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Cold or a hot shower? Which one is best for you

Taking a shower is quite refreshing, especially after retiring from a hectic day or a high-voltage workout regime. The shower makes you feel better whether you prefer long, steamy stints or quick, frosty ones. While both hot and cold showers have their benefits, the optimal option is somewhere in the middle.

Let's discuss them one by one. First, let's talk about the merits and demerits of cold showers.


1. Recover after a workout:
Ice baths and cold showers have gained popularity in the fitness regime for post-workout recovery. Cold water possesses regenerative properties that help your muscles to repair after an intense workout.

2. Reduce itching:
Due to the cooling and anti-inflammatory properties of cold water, a cold shower can help lessen itching if you have sensitive skin.

3. Enhance your body's resistance:
The immune system experiences a mild stress response when exposed to cold water, which helps increase resilience. Therefore, your body may react better when attacked by an infection.

4. Protects your skin and hair:
Your skin and hair do not lose their natural oils when you take a cold-water shower. Pores are sealed shut by cold water, which tightens the skin. Additionally, it inhibits hair fall and is kinder to your hair.

5. It makes you more alert and energetic:
You are startled awake in the morning by the shower's cold-water spray hitting your body. This shock will make you more alert and energised by raising your heart rate and oxygen intake.


Taking a cold shower can make you feel worse when you're sick. You will feel colder and take longer to warm up if you already have a cold, cough, or fever. People with joint pain can face problems like cramps after having a cold shower.

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a hot shower.


1. Relax muscles:
After a workout, a hot shower might assist in relaxing the muscles and speed up healing.

2. Relieve respiratory symptoms:
A hot shower might be a helpful approach to relieve stuffy nose symptoms. This is due to the steam produced by hot showers loosening the mucus in your throat, nose, and chest.

3. Improve sleep:
According to research, a hot bath or shower before bed can help you sleep better quickly.


1. Taking hot baths might make your skin dry. When your skin comes into touch with extremely hot water, the keratin cells that make up its top layer are destroyed. Your skin becomes dry because moisture cannot be trapped.

2. Additionally, taking hot showers can make skin disorders like eczema worse. This is because hot water causes the skin to dry out excessively. Even if you don't have a skin issue, it might still make your skin itchy.

3. You should avoid hot showers if you have cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure. These issues might worsen if the water is excessively hot.

Which is best for your health – a hot or cold shower?

Showers, whether hot or cold, offer advantages of their own. If possible, take a warm shower before applying a moisturiser to your body while it's still damp. Cold showers can soothe irritated skin, while hot showers help relax the muscles and clear the nasal channel.

Sometimes, hot showers can cause skin problems as well. You can choose between the two depending on the weather and any health issues you may have. In the winter and when you are sick with a cold or fever, you should avoid taking a cold shower. If you don't enjoy chilly showers, ensure the water is lukewarm.

Keeping everything in mind, a person should prioritise his health, whether by having the right shower, doing daily exercise, eating a healthy diet, or purchasing the best health insurance plans in India for additional safety and medical emergencies. Health insurance will make you feel more prepared financially to deal with such circumstances and manage medical expenditures since treatment costs are rising daily.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance plans in India and safeguard your finances.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Binge eating disorder: Six innovative ways to control it

With changing circumstances and lifestyles, more people are prone to eating junk and unhealthy foods that can affect their behaviour adversely. Binge Eating Disorder, or BED, one of the most common eating disorders in the world, can tremendously affect your body.

The usual symptoms of binge eating disorder refer to excessive food consumption even when you're not hungry. The risk of Binge Eating Disorder in children and young adults is increasing with every passing day. This makes it a critical case of worry for everyone across the globe. The only optimum solution to this problem is regulating your eating habits. It is always beneficial to keep track of the best health insurance in India. This way, you will be covered health-wise wherever you go.

Let's look at the six practical ways to tackle BED.

1. Do not skip meals:
It is essential to adhere to a strict eating schedule throughout the day. The four-square meals a day are essential. None of them should be skipped at any point. If you skip a meal, you are more likely to have hunger pangs throughout the day.
This can stimulate cravings and give rise to binge eating. If you consume only one large meal throughout the day and binge eat in between, your blood sugar levels will also malfunction.

2. Drink water:
Hydration is one of the important characteristics of a healthy body. Water is essential in decreasing cravings. It helps in reducing overeating and maintaining a healthy weight. With an increase in water intake, hunger pangs will decrease as well. You should always pay attention to your body's call to thirst.
Although the level of water you should consume may depend on many factors, drinking water at regular intervals is a healthy habit to practise. Also, drinking water before meals can burn calories.

3. Practice meditation:
Mindfulness is a technique that involves being aware and fully present in the moment. Through mindfulness, you'll be able to listen to your body better. It is a great way to train your mind to avoid overeating.
It helps you understand what you are feeling and experiencing by making you understand your body better. It will also help you in processing your emotions well. When mindfulness is paired with cognitive behavioural therapy, the results are astonishing for BED.

4. Practice yoga:
Yoga is one of the most effective tools in reducing stress and anxiety in the body. With yoga, your body is trained to be emotionally stable. It involves meditation and breathing exercises that add to the overall development of the body.
It is noticed that people who have undertaken yoga in their lives enjoy reduced levels of stress. This can directly correlate to emotional stability and, thus, a reduction in emotional eating. It can significantly reduce the factors responsible for binge eating.

5. Clean the clutter:
The more organised your kitchen looks, the better. Take a day out of your schedule to eliminate all the extra clutter in your kitchen. Throw all the junk food away and replace it with healthy alternatives like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. It will clear your mind and make you more attentive toward healthier food items. Your surroundings will no longer trigger you, and you'll refrain from overeating junk food.

6. Work out for a while:
Physical exercise is highly crucial to your body. It can prevent binge eating to a great extent. Therapy alone cannot help BED patients. When paired with physical exercise, things get significantly different and better. Any physical exercise like swimming, running, biking, jogging, or playing sports can reduce binge eating. It is a step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Keep all the above pointers in mind when tackling Binge Eating Disorder. If you can follow these correctly, you can recover from BED. The battle is long and arduous but not impossible. Regardless, you should also consult with the best health insurance in India beforehand to keep you safe and secure and manage your finances well in any emergency.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Everything you need to know about hit-and-run accidents

Hit-and-run accidents are frustrating events where a driver causes an accident and flees from the spot to avoid getting into complications. In many such accidents, the driver and the vehicle causing the accident become untraceable even after reasonable efforts have been made to search for them by investigating authorities.

As per the 2020-21 report of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, around 14.3% of cases of the total accidents that occurred in India accounted for hit-and-run. Section 161 of the Indian Motor Vehicles Act outlines the guidelines and proceedings in case of a hit-and-run accident.

The victim of such an unfortunate event can get relief by applying for an insurance claim to compensate the damage done to the vehicle. Let us see what we should do to claim car insurance in case of a hit-and-run accident.

1. Note down all important details:
In a hit-and-run case, the aggrieved party should avoid running after the offending car to catch it. If you face a situation like this, your first immediate response should be noting down the car number and other possible details about the car and the driver that can help the police to track him down.
The same applies to a hit-and-run accident in the case of a parked car. You should try to find the registration number of the vehicle involved in the accident by going through all available CCTV footage of the vicinity.

2. Find witnesses:
In some situations, it is possible that you won't be able to spot the accused vehicle and the driver due to mental shock or other damages post-accident. In this case, try speaking to people present at the site and gathering as much information as possible about the vehicle and the driver that caused the accident and fled. This will help you recreate the scene and gather enough information to file a case.
If your car was hit while parked somewhere, try to find any possible witness of the accident. In either case, take the witnesses' names and phone numbers so they can testify for you and help you to get your car insurance claim.

3. FIR:
You must register a First Information Report or an FIR about the accident at the nearest police station to the accident site. The police will then investigate the case and prepare a report. The car insurance company will require a copy of the FIR to process your claim.

4. Procedure:
The first step after you get engaged in a hit-and-run accident is to inform your car insurance company about the accident. Then you need to file an application to the Claims Enquiry Officer of that Taluka. You can appoint an agent as your legal representative to handle the case. In case of death, your family or a legal representative chosen by them will look after the compensation process.
On being satisfied, the Claims Enquiry Officer will submit his report to the Claim Settlement Commissioner. He will further process the report and prepare a sanction report. The Claims Enquiry Officer will communicate the sanction order to the car insurance company.

5. Compensation:
Once the car insurance company is fully satisfied with the evidence and the report, it will cover the repair and replacement charges of the car as per the terms and conditions of the insurance contract. Other than the above compensation, the Central Government has also set up a hit-and-run insurance fund to compensate the victims of hit-and-run accidents.

The numbers of hit-and-run cases have been constantly on the increase in India. In such cases, the claim settlement process under car insurance is a bit lengthy. However, the police should give a report stating that the offender could not be traced before the insurance company settles the claim. Also, the complainant should prove that the offender was at fault and that the accident occurred due to his negligent driving.

Hit-and-run accidents can be terrifying and challenging to recover from. Hence, an active car insurance policy is essential for comprehensive protection. This will secure you and your family from any monetary losses from the accident and ensure that you safeguard your finances.

Click HERE to buy car insurance

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know when and how you can get your car’s engine tune-up done

An engine is the core of our car, and you would want it to be in perfect shape every time you turn on its ignition. An engine tune-up consists of checking, diagnosing, and fixing minor problems that come up in the engine with regular usage of the car. This process includes checking the spark plugs, wires, distributor caps, air filters, oil filters, fuel filters and wiring, etc.

Regular engine tune-up helps extend your car's life and increase its efficiency. Let's understand how you can get your car's engine tune-up done.

When do you need a tune-up?

The odometer is the first and foremost thing that can tell us that your car's engine needs a tune-up. If your car has completed the minimum number of kilometres specified by the vehicle manufacturer, after which an engine tune-up becomes due.

Other signs that can indicate that an engine tune-up is required are lack of power and pick-up, decreased fuel mileage, erratic running, problem in starting, malfunctioning lights flashing on the dashboard, etc.

How can you get your car's engine tune-up done?

You should always go to an authorised service centre recommended by your car manufacturer for an engine tune-up. Any outside service provider or mechanic should never do your car's engine tune-up, as it may null and void the engine warranty.

The basic steps for an engine tune-up are as follows:

1. Replacing plugs and wires:
The first step in an engine tune-up is thoroughly checking the ignition system and its functioning. The spark plugs, coils, plugs, wires, and any other electrical part that helps in the car ignition are to be inspected.
For example, ignition wires can break down or wear out with usage. It can result in misfiring, performance loss, rough idling, and, eventually, making your car cylinder dead. Similarly, we need to check whether the ignition coils are in good shape and working properly. It can also lead to engine misfiring, poor acceleration, low fuel mileage, etc.

2. Filter change:
There are various types of car filters, such as oil filters, fuel filters, air filters, and cabin filters. Timely cleaning of filters is essential for improving engine performance and efficiency. If the filters are dirty, the engine will toil hard to get the required air, fuel, or oil, thus making it choked and perform poorly.

3. Belts and hoses:
All hoses need to be checked as they transfer vital fluids across the engine. Any disruption in the hoses will result in engine malfunction. Similarly, we need to check various belts that help the engine to run efficiently as they wear down, turn brittle, crack and eventually break with time and usage.

4. Right liquids:
For a car engine to perform perfectly, it needs a variety of fluids in perfect proportion, such as engine oil, coolant, brake fluids, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, etc. There is a regular change interval for each of the fluids. The change also depends on your car usage.

If you use your car regularly and run around a lot, you will need to change these fluids frequently and vice-versa. If you do not change these fluids timely, they can lead to engine malfunction and even breakdown.

Regular and timely engine tune-up is very important for keeping your car fit. It ensures that your car runs efficiently and its heart- the engine is in perfect shape. It also helps to increase the life of your car.

To address the car's safety, you must purchase a private car insurance India policy. It protects your car from any damage or loss that it may suffer from fire, theft, accidents, natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, etc. It also provides coverage from third-party liabilities. Hence, you must choose the right insurance service provider to provide adequate coverage and protection in times of need.

Click HERE to buy private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Did you know that you can be charged a fine if found driving a car without mandatory accessories

Cars are almost our second home as we spend 2-3 hours daily commuting in them. Most of us love to go for different types of fancy car accessories available in the market. Accessories make our car ride comfortable and convenient. Also, they add style to the car and make it look sportier and cooler.

