keeps your throat and nasal passages wet, preventing bacteria from having a chance to survive. To clear mucus from your body, you must also maintain a very high level of hydration. Therefore, consume at least eight glasses of water daily to maintain good health.

2. Avoid immediate cooling or air-conditioning:
Want to do it? It could feel warm sometimes in the middle of the season, and you might want to turn on the fan or use A/C. Subjecting your body to such abrupt temperature shifts can make you ill. A simple flick of the switch might result in several issues, ranging from a headache to a dry and scratchy throat.

3. Keep clad in cosy attire:
Giving up your cardigans and sweatshirts just yet isn't the best option, but losing a few layers is perfectly acceptable. Dressing in woollen clothes provides warmth and protection throughout the winter. Exposure and diseases like the flu might result from not wearing warm clothing. Even though the weather may be warm during the change of seasons, you need to keep yourself warm. It could make you sick to switch to summer attire so quickly.

4. Continue your exercise regimen:
Regarding exercise sessions, there are no excuses at all. You may have been sluggish throughout the winter, but you must start working out again, especially when the seasons change. Exercise enhances the immune system and promotes blood circulation, which can help you avoid illnesses. Physical activity can shorten the duration of the common cold, one of the diseases most closely related to the change in seasons. Consequently, put on your athletic shoes and get moving!

5. Keep harmful substances at a distance:
To deal with your flue like feelings, refrain from using harmful substances like alcohol, drugs, or tobacco. Although these could appear to make you feel better in the short term, they can make you feel worse over time. These substances increase your risk of getting sick.

Medical crises can happen at any time. You should immediately seek medical attention if you or any family member exhibit any sickness symptoms. Many symptoms, especially in youngsters and the elderly, are frequently dismissed as minor. This often leads to a minor issue snowballing into a significant illness that could have been prevented with immediate medical intervention. Instead of shying away from medical facilities due to the high healthcare costs, buy health insurance online India for yourself and your family to cover medical expenses.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These smart tips can help you plan the most exciting long weekend trips

Hectic schedules have evolved into the new normal over time. The constant pressure to excel in various dimensions of life makes it challenging to take a moment out for yourself with an occasional break. For working professionals, no period is cherished more than a long weekend. The joy of a prolonged break from the monotonous daily life is a welcome change, during which many people plan to travel.

Long weekends allow you for short getaways with just enough time to visit places and plan shorter itineraries. Consider these quick tips to plan your solo adventure or family trip on the upcoming long weekends in 2023.

1. Identify a key interest:
Identifying purpose is an essential step in planning for any holiday. Due to time restrictions, satisfying some of your travel bucket list goals may only be possible. Therefore, pursue the top interests from your priority list. This may be nature observation, seeking the thrill of adventure, or a leisurely getaway. Identifying the purpose of the trip helps plan efficiently and narrow down choices of the destination and itineraries.

2. Plan your trip loosely:
We tend to do excessive planning to experience a perfect holiday. While that may help for more prolonged travel plans, tightly packing your schedules on long weekend trips often leads to disappointment. It is ideal to choose a couple of destinations or popular attractions to explore per day instead of allocating timelines to each activity.

3. Travel light:
Short trips often call for impulsive decisions on the move. Travelling with required luggage instead of excess will help you travel quickly at the spur of the moment without considering modes of transportation. Consider choosing backpacks instead of conventional trolley bags.

4. Make reasonable budgets and plan accordingly:
Travellers often underestimate the expected expenditure of trips, irrespective of duration. Analyse your finances before making decisions and set clear limits for budgeted costs. This way, you can plan accordingly without letting your finances take a hit and don't have to compromise on the experience!

5. Consider immersive travel:
Experiencing an unknown culture is the best break from your routine. Immersive travel is slowly gaining popularity as tourists shift their priorities from extravagant, luxurious trips to authentic, local exposure. These trips do not require excessive planning or budget and will leave you with memories that last a lifetime.
Additionally, ensure to get a general insurance online quote if you don't have the policy to cover any accidents that may occur while travelling.

6. Explore your alternatives while booking:
We advise planning for your long weekend trip in advance to avail the best deals on accommodation, commute, and activities. Booking facilities at the eleventh hour often means paying inflated prices due to the high demand for hotels. Use online price comparisons for hotels and excursions to get the most significant value for the cost.

7. Make use of your time efficiently:
We get it; being on vacation means steering clear of routines and alarms. However, wake up early to experience destinations around nature, outdoor activities, and local explorations to make the most of your long weekend. But if you're on a leisurely break, feel free to sleep and replenish your energy!

The perfect long weekend trip does not require excessive planning. Consider the above tips, and get a general insurance online quote to protect yourself and your loved ones to plan the most rewarding weekend trips. With multiple long weekends coming in 2023, get ready to ignite the traveller within you. Create a flexible itinerary focused on your interests without stressing over time- and you have an ideal travel plan customised just for you!

Click HERE to get the best general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Mileage tampering: How to detect tricked odometers used in the cars

India’s passenger-automotive industry was valued as the third-largest globally in 2022. While the market for new cars is predicted to grow at a higher rate in 2023, not all Indian consumers are covered under this segment and belong to relatively lower economic strata characterised by lower disposable incomes. Such buyers drive demand for second-hand or used cars.

Expected to grow at a CAGR of 15%, the Indian used car market is not to be undermined. With global economic conditions' uncertainty, making prudent choices such as buying second-hand cars and purchasing online car insurance is expected to continue. While you can derive significant value from pre-used vehicles, the chances of getting scammed are also higher in case of negligent inspection. Odometer tampering is a prevalent form of cheating that you must beware of while purchasing a used car.

Here’s all you need to know about tampered odometers and tips to detect them.

Defining mileage tampering.

An odometer is a device that measures the usage of a car in terms of the distance it has run. It is calculated based on the wheel's rotation, which depends on its perimeter.

Mileage tampering, or odometer fraud, is a common trick car dealers use to persuade buyers to purchase old and well-used cars. Practised for various reasons, rolling back an odometer is an illegal act done to get a better price by selling a used car.

The issue with odometer fraud.

1. The inflated price of used cars:
By misrepresenting the car’s present condition, car dealers trick buyers into believing that the vehicle is relatively unused and sell them the used car at a higher price.

2. Safety issues:
Apart from the price of the vehicle, it also raises safety concerns. A car that has been used for a long while is sure to have accumulated miles and been through its fair share of harsh weather, rough terrain, and occasional accidents. All these factors are likely to adversely impact the vehicle's internal components and body frame, making it unsafe in the long run.

3. Insurance fraud:
Buying a used car with a rolled-back odometer may put you at risk of online car insurance fraud. While you may not have intentionally misrepresented facts and may be the victim of a tampered odometer, insurance companies see facts at face value and do not consider earlier activities. Therefore, it becomes essential for you to declare genuine and accurate mileage figures related to your car while buying online car insurance to ensure raising a successful claim when needed.

Tips to avoid odometer fraud.

1. Check the service records:
Before committing to purchase an old car, ensure that you check the maintenance records. Missing entries and figures that don't match are a sign to look out for.

2. Inspect the car body:
Check if the car's physical condition aligns with the story represented by the odometer. A worn-out, dent-ridden, paint-scratched vehicle is bound to have been on the roads for longer than one in pristine condition.

3. Look under the steering:
What are some key giveaways of a well-used car? It's the accelerator, brake and clutch! The groove depths of the pedals can indicate the usage of the vehicle and help detect odometer fraud.

4. Check the odometer:
While there are no tell-tale signs, the naked eye can identify a poorly done tampering job. This could be in the form of ill-fitted modifications and off-sounding odometer mechanisms.

5. Experts know best:
If you're sceptical, asking for an expert’s evaluation is best. This way, analogue or digital odometers can be thoroughly inspected for tampering attempts.

Odometer tampering is widespread and spares neither digital nor analogue devices. In such cases, one must always exercise caution and take necessary precautions to detect issues before signing the dotted line. Additionally, continue your prudent streak and purchase online car insurance to protect yourself from the financial losses from car accidents.

Click HERE to buy online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


KYC compliance becomes mandatory for car insurance

Owning a car is a huge responsibility, and one should take all the necessary measures to make it as easy as possible. One such important requirement is to get car insurance as soon as you purchase a car.

Getting car insurance is necessary, as it protects you from various damages caused to the car, such as repairing a broken windshield or paying high mechanical costs due to an accident. To get car insurance, one should complete all the necessary procedures, like KYC which stands for Know Your customer.

What is KYC?

Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process of discovering and authenticating the basic credentials of customers by financial establishments like banks, insurance companies, stockbrokers, etc. KYC is typically performed before or during the handling of financial transactions with customers. For example, when applying for car insurance, a KYC is mandatory.

IRDAI-accepted KYC procedure types.

KYC in insurance has become a mandatory requirement by the IRDAI due to the increasing number of insurance-related frauds.

IRDAI has authorised the following KYC methods for the insurer:

● Aadhaar-based KYC

● Digital KYC

● Video-based identification

● By KYC identifier

● Pan card

Depending on the type of car insurance, the insurance company chooses the appropriate KYC method.

Why has KYC compliance become mandatory for car insurance?

As mentioned above, due to the rise in insurance-related frauds, the government of India has made regulations to make KYC mandatory for every type of insurance, be it car insurance or life insurance.

KYC is necessary to ensure the authenticity of the investments and the insurance policy purchased by the individual. It ensures that the insurance coverage is received by the family of the genuine policyholder and not by an imposter.

Insurance companies are required to verify a customer's identity before proceeding with the insurance registration procedure. Strict implementation of the KYC process is an efficient method that allows the banks to authenticate the identity of the customers.

If you plan to purchase a car, the first step should be buying car insurance using the KYC procedure.

KYC documents required for car insurance:

● Passport

● Aadhar card or Voter ID card

● Pan number

● Driving licences

● Bank Statement—not more than six months old

● Verified copies of an electricity bill, a telephone bill, and registered lease and licence agreements

● A letter from the National Population Register containing name and address information

The insurance company will inform you beforehand if any other document is required. Collect all the required documents and get your insurance without any trouble.

Prevent the misuse of your KYC documents.

Submitting your KYC documents is a necessity that brings with it the threat of identity theft. Here are three simple steps to prevent the misuse of self-attested KYC documents:

● Clearly state the date and intended purpose for submitting the documents.

● Similar to the crossing of cheques, specify that the documents are ‘To be used only for the specified purpose’.

The recent wave of digitalisation has made it possible to keep track of all financial products including investments, insurance policies, etc. Regular inspection of such KYC documents makes it easy to detect the mishandling of important documents that may have been used by an imposter.

Purchasing car insurance may appear to be a time-consuming process, but it is a necessity that everyone should obtain for their vehicle's safety. During unprecedented situations where the outcome is unpredictable and could lead to hefty damages to the car, car insurance would act as a rescue and help you steer clear of the monetary stress. As a result, you must investigate your options and purchase the best car insurance for your needs.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about tailgating and ways to stop it

Have you ever been driving around and seen someone cutting it too close to your car's bumper? If yes, you are familiar with tailgating. For those unaware of the term, tailgating happens when there is insufficient space between your car and the one in front of you or behind you.

The likelihood of a collision increases with just one forceful brake from the vehicle in front. Tailgating increases the risk of accidents, making it essential for car owners to protect their vehicles. Also ensure that you avail of online motor insurance renewal services offered by your preferred insurer.

While insurance can help you safeguard your vehicle and yourself from financial contingencies, here are some tips to prevent tailgating.

What are the risks of tailgating?

A significant risk of tailgating is that drivers do not provide adequate space to stop if the vehicle in front suddenly decelerates which more likely makes a rear-end collision. A multi-car pileup that starts with one rear-end accident is expected to spread. Accidents involving a rear-end often result in neck and back injuries.

Another risk of tailgating is that it can create pressure on the vehicle's driver in front to apply the brakes to dissuade the tailgater. When the front driver performs what is known as a brake check, an impending collision may result if the foot is held down for even a brief period. In the worst case, brake inspections can also spark road rage among tailgaters.

Ways to prevent tailgating.

Driving too close to the car in front is the main reason for tailgating. Maybe you're upset or impatient and hurried. Whichever one it is, tailgating puts you and other drivers in danger every time.

Here are some tips to help you maintain a safe distance.

1. Understand the distances you often stopover:
The variation depends on how quickly you're moving. You might get into problems if you can't stop in this amount of time. Remember that stopping distances increase in wet circumstances, so be cautious and give the car in front of you enough room. You should raise the spacing by up to 10 times on slippery roads and at least double it in wet conditions.

2. Maintain your calm:
Avoid venting your frustration to other drivers if you feel irritated, furious, or exhausted. Stay at home until you feel better, or pause to unwind and regain focus before resuming your driving. It costs nothing to drive courteously and makes everyone's journeys safer.

3. Make use of your car safety features:
Nowadays, many vehicles feature collision warning systems that warn drivers if they approach the car in front too closely. Utilise such devices, but don't entirely depend on them. Always follow the road regulations rather than pushing your car's technology to its limit.

Driving is a skill that requires significant experience to master. Keeping calm and efficiently managing situations like tailgating is an indicator of an experienced driver. While you may not be able to control other drivers and their behaviour on the road, you can always ensure your vehicle's safety by following the above tips. Also, remember to avail an online motor insurance renewal service or purchase a new motor insurance policy to protect yourself from financial losses due to an accident.

Click HERE to proceed to online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Consider these factors while purchasing cancer health insurance

Cancer is one such illness that affects the patient and their family emotionally and mentally. According to recent studies, cancer rates are alarmingly increasing day by day. It can happen to anyone, irrespective of age, health, or lifestyle. Keeping these increasing numbers in mind, getting health insurance to manage expensive cancer treatment is ideal. Moreover, many insurance companies offer easy and quick health insurance policy renewals to avoid complications and get you financially protected.

Factors to consider when purchasing a cancer health insurance.

There are a lot of insurance plans in the market, which makes it confusing to find the right insurance company. It is important to purchase the right policy that matches your requirements to get the desired benefits in the event of a need. Understand that not just buying but timely cancer health insurance policy renewal is the best way to remain financially protected.

1. Type of policy:
Look for insurance policy features that specifically meet the needs of life-threatening diseases like cancer. You can also buy a cancer coverage add-on with your original health insurance policy or opt for the critical illness insurance policy that covers expensive medical charges.

2. Policy coverage:
Cancer treatments can jeopardize your lifelong savings. While some people can bear these expenses, some take out heavy loans to cover them. Thus, choosing a maximum sum assured and policy coverage is ideal. Also, look for an insurance provider that offers quick and hassle-free health insurance policy renewal.
During the critical cancer stage, you may be unable to work and provide income to the family. Therefore, ensure that your plan offers sufficient money to cover your lost income and medical expenses.

3. Waiting period:
Keep in mind that every health insurance plan comes with a waiting period. The waiting period for a particular disease can differ from one insurer to other. You may not be able to claim the medical expenses till your policy comes into force. Therefore, look for policies with shorter waiting periods or quick health insurance renewal to avoid increasing costs.

4. Prior medical history:
You may not know, but most insurers do not offer cancer coverage to those with a prior cancer history. Thus, if you have already survived cancer, your application has a chance of being rejected by the insurance company. Thus, disclose all health-related information with the insurance company when you buy a health insurance policy or consider health insurance policy renewal.

5. Insurance company:
Besides looking at the policy offerings and benefits, choosing the right insurance company is essential to ensuring a smooth purchase and claim settlement experience. It is recommended to check the insurance company's online reviews, customer support, claim settlement ratio, etc., and then choose the best policy.

6. Premium:
Another important factor to consider while purchasing cancer health insurance is the insurance premium. An insurance broker may offer maximum benefits, but if the insurance premium is out of your budget, all of these things do not matter. You must think twice before purchasing or considering health insurance policy renewal if the premium is out of budget.

While many want to avoid such dreadful illnesses, preparing yourself and your family for the worst is always a wise decision. Therefore, purchase or ensure regular health insurance policy renewal today to secure your tomorrow.

Click HERE for health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s why the least-priced car insurance may not be a worthwhile investment

Imagine you're out with your car for some work, and suddenly another over-speeding vehicle rams into your car from behind. A scary situation, isn't it? Worrying about the damages is not a concern if you have the right protection. Car insurance is the immediate step you should buy to ensure that you are compensated fairly and stay financially stress-free.

When you begin choosing insurance from the options available, you always look for competitive premiums which are affordable and fully effective. Although you can get substantially low car insurance policies, you will not be able to enjoy all the benefits and features.

Let's have a detailed look at why you should not opt for the least-priced car insurance.

1. Unavailability of essential benefits:
The least-priced car insurance often strips you of the major benefits. Not all expensive insurance policies need to offer you all the benefits, but the least-priced ones offer you none. For instance, it may not even cover accident costs if someone else is driving the car at the time of an accident. Some insurance companies very cleverly offer you a low premium to attract you to their insurance policies. You must properly inspect your policy before determining the one you want to buy.

2. Impacts policy coverage:
The cost of the car insurance policy is directly proportional to the level of coverage it provides. If your insurance is cheap, the coverage will be lower too. There might be third-party insurance involved, which requires the protection against damages to the third party. You can be accountable for major crises in terms of losses or damages.

3. Lack of cashless claims:
If your insurance policy is cheap, you may not be able to enjoy cashless claims. This means that you will not be able to avail the facility of getting your car repaired in a garage that falls under your insurance. Under other circumstances, you will not be required to pay any money from your pocket. But with cheap car insurance, you are forced to pay for the damages before you apply for a claim.

4. Unsatisfactory customer service:
It is a known fact that the reputed insurance agencies ask you for a premium which is justified. This means that you will receive top-notch and priority treatment as a customer. You will be given the best support and care by the customer service of your designated insurance company. They will pay attention to all your complaints and resolve them on priority. In the case of cheap insurance, you will face unsatisfactory responses to your queries. Always keep that in mind.

5. Greater deductibles:
A deductible is a partial amount paid by the policy owner during the settlement of an insurance claim. With this feature in your car insurance policy, you need to pay a small deductible for your claim. However, for the least-priced car insurance, you need to pay a larger amount as deductibles. Only after the payment, you'll get the claim amount. This is how they loop you in for trouble. Always ensure that you read your documents carefully and ask all the right questions.

These points are enough to evaluate decently priced car insurance instead of a cheap one. Always make sure you explore all your options and purchase the best car insurance, which would cater to all your needs in the best way possible. By saving a few bucks today, you risk losing a lot of money tomorrow. Hence, choose wisely while getting car insurance to protect your car against hefty damages in unfortunate situations.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of car insurance and the process of determining the best option for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top trends the insurance industry is set to see in 2023

Financial products and services are constantly evolving and adapting to changing market conditions and customer needs. The insurance industry is no outlier with the ultimate goal of increasing insurance penetration. It undergoes massive changes each year to use potential opportunities within the scope of the law to increase customer satisfaction and insurance awareness.

As we move into 2023, general insurance companies in India expect significant changes that will redefine the perception of insurance. While some align with predicted global trends, many are likely to contribute to domestic consumer trends and legal amendments.

Here is a quick rundown of some top insurance industry trends predicted for 2023!

1. Portfolio diversification through product innovation:
Increased product development innovation is expected globally to address the unique needs and risks of emerging technologies such as electric vehicles, smart cities, and the Internet of Things. Cybersecurity insurance is likely to continue as a highly demanded product. As the consumer-centric approach of the industry grows, diversification is expected to be based on evolving consumer needs.

2. Additional offerings:
Insurance companies may distribute other financial products as per the Finance Ministry's proposal. While the proposal is yet to be clarified, veterans speculate that the approved products could include allied insurance products, investment, or value-added services.
Insurance companies are set to benefit from their well-established distribution channels, adding to their revenue from a secondary source.

3. M&As:
A proposal to issue composite licences is also under discussion, opening up opportunities for general insurance companies in India to sell insurance policies, favourable mergers, acquisitions, and massive expansions in revenue and product portfolios.

4. Technology:
The use of technology, such as artificial intelligence and data analytics, will steadily increase and provide insight into customer behaviour and preferences. This offers an excellent opportunity to efficiently use human intervention and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations by harmoniously using digital and human efforts.

5. Digitalisation:
The pick-up of technological advancements has been slow across the global insurance industry, but this is expected to change in 2023. Insurers will invest in digital platforms and tools to provide personalised and convenient services to customers. Digital channels will likely be used for sales and service and to support underwriting and claim settlements.

6. Value-based brand building:
With the entry of new competitors amid an incoming global recession, insurance companies may have to rethink their approach to changing customer perception and stricter regulations. As consumers tightly clutch their wallets, companies will have to build greater awareness regarding their products and their significance amid uncertainties. This will build a connection based on values that their audience resonates with, including transparency.

7. New distribution channels:
With the rise of insurtech start-ups, the insurance industry is expected to see a boom of new distribution channels, such as online marketplaces, digital brokers, and comparison websites, making it easier for customers to access insurance products and compare prices.

8. Entry of new players:
The growth of the Indian insurance industry has largely been dependent on the Insurance Act of 1938 and the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act of 1999.
The winter session of Parliament discussed proposed amendments, including the scrapping of the statutory requirement of INR 100 crore start-up capital for life, health and general insurance companies in India and INR 200 crore for reinsurance business. This move will likely result in new entrants in the market, increased competition, and possibly making premiums cheaper.

With increasing internet use, rural India is an untapped market that general insurance companies in India can explore through efficient digital channels that make insurance accessible.

Slated for rapid growth, the insurance industry will see several significant changes in 2023 as it adapts to new technologies and evolving customer needs. By focusing on global trends, digitalisation, and customer satisfaction, non-general and general insurance companies in India can curate a path to be at the forefront of the insurance industry's future!

Click HERE to buy a reliable insurance plan that fits your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Concerned about malicious mischief and vandalism? House insurance is the solution you're looking for

Buying a home is a dream for most Indians. Considering the ever-increasing inflation, sky-rocketing real estate prices and constantly changing economic conditions, it requires extensive planning and budgeting. After putting in such efforts, a home becomes more than just a roof over one’s head- it is an investment, a sign of wealth, and probably the most important asset of your net worth.

Protecting an asset on which you have spent a fortune is essential. Buying the best home insurance policy in India is important to secure your home from multiple mishaps. While the best home insurance policy in India may offer you broad coverage from several risks, is the increasing threat of malicious mischief and vandalism included?

Read on to learn all about the specific coverage under home insurance.

What are acts of malicious mischief and vandalism?

To understand what the best home insurance policy in India covers, we must understand the meaning of the terms malicious mischief and vandalism.

Malicious mischief refers to the acts of destruction with the intent to damage or destroy property. It is usually acted out as a sign of resentment towards the property owner. Criminal mischief is recognised as a legal offence as per the Indian Penal Code, which prescribes an imprisonment term of 3 months, or fine, or both for perpetrators.

Vandalism is commonly used to describe the destruction of property without malicious intent targeting the owner. It is often seen as a mindless activity done to achieve the satisfaction of destruction rather than being fueled by ill intent. Vandalism is a punishable offence in India.

The need for malicious mischief and vandalism insurance.

While the terms may seem unfamiliar, malicious mischief and vandalism are rampant in the country. Irrespective of intent, such acts result in minor to massive losses for the property owner, depending on the scale.

In such situations, the prudent purchase of the best home insurance policy in India covering such acts pays off. Since one cannot immediately pinpoint the instigators of such acts of destruction, legal cases don't suffice as an instant relief. By comparing alternatives and purchasing the best home insurance policy in India, you can ensure the immediate raising of a claim and quick settlement of financial losses arising from vandalism and malicious mischief.

Exclusions from vandalism and malicious mischief:

1. If your property has been vacant for over 60 days consecutively, you cannot raise a claim even as a victim of vandalism or malicious mischief.

2. Suppose multiple people are listed as home insurance policyholders. If one of them intentionally indulges in destructive acts to damage the property, the other policyholders cannot raise a successful claim against the perpetrator.

General inclusions under vandalism insurance.

When comparing home insurance policies offered by multiple insurers to find the best home insurance policy in India, you may notice that each insurer offers a varying reimbursement limit and the extent of property covered under the policy. While minute details can differ, most vandalism and malicious mischief covers extend to the following.

1. Fixed structures:
The most apparent inclusions are the fixed structures on your property. This includes the house or flat's external frame, additional safety door, and exterior add-ons like mailboxes or shoe racks.

2. Personal property:
The best home insurance policy in India offers coverage for all your home appliances, furniture and fittings. Refrain from raising a claim for the destruction of commercial holdings since they are not covered by such plans.

In the backdrop of uncertainties, it is always ideal to have a security net that protects homeowners from the risk of vandalism and malicious mischief. If you are considering purchasing a house, ensure that you do due research to identify the best home insurance policy in India to safeguard your home and your finances!

Click HERE to invest in the best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How is AI set to revolutionise the car insurance sector

AI has evolved tremendously over recent years, and its impact can be seen in every sector of the economy. The car insurance sector is also touched by AI and is all set to revolutionise it. Data modelling and machine learning applications are changing the insurance process and customer experience. Its role is increasing in car inspection, claim processing, and car insurance renewal.

Let us see how AI is set to revolutionise the car insurance sector in detail.

1. Car Insurance renewal:
Policyholders must upload photos and videos of their cars from all angles on a cloud-based app. No human assistance is required in this process on the insurance company's end because of AI. Computers evaluate the condition of the car, quote the premium amount accordingly and process the renewal.
AI is helping companies to save millions of rupees as their manpower requirement for the insurance renewal process has gone down drastically. Also, it is helping to save a lot of valuable time for companies and customers by making the renewal process swift and streamlined.

2. Claim processing:
AI is also set to revolutionise the processing of claims in the car insurance sector. Currently, claim management and processing are primarily manual. It takes a lot of time and is prone to errors and inefficiencies. This process is known to eat up around 50%-80% of the revenues generated by premiums.
Machines and computers need sufficient learning data and algorithms to master claims processing. AI can be used for initial claims routing, thorough inspection, and assessing the nature of damage and time for repairs. It can save several hours in processing every individual claim.
More importantly, AI can detect fraudulent claims, a major revenue drainer for every insurance company. AI can help to detect out-of-the-ordinary behaviour and claims coming for processing, which sometimes normal eyes can fail to detect. Some AI-based applications are capable of running background checks on customers coming for insurance claims. The insurance company can assess the risks associated with a respective customer or business.

3. Telematics-based insurance plans:
AI has enabled car insurance companies to offer telematics-based insurance plans to their customers. A "Pay-as-you-drive" plan can be used to charge premiums for insurance plans according to the number of kilometres a customer drives over time. AI can also assess driving style and behaviour of the drivers and charge premiums accordingly.
Thus, AI can be a revolutionising tool for "Pay-how-you-drive" plans and help companies to offer sophisticated and need-based plans to their customers. Such plans can help an insurance company to increase its clientele and profitability.

4. Competitive premiums:
AI can be very helpful in tracking the premiums charged by competitors for their car insurance plans in real time. A car insurance provider can accordingly charge a lower premium or offer a better car insurance price in India to the customers and ensure that the do not go away to the competitors.

The adoption of AI by insurers will be an essential criterion for companies to bring down their car insurance price in India. The insurance companies will pass on the savings due to AI to their customers, who will eventually benefit. Companies that do not adopt AI in the near future will be laggards, and competition will take over them.

Click HERE to get the best car insurance price in India for all your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to recover from short-term memory loss after an accident

Short-term memory loss following an accident can drastically impact a person's life. People are left feeling disoriented, estranged from their families, and unable to carry on as they did before the catastrophe. Additionally, it can indicate that the person has experienced a severe brain injury, which necessitates rapid medical care.

Consult your doctor immediately if you're losing memories after being hurt in an accident. The sooner you establish whether your memory loss is an independent ailment or a sign of a brain injury, the better you can start receiving the treatment to heal it.

You must invest in a personal accident insurance policy to get protected from such eventualities. Personal accident insurance can be purchased regardless of age, profession, or health.

Memory loss causes:

We all deal with memory issues at some point in life, and a little reduction in other cognitive abilities often accompanies ageing. More research should be done on short-term memory loss because it should not be taken lightly.

Reversible memory loss may have a variety of causes, such as:

● A vitamin or thyroid shortage

● Disturbances of emotions, such as stress, anxiety, or sadness

● Alcoholism

● Sleep issues like sleep apnea

● Concussion, a minor head injury or damage

● Adverse effects of some drugs

● An infection or tumour that affects the brain

● Disordered functioning of the brain (FCD)

● Smoking

● Chronic stress disorder after trauma (PTSD)

Tips for recovering from short-term memory loss:

The unorthodox methods listed below will help you to improve your short-term memory loss mentally.

1. Put it on paper:
Generally used as a coping mechanism, writing down important information can do wonders. Putting something down on paper makes your brain focus harder, which enhances memory. Writing notes by hand is more productive for learning than typing on a laptop.

2. Rest:
The brain can't focus on doing tasks with precision if it is too exhausted. Thus, it won't be able to remember anything. Resting after a brain injury is crucial for this reason. Rest offers your brain the strength it needs to remember things. Studies have also revealed that your brain consolidates memories while you sleep. Therefore, be sure to obtain enough sleep each night and throughout the day.

3. Use vivid pictures:
We always do not require mnemonic techniques. These aren't particularly useful when remembering things like appointments. However, a connection can still be beneficial if you associate a fact with a real or vivid memory, according to a memory study.

4. Music:
Music therapy provides various cognitive advantages, but arguably the most significant advantage is how listening to music improves memory. In addition to aiding in the recovery of lost memories, music also aids in the retention of new information. So, try singing something significant that you want to remember to the melody of your favourite song. You'll be astonished by how much more you can memorise.

5. Exercise:
A regular, easy exercise is one of the best things you can do after a brain injury to restore short-term memory. Numerous studies have shown that aerobic exercise enhances memory and cognition by promoting the development of new brain cells.
Additionally, it improves cerebral blood flow, which promotes the oxygenation of the memory-related brain regions.

6. Separate your repeats:
Learning practically everything requires repetition. But just saying something a few times won't guarantee you'll remember it. Instead, you must increase the repetitions to rehearse the information you want to retain before you forget it.

Testing is usually the first step in the treatment of short-term memory loss following an accident. Therapy and medicine may be part of the overall course of treatment. Keep the patient away from pressure and stressful situations.

A dependent or damaged individual is intended to receive some relief from the personal accident insurance plans. From partial to total disability and medical costs involved in hospitalisation will be covered under this comprehensive plan.

Click HERE to purchase efficient personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Home insurance is a must for you if you are a jewellery enthusiast

Are you fascinated with the ever-changing and beautiful jewellery designs that keep coming every second day in the fancy showrooms, and go and buy a lot of them? If yes, you must buy a good home insurance policy as soon as possible and safeguard your treasure against any perils.

As you might be stacking a lot of that jewellery in your home cupboards, the policy will protect your home and your most valuable possession.

In this article, let us discuss how home insurance can help protect your jewellery.

1. Go for a comprehensive home insurance policy:

A comprehensive home insurance policy provides umbrella insurance coverage to your house, its contents, or both. Hence, opt for a comprehensive home insurance policy that will protect you and your precious jewellery if ever your home is looted. Even if your house is damaged or destroyed due to natural calamities such as floods, fire, or earthquake, this policy will reimburse you for your house and its contents, including your jewellery. The policy also protects other valuables, such as expensive art pieces, antiques, etc.

2. Insurance valuation services:
A home insurance policy provides protection and coverage for your expensive jewellery after proper inspection and valuation. The insurance company provides accurate valuations of your jewellery, including gold, silver, or diamond ornaments and gold and silver coins.
An insurer covering jewellery expects you to take proper precautionary measures at your house to prevent it from being stolen or getting damaged. Although the size of the jewellery may be minuscule, its value could be in lakhs and even crores. There should be no scope for wrong valuation and interpretation issues between you and the insurance company when a mishap occurs. You expect a swift resolution from the insurance company, for which there should be no room for confusion.

3. Premium amount:
The premium amount varies with the amount of insurance coverage you are seeking. This will depend upon the valuation of your jewellery from a certified valuer of the insurance company. Also, insurance companies now cover up to 100% cost of your jewellery and charge you premium accordingly.
You should compare the premium amount of standalone jewellery insurance with comprehensive house insurance. Also, check the policies of several insurance companies, compare the premium amount of their respective coverage and choose the best among them.

4. Exclusions:
You should also be aware of the few exclusions in your home insurance policy that will not provide coverage for your jewellery.
Wilful negligence –
An insurer will not process your claim for jewellery that has been wilfully mishandled or recklessly handled and damaged by you.
Sale and replacement –
The insurance company will not cover jewellery sold and replaced by a new one. The insurance policy does not automatically apply to a new piece of jewellery. You will have to inform the insurer first, get it valued and complete the required formalities for taking coverage.
Non-payment of premium –
Your home insurance policy will cease to protect your jewellery in the event of non-payment of the due premium by you against the insurance policy.

Jewellery is a great investment for most of us. It is expensive and has good resale value as well. Moreover, there are a lot of emotions attached to them, if they are a part of our family heirloom or have been purchased by us for our dear ones on some special occasion. Hence, it is essential for you to buy home insurance and get them insured.

You should compare the policies and premiums of several home insurance policies and opt for the best home insurance in India. Going for the best will keep you stress free, and you will be assured of the safety of your house and its contents at any point of day or night.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s why you should check your insurer’s persistency ratio before purchasing a policy

Seller credibility is a crucial factor that affects buying decisions. This is especially noticed in high-value assets and financial products. Since these are transactions involving large numbers and significant interest, it is a must to check the insurer's reliability, which becomes a greater priority in the case of insurance products.

Insurance is a critical product; therefore, before purchasing such policies, checking the insurer's past performance and customer satisfaction is essential to ensure that you choose the best policy.

*For your understanding, we’ll be talking in reference to purchasing a health insurance policy.

The insurer's persistency ratio measures customer satisfaction, making it an important factor when comparing policies offered by various online health insurance companies.

What is the persistency ratio?

The persistency ratio depicts brand loyalty and the continued interest of policyholders in availing of the insurer's services. It is the number of policies renewed compared to the policies issued by the insurer. This ratio may be calculated for a financial year or a continuous period.

Calculation of the persistency ratio.
This is a relatively easy ratio to derive through two methods. It is determined using the annual premiums paid or the number of renewed policies. For newly issued policies, it is calculated in the thirteenth month, after one year for which the insurance plan is valid.

What does the persistency ratio indicate?

A high persistency ratio indicates a favourable position for an insurance company. Apart from showing the number of renewed policies, it offers multiple takeaways, including

1. Customer satisfaction:
The clearest inference from the ratio is the rate of client satisfaction. It indicates the emphasis health insurance companies place on valuing their customer's needs and assessing circumstances when claims are raised. It is an effective way to measure the insurer's performance and ability to facilitate a seamless insurance experience from the enquiry stage up to after-sales services. With the broad range of insurance providers available, customers can choose amongst them based on each insurer's transparency, overall quality of services, and customer gratification.

2. Solvency position:
A business's perpetual functioning depends on its ability to generate and expand revenue streams. The primary revenue stream for online health insurance companies is through the sale of insurance policies. Insurance companies need lower liabilities and higher revenues to maintain a prudent solvency position as regulated by the IRDAI. The higher the persistency ratio, the better the cash inflow and the more favourable the solvency position.

3. Claim settlement position:
If policyholders feel content with the insurer's services, they are more likely to become loyal customers who renew their policies annually. This becomes more likely when the insurer has a high claim settlement rate, which indicates that the company makes the claim settlement process more accessible and resolves claims sooner. Claim settlement rate, persistency rate, and renewals are interlinked, resulting in reduced risk for the insurer and more significant funds at their disposal to settle claims.

Why insurers may have a low persistency ratio?

Like all other ratios that serve as a barometer of online health insurance companies' performance, potential consumers need to understand the possible causes behind the result, irrespective of a favourable or unfavourable ratio. This becomes especially important in case of a negative ratio, which may be caused by the following:

1. Poor after-sales and administration services offered by the insurer.

2. A low claim settlement ratio deters potential buyers from purchasing a policy since the possibility of getting compensated is low.

3. Lack of innovation puts the insurer's products at a disadvantage against other evolved products aligned with consumer demands.

The persistency ratio of online health insurance companies is ultimately a reflection of their ability to retain customers. It is an essential parameter that potential buyers must consider before purchasing their health insurance to ensure that a reliable insurer protects them with a sound claim settlement system and customer satisfaction rate.

Click HERE to buy health insurance that suits your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Before riding a borrowed bike, run these quick checks

Two-wheelers are extremely convenient modes of conveyance. Being easy to control and manoeuvre makes them a popular choice, resulting in the continued exponential growth of the Indian two-wheeler market.

While it is known that bikes are relatively unsafe compared to cars, an experienced rider doesn't face safety issues when following general driving rules. The additional cover provided by bike insurance enhances the safety quotient for riders and protects them from contingent financial losses resulting from accidents.

However, if you choose to borrow a bike, it becomes essential to run some quick checks to assess its condition before taking it for a ride. Whether you borrow it from a friend or rent one from a bike rental, here is a list of basic checks before riding a borrowed bike.

1. Inspect the tyres:
A bike's tyres are essential components that can cause or prevent an accident. Before you turn on the ignition system, ensure that the tyres are in good shape. Borrowed bikes have the possibility of having worn-out tyres, which you need to inspect thoroughly before you ride them. This is to ensure that no issues arise while you're on the road that may leave you stranded.
While a quick look can help identify any significant problems, such as deep treads or punctures, it is ideal to use your hand or kick the tyres to check the air pressure. The tyres' ideal PSI is listed on the body of the bike in case you need to fill up air in the tyres.

2. Don’t miss out on the brakes:
Well-functioning brakes are just as important as tyres to ensure the rider's safety. Depending on the type of two-wheeler, you may not have a foot brake to test. In the case of bikes, engage the foot brake and gauge the force required to engage the brake. Also, check the brake levers near the handlebars to test how much pressure is needed to apply the brakes. Even if you skip some of the other steps on this checklist, this is a non-negotiable inspection.

3. Did you check the side mirrors:
Every rider adjusts their side mirrors as per their convenience. While they may not seem important, they are essential for ensuring complete visibility of the rear traffic to make appropriate judgements on the road. If you have trouble setting them right, use this trick- adjust the mirrors such that the inward corners of the mirrors show your shoulder line on each side respectively. This way, you can have an optimal view of the vehicles behind your bike.

4. Indicators:
Poor indication habits while switching lanes and taking turns are leading causes of accidental grazing of vehicles, which sometimes escalate into massive accidents. This can be avoided by simply locating and checking the functioning of the turn signal controls, also called indicators and testing them before riding the borrowed bike.

5. Gear shifts:
What makes bikes difficult compared to scooters is the need to shift gears. If you have borrowed a manual transmission bike, check its gear shift mechanism to efficiently and effectively switch between gears while riding.

6. Valid driver's licence:
For bike insurance to cover any unfortunate accident while you ride a borrowed vehicle, you must hold a valid driver's licence and not drive under the influence of any substance.

It is legally required to purchase bike insurance for every bike before it hits the road. While the policy can be purchased by either the owner or the short-term user, having valid bike insurance proof is essential. Check if the owner has already purchased a policy. If not, buy one for the short term in case of a rental to avoid legal troubles.

While your friend may have lent you a bike in good faith, it is necessary to check these aspects to ensure your safety. Additionally, inspect the bike's throttle, clutch, display, and the validity of bike insurance to avoid any mishaps and getting involved in unnecessary trouble due to poor maintenance of the borrowed bike.

Click HERE to buy a robust bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Driverless cars have become a reality, but are they covered under your car insurance

Futuristic innovations are taking the world by storm, and the automobile industry is no exception. The most recent trend that has caught an upswing among car enthusiasts is self-driving or autonomous cars. While progress has been slow, it is still exciting to imagine a world where driving is hands-free.

While the concept is likely to do away the requirements of the drivers, what about the need to buy new car insurance? Will the revolutionary technology make insurance obsolete, or will auto-insurance companies alter their products as per the evolving market needs? Read on to learn all about the impact of driverless cars and their impact on the insurance industry.

What exactly is a driverless car?

It is an autonomous vehicle, meaning it can move from one location to another without help from a human driver. Self-driving vehicles, or driverless cars, manifest the machine-driven future we've envisioned. It is believed that they will make our lives easier and more productive.

But are they covered under your car insurance?

A top American consulting firm predicted that vehicle collisions would drop dramatically by the middle of this century. The insurance market is expected to be negatively impacted. Since claims related to autonomous cars are expected to decrease, insurance rates will go down. However, you will still need liability insurance because autonomous vehicles can also be driven by hand.

Apart from this, the insurance industry may also see a significant drop in business as the demand for theft protection coverage falls. Cars will be equipped with a 'kill-switch,' which prevents anyone but the owner from starting the engine, and a modern GPS tracking system may make it fully theft-proof. Car owners may feel safer without theft insurance, so the insurance premiums will also decrease as a result.

However, this is also another side of it!

Some experts think introducing self-driving cars will not affect the car insurance business much just because these cars have better safety features. These days, there is already a wide range of vehicles that feature a variety of cutting-edge technologies thanks to the rapid evolution of the car industry in recent decades. However, that has not resulted in noticeable shifts in insurance premium costs. Various collision-avoidance features are available in modern cars, despite which the number of reported accidents has remained relatively high.

How will insurance companies adjust to new conditions?

Although it is currently challenging to predict how driverless cars will affect car insurance businesses, it is likely to assume that the transition will be slow enough to allow the insurance industry adequate time to adapt. There are three main areas where insurance companies can improve in the future, according to certain reports.

1. Heightened cyber security risk:
Driverless cars will observe an increase in the use of hardware and software in cars, posing a cyber security risk. There may also be an increase in the likelihood of cybercrimes such as theft, ransomware, hacking, and the improper use of data about cars. In the not-too-distant future, car insurers will be able to start offering coverage in this area.

2. Technological concerns:
There is a significant risk of catastrophic loss due to software faults, memory overflow, and algorithmic flaws in automotive-related sensors and processors. Insurers will typically cover these types of losses with additional features.

3. Infrastructure insurance:
Factors such as cloud server systems, signals, and other safeguards that will be set up for the protection of vehicles and drivers will give a substantial yearly revenue potential in premiums. The need for public infrastructure insurance and security is bound to increase.

In conclusion, the automotive and car insurance industries are changing tremendously, and this transition will likely to drive the automated future. Until we have more information about innovations, it is ideal to buy new car insurance in case you don't have one to safeguard your current asset.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's all you need to know about dry eye syndrome and the way to prevent it

Do you ever feel like your eyes are burning, have redness, sting, or blurred vision, especially when reading? You might have dry eye syndrome.

A healthy tear film for the human eye is extremely important to retain good vision. People with dry eyes are unable to maintain a healthy coating of tears. This medical condition can hinder your day-to-day activities if not addressed in time. Here, you can learn about dry eyes, including symptoms, causes, prevention, and more.

What is dry eye syndrome?

Human eyes require a tear film to coat them, as it keeps the eye's surface clear and smooth and maintains good vision. When the eyes hardly produce tears, they are more likely to develop dry eyes. People suffering from dry eye syndrome cannot maintain a normal layer of tears to coat their eyes. This syndrome can also cause bacterial infections and a scar on the cornea.

Symptoms of dry eyes syndrome.

The most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome include pain, redness, and burning in the eyes. However, some people may experience other symptoms such as blurry vision, water tearing, eyes getting tired more quickly than usual, stringy mucus, and the feeling of having sand in their eyes. People with this syndrome often have difficulty sitting at a computer or reading a book for a long period.

Learning the signs of dry eye syndrome allows you to check whether you or someone around you has this medical condition. Get medical treatment if you find any symptoms of dry eyes syndrome.

What causes dry eyes syndrome?

Anyone, regardless of gender and race, can develop dry eye syndrome. However, older people are more prone to this eye condition. Also, women who have gone through menopause are at higher risk for this condition. Other causes include:

● Using contact lenses for a long time

● Being in the wind

● Breathing smoke

● Being in a very dry environment

Some medical conditions include rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid disease can also cause dry eye. You may also develop dry eye syndrome if you take sleeping pills, cold medicines, diuretics, heartburn medicines, antidepressants, or beta-blockers. Get your eye tested to avoid dry eye syndrome. It would also help you renew your health insurance online and enjoy no-claim benefits.

How to prevent dry eye syndrome?

You can prevent this eye condition by following these tips:

● Stay away from warm or dry rooms. If you use a heater or radiator in winter, ensure the required moisture in the room

● Avoid using hair dryers as much as possible

● Use artificial tear ointment before bed if you have dry, scratchy eyes in the morning

● Wear glasses to protect your eyes from the drying wind

● Consult your eye doctor about adding omega-3 fatty acids from foods like seafood to your diet

● Renew health insurance online to save money on doctor consultations and eye treatment expenses

What are the treatments available for dry eye syndrome?

Generally, people visit an ophthalmologist to diagnose their eyes for dry eye syndrome. They conduct various tests and provide different treatments. Some treatments include lacrimal plugs, artificial tears, medication, LipiFlow, surgery, and home care.

Dry eyes don't cause permanent vision loss. However, you should see a doctor if you suspect you are developing dry eyes, which can impair your vision. Follow prevention tips to reduce the risk of dry eyes. Make it a habit to wash your eyes regularly and indulge in quick exercise sessions to offer relief to the eyes. Renew your health insurance online to cover the expense of your other medical bills.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the psychology behind honking and the ways to tone it down

Honking while driving on the road is a serious topic and a primary source of noise pollution. Persistent noise from honking can lead to stress, annoyance, depression, and hearing impairment. It also causes road accidents due to sudden distractions. If you are wondering why people honk so much, you should understand the psychology behind it.

Reasons why people honk their horns so much.

Generally, it would be best to use a horn to avoid collisions, when necessary. However, drivers also honk for other reasons, such as

1. Honking by habit:
Most Indian drivers honk just because they feel like it, even if it is unnecessary. You may find honkers honking at turns, at blind corners, and at pedestrians walking or crossing the roads. Drivers also honk recklessly during a traffic jam to move the traffic. In this behaviour, the driver needs to show more awareness and patience.

2. Honking as a way to communicate:
In India, drivers use horn honking to communicate without words with other drivers on the road. Drivers use several horn-honking patterns, each with a different meaning. For instance, drivers use single honking when waiting outside their friend's house or when someone is in front of their vehicle, which means "I'm here".
The double horn means, "please don't be dumb", and the triple horn means, "I am upset that traffic has not moved". Some aggressive drivers use the repeater triple horn to tell other drivers that they are more important and ask them to get out of their way.
Another form of aggressive horn honking used by large vehicles is the big blast, meaning "I can do whatever I want because I am mighty".

3. Continuously honking at high speeds:
You may have seen a reckless driver going forward and constantly honking, leaving everyone behind. Such drivers are always in a hurry to arrive on time for work, meetings, or other events. However, irresponsible driving habits are dangerous and can cause more havoc on traffic.
You should avoid driving in a hurry or using a horn unnecessarily. While talking about safety, buying online motor insurance is essential to protect your vehicle from damages.

How to reduce unnecessary honking while driving:

● Most people need to learn the severity of unnecessary honking and its disadvantages. You should spread awareness about honking and noise pollution to your friends, family, and neighbours.

● Take driving lessons from renowned driving schools to learn the basics of honking etiquette, like avoiding honking at no-honking zones, near hospitals, schools, forest areas, etc.

● Unnecessary honking can also lead you to pay a ticket (challan). You should learn about when and where you should not honk.

● The government should impose strict laws against unnecessary honking and a maximum dB limit for large vehicles.

There are many reasons why drivers and riders like to honk so much. If you are like most drivers in India, you should learn the reasons behind drivers honking their horns and ways to reduce them. Once you understand the basics of honking etiquette, you should tell others to spread awareness.

In addition to honking etiquette, it is also essential for drivers to have motor insurance to protect them from fines and damage costs in the future. You can get online motor insurance quickly with minimum documentation and without the hassle of physically visiting the insurance company's office or paying a commission to an agent.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How can you detect faults in your home’s electrical circuit

Detecting faults in your home's electric circuit can be simple if you know exactly where the fault is or which appliance has malfunctioned. Proper knowledge is the prerequisite to easily detecting faults in the home electrical circuit. It can be in any room, hallway, verandah, bathroom, bedroom, or kitchen.

The power supply may get disrupted in the entire house or only some portion of it. Safety is paramount when it comes to detecting faults in electric circuits. Even a small mistake can cause loss of life and massive property damage.

Are you someone trying to detect electrical faults for the first time? Let us understand how you can proceed with it conveniently.

1. Get the right gear:
The right equipment and tools are necessary before repairing a fault in your home's electric circuit. Get the right tools that ensure your safety while checking for the fault. Use a socket tester and voltage meter to check the running current.

2. Switch off the main power supply:
Make sure you switch off the main power supply of your house before trying to touch any open wire or faulty appliance. You can also remove the circuit fuse of the particular room or area where you plan the repair. Failure to do so can result in an electric shock.
If there was smoke or crackling noise from any wire or switchboard, wear rubber boots or slippers and rubber gloves before touching any wire or board. They will provide some electrical insulation if they are made of 100% pure rubber without any holes or tears.

3. Testing a faulty appliance:
If any of your appliances are not working, you should try to plug them into another socket to ensure it is working properly. If the appliance works there, you have a problem with the circuit of that particular room. If the appliance still does not work, it means that your house's electric circuit is okay and not at fault. You will have to get the appliance repaired from the electrician.

4. Checking the Fuse / MCB:
Our homes have fuses or MCBs (Miniature Circuit Breakers) for every room and separate portions of our house. To prevent overloading, there are separate MCBs for heavy appliances, such as an air-conditioner. When a circuit or appliance malfunctions, the fuse will break, or the MCB will trip automatically, which will shut down power to that circuit.
Whenever you face a power problem in any particular house area, you should first check the respective fuse/MCB. A faulty appliance can also result in tripping off an MCB or blowing a fuse. You can repair the fuse by fixing the live wire if the fuse is blown. If the MCB is down, you should switch it on again and check for the fault in that particular room or appliance. If the problem is still there, the MCB will trip or shut off again. In such instances, you should call a qualified electrician rather than fixing it yourself.

5. Faulty power line:
If all the MCBs are also fine and there is still no power in your entire house, the problem can be bigger from the main line or the transformer. Please do not try to rectify faults from the main line because of the high voltage running through them. Call a qualified technician who is capable of repairing such faults.

You do not have to run for a qualified technician whenever you have a minor electrical fault at your house. You can also detect and repair the fault if it is not that severe and manageable. However, you should be careful while checking or repairing faults in your home electric circuits.

Faulty electric circuits and malfunctions can result in fire and heavy loss at your house. Fret not! Home insurance provides you with safety and security from any such unfortunate events. It covers the house structure and its contents and assists in rebuilding the damaged property. Get complete peace of mind by opting for a good home insurance policy.

Click HERE to purchase a comprehensive home insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The reliability of car safety ratings and their impact on purchasing decisions

An important choice to make is whether to lease or buy a car. Before making a purchase, consumers should explore the options available in various models. The level of safety in a car is paramount. According to a study, sixty-five percent of buyers said safety is essential when purchasing a car, truck, or sport utility vehicle. Modern cars have more safety features than ever before, but not all are created equal when protecting their owners in an accident. Consumers now have easy access to reliable information through car safety ratings.

What factors influence car safety ratings?

Various government safety agencies and car crash test organizations publish their safety ratings based on controlled safety trials each year. They are mainly categorised as:

● The ability of a car to avoid a collision, in general, is known as accident avoidance. The effectiveness of several individual components is reflected in an accident-avoidance rating.

● Cars equipped with airbags are pre-programmed to deploy the airbags automatically in the case of a collision. They act as a buffer between the rider or passenger and the car itself, reducing the likelihood of catastrophic harm. Typically, front, knee and side airbags are standard in top-tier safety-rated cars.

● Anti-lock braking systems save lives by preventing the wheel from locking up when the brakes are applied. The car's traction is improved, and skidding is prevented. In areas of the country that get a lot of snow and ice, anti-lock brakes come in especially handy.

● A driver equipped with electronic stability control can quickly swerve the car without losing control to avoid an obstacle.

● Protecting your head, neck, and back from the painful consequences of a rear-end crash. Rear-end crashes aren't usually fatal but can cause serious harm. During rear-end collision testing, head restraints play a significant role. Safety professionals simulate these impacts to determine how well head restraints prevent whiplash and other neck and spinal cord injuries.

● Anti-rollover protection: Pickup trucks, vans, and SUVs are more likely to roll over than shorter cars because of their greater centre of gravity. Safety agencies also examine the anti-rollover protection capacity of a vehicle in their safety trials.

Buying decisions influenced by crash-safety ratings.

Crash-safety ratings show the typical outcomes from accident data and inform drivers about their and other cars' safety. Customers who are not car experts should read up on buyers' guidelines and all the specifics regarding the car they are considering, such as its crash test ratings, safety features, tools, and accessories. As the car is a long-term investment, every prospective buyer should pay close attention to crash test results.

Be a responsible buyer and never settle for less. Prioritise safety and consider it to be the most significant advantage as a driver. To sum up, crash safety concerns the danger of death or severe harm to the driver and passengers of the car in the case of a crash. Therefore, it is essential to have car insurance.

Overall, modern cars are safer for their buyers. Still, several aspects, such as the state of the vehicle, the surrounding terrain, and the driver's actions, have a role. Regardless of the safety features of the cars, whether you're shopping for a new or used car, buy car insurance online should be your top priority to ensure an extra layer of protection.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best ways to increase your chances of getting a successful two-wheeler insurance claim settlement

Recent studies indicate that over 50% of vehicles on Indian roads are uninsured, of which two-wheelers make the majority. This is alarming considering the lack of safety features in two-wheelers and poorly maintained Indian roads, which lead to the ever-increasing number of road fatalities.

Despite making two wheeler insurance India mandatory, a vast majority continue to undermine its importance. This may be attributed to the financial product's complexity and uncertainties concerning the claim settlement process. While two wheeler insurance India protects against financial losses and damages from riding accidents, it is contingent on the claim's approval. Insurance providers have recognised the fear of potential policy buyers and have further simplified the process of raising a claim to increase penetration rates in the country.

Follow these tips to ensure the successful two wheeler insurance claim settlement.

How to raise successful claims?

This may come as no surprise, but the best way to raise a successful claim is to follow the insurance company's claim settlement process correctly. It is ideal for complying with the settlement procedure stated on the insurer's website to ensure favourable results. Most insurers have similar processes, which are reasonably straightforward to follow.

However, here are some tips to make sure that your claims are viewed favourably and settled at the earliest.

1. Early reporting:
Inform your insurer immediately after the accident. If you delay the process, you may forget the essential details required to validate your claim. Visit the insurer's website or call their toll-free number to raise a claim. If not possible, initiate the process within a week of the accident.

2. Proper surveying:
It is understood that an accident is a traumatic event to witness or be a victim of, irrespective of its scale. However, to successfully receive a complete settlement, you need valid and comprehensive proof to support your account. While details like the number plate of the other vehicle, pictures showing the damage, etc., are essential, any minute details can help solidify your stance.

3. Maintain precise post-accident records:
The most commonly accepted record by insurance companies is an FIR filed at the nearest police station to the accident site. Any medical expenses or bike servicing costs should also be recorded and submitted to the insurer for compensation.

4. Gather proof of following standard driving protocol:
An accident is an unfortunate event that cannot be entirely blamed on either party. While insurance companies look at the overall picture before passing a judgement on the case, you must ensure that you followed appropriate driving guidelines at the time of the accident. Here are a few reasons that can get your claim rejected:

● Riding without a valid driver's licence

● Riding with a lapsed two-wheeler insurance policy

● Riding under the influence of substances

● Reckless riding

● Use of two-wheeler for commercial or unauthorised use

5. Check your policy's inclusions:
Raising a claim requires knowing your policy's coverage to avoid rejection. You must know essential details like the authorised geographical region, active policy period, etc. Before raising the claim, ensure that you do not fall under any exclusions. Do not make false claims that you cannot support with evidence, as it automatically leads to rejection.

6. Provide all the requisite documents:
In case of incomplete submission of documents, you will have to duplicate efforts and submit the records until you satisfy the insurer's requirement. Usually, the list includes

● Copy of valid two wheeler insurance India

● Contact details of the policyholder

● Copy of FIR filed with the nearest police station

● Claim settlement form

● Copy of driver's licence and registration documents

● Original bills as proof of medical expenses and repairs

Two wheeler insurance India is a prudent mechanism to ensure protection against financial losses and damages to third parties due to your two-wheeler. Despite the general notion of the tedious nature of the claim settlement process, you can raise claims successfully by following above tips and simply complying with the insurer's requirements!

Click HERE to purchase hassle-free two wheeler insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Seeking to opt for a surrogate mother? Prepare to purchase health insurance

In India, as in the rest of the world, countless single people and couples want to start a family. However, not everyone has the same level of luck, and natural conception may not be an option for certain men, women, or couples. Thus, surrogacy is viewed as an excellent option for resolving this issue.

However, there are several potential problems when deciding to go through with surrogacy. To safeguard intended parents' rights and surrogate moms, the Indian government has enacted new surrogacy legislation, which indirectly impacts online health insurance companies. Keep reading to find out what the law in India says regarding surrogacy.

The Surrogacy Regulation Act in India.

Surrogacy is a burning issue in many parts of the world, considering their complex surrogacy laws. Before commercial surrogacy was banned in 2015 in India, surrogates in India used to suffer victimisation due to the lack of protection by law. It means they had limited support from the law or any other form of government to protect themselves. Plus, they were to follow either the Supreme Court's lead or the advice of the Indian Council of Medical Research.

However, The Surrogacy Regulation Act came into force on January 25, 2022, ensuring fertility services' safe and ethical practices.

Who can get surrogacy?

A surrogate mother must be in good health and between the ages of 25 and 35. She must have been married at least once and raised a child alone. She must also be a close relative of the intended parents. A woman can only serve as a surrogate once in her lifetime under the new Indian surrogacy rules, down from a maximum of three times under the old law.

Regulatory framework for surrogacy in India.

There are two sorts of surrogacy: traditional surrogacy and gestational or host surrogacy. Artificial insemination with the father's sperm is the traditional method. It establishes the surrogate as the child's actual mother.

An embryo created via in vitro fertilisation is implanted into a surrogate mother in gestational surrogacy. It is widely held that gestational surrogacy is simpler than traditional surrogacy, which has led to increased cases involving gestational surrogacy.

Following is a summary of the recent legislation regarding surrogacy regulation, effective as of January 25, 2022.

1. Commercial surrogacy banned:
Commissioning parents in the legally permitted altruistic surrogacy arrangement are responsible for covering the surrogate's medical expenses and providing health insurance coverage. Initially, only commercial surrogacy was legal in India. Earlier, commercial surrogacy compensated the surrogate mother for her services.

2. Health insurance proof becomes mandatory:
Couples who choose surrogacy to have a child must pay for the surrogate mother's health insurance for three years. The IRDA must approve the insurer following the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act requirements. The sum insured must be sufficient to cover all costs incurred by the surrogate because of difficulties emerging during and after the pregnancy.

3. Additional protection for the surrogate mother:
The surrogate mother can end the pregnancy at any time during the surrogacy arrangement. The permission form format to be obtained from the surrogate has also been changed.
The couple must file an affidavit guaranteeing payment of expenses of the surrogate mother, including medical care in the event of illness or the surrogate mother's death and compensation for other losses.

The new surrogacy rules in India are intended to protect the rights of surrogate mothers by guaranteeing them access to online health insurance companies and policies if any difficulties arise during the pregnancy. While this is a positive development, India still has a way to go before we adequately safeguard the rights of surrogate mothers.

Click HERE to buy health insurance if planning for surrogacy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Protect your personal belongings with a theft add-on to your bike insurance

A comprehensive bike insurance policy protects you in case your bike gets stolen. It ensures the receipt of the total insured value or the IDV of your bike from the insurance company. This way, two wheeler insurance will reimburse you when you raise an insurance claim.

But what happens to your expensive belongings kept in the bike, such as your bag or wallet, that have disappeared along with your two-wheeler? Worry no more! You can now buy an add-on theft cover while purchasing two wheeler insurance online or offline to protect your personal belongings.

The benefit of theft add-on.

A theft add-on feature for your bike’s comprehensive insurance policy enhances its value by covering your personal belongings’ value. You can purchase this add-on cover while buying new two wheeler insurance online India or renewing the existing policy. The insurance company becomes liable to pay the amount mentioned in the add-on cover. The depreciation amount is deducted to date for your personal belongings in case your bike gets stolen.

Documents required.

You must provide the following documents to raise an insurance claim:

1. An FIR filed with a police station immediately after your bike is stolen

2. Original invoice of the items for which you are staking a claim or proof of ownership of the belongings stolen

You must inform the insurance company of the theft within 30 days of the bike being stolen. The insurance company will not entertain any claim post this period. Also, insurance companies will not accept claims for items not meant for personal use. It means the lost item should not be for trading or commercial purposes. Also, the item you are claiming should be inside or on the bike when it gets stolen.


Opting for a theft add-on to your bike insurance has several advantages:

1. Only this add-on assures you of reimbursement for the loss of your personal belongings present in your bike in case it is stolen.

2. This add-on protects your hard-earned money. You can have complete peace of mind and leave behind your belongings on your bike without worrying about their loss.


There are a few limitations of theft add-on to your bike insurance too.

1. Depreciation:
Insurance companies charge high depreciation for your valuables. The minimum percentage of depreciation charged is 20% which can go up to 80% for items over four years old. Hence, you may get a minimal amount for your lost personal belongings.

2. Documentation:
The formalities required to support your insurance claim for your personal belongings are cumbersome. For example, you may not have proof of ownership of all the items stolen with the two-wheeler and may not get the claim passed for them.

The theft of your bikes is not in your control. A standard insurance policy will only provide compensation for your bike and not your valuables. Opting for a theft add-on to your bike insurance is an intelligent choice. It has more advantages than limitations and will protect the valuables in your bike.

Similarly, opting for two wheeler insurance online India is a great choice. It minimises paperwork, saves time, and is much more convenient than buying an insurance policy through conventional channels. You can make an informed choice by comparing similar policies of all the service providers and choosing the best amongst them. Hence, ensure your peace of mind by buying your two wheeler insurance online India policy.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Move-over braces, and clear aligners are the way forward

As we progress, we are moving towards better options in all aspects of life. Advancements in medical science over the last few decades have resulted in ground-breaking discoveries and the latest med-tech developments. The constantly evolving world of medicine has resulted in innovation in the dental industry. This discovery came in the form of clear aligners, which are the latest trend. Orthodontists globally suggest them as they are better suited for many reasons, making them preferred over traditional braces. But why are they so popular? What makes them different? We will discuss them all in this article.

Clear aligners are still an upcoming trend that many may not know. Due to this, we will help you walk through these unique orthodontic devices and how they straighten your teeth. Regardless of your dental problems, you should always have the best health insurance policy in India to cover all your medical expenses. Now, let's understand the benefits of clear aligners.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners can fix misaligned or unorganised teeth placements. After conducting an intraoral scan, orthodontists can determine the problem with your teeth and possible solutions. Made with cutting-edge 3D technology, each aligner is customised according to the patient's needs. The aligners move the teeth into place gradually without causing pain. The time taken to do so depends on the unique condition of every individual.

What are the benefits of clear aligners?

1. Maintains oral hygiene:
With clear aligners, you can maintain your dental hygiene without any hassles. You can remove them as per your will and then brush your teeth meticulously without fear. On the other hand, you need to clean carefully when you have your braces on. Braces can cause dental problems as you cannot brush your teeth well. It can lead to other oral problems like bad breath and cavities.

2. Freedom to eat or drink anything:
Braces bring several dietary restrictions and place constant pressure on your teeth. However, you will feel nothing with aligners, as they are removable. You can eat or drink to your liking.

3. Practically invisible:
It is very difficult to spot clear aligners. They are almost entirely invisible. This means that you need not inform anyone about your orthodontic treatment. In stark contrast, metal braces are easy to notice. This can be a matter of embarrassment for many adults and teens.

4. No operational hassles:
The whole process of getting metal braces done can be tedious. It requires regular monitoring and tightening to keep you comfortable. If any wire is left unopened, it can lead to ulcers in your mouth. With clear aligners, this is not a problem. It does not require any tightening during doctor appointments.

5. No obstruction to teeth whitening:
Metal braces can force you to compromise on your dental hygiene. This can lead to the loss of a pearl-white smile. You may also notice plaque formation as a result of bacteria growth. If left untreated, you may have decayed teeth, bleeding gums, and other problems. To avoid this, switch to clear aligners, which pose no threat to your white teeth in any way. You can brush them whenever you want and not fear being cautious around metal wires.

Clear aligners are the future of dental science. They are highly effective, consume less time for fitting, and show results sooner than metal braces. With advancing times, most people will switch towards clear aligners to treat their teeth. In any medical situation, purchasing the best health insurance policy in India may help you cover the procedure's cost.

Click HERE to invest in the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Lower abdominal pain: It may be a sign of appendicitis

Abdominal pain is a prevalent issue of concern worldwide. The common causes of abdominal pain are gas, indigestion, and constipation. They don’t require urgent medical care, and you can get relief in a few hours. However, there may be more serious causes of abdominal pain, like urinary tract infections, kidney stones or infections, and even appendicitis which can be serious.

These are some causes for which you must seek immediate medical help. If the cause for your lower abdominal pain is an inflamed appendix, more often than not, you may have to undergo appendix surgery. The surgery cost is high, making it essential to buy health insurance online. While health insurance covers medical expenses, taking precautionary measures and being aware of its symptoms is necessary.

Let us understand lower abdominal pain caused because of appendicitis more clearly.

What is appendicitis?

Our large intestine has a pouch-like structure at its beginning, known as the appendix. The appendix sometimes becomes inflamed and fills with pus, causing immense pain. This situation is called appendicitis. It is treated with antibiotics and must be removed through surgery.

You should not ignore severe and persistent lower abdominal pain as it may be a sign of appendicitis. It can be dangerous and result in a ruptured appendix that can cause severe infection when ignored.

What are some common symptoms of appendicitis?

If you regularly suffer pain in your right lower abdomen area for a prolonged period, it is time for you to visit a good doctor. Also, the severity of pain eventually increases if not diagnosed early. Other symptoms of appendicitis include nausea, vomiting, fever, and loss of appetite.

What are the associated risks of appendicitis?

When the appendix becomes blocked and inflamed, bacteria multiply in it. The appendix can start swelling, along with pus formation. This causes painful pressure in the lower abdomen. It can also block blood flow. Not only does appendicitis cause immense pain and trouble, but bacteria can spill into the abdominal cavity with the bursting of the appendix. This can result in developing life-threatening infections.

The pain caused by appendicitis is usually so severe that it can even wake us from sleep. It can worsen within just a few hours and may require immediate hospitalisation.

How is appendicitis diagnosed?

There is no specific test to diagnose appendicitis. The doctor first understands the symptoms and your medical history. He will physically check for swelling or rigidity of the lower right part of the abdomen. He may also perform a digital rectal examination.

The doctor may ask you to get a few more tests done to ascertain the occurrence of appendicitis. This may include blood tests, urine tests, and abdominal imaging tests.

How to prevent appendicitis?

There is no way by which we can fully prevent appendicitis and the subsequent pain that it causes in the lower abdomen. But having a high-fibre diet can help reduce the chances of appendicitis. Additionally, increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, lentils, beans and other legumes, split peas, brown rice, whole wheat, oatmeal, and whole grains. Consider the intake of some fibre supplements with the approval of your general physician to ensure a well-balanced diet.

One should never ignore lower abdominal pain as it can be a sign of appendicitis. The pain and uneasiness can lead to fatal infections. Since such ailments are beyond control, one should focus on safeguarding their health. Buy health insurance online with comprehensive protection to cover the costs of treating appendicitis without feeling a pinch on one’s wallet.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


If you are a travel enthusiast, you must buy personal accident insurance

Travel is like hitting a reset on the mundane flow of life. It is a breath of fresh air a amid hectic schedule involving tedious work. Refocusing efforts on personal growth rather than material success to prevent burnout and enhance productivity has allowed young professionals to take holiday breaks, explore the world to develop new perspectives, and take on new challenges.

While travel opens up a new world of possibilities, cultures, and experiences, one should never neglect uncertainties. Accidents are an uncertainty in life that one must always prepare for. Often forsaken since they are rare occurrences, irrespective of scale, they leave the victim with pain, financial burdens, and sometimes, lifetime disabilities.

Although you can't prevent accidents, you can be prepared and protect yourself against allied financial losses by buying personal accident insurance India. If you are an avid traveller, here's why you should consider purchasing personal accident insurance India before setting on your next journey.

What is personal accident insurance India?

The severity of accidents is often undermined due to their infrequency. However, irrespective of the cause of the accident, they may lead to accidental deaths, bodily injuries, or disabilities. Personal accident insurance India seeks to insure the policyholder against the financial losses arising from specific accidents that health and life insurance exclude.

Why should travellers purchase personal accident insurance India?

1. Stress-free travel: Exploring new lands and getting a taste of new experiences is best enjoyed without additional stress. Personal accident insurance India protects against accidents you may encounter while on your globe-trotting adventure. Check the fine print of your policy to ensure that your insurer covers accidents occurring abroad. If not, make sure you buy additional specific coverage for the same.

2. Medical compensation:
With medical inflation reaching record heights, healthcare services are costly across the globe. Depending on your preferred destination, you may have to shell out more if you need medical attention due to an accident. Personal accident insurance India covers hospitalisation and allied medical expenses, lifting the financial burden from your shoulders.

3. Additional benefits:
Apart from the medical compensation offered to the policyholder, their family can avail of family transportation allowance, children's education allowance, loan protection services, etc., to shift the burden from the policyholder.

Types of personal accident policy coverage.

1. Accidental death cover:
In case of the insured's accidental death, the nominee receives 100% of the total insured sum stated in the policy.

2. Permanent partial disability cover:
This insurance plan acknowledges disabilities that limit the functioning of the person. For partial disabilities like the loss of specific senses or body parts, you can claim up to 100% of the insured sum.

3. Permanent total disability cover:
Accidents that lead to the loss of essential body parts like limbs that directly impact the insured's ability to return to normal activities make the nominee/policyholder eligible to claim the assured sum.

4. Temporary total disability cover:
Where accidents impair the policyholder's ability to return to regular activities temporarily, the insurer pays a specified sum during the rehabilitation period in the form of a daily or weekly allowance to meet EMI payments, general living expenses, etc.

Exclusions of personal accident insurance.

Before purchasing personal accident insurance India, you must be aware of some of the main exclusions not covered by the policy:

● Natural death

● Pre-existing disability or injury

● Suicide or self-injuries

● Influence of intoxicants

● Acts of terrorism

● Engaging in criminal activities

Encountering an accident is not predictable. Purchasing personal accident insurance protects the policyholder against many accidents, including travel accidents. To protect yourself and your loved ones from unknown risks and travel stress-free, buy personal accident insurance India at the earliest from your preferred insurer!

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few exciting ways you can organise your home for this new year

It's the new year, and one resolution that we all commonly try to make is to keep our homes organised and well-maintained. A well-organised home is the key to an organised and healthy you. Good home organising ideas with the proper implementation strategy can give you the perfect home without spending a bomb on it.

Do you also have a new year resolution of organising your home well? Here are a few interesting ways you can achieve it this new year.

1. Take one room at a time:
Organising your entire home can be an uphill and time-consuming task. You will get confused about how and where to start and what changes to incorporate. Start with organising your home by taking small steps. Start from one room at a time. You can focus better and devote time to individual rooms separately. This will make the entire home organising task less daunting and easily manageable.

2. Hanging spaces:
Create multiple hanging spaces in all your rooms, galleries, and sitting areas. You should have appropriate space to hang your jackets, blazers and other clothes so that you do not have to put them here and there on the bed, side table or the floor! This will make your rooms clutter-free and look neat and clean. You can put a peg board and hang your hats, caps, shirts, t-shirts, etc., on it. This will look nice and organised, and you will be easily able to locate all your stuff too.
Hanging spaces in the kitchen can be very useful as well. Paste iron hooks behind the main kitchen door and cabinet doors. You can hang the dusting cloth, small pans, spare packets, etc., on them and not store or litter them in the open. They will stay behind the doors and not be visible to all.

3. Learn to donate:
Each of us has the habit of stocking up multiple useless things we don't need and creating clutter in our wardrobes and even out in the open. For example, you might have stacked up dresses from the past that do not fit you anymore. Since you have limited storage space, you keep putting the new clothes you buy on those same shelves. The clothes start tumbling out of your closet every time you open them.
Learn to let go and donate! Your old clothes will not get bigger on their own, nor will they shrink. Donate the extra clothes to the needy in an orphanage or an old-age home. It will feel great to help, and your wardrobe will be lighter and more organised.

4. Go green:
You may buy indoor plants in fancy, beautiful pots and use them as decorative pieces around your house. They will provide fresh air while making your house green and beautiful. You can also hang a few pots in the stairway and outside the main entrance to give a great look.

5. Proper marking:
A key to being organised is keeping everything labelled and properly marked. You can start with the kitchen and put labels on each storage container. This will make it easy to figure out what is inside each container, and the items will not get mixed up.
You can also label items such as photo albums to instantly know when these photographs were taken, even after several years. Use labels for marking important files and documents, first aid kits, etc., so you can easily find them when needed.

Start with one thing at a time, and you will enjoy organising your house this new year. Even if you do little at first, do it with full dedication and focus. This will ensure that your efforts do not go waste and that your home looks the best.

Another important way to get organised this new year is by opting for home insurance India policy. It protects your house and all your valuable possessions from damages caused by fire, theft, earthquake, etc. Choose the best home insurance India and protect your valuable asset from mishaps.

Click HERE to buy reliable home insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Fire insurance inclusions and types that you must know

Buying a high-value fixed asset like land or property is always expensive and risky, whether commercial or residential. Several external factors are outside the control of property owners, including fire, burglary, etc., which may result in extreme losses.

Purchasing insurance against such uncertainties is a prudent mechanism. It ensures that the amount of damages or loss is covered by the insurer, which is why buying fire insurance for any property you own is essential. Irrespective of whether you buy an insurance policy online or through an offline agent, you must be aware of what fire insurance covers, its inclusions, and various types to help you make the right choice.

Read on to learn all about fire insurance inclusions and types.

What is fire insurance?

Fire insurance is a contract that protects the insured against financial losses arising from damages or loss to his property or assets. Usually, it is purchased as a supplementary cover having several inclusions apart from just fires.

Essential features of fire insurance.

● It is purchased for one year

● It covers property, heavy machinery, stock of goods, furniture and fittings, etc

● The insurer can settle a claim on actual cash value or replacement cost basis

● It only covers direct loss to the insured property, making consequential loss claims non-admissible. However, add-on covers for the same are available at an additional cost

Inclusions of fire insurance.

As stated above, fire insurance covers unintentional risks beyond the scope of just fires. These include:

1. Fire:
The most apparent risk insured against is the fire itself. It has a broad range of inclusions and covers all fire-allied accidents, making the policy highly beneficial to business premises that regularly deal with fire.

2. Lightning:
Damages or losses caused by fire or lightning are within the scope of the policy. This may include cracks that run down the buildings or roof coverings, etc.

3. Explosion:
Blasts caused by high temperatures or high-pressure gases are included under the policy. However, read the fine print before you buy an insurance policy online. Many insurers make slight changes in their offerings and may not cover damages due to centrifugal force-based machines.

4. Aircraft damages:
Any fires caused due to an aircraft or an airborne device, including the dripping of explosive cargo, crashing, etc., are policy inclusions.

5. Violent activities:
These include a broad spectrum of terrorist activities, strikes, riots, or any public violence actions that may damage or set fire to the insured property.

6. Natural calamities:
Natural calamities are beyond the scope of the control of humans and include storms, typhoons, landslides, rockslides, floods, etc.

Types of policies.

The maximum claim amount that you can raise is based on the type of policy purchased.

1. Valued policy:
In this case, the contract states a pre-decided amount to be paid by the insurer in case of damage or destruction. This amount is non-alterable post-fire, and such a policy ensures high-value personal effects.

2. Specific policy:
This type of insurance is purchased where the insurer is liable to pay either the specified amount or the actual loss incurred, whichever is lower after a surveyor's inspection.

3. Average clause policy:
If the insured intentionally purchases a policy for a value lower than the actual property value, their claim is proportionately reduced to the extent of the loss incurred. This discourages the practice of underinsurance and minimises fraud.

4. Consequential loss policy:
This covers not just the direct loss but also the loss of profit due to a halt in operations due to damages or fire. However, the insured must pay an additional premium for such insurance.

5. Replacement policy:
The asset's market value is identified and then compensated for cost post depreciation. This ensures minimal losses for both- the insured and the insurer.

Considering the plethora of options available, you must read the inclusions, exclusions, and maximum permissible claims before you buy insurance policy online or offline to protect your assets from losses due to fire.

Click HERE to buy insurance policy online and protect your property from fire damages.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Do you own a diesel car? Here's how you can improve its mileage

Even though diesel engines produce more mileage, car owners are always looking to save more money by making their vehicles perform better. Most customers, including those who drive diesel-powered cars, are interested in learning how to get the best mileage from their diesel vehicles.

Here are some tips to get the most out of your diesel engines' fuel efficiency and cut operating costs.

Tips for increasing the fuel efficiency of car diesel engines:

The best place to start when trying to improve the fuel economy of your car's diesel engine is by examining your driving patterns or drivers' driving habits. Your fuel efficiency will increase if you train yourself to adopt good driving habits.

1. Eliminate idling:
Drivers should limit the time they spend stationary, especially when warming up their vehicle or stopping at a rest stop.

2. Utilise synthetic oil:
If you switch from standard oil to synthetic oil in a diesel engine, you can save up to 10% more fuel. Most of the time, using high-quality fluids will increase overall fuel efficiency.

3. Even as you accelerate:
To avoid excessive fuel burning, use smooth, continuous acceleration. Your diesel engine's fuel economy will improve with lower engine RPMs.

4. Take the cruise:
Use the cruise control instead of the gas pedal to keep your speed steady while driving on a flat road. You will consume less fuel overall if you use this strategy.

5. Scale back your highway speed:
According to studies, cars may travel at lower speeds without burning as much fuel. Given this, an 80 kmph speed limit for cars on the highway is typical. You will burn extra fuel and spend more money for every km per hour over 80 speed.

6. Look into your tyres:
Your fuel economy may also suffer if you have under or over-inflated tyres. Even though tyre condition should always be part of a pre-check, air pressure in tyres can change with temperature, going up in the heat and down in the cold. Try to maintain your car's pressure at the level advised by the car manufacturer.

7. Adjuvants for diesel engines:
It can be difficult to assess fuel additives impartially. Even though they promise that your intake valves, injectors, and carburettors will stay clean, the fuel savings may be so small that you won't even notice them. Most modern car engines don't require any additives, either. Before you spend your hard-earned money on engine additives, you should talk to licensed diesel mechanics and ask for their advice.

8. Air filters and intake devices:
A combustion engine's ability to operate effectively depends on air. If your engine doesn't get enough air, the engine will lose power. If you buy a better air intake product, you can stop this.
No matter what time of year, cold air intakes will increase diesel engines' long-term longevity and performance. Air filters also play a significant role in the air intake. Premium air filters may cost a little more, but they quickly pay for themselves by making your car use less gas.

9. Automobile monitoring:
We spent a lot of time discussing habits that can reduce fuel economy and how to change them to improve mileage. If you need a reliable piece of equipment to help you drive less aggressively, installing a monitor that shows your miles per gallon in real time can be a good choice. By keeping an eye on your most critical systems, you'll know immediately if you're idling too much or driving at an odd speed.

Speak to a qualified diesel technician if you need more advice about saving gas or installing aftermarket parts. Similarly, your car insurance will protect you from the financial obligations you might face if you hurt or accidentally damage your car or third-party vehicle. Car insurance online India improves the security coverage for your car and protects you against unforeseen events.

Click HERE to buy robust car insurance online India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Did you know that going minimalistic may improve your mental health

Development and progress are always seen as indicators of positive changes. However, in pursuing material success, we often forget to prioritise what matters the most. While the next career milestone, pay raise, or luxury purchase can offer momentary happiness, it cannot undo the adverse impact of stress on your health.

Recognising the trend of declining productivity and fulfilment, young professionals emphasise their physical and mental well-being in their endeavours to achieve their vision. While online health insurance can protect you against physical illnesses and their costs, your mental well-being depends entirely on your environment, perspective, and personal space.

Recent studies have shown that going minimalistic may improve your mental health. But what is minimalism, and what is its impact on your health? Read on to learn all about the self-care method.

What is minimalism?

Considered a holistic lifestyle, minimalism finds its core belief in decluttering. While you may take this literally to get rid of excess tangible goods around you to achieve a sense of freedom and realise what is truly important, you can also apply it to your mind space. The human mind is a powerful asset capable of achieving what is impossible. To discover its true potential, you must give it nourishment, time, and the motivation to do what it does best- ponder and realise.

However, present lifestyles are characterised by hectic schedules and mundane tasks that take away the freedom to use one's time in their preferred manner, limiting creativity and making daily chores stressful. Applying principles of minimalism to your mental health can help reduce stress, minimise the risk of developing mental illnesses and focus on what is important.

Impact of minimalism on mental health:

Minimalism is a simplistic thought that is challenging to put into action. Getting rid of possessions is the most difficult task in this materialistically-powered world- be it with tangible possessions or intangible ideas. The benefits of the practice are unparalleled and can help you unlock the hidden potential within you that was unnoticed before such drastic changes.

1. Independent perspective:
Decluttering your thoughts allows you to sort them based on importance and identify what matters most. Once you realise that, it becomes easy to discover your passions, interests, and ideas, towards which you can strive to work and envision your thoughts coming to reality. This mindset allows you to be independent, free of any external influence and confident in your abilities.

2. Simplified prioritisation:
It is proven that multitasking deteriorates your productivity rather than enhances it. Once you have gotten rid of physical and mental distractions, only essential matters are left to attend to. This way, you can focus on people, work, and passions that rank higher in importance and devote your complete attention.

3. Reduced stress:
Stress is caused by the worry of underperformance in multiple aspects, including work, academics, sports, personal life, etc., and the fear of losing out on what you have. Minimalism emphasises letting go of possessiveness over immaterial things that only pose as distractions, helping one to detach from baggage that weighs one down and optimistically work towards meaningful goals.

4. Improved overall health:
Apart from relieving stress, minimalism has several positive effects on your overall health that can supplement your online health insurance coverage. Positive thinking and a straightforward approach are all it takes to view all situations positively, resulting in improved mood, reduced tiredness, and better overall health.

Practising a minimalistic lifestyle is a long-term endeavour, similar to buying online health insurance that supplements the benefits of the former. They are sure to maintain your overall health in top-notch condition when put together!

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Did you know about the best gifts you can give your biker friend

Whether it's a weekly Sunday ride with the crew, a quick trip when the weather's nice, or a much longer outing whenever you need to get away from it all and experience the freedom of two wheels, biking is always a good idea.

You can get all the grips, wallets, tool pouches, and other gift accessories to give your biker friend a safe, enjoyable, and memorable bike trip. These cool things can be good gifting options if you have a biker friend.

1. Bike backpack:
No ordinary bag should be used on a bike. Aerodynamics is an important factor when selecting the perfect backpack. Also, it should produce less drag. Many fantastic bike backpacks are available, which are slim, sporty, and classic designs with extra-space variants.
When choosing a bike backpack as a gift, think about how tall and heavy the person is. It would be best to consider whether the person getting the bag needs extra pockets for laptops, clothes, and other essentials. To keep the backpack securely fastened to the rider's body, adjustable shoulder straps and a hip belt are essential. Look out for waterproof backpacks to prevent the items from getting wet when it rains.

2. Bike toolbox:
A portable bike tool kit might make a fantastic present for your biker friend. Bike tool packs have everything a rider would need to fix something quickly on the side of the road. These practical kits, which can be folded or rolled up to easily fit into a backpack, are packed with screwdrivers, torque wrenches, and other tools.
Make sure you get any bike tools to ensure the gift will fit the friend's bike. A bike-specific kit can make sense to purchase if you are aware of the model of bike they ride. But if you want to be sure, you are usually better off buying one of the several universal-fit bike tool packages compatible with most bike models.

3. Communications system inside the helmet:
One of the most enjoyable and rewarding aspects of riding a bike can be going on group rides with friends and family but staying in touch is important when you're out. The ideal way to stay in touch when riding a bike is with a communications system built into the helmet. It improves safety, fun, and connection while riding. These communication devices use Bluetooth or Dynamic Mesh Communication (DMC) to set up a common communication channel between riders in a group or between riders and passengers.

4. Action cam:
These tiny but powerful cameras can be placed on a rider's helmet or bike's handlebar. They can assist riders in identifying their riding patterns and enhancing their technique. They are an excellent way to reflect on priceless memories of previous rides, including those with terrifying corners and stunning landscapes. These cams can offer useful information to help police identify negligent drivers after an accident.

5. Saddlebags:
Saddlebags might be a wonderful present for bike enthusiasts who enjoy long road trips. For serious off-road adventurers, you can fill these multipurpose backpacks with camping goods and clothing, footwear, riding equipment, road food, and other necessities.

These are a few top items you can gift your biker friend and make their ride comfortable and memorable. Just like you're planning to surprise your biker friend with a valuable gift, you also need to get them protected with reliable insurance. With a focus on bike protection and coverage, the best two wheeler insurance in India is the need. When their bike is damaged accidentally, it will pay for the repairs. It protects them financially from theft, natural disasters, vandalism, and accidents.

Click HERE to buy the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on e-insurance account

Insurance is undoubtedly a saviour in unfortunate times. It is a guarded mechanism that allows you to prepare for financial losses arising from accidents, damages, or death against which you are insured. Insurance penetration, a ratio of insurance premium payments to the country's GDP, rose to 4.2% in FY21, still lagging behind the global average of 7.2%.

The slow but steady rise of awareness regarding insurance products amid the pandemic is the reason behind such progress. Picking up on increasing demand, insurance companies have refined processes to make their services more reliable and accessible. One such move is the launch of an e-insurance account which makes it easier for policyholders to keep track of and renew online general insurance and other crucial policies.

Read on to learn about e-insurance accounts and how to set one up.

E-insurance account.

An e-insurance account, also known as e-IA, is a step towards the digitalisation of the insurance industry. It serves as a repository that stores all your insurance policies- including life, health, motor, insurance, etc. In 2013, the IRDAI introduced the digitised policy to allow insurance to go paperless and give policyholders access to their insurance portfolio in a few clicks.

Fundamental features of an e-IA.

Hereafter referred to as e-IA, an e-insurance account provides the following features:

● Every individual can only open one e-IA in their name.

● Once linked, each insurance policy under the e-IA is known as an e-insurance policy.

● Data safety is ensured with each account holder being provided unique login credentials and account numbers for their e-IA.

Benefits of an e-IA.

1. Digitally secure insurance:
Preserving records online eliminates the possibility of theft or misplacement of policies. Additionally, the documents stay secure perpetually, making them easy to access for the nominee in case of the policyholder's death to initiate a claim at the earliest.

2. Simplified payment platform:
Visiting various websites to renew policies with multiple insurers is a hassle. E-IA simplifies the process by making it possible to pay your online general insurance premiums to various insurance companies from the insurance repository's online portal.

3. One time KYC:
KYC compliance has been a lax part of the process until recently. With constant changes to the insurance purchasing process to reduce fraud claims and loopholes, KYC compliance has become compulsory for buying any insurance policy. Instead of submitting the details multiple times while purchasing a policy, by stating your e-IA number, your policy will automatically be linked to your account, eliminating the need for providing KYC details.

4. Zero charges set-up:
You can open e-insurance accounts with your preferred insurance repository authorised by the IRDAI. This includes the Central Insurance Repository Limited, NSDL Database Management Limited, CAMS Repository Services Limited, and Karvy Insurance Repository Limited. These accounts are set up free of cost to incentivise customers to shift to digitalised platforms.

5. Convenient management:
There is no greater benefit of e-IAs than the ease of compilation. It makes it easy to view all your policies- general and non-general together and, keep track of the policy period, renewal date, and process premium payments. This overview is an excellent way to minimise the chances of a lapse in online general insurance and life insurance policies.

Opening an e-IA account.

Now that you're aware of the benefits of an e-IA, here are four simple steps to open your account:

1. Pick your preferred insurance repository from the four eligible repositories mentioned above.

2. Download the e-IA opening form available on their website.

3. Carefully fill out the form and attach self-attested KYC documents along with personal, bank, and contact details. You may not require KYC documents if opening your account through an insurance company, in which case, the company sends the details collected before.

4. Submit the documents and filled form to the insurance repository.

E-insurance accounts are set to transform the perception of the insurance sector and its products. With introductions like online general insurance, automated premium payments, and one-stop repositories, we anticipate Indian insurance penetration to catch up with global figures soon!

Click HERE to buy online general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to take care of your stitches to ensure a faster recovery

If you have recently operated on for surgery, you might be curious about how to recover quickly so you can return to your daily work routine. While you are in the hospital, your surgeon does his part, but once you are discharged, healing is your responsibility.

Also, remember a personal accident insurance policy offers comprehensive financial security to the insured against unforeseen events like accidental death, physical harm, partial or whole disability, and permanent and temporary disabilities brought on by accident.

Here are five tips to speed up your recovery so you can resume your life as soon as possible:

1. Prevent infection:
For your procedure to be successful, infection prevention is essential. One of the most specific and crucial rehabilitation activities is washing your hands before touching your wound or dressing your stitches.
Rare surgical site infections typically appear 30 days after surgery. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to ask your doctor what you can do to keep your skin capable of preventing infection.

2. Give your body the necessary energy to heal:
Even if you don't feel like eating after surgery, giving your body the energy it needs to heal is vital. Selecting proteins such as chicken, eggs, and others is essential for healing. Fruits are a good source of vitamin C, which has also been proven to speed up recovery. Foods containing iron and B12, such as fish and eggs, aid in the body's production of the necessary new blood cells. Consume fibre and probiotics for the immune system to combat illness and restore your original health condition.

3. Verify your incision:
Even though it may not be your favourite activity, you must closely examine your incision multiple times a day. Is the wound red or pink? Are there any visible staples or stitches? These inquiries are crucial, and looking at your incision will allow you to ascertain whether or not your surgical site is still healing or has developed an infection.

4. Rise and shine:
When you can, get up and start moving. Moving encourages the flow of blood, which aids in the healing process. You can also prevent harmful blood clots by walking or getting the wounded body part moving. The likelihood of acquiring pneumonia is lowered by light activity. Once the doctor provides the go-ahead, begin the stretching and muscle-building therapy.

5. Observe the recommendations of your healthcare provider:
You will only make much progress if you hear this message. A postoperative patient should adhere to all the recommendations specified by their healthcare professionals.
Some guidelines may limit your freedom of movement, such as the recommendation to wait a few weeks following surgery before taking a bath, swimming, or lifting anything over 10 pounds.

6. Drinking and eating right:
After surgery, many people experience appetite loss. They might not feel hungry at all or feel queasy or constipated. Good nutrition and hydration can aid healing, reduce common risks, and help you recover fast.

7. Recognise when to visit the ER:
Call your doctor immediately if you're bleeding, having difficulties breathing, swallowing or drinking, urinating, or showing clear indications of infection. Your primary care physician or the emergency department should be your next port of call if you cannot reach your surgeon.

8. Inhale and exhale carefully:
Who knew that after some procedures, the way you've always coughed and sneezed wasn't the "correct way"? If you sneeze or cough improperly while wearing an abdominal incision, it can seriously damage your incision.
A new surgical incision can open up with a powerful sneeze. So, the incision must be braced while you sneeze or cough. You can accomplish this by covering the area with a cushion or using your hands.

Your post-surgery recovery depends on you adhering to the post-op instructions given by your doctor and showing up for your scheduled follow-up appointments. Additionally, taking care of your wound, eating healthfully to rebuild your strength, and managing your pain is crucial. Implement these top recommendations and invest in personal accident insurance online to help you completely focus on your recovery and not on medical expenses. Your accident policy will take care of all the finances and be a strong moral booster in the time of emergency.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you a student going to study abroad? Here are a few essential things you must know

Over time, the world has come together to become a global village. Travelling to foreign countries, experiencing their culture, and taking advantage of the best offerings of other nations is more accessible now than it has ever been before, making education and working abroad favourable and highly sought-after opportunities. Many Indian students leave the country to study at international universities and improve their career prospects.

However, changing one's environment and relocating to a new place is a challenging task that requires extensive planning and budgeting. You should also consider purchasing general insurance plans covering yourself against any mishaps that may occur abroad.

With proper research and following the below-stated tips, you can easily plan for relocation to a foreign university!

1. Prep your documents:
Studying abroad requires significant planning, starting with where you wish to learn - the country, the university, and the course. Based on this choice, you will need a valid passport, visa, I-20, Government-issued identity proof, authenticated mark sheets, and more. Initiate the time-intensive process well before your expected departure date from your home country.

2. Make your bookings in advance:
Flight tickets are invariably expensive unless the airlines offer tremendous seasonal discounts. Once your application to your preferred institute and visa is accepted, it is ideal for researching and booking your travel tickets to avail flexible and inexpensive rates about three months in advance. Ensure that you choose an arrival date a few days before the expected start date of your course to allow yourself time to acclimatise to your new surroundings. Similarly, book on or off-campus accommodation in advance to save on inflated prices.

3. Build a network of local students:
Before embarking on your educational journey abroad, look for fellow country students who have been admitted into nearby institutes or courses in the same institute as you. Your institute's office of international affairs can also help you understand the general experience of living in the country and what to expect so that you can plan better. It also helps establish a friendly community you can rely on when you feel homesick.

4. Research on the country's culture:
Arriving in the country without any prior research about its customs, culture, and community puts you on the spot without knowing what to expect and how to deal with situations. While making connections with fellow students can help, do your primary research on the country, its traditions, beliefs, language, cuisine, and attractions to prepare yourself for your upcoming journey.

5. Purchase relevant insurance covers:
While this may seem unrelated while preparing for your studies abroad, it is necessary to remember that most foreign countries have considerably high living costs—adding medical and other expenses that you may incur due to the lack of proper financial planning results in excessive expenditure. Therefore, purchasing travel, health, and relevant general insurance plans is ideal for protecting yourself in unfamiliar situations.

6. Pack appropriately:
Being away from home for extended periods requires adequate packing. However, excessive baggage only adds to your troubles. A quick online search will inform you about the weather to expect, according to which you can pack weather-appropriate garments and essentials. While it may be tempting to overpack, plan objectively to pack the necessities and rely on the local markets for other requirements.

7. Prepare to adapt:
New surroundings always present challenges that you must overcome with time and experience. Since you are stepping into a new place, begin making the preparatory changes required to adjust. Mentally making currency exchange conversions, setting up an international mobile plan, and acquainting yourself with emergency numbers are basic tasks you should fulfil in advance to take on immersive experiences in foreign settings confidently.

New changes bring along thrilling opportunities. Once selected for an overseas university, focus on preparing the essentials like visa application, passport, general insurance plans, etc. Instead of second-guessing your decisions, prepare yourself to discover unique learning experiences overseas.

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance plans before you go abroad for your higher studies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the top tips for buying the cheapest two wheeler insurance in 2023

In 2023, one must gather basic information before getting a two wheeler insurance plan. Various two wheeler insurance options are now available from numerous insurance firms. But they aren't all the same, so you should compare them carefully before spending your hard-earned money on insurance. Selecting the best two wheeler insurance plan offers financial protection from potential losses.

Which two-wheeler insurance policies are offered in India?

For owners of two-wheelers, insurance companies provide third-party and comprehensive insurance coverage. You should carefully consider the distinction between them. It will help buyers choose the right plan that best meets their needs.

In 2023, there are five things to think about when purchasing a two-wheeler insurance policy.

1. The necessity for coverage:
Before buying a two-wheeler insurance policy, it is crucial to understand the coverage requirements. With the right coverage, people who own two-wheelers can get the best protection against third-party liability and other losses.

2. Knowing the Insurance Declared Value (IDV):
You should be aware of the market value of a vehicle at the time of the insurance declaration (IDV). Customers should evaluate the same and not overestimate or underestimate it because it will affect an insurance plan's premium.

3. Examining add-ons to the insurance policy:
Additional features that serve to improve protection are referred to as "add-ons." One should consider these things to get the most out of a two-wheeler insurance policy.

4. Selecting an established insurer:
Choose a reputable insurer to buy the two-wheeler insurance policy, the best customer and service experience. It is because not all insurers are the same, and reputable insurance companies have higher claim settlement ratios.

5. Renewables:
When purchasing two-wheeler insurance coverage from an insurer, you should consider renewability. It's undoubtedly helpful to have a simple and efficient renewal procedure. The best way to get a two-wheeler insurance policy is online.

The following procedures should be followed by anyone looking to purchase a two-wheeler insurance plan online.

1. Talking to other people:
When purchasing a 2 wheeler insurance policy, you should speak with peers. It will help determine if you need a third-party or full-coverage insurance plan and decide whether a plan would work for you.

2. Looking at online reviews:
Customers should study online reviews before purchasing a 2 wheeler insurance policy. You should examine the reviews of many plans before choosing the one that best fits your needs and budget, rather than just looking for the cheapest 2 wheeler insurance option with no accurate benefits.

3. Analysing the terms and conditions:
Two-wheeler owners should carefully read legal documents to avoid disputes and other problems after buying the policies.

4. Having a conversation with a company representative:
Owners of two-wheelers should speak with a company representative to get more information before choosing the least expensive 2 wheeler insurance in India. Concentrating more on one's goals allows one to understand the best plans that give protection against potential threats.

5. Buying online insurance:
Buying 2 wheeler insurance online is more structured and easy to operate. It allows you cheaper premium options and makes online payments instant and convenient. The entire online process is fast and hassle-free for the users.

A 2 wheeler insurance plan purchase entails several steps to get the right advice. Many insurance providers offer free quotations when customers wish to buy a 2 wheeler insurance plan. A plan with an expected cost is helpful when choosing one.

With the help of experienced staff and individual research, customers can easily buy 2 wheeler insurance online and get better protection against risk. Customisations are also an added advantage that allows insurers to bring down the cost of the policy they wish to buy.

Click HERE to buy the best 2 wheeler insurance for your bike.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the top things to consider before you buy a used motorcycle

The volatility of employment and predicting an incoming global economic recession are challenging. These make the consumers to save for tomorrow rather than spend on luxuries and comforts today. While motorcycles are cheaper than cars, they are by no means easy to afford with rising inflation, fuel costs, and other allied servicing costs.

This often leaves a majority of potential buyers to consider a second-hand motorcycle. While many have concerns about buying used motorcycles, by doing due diligence, inspecting the vehicle's mechanical condition, and purchasing two-wheeler insurance India, you can get your hands on a beneficial asset that can provide you with value for years to come!

Here is a checklist of bike parts and inspections to run through before purchasing a used motorcycle.

1. Engine:
The engine is the heart of any vehicle. To check the engine's condition, request the seller not to run the bike. A cold start is the best way to gauge the engine's usage and wear and tear. Look out for smoke from the exhaust pipe or any sputtering noises. Oil leaks are another sign to keep a watch for.

2. Drive chain and sprocket:
While these components may seem highly technical, they are readily identifiable parts in all two-wheelers. Simply put, it refers to the bike chain and the chain wheel, which facilitate gear engagement, acceleration, and power transmission.
Ideally, the chain should only have a slack of three-fourths of an inch to function appropriately and should not shift off the wheel when prodded. If the wheel displays signs of corrosion or wear and tear, it indicates a poorly-maintained bike. Ensure you list your dissatisfactions and factor them in when negotiating a fair price with the seller.

3. Tyres:
Well-maintained tyres are essential for a safe riding experience. Put the motorcycle on its centre stand and check its tread depths. Ensure that they are not too deep, which results in poor gripping and an excess risk of accidents. Cracks along the inner side or rubber toughening are signs of weathered tyres.
Also, check the wheel alignment by spinning the rear wheel. Any wobbling or creaking are indicators of weathered wheel bearings which require replacement. Ensure you check the tyres thoroughly to estimate the cost of repairs and acquisition of the used motorcycle.

4. Visible frame:
The motorcycle's frame can be challenging to inspect depending on the effort spent to spot the issues. Scratches and dents may be the signs of accidents that inevitably affect the overall functionality of the bike's components.
In case you purchase such bikes, even after buying two wheeler insurance India, you may not be able to claim the insurance amount due to the vehicle's poor condition before the accident.

5. Under-seat storage:
An often overlooked part, the under-seat storage locking mechanism, must be checked when purchasing the vehicle. Feel around the space underneath the seat to ensure that it is steady to fit your belongings.

6. Odometer:
Contrary to popular belief, it is easy to replace an odometer. Sellers of old vehicles can tamper with the odometer and try to sell off an old bike as a relatively new one. After inspecting the motorcycle as per the above checklist, check the odometer reading. Ensure that it is aligned with the condition of the vehicle.

While this is not a comprehensive list, it covers the essential things to check before purchasing a used motorcycle to protect yourself from misrepresentation and unfavourable deals. Additionally, since used bikes have a relatively unsafe perception, we recommend buying 2 wheeler insurance online to protect yourself from the risk of financial losses due to accidents.

Click HERE to buy a robust 2 wheeler insurance online for your motorcycle.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few security regulations that the next-generation cars need to adapt

Technological advancements are visible in a country like India, where economic developments are happening rapidly. These changes are accelerating the growth in all sectors, including the automobile sector. The car industry is an essential growth driver of the Indian economy, and a lot is yet to be done in this field.

Additionally, the Indian economy is set to grow by 7.4% in the coming years. This will significantly impact the automotive industry as well. Car sales in the country have grown by 50% in the last few years, and it is set to record more in the coming years. Automobile ownership will take a giant leap and be a convenient option for most commuters.

However, with such growth, the risks also increase. This also leads many fraudsters to take different ways and means to hack and steal. As the existing state of motor security in India is inadequate, every motor insurance company in India is trying to protect people against such crimes.

All next-generation cars must follow more security regulations to address these challenges. Let's have a detailed look at them.

What is the current scenario of vehicle security in India?

Like everything else, the car security statistics of India are not satisfactory. Every year, more advanced means of theft are discovered. Car theft, hijacking, and robbery are common matters these days. The cars are also more prone to theft because there aren't enough safe parking spaces, which makes them easy targets for carjackers.

What is car hacking?

The automotive industry is under the radar of cyber criminals every day. As the technology is being developed, the risk increases. Vehicles are more connected and automated than ever. This allows cybercriminals to hack into the system and steal valuable data.

They make use of malware to get into the vehicle's system and gain access to all the connected devices as well. These mischievous minds can use this to steal financial data, personal information, and the car.
They make use of malware to get into the vehicle's system and gain access to all the connected devices as well. These mischievous minds can use this to steal financial data, personal information, and the car.

What can be done to prevent it?

After the car theft crime rate is increasing rapidly, the Indian government initiated various guidelines for the automobile industry. These security regulations need to be thoroughly followed by all future vehicles. These rules will keep drivers safe and expect to reduce the crime rate. These are

1. Security standards:
The government is trying hard to elevate the safety standards of vehicles. This means that all vehicles need to be equipped with GPS trackers in the future. Additionally, an anti-theft device should be placed too.

2. Using a High-Security Regulation plate:
HSRPs come with a non-removable snap-on lock which is irreplaceable. All the vehicle details, like chassis and engine numbers, can be collected and stored in a secure database using HSRP. These unique number plates will bring uniformity by eliminating the use of fancy plates. This can also aid authorities in easily tracking your vehicle's registration number.

3. Update all software:
It is crucial to regularly update all security patches of your vehicle's firmware and other IoT software to eliminate any possibility of hacking or breaches. Another advanced solution for connected vehicles includes public-key infrastructure (PKI) that ensures a superior level of security.

4. Awareness:
Regular awareness drives and car security campaigns are mapped out for all car owners so that they can be prevented from theft. This also includes educating them about tracking devices, hacking, etc.

5. Accessible public transportation:
The government is creating a massive public transportation infrastructure for the general public's convenience. Buses and metros are being developed every day, and more cities are being included in the list of metros. This will reduce the dependence on private vehicles.

The future of next-generation cars relies on technology. GPS trackers, Bluetooth connectivity, and anti-theft devices are the future of the automotive industry. They will be mandatory in the future. Every motor insurance company is considering them while planning out their insurance policies.

Click HERE to buy a policy from the best motor insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few flu-like health conditions you must be aware of

You're familiar with that feeling when you're on the verge of becoming ill. You feel worn out, like something is wrong, and you're colder than usual. And at that point, you start to wonder just what is happening. Is it the cold, the flu, or the RSV? Or might it just be allergies?

When you first start to get sick, it can be hard to tell the difference between these illnesses. Surprisingly, they have identical symptoms. Find out in the following article what might be causing your flu-like symptoms and when you should visit a doctor.

What are the symptoms of flu?

● Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea

● Muscle aches and pains

● Sore throat, running nose, or cough

● Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

● Fever

What other conditions are like the flu?

1. Cold:
Most people have experienced many episodes of the common cold. A wide variety of viruses brings it on. Symptoms of a cold include a running or stuffy nose, a sore throat, coughing, sneezing, headaches or body aches, and fever. Since there is no way to tell if you have a cold, most treatments are meant to ease the symptoms.

The symptoms of COVID and the flu sometimes coincide. In its early stage, COVID symptoms are more like those of a cold than of the flu. Breathing difficulties and loss of taste or smell are two symptoms that are more prevalent with COVID.

3. Pneumonia:
Both viruses and bacteria can cause pneumonia. Cough, fever, shortness of breath, and exhaustion are the primary signs of pneumonia. It's also crucial to remember that pneumonia can develop from the flu, COVID, or a simple cold. This is only sometimes the case, though. Finding out if you have pneumonia requires a chest X-ray.

4. Bronchitis:
A lower respiratory infection or inflammation is referred to as "bronchitis." It is caused by a virus that affects the lungs, but the symptoms can last even after the infection is gone. It may be caused by persistent inflammation. Your symptoms and other medical issues typically determine your course of treatment. Steroids and inhalers are helpful for some people.

5. RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV):
RSV is a widespread virus that manifests as flu-like symptoms. In grownups, it frequently resembles and feels like the common cold. But it can hurt the lungs and cause breathing problems in young children, especially those under 6 months old. Infants with RSV have fast breathing and apparent behavioural abnormalities. They could have difficulties in eating or seem more worn out than usual. A hospital stay may be necessary for oxygen and constant monitoring during treatment.

When should you go to the doctor if you're experiencing flu-like symptoms?

● People with severe lung or heart diseases

● Very young children

● Older adults over 65

● Women who are pregnant or within two weeks of birth

● People with neurologic abnormalities, such as a history of seizures

If you experience any of the following, get medical care right away:

● Dizziness

● Pressure in the chest or stomach

● Extreme muscle tenderness

● Dehydration and inability to retain food

● Difficulty breathing or fast breathing

● No improvement in symptoms after 3 to 5 days

A healthcare professional can test you for many diseases you might have and ensure you get the right treatments. Mainly due to change in seasons, flu-like symptoms are frequent. It could be hard to tell the difference between the flu and other diseases like COVID, the common cold, or strep throat. If you have the flu but aren't sure, see your doctor for a check-up.

You can speak with your physician about receiving a flu shot if you fall into one of the high-risk categories. Your medical bills, pharmaceutical charges, hospitalisation costs, and other expenses are all covered by health insurance. Health insurance in India is now more than just a choice—it's necessary to get the best medical care without worrying about how it will affect your finances.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.