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How have basic Ayurveda tips transformed our lives for the better

Ayurveda is not just about natural herbs and spices and consuming them raw. It is more about how you can boost your immune system and increase the efficiency of your organs to energise your bodily functions. Unlike the traditional methods of human living, Ayurveda emphasises ramping up your everyday lifestyle by prioritising your mental and physical health remain in check. It helps you in achieving the true meaning of “health is wealth” without distinguishing between the value of the mind and the body.

Are you looking for more information on how Ayurveda would help you change your lifestyle for the better? This blog will help you gain a positive outlook on this old Hindu system incorporated into the Atharva Vedas, the last of the four main Vedas in history. So, let’s get started.

1. Early to rise:
We all have read “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. The same has been repeatedly told to us by our parents and every adult you might have encountered. Well, Ayurveda reaffirms the truth in this statement. It states that the morning is the freshest and the purest time slot of the entire day, which can be super productive if appropriately utilised.
Waking up around 4:30 AM-5:00 AM daily will help you achieve positivity and a more robust and healthier outlook on life. It will also regulate your bodily functions and give you a headstart to the day compared to others who groggily wake up late.

2. Pay attention to your eating habits:
Ayurveda instructs that you practice a healthy habit of eating and calls it “ayurvedic eating,” which involves the importance of consuming natural and green vegetables and fruits.
It mentions the negative impacts of junk food and how essential it is to avoid such oily items loaded with unwanted carbohydrates and fats, which are difficult to break down and get deposited in your body. This leads to several major diseases which can potentially endanger your health in the long run.

3. A morning refreshing drink goes a long way:
We all have heard that consuming water with a few drops of honey in the morning helps rejuvenate your body as you begin your day. Add a teaspoon of quality honey in half to one glass of water and consume it as you wake up. This helps eliminate all the toxins in your body, and this mixture also helps kill several types of harmful bacteria.

4. Pay attention to your sleep:
After an entire day of work and other activities, your body and brain get exhausted. And to re-energise and detoxify all the tiredness, you need to sleep a good eight hours. Sleeping properly boosts your health and strengthens your immune system. It also helps in proper blood circulation, thus providing you with sufficient energy to function throughout the next day and take on the challenges the day presents you with.

Other Ayurvedic practices include walking. It is considered one of the best exercises one can do at their own pace without exhausting themselves for hours at the gym and taking additional supplements. Creating a routine and sticking to it has been given a lot of importance in Ayurveda. Your body functions better as it slowly gets habituated, thus providing a structure to your day instead of just letting you wonder how to go about processing and working on multiple things.

We are all aware of how unpredictable life can be as we face the pandemic and extreme situations. To battle the uncertainties of life, we must have some assurance that does not land us in financial stress. It would be best to get general insurance to combat health issues and not lose money on your assets. Explore the options provided by the best General Insurance companies in India, and buy a reliable health insurance plan. This will give you the confidence to lead a healthy life where health expenses don’t feel a burden!

Click HERE to learn more about the insurance benefits of various insurance benefits of various general insurance companies in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you confused between different versions of the same car while buying? Here's our guide

We all have noticed that whenever a brand launches its new car, there are different versions/variants. These variants have additional features and are placed at different price ranges. The base model is set at the starting price, while the top model takes away the cake by being priced higher. But why do these companies launch variants of the same car model and provide different features?

While purchasing a car, you need to look at various resources to educate yourself about different brands and their cars, your budget, the features you want, and the type of car you want. Are you finding it difficult to arrive at a final decision about which car you want to buy? Or have you finalised the model of the vehicle but are confused about the variant? Here's our guide. This blog will answer this question and provide sufficient information to make an informed decision.

1. There are multiple versions of a car. Why?
Car manufacturers have been creating different versions of a car. The term" variant" refers explicitly to a specific vehicle version. Car manufacturers prefer this method to market their products and distribute the needs of different sections of people. This way, they attempt to persuade their target audience for a particular vehicle and are forced to buy a variant on the upper end from what they initially set out to purchase. The distribution of features is finely done, targeting to expand the car's sales potential.
There is absolutely no fixed number of variants when it comes to the automobile industry. Car manufacturers can launch any number of variants of the same car model and tweak the features strategically to lure in the customers. The variants usually depend on the popularity of the car model, the brand, the consumer loyalty and the brand's reputation and accountability, etc.

2. The number of different features you should look for.
As we discussed earlier in the introduction, other parts in the variants of a car model lead to the difference in the price range. And these price ranges determine which car is under your budget and more accessible to you. But what are some of the features you as a customer should be on the lookout for?

Interior material:
There might be differences in your car's interior from the model in the high ranges. You will notice differences between the seat cover of the variants, and the personalisation options provided might seem limited too if you compare with the cars on the higher end.

Safety always comes first:
Every car today usually comes with several airbags, increasing as you go towards the higher-end variants. Apart from that, many safety features are incorporated into all vehicles in the current times. But the level of safety aids might differ in the car variants and models. Base level cars provide the standard features while vehicles in the higher end comes with premium safety features, which creates the allurement in the market.

Other determining features to look forward to are engines, fuel efficiency, mileage, navigation systems, and other technologies. So, take a wise decision to decide between the different versions of the same car that fits your budget and requirements. The prices are rising, and there seems to be no relief anytime soon. Therefore, in unpredictable times, you need to safeguard your crucial assets like cars with insurance.

Purchase car insurance to ensure you are one step ahead and can focus on resolving the situation. Also, remember, as there are different models and variants of cars available in the market, there are several car insurance options with different prices. You must determine the best car insurance price in India and invest in a comprehensive coverage plan.

Click HERE to learn more about the best car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips for choosing the right motorcycle for seniors

Many people love riding motorcycles. It's fun, daring, and adventurous. Whenever we talk about bike fanatics, we imagine a young adult riding a motorcycle with cool bike gear, taking a long trip in an aesthetically beautiful location. But, are motorcycles only for the youth?

Senior citizens also love riding bikes. But when it comes to the type of bikes they should go for, you must take care of certain factors given their age, mental conditions, body, fragility, accidental risks, road conditions, driving skills, etc. Are you looking for advice on how to help the seniors in your family take up their hobby while ensuring they stay safe? This blog will provide tips for choosing the right motorcycle for seniors. Let's dive in.

1. Ensuring the body to be fit to ride:
The number of senior citizens' road accidents has been rising worldwide. They are likely to get seriously injured or even die in bike crashes. Senior citizen accidents rose by almost forty percent, and the leading causes are a lack of protective gear like helmets, driving at high speed, and drinking and driving.
All these three reasons are against the road safety regulations, and one must consider this before getting a bike for the senior member of their family. Some other reasons for aged people to be prone to road accidents include vision impairment, sensory delay, reduced reaction time, balance and alignment issues, reduction in brain size, weakness, lack of bone strength, etc.
One must keep these factors in mind before you help the senior citizens hit the road on their own. If there are any such issues, you need to ensure their safety and consider the best options like accompanying them on the exact vehicle, being around whenever they drive, setting limitations of driving if the senior member is comfortable with it, etc.

2. Picking the right motorcycle and getting back to practising:
First and foremost, you must consider all possibilities and risks before going out to get a bike. Safety comes first. You need to purchase a motorcycle that suits and prioritises their driving skills, size, handling capacity, and security.
Some things you need to take care of include their height and weight, which have changed over the years and are still variable. Their size should be enough to operate all the controls and set their foot on the ground so they can control the bike whenever there is a sudden need. Their weight also should be able to handle the body and design of the bike. The weight of the senior member would determine their ability to manoeuver the bike quickly and efficiently. So, you need to ensure that you get a lightweight bike for them so that they can operate and balance it easily, even on uneven terrains. Maintaining bike control is essential for yourself and others on the road.
If not, it can potentially cause dangerous accidents leading to severe consequences. And last but not least, you need to help them plan their itinerary if they choose to go for a trip, and help them practice in a nearby area with decent roads, which would also help a beginner.

Those were some of the best tips for choosing the right motorcycle for seniors. The senior family members have the right and freedom to live their passion of biking and enjoying their retired life. If you are an older person, then just follow the above tips and encourage yourself to set out on short leisure rides or long adventurous trips.

But during any of these daily or weekend activities, the unpredictability on the road is always a concern. So, to ensure that even if you end up in difficult circumstances which can potentially cost you a hefty amount, you should buy the best two wheeler insurance in India to ensure that you focus on getting your ride fixed instead of fixating and worrying about finances. Get your gear, wear your helmet, and get ready to hit the road again!

Click HERE to know more about the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you a woman traveller? Here are a few packing tips for your next road trip

Road trips are one of the best ways to rewind after a hectic work schedule. With the constant work-related stress of life, it's imperative to get out of your house once in a while to gain a fresh mindset and increase one's productivity. For women especially, such trips at least once a year are vital to set free and get rewarded for all the hard work. But whenever travel and women come together, emotions go out of bound. From planning the itinerary to packing up stuff, the excitement of the trip can be felt way before its commencement. However, packing can be quite a herculean task in itself.

Deciding which items are essential during a road trip can be confusing. Following are a few packing tips that can be a saviour for women travelling solo or in a group.

1. Luggage:
Handbags are a woman's best friend on a road trip. Lugging around your suitcase on a road trip does not sound ideal for anyone, especially on road trips where you're constantly on the move.
The primary concern with a handbag full of stuff is that they take a toll on your shoulder and hands, which is easily avoidable if you take a backpack that fits your body correctly. This helps the weight to get evenly distributed across your back.

2. Clothing:
It is recommended to bring as few clothes as possible without running out of options of clothing to wear. Select the clothes in such a way that you can mix and match them to make different combinations.
It's always advisable to bring a higher number of undergarments, though, as there might not be a lot of opportunities to clean clothes along the way.

3. Toiletries:
Bring along your toiletries in a small, travel-friendly pack and keep it in an accessible place so that it is not a hassle every time you stop at a hotel for a night's stay.
Most hotels provide bare essentials, but it's always best to carry your own. Bring along minimal makeup for the trip in sample-sized containers to avoid it taking too much space in your luggage.

4. Entertainment:
Road trips can get a little boring at times, with endless roads to travel before reaching the destination. When looking out the window to see the scenery becomes too monotonous, you need a good book to read to pass the time.
So, get that book you meant to read for the longest time along with you in your backpack. If you're travelling with friends or family and looking for a group activity, blast your favourite playlist in the speakers to make a memorable ambiance in the car!

5. Safety products:
As a woman traveller, the top priority is safety. It can be unsafe for lone female travellers to travel on deserted roads to unknown places, especially at night. But that's no reason to stay holed up in your house all year. Getting a lock for all your belongings is essential to prevent them from getting stolen.
Also, for your personal safety, get a personal alarm that rings loudly if you press it. This is a better alternative to pepper spray as it is legal in all countries and is small and easy to carry around. Also, check up on your private car insurance India to have a backup in case your car breaks down in the middle of the trip.

Road trips can be an exhilarating experience for those who want to rejuvenate themselves after monotonous weeks of work. You can make packing less daunting and more enjoyable by bringing the above tips into practice. If you are travelling solo, then get your car serviced properly before setting off on the trip. Also, check the crucial documents like your driving licence, car's PUC, and insurance papers. Be up to date with your private car insurance India to stay stress-free during the trip. Happy travels!

Click HERE to know more about private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to ensure good health during the season transition phase

It’s the time of the year when the weather is most unpredictable. You might wake up to scorching heat, and the moment you decide to head out for your grocery run, it’s raining. The uncertain weather is not the only annoying part of the season, but the hoard of illnesses that it brings with itself is more frustrating. Runny nose, body temperature and shivers, sore throat, and the list goes on.

This article will look at a few ways to ensure good health and boost your immune system during the climate transition phase.

1. Increase your probiotic intake:
Probiotics are microorganisms that promote the better health of your gut. Since almost eighty percent of your immune system is based on your gut, it is essential to keep your gut healthy. Probiotics improve the digestive health and the immune system of your body.
Your gut comprises millions of bacteria, and probiotics are responsible for finding the balance between good and bad bacteria. Certain strains of probiotics can also help mitigate the effect of allergies and inflammations. Fermented foods such as yogurt, idli, paneer, etc., are excellent probiotic sources and must be part of your daily routine.

2. Sunlight is important:
Natural sunlight is the best antidote to everything. Fifteen minutes of direct sunlight changes your mood instantly and makes you feel healthier and more refreshed. It helps maintain the biorhythm of your body. Vitamin D, commonly known as nature’s flu shot, is found abundantly in sunlight and is crucial for the immune system. Not only you but your rooms should also be subjected to sunlight.
Sunlight acts as a natural purifier and kills germs and bacteria. Keeping your windows and doors closed makes you breathe stale and humid air. Fresh air and abundant oxygen supply are imperative for the good health of everyone inside the house. Research also suggests that one can sleep better if exposed to the sun for at least ten minutes daily.

3. Eat as many vegetables as you can:
Green vegetables are rich sources of Vitamin B, which is important for cell regeneration and DNA synthesis. They contain low calories and a high fibre content that is considered extremely healthy for your overall gut and bowel health. Vegetables are full of minerals vital for your body to work properly for a long time. You may try out a few interesting recipes for vegetable soups and salads to add flavour to your diet.

4. Regular exercise is the key to fitness:
The benefit of exercising regularly is a piece of common knowledge for everyone. If you do not wish to spend hours at the gym working out, you can opt for moderate exercise.
Walking, cycling, climbing stairs, etc., are some simpler ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily life. Ideally, achieving ten thousand steps is considered best for your body. But you can start with two thousand steps and gradually work your way up to ten thousand.

5. Steam:
Since most of the diseases during this season are either colds or flu, steaming is an excellent way to clear your respiratory passages of bacteria or viruses. Climate change also tends to dry out the mucous membranes that can affect the air and blood flow. Steaming can help loosen the mucus lining inside your lungs and nose.

These are some ways to ensure the health of yourself and your loved ones. These tips are helpful for everyone, irrespective of their age or gender. Encourage the elders at your home to walk outside for their better health. Aged members of the family suffer the most during the season transition phase. Another effective way to ensure the good health of your parents is to buy health insurance. Invest in the best health insurance in India for parents and give them the confidence to stay fit without any worries about finances.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Beware of those selfies you might be going for in dangerous locations

The youth of today believe in capturing every moment. Thanks to technology advancements, photographing a memory takes only a few clicks. With the onset of the age of social validation, clicking unique pictures is the way to stand out in a crowd. People have gone to lengths trying to capture a perfect moment. The results are sometimes outstanding and, other times, an invitation to danger. In this article, we will discuss how selfies have taken a dangerous turn in the past and how to look out for your safety while clicking pictures.

Over the years, we have seen a rapid rise in the use of mobile phones in the country. Be it for communication or the accessibility that a phone brings, people of every age group have invested in a smartphone. What comes as a shock is that India has a record number of deaths caused by selfies. News about people drawing, falling off a cliff, and car accidents became part of our daily lives.

How do we avoid these situations? Let's take a look at how.

1. Maintain a safe distance:
If you intend to take selfies on a bridge or a high-rise area, it is best to maintain a distance of a few feet to ensure your safety. The weather at such locations is highly unpredictable, making the site more challenging to manoeuvre. Avoid leaning too far, and stay away from the railings. If you want to catch the view more closely, invest in a sturdy and good-quality selfie stick that can be extended further. This way, you can rest assured that you are getting the best picture while being safe and responsible.

2. Avoid busy roads:
The roads in India are almost always crowded with people and vehicles. Everything starting from pedestrians to rickshaws and trucks, take the same road. To avoid congestion and accidents, avoid taking selfies on overcrowded roads. Not only are you putting yourself at the risk of getting hit by a vehicle, but you are also running a risk of mugging and robbing. It is best to keep your phones and cameras inside your bag for safekeeping.

3. Avoid water bodies:
The beautiful picture of water washing your feet and waves crashing from across is a sight to behold. But did you know that most selfies-related accidents occur by drowning? If you want to take images around beaches, rivers, or waterfalls, maintain a safe distance from the water. Water is powerful and is capable of dragging you with it. Being mindful of your surroundings will keep you safe and help you revel in the beauty of the space.

4. Be present at the moment:
No matter the number of selfies you take, none of them will be as meaningful as the experiences of exploring a new place. Try to interact with the locals and understand the place's culture to make lifetime memories. Explore new food options and learn how to make them, and do not forget to collect souvenirs as memories from the journey.

These were a list of simple tips that you can follow to keep yourself safe while clicking selfies. Remember that being mindful of your surroundings and taking adequate steps to ensure your safety is crucial when exploring new places. If you find yourself in situations like these, get help as soon as possible. And to cover the costs of such accidents and mishaps, invest in the best personal accident insurance India. Personal accident insurance is a smart way to safeguard yourself against accidents and the costs incurred. Stay safe and ensure the safety of people and places around you.

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on rev matching on bikes

In India, the majority of motorcycles lack a slipper clutch. While learning motorcycle, many people find it challenging to downshift correctly. The engine comes under stress because they typically downshift while holding the clutch, which results in the higher gear accelerating harder than the lower gear at the same speed. To match that speed on the lower gear for a seamless transfer, one should preferably rev a bit higher before downshifting. Otherwise, you would be "engine-braking," which is not an intelligent way to slow down.

The correct way of downshifting is to blip the throttle between shifts to match the revs to the speed. This is also known as revving. In this post, we are talking all about it. So, without further due, let's get into it.

How to rev-match correctly?
● As you press the brakes, hold the clutch and downshift as you start to slow down (do not release the clutch yet).

● Now, "blip" the throttle while maintaining clutch pressure to increase engine RPM gently.

● As soon as the engine starts to rev, let go of the clutch instantly.

● Don’t forget to keep carefully applying the brakes. When you downshift, the aim is to match the revs needed for the bike to move at that precise pace.

● If your bike jerks and slows down unexpectedly, it means that the engine's RPM wasn't high enough. Try to rev it up further the next time you try it.

● The last step would be to practice and practice. Getting it right the first time is not necessary. Don't give up. You will learn how to downshift with time.

The importance of rev-matching.
Now that you know what occurs when your motorbike is rev-matched, let's talk about its significance. Downshifting without rev-matching may cause a significant shock in the motor while travelling at high speeds, especially on large bikes with high horsepower output. The result will be a back wheel that hops, skips, and steps out of alignment. In a scenario like this, controlling the motorcycle at high speeds requires excellent control and precision. The shock won't be as extreme or dramatic on motorcycles with less power, but it still has the potential to cause an accident.
Matching your RPM reduces engine wear and tear, yet another crucial justification for rev-matching. The shock that results from improper rev matching puts more strain on the engine and gearbox, among other parts.

Does rev matching consume more fuel?
The forceful use of the accelerator does cause it to use somewhat more fuel, but only little than usual.
If done properly, rev-matching can assist you in downshifting efficiently and reduce stress on your engine and clutch. It's a tactic that bikers employ frequently. It's crucial to keep in mind that you don't have to match your revs perfectly at first when you're practicing. To master, like with any other ability, rev-matching needs considerable practice. You will eventually be able to tell when your engine and road speed are in sync.

Take your first step towards rev-matching today, and don't forget to be safe. Riding on roads is always an invitation to mishaps that may be a potential threat to you and your bike. Always stay alert while riding, wear a protective gear helmet, and avoid overspeeding. Do not forget to invest in the best bike insurance for an additional safety net over your bike. Buy bike insurance online today and gift yourself with benefits that will eliminate the financial stress off you during panic situations.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online and get rewarded with effective benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to changing the spark plug of your bike

If you are a biker, you know the importance of maintaining your bike in top-quality condition. Some people learn ways to keep their bikes on their own, while others depend heavily on mechanics and service stations to maintain their vehicles properly. In this article, we will understand the functions of one of the most vital components of a bike, the spark plug, and how to maintain and change it.

What is a spark plug?
A device that delivers electric current to the combustion system via the ignition point is known as a spark plug. A spark plug ignites and fuels the vehicle using an electric spark while maintaining the engine pressure.

What key dimensions do you need to look for in a spark plug?

1. Diameter:
The right diameter is imperative for the proper functioning of the spark plug. The wrong diameter can affect the internal components and damage the bike.

2. Reach:
The spark plug's optimal range or reach determines its ignition capacity. If the length of the spark plug is too short, it will fail the ignition. And if it is too long, it might ignite pre-emptively or get jammed and hit the valve inside.

3. Range:
The range of the spark plug is calculated by the distance from the insulator's tip to the ceiling ring. A longer distance will heat the plug and cause pre-ignition, while a shorter range results in a colder plug resulting in easy wear and tear.

4. Gap:
The distance between the centre and the grounded electrode is known as the spark plug gap. The bigger the size of the gap, the bigger the spark produced.

What are the indicators of a damaged spark plug?

1. When you stop the bike, and the engine starts sputtering or idling, it indicates a failed spark plug.

2. If you have trouble starting your bike engine, it could indicate trouble with ignition and the spark plug.

3. If you notice corrosion in various parts around the spark plug, then it is high time to change your spark plug.

4. You might have a faulty spark plug if you notice a poor fuel economy.

Various other factors are indicators of a faulty spark plug. If you notice any problem while riding your bike, it is best to take your vehicle to a mechanic and inspect it as soon as possible.

How to change a spark plug at home?

Although it is advisable to make any changes to your bike under the supervision of a trained mechanic, if you want to change your spark plug, the following list will help you with that.

1. The first thing that you need to do when changing a spark plug is to pull the cap and remove the wire. Remember to do it gently, as a sudden tug or pull can damage the connection and prevent the ignition from happening.

2. Attach the ratchet to the plug and make sure that the plug is fitting properly inside the socket. Using the ratchet, turn the spark plug till it is loose, and then carefully remove it.

3. Inspect the plug for oil and soot deposits or other damage. If the spark plug is greasy and dirty, it is high time to change it with a new one.

4. Before fixing a new spark plug, it is better to check for the range, diameter, and space of the spark plug. The exact spacing of the spark plug will be mentioned in the user manual.

5. Clean the new spark plug and place it neatly to ensure it fits properly.

6. Tighten the spark plug and put the cap back on.

These were the steps you need to follow when you want to change the spark plug of your bike. Remember that if you notice any abnormality with your bike and experience trouble while driving, it is best to get it checked by a mechanic. Invest in bike insurance to safeguard yourself against the cost of repair and maintenance. Bike insurance adds value to your bike and helps you gain a better riding experience with more focus on security and less financial stress.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are some strange facts about your body that you should know

The human body is the basis of all sustenance. All your organs are arranged in a highly complex manner and have been connected to derive energy from each other’s functionalities.

Every day, thousands of scientists across the globe conduct further research, trying to discover new things about the body which help us thrive even in the worst of circumstances.

You might have read about human anatomy in your school and college, but we bet there are many weird things about the human body that you might not know. Intrigued? Here are some strange facts about your body that you should know. Let’s get started.

1. Did you know that babies have 300 bones during birth instead of the usual 206 bones that develop over time as you grow older? A baby’s bones are delicate, and their bodies have bones half-made of cartilage.

2. The longest bone of your body, called Femur, is located in your upper leg and can manage almost thirty times your body weight.

3. The saliva your body makes every day, if collected for an average lifetime, can fill up to twenty thousand litres, roughly accounting for two giant swimming pools.

4. Almost twelve percent of people dream of monochrome (black and white). This had significantly reduced from fifteen percent before colour televisions and media took over. It is quite intriguing to observe how colour media has influenced the dream patterns of human beings apart from other impacts they have caused on our lifestyles.

5. You are more prone to heart attacks on Mondays due to the sudden stress you face as you get back to work. Your body gets a little relaxed over the weekend, and the pile of work at the beginning of the week creates sudden tension in your body. Plus, having excessive alcohol in your weekend plans makes your body vulnerable to heart attacks.

6. You are usually taller when you wake up in the mornings! This happens due to the compression of bones’ cartilages during the day. So, the body relaxes at night, and you are a little taller in the morning. An ode to gravitational force, it seems!

7. Ever wondered why permanent tattoos are so hard to remove? That’s because they are ingrained in your nerves and not on the top layer of your skin. Permanent tattoos take their space in your immune system, so lasers must be involved for their removal. Using lasers kills the cells, and the remaining ink released is processed by macrophages, which also helps heal the laser injuries. The tattoo takes a few sessions to start with the fading process.

8. See your hand. You see that little finger, or as you call it, your “pinkie” finger? Research has found that the maximum strength of your writing lies in your little finger, and you would lose fifty percent of the power if you lost that pinkie. Who would have thought?

We hope these facts amazed you and catered to your curiosity about your body. And while we are on the subject of strange facts, we must not forget that health is wealth, and if health is lost, nothing stays the same. You must take good care of your physical and mental health by eating right, staying safe, exercising, etc.

Also, you must stay prepared for unforeseeable circumstances you might find yourself or your loved ones. There can be no better investment than investing in your health. If you are in the best of your health, you can achieve all your aspirations and get the maximum returns. Health insurance is the right way to approach such situations. Explore your options and purchase the best health insurance policy in India which best suits your needs and provides comprehensive coverage.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few things you need to know while driving through a flooded road

Monsoon is here, and it is the much-needed respite from the scorching heat of the summer months. A hot cup of tea and a bowl full of crispy fried fritters are a great accompaniment to the pouring rain. But as refreshing as the monsoon rains are, the hindrance it causes to people's daily lives is inevitable and frustrating.

Rain brings many issues: power outages, poor internet speeds, flooded roads, and delayed meetings. We will look at the few ways you can tackle flooded roads and how to drive through the heavy downpour safely.

1. Do not stop:
If you are in a flooded area, waiting for the rain to pass might not help. Chances are, the rains will get heavier, and the roads will be filled with more water. Under these circumstances, it is best to keep moving steadily. Do not accelerate quickly or halt suddenly. Water entering the crevices inside the car's chassis can affect the car's functionality. If water gets to the engine through the exhaust, you might have to change the engine altogether, which can be quite expensive.

2. Brakes and pumping:
Once you are out of the water-logged area, it is best to pump the brakes to eliminate any residual water that might have collected. Water or humidity in the brakes can affect the efficiency of braking.

3. Maintain a safe distance:
Being neck to neck with vehicles can be extremely dangerous when navigating through flooded roads. The vehicle moving ahead causes ripples that raise the water levels around your car. This can lead to the water entering the exhaust or the air intake.
Also, navigating through water-logged roads is very difficult, and one might not be aware of any potholes or bumps on the road. Sudden bumps can push the vehicle back, damaging the front of your vehicle.

4. Figure out alternate routes:
Although it is best to stick to familiar roads, in case of floods and rains, you might consider taking an alternative route. Not all routes are flooded equally, as some roads might have better slopes and drainage systems. Even if it's a longer route, it will be better for you and your car.

5. Do not panic:
Being stuck inside a car and unable to move can be daunting and create panic. Focus on getting to a safe place. You might not be able to open the door because of the force created by the water around your car. Under such circumstances, use any tool to pry open the windows.
Look for any tools that are easily available under your seat or inside the dicky. Tools such as jacks, wheel wrenches, and spanners are readily available inside your car. Do not try to break the windshield as they are harder to break than windows.

These are a few things that you need to keep in mind while driving through flooded roads. Once you are out of the situation, it is best to take your car to a service centre and get it checked for any damage. Repairing these can be expensive, but you don't have to worry about the expenses if you are insured by the best car insurance in India. Possibly opt for travelling by public transport during monsoon. It may sound daunting, but it is a wise option to commute rather than getting stuck in the middle of the road due to the breakdown of your vehicle.

Click HERE to know more about the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few effective ways to defog your car windows during monsoon

Monsoon is here, giving us the perfect opportunity to take ourselves out on a drive and snack at roadside eateries. But it also brings the many challenges of navigating through heavy rain, congested roads, and low visibility. Adding to that are the fogged windscreens making driving more challenging on the roads.

When a relatively warmer surface comes in contact with a cold surface, it gives rise to fog or mist. The cold surface of the windscreen forms tiny condensation particles and fogs up the surface obstructing the vision for both the driver and the co-passenger.

A foggy window should not be the reason to dampen your monsoon spirits, which is why, in this article, we will take a look at all tips and tricks that you can follow to ensure a fog-free windscreen for a better driving experience.

1. Invest in a good quality defogger:
As the name suggests, it is used to defog the car windscreen. A defogger uses the air conditioning to draw air from outside the vehicle and passes through a heater to produce hot air. This air can be directed to the area that requires demisting or defogging. Many cars facilitate the defogging targetted towards the front and back windshield.

2. Turn on the air conditioner:
The basic principle behind using an air conditioner is its function as a dehumidifier. An air conditioner helps with removing the moisture inside the car. Manage the temperature on the air conditioner in such a way that the temperature inside the car and outside the car is similar. The AC can then draw air from outside. After this, you can turn on the heater to effectively clear the fog.

3. Crack open the window:
Most modern cars are equipped with a defogger and an AC. If you drive an old car, or your AC and defogger are not working correctly, you might have to consider an alternative.
In these circumstances, your next best alternative is to crack open the window slightly to facilitate the free flow of air. Another way to ensure no fog on the windscreen is by switching on the wipers while keeping the windows open since the fogging happens mainly on the outer surface of the windshield.

4. Use silica balls:
The fogging inside your car happens because of water droplets and condensation from the humid air. Without humidity, there are almost no chances of fogging. Keeping silica balls handy and placing them on the dashboard is a cost-effective alternative to ensure no humidity. Silica balls absorb water from their surroundings, maintaining the interiors fresh and moisture-free.

These were a list of simple yet efficient tips to follow if you face foggy windows during the monsoon drives. Foggy windows can be dangerous and cause severe accidents due to lack of visibility. These simple tips are essential to have a safe driving experience. Another way to ensure their safety is by investing in online motor insurance. Online motor insurance acts as a safety net against expenses you might incur in post care for your vehicle. Enjoy the perks of buying online by getting better premiums, faster claims, and less processing time.

Click HERE to buy online motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these tips for a safe escalator ride

How often are we stuck behind people scared to use the escalators, or are we the ones scared of escalators? Getting on the escalator can be daunting the first few times, but once you get the hang of it, it is easy and a more convenient way to traverse different floors. If you are worried about escalator safety, this article is just for you.

We will talk about everything you need to take care of around an escalator to make it easier and safer for you. Before understanding the safety measures, let’s examine some key points concerning an escalator.

How does an escalator work?
A set of interlocking steps looped around a pair of gears is made to rotate so that each step oscillates between different building levels.

What are the different parts of an escalator?
Inlet guards: A protective guard made of rubber that fits on the handrail to avoid fingers or other parts from getting caught in the handrail opening.
Operating panel: Switches that operate the functionalities of an escalator located near the boarding and landing parts of the escalator.
Sprocket: The wheels installed at the lower and upper parts attached to the steps are known as sprockets.
Truss: The support system of the entire escalator is known as a truss.
Balustrade: The part of the escalator that goes beyond the steps, including the guards, panels, handrails, and the deck board, is known as the balustrade.

What are the common escalator hazards?

1. Contacting the moving parts:
It is imperative to ensure that all the mechanical parts are adequately covered and are inaccessible to people. Little children tend to touch or hold the moving parts, crush their fingers, or scrape the surface altogether. Remember to hold on to the railings lined with the rubber casing and leave the railing as soon as you reach the standing deck on the escalator.
Don’t use phones or being distracted while on the escalator to avoid accidents. If you are with kids, be mindful and tell them beforehand about the dangers of touching the different moving parts of the escalator. Before getting on to the escalator, check that your shoe strings are tied properly to avoid getting caught between the steps.

2. Collision:
Leave a gap of at least one step between yourself and others on the escalator. Sometimes, people can take longer to get on or off the escalator, raising the chances of a collision. Never place your shopping bags on the stairs ahead or behind you.
This can create confusion and lead to a crash. If you have a lot of bags, it is best to keep them on the same level as yours so you can easily remove the bags off the escalator before getting down.

3. Step carefully:
Before stepping onto the escalator, ensure it is moving in the same direction you want. Step carefully onto the moving band. One key rule to remember is to avoid standing in lines on the escalator. These lines separate into different steps as you move forward and might lead you to topple over to the back.

These are a few things that you need to keep in mind before boarding an escalator. If you are with kids or older adults, hold their hands so that they can keep their balance. If you see elderly people trying to get onto the escalator, offer a helping hand. Escalator accidents are familiar sights in crowded areas but being mindful of your surroundings will keep you safe.

All that said, these situations can be completely unpredictable, and it is best to safeguard yourself in these circumstances with the best personal accident insurance policy in India. Personal accident insurance is the safety net you deserve to help yourself and your loved ones cover the costs of any accidents.

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Effective tips to avoid panic if your bike breaks down far from home

Your bike is probably your favourite asset. Everything from grocery runs to those weekend trips; your bike is always at your beck and call. But what if someday, your bike breaks down in the middle of nowhere? What will you do? Your bike could break down for various reasons such as your battery dying, punctured tyre, malfunctioning brakes, etc.

A vehicle breakdown can be one of the most panic-inducing situations, and keeping your mind together to find a solution becomes challenging. Not only does it leave you stranded, but it also compromises your safety and makes you more susceptible to mugging and robbery.

Let's discuss a few things you need to do in case of a bike breakdown and how to avoid panic and confusion.

1. Move to a safe location:
Your vehicle generally gives you signs of breakdown way before it happens. Driving towards a safe spot is best if you feel like your bike might give up soon. Bus stops, supermarkets, and petrol pumps are some examples of safe spots that you can opt for. If your vehicle has already died out on you, you might have to push the vehicle further.
The main idea behind locating a safe location is to ensure your safety. You have to stay away from traffic to avoid a collision. You can also call your mechanic or service provider for immediate assistance once you are away from the road.

2. Secure the bike:
After reaching a safe spot, shut the engine off. If you can understand the issue, you can take the necessary action. However, if you don't know the problem, keeping a safe distance from your bike is best. However, stay close enough to have a clear view of the bike. Remember to keep your RC, driving licence, and all the other essential documents handy with you at all times.

3. Stay visible:
It is best to keep yourself visible to other pedestrians and commuters if a breakdown happens at night. Use blinkers or hazard lights. Whenever riding at night, it is best to wear high-visibility jackets. Use anything readily available around you, such as signs or cloth, to use as flags or signals for others.

4. Tools and repairs:
A repair kit comes extremely handy in case of a tyre puncture, dead battery, or failed brake system. Learn to use tools so that you can fix the basic issues that your bike might be facing. Fixing a tyre, jumpstarting a bike in case of a dead battery, etc., are skills that will be helpful in situations like these.

5. Invest in two-wheeler insurance:
The breakdown is one of the situations that help us understand the true value of insurance policies. Before embarking on trips, ensure to buy two wheeler insurance online India and regularly keep it up-to-date. Look for options that give you roadside assistance.
Under this cover, your insurance provider is bound to bring help to you wherever you are and help with the repair and movement of the vehicle from the site to the service centre. Getting roadside assistance strengthens your overall insurance policy and safeguards you against situations like these.

These were a list of all things you need to do if your bike breaks down in the middle of a road. As mentioned, it is imperative to keep yourself away from traffic and call for help as soon as possible. Talk to your insurance provider to understand the next steps that need to be taken and ensure the validity of your two wheeler insurance online India. With these things in mind, you can avoid panic and keep yourself and your bike safe.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are ten interesting facts about cars that will amaze you

Have you ever wondered what an astounding invention your automobile is? How smoothly it moves across the roads and takes a U-turn with grace is truly mesmerising. Let’s unravel some interesting facts about cars that you might have heard or might be learning for the first time.

1. Do you know about 1 billion cars are plying on the roads currently? This number is only expected to double in the next 20 years, with the increasing usage of vehicles on the street. That means, if you get out of your house at any given point of the day, you are sure to spot at least 100 cars in 10 minutes hurtling down the roads going on with their busy days.

2. Have you seen those old cartoons where a car runs upside down at unbelievable speeds? Well, it’s not unbelievable anymore! This reality has been achieved by supercars and Formula 1 cars with modern technology. Theoretically, a formula 1 car could easily be driven upside down at high speeds.
While experimenting with this remarkable phenomenon, the critical calculation is the optimum speed required to produce enough traction with the road surface, so you don’t fall off due to gravity. You might have to maintain a speed of 130 miles per hour, or you could go right back down!

3. Most people have a fear of travelling by planes. The dire news flashes about the various plane crashes and the massive casualties do not help. But it’s shocking to note that the probability of getting killed in a plane crash is much lower than in a car accident. The odds of dying in a plane crash is 1 in 11 million, which is ludicrous compared to the 1 in 5000 in car crashes.

4. Do you sometimes imagine being an astronaut, going on the moon, and spacewalking to your heart’s desire? It is a far-fetched dream for most, but an interesting fact is that if you could ignore all the rules of physics for a month and drive a reasonable 100 km per hour, you would cover the distance to the moon in your sweet ride.

5. For those who have a hard time staying under the speed limit and crave a little thrill while driving, the first speeding ticket was issued in 1902 to a person driving at a scandalous speed of 70 km per hour.

6. A heartwarming fact for nature activists is that nearly 80 per cent of an average car is recyclable. This means that there is significantly less plastic waste generated by the automobile industry, as automotive recycling is one of the biggest industries in the world at the moment.

7. It seems ridiculous that people once used to have horse carriages instead of cars. What is even more interesting to note, however, is the fact that cars have evolved from horse carriages. For instance, a dashboard in the olden times would prevent the driver from getting muddy by the horse’s trotting!

8. Ethanol, used as car fuel, is made directly from sugarcane.

9. How often have you been frustrated about your car breaking down in the middle of the road? It seems almost understandable when you know that a car has nearly 30000 unique parts! It’s a miracle it doesn’t break down more often. So, it is undoubtedly best to research and buy car insurance online to stay stress-free about your vehicle.

10. A woman by the name of Mary Anderson invented the windshield wipers in 1902 and was soon granted a patent.

For many, the car is simply a means of commuting. But for car enthusiasts, their car means much more and is nothing less than a family member. But with the constant hustle and bustle of city life, it becomes tough to maintain your car as it’s supposed to. Regular servicing and maintenance are required to keep your car in the best shape.

Insurance is the best way to manage your finances efficiently, from ensuring the fitness of each mechanical part to the overall appeal of the car. Switch to digital transactions and buy car insurance online to avoid a hole in your wallet due to these expenses. You just need to regularly check your insurance policy and keep it up-to-date to prevent the policy from getting terminated.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How can you obtain a duplicate two-wheeler insurance in case you lost your original

Your insurance for a two-wheeler is an essential document without which you should not risk travelling. The Motor Vehicle Act mandates the importance of carrying your insurance papers. These documents provide information about the rider, including your two-wheeler's registration number and your purchased insurance policy.

The policy documents contain all the essential information required to identify your vehicle, its legality status, the rider's identity, the dealership, your insurance provider, and much more. This information portrays the rider as a responsible citizen who would abide by the safety protocols on the road and, therefore, can be entrusted to drive around without causing any trouble.

There is always a possibility for human error. In this case, what if you end up losing your insurance policy documents? So, how do you solve this problem, and how can you obtain a duplicate 2 wheeler insurance if you lost your original? This blog will answer all your questions and provide you with better information so that you can stay informed and know what to do in case you end up in a similar situation.

1. Lodge a complaint:
For a policy which is bought offline, your first step in obtaining a duplicate two-wheeler insurance will be to file a complaint. Visit your nearest police station and ask them to file an FIR about your missing insurance documents.
You will need to give them essential information like your policy number, your insurance provider, description of the vehicle, the type of policy, details about add-on coverage options if you opted for any, and your personal information like name, job role, contact number, etc. This document will then be verified and attested saying that you lost your insurance and will be sent to your insurance provider claiming the same.

2. Apply for the duplicate insurance documents:
Now that you have a copy of the registered FIR supporting the loss of your insurance documents, you need to apply for a duplicate copy of your 2 wheeler insurance. You will be required to draft an application letter claiming your missing insurance documents and how you would like to request a duplicate set of the documents for future purposes.
Make sure you attach the FIR and your application to support your case. If your insurance policy is a joint one, both policyholders must sign the letter, which will be submitted to your insurance company.

3. For the formal request:
You must sign an indemnity bond stating that you would like to make a formal request to get a duplicate set of your insurance documents. The indemnity bond is to be signed on a non-judicial stamp paper.
Details like your name, the joint policyholder's name (in case of a joint policy), policy number, etc., are mentioned on the indemnity bond. Apart from this process, the bond requires signatures from two witnesses who should not be a part of your family. The insurance company might ask you for proof of your financial standing.

4. Newspaper advertisement:
Another step you can include (if required) in this process is publishing an advertisement in the newspapers mentioning the loss of your documents, the insurance provider's name, and other required details for identification. Make sure to submit the copy of advertisement to your insurance company. Submit all the supporting documents mentioned above, and the organisation will give you a duplicate set of your insurance documents after their verification process.

Obtain your car insurance copy online:
As against the tedious offline method, you can also get your duplicate car insurance policy online by sitting at home. This is possible only if the policy is bought online. To get this;
• Visit the website of your car insurance provider
• Login to your account by putting your account details, policy number, name, age, phone number, etc.
• Go to the policy download option
• You will receive the policy document through email to your registered email address
• Download the car insurance policy document and keep the digital or printed copy along with your other car documents.

Protecting your vehicles with a reliable insurance policy is paramount for their safety. Mishaps can sometimes severely impact your two-wheeler. Getting the best 2 wheeler insurance that suits your needs will help you stay stress-free regarding your financial worries in such emergencies. Your insurance provider will undertake the expenses required for your two-wheeler's repair and maintenance work.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of 2 wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is a list of deficiencies you need to be aware of

Today's youth have an unhealthy obsession with eating junk and processed food. Call it convenience or lack of time; people often prefer to eat readily available food. But what everyone seems to forget is that, unless you do not have a well-balanced diet, your body fails to produce the required energy, and you end up feeling lethargic and tired.

Food from cafes and restaurants sound mouth-watering and delicious, but they significantly lack the right amount of nutrients, minerals, and proteins, leading to various deficiencies in your body. These can cause multiple health issues and have irreversible implications for your body.

This article will look at all the common deficiencies and how to take care of them.

1. Vitamin D:
If you experience fatigue, muscle pain, and brittle bones, your body is deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D is extremely important for keeping your bones strong. The calcium and phosphorus in your body can be absorbed by your bones only if your body has ample Vitamin D.
Weak bones can lead to low bone density and frequent fractures and injuries. An adult needs at least thirty minutes of direct sunlight daily. It is best to catch morning or evening sunlight for the best results. The afternoon sun is harsh and can cause dehydration, allergies, and fatigue.

2. Vitamin A:
Dry skin, dry eyes, compromised vision, and infections are some Vitamin A deficiency symptoms. Vitamin A is vital in maintaining your body's growth, immune system, and reproductive health. It keeps your heart and lungs working properly.
Vitamin A is also responsible for various daily replacements of skin cells and ensures that enough mucus is produced as a barrier to infections. Foods such as fish, egg, carrots, mangoes, papayas, spinach, etc., are high in Vitamin A and should be taken regularly to ensure proper body health.

3. Vitamin B12:
Extreme lethargy, pale skin, breathlessness, headaches, etc., are symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency. Your body needs vitamin B12 for several processes, including DNA construction, energy production, and the functioning of the central nervous system. Chicken, fish, milk, and other dairy products are excellent sources of Vitamin B12. In some cases, the deficiency is caused by improper absorption of the nutrients by the body. In such cases, the doctor might suggest an alternative dosage of injections to balance the B12 levels in your body.

4. Protein:
Hunger, weakness, fatigue, skin and hair problems and weak immune systems are symptoms of protein deficiency. Every basic cell structure requires protein for survival, which is why protein is considered the building block of life.
Protein is vital to help your body repair and regenerate new cells. Eggs, poultry, milk, and dairy are some common and readily available dietary options.

5. Iron:
Pale skin, weakness, inflammation of the tongue, weak nails, and chest pain are some symptoms of iron deficiency. Iron is essential for the overall growth and development of your body. It is responsible for maintaining the hemoglobin levels in RBCs or red blood cells.
Seventy percent of the irons found in your body are found inside the red blood cells. Some examples of food with high iron content are spinach, chickpeas, quinoa, and broccoli.

These were a list of the common deficiencies in humans worldwide. Healthy eating habits and regular exercise are imperative for everyone, regardless of gender and age. Another habit that can keep you in the pink of your health is purchasing insurance. Buy a health insurance policy for family and have an added protection to help yourself against any expenses you might incur regarding medications, tests, or consultations.

Health issues can significantly drain your finances and leave you stressed physically and emotionally. By keeping insurance handy, you can positively deal with these issues and make your move towards a healthy life.

Click HERE to buy a health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Steps to take care after a firecracker accident

We all have enjoyed either bursting firecrackers at the festival of Diwali or watching firecrackers on different celebratory occasions. They are mesmerising and create a view that holds the entire audience together. The beautiful patterns they generate in the sky, the vibrant colours, the sound, the light- everything livens up the vibe and brings happiness to people no matter where they might watch.

While firecrackers are a lot of fun to watch and play with, they are quite dangerous to handle. You need to be aware of the consequences they might have. But there are times when, due to no fault of your own or the designated person handling the crackers, you might have a minor or a significant slip-up and can get hurt. Are you looking for more information on how to treat such injuries after the entire episode? Go through the pointers below and find something to help you handle the injury better. Let's start!

1. Pat down gently:
If someone's clothes catch fire, you need to pat them down gently or roll them up in a blanket to avoid the fire from spreading to other parts of the clothes and the body. Using the blanket or patting them down cuts down the oxygen supply for brief moments, which would help dial down the fire. .

2. Check for burns:
Determine the level of burns the firecracker accident caused. Skin acts as a defence wall between the organs and the fire but if the layers of the skin are severely damaged, immediately rush to the hospital. If the burn looks manageable, clean the area using non-irritable antiseptic liquids and a soft cloth or cotton pad.
Once appropriately cleaned, apply burn-related ointments (for example, Neosporin) and let it dry or wrap the area lightly with bandages. If you are rushing to the hospital, it is better to leave the wound open.

3. Use water first:
Water helps cool down the burnt area, helps in relaxing, and gives a numbing break from the heat and pain. Wash the burnt site before you go ahead with the cleaning and the first aid procedure.

4. Burnt clothes can get stuck:
Fire accidents can cause your clothes to stick to your skin while they are on fire. Do not hurry and try to rip off the burnt part of the clothes. Chances are they are charred and stuck to your skin. Ripping them off like a bandaid might backfire as they can cause skin damage to the burnt area. This might further increase the injury level and cause bleeding and pain escalation.

5. How to treat the scarring:
Often, severe burns cause scarring on your skin, which can be difficult to eliminating. In such cases, you need to use some recommended ointments (refer to your dermatologist) and use an adequate amount of sunblock or sunscreen creams that will suit your skin type without adversely affecting your injuries.

6. Protect the burn from dust:
Dust particles might settle on the scab of your wounds or burns. While they might not noticeably cause damage to the skin if you don't have skin allergies. They can cause irritation and burning sensation as your skin is quite damaged, and the external layers might have worn off due to the injury.

It would be best if you were extremely careful around firecrackers. No matter how much fun they are to watch and play with, a certain degree of safety has to be maintained to avoid accidents. The tips mentioned above were some steps to take care of after a firecracker accident. You need to be watchful about your safety. Get a personal accident insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones to add a layer of protection against these mishaps and stay stress-free monetarily. Enjoyment is necessary, but not at the expense of risking your life. Stay safe while handling firecrackers!

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of the personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The need and benefits of automation for a convenient life at home

Technology is everywhere, and the world has already seen the drastic changes that technology has brought with it. Some hundred odd jobs are expected to be extinct in the next ten years because of the intervention of technology. But what are your benefits? Can you use technology to make things easier for you? These are only some of the many questions that people keep wondering about.

This article will help you understand a small aspect of the tech world that will immensely contribute to your daily life and why you must consider getting your hands on them immediately. Today, we will discuss home automation and why it is a game changer for an urban household.

1. Being in command:
Do you not hate leaving your comfortable sleeping position just to turn off the lights? Well, what if a simple command could achieve that. With home automation, your voice or mobile is the only thing you need handy to get things done around your home. Be it controlling the lights, music, volume, brightness, or the AC. Everything can be made convenient and hassle-free at the convenience of your fingertips.

2. Better security:
Since all the devices, including your doors, are connected to your phone, you can have 24X7 surveillance of your home. Motion detectors, heat sensors, cameras, and automated locks are some of the straightforward home security solutions you can invest in. You can opt for security alerts when you are away from home in case of suspicious activities.

3. More comfortable:
Imagine walking home on a hot sunny afternoon, and you get home, turn on your air conditioner and wait for it to cool the room before you can rest. With home automation, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. You can use your mobile phone to turn on your AC while being miles away from home.
Not only that, if unexpected guests on your way home join you, you can command your home automation system to turn on the guest lights and AC so that your guests walk into a cosy and comfortable living space.

4. Energy efficient:
A programmable intelligent automation system can analyse your active hours and control lights, cooling, and music based on your everyday routine and suggests the most energy-efficient way of applying these to your routine. Such systems not only help in better managing the resources, but they also help you in analysing your daily habits. With home automation, you can keep a tab of everything and understand the energy consumption rate over time.

5. Monitoring kids and pets:
One of the most important benefits of home automation is keeping an eye on your kids or pets. In today’s day and age, both parents are working parents. Monitoring a child’s daily routine can become stressful while being away from home.
With the help of home automation, not only can you see your children, but you can also interact with them over video calls. The same goes for pets. Various kinds of food dispensers dispense food on time to your pets. These gadgets will help ensure that your kid and pet are happy, healthy, and safe.

These are a few reasons why home automation is a significant investment. Safety, convenience, and comfort are only some factors that make it a must-buy for your home. For an added layer of protection, buy general insurance online. Search for an ideal home insurance policy under the general insurance category to safeguard your home and your family against any potential dangers. Get the best deals online and invest in a secure future of your most important asset.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The updated terms and reforms in the insurance industry you need to be aware of

Every industry undergoes some reform from time to time. This can be due to various reasons- changes in the country’s economic conditions, level of crisis, the impact of international and national markets, contribution to the nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product), budget regulations and much more. Several types of insurance act as investment plans, help you in a financially stress-free emergency, provide tax-saving benefits, and ensure a secure future for your loved ones and dependents.

Does the insurance sector undergo changes and reforms on a large scale too? The answer is yes. The premiums, terms and conditions, age limits, benefits, renewal, etc., are reviewed and revised when needed. This ensures that the insurance matches pace with the current economic conditions, the situation in the market and the demands of an existing and potential set of customers. And if you are someone who has purchased insurance policies or is planning to explore your options in the sector for all the good reasons, you need to stay updated with the changes.

This blog will discuss the revised terms and reforms you need to be aware of in the insurance industry. So, let’s get started!

The pandemic caught the eyes of the insurance sector reforms:

The covid-19 pandemic brought the entire world to a very unexpected halt. Given the pace of development and technological advancement, the pandemic situation across the globe was beyond the people’s and government’s imagination. While people were under lockdown, several opportunities opened up, and many sectors, mainly fintech, saw massive growth. In the insurance sector, which is majorly categorised into life, health and general insurance, the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) limit is increased to 74 per cent from 49 per cent as per the new Insurance Amendment Bill 2021 passed in the Indian Parliament.

This was primarily focused on getting more foreign investments onboard. Why? The insurance sector is considered a good investment option. It is a capital concentration with a long development period. It takes at least seven to ten years to start making profits apart from their regular budget, retention and expenditure.

What does the FDI reform ensure:
The FDI reform discussed in the previous point will open up multiple avenues for investment in the insurance sector. This will significantly aid them in growth and expansion, even overseas. The whole loop continues and might attract more foreign interests, thus helping them flourish economically, eventually providing new features and insurance options for the customers such as

1. Pay-as-you-use motor insurance plan has now been ideated into the motor insurance framework. This would enable the customers and policyholders to reduce their premiums as per reduced coverage by availing of the switching on and off options.

2. Health insurance plans have been customised to comprehensively understand the needs of people during stressful times of covid. The comprehensive health insurance policies have incorporated mental health issues, covid-19 problems, modern procedures and treatments, etc.

Health insurance providers have been permitted to raise or reduce the health insurance policy premiums by almost fifteen per cent after three years. This is considered a significant reform in the health insurance sector and the pricing of these policies.

Some other reforms were accomplished regarding insurance awareness programs to ensure that people from the remote sectors of the country know the benefits of insurance policies and can avail a secure future, introduction of digitalisation of KYC and verification processes for the convenience of the existing and potential customers, 24*7 online help assistants, etc.

These were some updated terms and reforms you need to be aware of in the insurance industry. Insurance coverages help secure a financially stress-free situation when you encounter unprecedented circumstances that can endanger your health, assets or life. So, a wise option would be to explore all your options from the comfort of your home and buy insurance policy online that would cater to your needs in the best ways possible.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What is the importance of enrolling in a self-defence class

In a world riddled with war and crime, it is always good to know that if need be, you can defend yourself. With active crimes rising daily, it is best to have some tips and tricks under your belt to protect yourself and your loved ones. One way to ensure your safety is by enrolling in self-defence classes. There are various kinds of self-defence methods that you can practice, such as karate, krav maga, boxing, judo, etc.

Choosing the one that best suits you and piques your interest can make learning more enjoyable. People have professed the importance of self-defence for women and children, but what is important to remember is that self-defence is for everyone.

This article will examine the importance of self-defence classes and why you should consider enrolling in one.

1. It helps your physical form:
One of the most crucial elements of self-defence is timely reflexes. If you are put in a dangerous situation, your mind and body should manage to work in sync. You can only achieve this with practice. Training can help you inculcate the necessary conditioning and helps you with a better fight or flight response.
Your body prepares for an adrenaline dump with the right amount of practice. Adrenaline dump is a reaction the body goes through in case of unprecedented dangers. Since the adrenaline rush lasts only a few moments, it is crucial to act immediately for the best outcomes.

2. Builds confidence:
When people are timid, they tend to undermine their skill set and are incapable of protecting themselves. Self-defence is an excellent way to build confidence and protect oneself in times of need by believing in their skill set.
Being confident helps you defend yourself and leaves a lasting impression on people. If you are aiming for overall development, self-defence can be extremely helpful.

3. Master discipline:
Excelling in any field requires hours and hours of hard work and dedication. The same applies to self-defence. The more hours you put into mastering this art, the better you will get the results.
The urge to improve yourself can drive you to a dedicated routine, which builds a disciplinary lifestyle. So, taking self-defence classes helps you stay focussed, grounded, and more aware of your surroundings.

4. Fighter instinct:
When faced with life-threatening or dangerous situations, it is best to start acting as early as possible. The quicker you are with your thinking, the sooner you can fight through your opponent or potential threats.
The power and the speed of your attack will help buy you some time before the attacker attacks again. You can utilise this time to escape or attack the opponent to keep yourself safe. These seconds can play a vital role in deciding your survival.

5. Makes you more goal-oriented:
Your goals at any particular time can be as small as achieving the perfect kick or as daunting as escaping a kidnap. Upon seeing an improvement in form, you only want to better yourself and make yourself well equipped to withstand any attack. Setting these small goals can significantly impact your form and energy.

These are a few reasons self-defence should be a part of everyone’s life. If you have children, it is best to give them an early start. We are constantly surrounded by news of mugging, killing, robbery, and kidnapping. Preparing yourself and your loved ones for any such thing is the best way to ensure their safety and welfare.

Another crucial way to ensure full protection for your family is by enrolling in personal accident insurance India. Personal accident insurances are the much-needed safety net that gives fruitful results during emergencies. Your insurance provider will help you financially to avoid an unnecessary burden on your shoulders to deal with the situation.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These are the signs that indicate the need to change the AC compressor

With the temperature rising continuously, it is becoming harder to eliminate using air conditioners in our homes, offices, malls, and even our four-wheelers. Imagining life without ACs can be daunting to sustain the heat. Remember that one day when you got into your car, and you realised that the air conditioner was not working? It did feel like you would melt away. Winters are still a bit bearable, but travelling during summers and monsoons without the air conditioner in your vehicle can be an awful experience.

So, how can you predict your car's air conditioner is wrecked? Which part of the air conditioner would you need to change, and how would you know? Don't worry. This blog will discuss all the symptoms of an air conditioner repair.

But first, let's understand a little about your car's air conditioner's compressor:

The compressor is considered the central organ of the entire air conditioner system. Call it the AC's heart, if you will. It helps ensure that the refrigerant is flowing smoothly, which would provide the top performance of the air conditioner. Usually, an issue with the compressor results in low-effective cooling. And not just that, it can be quite dangerous if a compressor has some fault and there's a specific load on the air conditioner. We need to be aware of these signs that indicate the need to change the AC compressor.

1. Low cooling issues:
The first and the only sign you can quickly notice is the level of cooling. Having experienced a smooth performance from your four-wheeler's air conditioners on your trips to the market or work, you will be able to differentiate when the cooling is not that effective. This marks that the compressor cannot regulate the refrigerant flow smoothly, thus needing a replacement.

2. The annoying noise:
You might hear a loud, irritating and unusual noise whenever you switch on the air conditioner in your car. To address the issue, it is usually advised that you replace the entire cooling unit with a better and more compatible one for your car's manufacturing and other systems. Ensuring that your new unit is consistent with different electrical setups in your vehicle will help you avoid any damages that can endanger the car's safety, void the warranty of various systems, and violate the rules and regulations.

3. Clutch troubles can be experienced:
Faulty air conditioner compressors can cause issues with the clutch. It might seize or break, which ultimately indicates a power issue, and the compressor cannot access sufficient power from the engine.

4. Check the air vents:
Even if the compressors of the cooling unit of your car are faulty, you still need to ensure whether or not the air vents are clear for the air to flow without any obstructions. Clogged air vents can cause a disturbance in the smooth airflow from the air conditioner, thus lowering the levels of effective cooling inside the car. Clean the air vents and check again. If there is still an issue, the air conditioner's compressor must be checked thoroughly and replaced.

5. Fuse box examination:
Before deciding to go ahead and replace the compressor or the entire cooling unit, check the fuse box properly. While a faulty compressor is the cause of leaks in a refrigerant or low cooling, examining the fuse box leaves you with no second thoughts about changing the compressor.

Replacing the entire cooling unit and other repairing and servicing costs can be a substantial financial burden, even more so when you land in unfortunate circumstances that might cause severe damage to your car. Get a car insurance to avoid financial stress and ensure the longevity of your four-wheeler. You need the best car insurance which would serve your needs in the most efficient ways. Explore your options and do not delay buying reliable insurance to safeguard your asset against unfortunate events.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know how you can build a swimming pool in your house

Who doesn’t love a private swimming pool? People of all ages have the time of their lives in the pool. You can go swimming, have floating meals, spend quality time with your loved ones, organise pool parties, and so much more. Building a swimming pool on your own house’s premises is an alluring deal. But as amazing as it sounds, there are multiple things you need to consider before you start constructing your pool.

What factors need to be considered before and during the pool construction process? Are there different types of pools? If so, which would be the best fit for your house? This blog will discuss all the answers to the above questions and much more.

1. Be thoroughly educated about the local laws and regulations:
You need to make sure that you are aware of the local municipal corporation laws and the rules of such types of construction, as many cities and states have different sets of rules that you need to comply with. You need to check in with the authorities and the designated officials to ensure that you do not violate the terms and end up in trouble for the same.

2. Determine the reason for the construction of the pool:
You need to make sure that you are clear about the reason behind building the swimming pool. Is it for exercise or pleasure? Which set of people would use the pool more- children or adults? Suppose it is children that you are focusing on while constructing the pool. In that case, you have to ensure that the depth is not more than 1.5 ft, and if it is for adults, then not more than 4 ft (the guidelines regarding these measurements might vary), according to the safety purposes.

3. Types of pools and which one do you want:
Fibreglass, vinyl-lined, and concrete are the three significant categories of in-ground swimming pools can be classified into. Fibreglass pools have fewer varieties in shapes and sizes, which can be difficult in case you want to construct a pool in your backyard or some area within your premises that would require multiple customisations. In cooler regions, fibreglass and vinyl-lined pools are preferred over concrete pools due to their flexibility.

4. What would be the ideal location for a pool:
It would be best to consider multiple factors before finalising where to construct the pool. These include more sun exposure and fewer trees to avoid getting leaves into the pool and eliminate contamination risks. Otherwise, you will have to spend the entire day cleaning and filling up the pool due to dirt and debris in case of heavy rains or winds. Steer clear of any electrical pipeline, wires, sewers, etc., above or underneath the pool to avoid any risks of shocks. Lastly, the pool must be in the visible range within your premises so you can quickly check on the people in the pool or if there are any other potentially dangerous factors.

Other factors that you need to take care of are filtration techniques that would suit your pool and fit your budget optimally, pool sanitisers, the budget, and the type of workers you might need for the process safety gears and protocols, etc.

Know how you can build a swimming pool in your house? Well, now you do. Beautifying your house and upgrading it by installing various entertainment sources helps you create the home you have always dreamt of. It is a massive part of building memories. But apart from the entire up-gradation and decoration process, you must ensure that your sweet abode stays secure against any damages. Apart from investing in pool construction, it would be best if you also considered buying home insurance. Buy best home insurance online India to make the purchase hassle-free. You can get instant solutions for all your queries and good customer satisfaction while making claims or paying premiums through the online portal.

Click HERE to learn more about how you can buy home insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to sustainable living at home

Sustainable living has different definitions for different people. It ensures that your lifestyle incorporates the three R's-reduce, reuse, and recycle, which eventually helps build a better environment, help with climate change, and develop a culture of harmony and mindfulness while going about your daily schedule.

There are several aspects to sustainable living, which include better alternatives to the material of everyday objects, energy efficiency, promoting the greens, veganism, saving resources, proper garbage disposal, repurposing ideas, opting for eco-friendly methods, conserving rainwater, and many more.

But how can one opt for sustainable living at home? Is it expensive? How can you make your switch towards sustainability? This blog will help you explore everything about sustainable living at home.

1. Replace your light bulbs:
Check the light bulbs around your house. You might be using the traditional bulbs, which consume higher energy to provide a low output level. Switching to low-energy-consuming light bulbs helps you in saving five times the energy consumed by regular bulbs for a high source of brightness.
They last longer, thus allowing you to reduce the costs of constant changes and replacements and help you save big bucks! All in all, you get a much better deal with these Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs).

2. Turn off those lights:
Often, our family members (not to exclude ourselves) do not have the habit of switching off the light, fans, and other electrical appliances when leaving the room. This is something that we need to be mindful of. There may be a lack of understanding of the gravity of wastage of resources when you leave all the lights on.
Still, it takes considerable non-renewable resources to generate the power to keep those electrical appliances running. Sustainable living promotes energy conservation at the top of its list. And along with the earthy resources, you also save a lot of money when you switch off those lights when not in use!

3. Get that vitamin D:
Our lifestyles have started revolving around our corners of the house where we seldom take an opportunity to go out in the sun. But as much as our body needs that vitamin D, sunlight is one of the best light sources, which can liven up your premises. You can rearrange the furniture set up of your house to enhance the impact of sunlight passing through your doors and windows.

4. Be mindful of the garbage disposal:
We might not grasp the weightage of segregated garbage disposal, but it is essential to dispose of the waste of your house categorically biodegradable and non-biodegradable. These can be turned into compost and manure for the healthy growth of vegetation or recycled as per the best waste management process.

5. Cannot miss the solar energy:
You need to install solar panels and water heaters in your house to take complete advantage of the heat and light coming from the sun. This will help you replenish the energy and consume it mindfully. This way, you can contribute to conserving the non-renewable resources we use today for power generation. You will also see a significant drop in your electricity bills.

Some other tips for sustainable living include finding better alternatives to paper towels, avoiding the usage of artificial fragrances, using eco-friendly cleaning detergents, using efficient brushes for washing your dishes so that you can efficiently clean them without wasting water, etc.

Upgrading your lifestyle for the better and in more mindful ways can be a difficult start but will be worthwhile in the end. Your home can get the switch it needs. And while you transform your way of living, it is equally essential that you protect your abode, which treasures all your memories and provides you with the warmth and comfort you need. To accomplish this, you must purchase home insurance from the best home insurance company in India to avail all the benefits in case of unforeseeable circumstances.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of buying insurance from the best home insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These are a few weird things that your home insurance covers

The terms and conditions of insurance policies might get a little confusing for an average person to understand. The technical language of the information presented can take some time to get acquainted with, which is why the insurance companies send their officials or agents to help you navigate the entire process and have digital services and chat assistants available for help 24*7. While the customers have an idea about what the home insurance usually provides coverage for and their intent of purchase, there are certain things they might be unaware of.

Do you have a complete idea of the type of coverage home insurance provides? What are some of the strangest things you might be able to secure under the insurance? If you have these questions, don’t worry. Following are a few weird things that your home insurance covers. Let’s discuss.

1. If a plane crashes:
Difficult to believe, right? The rarest of the rare cases is if a plane crashes into your house. But yes, your home insurance does cover the damages that might be caused due to a plane crashing into your house. Any objects falling from the sky which can potentially cause severe damage to your home are covered under your home insurance. Although, you need to make sure that you cross-check these details with your insurance provider.

2. Destructive riots:
Riots can take a destructive route when they rise to a huge scale. In such cases, sometimes the parties involved in the riots and those trying to control the outrage get into a defensive mode and cause mass destruction of properties. If there are any damages to your house during the riots, your home insurance provides coverage for that.

3. What if your pet bites someone:
Your home insurance might cover the cost of the treatment in case your pet bites someone within the perimeters of your house. Despite this, you might have to stay prepared if the person who got bit sues you, but you can stay assured of the coverage of those hospital bills.

4. Wild animals are also on this list:
This is for residents who usually have wild animals roaming around. Although humans and animals have become accustomed to their way around each other, you never know when the wild beings get agitated and, therefore, can trigger the possibility of a stampede.
In such situations, if there is any damage due to the stampede, your home insurance also provides coverage. But ensure to check the details carefully as some animals might be left out of this benefit (for example, rodents, possums, etc.).

5. Be careful about the parties you throw:
Some home insurances might cover the cost of damages caused during the parties organised in your house. Your insurance might cover these damages, but you might end up in trouble if someone gets injured. Check-in with your home insurance provider to ensure that the damages incurred during parties are covered under your policy.

Some other weird things covered under your home insurance include theft of cover identification, damage due to meteors, etc. And in the interest of protecting your home and your family against damages incurred due to unfortunate circumstances, you must get the best home insurance policy in India. Your home is not just a space where you live; it carries an important place in your life.

It is a place you return to after a long day at work, comforts you during the sad times, houses the best memories, and provides your family a safe zone where they can stay and create their own lives. Therefore, you must get the best home insurance policy that caters to your needs in the best ways possible.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of buying the best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understanding insurance as a tax-saving option

Every legitimate and eligible citizen of India is supposed to pay Income Tax regularly within the specified time limit as per the government regulations and norms. The taxable amount is based on an individual’s annual earnings. There are different tax and income slabs defined respectively by the Indian government. One must consider their earnings and calculate their taxes accordingly. These taxes are righteously used for the benefit and progress of the country.

But amidst all these details, were you aware that insurance, apart from protecting you and your assets against various risks, also is a substantial tax-saving benefit? This important question may give you a broader perspective on the insurance and tax-paying correlation. We have all the information you will need to understand the perks of insurance and how it can be a tax-saving choice. Let’s dive deeper into the facts!

Which policies help you fetch tax benefits?

Insurance options that will help you avail of full benefits along with tax-saving options include:
● Retirement plans and policies
● Health insurance policies
● ULIPs-Unit Linked Insurance Policies

All these insurance policies can be categorised under similar yet slightly different sections of the Income Tax Act regulated by the Government of India.

Understanding the tax deductions.

Various types of deductions can influence the tax benefits you can get on your health insurance. Let’s understand what 80C and 80D tax deductions are. Tax deduction can be claimed on your taxable income on premiums valuing around Rs. 1.5 lacs.

These premiums are supposed to be paid for insurance policies in your name, spouse’s name, or your children’s/child’s name/names. If you are someone who has paid their premiums, you can avail of 80C and 80D tax deductions annually.

The 80D deduction.

The 80D deduction dictates that if you have a health insurance policy in your name or the names of your spouse and children, the tax-deductible income can be Rs 25,000 on the insurance premiums.

According to section 80D, there are various other prospects for this deduction, but we will now consider this information to discuss the tax benefits further.

The 80C deduction.

According to section 80C of the Income Tax Act, the tax-deductible you can claim is worth Rs 1.5 lacs of insurance premiums. If you purchase a single premium policy, you can only claim the tax benefits under section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

Under section 80D, if you have a health insurance policy under your name along with a dependent with the minimum age of 60, you can claim a tax deductible on the dependent’s health insurance.

Protecting your financial assets against unprecedented situations and getting compensation for your financial losses is essential. Times can be very unpredictable, and you might never know when you will need a lot of money. Exhausting your savings is not a wise option here. You need to think beyond and try to avoid burning a hole in your pocket.

While being mindful of your expenses and determining a budget is one of the top solutions here, insurance is another way you can stay secure about your assets. It is vital to purchase the right general insurance after exploring the market and determining the one that can cater to your needs in the best way possible.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the important steps you can follow to appeal a health insurance claim denial

If you are suffering from health issues and other illnesses, health insurance is crucial in covering the expenses for treatment and medicines. A safety net in the form of health insurance can take a significant load off yourself and your family. However, it can be nerve-wracking if your health insurance claim does not go through. An insurance claim can be rejected for various reasons, and depending on your insurance provider, they may or may not provide clear reasons why the claim was denied.

So, if you are worried about claim denials and want to know the next steps that need to be done, this article is for you.

What are the reasons for claim denial?
There can be many reasons why the insurance company may reject your claim. Upon receiving a claim, the insurance company cross-checks every document from the policyholder to verify the policy's validity and the claim's authenticity. Some of the significant reasons for claim denial are issues with the cover. There is a list of illnesses and treatments that insurance doesn't cover. If your claim falls under such a category, the insurance company can reject your claim. Other reasons could be missing information, expired validity, and lack of supporting documents.

How can you rectify and reapply?
If you are eligible to reapply, you should thoroughly go through every document and ensure that there is no missing information and that all the supporting documents are attached. After providing these documents, you can reapply for your insurance. However, if the reason for prior rejection was an expired policy, then you cannot reapply for the insurance. The validity period of your policy is the only contract holding the insurance company accountable to you. If a claim was made without an active policy, the insurance company is authosied to reject the claim.

How to write a letter of appeal to the insurance company?
This is probably one of the easiest and most effective ways to undo claim rejection. Write an appeal letter to the insurance company stating facts and attach supporting documents to strengthen your case. Papers such as treatment plans, medical bills, etc., are some examples of the supporting documents that you can use. If your claim looks valid to the insurance providers, they will approve them immediately.

Who is an ombudsman, and how can they help?
If none of the steps mentioned above works, you should consider going to an ombudsperson to review your claim. An ombudsman is an officer appointed by the government for the policy holders' fair disbursement of insurance money. Any grievance against an insurance company can be made to an insurance ombudsman. If your insurance claim was rejected or the company has not responded to your appeal, then the ombudsman is responsible for resolving the issue.
After careful consideration, the ombudsman recommends a settlement or an award that must be complied within the next fifteen to thirty days.

These are a few things you can do to ensure that your health insurance claim is approved. Health insurance claim rejection is not something that you need to stress about. Understanding why the plea was rejected and rectifying the issues will help you reapply for health insurance. Insurance companies must be careful against fraudulent claims, which is why they have stringent policies to disburse the insurance amount to the rightful people.

Before buying your health insurance in India, read all the papers carefully. Understanding the terms and conditions before purchasing your policy ensures that you have no trouble at the time of claiming the insurance. Analyse your requirements and opt for a tailor-made policy for you to reap the benefits of health insurance.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why is public transport the best way to travel and explore places

Exploring the novelties and embarking on new adventures is what travelling is all about. From dingy roadside motels to premium five-star hotels, travel experiences make you more confident and better prepared for everything. To some people, it is a much-needed respite from the mundane routine of everyday life; for others, it is a way of life. Some people believe in setting aside a part of their earnings for annual family trips, while others earn to travel. Common among all these lifestyle choices is the desire to explore newness and the different versions of the planet.

There are multiple ways in which you can explore a city. You can accompany a tour group, walk around, and indulge in local life. But, in this article, we will discuss why public transport is the best way for you to enjoy your vacation.

1. Closer to the local life:
Cabs and rentals will ensure an easy commute, but if you want to indulge in the lifestyle of the locals, using public transport is a must. The locals frequently use public transport to carry out their day-to-day chores. Interacting with them will not only help you gain a better insight into the culture of the place, but it will also help you figure out where the untouched locations are. Many local restaurants and establishments are unexplored by the tourism industry. Local knowledge about these will help you explore the unexplored.

2. Cheaper:
People often complain about being scammed by taxi services and other car rentals. However, with public transport, you can avoid being scammed altogether. Since locals frequent this mode of transportation, they can't charge you extra. Some governments facilitate subsidised public transport rates, so the overall cost of your daily commute becomes considerably inexpensive.

3. Time to relax:
If you intend to book a car for yourself, be prepared to stress out about directions constantly. You might also be stuck in long traffic jams if you decide on exploring the city. Opt for public transport like trains to escape heavy traffic and the tiresome drive. During your commute, you can either look out of the window and enjoy the views or catch a nap before reaching your next location. This small break will help you be rejuvenated for the next part of your trip.

4. Personal health:
Public transport is a boon for you if you are a fitness enthusiast and cannot squeeze in the time for your workout in your jam-packed itinerary. Opting for public transport indicates that you will need to walk between stops, stations, or ports, depending upon the location and the type of transport. Not only does it prompt you to walk more, but it also helps you build an appetite so that you can eat more of the local cuisines guilt-free.

5. Responsible towards environment:
Public transport saves a considerable amount of fuel as compared to personal vehicles. The stark increase in carbon dioxide emissions has resulted in a rapid rise in global temperatures. Opting for public transport is a small contribution you can make to the environment and a better future.

These are a few reasons why public transport is the best option for you while travelling. Interact with the locals and explore the city's novelties while taking public transport. Remember that no trip is complete without travel insurance. Any risks you can incur during your vacation, including theft, financial losses, injuries, etc., will be taken care of by an insurance policy. To protect yourself and your family against such expenses, do not forget to buy insurance policy online. You can compare multiple policies, analyse their benefits and premiums, and choose from several online options.

Click HERE to buy insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you an IT professional? Here's why health insurance is vital for you

The career prospects for IT professionals in the post-pandemic recovery provide immense opportunities in the fields such as eCommerce, Fintech, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality, and many others.

But with such a promising career option, IT professionals have high stress because of their work-related anxiety, strict timelines, night shift, and overwork load. It has become more about surviving as an employee and earning enough. And as a result, there are different impacts of such long work hours on their lifestyle. You begin to compromise on your health which is not a wise option. Being mindful of your health and preparing for the inevitable consequences would be best. Are you an IT professional? Let’s understand why it is essential for you to invest in a comprehensive health insurance plan.

1. Impact on your lifestyle:
We have seen multiple headlines about people getting heart problems, backaches, constant headaches, eye problems, and joint pain at a young age. While some of such cases can be due to underlying genetic conditions and other reasons, a significant chunk of youth is still at risk due to developed lifestyles. The stress levels you operate at, the pollution, the food you eat, work schedules, sleep cycles, undisciplined workout routines, excessive gadgets use, etc., are a few causes of your sedentary lifestyle.
Getting health insurance will allow you to cope with any repercussions you might face due to such a schedule. It helps you stay prepared and cover all costs of routine health check-ups. This way, you can stay informed about the fluctuations in your body and take appropriate and informed measures to solve the issue.

2. Fluctuations in the medical industry:
Inflation comes in all forms, and its effects do not spare any particular industry. The pandemic was an evident example of how the medical industry was on its toes and the primary source of survival. The advancement in technology has brought several developments in the medical world.
But this also ensures that the costs of treatments will rise depending on the level of equipment and machinery, accessibility, and the procedures involved. Even the basic expenses such as tests, consultation charges, ambulance costs, etc., will rise significantly. Getting health insurance will help you cover these costs for a more extended period to avoid the financial burden of being a salaried employee. This way, you can efficiently manage your finances and control your expenses simply by investing in a reliable health insurance plan.

3. Taking a step forward from the employee’s health cover:
Most companies offer insurance coverage for their employees and their immediate dependents, which assures that the employee has something to fall back on in case they find themselves in such medical emergencies.
But often, these insurance coverages are insufficient to cover terms of critical illnesses, the sum insured, add-on coverage options, or the time. In such cases, it is advised for you to purchase health insurance that has been customised according to your needs and provides coverage in every which way possible. This will always help you avail the benefits entirely at the right time.

Health insurance helps you safeguard your savings, and the earlier you get insurance, the more you can stay secure and ahead of such unfortunate situations. Explore all your options and purchase the best health insurance which caters to your needs in the best ways possible. Smart investments made during your 20s will help you reap the benefits at the need of the hour.

Always keep your policy up-to-date and adapt to practices like consuming a healthy diet, having at least seven hours of sleep, regular exercise for 10 mins, and meditating at home. At the workplace, take frequent breaks and stay hydrated to feel active and energetic throughout the day.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on getting your dental braces done

Getting energy from food may sound like a straightforward process. But during this process, you must ensure that your dental health stays at the top of its game. Healthy teeth are very crucial. Lack of a proper dental hygiene routine can lead to bad breath, gum bleeding, swollen gums, infection, yellow and brittle teeth, ingesting bacteria and germs, and much more.

What if your teeth are not growing in the regular order they should? There is nothing to worry about. This phenomenon of unorderly growth of the teeth or zigzag pattern of developing teeth is more common than you think. And braces are the best solution to this problem. It is a relatively expensive process. So, you need to be aware of this orthodontic process before you invest your money and go ahead with the rest of the procedure. Do you have doubts about whether or not you should go ahead and get braces? This blog is a complete guide on getting your dental braces done. So, let’s get started.

1. Understanding the purpose of braces:
Braces are one of the most convenient solutions when your teeth are out of their normal alignment. These braces are wrapped around the bone structure of your teeth and apply pressure on them. Eventually, the continuous pressure due to the braces changes the position of your teeth, bringing them into proper order.

2. Criteria for getting braces:
Do you need braces? Your orthodontist determines the answer to this question during your regular check-ups. They will answer all your queries and tell you if you require braces and what problems regarding your teeth the braces would sort out. They will perform a deep examination and inform you about your options, the type of braces that would fit your teeth conditions, and your budget. You can then have a clear conversation with them and determine the option which suits you the best.

3. Are there different types of braces:
To your surprise, yes! There are four significant braces: metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, and Invisalign. Metal braces are the most basic and standard braces which fix your teeth with the help of dental cement. Ceramic braces are a little more convenient and pleasing to look at when compared to metal braces. These braces can be altered to the colour of your tooth enamel, making them less visible and helping you avoid being too conscious about them.
Lingual braces are hard to spot as they are attached to the backside of your teeth which also cause discomfort. But these help if you are too concerned about your appearance. And lastly, Invisalign is customised according to the size, shape, and structure of your teeth and jaw for the perfect fitting. These can help you escape the usual hassle of other types of braces during eating.

4. Frequency of check-ups:
While the whole process can take an hour or two but can differ depending upon the condition of your teeth. You will have to visit your orthodontist frequently to ensure that the braces are functioning correctly, adjusting well on your teeth, not causing any infections due to the material, etc.

Sorting a minor health issue can take considerable money and consume much of your time. But what happens when you land in situations beyond your control and can potentially hurt your health? How will you manage your physical health, mental health, and financial stress?

Getting health insurance is the solution to ensuring that you stay sane enough to manage the whole situation. And you can now do so from the comfort of your home and buy health insurance online. Look for dental insurance under the category and research the plan that will provide the best benefits.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best hacks to make train journeys cheerful

Train journeys can be quite a daunting experience for inexperienced travellers. From bustling crowds on the train, the noisy co-passengers, and the hustle of vendors, it is an adventure all in itself.

The style of travel in the Indian railways greatly differs from other countries such as Spain and Japan since these trains cover longer distances with many stations to halt. Due to this slow nature, train journeys can sometimes get stressful and monotonous. This blog aims to change just that and show you how to make this journey exhilarating and cheerful.

1. Stunning views:
Going for a long journey across the country by railways gives you a glimpse of the best interiors of India. The extraordinary views of mountains, valleys, rivers, and deserts are all sceneries you might not get to see elsewhere. Even the stark differences between the noisy cities and the calm villages can be a mesmerising experience. Try to get a window seat to experience the countryside landscape.

2. Show off your photography skills:
If you're someone who loves to capture moments on camera, train rides are the perfect opportunity to take some swoon-worthy photos. With so many people around and several activities going on, train journeys have so much to offer. Make sure you keep the camera in an accessible range not to miss any memories.

3. Treats and snacks:
Flavourful food is part and parcel of India, and train rides should be no exception. Although the railways have their canteen, the food there might not be up to the mark in terms of taste. It's best to try out different snacks from each state you stop at. It is advisable to trust your instinct with the food, though, because having food while travelling doesn't suit all. Stomach problems are extremely uncomfortable during a train ride, so eat light and less oily. If you have a sensitive stomach, it's best to bring snacks from home to munch on.

4. Be prepared for friendly conversation:
Indians are some of the friendliest people on the planet. One of the most heart-warming experiences is to share life stories with varied people from all different cultures, states, and walks of life on the train. A quick game of cards or other fun activity can help you be friends with your co-passengers and pass your time cheerfully.

5. Books:
If you're not much of a conversationalist, it will be more enticing to take a book with you on the journey and read it as the train is hurtling down the tracks. Looking at the beautiful scenery outside and reading a book can be a meditative experience.

6. Carry your gadgets:
If talking to random strangers about their life does not sound like your idea of fun, you could plug in your earphones and get lost in that movie that you have been meaning to watch for a long time but couldn't get the time. Or you may close your eyes and listen to music that will keep you energetic and sane throughout the journey.

7. Catching up on sleep:
Sometimes, the one thing that gets ignored in the hustle of travel is a good night's rest. Get a comfy pillow and blanket with you and get your sleep. Better the sleep, the better you will be the next morning.

8. Have you thought about insurance:
Although train rides are safe to travel, emergencies and mishaps come uninvited. Investing in personal accident insurance plans is advisable to add a protection layer to your train travel.

Any traveller can attest to the fact that travel is an eye-opening experience. It allows you to broaden your mind and makes you privy to many new experiences. But safety should always be the topmost priority of any traveller. As the uncertainty can be stressful, rest assured by researching suitable personal accident insurance plans and travel without worries.

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are some common yoga injuries and the ways to fix them

Yoga is considered one of the oldest forms of physical exercise in the history of the world. While its origins seem Indian, yoga is practiced globally by people of different ethnicities and cultures. It helps you keep your body flexible, develop a more robust immune system, and bring a certain sense of discipline to your life. The various asanas and forms in yoga ensure that your body and mind work synchronously. It also regulates low-stress levels, induces better sleep quality, decreases blood pressure, heals current ailments, and benefits mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and much more.

There are many advantages of inculcating the habit of practicing yoga daily in your lifestyle. But everything comes with its risks. You must strictly adhere to the methodologies and procedures while performing various asanas to avoid unwanted accidents. Lack of proper understanding and implementation of the instructions can cause more harm to your body than expected.

Here are some common yoga injuries and the ways to fix them.

1. Be careful about your shoulders and knees:
Some of the most frequent yoga injuries include repetitive stress in the shoulders resulting in strain, chronic pain, or dislocation (ball and socket joint issues). Although the latter happens in extreme cases, strain and chronic pain can cause massive discomfort in your day-to-day activities. The muscle injuries in the shoulder area can be caused by overstretching too.

2. Neck pain can be frustrating:
Yoga postures like headstands and shoulder stands can cause severe neck injuries if not performed carefully or under supervision. Such poses can even put your vertebrae under extreme pressure, eventually leading to excruciating pain, compression, and flexibility issues. You might also face joint issues and muscle spasms, which can cause soreness and problems with your neck movement.

3. Save yourself from back problems:
When done incorrectly, yoga can cause discomfort in your lower back. You might stress your back even more while performing your daily chores. This might substantially elevate your back issues, leading to pain, spinal cord problems, movement restrictions, hip issues, disc problems in worse situations, etc.
Since your lower back is connected to significant movements in your upper or lower body, even the slightest task, such as stretching, can become a huge pain point in case of lower back troubles due to yoga injuries.

Now that we have discussed some common injuries, let’s discuss how we can fix them. Avoid putting excessive pressure on your body to perform a particular yoga posture. While it is essential to push your body to its limits, you need to draw a line and understand when it’s time to pull back. Use blankets or a yoga mat to significantly reduce the pressure from your lower back during seated yoga positions.

Perform the yoga postures in stages, so you don’t end up overstretching your shoulders. Avoid pulling too hard and take a breather whenever required. You can wear kneecaps to support your knees while performing the asanas. Again, perform such postures in stages. Make your body familiar with the pressure you might experience. Always ensure to let your body a little loose once you are done with your yoga session. You should include warm-down exercises to relax your body after heavy yoga/workout.

We all understand the importance of yoga and how it helps us stay fit and healthy, thus paving the path for a smoother life. But certain situations are out of your control and can endanger your or your loved ones’ health. Purchasing health insurance is crucial to safeguard yourself against such circumstances and face the problem instead of worrying about financial distress. You can explore all your options available in the market from the comfort of your home with an array of digital options. You can buy health insurance online India to cater to your needs in the best way possible.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy health insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How can general insurance be a crucial step to women's independence and financial freedom

Recent years have seen a rising number of women actively contributing in every sector. Whether police services, office-goers, or cab drivers, women are stepping out of their homes to build a future for themselves. Even with the ever-growing numbers of women workers, only fifty percent of women invest in general insurance as opposed to seventy-two percent of their male counterparts.

Why are the numbers so different? Although there has been a progressive shift in women's lives, general insurance was conventionally associated with the household males. During the earlier days, men were the sole breadwinners of the household and handled all monetary transactions. So, it was usually considered the males' responsibility to ensure that the family remained financially covered. This lifestyle trend has not been seen as evident as the societal change that women have faced.

This article will examine why general insurance is essential for women and how it paves a path to financial freedom.

1. Financial security:
It is important to remember that general insurance is an essential resource for the family. With more women actively contributing financially to their respective households, general insurance becomes an irreplaceable asset. It not only acts as a backbone to the family's financial stability but also provides tax benefits, adding more value.
In addition, general insurance covers many things, including travel, medical, artificial disasters, theft, etc. Therefore, general insurance is necessary for women to ensure their families' financial security if they become the household's sole breadwinner.

2. Financial independence:
Statistics show that most women, even when earning, depend on their spouses or family for financial knowledge. This is surprising in consideration of the rapid growth of women in all sectors of life. To combat this dependency and to be able to handle their own money, investing in general insurance is the first step. Taking care of your finances makes you confident and in charge of your own money without having to depend on anyone.
Having your finances sorted at every step will ensure that your children, parents, or spouse can have a comfortable lifestyle, safe and enjoyable vacations with no worries about lost luggage or cancelled flights, or you can visit the best hospitals without worrying about the bills going through the roof. There are so many advantages and benefits to favouring you.

3. Loans and debts:
Most households must rely on loans to pay for their houses, vehicles, and other significant expenses. In case of a mishap, general insurance will be able to help you cover the loss and ensure that you won't fall behind on your loan payments due to the distress of any emergencies.

4. Critical illness benefits:
Certain health conditions are specific to women, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc. With an unhealthy lifestyle and heavy amounts of impurity in the food and drinks one consumes, these diseases have become a part of one in eight urban women populations. Comprehensive health insurance and critical illness protection can help you rest assured in case of such illnesses and cover the cost of the treatment.

These are just some of the many reasons women should invest in a general insurance policy. As mentioned, not only is it an intelligent way to secure your family's future, but it is also a way to ensure your financial liberty. General insurance is imperative to add value to your life and secure financial independence. As a responsible citizen, you should encourage fellow women to invest in general insurance India as the first step to their financial freedom and security. More power to every woman!

Click HERE to know more about general insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let’s understand the benefits and use of product liability insurance

Let's say you're a washing machine manufacturer. Due to some defect in the formulae of chemicals used in the hose pipe of your washing machine, it is more likely to burst. The product has already hit the shelves, and you're receiving massive backlash for the damaged goods and might be at risk of a few customers suing you. This event can potentially shut down your business as you don't have enough capital to pay for the legal fees. You are incurring huge losses now as you have to take down the products from the shelves.

The only way-out would be an insurance covering you against these unforeseeable liabilities. The insurance that is suitable for this situation is product liability insurance. Product liability insurance protects manufacturers, wholesale and distribution businesses, and retailers against claims that the product they have sold has caused harm to a customer, including either bodily or property damage.

This insurance is helpful for all kinds of businesses. Taking the above example of the washing machine, the company should be insured with this type of insurance. This is because when a lawsuit is launched, an enquiry is made on all the companies involved. Small businesses need it more than others because they usually don't have the capital to pay the customer and can quickly go bankrupt.

This blog explains why product liability insurance is a must for your company.

Coverage for design defects:
Design defects can bother customers long after the product has been manufactured and sold off. The customer, in most cases, can still sue the organisation which manufactures the product. Product liability reimburses you for the expenses incurred due to such design errors.

Coverage for manufacturing or production flaws:
The most crucial feature of product liability insurance is that it provides coverage for any manufacturing defects that might cause harm to a customer.

Protection against packaging concerns:
Sometimes the manufacturer does not provide an adequate warning on the product package, such as potential defects, instructions for properly using the product, or some allergenic substances. One example is how beverage companies have to warn if it is hot and not to be liable if the hot drink is spilled on a customer. Additionally, if there's some substance like peanuts or other common inflammatory substances in the product and it's not mentioned clearly, the manufacturer might be prosecuted. Product liability insurance provides coverage for all these situations.

Supplemental commercial general liability coverage:
Product liability policies generally work along with commercial general liability coverage to provide the company with insurance against such claims by customers.
There are several reasons to take product liability insurance as a business owner. But the payout certainly depends on which kind of policy you've chosen. The insurance cost depends on various factors, including your industry, the potential risks associated with that industry, your business's claim history, and the insurance company's policy limits. For example, getting cover for risky businesses like alcohol, tobacco, and contraceptives is challenging because of the high rate of lawsuits that are usually launched against them.

Insurance companies may charge you a higher premium for such kinds of businesses. It's always best to be insured to remain stress-free. Business owners should also invest in public liability insurance policy to provide the best coverage to third parties in the event of financial loss, injury or death due to an accident.

Click HERE to know more about public liability insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The most common headache types and their remedies

Headaches are the most common but often ignored problem that people face. Having a headache can dampen your mood and affect your concentration levels. They can be different and range anywhere from moderate to excruciatingly painful. The treatments for headaches can differ depending on the type and intensity of the pain. Although most headaches can be cured with rest and over-the-counter medicines, it is best to consult a doctor if the pain persists.

If you suffer from headaches frequently, this article will be a complete guide to discussing the different types of headaches and their treatments.

1. Cluster headaches:
A cluster of short yet excruciating headaches is called cluster headaches. They tend to happen periodically over years or months, or days. These headaches occur due to an affected trigeminal nerve, responsible for sensations of pain and heat in the face. The pain is concentrated on one side of the face starting from the head and branching out to the eyes and jaws.
These headaches last only a couple of hours and can be treated with painkillers and other preventative medicines. If you tend to have these headaches often, it is best to talk to your doctor and get a prescription for preventive medications that you can always keep on you in case of emergencies.

2. Migraine headaches:
Migraine headaches can show symptoms differently for different people. Sensitivity to smell, light, and sound accompanied by nausea is one of the most common symptoms of migraine attacks. These headaches stem from the nervous system and can sometimes affect your eyesight for a temporary duration of time.
Other symptoms include blurred vision, tingling sensations, and numbness on one side of your body. Aspirin, caffeine, and ibuprofen are some of the common over-the-counter drugs that can help in the faster recovery of migraines. Some home remedies include resting in a dark, quiet room, an ice pack on the forehead, and ample fluid intake.

3. Tension headaches:
As the name suggests, tension headaches or stress headaches are caused by persistent stress. The symptoms are less complex as compared to migraine or cluster headaches. Uneasiness, mild pain in the temple, sleep deprivation, and fatigue are some of the common symptoms of tension headaches. Poor posture, overexertion, and emotional stress trigger this kind of headache. Painkillers and sufficient rest can help you cure the pain instantly. However, if you face the problem often, it is best to seek medical attention and get any tests done if the doctor recommends.

4. Thunderclap headaches:
This is one of those headaches that might need immediate medical attention and can cause fatalities if not taken care of. These shooting headaches, nausea, and vomiting can often result from internal bleeding in your brain. The pain develops rather suddenly and lasts for about five minutes. Suppose you experience severe shooting pains or experience a new kind of pain. In that case, it is best to talk to the doctor immediately, as these are often indications of an underlying fatal problem.

These are some of the most common kinds of headaches that you might come across. Remember that no matter what, if the pain lasts longer and you experience bouts of shooting pain, do not wait for the pain to worsen. Contact a doctor immediately and get the required medical attention. After a preliminary round of tests and diagnosis, the doctor might suggest surgeries as a solution.

Under these circumstances, the cost of treatment can be very expensive. To safeguard yourself against these expenses, you can opt for an affordable health insurance plan for yourself and your family. A quick search on the internet shows many affordable health insurance plans that you can choose from. Take ample rest, have your food on time, drink plenty of water, and do 10 minutes of exercise daily to avoid the majority of headaches.

Click HERE to know more about affordable health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the key differences between health insurance and medical insurance

Covid-19 has taught us the importance of having a strong immune system that takes care of our health adversities. Many people have been severely infected, hospitalised, landed in emergency rooms, or have faced the unfortunate loss of their dear ones. The pandemic hasn’t been contained. But people have gotten a lot more immune to the virus.

Plus, the vaccine has been proving extremely helpful in such dire times and aid in developing a shield in your body against the virus. And many of these patients have had the privilege of holding medical insurance, which helped them and their family members cover the cost of the treatment without focusing on financial matters.

There have been multiple occasions where we all have been confused between health and medical insurance. While these terms are closely related, the benefits and coverage of these insurance policies differ. Are you someone who is confused between the two? This blog discusses all such significant pointers which will help you understand and differentiate between the two. So, let’s get started.

What does health insurance entail?
Health insurance covers all hospital costs alongside the pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation expenses. This expenditure includes costs of ambulances, treatments, etc. It is considered a comprehensive insurance policy that acts as a massive benefit for the policyholders and caters to their needs in a customised manner.

What does medical insurance entail?
Medical insurance has restricted privileges one can avail of. It is directed towards specific ailments and accidents which have been specified earlier. There is an absence of options that can provide add-on coverages like health insurance. Medical insurance depends on the amount insured. You can claim the medical insurance policies in two ways: cashless and reimbursement.

1. Cashless insurance Policy: Health insurance defines a set of hospitals under its policy. Upon getting treatment in that hospital under proper supervision, the policyholders do not have to pay a single penny. The patient can avail the cashless treatment option of their health insurance against their policy number, and the hospital works things out with the insurance company directly.

2. Reimbursement: A properly planned comprehensive health insurance policy covers pre-hospitalisation charges, including ambulance costs, tests from the specified hospital, etc. This pre-hospitalisation coverage lasts anywhere from thirty to sixty days, based on the type of health insurance plans you have opted for.

Key differences between health insurance and medical insurance:

1. Medical insurance plans are pretty tunnelled and work only regarding the specified ailments. There is no pre or post-hospitalisation coverage benefit in medical insurance plans. The patient is supposed to bear the transportation charges and other expenses.

2. Health insurance policies give you several add-on coverage options like critical illness, disabilities due to accidents, etc. At the same time, no such choices are available when purchasing medical insurance plans. The critical condition includes diseases like cancer, heart attacks, etc., which carry a grave danger to your health, and their treatments can burn through your bank accounts.

3. Health insurance plans are pretty flexible compared to medical insurance policies. They provide you with the scope of reduction of the policy period, insurance premium amount after a specific duration, etc.

We hope this information gives you a basic understanding of the two types of insurance and the benefits you can avail yourself of. Given the current climatic conditions, lifestyle, sleeping patterns, environmental changes, and several other factors, health issues come without warning.

As the world progresses for the better in terms of technology, humans have backtracked when it comes to healthy living. To avoid any financial distress during such hectic and unfortunate circumstances, you must browse through various health insurance plans in India and choose the one which would suit your needs in the best ways. Health is wealth, and there is no second opinion about this.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of different health insurance plans in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the benefits of purchasing motor insurance online

The world is adapting to digitisation, resulting in convenience and efficiency with the power of technology. The insurance industry has adopted various new and technology-driven concepts to ensure better customer support. Most official activities turned digital during the last two years due to the pandemic.

But many people believe that the online service mode is not very bankable, be it shopping, online payments, or online insurance. Even today, people choose the physical method because they believe it is more reliable and effective.

In this article, we will bust some myths and talk about all the benefits of online insurance and why you should buy motor insurance online.

1. No third party or agent is required:
One of the most significant benefits of buying motor insurance online is that you do not need an insurance agent to facilitate the process. When you purchase insurance from an agency offline, the insurance agent helps you identify all the covers in your insurance policy or any additional add-ons you might require.
When you switch to online insurance, you eliminate the need for this third party as all the information you require is readily available online. You can also compare various insurance providers and their costs. The cost you save on paying your insurance agent can be used for buying add-ons on your premium.

2. Ditch the paperwork:
Online insurance companies are making completely paperless purchases with bare minimum paperwork. All your IDs are digitally scanned and uploaded to your insurance portal, and the proposal form is also filled digitally. The digital copy is later forwarded to you for future reference. When you buy motor insurance online, you skip the hectic paperwork and contribute to a greener environment.

3. Instant policy:
The process of buying motor insurance online is faster compared to the physical mode. One can achieve everything instantly, from evaluating the policy holder’s profile to resolving the claim if opting for online motor insurance. All the documents and forms can be filled out from the comfort of your home and get instant policy issuance.

4. Compare online:
Since evaluating every motor insurance policy can be cumbersome when done physically, opt for an online comparison. Various websites with good customer reviews will enable you to make informed decisions on the different kinds of insurance policies, their premium amounts, and the overall customer experience.
Not only will these websites help you in comparison, but there are insurance calculators on various websites that can give you an approximate estimate of the total insurance cost. Read through the company’s website thoroughly to choose a tailor-made insurance policy. When you compare prices online, you know more about different deals available in the online market.

These are a few ways an online insurance policy is a better option than a physical one. Irrespective of the kind of insurance you buy, it is essential to remember that all your needs are met with your current insurance policy. Add value to your bike riding experience by investing in good motor insurance. Motor insurance is an intelligent way to ensure that you are safeguarded against accidents and damages and all the other expenses that your vehicle's maintenance might require. For your next renewal, buy motor insurance online to save money and time.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Guide to reducing the use of plastic in your homes

Plastic bags have become a necessary evil in today's day and age. Everything from the packaging of everyday items to utensils, we have seen a massive increase in plastic usage across households. However, plastic has dire effects on the environment. Polluted rivers, channel blockage, pollution, and animal choking are some of plastic's environmental hazards.
Looking at the various damaging implications of plastic usage, activists and other environmentalists have raised their voices against the excess and single use of plastics.

In response, many governments have banned the manufacturing and usage of plastic. Even after the ban on single-use plastic, the complete absence of plastic is impractical. The ease and efficiency of plastic packaging are seldom matched by anything else. This makes plastic an almost irreplaceable part of our lives.

But if you are a responsible human being and want to make a small contribution to the environment, this article will help you reduce plastic waste in your home.

1. Use jute or cotton bags:
Plastic is one of the most convenient options when it comes to shopping. Opting for a plastic bag at the counter is more convenient than carrying cloth bags. By carrying your bags, you are not only saving the environment, but you are also avoiding the excess charge levied on plastic bags. Cloth bags or jute bags are better alternatives to plastic bags. They are reusable, washable, and durable. Consider carrying your carry bags for your next grocery run.

2. Avoid plastic utensils:
Want to carry a tiffin to your office or college? Are you reaching out for the fancy plastic containers? Then you need to reconsider your choice. Plastic utensils such as lunchboxes and water bottles release toxic chemicals into the food, and when consumed, these can cause serious health issues like cancer and heart problems. Storing food in plastic containers can have dire health effects on your body and affect the food's composition.
It is best to opt for steel tiffin to keep your food fresh for longer. People also use microwavable plastic dishes to reheat their food. This can be highly toxic. Switch out the plastic vessels for glass containers. Instead of storing the spices and pulses in plastic boxes, reuse the glass containers you already have. Various pickles, jams, and oils come stored in glass packaging. Remove the sticker and reuse it. This helps you save money and keep yourself and your family healthy.

3. Replace your bathroom essentials:
There are many options available in the market that are more eco-friendly. Opt for locally sourced soap and shampoo bars instead of purchasing a new bottle. Buy refill packs for handwashes and invest in ceramic soap dispensers instead of plastic bottles. Choose wooden toothbrushes and combs as these are eco-friendly and healthier options for your teeth and hair.

4. Change your grocery habits:
People find it more convenient to buy packaged food, be it fruits and vegetables or meat and other farm products. Most of these packaged foods are frozen and lose their nutritional value after some time. Instead, explore your nearest local markets and buy fruits and vegetables from local vendors. By doing this, you are helping the locals while reducing plastic use.

These are some ways in which you can ensure that your home reduces the use of plastic. Being mindful is a small step towards making the planet a better place for your children and the future generations to come.

The above measures can help your home get rid of plastic, but have you considered its safety? Safety is paramount, and when it comes to assets like home, then it is a necessity. To add more value to your homes, invest in home insurance India. Home insurance is a safety net against any expenses incurred due to damage, theft, and other accidents. In case of any mishap, you can be assured that your insurer can make up for your expenses and loss.

Click HERE to know more about home insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is a list of medications you must carry on a trip

With today's working culture and daily hustle, travel is one way to unwind and relieve stress. Considering the various travel destinations and experiences, it is no surprise that people want to leave the comfort of their homes at least once a year to explore exotic places. However, you must have faced instances where you have fallen prey to common ailments on a trip, ruining your whole stay while your loved ones had the time of their lives.

It is very taxing to hunt for medicines in a place where you don't know the language and are a stranger. So, it is wise to make a medical kit where you keep medications for the most common ailments. This blog gives you a list of medicines you must consider carrying on a trip.

1. Antacid:
With a new, exotic cuisine to try, no one plans to walk around the trip with a stomach burn from acidity. So, an antacid is extremely important to carry on a trip to remain tension-free about all the new food you will savour.

2. Diarrhoea medicine:
Travellers often visit new and exciting places in remote areas to absorb fresh perspectives and quaint experiences. However, they face health issues while adapting to the food and water in these unfamiliar regions, creating an uncomfortable situation with diarrhoea. Carry anti-diarrhoea medicine in all of your travels to get rid of this problem.

3. Fever medication:
No tourist wants to lie in bed with a headache and fever instead of exploring a place's attractions, cultures, and heritage. Take a paracetamol pill and get going with your day as a quick fix to a jet lag-induced headache or joint pain.

4. Cough syrup:
Cough syrups are essential while going on a trip. No one likes a scratchy and congested throat while moving around the city, asking for directions, or ordering food. It's best to take one that does not make you sleepy to enjoy your trip to the maximum.

5. Laxative:
With all the new types of food you will be trying out, it's best to keep a laxative handy for the trip to avoid any complications with your digestive system.

6. Diabetic supplies, including insulin:
If you have diabetes, ensure to take all the medicines prescribed by your doctor along with you. It's best to make a separate package for all your medication for diabetes. If you take insulin subcutaneously, it is best to store it in a cold place.

7. Motion sickness medication:
Motion sickness is a problem that ails the majority of travellers. Take some over-the-counter medication with you just in case it decides to make an appearance.

8. Antihistamines:
Allergies can spring up on you at the worst of times, leaving you with itchy eyes and a scratchy throat. It's better to be safe than sorry and pack mild histamine for these issues.

9. Sleeping pills/mild sedative:
If you have trouble falling asleep in new places, consider taking some mild sedatives with you just in case. Ending up sleep deprived on a trip certainly reduces the magic of it, so it's best to have your beauty sleep and be active during the day.

Sickness during a trip is highly uncomfortable and can significantly spoil the trip's fun. And there might be complications that can leave everyone frustrated. Carry the medicines above with you and avoid health ailments affecting your vacation.

These were a few ways to keep your health sound, but what about the safety of your belongings during travelling? It's best to research travel insurance and get general insurance online quote to be stress-free during the trip and protect your travel with the best protection.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The top cycling tours in India you can try this monsoon

Cycling is not just a sport. It is also one of the healthiest habits one can develop, to keep one's mind and body in good shape. It's no wonder that cycling is a prevalent pastime among people after all these advantages. This way of travel is steadily gaining popularity among people of the new generation.

It is also a feeling that gives us nostalgic moments from our childhood. Cycling is an excellent way to spend time with yourself. Who doesn't want to cycle through the beautiful, frosty Himalayas, Meghalaya's lush green forests, or Udaipur's rich cultural city?

This blog has curated the perfect list of cycling tours in India to give you information on planning your next cycling trip!

1. Mangalore to Goa:
This scenic stretch of road along the coast of the Arabian Sea is one of the most breath-taking sites to see in the world. The quaint villages of the south will amaze you with the beauty in their simplicity, the waterfalls, temples, and national parks in the area are a bonus. Don't stop when you reach Goa. Visit all the key tourist sites on your bicycle to get the full experience of the trip.
This 350-kilometre trip might seem difficult, but with the right company for motivation, it will prove to be one of the best experiences of your life. This trip, on average, takes 06 days to complete.

2. Puducherry:
Going further south, there's nothing like cycling through the picturesque city of Puducherry (formerly known as Pondicherry). Dotted with the best of the post-colonial architecture of the French, this vibrant city has beautiful cathedrals, coffee shops, and, most importantly, the famed town of Auroville. Don't forget to book your ticket to Auroville in advance to gain a different perspective on spirituality in this renowned town of devotees from all around the globe.

3. Manali to Leh:
The stretch between Manali and Leh is the perfect route if you're looking for more of a challenge and less of a holiday. This endurance test will give you one of the most life-altering experiences. Manali is a charming city, popular among nature and adventure lovers alike. The way to Leh is the famed Rohtang Pass, at an altitude of 13000 feet. The majestic mountains and the scenic lakes are something to experience once in a lifetime. It is imperative to know that this trip pushes your limits and will require your full physical fitness. These are difficult roads to take, and it is best to research general insurance companies in India before planning your trip.

4. Shillong to Cherrapunji:
Moving to the beautiful northeast, Meghalaya is a mesmerising monsoon destination. With the drizzling rain pattering on the rich flora and fauna of the forests, it's a nature lover's dream come true. Meghalaya is a gorgeous yet primarily unexplored part of the northeast that should be on every cyclist's list. It is the perfect ride for the curious traveller with bountiful greenery and terrains. This 60-km journey might be difficult, but it is worth.

These cycling trips will surely be enjoyable and eye-opening experiences for individuals. It is worth riding up the hills, the jungles, and the cities' interiors. Before hopping on the seat, it is essential to wear all necessary safety gear like helmet, knee and elbow guards, and most importantly, do the servicing and maintenance of your bicycle.

It is stressful when there is uncertainty of an accident. Research the best general insurance companies in India for buying a travel insurance cover to stay protected and enjoy your trip without any worries of mishaps. You are now all set to get the wheels moving.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance companies in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the useful ways to deal with leakages at home

It is highly inconvenient to face water leakage in the home, be it a major one like a burst pipe or a steady drip from the tap. If not controlled in time, water leakage is expensive damage to deal with at home. It can waste gallons of water, but the maximum damage occurs if water seeps into the ceiling and destroys the walls and the paint job.

Our homes even face significant damage due to water leakage during monsoon. Heavy rainfall leads to leakages that get frustrating over time. This blog provides practical ways to deal with such leakages at home before calling an expert.

How to prevent a water leak:

Prevention is always better than cure. A few annual regular check-ups can prevent the hole in your pocket. Keeping this in mind, here are a few ways to check-up on your water pipes and supply to avoid massive repair work.

1. Keep your spidey senses on and feel around your home for areas with moisture or mould that might leak the plumbing. Inspect the most vulnerable parts of your home, including the roof and the walls, to check for any dampness.

2. The pipes exposed to the elements should be adequately insulated to prevent their material from eroding. Insulating material comes cheap, so this method is highly cost-effective.

3. A stopcock can stem the flow of the water supply around the house. Make sure to know the exact location of your stopcock to prevent flooding in the house due to a sudden burst pipe.

4. Install a water leak detection device at home.

Know how you can detect a leak:

To fix a water leak, you need to accept and inspect that it’s happening. The easiest way to check up on your plumbing is to check your water usage. If it has significantly increased, there might be a probability of a water leak. If this method seems too unsure for you, you can turn on the water supply without using water for an extended amount of time, say 02 to 03 hours and check if any water has been consumed. This is a sure sign that there is a leakage somewhere.

Ways to fix the water leak:

1. Turning off the water supply: The first step to prevent further damage to your home is to stop the water supply to the house and perform a thorough inspection.

2. Turning on the faucets to drain: If there is a significant leak in the house, the next best step is to drain all the water in the pipes and faucets. Start with the garden hose if you have one, and let the water run out.

3. Locate the problematic area: Go around the house checking for leakage, whether major or minor, and get it fixed.

4. Applying epoxy putty: Before this step, it is essential to wear latex gloves to protect your hands because hot epoxy putty can end up burning them. Epoxy putty is readily available in all hardware stores and can be a temporary fix to a leakage. Mound the epoxy putty well and apply a generous layer over the leaking pipe or tap.

Although epoxy putty is a helpful fix to many problems, it is ultimately beneficial if you can get a professional to fix this issue. If it’s a major plumbing problem, it might damage the ceiling or walls and can be extremely expensive to repair. Reliable house insurance India is always the best way to prevent these expenses from emptying your wallet. You cannot risk your belongings at the cost of water damage. Invest in the best house insurance and get advantages that will help you reap good returns on your investment.

Click HERE to know more about house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.