But, do you know that a few accessories are mandatory by law, without which you cannot drive on Indian roads and can be fined. Let us explain them to you:

1. High-security number plate:
High-security registration plate or HSRP is mandatory to be used on your car along with the colour-coded sticker that comes with it. We cannot install fancy number plates with fashionable fonts just to make our car look stylish and unique. HSRP has been made mandatory in India from 1st April 2019.
This number plate is made of aluminium and cannot be removed from a vehicle once installed. It also has a unique 10-digit permanent identification number (PIN), so it cannot be cloned or copied. If you do not have an HSRP on your car, you can be fined anywhere between INR 5000 to INR 10000, depending on your state. Also, repeat offenders can be charged a compounding fine of INR 5500.

2. Lights:
You will be surprised to know that there are rules regarding the various types of lights you use in your car. These lights include car headlights, sidelights, tail lights, and registration plate lights. According to the Motor Vehicles Act, functional headlights, sidelights, taillights, and registration plate lights are mandatory.
Non-functioning lights can make you go blind at night, or vehicles approaching from the other side may not see you. In either of the cases, you may meet with an accident. You can be fined if any of these lights are not working properly, as this can be hazardous for you and other vehicles on the road. .

3. Rear and side-view mirrors:
Rear-view mirrors are a mandatory accessory for your car as per sections 5 and 7 of the Central Motor Vehicles Act. You can be fined for not driving with a rear-view mirror. Similarly, police can penalise you if you drive around without side-view mirrors or if they are folded!

4. Horn:
Cars must have an electric horn that can warn other vehicles around them that they are approaching. Driving your car with a faulty horn can attract a fine of INR 500 for the first time and INR 1500 for every subsequent offense. However, the fine amount can vary from one state to another.

5. Wipers:
Wipers are essential because they are the key tools for visibility during heavy rains. Driving without wipers is illegal, and you can be fined for that. If you get stuck in heavy rain without a wiper, you will not be able to see anything in front of you clearly, and there will be a high chance of an accident.

You can have a long list of fancy accessories to make your car stand out from the crowd, however, you should not neglect the above list of mandatory accessories required by law. Travelling without them can attract fines and penalties.

Renewal of motor insurance timely is also mandatory by law. Driving your car for a day after your motor insurance expires is also illegal. Do not delay the renewal, as you can conveniently get online motor insurance renewal without visiting the insurance office. Be safe, be protected.

Click HERE to get the online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips to locate the best two wheeler dealer near you

Are you someone who is looking to buy a two wheeler soon? If yes, one of the important things you need to do is look for a trustworthy dealer. Purchasing a vehicle is always daunting as you have to pay close attention to the many aspects. A two wheeler is one of the best investments to make your life more comfortable and easier, and you must get the perfect deal from an auto dealer.

In addition to buying a two wheeler, it is also necessary to purchase two wheeler insurance. The best way to do this is to buy two wheeler insurance online and get exciting benefits that can protect your vehicle from all adversities.

So, as you have decided to purchase a new two wheeler, let's look at a few factors that can help you select the best auto dealer.

1. Type or category of the two wheeler:
While looking for a two wheeler dealer, you first need to focus on the type of vehicle. Since you can purchase either bikes or scooters nowadays, you should figure out whether the dealer sells those models of your choice. Scooters are more convenient to handle since they provide gearless riding experiences, automatic transmission, storage space benefits, etc.
Whereas bikes help you get better control, power, and handling. The bikes are more well-built for long and short distance rides, offering good fuel economy and a smooth riding experience. You should pay close attention to the dealer's collection, test-ride your favourite options, and then make a decision.

2. Budget:
The next important factor you must consider while selecting a two wheeler dealer is the budget. You should think beforehand about how much you are willing to spend on the vehicle. This aspect will also make it convenient for you to narrow down your options.
Two wheelers are available in different price ranges these days, and you should ensure the dealer has one that will fit your preferences. You should also consider your savings, tax costs, monthly expenses, etc., while buying a vehicle. In addition, you should have financial planning to buy two wheeler insurance online to help you in times of need.

3. New or Used:
The third important point you should pay close attention to while selecting a dealer is whether they keep new or used vehicles. If you are looking for a used bike, try your best to look for a dealer with an appropriate range of pre-owned vehicles and good ratings. Not just that, but you should also ensure the two wheelers they have are in good condition so that you may use them without any further hassle.

4. Look for customer reviews:
When looking for a two wheeler dealer, trust and customer service are paramount. You should always check the reviews and feedback of past customers before you make a decision.

Prepare a list of different dealers on the above parameters to make it convenient for you to figure out which one will best fit your requirements. It will also assist you in understanding who will be able to provide you with better facilities and options.

Although selecting one among various dealers may be challenging, you should do it thoroughly. Follow this checklist and look for a dealer that assures good after-sales service and reliable customer support. Do your research, compare different options, and then make a final decision. Don't rush into things, and most importantly, buy two wheeler insurance online to add a safety net to your newly bought vehicle.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Things to do if your car breaks down in the middle of a highway

As a car owner, you already know that a vehicle breaking down can be extremely frustrating. After all, they are machines! As a result, you should always try your best to stay prepared for the worst. And if you are in the middle of a highway, you may do a few things to ensure you are safe and protected.

Breakdowns in the middle of a highway can be challenging and cause nightmares. Let us take a closer look at a few steps to get the best benefits while minimising the trouble caused due to unexpected breakdowns.

1. Park your car on the side of the road:
The first thing you need to do when your car breaks down in the middle of a highway is to park your vehicle as soon as possible. It is necessary because it can cause traffic jams and invite accidents. Try your best not to panic and slowly pull the car aside.
Not just that, but you should also remember to turn on your hazard lights to notify the people behind you. This factor will also assist you in avoiding a traffic jam without any difficulty.

2. Call for help:
The second thing you need to do when your car breaks down in the middle of a busy highway is to call a mechanic or roadside assistance company for help. This will make it convenient for you since they send professionals to fix your vehicle or tow it to the nearest garage or service centre. If the issue is fixable, they will do it within a few minutes on the spot so that you are good to go and reach your destination safely.

3. Keep tools in your car and use them:
If you know how to check a dead battery or change a flat tyre, you will be able to fix minor problems without any external help. Always keep important tools in your car at all times. For example, if you get a flat tyre, having a jack and a spare tyre will help you to change it and get to your destination within a short period.

4. Alert the traffic:
If your car breaks down in the middle of a highway, it is crucial to constantly alert and divert traffic. Since the traffic will always be moving, immediately put a triangle with reflectors behind your car to caution other drivers about the breakdown.
In case you don't have reflectors in your car, you can find objects like bushes and stones to create a barricading around your car and use them as a signal to alert upcoming vehicles about your breakdown. This way, you can avoid the chances of accidents due to collisions.

Your car breaking down in the middle of the road can cause panic, but you should try your best to deal with it confidently and with swift actions. Stay calm and think about things thoroughly to acquire the best outcomes. Always take your car to the service centre and get it thoroughly inspected for any problems before you set on a trip.

Make a checklist of important factors to cross-check them before travelling. Get your car insurance renewal before the next premium is due and avoid the policy from lapsing. Services discontinued due to non-renewal can make you lose vital benefits in case of an emergency.

Click HERE to get your car insurance renewal done.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The perks of having the right windshield protection film on your car

Buying your dream car is only half the job done. Maintaining it properly is complex and time-consuming, but it is all worth in the end. Do you know that routine car windshield maintenance is one of car care's most overlooked aspects?

Your windshield gets chipped by a foreign object hitting it, reducing visibility and threatening your safety. You take precious time out of your day to get it fixed for an exorbitant price, only to have it break again at the mildest inconvenience.

This blog tries to understand better why a windshield protection film is a good investment for your car.

What is a windshield protection film, and how does it work?

Windshield protection films are generally made of 3 layers. The topmost layer is a protective layer that safeguards your windshield against scratches and prevents UV rays from entering the car and harming you. The second layer prevents the windshield from cracking, effectively acting as a shock absorber that distributes the force of the debris hitting it. The third layer is mainly for adhesive purposes.

Some of the perks of having a windshield protection film on your car involve the following.

1. Replacing a windshield can be heavy on the pocket:
Despite how easily the glass breaks when something heavy falls on it, the cost of replacing the windshield is not cheap. Also, if you have a luxury car, the windscreen may be connected to other systems in the vehicle, which may need recalibration, adding to the extra expense.
Driving with a cracked windshield is punishable by law. Save yourself additional expenses and avoid being tangled up on the wrong side of the law by installing a windshield at the earliest.

2. Maintaining the car's aesthetic:
Car enthusiasts know how important it is to make your car beautiful inside out. Just like you keep your car's paint job pristine, the tyres filled, and the inside clean, investing in a windshield protector that keeps the front of your car looking smooth is necessary.

3. Keeps you safe:
A cracked windshield can hamper your visibility to a great extent. This might lead to an accident and long-term damage to your car, or worse, you and your family. Also, a windshield protection film will decrease the chances of shattering in lousy weather conditions, such as cyclones or hail. It gives overall protection to your car.

4. Protects against UV damage:
UV rays damage the skin and retinas and cause long-lasting health conditions such as skin cancer and blindness. These films have the added advantage of blocking UV rays so that they can't enter the car and thus, resulting in better health.

Now you know the advantages of having the right windshield protection film on your car. It is vital to make a wise decision that meets your short-term and long-term goals for your car. Select the best windshield protector by discussing it with a trusted mechanic in your area. Just like you plan to upgrade your car's windshield, you need to consider upgrading the car's safety too.

You can achieve this by buying reliable car insurance. Before making the purchase, understand the new car insurance rates of different companies and their policies, and then finalise the one with the best coverage and rate.

Click HERE to know more about new car insurance rates.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best reasons why it is beneficial to fill your bike’s tyres with nitrogen

Filling your bike’s tyres with nitrogen will help you to maintain proper tyre pressure, which ensures that it runs smoothly under all riding conditions and terrains. Moreover, you can cover more distance per litre of fuel and considerably save on running costs. Also, correct tyre pressure ensures a better grip on the roads, which minimises the chances of a mishap.

You can also use compressed air to fill your bike tyres. One usually faces a dilemma of which one is better and why. In this blog, let us go through why filling your bike tyres with nitrogen is beneficial.

1. Longevity:
Compressed air seeps out of tyres much faster than nitrogen. While nitrogen usually stays in the tyres for almost a month, compressed air stays only for 10-15 days. Hence, if you fill your bike tyres with nitrogen, you will need to inflate them less frequently. Tyres will stay in shape for more days, saving you money and effort from continuously inflating the tyres.

2. Constant and uniform pressure:
Riding often during hot summer afternoons can increase the risk of a tyre bursting. The compressed air inside the tyre becomes very hot due to the high temperature. There is a higher level of water and oxygen in compressed air, which reacts with an increase in temperature. The air pressure increases due to heat, causing the tyre to burst.
Nitrogen is drier than regular compressed air and helps to retain constant and uniform pressure inside the tyre. It is more stable than compressed air and does not get heated up as quickly as regular air. Hence, the air pressure inside the tyre stays in control and does not shoot up with the heat. There is a much lesser chance of a tyre burst if it is filled with nitrogen.

3. Mix and go:
You don’t have to worry about refilling your bike tyre with nitrogen only every time you go for your tyre inflation. Compressed air and nitrogen can be mixed. Hence, you can always get your bike tyre filled with compressed air if nitrogen is not available around you. Also, nitrogen seeps out very slowly from your tyres in case of a puncture. You get sufficient time to get to a refilling station.

4. Savings:
Using nitrogen to fill your bike tyres helps save substantially on wear and tear costs. As mentioned, nitrogen keeps the tyres in good shape. It causes lesser rubber damage due to fatigue, and tyres last much longer. Also, nitrogen does not rust the metal tyre rim. Oxygen in the regular compressed air starts reacting with the moisture present in it, resulting in oxidation and rusting. So, with the use of nitrogen, the rim also lasts much longer, helping you save a lot of money in the long run.

Refilling our tyres with nitrogen is definitely more expensive than regular compressed air. But the overall benefits of using nitrogen are much more in the long run. We get a stable ride with a better grip and improved efficiency.

Similarly, buying bike insurance online is also more beneficial than buying it through regular offline channels. Bike insurance online provides us with a complete package of choice, comfort, coverage, and security, along with being economical.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the threats of smoking while driving

Driving is an activity that requires a very high amount of cognitive presence. As the number of accidents happening around the world becomes one of the leading causes of death, driving safely from one location to another should be an individual's primary concern while driving.

When the driver's mind is off the task of driving safely, the phenomenon is called distracted driving. Other signs of distracted driving are when the individual's eyes are not on the road or their hands are off the steering wheel. These activities significantly increase the risk of accidents and threaten the safety of everyone on the road.

Do you know that smoking cigarettes can cause distracted driving? With more and more people mocking drivers who use their phones while simultaneously driving, it should be common knowledge that cigarette smoking causes more distracted driving than using a phone. For instance, to smoke a cigarette, a driver has to;

1. Locate the cigarette pack. This might be difficult as it might be in the glove box, which further requires you to open it, or the back seat, which requires you to completely turn and look for the pack from the opposite direction of where you're supposed to look ahead.

2. Look for a lighter.

3. Light the smoke while still trying to keep your eyes on the road. It's already tricky to light a cigarette while driving, so it's accepted that there will be many unsuccessful attempts. This results in your concentration being broken for even longer.

4. Locating the ashtray to dispose of the ash and then discarding the cigarette will take even more of your time and demand your attention.

As per a study on the risk assessment of smoking habits while driving, it was concluded that the risk posed by distracted driving through the use of mobile phones is lesser than that of the use of cigarettes. It was observed that cigarette smoking resulted in about 12 seconds of distracted driving, while cell phone users averaged about 10.6 seconds.

Insurance claims:
Insurance claims are greatly affected by using cigarettes, even if you were not at fault. There might be a drunken or speeding driver who totaled your car from the rear end, and it might even be evident that you were not at fault, but your insurance claim is sure to suffer. Smoking while driving is seen as distracted driving, which is sure to affect your claim.

Health risks involved with smoking:
It has been known for a long time that smoking is detrimental to an individual's health and the people around them. However, nicotine dependence makes it very hard to quit. Even though the start is an innocent curiosity, it takes as little as 5 packs (100 cigarettes) to get addicted. And the more you smoke, the more receptors for nicotine form in your brain, and the more nicotine you need to get the same high.

Avoid putting your life at risk while in the car and practice healthy driving habits to stay safe in all situations. Invest in trustworthy motor insurance India and get an additional safety net for your vehicle to protect it from unexpected events and safeguard you from financial losses. Also, it is best to stop smoking altogether, or at least reduce your dependence on it to the degree that it doesn't affect your driving.

Click HERE to know more about motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Following are the annoying habits of drivers that you must know

Indian roads witness several incidents of massive accidents and crashes of vehicles every year. According to a report, the number of deaths per thousand vehicles in 2021 has risen from 0.45 to 0.53, meaning around 426 people die each day in road accidents. The main reason for road accidents is bad driving habits and negligence in following the traffic rules.

Bad driving habits also have an impact on your driving record, which can have a significant effect on your car insurance claim. Having a clean driving record is beneficial when making claims or buying insurance for your car. You should learn about all the lousy car driving habits and eliminate them to protect yourself and other drivers on the road.

Here are the most annoying driving habits that many drivers have.

1. Not driving in lanes:
It is a common car-driving habit seen in Indian drivers. Drivers lack lane discipline because they get improper training at car driving schools about the leftmost and rightmost lanes.

2. Tailgating:
Most drivers habitually fill the gap between their car and the car in front of them. Driving closely to another car is the most annoying as your car may hit other vehicles and cause traffic jams.

3. Wrong side driving:
Drivers often drive on the opposite side of the road when they find crowds or traffic on their side of the road. Driving on the wrong side of the road is a risky move to practice as it involves heavy chances of collisions.

4. Riding the clutch:
Feathering the accelerator while keeping the clutch pressed will damage the car's clutch cables, clutch plate, and pressure plates. You should avoid riding a clutch when you are on a busy road.

5. Not following traffic signals:
Most people skip the red light to reach their destination a minute earlier. However, hurrying for a minute can cost you a lifetime. Violating a traffic rule can get you into trouble, like getting a fine or challan and, worst case, your licence being suspended.

6. Not giving proper signals:
Some drivers need to consider giving indicators or hand signals more importance while making a turn or a forced stop. They suddenly take turns and put the vehicles from behind in extreme danger.

7. Using a phone while driving:
Texting or talking on mobile phones distracts drivers from the road, which causes them to meet catastrophic consequences. If you urgently want to talk to someone, then use the speaker and AUX facility of the car's music system.

8. Not wearing seatbelts:
Most people understand the importance of seatbelts, but some drivers don't wear seatbelts while driving on the road.

9. Driving under influence:
Alcohol and other toxic substances impair the driver's judgement and slow down the necessary responses for safe driving. Many drivers create a nuisance and chaos on the road due to intoxication and are the reason for choking the traffic.

10. Losing your composure:
Most road accidents happen because drivers lose their calm when they get stuck in traffic or encounter harsh driving by other drivers. Getting frustrated while driving can weaken your judgement, and you'll make wrong choices that might elevate your problems.

It is necessary to become responsible on the road and spread awareness about the annoying habits of drivers that may turn into fatal accidents on the road. You should also maintain a proper driving style to avoid paying higher premiums for car insurance. Follow the traffic rules and regulations to avoid putting your life and others in danger. It also helps you keep your driving record clean.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Have you ever wondered why travelling by road is the best way to explore places

Everyone from all ages and walks of life enjoys exploring new places, and there can be no better way to discover the best of India's exciting destinations than a road trip. Have you ever wondered why?

From city commutes to long-distance planning vacations, travelling by road has a special sentiment that binds travellers to its charm. After the restrictions for the pandemic have been lifted, travel by road has become all the more prevalent.

There are many reasons why road trips are considered the best way to travel. However, it is also important to prioritise your safety when taking up a road journey. Investing in personal accident insurance plans is the best way to do this. Go through the terms and conditions and understand the benefits offered if you ever find yourself in a problem and decide to claim your insurance.

Let's look at some of the perks of travelling by road to explore places.

1. It is more convenient and less stressful:
When you travel by road, you can connect with the quaint interiors of the country and visit offbeat places that can only be seen by road. Road journeys are convenient and hassle-free as you get the luxury to take as many pit stops as you want and enjoy your trip.

2. There will be no baggage issues:
When you're on a road trip, you will have the complete freedom to choose the luggage you carry with you. You will not be restricted to any limited baggage size or weight and can pack a significant amount of your wardrobe in your car.
This way, you do not have to repeat the same shirts on vacation. You can also carry things like a mini fridge or a large bag full of snacks and make your vehicle appear as a cool campervan.

3. It provides flexibility:
With road travelling, there is a lot of room for flexibility. You will not be restricted to any timings or protocols you must follow. The restrictions can take the fun out of travelling. But, when you have a personal vehicle at your service, you do not have to wait for public transport to take you to places. You can venture into the unknown without any questions asked.

4. They are easy on the pocket:
Road trips are easy on your pocket, especially when travelling with a group. As the pandemic restrictions are lifted, the cost of travelling by air or train has increased significantly. Although the fuel prices are high, they can still be lower than the cost of travelling by other means. Apart from that, the fuel cost will be equally divided when travelling with friends.

5. An immersive experience:
Travelling by road offers a myriad of experiences that are second to none. The long stretch of national highways, good inter and intra-state connectivity, plush food and shopping options, thrilling countryside roads, mountains, etc., make road trips exciting. Watching the sunrise next to the highway and sipping tea as you move towards your destination is a fantastic feeling that only road journeys can offer.

You should plan at least one road trip a year to better understand what makes exploration by road unique. Road journeys, rather spontaneous than planned, are one of the most memorable experiences. Take your friends or family along or plan it solo, just pick a destination and set off to discover places where roads lead to perfect moments.

No matter where you travel, you should always abide by the traffic rules, wear seatbelts, and carry all the essential documents. It is advisable to ensure your safety on roads and invest in personal accident insurance plans that can cover your medical expenses if ever you meet with an accident. With all this said, get ready to conquer the roads and absorb the vibrancy of places to make unforgettable memories.

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few basic hand gestures or signals commonly used by bikers

One adorable aspect of motorbikes is the sense of excitement that quickly emerges once you start riding. By sharing this passion for bikes, scooters, or both, you may instantly connect with other riders you've never met before from all walks of life.

Riding with a group of passionate bikers is a mesmerising experience, and it never fails to give you the kick you always expect from touring in a group. Staying connected and ensuring clear communication while riding is crucial to keep the entire group organised with proper coordination. Well, this can be achieved by a few basic hand gestures and signals that riders use to communicate their message to the group.

As we know, action speaks louder than words. Similarly, communicating through actions or gestures is the best way to interact with the group while on tour.

Here are some basic motorcycle hand signals commonly used by the bikers.

● Increase speed: Swinging your left arm up and out straight.

● Slow down: Swing your left arm to your side with the palm facing down, straight out in front of you.

● Right turn: Right arm extended, bent at a 90-degree angle, and clinched.

● Left turn: Left arm and hand extended, palm downward.

While not the most thrilling signs, it's important to understand these basic gestures and use them wisely.

Newest rider in the group:

You might have little riding experience if you recently bought a bike or scooter and joined a biker's community. It becomes daunting at first to create bonding and synergy with the group, but as time goes on and with every new trip, you start vibing with the gang.

But as a new two-wheeler owner, you may have little riding experience and fear the chance of accidents. Therefore, when you purchase a new bike or scooter, be careful to choose a comprehensive bike insurance policy to safeguard your asset. You can also select specific add-ons to strengthen the coverage, providing peace of mind while riding.

Easy-to-Use group ride signals:

● Follow me: Straight up from the shoulder, left arm, palm outward.

● Road hazard: Use your left hand to indicate the left side and your right foot to indicate the right side.

● Fuel: Left arm extended, pointing to tank with extended finger.

● Stop: Left arm down, and palm turned back.

● Comfort stop: Extending the left forearm, clenching the fist in a quick upward and downward motion.

● Refreshment stop: thumb to mouth, fingers closed. Particularly during long-distance trips, where frequent rest stops are necessary.

A few less common hand signals used by the riders:

● Pull off: Pull off with the left arm set up for a right turn and the forearm angled toward the shoulder.

● Come: Swing in an arc from the back to the front with the left arm extended 45 degrees upward, palm forward pointing with the index finger.

● Single file: Straight up the index finger and left arm.

● Double file: Left arm with the index and middle fingers extended straight up.

If you want extra points, use these signals to organise your group or to impress your fellow riders. Although these signals aren't quite as amazing as the "wave," which make your group rides more entertaining and safer. Please heed the following advice and don't worry.

But before you head out on a bike trip, it is important to thoroughly get your bike serviced and fix the problems, if any. Validate all your essential documents like driving licence, PUC, and bike insurance. If your bike insurance has expired, immediately renew it to get reliable coverage for your bike throughout your trip.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance for your new bike.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few top motorcycle welding tips to get the best results

Motorbikes have been an essential mode of travel for decades now. They are not only cost-effective but also justify the style quotient. Most people like customising their motorbikes and replicating their creativity on their bikes. And, welding is one of the best ways to make customisation easy.

If you like customisation, welding is an activity you can enjoy. Instead of toying around with your motorbike to the garage, you can do it yourself. You'll not only save a few bucks this way, but you'll also have a chance to design your bike in the way you want.

If you are a beginner, fret not! Follow this article to learn more about welding. We have listed all the information that will help you get the best results for your motorcycle welding. Additionally, you should also keep in mind that your motorcycle is precious to you, and you should have bike insurance that secures it at all times. This way, even if something unexpected occurs, you'll have something to fall back upon.

What is motorcycle welding?

Welding typically refers to the fusion or culmination of two materials. Either plastic or metal can be used for welding purposes. Metal is used most commonly.

The popularity of motorcycle welding has reached new heights in recent years. Most customised bikes that grace the roads have some modified motorcycle frames created through welding. Nowadays, most people have also taken it up as a hobby to get their hands dirty and give their motorcycle a fresh look.

Tips for effective welding:

The various tips and tricks that you can follow for effective motorcycle welding are as follows:

1. Manage contamination:
The surface plays a crucial role in welding and should be prepared in advance. You should ensure that it is free of contamination, like dust, dirt, or rust. Contamination can hinder welding quality, and many issues can occur if the weld penetrates the base material altogether.

2. Heat management:
Heat management is crucial for effective welding. The thinner materials or panels can be greatly affected by heat. It can even distort several frames if they're too thin. All in all, the heat levels should be checked at all times. If the welds are out-of-position, you should weld in the uphill direction. Due to this, the heat will be distributed evenly without any issues.

3. Be prepared for pipes:
If you're a beginner at motorcycle welding, you'll probably not know about welding pipes. Pipes are used majorly for all the frames used in motorcycles. However, it is noteworthy that welding a pipe is tricky and cannot be treated like a normal weld. It is difficult to fully weld around the circumference of a pipe without committing a mistake. You can try welding the pipe separately a few times to tackle this problem. Another way is to find equipment that will rotate the pipe while your welding machine stays in place. Either way, you'll be able to tackle the pipe welding problem.

If you're a fan of experimentation, welding can work wonders for you. It is important to have a clear idea about motorcycle welding before diving into it. You should remember all the tips and tricks to derive the expected outcome. Stay alert and ensure your and your bike's safety during welding parts. Always wear gloves and a face shield to protect yourself from getting injured. You should also look after your bike's safety and ensure that you don't damage any part of the internal machinery while welding. Purchase bike insurance to compensate in case of damages done due to accidents.

Click HERE to buy reliable bike insurance to provide the best coverage to your bike.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the consequences of installing pressure horns and modified silencers on your bike

Many young bikers love to install pressure horns and modified silencers on their bikes to show off, seek attention, stand out in a crowd, and make their presence felt. It is their style statement and a way of saying they have arrived.

However, people around you can get distracted and panicked when you suddenly blow your high-decibel pressure horn in a crowded street. They may lose their balance and control, may swerve, and meet with an accident.

Here are the consequences of installing pressure horns and modified silencers on your bike.

1. Fines:
The Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 is an act that consolidates and amends the laws that govern motor vehicles and their running in India. According to the amendment of section 190(2) of the Motor Vehicles Act in the year 2019, causing air and noise pollution by installing pressure horns and modified silencers on your bike can attract a penalty of up to Rs.10000/- and imprisonment of up to six months. This fine will be imposed if your pressure horn or modified silencer produces more than 80 decibels of noise.

2. Functioning and mileage:
Other than attracting fines and penalties, we should also consider the consequences of installing pressure horns and modified silencers on the functioning of our bikes. Pressure horns create undue load on the battery of our bike. It can make it weak and damage it in the long run. If we have not used the bike for long and the battery is not charged, using the pressure horn in stationary mode can kill the battery. You will not be able to use the self-start option in this case and get stuck.
Installing modified silencers may sound cool, but it can worsen the mileage of your bike by around 15%-20%. Modified silencers directly impact the engine pulling capacity of your bike. You may need to go for an engine tuning too. An acceleration tuning setting of your engine due to a drop in its pulling power can lower the mileage of your bike.
Modifying silencers will also involve changing the original angle of the exhaust opening. This may increase the total length of your exhaust pipe and the number of bends in it. Both cases lead to a lowering of the velocity of gases movement in the exhaust, resulting in a higher generation of emissions. Higher emission means higher fuel consumption.
Hence, be ready to shell out more on your fuel cost with modified silencers. Also, it can damage your bike engine too in the long run.

3. Drain on your wallet:
No modification to your bike comes for free. The same applies to installing pressure horns and modified silencers on your bike. A pressure horn can cost double the regular horn in a bike or even more. Garages charge hefty amounts starting from INR 2500 and above for silencer modification of your bike.

Installing pressure horns and modified silencers on bikes is usually a style statement for the young generation. Bike enthusiasts love to fiddle with their bikes and make them look fancy. Customising the bike can make you stand out in the crowd. However, such modifications pose a negative impact on the environment and people. We should understand that high noise emission often leads to nuisance creation on the roads and disturbs people around us.

As a responsible driver and law-abiding rider, always follow the traffic rules and avoid the above modifications, which may land you in trouble. Also, be sensible to have two wheeler insurance online India to avoid any financial hassles against mishaps and accidents. Premium amounts can be easily compared between various policies and involve no paperwork. Also, it secures and covers you like any other offline policy without compromising quality.

Click HERE to buy your two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn about the best tips for ensuring the safety of maintenance workers

Maintenance workers are a highly underrated and neglected section of any organisation until a problem arises. Their day-to-day work requires many risky tasks as they have to come close to machinery or processes and repair them.

Such activities may include the disassembly and reassembly of complicated machinery. The chances of accidents are always high for them as maintenance activities are usually unplanned and involve the possibility of human error.

Let us learn about the best tips for ensuring the safety of maintenance workers.

1. Plan and stick to a schedule:
Maintenance activities should always be planned in advance so that workers get time to do a risk assessment and be mentally prepared for it. A regular safety check schedule should be put in place so that the maintenance workers know in advance the potential hazards of the task.
The tools and personal protective equipment (PPE) should be checked for safety on a routine basis. Proper planning and making a schedule for safety checks will also help the maintenance workers to sharpen their work skills according to the specific needs of the task.

2. Authorisation:
The proper authorisation should be in place for the operation of critical machinery. Only a few should have authorised access to critical work areas or permission to go near critical and complicated machinery. Power should be turned off when the machines are not working. The proper authorisation will ensure that no one turns on machinery or part of it while the maintenance workers are working on it.

3. Appropriate equipment:
The management should ensure that the maintenance workers have the appropriate equipment to perform their tasks. The workers should also consistently check on their equipment, whether a small drill machine or a welding machine. It should not happen that equipment fails to operate while performing a maintenance process and puts the worker and his team in danger.
The management must also ensure that they constantly upgrade and modernise the equipment to match the need of the hour and are not obsolete.

4. Working as a team:
Maintenance works are usually sudden and critical in nature. They come up when something important, such as the main production process, has stopped. The maintenance workers should work as a team because a lack of coordination in maintenance activity may lead to accidents and injuries.
The team should follow all the required safety processes and protocols. Also, they should do a thorough after-use check of all the critical equipment and tools they use. This will ensure the tools are fit for the next maintenance assignment.

5. Final checks and inspection:
The maintenance workers should thoroughly inspect the repair work they have performed. They should do a trial run of the machine only after they are fully satisfied with their work and are sure that everything is back in order. This will ensure their safety as otherwise, they may meet with an accident in case of incomplete repair work.

Maintenance workers are an essential part of an organisation's workforce. They put their lives at risk to fix the errors and bring back life to the stopped processes. While ensuring the safety of the maintenance workers, any company must also go for public liability insurance. It will protect the company if any third-party liability arises from accidents, injuries, or property damage.

Public liability insurance prices vary with a business's individual needs and the scale of its operations. One should compare the prices of policies available with different service providers and then make the purchase decision accordingly.

Click HERE to learn more about public liability insurance prices in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to survive long bus journeys and make them more enjoyable

Have you ever taken a long bus journey and gotten bored? Long bus journeys may sound exciting but are extremely challenging as you need to sit in the same position for many hours, causing boredom and fatigue. Hence, you should be prepared to make your journey comfortable and enjoyable in every possible way. If you're looking for tips to do that, this is an article for you.

Looking for good general insurance plans to improve your traveling experience and safer than usual should always be a priority. It will also keep everything in check and provide seamless benefits to protect your belongings while travelling.

A few tips to make the bus journey more enjoyable and less troublesome are as follows:

1. Opt for a night bus:
A night journey is far more comfortable than a morning one. Bus journeys at night are better due to less traffic and noise, and most importantly you save one whole day.

2. Choose comfort:
Make sure you wear comfortable clothes that are easy to move around in. If it is summer, opt for cotton clothes. During winter, make sure to wear enough warm clothing to keep yourself protected. If you're travelling in an air-conditioned bus, ensure you have blankets or shawls ready in your bag.

3. Keep things handy:
Some essentials like medicines, water, tissues, neck pillows, and socks, among others, should always be accessible to you. Quick munchies or snacks like biscuits, chocolates, dry fruits, etc., can be a great relief to withstand hunger during long bus journeys.

4. Keep an eye on your belongings:
It is extremely important to keep a good eye on everything you carry. Make sure that all your cash is not stored in the same place. Do not keep your handbag away from your eyesight.

5. Entertainment to pass the time:
Long bus journeys can take a big toll on your mood and mental peace, and only keeping yourself entertained and engaged can be the best resort. You should have all the entertainment devices packed beforehand. If you're into reading, carry your favourite book with you. You may also plug in your headphones, get lost in the musical nirvana, and feel every beat excites you as the bus moves.

6. Keep your composure:
Many things at play in a long bus ride can disrupt your peace. For instance, a crying baby, loud music, people, etc. The frustration of a tiring journey can outburst if you feel irritated by these disturbing noise sources. You need to find ways to remain calm and sane.

7. Stay hydrated:
It is essential to keep yourself hydrated throughout the long bus journey. Do not consume a lot of caffeinated drinks, as it can lead to discomfort later. Drinking enough water will help you stay fresh and energetic.

8. Book a sleeper coach bus if possible:
It is preferable to book a sleeper coach bus rather than a seater or semi-sleeper. Sleeper seats are convenient for passengers to travel with comfort and put less stress on their bodies. You can enjoy your small private cabin space in a sleeper bus and feel at home, especially when covering longer distances.

Although a bus journey can be very difficult to sit through, with proper planning, you can make things fall in your favour and, indeed, have a pleasant journey. The roads to beautiful destinations like mountains or countryside, among others, are magnificent in every possible way.

Sitting for long hours can develop boredom, health issues, and fatigue, but with the above tips, you can overcome all the stress and stay enthusiastic until you reach your destination. In all the hassle, it is crucial to prioritise your safety while travelling. As discussed earlier, purchase a good travel insurance by looking for general insurance plans to safeguard you and your belongings during the journey.

Click HERE to look for the best general insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the best ways to drive peacefully and avoid road rage in India

Having your vehicle is the best way to reach your destination, commute to work, or go on a trip, but sometimes the road traffic conditions become unfavourable. These situations arise for various reasons, such as traffic jams, accidents, faulty traffic signals, etc., and it's impossible to dodge such traffic woes.

But, as a result, some intolerant drivers display aggressive behaviour on the road and risk the safety of pedestrians and fellow drivers. Road rage is a common incident experienced daily, which is a serious issue to resolve.

Road rage can pose a threat to you, and you must follow various prevention tips to avoid it and drive safely. Also, you can save yourself from car damage costs by insuring your vehicle with the best motor insurance company in India.

Here are some of the best ways to avoid road rage and drive your vehicle peacefully and efficiently.

1. Follow road safety rules:
One of the main reasons for road rage is that people ignore road rules and regulations. Jumping signals, avoiding indicators while driving, or wrong-side driving can result in vehicle collisions. It also increases the chances of road arguments, fights, and sometimes worsening situations.
However, you must remember that you are not the only one driving on the road. When you take charge of the steering, you become responsible for your co-passengers and fellow drivers' safety. Even if another negligent vehicle is coming your way, you must let them go. Avoid trying to overtake them by keeping your ego aside and maintaining your cool.

2. Stay calm while driving:
Some drivers become aggressive while driving, leading to road rage and chaos. So, you need to know how to remain calm in such situations. If you stay composed and focused, it also helps to reduce panic and accidents. If you get trapped in a tricky situation, try not to get stressed or hyper. Refrain from getting into arguments with other drivers. Instead, try to handle the situation peacefully.

3. Maintain a safe distance from fellow drivers:
You must know the correct distance between your vehicle and others. Sometimes people ignore the safe distance and drive very close to other cars. When the vehicle in the front applies sudden brakes, and you do not maintain a safe distance, it will cause you to collide with them.

4. Manage your time:
You must know the importance of your time and manage it wisely to avoid the last-minute hassle. If you leave your home late to go to the office or anywhere, you will be in a hurry and drive very fast. Over-speeding and rash driving are leading causes of accidents and road rage. So, it would be best if you moved early to your destination to avoid the rush.

5. Ignore the person who tries to fight:
Some people on the road are short-tempered and always try to argue with other drivers. If you come across such a person, avoid road rage by ignoring him. Stay calm, have a smile on your face, do not get out of your car to settle the matter, and try to resolve your issue with apologies and move on.

6. Get your insurance:
It is mandatory to have motor insurance for every vehicle owner in India. It will protect you from car damage, mishaps, and undesirable situations. If you do not have a car insurance policy, you must buy one from the best motor insurance company in India.

Everyone wants to drive safely, but sometimes people misunderstand the right way of driving and engage in road rage. You must follow the tips mentioned above to avoid such situations and travel to your destination without chaos. Also, educate others with these tips to minimise the rising cases of road rages in India. Lastly, ensure that you purchase reliable insurance coverage for your vehicle from a trusted motor insurance company in India.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best motor insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know the reasons why buying a used two-wheeler is better than a new one

If you are somebody who wants to invest in a scooter or a bike, you should first figure out if you wish to purchase a new or used vehicle. It will help you to narrow your searches by a large margin.

Not just that, buying a used two wheeler will also save you a significant amount of money. If you are a first-time buyer, you may not understand why a used vehicle can be a good option. In this blog, we will discuss a few reasons you should consider buying an old two wheeler rather than a new one.

Meanwhile, whether buying an old or new bike, understand that it is crucial to protect your vehicle with the best two wheeler insurance in India.

1. Getting bikes or scooters at half the price:
One of the main reasons you should select a used vehicle over a new one is the price difference. You will be able to get your favourite bike or scooter for half the price, making it convenient for you to get the best deal.
So, you should make a detailed list to narrow your choices and filter them as per your requirements and budget. Compare the offers of different dealers and pick the one that suits you best.

2. Getting in contact with the best dealers:
When you start looking for used bikes or scooters, get in touch with trustworthy dealers. Since several dealers are selling pre-owned vehicles, reputed dealers are the ones who have a wide range of well-maintained models with competitive prices. You can choose one that will fit your needs the most.
Not only that, but an experienced dealer will also ensure the two wheeler is safe and secure. If you select the best dealer, they will also provide you with other benefits, such as insurance, post-care services, etc. In addition, they will also help you acquire a bank loan for a pre-owned vehicle, if required.

3. Appropriate professional check-ups:
Good dealers have their panel mechanics who ensure that bikes and scooters are safe to drive before they go out on the road. Not just that, but they also examine the two-wheeler for rust and change the parts with new and genuine ones for an improved rider experience.
You may also ask them to look at all these improvements and alter them if needed at the time of buying. In addition to that, they will also assist you in taking the bike or scooter out on a test drive to determine if it is best suited for you.

4. Price negotiation is available:
If you are looking for a two-wheeler within a budget, it is best to opt for a used one since price negotiation is readily available. If you already know everything about the bike you want to buy, you can make an offer based on your budget.
Multiple dealers nowadays provide options to help you acquire the best price for your choice of vehicle. Because of this, it will be easy for you to save a lot of money in a short amount of time.

For novice riders, it is always a good idea to ride used two-wheelers and train themselves professionally before purchasing a new one. Used two-wheelers will give you better opportunities and options to go around and get your favourite bike home at affordable prices.

Whether buying a new or old one, it is important to purchase two wheeler insurance. It is mandatory by law to have insurance to ride legally in India. Buy the best two wheeler insurance in India and promise your two wheeler a reliable safety net.

Click HERE to buy the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about the dying bike clutch that needs an immediate replacement

Is this your first time owning a bike? If so, you may not know how to detect a dying clutch. A clutch is one of the most crucial parts of a vehicle that connects and disconnects the engine to the transmission system.

It is one of the main working parts that needs your close attention. A malfunctioning clutch may cause serious harm to your vehicle.

Here are a few factors that can help you to detect if the clutch needs an immediate replacement.

1. The bike and the engine start at different speeds:
One of the main aspects that can help you notice a malfunctioning clutch is when your two-wheeler and engine start working at two different speeds. This is known as clutch slippage. You will be able to notice it when you start your vehicle and accelerate, it will run slowly, but the engine will be at high speed.
Since the friction in the clutch gets reduced over time, it becomes more challenging for the disc to hold on to the flywheel and pressure plate. It, in turn, makes it hard for the engine to transfer energy. You should pay attention to this symptom immediately, or it can lead to some major damage to your bike.

2. Reversing the gears becomes challenging:
The second factor that will make it evident for you to notice a dying clutch is when reversing becomes more challenging. In such a situation, you will not be able to get in or out of third gear, making riding comparatively worse for you. Since it only happens when your clutch is dying, it will help you realise that your two-wheeler requires servicing.

3. Clutch pedal makes noise:
When you depress or release the clutch, the clutch pedal starts making noise. You may also feel vibrations on your bike with shifting the gear, which might indicate a worn-out clutch. Not just that, but the clutch also makes a sound when the lubricant that helps it run dries up. Hence, you should get your vehicle checked by a mechanic to get the problem solved.

4. Clutch creates a burning smell:
Another factor that can help you spot the malfunctioning clutch is when it starts giving a burning smell. It happens when the slipping machine causes friction, which increases the temperature gradually.

5. Avoid aggressive downshift and riding on clutch:
Many riders have a strange habit of aggressive downshifting even when it is not needed or can be done better and more smoothly. These sudden and aggressive downshifts put pressure on the clutch system, and it gradually wears out.
Riding for a long time with a half-clutch pressed is not recommended. Use the clutch only at the time of gear shifting and avoid riding with the clutch engaged at all times.

6. Reduced fuel consumption:
Clutch problems significantly impact the mileage of your bike. A worn-out clutch puts pressure on the gearbox, further lowering the engine's performance due to the excess fuel required to generate power. This reduces the mileage of the bike and even impacts the quality of the engine over time.

Do you wish to drive in a way that will help you stay secure? If yes, you should take care of your bike's clutch regularly. One of the best ways you can do this is with the help of mechanics and regular servicing. Another proactive way to ensure your bike's safety is purchasing bike insurance online. Get affordable deals, enhanced coverage, and exciting benefits that make your life less stressful and financially sound.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is it legal to get your car windows tinted

The demand for passenger cars has continued to grow each year due to economic growth, the production of affordable vehicles, and driving convenience for the public.

However, with the rise in vehicle ownership, an inevitable increase in traffic and stricter rule enforcement have followed. It is essential to follow the rules to protect the passengers and the vehicle. For instance, purchasing a car insurance cover is one of the first things that you must do after buying a car to protect the vehicle from damages and reduce the financial burden on the owner. The car insurance price in India is reasonably set depending on usage, model, and engine cc and covers any contingent damages.

It is also essential to follow the rules laid down by the RTO. Often, car owners get their windows tinted, a practice restricted by the authorities. This blog discusses the issue and the consequences of not following the regulation.

What are window tints, and why are they needed?

If you are unaware of the term, it may be because your car does not come with pre-existing tinted windows. Placing a thin laminated film on the inside or outside of windows is common in automobiles and glass buildings, which results in tinted windows.

The thin barrier prevents harsh sun rays from entering the room or the vehicle, thereby minimising the heating. Since sunlight is known to penetrate glass easily, it not only heats the interior but may also cause damage to the seats or furnishings. Apart from sun protection, it provides the added benefit of privacy by minimising visibility from outside.

To sum up, tinted windows are a beneficial addition to cars since they protect the car's interiors from heating up, reduce the risk of damage due to direct exposure to sunlight and also provide passengers privacy.

Why does the RTO restrict the use of tinted films?

The RTO only allows a percentage of tinting that is permitted on laminated films for use on car windows. By following the limits, car owners can safely and legally protect their cars from the heat.

The significant risk of using tinted films is the reduced visibility to drivers. Driving requires the complete focus of the driver and the proper functioning of all his senses to ensure safety on the roads. Depending on the tint percentage, these films can severely hinder the driver's visibility and lead to accidents.

Are window tints illegal?

According to the judgement passed in 2012, the RTO has approved sun control films on windows that provide a minimum of 70% visual light transmission on the front and rear glasses. The side glasses must have minimum visibility of 50%. Some automobile manufacturers also provide the option of installing RTO-approved car glass films.

Penalty on tinted car windows:

If you install tinted films that are not following the RTO's guidelines, you may be fined INR 100 for your first violation. If found for the second time, the fine increases to INR 300. The subsequent breach is fined INR 300, along with the cancellation of the driver's licence. While tinted windows are not illegal, it is necessary to abide by the rules established by the authority to prevent one from getting into legal trouble.

Car insurance is a crucial investment tool that offers comprehensive coverage to the owner if the car gets damaged in an accident. Purchase one for your car by browsing through different plans online and looking for the best car insurance price in India.

But, not following the RTO-issued guidelines on tinted windows or road safety may cause you to encounter the rejection of your car insurance claim. Stay alert and avoid yourself from landing into any trouble.

Click HERE to check out for the best car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How do major floods impact the premium of motor insurance

There is no denying the importance of having the most comprehensive and cost-effective motor insurance policy that fits your needs and finances. Though in all of this, let's not forget that the insurance policy's premium can be affected by several things, natural disasters being among the most significant.

Since many readers seem to lack even the most fundamental understanding of how large floods might affect the cost of your car insurance, that's what we'll be discussing today.

When your vehicle is damaged in a major flood:

The first thing you should do after a flood is contacting your motor insurance company. They should make the necessary arrangements to restore your vehicle. Floods affect many people and their vehicles all at once, so you'll want to act quickly. It's important to file your claim immediately; the longer you wait, the more damage you'll likely incur. However, remember that major floods can make insurance companies slow down as the other drivers may be filing similar claims at the same time. This makes the claims process difficult for insurance companies.

If your insurance company provides a claim based on a flood, you may see your premium increase or lose on the NCB (No Claim Bonus) benefits. Most insurance companies won't increase the premium immediately, and also it may take longer for the claim to be cleared.

Methods used to calculate flood-risk zones:

Flood-risk zones are areas prone to frequent floods. These zones are often identified in the form of maps. There are many ways to determine a flood zone, and each type has its own conditions.

Flood insurance premiums are based on the probability that a vehicle will be damaged due to flood. The probability is usually between 0.2% and 1.0%. The risk to a vehicle's value depends on the location within the flood zone and the severity of the flood.

Effects of large flood events on premiums:

In the last decade, weather-related catastrophes have increased in frequency and severity, posing considerable challenges for the insurance industry. And the effects of climate change are expected to accelerate this upward trend, further affecting insurers' bottom lines.

Large flood events can cause motor insurance companies to reduce their payouts by reducing the number of claims they pay. Insurers also limit their payouts by restricting coverage for high-risk events. This, in turn, increases pressure on governments to invest in flood prevention and to provide compensation to those affected.

Floods are events that cause significant damage to vehicles, from expensive repairs to a total loss. They reduce the vehicle's value, and only comprehensive motor insurance can help you deal the best with these losses. If you reside in a flood-prone area, you need to consult your insurance company to see if they can cover the cost of repairing the vehicle. You may even consider buying add-ons like Zero Depreciation cover, Non-Claim Bonus (NCB), Engine protection cover, Roadside Assistance cover, and more to further lower the impact of flood damage and provide broader coverage. If you live in a flood-prone area, then you always need to be on your toes and up-to-date with safe and reliable financial instruments like insurance to make damages appear less daunting.

Click HERE to buy comprehensive motor insurance for your car.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's why triple riding in India is a violation and should be avoided

In a country like India, a two-wheeler is one of the convenient options for commuting. It is affordable and preferred by the majority of people. As the cost of fuel prices is soaring high, two-wheeler has become people's favourite. Most people in India prefer a two-wheeler for all their travel needs.

However, an average Indian family consists of a minimum of three members, which makes it challenging to travel by road on a two-wheeler. A two-wheeler is designed to keep the needs of two people in mind, and using it for triple riding can be dangerous. When three people travel in a single vehicle, the risks increase manifold.

In this article, we will discuss why triple riding in India is a violation and should be avoided.

Furthermore, you should always have 2 wheeler insurance to help you tide over unwanted circumstances. It will ensure the safety of your vehicle at all times and prevent it from any financial harm during emergencies.

Why is triple riding prohibited in India?
Whenever roads are heavily congested by traffic, things ought to get complicated. India is no exception. It is the second most populated country that still lags in road planning and spacing. This leads to numerous road accidents daily. Henceforth, to tackle this problem, the Indian government has come up with a set of stringent traffic rules and regulations, including triple riding.

The main traffic rules related to triple riding via a two-wheeler are:
● Only two people, including the driver, should be allowed to sit on a two-wheeler.
● Both driver and pillion rider should be wearing helmets while riding.

If these two strict rules are not followed:
● You will be liable to pay a fine of up to INR 1000 to the traffic police. The fine rate can vary according to the state you live in.
● You may be prohibited from holding your driving license for up to three months. This means that you will not be able to drive around at all.

Why should triple riding be avoided?
Tripling has become extremely common in India. It is as common as jumping traffic lights or not wearing a helmet. Most people do not seem to care about the repercussions when they consider tripling.
Additionally, the bikers who opt for tripling are not only putting their lives at risk but also endangering the lives of others on the road. A two-wheeler is meant for two people and is mechanically incompatible with bearing the weight of three. This can damage the vehicle in the long run or cause problems at any time.
Mostly young riders of 18-25 years of age are spotted triple riding. They put their lives in danger without being aware of the traffic rules and the severity of the offense.

Triple riding is a regular sight in India. The government should make strict rules and levy heavy fines on riders who break the traffic rules. People try to overlook the consequences of tripling and consider it as a fair option for commuting, especially to travel short distances. Know your responsibility and act wisely when riding a 2 wheeler. Also, you should have 2 wheeler insurance so that there is no financial loss that you have to bear if you meet with an accident.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance to keep your vehicle protected at all times.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is the list of must-try vacation cruises in India for an offbeat experience

River cruises are one of the best ways to explore the country's backwaters and serene pockets with a mesmerising experience. Although it makes for an offbeat vacation, you will carry a bag full of memories on your way home. If you are into nature photography, this vacation will be a haven for you.

From the lush green surroundings of Kerala to the unexplored islands of Andaman, there's a lot to explore and discover as you go on your river cruise.

It is advisable to stay safe and secure in your journey, as you'll always be amidst waters. Buy an insurance policy online before you embark on your journey.

Let us walk you through all the possible travel destinations available via river and sea cruises in India.

1. Sunderbans:
Located in West Bengal, Sundarbans form the largest mangrove forest in the world. It is not only large in terms of area but also very captivating as the river cruise takes you through the pleasant delta of the river Brahmaputra. You'll be bestowed with the most picturesque landscapes when you undertake this journey. You're likely to spot numerous flora and fauna as you explore the waters of Brahmaputra. You're likely to spot monkeys, crocodiles, leopards, wild hogs, kingfishers, and Bengal tigers, among others.

2. Kerala:
The river cruises serve as one of the most exciting ways to explore the heart of Kerala. Being a state that is blessed with lush green surroundings and pristine backwaters, Kerala is a haven for nature lovers. While on a backwater cruise, you will feel closer to nature. You will also get a chance to look closely at the state's influential culture. The cruise guarantees you the journey of a lifetime. You can enjoy the fantastic surroundings of Kerala in comfort, luxury, and space. You will also be able to try authentic South Indian food on the cruise.

3. Goa:
There are many ways to enjoy Goa's fun and frolic life, but you must've never thought about spending time on a river cruise. Goa is bestowed with the beautiful Mandovi River, which can be an ideal place for a river cruise. The atmosphere on the cruise is always upbeat and lively. While you immerse yourself in Goan delicacies, you'll be presented with the scenic landscapes of Goa. It is a joy in itself.

4. Andaman and Nicobar Islands:
Andaman and Nicobar Islands is one of India's most stunning places to visit, allowing tourists to explore the unknown. The sea cruises of the islands are grand, elegant, and classy in every possible way. You will be bestowed with naturally green, serene, and exciting surroundings. Apart from that, the cruise is also well-adapted to fulfil all your needs. The amenities present on the cruise are world-class and adapted to the varied tastes of travellers.

5. Assam:
North-east India is a hidden gem of the country blessed with breathtaking views. The Brahmaputra River runs far and wide in this area, allowing tourists to explore it on a river cruise. A river cruise will open doors to several scenic locations like Kaziranga National Park, Majuli, and Guwahati. It is one of the best ways to bask in the glory of Assam.

Vacation cruises are one of the most delightful ways to explore India. It will allow you to look at the surroundings closely and collect lifetime memories. However, it is suggested that you always ensure your safety before setting out on a journey. Buy insurance policy online while booking your tickets, and be rest assured of your belongings and travel safety.

Click HERE to buy insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is the list of lesser-known traffic violations that you must be aware of

The strict implication of rules and regulations in a densely populated nation like India is required to maintain law, order, and discipline. Several rules have been laid down over time and are also ever-changing, with constant reforms.

But, due to the lack of awareness of the existing traffic rules, most people suffer losses in terms of fines on the road. When you end up paying fines on the road, you're causing a financial and ethical loss to yourself. It can be easily avoided if you have a better knowledge of the country's traffic rules.

If you lag in keeping up with traffic rules and regulations, then you'll benefit from this article. Regardless, we suggest you stay up-to-date with your insurance so that your vehicle does not undergo any damage. Book your calendar in advance for your car insurance renewal so that you don't have to face the discontinuity of your policy.

Further, we will highlight some of the country's lesser-known traffic rules. They will help you save up on fines and stay informed while driving on Indian roads.

List of some lesser-known traffic violations in the country:
1. You violate traffic rules if you have tinted glasses on your car, truck, or van. You are entitled to a fine of INR 100 or more, and your licence can also be suspended. Various State Governments first ordered the removal of tinted glasses. The rule is extremely strict, and it does not spare anyone.
2. All the big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore have a rule of mandatory silencers in all vehicles. If your vehicle does not have a silencer, you are likely to pay a fine of about INR 10,000. This has been done to keep the noise pollution levels in check.
3. If you use high-beam headlights at night, you are likely to pay a fine of INR 500. It is done keeping in account the increasing number of road accidents due to the use of high-beam headlights at night. It is considered extremely dangerous. On the contrary, if you are found driving without headlights at night, you also have to pay the penalty for it. Ironical yet true!
4. Smoking inside the car is prohibited in India. If you're found guilty of this, you'll have to pay a fine of up to INR 500 for the same. The act of smoking is harmful to the driver as well as the co-passengers.
5. In most metro cities like Kolkata and Chennai, it is necessary to have a first aid kit in your vehicle at all times. Failure to produce one upon inspection can result in a fine. It was done to ensure the safety of the driver and the vehicle's passengers. It is also mandatory to follow this in the case of new vehicles.
6. The use of pressure horns is liable to be fined in India. If you have installed a pressure horn in your vehicle, you might have to pay a fine of about INR 1,000 or more if stopped by the police.

All drivers in India must remember these lesser-known traffic rules when they hit the road. It will save a lot of time, effort, and money. Further, it will ensure your safety and prevent you from getting in trouble. It is crucial to abide by the traffic rules and encourage others to do so. Keep all your documents up-to-date and handy, especially the PUC and car insurance. You should never miss out on your car insurance renewal. Take charge of your role as a responsible driver.

Click HERE to get car insurance renewal done instantly.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s the complete guide on efficient car parking

If you are somebody who has a car, you already know how helpful and convenient it can be. It will help you get anywhere within a short time effectively. Not just that, you should know how to park your car correctly to keep it safe and protected.

However, many people worldwide find it intimidating to park a car correctly. If you are somebody who does not know how to park and always finds it challenging to have proper judgement, look closely here at a few tips to help you park your vehicle perfectly.

1. Find an appropriate space:
The first thing you need to do when parking your car is to look for the best space in the parking lot or area. You should keep in mind that the place you are choosing must be big enough to fit your car so pay attention to that. You may also notice the movement area to ensure you can get in and out of the space without difficulty. This will help you keep your vehicle safe.

2. Check your surroundings:
The second thing you need to do when parking your car is look at the mirrors on both sides to check your surroundings appropriately. Carefully figure out if there is any person or car behind or around your vehicle, regardless of whether you are reversing or parking. Checking allows you to ensure nobody is getting hurt in any way. As a result, it is one of the most vital tips that will help you park without further challenges.

3. Position the vehicle appropriately:
The third thing you may do to park your car efficiently is to position your vehicle accordingly. An ideal angle will make it convenient for you to put your car in the spot in a short period. Not just that, it will ensure your car is safe from scratches and dents.

4. Keep enough space on the side:
The last thing you can do to park your car safely is to keep enough space on both sides. This factor will help you open and close your door without hitting any object or person. It will also make it convenient for you to get in and out of your vehicle without the hassle. It also reduces the chances of accidents by a wide margin.

Although parking may sometimes be challenging, you can do it effortlessly with the help of these tips. You should read them thoroughly to acquire the best guidance into the matter. You may also speak to a driving school if you want to obtain more information or practice before using them on your car.

Parking your car appropriately is crucial, and a skill, especially in crowded places where finding the right spot and making your way to park the car may seem like a mission. Perfect car parking can keep your car protected from accidents, thefts, and getting towed while you are away doing your work or shopping. On a safer side, you may prefer parking your car in the dedicated or private parking lots in the malls or public areas with a pay-and-park system. You should also buy online car insurance for additional protection from untimely and severe mishaps that can cost you a fortune.

Click HERE to buy online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's everything you need to know if your motorcycle falls over

A two-wheeler provides many conveniences and advantages, particularly in terms of time savings. Two-wheelers are becoming increasingly popular as a form of transportation, mainly in urban areas where traffic congestion is the main issue. However, two wheelers are also more inclined to accidents.

If you encounter an accident while riding, make sure to check yourself and your fellow passengers before moving on to the next step. Look for any indications of pain in your body. Check your accessories to see what body parts have touched the ground. You may have been hit in one or more of these body parts if your jacket, pants, shoes, gloves, or helmet have any sign of damage. Before determining the motorcycle's condition, check your physical health.

Sometimes it's impossible to stand the bike back up, and you need assistance. It might have fallen in an odd place, or maybe it's too heavy. Yet again, it's a huge, hefty piece of equipment, so don't feel guilty asking for help.

Make sure it is safe to ride by giving it a quick inspection. Here is the checklist you can follow to know about the damage done.

● Check the fluid levels even if you cannot see anything under the spot where the bike fell over. It might be a case of the coolant splashing out of the reservoir, or the braking fluid reservoir cap coming off. Do not ride the bike if the brake fluid reservoir has air in it, the fluid level is low, or it is leaking. The consequences of having air in your brake lines go far beyond simply dropping your bike.

● Inspect your handlebar and ensure the clutch and brake cables didn't break or bend in a way that will make the bike unsafe. Confirm the foot pedal controls in the same way, assuring the shifter isn't jammed and the rear brake pedal isn't locked or jammed.

● Ensure that the motorcycle starts! Some motorcycles include tip-over sensors, which won't immediately turn back. This can usually be resolved by turning the key on and off.

● If you have a bike with carburettors, the fuel may have leaked out, and you will need to give it a few revolutions to get the gas back into the system.

● The main cause of a motorcycle that won't start after tipping over could be a problem with the gasoline supply, such as too much petrol spilling into the engine cylinders. A broken internal switch or a disconnect in the electronics due to the crash could be present in the motorcycle.

● Sometimes too much fuel from the carburettor might be pumped into the engine cylinders when a motorcycle is knocked over.

● The spark plug's contacts may become wet from the gasoline if too much fuel is put into the cylinders, preventing it from sparking.

A motorcycle has numerous connections that must all work together to turn over. The connection to the battery is one of the most crucial. Over the period, the connection created on a battery becomes brittle because of the rust on it. So, inspect the battery for any faults or loose connections, and once this is fixed, you can start your bike.

Even though a two-wheeler has many advantages, it has a unique set of risks. For starters, the possibility of a surprise collision increases the risk of both the rider and the pillion rider suffering injuries and potential two-wheeler damage. This may result in increased financial hardship.

This then makes sense to buy bike insurance online to avoid adding extra expenses to your budget if something unfortunate happens to your motorcycle. Also, ensure that you have the safety gear and important documents handy before planning your trip. Making the right purchase will handcraft you a safer and more immersive riding experience!

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is everything you need to know about cat eyes reflectors on the road

Cat eyes reflectors are also known as road studs or raised pavement markers. They are safety devices installed on the roads and reflect or emit light flashes at night. You can commonly see them on roads or highways while driving. Drivers use them as lane markers to guide vehicles on dark roads.

Cat eyes reflectors reflect light to a light source, such as a car’s headlights. Hence, when driving on a dark patch of road, these reflectors reflect back light to your vehicle. This helps you to identify the sides and centre of the road and minimise the chances of a mishap.

Types of cat eyes reflectors:

There are primarily four types of cat eyes reflectors in use.

1. Plastic:
Reflectors made of plastic are the least durable and not as strong as the other types of reflectors. They are good to use on the sides of bridges and highways.

2. Aluminium:
These reflectors are made of aluminium and hence, are strong enough to withstand the load of heavy vehicles. These have reflective objects installed inside them. They are also ideal to use in the middle of the roads because of their strength and durability.

3. Glass:
You will also spot reflectors made of hardened safety glass. They come with a coating on their bottoms that reflect the light back to the source.

4. LED:
LED cat eyes reflectors are the most advanced as they have solar panels on their tops. This acts as their energy source and helps them to emit blinking light at night. They provide the brightest light and have much better visibility than the above three types of reflectors.

Advantages of cat eyes reflectors:

● Enhanced visibility:
The primary advantage of cat eyes reflectors is to make night driving safe and secure and minimise the chances of accidents. They help to make corners of traffic lanes visible at night and ensure that the drivers do not skid away from the roads, especially at dangerous curves.

● Prevent unsafe lane changing:
Cat eyes reflectors mark the lanes on the roads. This ensures that vehicles do not frequently change lanes or swerve from one lane to another, causing accidents.

● Speed control:
Cat eyes reflectors also act as a road rumbling strip. The traffic automatically slows down while passing over them since they act as barriers to speed. Thus, they help to control rash driving.

● Durable and easy to install:
These reflectors are very durable, economical, and easy to install than other lane markers. They do not come out by themselves when attached to the roads. Also, there is very little chance of their theft. Hence, they have a very long life.

● Multi-coloured:
Cat eyes reflectors are multi-coloured. While this increases their aesthetic beauty, each colour has a special meaning too. White reflectors denote lane divisions and centre marking on the roads, and red reflectors denote lines that we cannot cross. Green reflectors denote the lines we can cross, such as entrances to service lanes.

Cat eyes reflectors are excellent warning devices on roads inside cities and highways. They have a special role on highways since there are few streetlights, and vehicles run at high speeds. The governments have increased their usage in recent years. It is a step in the right direction as they enhance the safety and security of all types of vehicles plying on the roads.

Similar to cat eyes reflectors, online motor insurance takes care of our vehicles in the best way possible. Buy motor insurance online and receive the safety and security of insurance combined with the convenience of buying it right from your home or workplace without visiting the insurance office personally. Hence, it is the best form of comprehensive coverage and the most recommended one.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's all you need to know about the eligibility criteria for riding e-scooters in India

As we know, India aspires to be an all-electric nation by 2030. Electric scooters are in trend these days, and there are new rules and regulations for riding electric scooters to support this endeavour.

Vehicles that use fuel, such as petroleum, heavily contribute to carbon emissions, and to control the degradation of the environment, electric vehicles are a boon. The Govt. of India encourages new buyers to buy electric scooters and take their first step towards a green future.

But before you make a purchase, check 2 wheeler insurance online for an e-scooter, the different features of the scooter you want to buy, and see if your requirements are aligned.

Who can ride an electric scooter in India?
Most parents are searching for safer solutions for their children travelling to school or college. Bus transport provided by high schools and colleges is available, but only for some. When you think about how much other ways of getting around cost, it is neither cheap nor comfortable for students to use them every day. Public transport is usually regarded as inconvenient for students. It has led to increased use of two wheelers by students to travel with convenience and less hassle.

Central Motor Vehicles Rules of 1989 were modified to grant permission to teenagers between the ages of 16 and 18 to ride e-scooters. The eligibility criteria to legally ride an e-scooter is reduced for teenagers. Still, they are prone to accidents due to their reckless driving and inexperience. They are inconsiderate toward others on the road. It's expected that accidents are common in places where there is an issue with traffic because underage drivers usually do not know how to control a vehicle properly. They may panic in fast-paced traffic or even lose control due to slight inconveniences.

Other requirements:
The motor of the electric vehicle can be a maximum of 4 kWh. The electric scooters having a maximum speed of 20 kmph can be driven without a driving licence. A driving licence is now mandatory for electric scooters in the category of 2 wheeler-powered vehicles. These regulations are in place per the rules of India's Road and transport ministry. The Government of India has also made it compulsory to register these vehicles.
It comes off as a saviour to all the students who travel daily to schools or colleges. According to various researchers, it is safe to say that school-going children aged 16 can drive e-scooters. It is mandatory to teach and train them before they kick start their riding journey. Alongside this, having a green licence plate for such electric motor vehicles is mandatory.

Like any other two wheeler insurance, it is essential to have regular e-scooter insurance to protect it financially against any accidental loss. You should opt for bike insurance that includes essential needs and versatility too! There are many 2 wheeler insurance online options available that are safe, convenient, and affordable.

This move by the government will promote the manufacturing and production of electric scooters throughout the country. It is a breathtaking transition to promote electric vehicles and simultaneously contribute towards a better and healthier planet.

There are no other eligibility criteria except age, driving licence, and green number plate. Electric scooters of various sizes and shapes are available with different features. It allows potential riders to choose the one that they like the most. From simple-built models to full-body mopeds, electric scooters will transform especially how school-going students between the ages of 16 and 18 travel. Ensure your kids have proper driving lessons, safety gears, and 2 wheeler insurance online before they take an electric scooter out.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the reasons why you must attend a driving school

Are you somebody who recently bought a vehicle or is planning to buy one? If your answer is yes, you already know how crucial it is to learn to drive from a professional. We live in a world where everybody is busy with their routine. As a result, learning to drive all by yourself can get overwhelming. However, it'll be better if you attend a driving school to get the best results while minimising driving risks.

These institutes will provide you with appropriate training and precise knowledge to make things more convenient. There are several schools available these days, and you may choose among any of them depending on your preferences, requirements, and budget.

Let us now take a detailed look at why you should enrol in a driving program.

1. Professional training:
One of the main reasons you should attend driving classes is that these schools will provide you with appropriate professional training. If you pick the best school, you will get access to practical and theoretical knowledge, making it convenient for you to get the best help under professional guidance.
Not just that, but they will also teach you how to drive while maintaining traffic rules effortlessly and effectively. In addition, you learn to operate in a safe environment, which significantly boosts your confidence.

2. Safe-driving practices:
The second reason you should take a driving school's help to learn more about different safe-driving practices. If you are scared of driving, this factor will help you by a wide margin.

3. Know about the different rules and regulations:
Another reason you should join a driving school is that they will teach you the rules and regulations you must follow. Not just that, but they will also help you understand more about traffic signs and what to do when you see one.
Driving schools provide their students with new and improved guidance for the best results. All of these factors will help you abide by the law and avoid violating them.

4. Driving habit improvement:
If you already know how to drive but wish to enhance your driving habits, the best thing you may do is enrol in a driving program. You will be trained by professionals to acquire the best guidance.
They will help you learn more about the different techniques and how to get out of a problematic situation on the road. This factor will also assist you in avoiding accidents and make you ready for any challenges that you might face in your day-to-day driving.

Although learning to drive is a long process, it is necessary because it helps you become a responsible driver. An efficient and reliable driving school focuses on training you on the safety aspect, knowledge of traffic signals, and helping you learn the driving rules. Before taking charge of the steering wheel, you must ensure that you prioritise all measures needed for a safe ride for you, your vehicle, and the other commuters on the road.

Fasten your seatbelt before giving the ignition, keep all required documents handy, and lastly, buy new car insurance if you don't have an existing one. Insurance is not just to avoid paying fines but, most importantly, to protect your asset with reliable coverage.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the effective ways to identify and fix punctures in tubeless tyres

Tubeless tyres have been a great invention to make the lives of car owners more convenient. Despite the extra cost as compared to tube-type tyres, these make driving a lot safer by preventing the vehicle from losing balance with a sudden tyre puncture. Tubeless tyres have an air cushion between the tyre and the rim. This prevents air from rushing out of the tyre in case of puncture and allows the slow discharge of air.

With these enhanced safety features, it is not surprising that tubeless tyres are preferred over ones with a tube. But with these advantages comes the complexity of changing it when it experiences a puncture.

This blog aims to give you the information you can use to identify and fix punctures in tubeless tyre easily.

Tubeless tyres are relatively easy to fix. Spending too much money on a mechanic to fix it is not advisable. But it is important to thoroughly inspect the tyre before getting your hands dirty. This will prevent you from missing out on additional punctures that might not be visible at first glance.

Tools required:
Buy a puncture repair kit from your nearest car spare parts shop. This repair kit will include a rasper, rubber strips, and a strip insertion tool. You might also need pliers and a knife to remove any external substances stuck on the tyre. You will also need a tyre inflator to fill in the air lost.

The procedure is slightly more complex for the back tyres because of their inability to be steered as easily as the front ones. For the back tyres, a jack must first lift the vehicle and remove the tyre to fix it.
1. Pour some water onto the front and back tyres to locate the puncture. If it's on the front tyres, it will be enough to steer it from left to right to access any holes. However, remove the tyre if the hole is on the back tyre.
2. Use the plier to remove the sharp object that punctured the tyre.
3. Next, you need to make a smooth hole of an appropriate size to insert the rubber strip to fix the puncture. To achieve this, take the rasper (also known as a smoothening tool) to smoothen the hole created by the sharp object.
4. Leave the rasper half embedded in the tyre.
5. Some sewing tactics will be a necessity here. Carefully insert the rubber strip into the insertion tool without disturbing rasper. This will be a similar process to threading a needle.
6. Carefully extract the smoothening tool from the tyre, replace it with the rubber strip, and shove the entire length into the tyre. As this process is completed, remove the insertion tool.
7. The knife will make its appearance at this step. Carefully cut the strip that protrudes out of the tyre.
8. Use a tyre inflator to fill the air which had already escaped from the tyre. A portable tyre inflator is available online or in your nearest car parts shop.

Although it is safe to drive a vehicle with a punctured tubeless tyre for a certain distance, it's best to get it fixed as soon as possible. Driving with punctured tyres is risky and can invite unwanted trouble. Also stay protected with comprehensive insurance for your vehicle. Buy car insurance policy online and get the perks of reliable coverage that can safeguard your car against mishaps and expenses.

Click HERE to know more and buy car insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Diving deep to understand the importance of RPM in a bike

The rotation speed of the engine crankshaft which delivers power to the rear wheel via the gearbox, is the RPM of the bike. A higher engine RPM is required for better performance of the motorcycle. Since RPM is not a very known term for most people, let's dive deeper to understand its importance.

What is the importance of RPM in a bike?

RPM directly influences the comfort level you will experience when riding the bike. With the higher engine RPM, the speed will be much faster. Riding in the medium RPM range is suitable for the smoothest ride possible. Better comfort levels are achieved with a lower RPM, leading to higher fuel efficiency, especially in shorter city rides.

The RPM levels directly affect your comfortable riding experience, how much gas you use, and how well your bike performs in the long run. To say this, riding at high engine RPM for an extended period will increase the stress on the bike. It is dangerous for the engine and also for the well-being of the bike too.

With every bike, the RPM level is different. If you want to constantly ride at a higher RPM, opt for motorcycles specially built for this purpose. They are made for the tracks to run at higher RPMs.

What difference does it make?

RPM has a significant effect on the performance of the bike. If you run your motorbike at a low RPM, your bike will give you the best performance. Similarly, if you run your bike at a higher RPM, it charges up the engine to perform at maximum power, resulting in many vibrations. Experts also say that if you drive your bike at a higher RPM, you will have to fill up the gas tank more frequently because the fuel intake increases significantly with speed and RPM.

Riding your bike at the correct RPM for engine speed is essential. There are several benefits associated with doing so. As already mentioned, it will give you greater comfort on the ride, keep the bike healthy, and save you the money you might have to spend on fuel if you're constantly riding at a higher RPM.

With the increasing fuel prices, this is a lucrative deal to take care of your bike so that it consumes less fuel. It might not make a difference one or two times, but collectively it will make a massive difference over a long period.

Youngsters or people who ride for an adrenaline rush thrash their bikes at higher RPM. To figure out an ideal RPM range, know the maximum RPM range your bike can ride at. Now divide it by two. This is the average RPM you should ride most of the time; for example, if your top speed is around 8000 RPM, the ideal range is 4000 to 5000.

RPM is an essential factor that influences the health of your bike, which in turn, indirectly affects the cost of maintenance. If you're constantly riding at a higher RPM, it is very unhealthy for your bike, and you will have to spend more to maintain it.

Always ride safely within the specified RPM range, but if you are willing to drive at a higher RPM, purchasing a bike that supports it is the best. Otherwise, operating in the ideal RPM range is cool! Make it a point to invest in comprehensive bike insurance to enjoy financial benefits in the time of emergency when your bike meets with an accident.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance to keep your motorcycle protected from mishaps.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Did you know there exist different types of drivers? What is your type

India has a massive population of automobile owners plying their vehicles on the roads daily. Spotting people with varying personalities and driving habits is common. They exhibit different skills and traits, which can broadly divide drivers into the following six categories.

1. The learner:
Learners are drivers who are new to this experience. They have recently started to drive vehicles and are trying to be perfect at it by practicing and driving regularly. Since they are not pros at driving, they are usually submissive and try to be helpful and cooperative with other drivers on the road.
They drive slowly and carefully and may sometimes show nervousness while driving. Sometimes it can be annoying to drive behind a learner because they can brake suddenly and stop abruptly on the road. Also, they swerve their cars when changing lanes while trying to be in the right lane.

2. The distracted driver:
This is the most common type of driver in the recent era of social media and telecommunication. They try to answer every call and reply to messages they receive while driving. They tend to behave as if the world will stop if they do not answer their phones or make that call.
They display signs of anxiety and tend to check their social media feed. Many even try to record videos and click pictures while driving, putting everyone around them in danger of an accident.

3. The speeding driver:
Such drivers tend to drive their vehicles at high speeds, often above the recommended speed limit, inviting risk and increasing the possibility of accidents. They behave as if the world's end is near and they must reach their destination before it finishes.
Such drivers usually drive rashly and pose a risk to other vehicles around them. High speed means lesser control of their vehicles. Hence, one should avoid getting into a street race and let them pass quietly. Otherwise, you may risk your and your co-passengers' lives unnecessarily.

4. The violent driver:
Road rage cases have been on a high in India in recent years. They are due to drivers belonging to this category. Such drivers lose their cool on the roads due to heavy traffic and start fighting with other drivers around them.
They start driving rashly, dangerously overtaking other vehicles, and swerving their cars wildly. They can even stop abruptly, enter into brawls, and attack another driver if the situation worsens. People tend to vent their frustration on the roads, creating unnecessary chaos.

5. The honkers:
This category of drivers believes they can remove the traffic in front of their vehicle by constantly honking. Doing so adds immensely to the already high noise pollution around us.
As the traffic signal turns green, they will start honking as if the vehicle in front of them is driving slowly or stopping the traffic. Such drivers cause unnecessary nuisance and may display signs of a violent driver if you do not let them pass.

6. The Pros:
This is the best category of drivers, and you would want them to be around you while travelling. They show how good they are at driving and controlling the vehicle. They pay attention to the safety and comfort of the passengers in the car.
They are cautious and vigilant and avoid rash driving by following all traffic rules. Instead, they effectively find their way out of traffic without using useless honking or rash driving. Also, they avoid entering into altercations with other drivers and have good control over their emotions.

Like humans, car insurance also has several features and qualities and varies from company to company. They may differ in premium, coverage terms and conditions, inclusions, exclusions, etc. Hence, you should research thoroughly and buy the best car insurance policy as per your specific needs and a better return on investment.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance for your car.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Challenges faced by Indian female pillion riders due to side-saddle posture

There are several issues raised when women pillion riders sit in a side-saddle position. Balance is the primary safety concern, amongst others. A significant safety hazard might arise from this posture. The pillion rider must be seated with the two-wheeler balanced between their legs and then place one hand over the driver's shoulder while holding onto the seat with the other.

Side saddling, more often than not, is an unpleasant experience. However, women are inclined towards this positioning because of their choice of clothes or because they feel like they are more in command of their bodies in case of an accident or a crash.

This is an added hassle for long trips and can be dangerous for the following reasons:
● The probability of an accident increases when a female rider moves around and repositions herself.
● Road traffic injury rates increase because of the fall of pillion riders in side-saddle posture.
● Frequently travelling in this position can give rise to severe back and shoulder pains.
● There are numerous ways that rainy weather might cause two-wheeler crashes.

How side-saddle posture affects women?
● With less space for your foot, side saddling can cause muscle soreness and uneasiness.
● Female passengers sitting side-saddle, in particular, typically lack backrests, which causes back and shoulder strain when riding for prolonged periods.

Problems faced:
● The pillion rider cannot equally distribute their body weight across both sides of the two-wheeler. At the same time, in a side-saddle position, the tiniest movements can cause a disbalance, create discomfort to the rider, and may also lead to an accident.
● Women riding as pillion in traditional attire are required to grasp the loose ends of their attire or sit on the loose ends. Both alternatives still provide sufficient space for the clothing to become tangled up in the two-wheeler.
● It is typical for ladies wearing traditional clothing to ride side-saddle because none of the clothing options—saree or skirt—allows for discreet or comfortable seating.
● Additionally, when a piece of long dress fabric gets trapped in a tyre, it increases the probability of various collisions. The two-wheeler will come to a complete stop. As a result, it possibly throws both the driver and the passenger off. The road in front of the pillion riders is only partially visible to them.

A two-wheeler has many advantages, particularly in terms of time savings. More and more people are choosing to travel by two-wheeler, particularly in cities where traffic and congestion are major issues.

However, two-wheelers make up the majority of traffic accidents in India. It increases the possibility of injury to the driver and pillion rider or damage to the two-wheeler. This may result in increased financial distress. That's why it's very important to buy a two wheeler insurance India policy.

It is advisable to avoid travelling in a side-saddle posture, but if it is necessary, then you must take all the precautions needed for a safe ride. Always ensure that you prioritise safety and accordingly use safety measures like a helmet, knee guards, etc., to reduce the impact of accidents if you meet one while riding.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best motorcycle tips for female riders to have a safe ride

Riding a motorcycle into the sunset, with the wind blowing on your face, is one of the most surreal experiences to cherish. Previously, this arena was predominantly occupied by men, but nowadays, more women are drawn to the pleasure of riding. However, riding a motorcycle is dangerous for both genders unless the proper measures are considered. Statistics show that motorcyclists face almost 30 times the risk of an accident being fatal than one driving a car.

To have a safe and fruitful experience in driving a bike, here are some tips that female riders should keep in mind:

1. Check your comfort level with the bike:
Female riders must find a bike best suited to them. Many factors must be considered, such as seat height, bike weight, etc. You should be able to comfortably put both feet on the ground while seated and must be able to pick up the bike if it accidentally falls. Make a list of bikes to compare, and research every single one to find your perfect match.

2. Dress appropriately:
Dressing for occasions is very important, but so is dressing appropriately for biking. It is important to remember that every bit of skin exposed might get significantly hurt during an accident. Leather jackets and pants are the preferred outfits when biking and will help face any abrasions. Gloves and boots are other accessories that help a great deal. However, the most essential gear a biker needs is a helmet, preferably a full-face one. If you prefer to wear a half-face helmet, be sure to wear goggles and a face mask.
And, if you are commuting in your Indian attire, you must be careful that it doesn’t mess with your motorcycle’s tyre while in motion.

3. Prevent hair from coming onto your face:
Long hair becomes a hassle for motorbike riders. If it is kept loose and untied, it will move around, causing a distraction to the rider. Also, it might come onto your face, reducing your visibility, and becoming a safety hazard.
Although it’s an excellent alternative to tying your hair in a pony or a bun, this might get uncomfortable under a helmet. The best solution is a low braid, which will give comfort and prevent your hair from getting jostled around and messy.

4. Maintenance is key:
Learning to do basic maintenance is one of the key duties of every motorcycle rider. Learning how to change oil, lube up certain bike parts, or check the tyre pressure regularly are just a few. These skills can be picked up easily by using the internet or simply picking up an owner’s manual.

5. Keep your driving licence and insurance up to date:
A driving licence is necessary for any rider, male or female, before riding the bike. You can apply for a learner’s licence, take the test, and then get the permanent licence issued under your name.

2 wheeler insurance is an essential document to keep handy with you all the time. With the ever-increasing road accidents, it is advisable to keep your motorcycle protected by reliable 2 wheeler insurance against theft, damage, and other concerns that might vent your pockets.

There is always a risk involved in riding a vehicle on the road, regardless of what gender you are. It can only be reduced with abundant experience and remaining cognizant of the road. With an increase in the ratio of female riders, there is a significant boost in the confidence of women who aspire to own and ride a motorcycle. And with proper training and regular riding practice, this can be possible. You must ensure your safety, follow all the traffic rules, keep your 2 wheeler insurance up-to-date, and ride confidently. Happy riding!

Click HERE to know more about 2 wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why using a fancy number plate for your car can get you into trouble

Have you bought a brand-new car and are excited to hit the road? The first thing that the law requires is that you need a number plate on the front and rear to display the vehicle registration number. So many of us would love to go for a fancy number plate that makes our car look unique and cool.

But wait. Are you aware you can get into trouble using a fancy number plate for your car? Let us see how.

1. Fines:
According to the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, you must follow a specific format for your car’s number plate. It specifies the size of the number plate for light motor vehicles and passenger vehicles, respectively. It also specifies the font height and width to be used and the spacing between every font or number. It then specifies the colour combination according to your vehicle category.
A fancy number plate will usually violate one or more of the above guidelines. People go for fancy fonts and colour combinations, write the number to resemble some word or name, or change the size to make it look unique. In any of these cases, the traffic police can issue a challan and impose a penalty on you.
According to section 192(1) of the Motor Vehicles Act, fancy and improper number plates can be fined up to INR 5000. However, this penalty varies from one state to another.

2. Cancellation of licence:
Using a fancy number plate that does not conform to the law is considered illegal in India. Some states have a provision for cancelling the licences of repeat offenders who do not get their number plate changed according to the allowed format despite repeated challans and warnings.

3. Vehicle seizure and imprisonment:
If you choose to delete a number or two in the quest to make your number plate extra fancy, the police have the authority to seize your vehicle and register a criminal case against you. This can lead to your imprisonment as well.

4. Insurance claim:
A fancy number plate can indirectly impact the settlement of your car insurance claim, too, in the event of an accident. If the police have suspended your licence due to the faulty fancy number plate and you meet with an accident in your car, you cannot raise an insurance claim. This can result in heavy monetary loss to you if the accident is major.

Security concerns with fancy number plates:
Fancy number plates usually have fancy fonts that cannot be read easily. This can be troublesome for authorities to trace you or your car in case of theft, traffic violation, or even an accident. If the law starts permitting fancy number plates, criminals will start using this to their advantage.

It is natural that you would want a personalised fancy number plate after buying an expensive car. It will be your style statement and make your car look cooler. However, as mentioned above, a fancy number plate can get you in trouble.

So, stay out of it and make your life simpler by using a number plate that is permitted by law. Online motor insurance is another way by which you can make your life simpler and hassle-free. It has all the advantages of an offline policy and provides you the ease and convenience of choice, comparison, and quick claim settlement, all from the comfort of your home or office.

Click HERE to buy online motor insurance to protect your car against damages.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why is theoretical knowledge equally important as practical while learning to drive

Theoretical and practical knowledge are like two parts of a scale, equally important to make a balanced driver. In recent years theoretical knowledge has been bashed on as ‘bookish’ and ‘old fashioned, and more emphasis is being given to practical lessons. While practical lessons impart a major chunk of knowledge, such as how to react to real-life situations on the road, theory imparts domain knowledge, forming the base of learning how to drive.

Driving instructors at reputed driving schools impart practical knowledge with a robust theoretical base, such as traffic laws and road signals. This makes you aware of the legal aspects and repercussions of disobeying specific rules and become a more knowledgeable driver.

This blog aims to convince you of the importance of theoretical knowledge while learning to drive.

1. Structure of a car:
It is only possible to know the complete anatomy of a car purely based on practical knowledge. Driving instructors usually introduce aspirants to various components of the car on the very first days of driving learning. This is to build a holistic understanding of the car to gain more confidence and learn how to respond to critical situations calmly. They teach you about the various parts of a car, including the brakes, clutch, car engine, fuel supply system, cooling system, lubrication, gears, battery, etc. This increases your understanding of the car so you can perform minor repairs independently without rushing to the mechanic.

2. Covers the legal aspects of driving:
Driving is a great responsibility for every person out on the road. Trainers let learners know the rules and regulations before they set out on the road. There are also a lot of legal requirements needed before driving on the roads, such as the registration process, the process of acquiring a driving licence, and getting acquainted with parking rules, traffic laws, car insurance documents, etc. