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How can customer-centric innovation bring revolution in the insurance industry

This is the era of personalisation. Consumers demand insurance services that can be customised according to their needs. It's no more just shop talk and several policies they need to purchase to cater to all their insurance demands. And in such saturated markets with various available alternatives, customers choose those with a customer-centric approach and excellent after-sales services.

According to various consumer surveys, more than half of the potential and current customers are willing to pay more if the customer service and customisation needs seem lucrative. This mainly involves millennials and gen z's. In that case, almost all the brands are now serving consumer needs in every possible way- content marketing, social media, products, and services.

Are you trying to understand the insurance sector's take on personalisation and centralising their services around their customer base? This blog will discuss several pointers regarding customisation in insurance industries to provide customers with precisely what they need.

1. Future analysis:
It is essential to analyse the current patterns to predict the future projections about the product, the consumer demand, and the scope for improvement with more policy features. These specific parameters are strong values that help determine your business's appearance five years later

2. Simplifying the processes:

While product-based industries will find it a little easier to customise their customer experience, the insurance sector still demands a lot of technical understanding from the customers' ends to avail of the insurance services. It makes it a little difficult for the potential consumers who are new to the insurance world and have just started adulting and taking money matters and investments into their own hands.
And a lack of technical understanding and knowledge can often lead to mistrust in the budding relationship between the insurance company and their customers. Insurance services with 24*7 human and virtual assistants, digitisation of various application processes to help people complete the procedure from the comfort of their homes, etc., have helped the insurance sector boost their customer-centric strategies and receive excellent feedback.

3. Conversations with customers:

Apart from digitising the services and making them convenient, the insurance companies need to have a transparent dialogue with their existing and potential consumers about their services and operations to curate a trustworthy relationship. The insurers need to have an informative dialogue about the markets and their
vulnerabilities so that the second party does not feel strange about the entire process. This will further benefit consumers and insurers as they can have easy conversations about various investments.

Curating reliable customer services and a dash of empathy and trust would do wonders for a better consumer relationship. Reputed insurance companies keep updating their services in line with market trends, current financial trends, critical customer demands, and personalisation options.

Customers can reap similar benefits and personalisation while purchasing general insurance plans. The introduction of technology and customer-centric strategies have made it convenient for customers to invest in their desired insurance plans. The online buying process is helping insurers and customers build a strong connection with a hassle-free process, quick response time, and no involvement of intermediaries. This digital revolution will shape the insurance industry's future for more years to come.

Click HERE to know more about how you can analyse various general insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's everything you need to know about cancer health insurance policy

An estimate suggests that there are about twenty million people in the world who suffer from chronic cancer illness. Over the years, the numbers have risen, and cancer has become a common illness amongst the masses. Doctors and scientists have worked tirelessly to find a drug that can cure cancer. But with modern medicines and state-of-the-art facilities, people opt for expensive treatments that can help them combat cancer. With the treatment costs constantly rising, regular health insurance often fails to cover these treatments.

This is where cancer health insurance acts as a boon. If you are confused about what cancer insurance is and if it is beneficial to get one, then this article will help you.

What is cancer health insurance?

Insurance companies provide covers to you during cancer treatment and medication stages. This is known as cancer health insurance. This policy covers stages, including diagnosis, treatment, and post-care for all cancer stages. However, if the policyholder already has cancer, they are not liable to initiate a new cancer health insurance policy.

What are the benefits of cancer health insurance plans?

Opting for a cancer health insurance plan helps the policyholder cover various cancer stages. The premium amount can sometimes be waived if you are diagnosed with early-stage cancer. You can also opt for a monthly spread income depending upon the severity of your illness and the varying treatment requirements.

Why should you opt for cancer health insurance plans?

Compared to other health insurance plans or critical illness plans, cancer health insurance covers all costs starting from the very beginning, even in the case of first-stage cancer. Critical illness plans are targeted towards certain severe illnesses such as stroke, transplants, heart attacks, blindness, and some instances of terminal cancer.

Cancer health insurance also ensures that any complications arising due to cancer are covered. Cancer treatment is expensive irrespective of the cancer stage, so getting cancer health insurance becomes a must.

When should you consider getting a cancer health insurance plan?

Cancer is arguably one of the most dangerous diseases as there is no cure with a hundred percent success rate. So, getting cancer health insurance is imperative to safeguard yourself and your family from the exorbitant costs of treatment. However, if you are contemplating whether to get cancer insurance or not, some of these points might help you in reaching a decision. You may look for online health insurance, which will make your search more convenient with multiple options.

A recent survey has suggested a list of professionals with high cancer risk. Some of these include people working in shifts, specifically graveyard shift causing irregular sleeping patterns and uneven heartbeat, professionals in agriculture, forest, and rubber manufacturing units who are exposed to a high amount of UV rays and sun, and construction and mining workers who breathe toxic air daily are people who are susceptible to increased risk of cancer.

If you or your family members are part of such working environments or have a history of cancer in the family, you must consider getting cancer health insurance. If you do not have the money to fund your medical expenses and your regular health insurance does not cover the cost of cancer, then cancer health insurance can be a good investment.

These are some reasons to consider buying cancer health insurance for yourself and your loved ones. Do not forget to add cancer health insurance to your online health insurance profile.

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to intellectual property insurance

How often have you heard the phrase intellectual property? Any creation that stems from one's mind or intellect is called intellectual property. It can take any form, starting from a painting, a design, an invention, or a tune. There is no set category for intellectual property.

An intellectual property, more commonly known as IP, is the foundation of a new creation. It is imperative to protect your IP to avoid fraudulent use or reproduction. There are many ways in which one can ensure that their ideas are not plagiarised or used without proper consent. Patents, copyrights, and trademarks are a few ways to protect IP.

Did you know that there exists an insurance for intellectual property? This article will shed light on intellectual property insurance and everything you need to know about it.

Let's understand what intellectual property insurance is:

Intellectual property insurance helps companies or individuals to cover the cost of litigation and court trials in case of being accused of IP violation. It also covers those who want to sue a company with an IP violation lawsuit. With the growing number of startups, IP has become a valuable asset. It is the foundation of a company's ethics, and a solid IP can help it reach new heights.

The increasing competition and the need to leave a mark in the venture capital market have led to various fraudulent cases of IP infringement. Since IP is one of the most valuable assets in recent times, the cost of IP litigation is expensive. Intellectual property insurance is a must to cover the cost of the exorbitant court proceedings.

Types of IP insurance:

Let's take a look at the kinds of IP insurance available –

1. Infringement defence:
This policy is for those who need to be safeguarded against a party who claims IP infringement against them. This defensive insurance policy acts as a safety net for companies that are held accountable for infringing patents, trademarks, or copyrights. Since the litigation costs for these cases can be very high, the policyholder need not worry about the costs. The policy provider is bound to make payments for all litigation expenses, settlement amounts, and other damages.

2. Abatement enforcement coverage:
This policy is for those IP holders who need assistance and resources to enforce their IP rights and claim infringement against others. This enforcement coverage enables the company to proceed with the legal proceedings without worrying about the legal fees. This policy also ensures that any damage is paid in full to the policyholder if the opposing party decides to counter-sue.

Big and small companies have claimed that the biggest challenge they face at the beginning of a new product launch is intellectual property risk. Various trade secrets, product building, and marketing strategies fall under intellectual property. IP insurance cover will protect your product in the market and help evade baseless lawsuits.

Intellectual property insurance offers a wide range of covers, including but not limited to infringement liability, contractual liability, enforcement, intellectual property rights protection, and other disputes. Add covers, and customise your insurance needs depending on the company or product you intend to launch in the market.

Over the years, we have seen various technological advancements bloom, with start-ups shaping the country's future. Putting in years of hard work only to realise that your work or idea has been copied by someone else can be one of the most frustrating and painful experiences. To avoid such situations for yourself and your company, do not forget to buy general insurance online. As discussed above, these insurances will significantly help anyone looking to claim or deny an infringement. All one needs to do is in-depth research on the insurance category to invest and look out for the best available options. Hard work has no substitute, and so does security.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Have you heard about insurtech and the seamless opportunities it brings

Technology has taken the world by storm, and new inventions and innovations every day are seamlessly becoming part of our daily lives. In this article, we will talk about the emerging technology trend of insurtech in the world of insurance and understand how it will change insurance in the coming times.

What is insurtech?
Insurtech is a combination of the terms insurance and technology. This term was coined to define the culmination of digitalisation, technology, and insurance. Insurtech is the modern-day solution to all insurance-related qualms and queries. Applying novel technology trends such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and extensive data analysis has helped insurance make advancements in leaps.

What are the benefits of insurtech?
The benefits of technology have been countless over the years. Combine that with insurance, and you have diverse opportunities in the insurance sector. Not only has the involvement of technology made it a more straightforward and less cumbersome process for the policy provider, but it also has made buying insurance a quick and easy task for the consumer.
Technology intervention has aided the insurance provider in calculating the overall credibility of the customer. The mammoth task of manually analysing and decision-making by policy providers has taken a back seat as technology like machine learning has made the process faster and more accurate.

Insurance companies can now target a wider audience and cater to their specific needs while sitting miles away with the help of technology. Factors such as customer acquisition and onboarding, global expansion of business, and enhancing the user experiences help companies draw more happy customers. It also has allowed insurance companies to handle and process claims efficiently.

When it comes to the customers, what better than sitting in the comfort of your home and buying online general insurance? Thanks to AI, insurance prices are tailor-made per the customer's needs. This gives a chance for companies to ditch their standard pricing methodology and stick to a more dynamic cost analysis.

What are the components of insurtech?

Insurtech has a variety of components, but it can be broadly divided into two components –

1. Technology-based:
● Artificial Intelligence: The process of automation to yield better and more accurate results.
● Machine Learning: The collection, collation, and analysis of vast chunks of data to determine a pattern.
● Internet of Things: Objects with sensors or processing abilities that can aid in risk assessment.
● Apps: For a better customer relationship experience.
● Blockchain: To improve security and protect sensitive information.

2. Solutions based:
● Appetite Solutions: Helps to find the best policy for a client across existing policies in the market.
● Data Solutions: Easy access to personal actionable data for respective users.
● Payment Solutions: Digitised payment solutions help for a better customer experience.
● Quoting solutions: Automated quote generation, thus reducing the waiting time for customers and policy providers.

What are the applications of insurtech?

1. Customer verification:
The KYC or "know your customer" is a process that all insurance companies must follow. A huge amount of data needs to be processed to ensure the legitimacy of the customer. Insurtech has made the process hassle-free by storing data directly from the issuing authority.

2. Claim management:
With automated analysis of claim documents, standardised records evaluation is maintained and later verified by agents or policymakers.

3. Detecting fraud:
Insurtech can verify policyholders' claims and crosscheck any duplicate transaction or third-party interference to ensure that no fraudulent claims are made.

These were a list of some key elements of insurtech. As mentioned above, technology is a boon to customers and policymakers alike and can benefit both parties. Customers can also use general insurance plans to safeguard their assets with the best coverage. Checking out online general insurance plans can be a smart way to explore various options and select the ones with more advantages, good premiums, and the ones that will give the best returns on your investment.

Click HERE to know more about online general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn why insurers are suggested to carry motor insurance transactions digitally

With the world going completely digital and transactions occurring primarily online now, insurance companies have also progressed and advanced technologically, enabling many options for their customers. These include authentication and verification and improved premium payments and claim processes. These advancements make the insurance procedure more convenient for the users.

The motor insurance market is one of the fastest-growing sub-group in the insurance sector. The overall economic growth and improving quality of life attributed to more people buying two-wheelers and four-wheelers for their day-to-day commute or running their businesses. According to a survey, the motor insurance sector has expanded almost six to seven times the market size.

Digital platforms are now strengthening this market grip more than ever. The digitisation of transactions has reformed the customer relationship with companies. This blog will help us navigate through the information and help us learn why insurers are suggested to carry MOTOR INSURANCE transactions digitally.

1. Instant processing and deliveries:

With the development of cloud-based platforms, the entire procedure of exploring the benefits, comparing various policies, purchasing, etc., becomes error-free and transparent. The delays also drop as compared to the conventional methods of buying motor insurance. The transparency helps the customers understand the multiple stages of the insurance process, thus allowing them to build a trusting relationship with their insurance firm. Lesser errors speed up the process and are significantly less time-consuming for consumers and insurers.

2. Cost benefits are not a myth:

Insurance companies save considerable money when they opt for digital transactions. They hold a lot of operational and workforce costs, thus reaping huge profits. Companies allocate some of the benefits for their current customers to engage them, ensure consumer loyalty, and attract potential customers into a transactional relationship. Although there are specific terms and conditions which would determine the reduced price at which you can purchase policies online.

3. Accuracy is the key:

Digital transactions allow the customers and the insurance providers to keep an accurate track of the payments. These payment receipts and logs can be proof in case of any fraudulent incidents or identity thefts. And digital transaction logs avoid the hassle of vast heaps of paper, which hold the potential for huge errors.
Accurate insurance details are always provided alongside the online payment rolls, making it easier for insurance officials and customers to keep track of the money flowing in or out of their respective accounts.

4. Improved possibilities of safety breach:

Online transactions eliminate the high risk of false selling of policies, theft, wrong identity authentication, frauds, etc. People are falling prey to scammers and are losing vast sums of money. Online transactions related to your motor insurance can be organised securely due to the elimination of a sales agent meddling in the middle.

Other perks of carrying motor insurance transactions digitally include the direct link to government apps and road safety or transportation departments of the state/central government to help them ensure that you are a responsible citizen of the nation and adhere to road safety.

This is a huge plus point regarding a background check and identity verification. Customer service also speeds up as you can send your queries, complaints, and grievances online. It is a much better method for the customer service officials to address your issues in the most appropriate way possible and with a quick response time.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of purchasing motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy


Know more about umbrella insurance and the importance of having one

Motor insurance companies generally cover maintenance, damage, or even theft. If you have an insurance policy with the best motor insurance company, you can rest assured that all your bills and expenses are being taken care of by the company. However, if you find yourself in a situation where even after adequate compensation, there are still damages that need to be covered, umbrella insurance is a must for you.

Are you trying to understand the insurance sector's take on personalisation and centralising their services around their customer base? This blog will discuss several pointers regarding customisation in insurance industries to provide customers with precisely what they need.

What is umbrella insurance?

Umbrella insurance is a policy you can use if your other general insurance plans cannot cover your liabilities. From general insurance to home insurance, any insurance policy that fails to reimburse you fully for your experiences can be compensated with the use of umbrella insurance. Certain unforeseen events that lead to property damage or injury, umbrella liability coverage protects the policyholder from financial losses.

Should you buy umbrella insurance?

The idea behind umbrella insurance is debatable. More often than not, your domain-specific insurance policies cover all your insurance needs. These policies are home insurance, motor insurance, personal accident insurance, etc. However, in today’s day and age, legal obligations and liabilities are part and parcel of big and small business owners alike.

Having umbrella insurance will cover your litigation expenses and protect your assets in case of a lawsuit. If your profession or daily activities can lead you to bear costs higher than your insurance cover, investing in an umbrella insurance policy is best.

Who needs umbrella insurance?

If you own businesses that cause problems or raise liabilities for others, you should invest in an umbrella insurance policy. Tour operators, doctors, lawyers, construction managers, etc., are some professionals who should ensure that they are covered under umbrella insurance. Safety hazards in the workplace and unsafe working environments are some of the leading causes of accidents and mishaps. This makes professionals like these susceptible to lawsuits.

How much coverage is needed?

Coverage can change depending on the needs of the policyholder. But to provide a rough estimate, you need to consider the total value of assets, including vehicles, houses, property, and future scope of income. Since the requirements of your needs can vary, it is best to talk to your policy provider to get a better insight into the coverage and the premium.

These are a few things about the umbrella insurance policy that you need to know to make an informed decision as to whether to purchase this policy or not. Remember that the overall premium might seem expensive, but considering all the liabilities that might arise in the future, opting for an umbrella insurance policy would be a smart decision. Factors such as your geographical location, net worth, credit score, driving record, and profile risk analysis can affect your premium. Talk to your trusted MOTOR INSURANCE COMPANY to know more about umbrella insurance policies.

Click HERE to know more about motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let’s understand the different types of property insurance you can invest in based on your asset type

Building a property from scratch can be a time-taking and intimidating process. Whether commercial or private property, the construction cost can burn a hole in your pocket. This is precisely why property insurance becomes necessary to protect you, your family, and your assets from any unforeseen tragedies that might occur.

Property insurance provides cover for various misfortunes, including but not limited to fire, natural calamities, or robbery. However, choosing an insurance specific to your asset type is vital for the best coverage and benefits. This blog gives insight into the various types of property insurance available in the market based on your asset type.

1. Office insurance:
Office insurance is essential for all office premises, including public and private offices, call centres, etc. This insurance plan covers office owners against damages from unforeseen circumstances like fires, storms, lightning, hurricanes, cyclones, etc. This policy also covers other possible threats, such as the theft of office appliances.

2. Construction sites insurance:
Construction sites are places with a high probability of accidents. The misfortune of contractors is that the property remains their liability till the entire construction is completed and the property is handed over to someone. Whether it is due to bad weather or some water damage, it is a possibility that the building might collapse onto itself. It is essential to get construction site insurance to keep your assets secure against these occurrences.

3. Commercial insurance:
This insurance covers the policyholder from the losses incurred from destroying commercial properties such as warehouses, offices, factories, hotels, etc. Taking a suitable commercial insurance policy can be the best investment for business owners to safeguard themselves from the enormous losses faced by man-made or natural calamities.

4. Landlord insurance:
Landlord insurance is much like the homeowner’s insurance with one significant addition. The addition is the compensation of lost rental income, which is not covered by any other policy.

5. Renter’s insurance:
Tenants are usually in a dilemma regarding the safety of their belongings in rented accommodation. If their prized possessions are stolen, or there is some natural calamity that results in the tenant incurring losses, there is no way that the homeowner will pay for it.
So, the best option for tenants is to get insurance that covers all their belongings. Renter’s insurance is very similar to the homeowner insurance policy. One significant difference is, however, that this policy is exclusively meant to recover financial losses sustained by the policyholder if their belongings (can include clothes, jewellery, and appliances around the house) are damaged because of man-made or natural calamities.

6. Homeowners insurance:
Homeowners insurance or HOME INSURANCE is the most widely acquired type of property insurance. This is for a good reason. A home is a significant investment, and it is imperative to be secure against the various misfortunes that might befall it.

An appropriate home insurance covers all the financial losses the homeowner might incur in the event of any significant damage due to an accident or mishaps like burglary. Additionally, it also covers any possessions that have been destroyed in the mishap.

Our home is the greatest property asset, and safeguarding it from potential damages should be our primary objective. Having the most suitable home insurance is a surefire way of protecting from financial mishaps and adding the safety net of damage coverage.

Property insurance gives the property owner security and credibility, which is important for peace of mind and financial safety. Thoroughly researching the best insurance policy is essential to have the optimum coverage for your assets.

Click HERE to know more about home insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Invest in the fire and special perils policies for advanced protection of your property

Building a property from zero is a daunting process. It takes time, effort, and a high budget to construct your dream home or your dream office. Despite all this hard work, there are times when misfortune strikes unexpectedly. It can be a short circuit caused by lightning, a storm, flood, or cyclone that might drown your premises.

You won’t want your property to fall prey to such casualties. Despite taking all precautions and looking after safety measures, still, you cannot avoid the probability of mishaps. As rightly said, we must always pray for the best but prepare for the worst.

So, it is wise to be smartly insured against any such happenings. A policy that covers most misfortunes, either natural or man-made, is the Fire and Special Perils Policy.

What is the fire and special perils policy?

A fire and special perils policy is a contract where the insurer secures you and your property from any damages that may occur due to natural calamities such as storms, cyclones, and resulting floods, lightning, or man-made perils such as riots, strikes, or malicious damages.

Even though adversities like these may not strike you as something you should pay immediate attention to, it’s best to get insured before the situation gets out of hand. This will give you and your loved ones some much-needed peace of mind.

Key features of this policy:

This policy usually covers several contingencies, including

1. Fire hazard: Your property and possessions are insured if a fire breaks out.

2. Lightning: If any damage is caused by lightning impact

3. Explosion/Implosion: Your property is insured against an unforeseen explosion. If the building collapses inwards due to the failure of a system, that is also insured within this policy.

4. Human hazards like riots, strikes, and malicious damage: In case of these man-made hazards, your possessions are insured against visible physical damage.

5. Natural calamities: No one can accurately predict precisely when a natural disaster will occur. So, it gives great peace when your property is secured against these unforeseen calamities like storms, cyclones, typhoons, tempests, etc. This policy also insures you and your loved ones against floods, and landslides, including repairing your property.

6. Accidental mishaps: The repair charges are covered in the rare chance of accidental damages like the bursting of an automatic sprinkler installation.

7. Missile testing operations

8. Groundworks and other excavations

Some of the add-ons you can opt for in this policy are

1. Debris removal

2. Destruction in the event of a forest fire

3. Loss of rent

Features that are not covered:

Knowing the pros and cons of each policy before purchasing it is essential. There are a few instances where this insurance policy does not cover damage and loss to your property. These are

1. Destruction and damage caused by wars, being invaded by a foreign entity, civil war, rebellions, or in the case of military or usurped power

2. Nuclear war and allied risks

3. Pollution and contamination

4. Damages incurred due to volcanic eruptions or earthquakes

5. Damages incurred due to the loss of unclaimed precious stones or works of art

6. Acts of terrorism or militant activities

It takes a lifetime to build assets like property, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that one would want to get it insured against unforeseen misfortunes. The Fire and special perils policy are one of the most popular insurance policies chosen by homeowners, SME’s and big corporations alike. This holistic plan can protect you and your loved ones and also comes with a lot of flexibility.

You may even invest in the best HOME INSURANCE IN INDIA to protect the content of your home from incidents like theft or damage to the building. Investments that reap fruitful outcomes go a long way in safeguarding your dreams.

Click HERE to know more about the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let’s understand how data and analytics are shaping the future of insurance

Data is considered to be the goldmine in today’s day and age. When appropriately utilised, it is one of the most critical resources that can provide great insights regarding several aspects of industries, consumers, products and services, and much more. The demand for data analysts, cloud computing, machine learning, and data science experts is very high among the top skills organisations for several critical roles related to data. This helps them understand the market and current data to curate future projections about their businesses and associated clients.

Data analytics is the most up-and-coming field across all sectors of industries. Companies are investing tons of money, resources, technology, and workforce in analysing relevant data across various platforms. Through this blog, let’s understand how data and analytics are shaping the future of insurance.

1. Understanding predictive analytics:
We all make predictions about specific things based on the facts we have in hand or the experience from similar situations we might have been through. Similarly, insurance companies use predictive analytics as an integral method to predict patterns and trajectories regarding various parameters. Predictive analysis is an umbrella term comprising multiple methods like data mining, statistical analysis, data configuration, predictive modelling, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc. These techniques help the insurance companies generate reports that would then provide analysis and information about several risks, policies, consumer behaviour, and future revenue and business projections.

2. How to make sure that your “flight-risk” consumers stay:
Insurance companies try to identify consumers with immediate cancellation tendencies, high premium possibilities, or lower coverage. These potential customers require special attention and care from the insurers to convert or stay their customers.
Data and analytics reports can help insurance organisations identify the areas of concern that need attention and how the services can be improved from the consumers’ perspective. Advanced insights, reports, and patterns can help insurance companies analyse the pain points and friction between the organisations and the customers. This aids them in making the improvements and offering the best deals for their customers, which won’t be a loss-making situation for the company.

3. Personalisation is the key:
Customers want services and products tailored according to their demands and the trends in the current market. Making the services more consumer-focused helps the insurance companies eliminate the competition and gain more customers.
Personalisation is directly related to consumer loyalty which benefits organisations greatly in the long-term projections. Customer retention costs are pretty less compared to the expenses of customer acquisition. Fewer businesses and brands focus on customer retention and implement marketing gimmicks but don’t get desired results. Personalisation is the answer to your customer retention and consumer loyalty equation here. Data analytics help you identify the red flags when rating the customer satisfaction provided by your insurance company. This allows the insurers to understand the market trends, how consumer demands are changing, and how they can bring their services up to the mark. The red flags can turn green based on the current reports, the future projections, and the options and techniques which can be implemented to achieve the targets and results.

Other ways in which data and analytics are revolutionising the insurance market include fraud detection, risk and mitigation measures, managing workforces, determining premiums and dealing with insurance claims, and much more.

Customers are advised to purchase GENERAL INSURANCE to ensure their financial assets are protected, and they can earn some profit even during financial losses. You can explore all your options and determine a general insurance company with high market credibility, attractive premiums, and an excellent claim settlement ratio.

Click HERE to know more about how you can find your ideal general insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to lower your health insurance premium

India is home to some of the best healthcare facilities in the world. Be it some government hospitals or super-specialty hospitals, they are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and highly skilled doctors. However, with the rising costs of treatments and healthcare, buying health insurance is necessary for everyone. Even with all the facilities, timely treatment is often not easily accessible, so people keep turning to premium healthcare.

Super-specialty hospitals promise premium services at the cost of steep expenses, and most people from middle-class backgrounds cannot afford these treatments. This is also the reason why most people invest in health insurance. But, with increased services, the cost of premiums will also significantly rise.

If you want to reduce your health insurance premium without compromising on the services, this article is just for you.

1. Start early:
Since most health insurance plans consider your age and medical history to calculate premiums, starting early can save you a lot of money on premiums. A younger body has a better immune system, and thus the risk of diseases or illness is significantly low. If you are someone who has already been diagnosed with age-related issues such as diabetes, blood pressure, or other heart conditions, then your premium amount will also increase. To ensure that you are getting a policy at the best rates, start early and invest in the best health insurance in India.

2. Online health insurance:
Online health insurance has a lot of benefits, but the most significant of them is how cost-effective it is. With online insurance, you can avoid broker fees and other administrative charges. You also can buy health insurance from anywhere, with the freedom to choose the desired policy by comparing multiple plans.

3. Compare plans online:
There are many health insurance policies in the market and deciding on the one that suits your choices can be overwhelming. But in the long run, having an informed idea of various aspects of your insurance policy will be helpful. You can compare insurance covers, premiums, and add-on costs online. With the internet at your disposal, comparing various insurance companies is a smart way to ensure that your company is not overcharging.

Another great alternative is to use the online insurance calculator. Different companies have a calculator that helps you calculate the overall cost of your insurance. Once you enter all the covers you need, this calculator will give you a rough estimate of your health insurance plan. Compare different prices online to choose the best option for you.

4. Extended validity:
Most insurance plans have a validity of one year. However, some companies provide significant discounts on policy periods of two to three years. Not only you reap the benefits of fantastic deals but getting a policy that extends to three years also helps you evade the annual renewal costs on your policy.

5. Family plans:
Health insurance is mandatory not just for ourselves but also for our families. However, the cost of buying health insurance for every family member can add up to a lot. This is why insurance companies have initiated family health insurance plans. Family plans provide comprehensive coverage to your family members. A family insurance plan is a smart way to cut costs on individual premiums while also maintaining the scope of various covers.

These are a few ways in which you can ensure cost-effective insurance planning. Thorough research on different insurance companies and their policy plans can help you make an informed decision that suits your budget and provide maximum coverage. Remember that health insurance is essential, but what is more important is to take good care of your health. Regular exercise and healthy eating habits are a simple start to leading a healthy and happy life. Invest in the best health insurance in India for your loved ones to safeguard yourself against any expenses you might incur in hospital and medical bills.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to detect fraud in your health insurance plan

The time of a health crisis is a vulnerable time for you and your loved ones. And this moment of panic is where most frauds occur, where mischievous minds exploit your vulnerability with their fraudulent strategies. Everyone can't look into the small details of fraud unless they understand how it takes place beforehand.

Medical emergencies are a time of great financial insecurity. A lifetime of savings can be drained due to your loved one getting into a sudden accident or the unexpected detection of chronic disease. In this time of need, health insurance is a great boon. It can provide you and your dear ones with much-needed protection from financial disaster. However, it is imperative to have the correct information to avoid falling into the trap of health insurance fraud. You won't ever want your hard-earned money to go to waste by falling prey to frauds or scams.

This blog gives you some pointers you can keep in mind to safeguard yourself from health insurance frauds.

Most common types of fraud:

Before getting into how to protect yourself from this deceit, here are some of the most common ways people can swindle money from your health insurance policy –

1. Medical identity theft: This type of fraud involves scammers using your personal information to charge fraudulent bills or make health insurance claims in your name.

2. Marketing scams: If you do not do adequate research about the company's reputation and decide to buy insurance, it may result in the company taking a high premium from you but not responding to any claims. These companies give out forged insurance documents to individuals and then become untraceable.

3. Ambulance fraud: Holding the spot of being the most overlooked type of fraud, ambulance fraud comes in the form of unnecessary charges and facilities you might not have taken, paying huge dividends to scammers.

Tips to safeguard yourself from scammers –

1. Take your time: The biggest red flag in an insurance company is when they ask you to make hasty decisions. Avoid schemes that promise you a lesser premium or better claim if you sign immediately. It is advisable to take your time with the decision-making process and be sure what kind of policy is necessary for you.

2. Be wary of unsolicited calls: Reputed insurance companies rarely call individuals to market their health insurance policies; if they do, they never pressure a customer. Be cautious of aggressive salespeople. However, even if the salesperson seems to be from a reputed company, you must never share your personal information or documents without proper research about the company.

3. A hard copy of policy and seller's signature: Request a copy of the policy they offer, complete with the company's seal and seller's signature.

4. Extensive research on plans: Become familiar with the kind of plans that insurance companies usually offer. This will help you be aware of unsolicited advertisements to sell insurance policies. Understand that if something is too good to be true.

5. IRDA licence: If an agent does not have an IRDA licence, there is a higher probability that they are a scammer.

6. Avoid online transactions: It is safer to avoid sending any money online to the agent upfront unless it is an IRDA licenced insurance firm.

Researching a quality health insurance policy is already a demanding process. The process is complicated, from finding a good plan to cover all your needs to looking for a reputed doctor in an emergency that your insurance covers and then claiming the insured amount. This is when people are most susceptible to getting scammed by fraudsters.

Be careful while opting for a health insurance policy, and always remember to read the fine print. Always buy from genuine insurance firms and avoid the manipulative sales tactics of agencies. Rely more on your personal research for buying the best health insurance and guarantee yourself trustworthy and reliable protection.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know if it is worth buying used wheels or not

The tyres and wheels of your car are one of the most used external parts. They sometimes outperform their original capacity resulting in wear and tear due to rough surfaces. If left unnoticed, this can risk the safety of the passengers. So, you must ensure that your tyres are up to the standards as per the regulations set by the manufacturer, the road safety department, and the respective car company.

But what happens if you are facing issues with just one wheel? Do you have to go through the process of replacing all your wheels with new ones? What factors should you be watchful about, and how can you procure used wheels? Don't worry. At the end of this blog, you will know if it is worth buying used wheels or not. So, let's get started.

1. Why do we think it can be worth buying used wheels:
Purchasing used wheels is a good option if your four-wheelers have damaged wheels. This is a significantly cheaper and temporary option than buying a new set of wheels. You can comfortably use those used wheels without burning a hole in your pocket.

2. Understanding the quality of used wheels:
It would be best if you examined the used wheels closely. Be aware of all the cracks, dents, bends, or if any parts and pieces are missing. Surficial damages which are not causing any defects internally can be ignored. There might be issues with the structure of the wheels and rims, which can risk a puncture or blowout on uneven roads and at high speeds.
You can go to a junkyard where they sell used parts. But if you want to avoid the hassle and get quality used wheels and other components, visit an auto parts store that can provide you with top-quality used wheels.

3. Examining the used wheels for damages and defects:
A thorough visual examination is one of the best ways to determine the quality of the used wheels. The second solution is to take a test drive with those wheels. But there are situations where you might not be able to take a test drive, miss out on certain damages, or fail to understand the gravity of what might seem to be surficial damages. You should know other ways to inspect those used wheels in such cases.
If the wheel's outer rim has visible cracks, bends, or dents, it is more likely to get damaged, which might eventually cause a flat tyre. Examine the wheel for corrosion, rust, chipped paint, etc. Used wheels with improper or defective bolt holes should be immediately rejected. Test the wheel by rolling them on an even surface and avoid using them if you see any wobble, misaligned or sideways movement. This usually happens when the wheel is bent but could be difficult to notice during a visual examination.

4. Check the material:
Steel works quite well but affects the car's speed and acceleration since the material is heavy. People often use alloy rims as they are considered a good combination. It upgrades the look of your vehicle to give it a more sporty vibe, gives you a better driving experience, and eventually, helps you save fuel and money. You need to check the tyres' material and immediately reject used wheels with slight damage, corrosion, or rust.

Now you know if it is worth buying used wheels or not. And while we are considering wheels and their alternatives, a sudden accident or ending up in unfortunate circumstances can cause severe damage to your car. Getting those defects fixed can cause a substantial financial burden in times of distress. You need to purchase car insurance which would help you cover the massive costs of fixing and repairing in complex cases. You must explore all your options and buy reliable car insurance India with a reasonable premium and the best benefits.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


All about the zero-contact process to buy and renew a car insurance

The covid-19 pandemic put the whole world to a stop. Various global operations halted; people were panicking and clueless about the situation. And amidst all this, business suffered a huge loss until everything found a place, and there was some clarity which helped put a lot of functionalities back on track and slowly sped them up. To combat the widespread of the infection, organisations started offering their customers an option of "no contact deliveries" or "contactless services," which was a revolutionary step for the safety of their consumers.

Are you looking for information about any procedure that can be contactless and help you with your car insurance, for example, renewing it? It is essential to ensure that you update your car insurance policies on time to avoid extra penalties and avail of the full benefits without any hindrance.

In delayed renewals, it will be a tedious process to be able to claim and get the appropriate help and compensation from your designated insurance companies. So, it is vital to be mindful of your policies, your rights, the documents you might need, your premiums, and most importantly, the renewal dates of your insurance.

This blog will discuss the zero-contact process of buying and renewing car insurance.

1. What does the zero-contact process mean?

In the case of contactless insurance, you have a scope of purchasing the insurance without meeting any officials from the insurance company. The whole procedure involves digital methods for verification, details, and documentation through mobile apps, the website of the designated insurance organisation, video chat applications, etc.

2. What do you need to do as a consumer/potential customer?

You can compare and measure the benefits of various insurance policies from different companies, research the plans, the premiums, the coverage insurances provide, grace periods, renewals, add-on benefits, etc., before arriving at an informed decision and choosing the plan you want to purchase. And surprisingly, you can do all this from the comfort of your home, one of the significant advantages of contactless services. Thanks to technology!

3. How can you buy motor insurance online through the zero-contact process?

The online option will allow you to avail yourself of the zero-contact aspect of purchasing car insurance to protect your car against damages. You, as a customer, connect with the insurance personnel through virtual platforms. You may download the designated mobile application or go to the insurance company's website, choose the appropriate options, select the plan, upload the documents as per the instructions, and get them verified. For identity authorisation and verification, you might have to video chat with the official or to the developed chatbot, which will further provide instructions on how to proceed. You will have multiple options like UPI, net banking, cash, debit and credit cards, etc., to accomplish the payment process.

4. What are some benefits of contactless insurance?

You can avoid risks of covid-19 infections, online availability (24X7) in case of any queries and help, video calling options for a personalised touch, and zero commission services to avoid fraud or involvement of an untrustworthy third party. You also need to ensure the add-on benefits, get a customised insurance policy, set the desired Insured Declared Value (IDV), the zero-depreciation value, etc.

This was all about the zero-contact process to buy motor insurance online or renew an existing policy. We hope this information will help you understand the details of the zero contact procedure and why it is beneficial. You must keep the above-discussed pointers in mind and carefully consider them before choosing the policy. Also, avail the benefits and buy motor insurance online. This way, you not only ensure the safety of your car but also reduce the risk of infection by eliminating the physical visit to the insurance company or agent.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the car bushes? Let’s understand their applications

Ever wondered why you don't feel jolted every time you apply the brakes on your car or take a sharp turn to the side? It's all thanks to the car bushes.

Car Bushings are cushions made up of rubber, polyurethane, neoprene, or other materials. They're mainly mounted on car suspensions and steering joints. Their primary responsibility is to ensure no abrasions in the metal suspension framework due to the contact between them. They also give the driver maximum comfort by mitigating road bumps and controlling the degree of movement in the joints.

The car bushings are mostly made of rubber. Typically, rubber bushes are structured in the form of a cylinder between the two parts of metal. This rubber is usually vulcanised rubber.

Car bushes are essential for the smooth functioning of your car. This blog sheds some light on car bushes and their need in a vehicle.

Applications of bushes:

• Improves safety and comfort: Car bushings support the mechanism to make the ride comfortable for the passengers in the car. They are crucial in positioning and aligning various suspension and steering components.

• Reduces damage caused by vibration: Repeated vibrations can cause abrasions to your vehicle's suspension system, which contributes to its weakening. Car bushing minimises this wear and tear, thus increasing the car's life

• Making the ride less noisy: The rubber used in bushes can reduce vibrations and thus reduce the need for lubrication. This makes maintenance easier and simultaneously makes the vehicle less noisy.

• Bushing provides a stress-free and long life to the vehicle: Like cartilage in a human body, bushings protect the joints and connected parts of the car from shocks to the car. This increases the longevity of the car and the lesser probability of your car facing damages.

Advantages of using Rubber bushes:

● Rubber is the most widely used material in car bushes. As rubber is a readily available substance, it is inexpensive and readily absorbs most noises and vibrations transmitted by various objects.

● One of the main advantages of using rubber bushes as cushioning in vehicles is that it's never a bad fit for a vehicle. They are suitable for all types of vehicles and can be used as cushions for engines and gearboxes.

Disadvantages of using rubber bushes:

● Although very widely used, rubber bushes come with certain limitations. They tend to deteriorate when exposed to heat, air, and especially oils. Over long periods, this exposure can result in the rubber material cracking and wearing away.

An alternative to rubber bushings is ones made out of neoprene. It looks like rubber but is a synthetic substance derived from polymerising chloroprene. It is much more robust than rubber and is better suited to bushings. Neoprene can withstand high temperatures without physical damage.

While extremely simple in design, car bushings play a vital role in suspension systems where vibrations are problematic. They are significant and should be replaced timely to avoid abrasions in your car's system.

We discussed how car bushes can help you control your car's braking. Their applications can assist you in the smooth handling of your car and avoid the risks of accidents. However, the maintenance and upkeep of these integral parts can be daunting sometimes. The solution to this is to buy new car insurance. Ideal car insurance provides several benefits to avoid spending hefty amounts on car maintenance. The new way of budgeting while ensuring security can be possible by making the right investment.

Click HERE to know more about how to buy new car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top destinations around Mumbai for a perfect bike trip in the monsoon

Monsoons in India are the perfect season for wanderers to move out and explore places. With the slight drizzles and the perfect rainy-day playlist playing, it would be like a dream travel sequence come alive. And if you are a bike fanatic, you would agree that this weather is the perfect time to take your bike for a ride to get that much-needed break. Enjoy the valleys, the lush greens and the hills in the lap of nature, away from the chaotic hustle and bustle of the fast-paced city life.

Are you someone who lives around Mumbai or is planning to visit Maharashtra? If yes, we have curated the best places for you to make your road trip successful. This blog will discuss top destinations around Mumbai for a perfect bike trip in the monsoon. We have included all the details you need to check out and add that destination to your travel itinerary.

Whether travelling solo or with a companion, these locations will give you every opportunity you can grab to enjoy the rains and create memories for a lifetime. So, let’s get started!

1. Lonavala:

Lonavala has to be on our list and yours too. The forever obsession with the lush greens and the overall beauty of this place has not just mesmerised people in the state of Maharashtra but from every nook and corner of the country. You can take the old Mumbai-Pune highway to enjoy that bike ride you’ve been craving for.
And there is a list of beautiful places you can visit, starting with Korigad Fort, Rajmachi Fort (about fifteen kilometres from Lonavala), Tiger’s Leap, Lonavala Wax exhibition, Duke’s nose, Lohagad and much more! And, as Lonavala and Khandala are just five kilometres apart, you can head to Khandala and experience all the natural beauty of the valleys, waterfalls, etc., the place has to offer.

2. Mahabaleshwar:

The second most known and attractive destination in the Maharashtrian region is Mahabaleshwar. Being one of the longest driving routes near Mumbai, you can take your bike and let the wind do the talking. And if you are someone who always looks for a hint of adventure during their trips, then make sure to visit Panchgani (not very far from Mahabaleshwar) and grab the opportunity to experience paragliding.
Enjoy the surrounding views of the location wrapped in the foothills of nature from a height. The main attractions of Mahabaleshwar include strawberries and mulberries market, Three Monkey Point, Needle Hole Point, Wilson Sunrise Point, and much more.

3. Matheran:

The ride from Mumbai to Matheran is quite beautiful. Feel the calm and peace through your veins with a cold breeze against your skin. Unwind yourself while riding and feel energetic. As you reach Matheran, you will notice the absence of automobiles as the hill station is an automobile-free zone.
But don’t worry, you will have a lot of hand-pulled or horse-pulled rickshaws to take you around this marvellous and endowed with scenic locations which offer you the views of a lifetime. You can also plan to go on a trek to Matheran and have quality time with yourself or your company in the middle of the large trees and hills. The main attractions of this location include One Tree Hill Point, Louisa Point, Porcupine Point, Panorama Point, etc.

Other destinations making it to this list include Malshej Ghat, Durshet, Sula Vineyards, Pelhar Dam, Igatpuri and Alibaug. Remember that your bike is well serviced and has valid insurance to have a comfortable and memorable bike trip. Make sure to fit these important aspects into your travel schedule. While we are already talking about bike trips, purchasing the best two-wheeler insurance in India is a wise option to ensure your bike is safeguarded against all unforeseeable circumstances. The monsoon is here! Get your gear, pack your bags, and push the pedal towards serenity.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of purchasing the best two wheeler insurance in

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understanding the importance of motorcycle windshields

Have you ever been riding your motorcycle in the crisp morning air, enjoying the cool wind on your face, and had a bug smack you right in the face? Although it makes for some good comic relief, it is one of the most annoying experiences a rider can have. The solution? Motorcycle windshields. A windshield is installed to deflect the wind from hitting your body while enjoying riding at high speeds. It also helps by providing the rider with a better aerodynamic outline than the body.

This blog gives you a better insight into motorcycle windshields so you can decide if it is a worthy addition to your motorbike.

Pros: 1. Wind protection

Motorcycle windshields help protect you from the wind blast to your face and chest. Mitigating the wind force against your face and chest helps combat back, arm, and neck pain. Less pressure on your body will result in a comfortable ride. If you're planning to ride your bike for more than a few hours, this tool will pay great dividends by the end of the day.
The windshield will divert hot and humid air in the summer and chilled and wet air in the winter. Although it cannot substitute for a good few layers of clothes, it also reduces wind chill when speeding down a highway. Similarly, windshields protect you in hot, dry weather as well. When driving down the roads at high speeds, your sweat dries up faster, resulting in dehydration. Dehydration can cause serious health issues and can put a damper on your driving experience.

2. Better aerodynamics

The stability of the bike decreases when there is drag in the air. When cruising down roads at high speeds, the body creates a fair amount of drag. Fortunately, one of the benefits of having a windshield on your motorcycle is that it makes a better aerodynamic outline than the body, resulting in less drag.

3. Less fatigue

The reduction of wind blasting helps reduce fatigue over long distances. Keeping your posture upright while the wind pushes into you seems like effortless work over short distances, but over long periods, it might be the reason you feel burnt out.

4. Debris protection

Debris gets kicked up by passing vehicles all the time. Your motorcycle windshield can protect you from this and make the ride much more comfortable.

5. Reduce wind noise

The sound made by the engine usually enhances the experience of riding a motorbike for bike enthusiasts. The purring of the machine is generally deafened by the wind noise at high speeds, which diminishes this experience. Motorcycle windshields can solve this problem of wind noise.


The biggest and possibly the only downside to a windshield is its uncool and dorky look. A windshield makes a bike look less sporty, and many people find that very frustrating. Also, who wants to see their bike's dirty, scratched-up windshield?

Another con might be reduced visibility right in front of the motorcycle due to the windshield being tinted or dirty. This is a huge distraction and can cause accidents. The pros overwhelmingly outweigh the cons of installing a windshield. Especially in harsh weather conditions, these can be a lifesaver and can pay great dividends for a small investment.

The pros overwhelmingly outweigh the cons of installing a windshield. Especially in harsh weather conditions, these can be a lifesaver and can pay great dividends for a small investment. As we talk about investment, there's one more investment that you need to consider as a bike owner. Purchase reliable bike insurance to add an additional safety net to your two-wheeled friend. Consider buying 2 wheeler insurance online and save time and money in return for value-added benefits.

Click HERE to know more about buying 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top emerging technology trends set to bring a change in motor insurance

Technology has constantly been evolving and has been instrumental in all the big and small changes happening in the world. While there is a constant debate as to whether technology is a boon or a bane, it cannot be denied that our lives have been made easier by the many technological advancements made by humans. In today's age, everything is data-driven.

Starting from your date of birth to the last place you swiped your credit card is monitored and constantly fed to databases. Owing to the ever-growing gap between consumers' need to work and the ease with which they can achieve it, technology has taken centre stage and paved the path for accessible, hassle-free experiences. One such area is motor insurance. The rise of new technology has made its way into the world of insurance and is revolutionising services and interaction.

This article will discuss the emerging technology trends to change the motor insurance world.

1. Artificial intelligence:

The words artificial intelligence or AI are casually thrown around in everyday conversation. What is AI, and how is it changing motor insurance? In layman's terms, AI is the intelligence used by machines to undertake human-like tasks faster and more efficiently.
With the intervention of AI, insurers can meet the consumer's needs more quickly. AI is capable of finding unique tailor-made solutions to suit all your insurance needs. Insurers can access reports and data faster, thus speeding up the whole process.

2. Machine Learning:

The building blocks for artificial intelligence, machine learning is responsible for accessing, analysing, and modelling large chunks of data. A single run on these machine learning models can give a detailed analysis of every aspect of a person's life, given they have the data— pre-programmed algorithms to improve processing speed and yield accurate results. With machine learning, queries and identification can be made faster and effortlessly.

3. Internet of Things (IoT):

The concept of data privacy is lost on many people. People willingly give extra information if it means they can cut the prices. An extension of machine learning models and artificial intelligence concepts, IoT can process large amounts of data and automate the sharing process. IoT can also aid in risk assessment and mitigation to directly manipulate the new car insurance rates and the annual premium.

4. Chatbots:

Chatbots give you a human-like experience. With chatbots being used to their maximum potential, many insurance-related queries and doubts will be handled using these advanced bots.
Chatbots can efficiently communicate with customers; if they cannot solve a query, it will be forwarded to the person in charge. This helps everyone stay in the loop while not wasting time and resources. This produces fast and effective outcomes while assuring great on-the-go customer support.

5. Insurtech:

Insurance and technology together make insurance companies. They use the latest technologies to mitigate the insurance cost for customers and insurers. All the technologies mentioned earlier by insurance companies can revolutionise customer relationship management. They can use such tools to develop products that can help risk management and mitigation.

These were just a few of the many new technology trends that will take the world by storm. The rapid resurgence of technology can be scary and intimidating. Trusting technology-driven solutions might take some time for the common people, but the important thing to understand here is that technology can be a great friend if used correctly.

In the future, technology can assure surprising advancements in the insurance industry, which may promise new car insurance rates that will sit right in your budget while giving you the best covers and add-ons.

Click HERE to check out the new car insurance rates in the market.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips for transferring bike insurance from one owner to another

Owning a vehicle is a dream for many. In recent times, a vehicle has become a necessity. Be it a quick run to the nearby grocery store or taking road trips during the weekend, automobiles have become the new favourite investment for most people. Since the prices of cars and bikes are increasing daily, potential buyers are forced to have a second thought. While some people opt for loans or EMIs to pay for their motor vehicles, others prefer using second-hand cars.

In India, it is illegal to drive around without motor insurance. As a second-hand vehicle owner, transferring the insurance and understanding the nuances of the same can be challenging and intimidating. This article is here to help you understand the process better so that you can drive around worry-free.

Why is it essential to transfer the insurance policy from the previous owner to the current owner?

If the insurance ownership is not transferred to the new owner, then according to the law, the new owner can be charged legally. Not only that, if the vehicle were involved in an accident without having the name on the policy papers, the new owner would not be able to make any insurance claims. Without the insurance cover, the owner will be liable for all financial costs arising from an accident.

Let's look at the steps involved in transferring insurance ownership from one owner to another:

1. The vehicle's former owner must write an application to the RTO upon selling the bike.

2. Fill out a form at the RTO and submit RC, emission certificate, insurance papers, and fitness certificate.

3. Do not forget to carry valid IDs and passport-size photographs of the applicant.

4. The applicant must submit forms 28 (No objection certificate) and 29 (states the selling and purchasing of the vehicle between two parties) to the RTO.

If the buyer and the seller live in the same state, then report the transfer of ownership to the RTO within two weeks of buying the vehicle. The report must be made within forty-five days if both parties do not reside in the same state.

If selling an old vehicle, the seller must provide all details about the buyer and the bike to the motor insurance provider so that they can stay informed and updated.

After you visit the RTO where your bike is registered, you will need to submit a few forms along with the insurance papers and other required documents. The insurance provider might check the vehicle to ensure if it is in working condition and issue a fitness certificate. After submitting all the files, the RTO will verify and transfer the insurance to the new owner.

What are the benefits of insurance transfer?

1. If the new owner causes an accident, they cannot hold the seller accountable as the insurance papers are in the name of the new owner. This way, you can evade litigation and accountability for the damages caused.

2. NCB: If you have not claimed your vehicle's insurance before the transfer of ownership, then you are qualified for a No claim bonus. During the insurance transfer, you can collect a certificate of eligibility for NCB that can be applied to your following policy.

These were a comprehensive list of all things to remember while undertaking insurance transfers. As mentioned above, the seller and buyer can reap benefits from an insurance transfer. Do not forget to initiate the transfer as soon as possible to avoid legal hassles and financial obligations.

Remember to check out other benefits of policy transfer with your motor insurance provider and ask if there are options for add-ons to the existing policy. This will help you safeguard your vehicle as per your needs.

Click HERE to find out more about motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These seven factors determine your car insurance cost

Car insurance costs can vary significantly depending on various factors. The total price you give at the beginning of policy renewal is the cost of the car insurance. In this article, we will look at a few factors responsible for the total cost of your car insurance.

1. The model of the vehicle can significantly determine the cost of your insurance. The more the market value of the car, the more will be the insurance cost. If your vehicle has good engine capacity, advanced technology, and electronic features, the overall cost of your insurance will be higher.

2. The geographical location is a lesser considered factor when it comes to car insurance. If your location is the face of extreme weather conditions such as rains and cyclones, then it is likely that the costs will increase. These are not just limited to natural calamities. Human-made disasters like riots and vandalism also fall into this category. Areas prone to riots and destruction can lead to heightened insurance costs.

3. Driving records are one of the most crucial factors that decide the cost of your premium. If you have a clean track record with no accidents or speeding tickets, then it is highly likely that your insurance costs will reduce. If it is proven that you are a responsible driver, then it automatically translates to lesser chances of accidents and danger. On the other hand, even if you have one ticket or one accident under your belt, the insurance costs can drastically change.

4. Suppose you have never raised a claim or are eligible for a no-claim bonus when you sign up for your online motor insurance renewal. In that case, insurance companies will provide you with a hefty discount on the insurance costs. If no claims have been made so far in your tenure, it proves that you are a responsible driver and a car owner. All these are extra points that the insurance companies consider while calculating the final cost.

5. If you have opted for voluntary deductibles, then the overall cost of the insurance falls automatically. However, this will not be possible if you take third-party insurance. Ensuring that you as an owner will pay a pre-determined amount in case of accidents and damages is a sign of assurance that you will not partake in malpractice to take unlawful benefits of the insurance system. Due to this, insurance companies will provide you with a low-cost insurance policy.

6. Digital insurance is the new policy in the market. With everything digitised, companies can cut costs on operations. Hence, they can offer better policies at lower price points. Consider opting for an online motor insurance renewal to understand digital insurance better. You will get a perfect walkthrough of the online procedures.

7. The type of fuel that you use in your vehicles can also determine the cost of car insurance. If your vehicle runs on CNG or diesel, then the cost of insurance will be more than that of cars running on petrol. Not only that, but the mileage also decides the overall cost of your insurance. These factors contribute to the overall IDV or the insured declared value. The higher the IDV, the more the cost of car insurance.

These are some of the factors that affect the cost of the car. Remember that proper maintenance and aftercare will help your vehicle run smoothly for an extended period. You must provide timely maintenance and servicing to keep your car working correctly and efficiently. Add more value to your vehicle by investing in good car insurance offers available in India. If your car insurance is about to expire, let this article remind you to opt for online motor insurance renewal for a contactless and hassle-free experience.

Click HERE to find out more about online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The pros of laser surgery for getting the correct eye vision

How often have you forgotten your spectacles at home and had difficulty recognising people's faces from a distance? These are some of the widespread yet frustrating problems people face with glasses. One of the most convenient and revolutionary technologies for solving this problem is laser eye surgery, popularly known as LASIK surgery.

With about a quarter of the world facing vision problems, it's not surprising that laser eye surgery is becoming increasingly popular. This blog aims to give you an insight into this technology and how it is revolutionising the world.

The need for LASIK:

When we look at a particular object, light from that object enters the eye and passes through the natural lens of the eye. This natural lens is responsible for correctly refracting the light to hit the retina. The eye's retina is responsible for focusing all the light and sending signals to the brain to help us interpret what we're seeing.

When light does not focus upon the retina correctly, vision can get blurry. This might be because the cornea isn't curved perfectly, or it can be because the eye lens present in our eye is slightly longer or shorter.

This refractive procedure is usually done to correct one of the following three vision problems: Myopia, Hypermetropia, and Astigmatism.

How does LASIK work?

Laser surgery is a procedure where the patient's cornea is reshaped by using an evolved cutting laser technology to help it refract the light to provide clear vision. Corneal reshaping is done by mapping the entire cornea precisely and then using this to plan the surgery accurately.


1. Quick and safe – The most inviting aspect of this procedure is that it is a short one. LASIK takes only 10 minutes to mitigate your vision problems for each eye, so 20 minutes total to have perfect vision. It is also a very safe procedure, with 98 percent of people satisfied with the surgery's results.

2. Painless procedure – This procedure is entirely painless due to the eye drops your surgeon will apply at the beginning of the operation. Moreover, there is minimum post-operative pain, with no stitches or bandages required after LASIK.

3. Fixed cost – While the procedure is cumbersome on the wallet, it is a one-time investment. Glasses and contact lenses are cheaper than surgery, but they are building expenses with the cost of regular eye check-ups, lenses, and frames. However, there's a good chance LASIK is not covered by your insurance. Research online health insurance to find one that does.

4. Enjoy your favourite sports without fear – For many people, this surgery is not an option but a lifesaver. Whether you want to enlist in the police, army or play contact sports where wearing glasses is not an option, LASIK is the knight in shining armour if you don't want the hassle of carrying your lenses and lens cleaning solution everywhere.


While this procedure has numerous advantages, there are some drawbacks too. You need to take several things into consideration before taking this big step. It is a huge investment and might burn a hole in your pocket if you're not ready. Like any other surgery, there are risks and side effects involved. Some side effects include dry eyes, a halo effect with bright light, and poor night vision. Consult your eye specialist before making any decision.

Although laser eye surgery is relatively quick and painless, you must take proper precautions. Avoid using any eye makeup or lotions around the eye for about three days before the surgery. Also, make sure to arrange a ride back home because you might not be able to drive right after the surgery due to blurred vision and the sedative. As most insurance plans might not cover the cost of laser eye surgery, it is best to research online health insurance to understand the terms.

Click HERE to know more about online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why does the motorcycle engine feel smooth and throttle response crisp in the morning

The feeling of riding a motorcycle in the morning is otherworldly. But it's not only the early morning atmosphere that gives this ethereal feeling to the rider. It's also the smooth functioning of the engine and the swift and excellent acceleration of the motorbike in the morning. Many people experience this but do not pay much heed to why this happens.

This blog aims to make this phenomenon more understandable for curious bike fanatics.

1. Reduced friction:

The smooth ride that the engine provides in the morning and the minimum noise directly result from the engine's internal temperature. However, other parts of the engine maintain their temperature even when kept at rest throughout the night. Due to the thermal expansion of metals, there needs to be a proper gap between various working parts of the engine.
For example, to permit the expansion of the piston, there is a gap within the block of the engine. There is less friction, resulting in less noise in the morning due to this gap between the piston and the cylinder wall in the morning. This occurrence applies to almost every moving part of the engine.

2. Viscosity:

Another reason the engine feels smooth in the morning is the oil's viscosity. Viscosity is inversely proportional to temperature. In the early morning, the engine oil is cold, making it denser in volume. This higher viscosity accounts for maximum lubrication in the engine, which results in the smooth running of the bike.

3. Fuel management systems:

As far as better crisp acceleration in the morning is concerned, the fuel management system of the bike is the most responsible. The bike's fueling is divided into two- either fuel and air can be mixed proportionally by a carburettor, or the fuel is atomised at high pressure, mixed with clean air, eventually entering the engine's combustion chamber.
Carburettors give you a crisper throttle response due to the richer mixture between fuel and air. But nowadays, these are slowly being phased out due to the increasing pollution by carburettors.

So, do you really need to warm the bike up before starting it? This is another question that greatly puzzles bike enthusiasts.

There's no real need to warm up an engine for more than a minute before starting it. For a long time, all bikes used a carburettor for combustion. This type of engine tends to run poorly until appropriately warmed.

So, there is still a misconception that you must let the engine warm up before you start riding it. But it would be best if you were careful about hammering the throttle before the engine has gotten all nice and warm.

Riding a motorcycle gently for the first few miles is a good idea because putting the engine under extreme pressure while still cold increases the chances of damage and breakdown.

This damage is dangerous and can result in the maintenance fees burning a hole in your pocket. The best solution to counter this is investing in a good bike insurance that pays great dividends.

Click HERE to know more about bike insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What factors influence car insurance premiums for SUVs and sedans

Driving a car without insurance is considered illegal in India. Automobile owners weigh the pros and cons of different options available in the policy market. Before buying car insurance, people consider various factors such as covers, add-ons, services, premiums, etc. In this article, we will be talking about premiums and how they can vary depending upon the kind and size of your car.

What is a premium?

A premium is an amount you pay your insurer to keep your policy valid. The duration of payment can vary from monthly to quarterly to annual payments.

What factors affect the premium?

1. Model and make of your vehicle
2. Engine capacity
3. The driving experience of the policyholder
4. Age
5. Location

Besides the points mentioned above, previous claims and traffic violations can also affect your insurance premium.

We better understand what premium is and how they can be affected. Let's look at premiums for SUVs and sedans.

1. The make and model:

Car insurance can vary significantly depending upon your car's size, make, and model. If you intend to buy an SUV or a sedan, remember that these models are charged the highest premiums. Putting in ample research into the car model and the respective insurance premium is essential.

2. Driving record:

Another crucial factor that decides the total cost of your premium is the driving experience. If you have no records of accidents, then the premium rates can be significantly lower. Even a minor skip such as running a red light or speeding ticket can affect the premium rates too. Insurance companies analyse your driving records to understand the risk associated with your driving and how likely you are to get into accidents. The more the chances of accidents, the higher the premium rates.

3. Location:

If you live in an area with high crime rates, the insurers tend to charge higher premiums.
The premium amounts can be excessive if your locality is prone to crime and vandalism.

4. Coverage and add-ons:

Coverage and add-ons are the services insurance companies provide when you buy an insurance policy from them. If you opt for the basic package and maintain a good driving record, the insurer will likely settle for a lower premium.

5. Age of the vehicle:

The age of your vehicle is another factor that insurance providers consider when offering insurance. The depreciation value of your vehicle increases with time. Adding to that is the wear and tear that the vehicle went through over the years, reducing the value of the car. Therefore, older cars will have a lesser premium.

6. Engine capacity:

The CC or the engine capacity affects the premium and higher the CC, higher the premium. And since SUVs and sedans have higher CC, their premiums are also higher.

7. Engine type:

Cars running on petrol have lesser premiums than cars running on diesel. A vehicle running on CNG has a higher premium than diesel engines. If you intend on adding a CNG unit to your sedan or SUV, keep in mind that the premium costs will increase significantly.

8. Modifications:

Modifications that alter the look or performance of your car will have a higher market value. This, in turn, will increase the cost of the premium on the vehicle. The look and feel of the car is a lesser talked about factor when it comes to insurance prices.

These are some factors that affect the premium of your insurance coverage. Irrespective of the kind of vehicle you buy, the points mentioned above determine the overall cost of your insurance. Before finalising your car insurance renewal, do not forget to look through various insurance providers and their services for a price best suited for your needs.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Explained: Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver, the new optional cover in Magma HDI’s OneHealth insurance

OneHealth, Magma HDI’s flagship health insurance is an all-encompassing solution with five plans tailormade to suit a customer’s needs. With state-of-the-art features and a bucket of add-ons, OneHealth provides a solid financial shield in case of a health exigency.

What is zone-wise pricing in health insurance?

Insurers offer zone-wise pricing to strike a fair balance in health insurance premiums, especially for customers in smaller cities. Hence, it may so happen that premium for a similar health plan differs as per cities, especially between metros and non-metros. There can be multiple reasons for this.

a) Hospitalization costs are relatively lower in smaller cities vis-à-vis metros
b) In most instances, the insured will opt for treatment only in their home city / town
c) Moreover, it may be assumed that people living in metros or tier 1 cities could be more susceptible to lifestyle diseases, and thus the higher premium

Hence, insurers try to pass on the benefit of lower cost of hospitalization to customers hailing from smaller cities. Having said that, most of the insurers offering zone-wise premiums have a co-pay clause for policyholders who want to avail treatment from a higher zone, which they bear during their claim settlement.

Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver Optional Cover

In Magma HDI’s OneHealth insurance, the zones are classified into Zone 1, 2 and 3:

  • Zone 1: Delhi including National Capital Region, Mumbai including Thane, Navi Mumbai, Vasai-Virar, Bangalore, and Gujarat
  • Zone 2: Coimbatore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Chennai, Kolkata, and Kerala
  • Zone 3: Rest of India

One of the latest optional covers added in OneHealth is the Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver. As mentioned above, the premium rates of a health insurance product are fixed as per the zone opted for in the policy (Zone 1, 2 or 3). Zone 1 calls for the highest premium, followed by Zone 2 and Zone 3. If the insured undergoes a treatment in a zone higher than the one opted for in the policy, he must pay an additional co-pay amount which is charged as a fixed percentage of the claim amount. The existing OneHealth insurance plan has the following co-pay:

Premium paid as per zone Zone where treatment is taken Co-pay
Zone 2 Zone 1 25%
Zone 3 Zone 2 20%
Zone 3 Zone 1 35%

Now, with the Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver Optional Cover, the insured can get this co-pay amount waived off if their treatment occurs in a zone higher than the one opted for in the policy. The cover is available across all plans and sum insureds.

Let us understand with an example.

• Mr. Parag, a 40-year-old from Amritsar plans to buy the OneHealth Secure plan for himself, his wife and two children, with a sum insured of INR 10 lakh.

• As Amritsar falls in Zone 3, Mr. Parag would have to pay INR 12,997 + GST as premium but would have to bear 35% co-pay on his claim amount if he ever gets a medical treatment done in Delhi (which falls in Zone 1).

• To avoid this, Mr. Parag can also opt for a Zone 1 premium i.e., INR 16,154 + GST for any eventuality. However, even this is 24% higher than the Zone 3 premium.

• Thanks to the Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver optional cover, Mr. Parag would only have to pay INR 14,362 + GST and get a Pan India coverage.

  Premium Amount Additional Amount
Premium paid on buying policy in Amritsar (Zone 3) INR 12,997 + GST 35% Co-pay levied on claim amount if treatment taken in Zone 1 areas
If opted for Zone 1 premium INR 16,154 + GST 24% higher premium
If opted for Zone-wise Co-pay Waiver Optional Cover INR 14,362 + GST Only 11% higher premium, and 0% Co-pay levied

An insured can also opt for this optional cover at the time of renewal. However, a waiting period of 1 year shall be applicable for renewed policies. No waiting period is applicable for this optional cover, if opted while buying OneHealth for the first time as fresh or portability policy. In case this cover is discontinued by the customer, and again opted for subsequently, the 1-year waiting period shall start afresh.



Why does the motorcycle engine feel smooth and throttle response crisp in the morning

The feeling of riding a motorcycle in the morning is otherworldly. But it's not only the early morning atmosphere that gives this ethereal feeling to the rider. It's also the smooth functioning of the engine and the swift and excellent acceleration of the motorbike in the morning. Many people experience this but do not pay much heed to why this happens.

This blog aims to make this phenomenon more understandable for curious bike fanatics.

1. Reduced friction:

The smooth ride that the engine provides in the morning and the minimum noise directly result from the engine's internal temperature. However, other parts of the engine maintain their temperature even when kept at rest throughout the night. Due to the thermal expansion of metals, there needs to be a proper gap between various working parts of the engine.
For example, to permit the expansion of the piston, there is a gap within the block of the engine. There is less friction, resulting in less noise in the morning due to this gap between the piston and the cylinder wall in the morning. This occurrence applies to almost every moving part of the engine.

2. Viscosity:

Another reason the engine feels smooth in the morning is the oil's viscosity. Viscosity is inversely proportional to temperature. In the early morning, the engine oil is cold, making it denser in volume. This higher viscosity accounts for maximum lubrication in the engine, which results in the smooth running of the bike.

3. Fuel management systems:

As far as better crisp acceleration in the morning is concerned, the fuel management system of the bike is the most responsible. The bike's fueling is divided into two- either fuel and air can be mixed proportionally by a carburettor, or the fuel is atomised at high pressure, mixed with clean air, eventually entering the engine's combustion chamber.
Carburettors give you a crisper throttle response due to the richer mixture between fuel and air. But nowadays, these are slowly being phased out due to the increasing pollution by carburettors.

So, do you really need to warm the bike up before starting it? This is another question that greatly puzzles bike enthusiasts.

There's no real need to warm up an engine for more than a minute before starting it. For a long time, all bikes used a carburettor for combustion. This type of engine tends to run poorly until appropriately warmed.

So, there is still a misconception that you must let the engine warm up before you start riding it. But it would be best if you were careful about hammering the throttle before the engine has gotten all nice and warm.

Riding a motorcycle gently for the first few miles is a good idea because putting the engine under extreme pressure while still cold increases the chances of damage and breakdown.

This damage is dangerous and can result in the maintenance fees burning a hole in your pocket. The best solution to counter this is investing in a good bike insurance that pays great dividends.

Click HERE to know more about bike insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Everything you need to know while insuring your old bike

The craze for new things never dies out. You might ride your new bike or car more, and eventually, your old bike starts getting dust all over it. But you can't just let it sit there and slowly rust and get damaged to the point where it would be a huge pain to repair the damages, maintain and get it serviced regularly. There can be various risks and damages your old bike might go through over time.

But why is it essential to ensure that your old bike is up and running? Well, there could be multiple scenarios where old bikes may come in handy. You could land up in an emergency and might not have your new vehicle at that point. Or you could get stuck with the new car if it does not start up and you must urgently be somewhere. These situations will make you realise why it was an excellent decision to keep it up to date, maintained, damage-free, and keep up with its insurance.

This blog will discuss everything you need to know while insuring your old bike. All this information will provide context when you meet up with your insurance company officials or apply for insuring your old motorcycle online.

1. You need to be aware of the depreciation:

When your vehicle gets old, its original value depreciates over time. If it's more than a year, but under two years, the actual value depreciates by ten percent. The bike's value further declines by almost fifteen percent and more, depending on the manufacturing year.
This also varies as you compare one insurance company's list of depreciated values to the others. The primary point here is to make sure that you know what the vehicle is worth by consulting an expert or researching a bit about the current market value on your own.

2. Be mindful about renewals:

It would help if you were careful about renewal dates while purchasing third-party two-wheeler insurance for your old bike. This insurance does not grant you any grace period for your insurance renewals. Even if you realise your renewal payment is due a day later, the third-party two-wheeler insurance for your old bike will be considered null and void. But you can escape this trouble by buying comprehensive two wheeler insurance online India for your old bike. This type of insurance grants you a grace period of thirty days. The renewal of your insurance policy can only be completed after a thorough inspection of your old bike that is to be insured. To ensure you avail of all the benefits of the policy, please renew it timely.

3. What happens to the premium:

Since your old bike's market value has depreciated, you do not have to worry about sky-high premiums. Your premium rates would be determined according to the value of your bike. But this does have a side effect. You will be subject to lower IDV-Insured Declared Value which derives the assured amount you will get from the insurance based on the asset (in this case-the bike) in case of loss or theft. The compensation would be pretty low since your premiums and the value of your bike is already depreciated.

Other factors you need to include are the add-on benefits, the engine capacity, and the best premiums without diminishing the features of your policy cover.

Be it an old bike or new; you need to get two wheeler insurance to protect your motorcycle against mishaps. You can explore all your options and purchase the best two wheeler insurance online in India to serve your needs. Insurance firms are adapting to technological advancements and moving towards the online revolution. You may also reduce the physical and mental stress of buying insurance the traditional way by purchasing two wheeler insurance online India.

Click HERE to know more about purchasing the best two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Shedding more light on CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission)

The most heard of types of two-wheeler transmission have been manual and automatic transmission. While manual transmission requires the driver to operate the gear stick and clutch to change gears, the automatic transmission does not need any driver input to change forward gears under usual driving conditions.

While automatic transmission has made driving significantly easier, there's a new type of transmission that might take over. This is CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission). A CVT is an automatic transmission where the rider doesn't need to apply the clutch pedal manually.

However, there are fundamental differences between the two. Traditional automatic transmission has a fixed number of preset gears for the driver. However, CVTs have an unlimited number of gear ratios that can accommodate the driving conditions at any given moment. It allows seamless shifts without hard shifting points, making the ride remarkably smooth.

This blog gives you an insight into this fascinating technology and why it is steadily gaining popularity.

Benefits and drawbacks of CVTs.

1. Improved fuel efficiency – Unlike typical automatics, the CVT can change the gear ratio forever to maintain the engine running at peak fuel efficiency. Overall, the more gears offered by an automatic transmission, the better the optimisation of engine power.

2. Smoother driving experience – The absence of harder shift points means the CVT delivers much more consistent performance on the roads. There are no sudden lags in acceleration as experienced with automatic and manual transmissions.

3. Driving uphill – Driving uphill or on steep roads is easier using a CVT. This is because, in regular transmissions, the driver would have to find the perfect gear ratio by themselves. In contrast, a CVT finds the exact ratio needed immediately, providing a smoother driving experience.


1. Heavy on the wallet – CVT systems are generally more costly than traditional counterparts. The repair and replacement costs are also more expensive. Additionally, CVT systems don't last as long as conventional systems and start failing more quickly.

2. Lack of high-performance capability and durability – A CVT is an excellent choice for an average driver, but it can't handle the higher horsepower. Hence it isn't used for performance and sports cars.

3. Noisiness – CVTs are louder and whinier than automatic transmission. Under fast acceleration, they tend to drone. This makes driving less enjoyable for the driver.

Working mechanism of CVT.

CVT systems use a pulley system to function effectively. Unlike the traditional automatic transmission, CVT uses several parts for shifting between gears.

This system depends on cones to change through the infinite gear ratios seamlessly in a CVT. These cones are attached to each pulley and the chain and can be moved around to adjust the dimensions of the belt. This allows for faultless shifting, which results in improved power output and better mileage.

A pulley connects the bike's engine and CVT and manages the direction of power. Based on the required energy, the diameter of the pulleys is adjusted.

The CVT's value lies in its simplicity. It has very few components but can work more efficiently for an average driver with increased fuel economy and steady, smooth operation. This technology can enhance the experience of a driver, but not all that glitters is gold.

The main drawback is that the repair costs might be overwhelming. Rather than fearing the expenses, take a step towards sensible investment, i.e. insurance. Consider looking for the best quotes online. Buy 2 wheeler insurance online and get amazing advantages that ensure a noteworthy return on investment during your hour of need.

Click HERE to know more about 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Outstation emergency coverage in car insurance: Everything you need to know

Being stranded in an unknown location with a broken-down car is probably one of the scariest things ever. Even if you are the most experienced driver, a situation like this can cause panic and anxiety. Over the years, roadside assistance has improved significantly, and highway services are prompt with their response time. One such service provided by your insurance company is the outstation emergency coverage. It never hurts to know that in case of an accident or a breakdown, your insurance provider has an option to help you.

Outstation emergency covers can vary depending on your add-ons and the overall premium. Still, in brief, this add-on offers you services such as emergency assistance in case of a breakdown or accident. Under this cover, your insurance provider is bound to help you wherever you are. If, due to severe damage, the car cannot be fixed on-site, the responsibility of taking the car to the nearest service station falls on them. In some cases, they are also liable to drop you at a safe location of your choice.

Let us look at the services that fall under the outstation emergency cover.

1. Towing facility in case the vehicle is immobile

2. Battery charging in case the battery dies out

3. Tyre change in case of flat tyres

4. Fuel refilling in case of an empty fuel tank

5. If you are locked outside the car, the company might arrange a spare emergency key

What to look out for while purchasing an outstation emergency cover?

1. If you intend on purchasing this service, your premium will cost extra.

2. The emergency should occur outside a hundred-kilometre radius of the registration location.

3. You are eligible for NCB even when you make an outstation emergency claim.

4. The cover can be purchased for up to 03 years.

5. Check the limitation on the number of outstations claims you can make.

How to avail your outstation emergency coverage?

1. Alert the insurance company:

You should notify the insurance company about the damage or accident as soon as it happens. Once they are informed, they are liable to send the support staff immediately. The company will send a surveyor to analyse the damage and prepare a report.

2. Do not withhold any details:

Your insurance provider is supposed to help you. Do not hide details of the damage or breakdown. The more information they have, the better the report. An excellent report ensures a hassle-free insurance claim. Upon investigation, your claim might not be processed if they find any ambiguity.

3. Repair and maintenance:

If your vehicle needs repair, it is best to go to the service station associated with your insurance provider. If you cannot find a network service provider, you will be asked to pay for the repair, which the insurance company will later reimburse.

As mentioned above, even the most experienced drivers can panic during such situations. Remember to turn on the parking lights and keep the car breakdown warning signs behind and ahead of the car. If you have network coverage, notify your family or friends about your location.

The above points will give you a detailed idea about the outstation emergency coverage. With this coverage in hand, you can go on long road trips and weekend getaways with your loved ones without constantly worrying about flat tyres, empty fuel tanks, or a complete breakdown. Coverage schemes like these are a boon for travel enthusiasts who enjoy road trips.

Put in your best research and browse multiple options on various sites before you buy car insurance policy online. Reading about the various insurance providers and their coverage will give you a better insight into what services are better suited for you. Also, making an online deal will offer you several advantages with just a few clicks and from the comfort of your home.

Click HERE to buy car insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the current deductibles in car insurance you must know about

Whether a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler, owning a vehicle is a matter of pride and sheer joy. When choosing your vehicle, the engine capacity, mileage, pickup, and colour are some of the few factors you consider. One lesser talked about or thought about aspect is your motor insurance. Choosing the best motor insurance company in India should be your next priority after finalising the car because your dearest asset needs a reliable safety shield.

There are various hidden conditions and additional costs associated with insurance. It may be in the form of add-ons or premiums, but more often than not, we are confused about the final payments and all the benefits of getting motor insurance.

In today's article, we will talk about deductibles in car insurance and all you need to know about it.

What are deductibles?

An amount you are liable to pay from the total claim amount is known as deductibles in car insurance. Typically, if the repair costs you twenty thousand and the deductible is two thousand, you will have to pay two thousand, and the insurer pays the remaining eighteen thousand.

The higher the deductible amount, the lower your overall premium amount will be. Although promising a higher deductible would mean you will have to spend money from your pocket. Hence, analysing your monetary situation and the ability to pay the deductible is crucial to understanding the amount you might have to pay in case of accidents or damages.

Types of deductibles.

There are two types of deductibles from which you can opt from:
1. Voluntary deductible set by yourself
2. Compulsory deductible levied by the insurer

What is a voluntary deductible?

The amount you decide to pay from your pockets, depending upon the total insurance amount, is a voluntary deductible. As the risk that the insurer will take is lower, voluntary deductibles are a great way to get your premium lowered. Opting for a higher deductible will bring down the value of your insurance premium amount.

Before finalising your policy paper, deciding on a deductible amount you will pay yourself in case of any damages is imperative. This deductible is applied to every claim made after activation of the insurance.

What are compulsory deductibles?

The policyholder is not the one making decisions on these deductibles. The insurance board of India has set a value based on the engine's power or CC in these vehicles. It can vary from anywhere between one thousand to two thousand rupees. The premium amount stays unaffected irrespective of the compulsory deductibles.

When buying car insurance, two costs primarily add up. The first is the premium amount you have to pay at the beginning of the policy renewal, and the second is the compulsory deductibles you pay for every claim as a deductible.

Why is it essential to levy deductibles?

Many people partake in fraudulent activities to skip maintenance costs and reap maximum benefits from insurance companies. Manipulating evidence or staging accidents are part of moral hazards. Such situations can be avoided if a deductible is charged per claim.

Another reason insurance companies practice using deductibles is to provide a buffer between actual accidents and minor damages. Insurance providers offer financial support to people when they claim an accident or theft. However, the compulsory deductibles provide a cushion against unnecessary claims and financial stress for an insurer. Deductibles are used to protect them from such overwhelming situations.

These points are sure to help you understand deductibles and insurance policies better. Do thorough research before you buy your insurance policy. Choose the best motor insurance company in India and add value to your prized possession. Time invested in buying reliable insurance will bring you the best returns during tough times.

Click HERE to know more about the best motor insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How many car insurance claims can be made every year

Accidents never come with a warning. And in such cases, having car insurance is a considerable relief. Otherwise, you will have to bear all the financial costs and suffer through the stress, which will never help the problem.

It is always advisable that before buying an insurance policy, you should know all the details and information. And to get the complete information, you need to ask all the right questions to your designated insurance provider. This helps you to know about the benefits you can avail and the steps to take in case you get into trouble.

Listing down all these things has us sweating. All these unforeseeable circumstances sound so taxing, don’t they? This blog has all the information you need regarding these crucial questions.

1. The number of insurance claims you can make:

It’s a mix and match. The higher the number of insurance claims you make in a year, your insurance premiums will increase. Most of the time, the number of insurance claims is not limited and mentioned in your car insurance policy. Your “no claim bonus” provided by your designated insurance provider reduces if you file a claim during a year. It is optional, so you are allowed to forfeit it. It would be best if you were mindful of your zero depreciation cover and other add-on benefits, as some insurance provider companies have a limitation on the number of claims in such covers.

2. Is there any particular number:

There is no particular answer to the question, “how many car insurance claims can be made every year.” It ultimately depends on the type of damage, the grade of damage, the type of policy cover you have under the insurance, and your insurance provider’s norms and regulations.
Although, it is advisable to save your insurance claims for damages that would cause you some financial stress. Do not file insurance claims in case of minor damages that bear low costs, and you can easily afford to get it sorted.

3. What happens if you file several claims:

Suppose you end up filing multiple claims. Are you worried about the consequences and what sort of situations might arise regarding your car insurance? We have discussed the no-claim bonus. Your rates will lower if you do not file any claims in a particular insurance period or year. You will have to bid farewell to your no-claim bonus if you file too many claims.
So, it is advised to only file claims if they are way beyond your affordability or more than your no-claim bonus. Filing too many claims will not only make you devoid of no claim bonus but also affect your premium rates which will skyrocket in case of multiple claims. This happens as these claims make you appear on a riskier end for your designated insurers.

Other consequences include the depreciation rate not being taken into account by the insurance company in case of zero percent depreciation coverage. Don’t file a claim if your repair charges are lesser than the deductibles.

That was all about how insurance claims you can make in a year. We hope this blog has provided the best insights. We suggest an essential tip for buying online motor insurance for first-time buyers. As there are plenty of options to explore, you can conveniently purchase a plan that best suits your requirements and budget.

Click HERE to know more about online motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Most answered FAQs for motor insurance policies

Insurance policies are supposed to be understood thoroughly before you purchase them. Their purpose is how they would protect you and your assets against financial damage and decide on premiums and claims. Insurance companies conduct detailed background checks of their policyholders to ensure that they have authentic identities, are not involved in any criminal activities, money laundering, or financial scams, are not victims of identity theft, have a good credit score, are reliable drivers and law-abiding citizens of the country and much more.

Are you someone looking to understand the basics yet the most critical questions that would help you purchase motor insurance? We are here with all you need. In this space, we will discuss the most answered FAQs for motor insurance policies. This information will provide essential pointers you will need to understand if you are new to the insurance world.

1. What does third-party risk policy mean:

Third-party risk policies are necessary insurance policies that would protect the owner against the risks mentioned in the act. The third-party insurance policies compensate for the damages caused to the assets of the third parties or during deaths or accidents of the third parties.

2. Validity of your motor insurance:

You must know about the validity of your motor insurance so you can avail of the benefits on time. Always be up to date with your premiums and renew them to avoid putting your vehicle at risk. This way, you avoid financial burdens in case of unfortunate circumstances. The period of motor insurance from the day it begins is up to a year. This will be displayed in your insurance policy's schedule. Do not forget to read the documents and the listed terms and conditions carefully.

3 . Making claims:

Evaluate and estimate the cost of your damages. In many cases, raising small claims might not be a good idea if the damage costs you a small amount that you can easily bear. Keeping your claims for the future can help you avail them whenever there is a dire need in case of a substantial financial burden. Check the no claim bonus, which comes under your vehicle insurance. Follow through with the estimates and what you might have to forfeit under the bonus. Evaluate carefully and make the decision.

4. What happens during an accident:

If it were being driven by someone else, your car or motor insurance would still be valid to use, given that the person driving your vehicle was granted permission by you for the same. You can use your insurance policy to ensure you do not incur enormous costs for repairing the damages.
Also, vehicles are liabilities too. So, the individual's (the person driving your car) liability insurance can be a huge help in paying for the damages if your motor insurance exhausts its limits during the complete servicing and repairing process. Be mindful of your insurance limits.

5. Selling your vehicle:

If you decide to sell your vehicle, you can hand over the authority of the motor insurance to the new buyer. You must make sure that you apply for an insurance transfer with the designated insurance organisation within fourteen days of your car's transfer date under the buyer's name and ownership. You need to pay the endorsement premium before transferring the insurance policy.

Well, these were the most answered FAQs for motor insurance policies. We hope that this information proves helpful to you in understanding a little deeper about motor insurance and the fundamentals you must be aware of to ask the right questions to your insurance provider companies and officials. Also, explore all your options and get the best motor insurance India. List down your requirements and accordingly plan the estimated premium. Make practical decisions and see the results doing wonders for you!

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of buying the best motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's what you need to know about adding a nominee to car insurance

As thrilling as owning a car, there are undoubtedly various risks associated with the same. With the number of accidents increasing daily, it is essential to look out for your family and loved ones. One way of ensuring that is by investing in a good car insurance policy. Another way to ensure that your family stays safe even after your death is by adding them as nominees to your car insurance.

Wondering who a nominee is and the benefits of adding a nominee to your car insurance? Then, this article will tell you everything you need to know about nominees and how to add them to your car insurance.

What is a nominee?

In case of the policyholder's death, a nominee is a person that the policyholder nominated at the time of signing the insurance and will be getting the insurance policy's proceeds. The insurance must also cover personal accidents along with the base plan to provide extended coverage. The personal accident cover will ensure that the nominee gets the insurance benefits even in the absence of the policyholder.

Indian law states that a nominee is responsible for the custody of money or property after the policyholder's death. In some cases, a nominee is responsible for distributing the money and other profits to the legal heirs or the spouse as stated by the policyholder.

Who can be a nominee?

There are no set rules as to who can be your nominee, but the practice is to keep the spouse, parents, or children as the nominee.

How to add a nominee?

Much like every other process, technology has recently made adding a nominee easy. The majority of the work can be done online. Websites and mobile apps have made changing or adding a nominee more straightforward and hassle-free. All you need to do is access your policy account and add the nominee to your selected policy. You will need to give details of the nominee, such as name, date of birth, relation to the nominee, etc. Keeping these documents handy would make the process simpler.

If you want to change your nominee, you can follow the same steps mentioned above and edit the choice of the nominee in your policy portal.

Why should you choose a nominee beforehand?

If an accident or any mishap happens, the legal heir is the lawful beneficiary of the insurance claim benefits. However, verifying and validating the identity can be long and tiring if not explicitly mentioned as a nominee. Choosing and naming a nominee when buying new car insurance or at the time of car insurance renewal is crucial.

What are the benefits of choosing a nominee?

1. In case of the policyholder's death, the personal accident cover provides financial coverage to the family. The claim is not limited to the death of the policyholder. You can make this claim even in the case of temporary or permanent disability caused by an accident.

2. If a person dies after a claim is made, the compensation and benefits will be diverted toward their nominee.

How to withdraw money as a nominee?

Since a nominee is not the owner of the assets, it is essential to prove to the authorities that the policyholder is deceased. You will also need to establish your relationship with the policyholder to the insurance company. The policy holder's death certificate, policy papers, nominee's birth certificate, and a certificate stating the relationship between the policyholder and the nominee are some documents you might need to provide to the insurance company to avail the benefits.

Some policies provide the option to choose multiple nominees, and the benefits and compensation can be shared amongst the nominees as per the policyholder's decision. You can change your nominee mid-tenure. You can either talk to your insurance provider or manually adjust it through mobile applications or websites.

To ensure your family's safety and protection, do not forget to add on personal accident cover in your next car insurance renewal.

Click HERE to find out more about car insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's how you can personalise two-wheeler insurance

If you enjoy riding your motorbike and spend time getting it customised with modifications and accessories, this blog is for you. Personalisation is now becoming the backbone of many industries. People want things they consume or use to be altered to cater to their tastes. And a little personal touch makes the consumers feel cared for and appreciated to be loyal to a company or a brand. Did you know that you can now personalise your two-wheeler insurance?

You can alter and add several benefits according to your requirements to your two-wheeler insurance. Curious about how you can get additional benefits that would satisfy your necessities? This blog will discuss all the information about insurance policies and how you can adjust them a little to fit your interests.

While we would be talking about how personalisation is a part of insurance, you must remember that this can only occur if you have valid insurance to drive around your bike. Do make sure that you have legitimate and valid two-wheeler insurance.

So, here's how you can personalise two-wheeler insurance.

1. There are various types of insurance covers:

Various insurance covers here include comprehensive insurance cover, third-party cover, additional riders, etc. Under comprehensive insurance cover, you get benefits that would protect you against all damages caused to your vehicle, third-party property, or person. It provides you with full coverage. Due to the extravagant benefits, comprehensive insurance is costlier than a third-party cover.
The third-party cover is a compulsory policy that protects the policyholder against any damage or risk to third party-persons or property. This cover is limited to damage caused only to the third party by your vehicle. And it is mandatory for everyone who has bike insurance. The limitations of the third-party cover are solved by comprehensive coverage insurance. You can opt for an additional rider cover as a part of your insurance benefits. In doing so, you will be required to pay an extra amount or a premium. The details of the additional riders can be included during the registration and the beginning of the insurance policy coverage of the primary policyholder. You can also have the extra rider cover during the whole renewal procedure of your two-wheeler insurance. These riders will be eligible to get similar benefits as the primary policyholder. They will receive emergency or round-the-clock roadside assistance from the insurance company.
This assistance and the additional riders cover any loss or damage caused or if your bike got towed or in case of any repairs. The various issues this extra rider's insurance cover would easily handle are duplicating keys and the related problems like changing the tyre, and empty fuel tank, among many other benefits.

2. Protecting your engine:

The engine protection insurance covers you in case of engine damage, gearbox issues or damage, leakage of the lubricant, heating up of the engine, engine failure, and much more.

3. EMI protection option:

Some other benefits include EMI protection, where in case of any damages, the designated insurance company will pay for the EMIs of the two-wheeler as directed in the EMI bike insurance and protection cover. This will apply only if the service centres or the garages are certified and approved.

Other benefits or additional riders include coverage for vehicle-related expenditures like motor vehicle oil, coolants, refrigerants, nuts, screws, etc. Then there is a pillion rider's cover to protect the rider with you against any accidents and body injuries. This insurance add-on benefit also covers any medical costs incurred during accidents for the pillion rider.

So, here's how you can personalise two-wheeler insurance. There are several options to buy the best two wheeler insurance India and customise it your way. Reap the benefits of hassle-free insurance claims and valuable financial support during an emergency.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of purchasing two wheeler insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's all you need to know about the driver and passenger cover in car insurance

Road trips with family members, friends, or companions are a pleasant experience to enjoy. You are jamming to your favourite songs, catching updates about one another's personal life, enjoying the views of the route, and are just taking a much-needed break from your hectic work life. All this sounds amazing, comfortable, and convenient. But what would happen if something suddenly goes downhill and you land in a chaotic situation you did not expect?

You must know and be aware of the practical solutions before you end up in a chaotic situation. This blog will discuss the driver and the co-passenger aspects of car insurance. So, here's all you need to know about car insurance's driver and passenger cover. Let's get started!

1. In accidents, passengers get severely injured along with the drivers. As a mitigation measure to avoid financial stress during unfortunate circumstances, getting a passenger's insurance would help to protect their life.

2. The policy covers up to two lacs of hospital and medical bills and permanent or short-term disability liability. In case of the passenger's death, the financial support will go to the nominees or the person to whom the policyholder assigned the money and the responsibility.

3. Personal accident insurance is mandatory for the owner and the driver of the designated vehicle. Passenger insurance is separately entitled insurance unrelated to personal accident insurance. Although, do not mistakenly assume that the lack of enforcement to get a passenger's insurance is something you can be careless about. Secure everyone's lives-whoever is travelling in your car.

4. There are various types of car insurance coverages for both the drivers and the passengers. These include (owner-driver) personal accident insurance, paid drivers' accident coverage, and unnamed passenger personal accident insurance, to name a few. The paid drivers' personal accident coverage ensures that whoever you hire to drive your car is enlisted in that insurance as a paid driver. You can get this add-on benefit in exchange for a small amount. This tends to be a massive plus in the long run, especially during sudden accidents or risks. The individual registered under the title of the paid driver is only eligible for the amount the insurance is supposed to cover.

Unnamed passenger personal accident insurance can be bought as an add-on to protect the life of the passengers travelling in your insured car. You can select the add-ons according to the number of passengers your vehicle can have. And it is mandatory that during sudden situations where you might land in an accident, or something unfortunate happens, this benefit will be only applicable if there are not more than the legally permitted number of passengers (according to your car model and government and companies' instructions).
As the owner of the car and someone who owns a driving licence, you must have owner-driver personal accident insurance under your auto insurance. The insurance amount would be passed on to your legal and enlisted heirs in case of physical disabilities or death due to a vehicle under your name.

5. The owner-driver and the passenger cover under auto insurance act as a secondary safety net for you and your fellow passengers. Usually, standard insurance policies do not offer you such benefits. In the case of the owner-driver personal accident insurance, the insurance company will ensure that the amount reaches the nominee of your insurance in case of any death or tragic circumstances.

As we are already discussing insurance, you must also consider your car's security. Your car is your asset, and you must protect it under comprehensive car insurance. You can also save a considerable cost by avoiding intermediaries' involvement. Buy online car insurance and eliminate the unnecessary stress of the cumbersome process, long waiting time, and commissions to agents.

Click HERE to know more about online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


A complete guide to motorcycle headlights up-gradation

As someone who owns a motorcycle, you will know the thrill of long road trips with friends or the calm of solitary rides at night. A bike can give you many new adventures, all of which you must experience in your lifetime. Owning a motorcycle is a matter of pride and honour. Still, it also brings many responsibilities like regular maintenance, proper servicing, and owning the best 2 wheeler insurance. However, this article will discuss another safety feature, i.e., headlights.

If you are looking to upgrade your headlights, or want to know the nitty-gritty of the kinds of headlights, then look no further. This article is here to help you understand all your motorcycle headlight-related needs.

Before looking at the types of headlights, let's understand why it is essential to have a fully functioning and a good-quality headlight on our motor vehicles.

1. Safety:

We have heard of accidents on the roads and highways at night. In most cases, the driver is incapable of navigating dark streets due to a lack of visibility. It is imperative to have a good headlight, to keep yourself and others safe on the road. Not only does it help you in seeing others, but it also allows others to notice you.

2. Driving through fog or rain:

Your vision is significantly compromised when you drive through dense fogs or heavy rains. A good quality headlight can pierce through rains and fog and help you with better visibility.

Now, let's understand the different types of headlights that are available in the market for you.

1. Halogen:

The most commonly available lighting in headlights is the halogen reflectors or filaments. These lights share the same characteristics as the yellow-hued filament bulb used in houses. These bulbs are cheaper and easily accessible by consumers; however, these lights are not as bright as the others available in the market.

2. Xenon bulbs:

These are produced majorly for projectors and other directional purposes of light. They give out a very sharp, bright light stream that can easily cut through the darkness and give better visibility of the road ahead. However, one con of these bulbs is that since they are intense beams of light, they tend to reflect from surfaces. So, while driving, you might not be able to see the directions and street signs, as these lights can reflect strongly into your eyes.

3. LEDs:

The light-emitting diode or the LED emits bright white light and is primarily found in newer models. They consume less energy and have high efficiency. They are also safe and durable and emit a bright stream of light that can easily cut through dense fogs and rains.

These are some of the significant kinds of bulbs used in your headlights. It is crucial to keep your bike and its parts working to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Besides the headlights, it is a good practice to take note of your vehicle's tail lights, turn signals, brake lights, and fog lights to ensure maximum safety.

Before upgrading to a newer headlight, it would be wise to check if the bike's battery can handle the extra load from a new headlight. If the batteries fail to handle the change, your bike can stop working. To bypass this issue, it is best to talk to a mechanic who will be able to guide you with the battery requirements for your headlights. An upgraded battery and a headlight system would keep your bike and the new headlight safe.

An efficient headlight is paramount to driving safely on the roads, specifically at night. Always ride with proper safety gear, carry the essential documents, and keep your 2 wheeler insurance up-to-date. Ride with responsibility and stay safe on the road!

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Does your car insurance policy cover damages due to vandalism

There are various covers that the insurance companies provide depending upon factors such as the location, the type of car, the engine model, the engine capacity, etc. These car insurance covers are provided for various situations such as natural calamities, theft, accident, etc. One such protection that always seems ambiguous is the insurance against vandalism. If you are contemplating whether to take a vandalism cover or not, this article might help you by giving you a better insight into destruction, the claim, the benefits, and the demerits of the same.

The first thing to understand is that vandalism covers can be costly. As the severity of vandalism cannot be estimated beforehand, and the likeliness cannot be predicted, the covers can charge extra.

You can claim vandalism only if you have a comprehensive cover. Now, what is a comprehensive cover? Let’s understand the two main kinds of covers provided by insurance companies.

1. A third-party plan:

This policy is a safety net for the policyholder against any liabilities that may arise due to an accident or collision resulting in an accident of a third person or damage to their property.
If in case of death of the third person, the insurance company covers the compensation for the same. The premium on these is lower compared to a comprehensive car insurance plan.

2. A comprehensive plan:

Not only does it include third-party coverage, but it also takes care of personal damage. Comprehensive car insurance protects against any legal obligations arising from third-party interference and covers any damage caused to your car.
This cover also has the added covers on natural and human disasters such as riots and vandalism. With these things in mind, you can rest assured that your car will be fully taken care of by the insurance company.

Let’s first understand what vandalism is:
Vandalism is an act of destruction performed intentionally and with the intent of malice. In this case, we are talking about vandalism against vehicles, which can have different forms.

1. Damage to the car body:

Spray paint, scratches, and graffiti are a few ways to damage the car’s body that can be considered vandalism. More noticeable scratches and damage will require a new paint job and other repairs.

2. Broken parts:

Broken windows, glass panels, or lights must be changed entirely, costing tens of thousands in damage.

3. Slashed tyres and stolen parts:

Parts of your car, such as the side-view mirror, company logo, tyres, wiper blades, etc., can cost significant money. People steal these and sell them for the original prices, which are relatively more expensive than the knock-off goods.

Vandalism claims can be time-consuming and challenging to process as there is rarely a proof. So, it is best to inform your insurers as soon as possible and start the process. But remember that vandalism claims are only valid if there were relevant covers in your policy.

As discussed above, car insurances pay for vandalism only if you have comprehensive coverage added to collision coverage. Comprehensive coverage does not include any stolen goods or personal items from within the car, but it can cover the expenses for the damages incurred.

Sometimes, a police intervention might be needed as vandalism is considered a crime. Filing a complaint with your insurer increases the chances of damage recovery through the claim. If a police officer does not visit the crime scene, then the chances are that they will call you to give a detailed report of the crime. Do not forget to miss out on any points, as the better the details of the crime; the better are your chances of claiming your insurance.

Now you know why investing in a comprehensive car insurance policy is best. You can get the best protection against calamities, human-induced hazards or otherwise.

Click HERE to find out more about comprehensive car insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Car insurance background check in India: Why & How

Insurance is proof of verifying your track record, living and financial status, assets, etc. And if you own a car, having car insurance in India is mandatory. The main reason is to fulfil the interests of your vehicle and how you can safeguard it in case of any accidents or damages. But while this is a consumer-oriented measure that provides financial protection against car damages, the motor insurance company takes stringent background checks before allowing the customer to proceed with the process.

Are you looking for answers as to why and how these insurers perform such checks on potential customers? This blog will answer all your queries and decode the details one by one.

• Insurance companies want to be aware of their customers, their identities, and mandatory details about them to serve their consumers in the best way possible. This also helps them improve their services, which is why they conduct background checks on their customers when required.

• Confirming the consumer’s identity is essential to ensure they are claiming their real identification. This will assure the insurance providers that they are not creating a profile and selling the car insurance to a fake name.

• We all see how scammers these days are getting ahead of the intelligence agencies and finding their way out to fraud people and steal their money, identities, etc. This is why background checks of consumers are essential to verify all their information through government-attested documents. Insurance companies have reported that they receive fake claims for third-party insurance and background checks provide a solution to this issue.

• One of the reasons for conducting background checks is to ensure that their policyholders’ identities have not been stolen through other means such as phone insurance, where the consumers have been scammed into revealing their identities to third parties, which eventually use the information to accomplish malicious tasks and activities.

• The insurance companies must abide by the “know your customer” and local and international anti-money laundering rules and regulations as per government standards. To follow these rules, they need factual information about no criminal activities and involvement, financial scams, money laundering, etc., associated with their customers.

• The background check also involves checking your credit score reports. A good score reflects that you have a good financial status and can repay your bills on time. This acts as proof of your spending habits, money-saving capabilities, etc.

• While issuing car insurance, your motor insurance company looks at your driving history and evaluate your driving record and its details. This assures them that you are a responsible driver and avoid any brazen or rash activities on the road. Such activities might endanger other people’s lives and vehicles on the road and put the road safety protocols at risk.

We hope these factors will help you understand car insurance and insurance companies’ protocols in a better way. Speaking of car insurance, have you considered getting online car insurance? Buying online is the smartest way of investing in insurance. Purchasing a policy from a reputed motor insurance company promises several benefits that protect your car against any damages and prevent you from venting your pockets.

Click HERE to know more about online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few top magazines you can follow if you're a sports car enthusiast

Who doesn't love cars? We all do. But then there is a different set of people who especially love the sporty and stylish category. What is so special about these sports cars apart from the speed and looks? Only sports car enthusiasts can describe their passion for this!

Are you someone who is looking to read more about sports cars? If yes, we've got you. In this blog, we have curated a list of magazines which would give you all the information about the world of elite sports cars, their history, latest developments, upcoming launches and their features and technology. Let's get started.

1. Autocar India:

Autocar India magazine is one of the oldest circulated car magazines in the world. The magazine talks all about cars, headlines of the world of cars, their new features, road tests and their results, used cars, new launches, upcoming models, and much more. The Autocar India magazine is the Indian edition of the British magazine about automobiles published by the Haymarket Media Group.

2. Car India:

Known as one of the most informative car magazines, Car India has everything a car lover needs to satisfy their curiosities. This magazine explores every nook and corner of the car manufacturing industry.
It brings you the details and the latest trends and developments in newer and older car models, information about cutting-edge technologies, innovation taking place in the automobile sector and much more. Get a subscription as soon as possible and quench your inner car fanatic's thirst with this great piece of content!

3. Auto Today:

Looking to choose between two cars but are confused? Don't worry. Auto Today magazine is going to solve all your problems. You've got all the information you need in this magazine- car reviews, comparisons in features, user reviews, testimonials, statements from car manufacturers and companies, advice, pointers to be careful about before buying your new car and a lot more.
You do not need to sit and browse through everything and strain your eyes. Get clear and compact information through the Auto Today magazine to help you make an informed decision.

4. Autocar Professional:

This magazine gets delivered fortnightly. The leading Indian Business to Business (B2B) magazine, Autocar Professional, talks about heavy and intricate details about cars. The magazine's content is calculated and compiled after extensive research in the automobile sector. If you enjoy learning about the minutest of details and are interested in the field of car analysis and study, Autocar Professional is the magazine you should opt for.
It identifies the patterns in manufacturing and other processes, making it a crucial resource for people keen on learning about automobiles. The magazine also contains insightful and crisp interviews, direct vehicle sales and accurate data regarding production and technologies. Want to see what goes on in the deeper end of the automobile sector? Subscribe to Autocar Professional magazine and get your brain motor churning.

Evo India, Overdrive magazine, Motoring World magazine, TransREporter, and Commercial Vehicle magazine are other renowned names sports enthusiasts can look into. These magazines give you quality information and the current developments, insights and analyses of different trends, performances, sales, etc.

Now that we have your attention and know that you love cars, it would be best to talk about taking care of your vehicle and safeguarding it against any damages in unprecedented circumstances. Just reading about cars, their models and features are not enough. If you own a car, invest your time and money in exploring various insurance options and purchase the best car insurance in India. Car insurance provides the perks of ensuring the safety of your vehicle and being assured of the expenses involved in its maintenance and repair.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Beginners guide to writing a fitness blog

Content marketing is at its peak with the fast-paced development and boom in the social media industry. Big and small businesses have invested a lot of capital in content creation and marketing. And one of the essential parts of the whole content and creative game is blogs. You will observe that every brand has a blog page on its website. These blogs are carefully curated and optimised to reach the target audience better. The content is about its brand, what it stands for, its products, the consumer benefits, the causes they support, etc.

The health and fitness sector has also seen immense growth in the number of people reading about different trends, health issues, diets and exercise. Health-focused brands ensure that their website stays flooded with content that enriches the customer experience and brings them the needed traffic. But what if you are just getting started in the health industry? Don't worry. We've got you.

This blog is a beginner's guide to writing a fitness blog. We will discuss the crucial factors you need to pay attention to and cover as you go ahead with your content. Let's get started.

1. Ambitions lead the way:

Before starting your fitness blog, you must determine what you want to achieve through your blog journey. There are several things one can achieve in the health and fitness industry. But it is vital to determine the value and impact you wish to create in your audience's life. Why and how your work will be different from others and what your mission and ultimate vision are some questions you need to analyse before you proceed.

2. Narrowing it down:

It is crucial to find your niche before getting started with your blog. Narrowing it down to what you want to solve through your content helps you find your niche. You can start with writing about important stuff your audience should know and would appreciate reading. But as you progress, you can circle it down to specific topics about fitness you would love to enlighten your readers on. This will help you in mastering that particular niche.

3. What's in a name:

If you think your blog name does not matter, you are wrong. In the infinity pool of current content, blog names matter a lot. If they are quirky and easy enough to catch someone's eye, they could interest your target audience in exploring your blogs. And, if they find your blogs interesting and valuable, they might suggest it to their contacts which would benefit you in bringing organic traffic to your website.

4. A domain is the main:

Now that you have figured out the starters for your blog, it is time to set up your website. But, you will require a domain before working on your website. You can either purchase a domain or use hosted sites on which you can pay a nominal fee and customise your websites the way you want. Self-hosting can be done through a blogging platform (for example - WordPress), and then you can pay the required fee to keep your content on the site.

5. Strategy is important:

Now that you are up and running with your website, it will be your priority to develop a content strategy to curate content for your blogs and market it according to the current trends. You will have to think and rethink your plan from time to time to keep pace with the content writing and marketing world.

That's a wrap on the beginner's guide to writing a fitness blog. While we are talking about health and fitness and how essential taking care of your body and mind is, especially in the current day and age. Your blogs can also discuss health insurance policy and spread awareness about its importance through your writing.

As many of us tend to forget how urgent and vital it is to look after health insurance policy renewal, spreading knowledge to others on crucial topics like health is a significant step in itself. Bring the above points into practice and create the best content that educates your readers with the "mantra" to a fitter lifestyle!

Click HERE to know more about health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ten best tips for female travellers to ensure safety while travelling

We all are aware of the saying “safety comes first”. And while travelling can provide you with the adventures and experiences of a lifetime, it is essential to ensure your safety during your trips. Having fun should not come at the cost of risking your safety. It would be best if you were watchful about several things while on the road to your destination. Always be mindful of the safety concerns and risks while planning your stay and an itinerary.

And when it comes to female travellers, there is no doubt that they need to be extra careful about their safety. Many travel groups are curated just for women so that they will feel safe and can travel without any looming fear or stress. Are you a female traveller taking your first solo trip or someone who is looking for specific safety tips and reminders?

This blog will discuss the best tips for female travellers to ensure safety while travelling. Let’s get started:

1. Be thorough with the online reviews of the hotels or homestays you might consider booking for your travel. If you find something fishy or if any review seems “too good to be true”, or if there are any “fake indications” in the study, refrain from booking a room in that particular hotel.

2. Go through the maps and existing itineraries of your travel route and destination. See what fits your budget, look for safety directions, and search for how people felt about that particular experience. And then make a decision.

3. Always keep your emergency contacts informed. Let them be aware of your location and stay calm if you land up in an unforeseen circumstance. Call for help in case of an emergency.

4. Keep the police’s number: 100 on the speed dial so you can use it if necessary.

5. Always keep pepper spray and other legal safety equipment you can use in times of distress. You must know how to use them and avoid being casual and playful about them.

6. Avoid visiting shady places you feel are not safe during the night time. Make sure to get acquainted with people and families in your hotel, so you do not feel alone. Get their contact details so you can use them in an emergency.

7. Learning the local language and a few important words will help you communicate with the locals in case you land up in a problematic situation. You should pick up commonly used terms to help you with the interaction.

8. Packing light is essential. This will help you in better planning and easy travel. Carrying excessive weight will be difficult for you while commuting from one place to another. You can ensure the safety of your valuables by leaving them in the hotel.

9. Learning self-defence for future trips would benefit you greatly in times of distress. It will also help you gain the confidence to travel alone.

10. You can opt for all women travel groups, public transport and staying facilities to ensure you are comfortable and feel safe throughout your trip.

These were some of the best tips for female travellers. Include them in your travel checklist to ensure your safety while not compromising on the fun. And while we are already talking about female safety during travel, it would be a wise option to talk about safeguarding yourself against unprecedented mishaps you might land up in through no fault of your own.

In this case, insurance helps. Make insurance a part of your travel essential. You can explore different personal accident insurance plans and research their benefits. You can purchase personal accident insurance online and stand a chance to get discounts with lower premiums and hassle-free buying procedures.

Click HERE to know more about different personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The ultimate theme park guide to planning a memorable family trip

Theme parks are the unrivalled choice for having an incredible time with your family. From exciting rides and fireworks to riveting stage shows and tasty treats for the little ones (and adults alike!), they are the perfect place for planning a family getaway.

While going to a theme park may seem fun and games, it can get stressful if not planned accordingly. You may end up with crying toddlers and grumpy adults. This blog will give you some tips to make this family getaway unforgettable.

1. Plan expenses:

Theme parks have a bad reputation for being expensive, but this is quickly addressed with a good strategy. Before buying the tickets directly from the official websites, doing your research is necessary. Find the perfect theme park that fits your budget and try to get coupons and promo codes that help reduce costs. Plan a budget for the day that includes everything, from rides to the food to buying small souvenirs to remember the day. Stick to the budget, and there will be no regrets.

2. Dress to impress:

Pack cameras, extra batteries, and plenty of films to capture all the unforgettable moments that you'll all laugh at years later. Have fun with it! Wear matching outfits or quirky family T-shirts to stand out from the crowd. At the same time, it is essential to wear comfortable, loose clothing to stay cool and fresh in the hot weather.

3. Food and Water:

Drink ample water to stay hydrated and active throughout the day to make the most out of the day. Even mild dehydration can cause headaches which can be worrying and may spoil your mood. It is also helpful to carry some snacks or munchies with you (if it's allowed on the premises).

4. Research rides in advance:

The worst thing about theme parks is the hour-long waits that are seemingly inevitable to go on your favourite rides. So, before the day of the trip, decide which rides interest you and your family members the most and finish those up before rush hour begins. If there are kids in your family, researching height requirements in advance is a surefire way of avoiding meltdowns.

5. Pack all essentials:

Be prepared for the sun, rain, and the wind like a true pro. Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, raincoats, and umbrellas are necessary when braving the outdoors. Pack a first aid kit in case someone gets motion sickness or headaches. If travelling with a toddler, bring all their requirements – nappies, sippy bottles, and small toys to keep them engaged.

6. Don't overstretch yourself:

While travelling, people often forget that breaks are essential. If travelling with kids and the elderly, take plenty of timeouts and pit stops for refreshment. While entering the theme park, locate a region with shade where you can all go if someone gets tired or sick. Overstretching yourself is a recipe for disaster. You may never know what might happen. Choose a proper general insurance plan to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

7. Avoid peak times:

Weekends and national holidays are theme parks' busiest times of the year. These are the least suitable times to venture to these places. You won't be able to enjoy the most iconic rides and eat their famed pretzels. Mondays are the least crowded, so consider planning the trip then, getting there early, and enjoying all the rides before the rush hour.

The most important thing is to enjoy your time in these parks. But these parks are also places that are prone to accidents. From getting a phone stolen to having a medical emergency, one should be prepared for everything. General insurance can be your secret ticket to stay happy and relaxed while on vacation. Invest your time and do good research to buy insurance from the best general insurance companies in India.

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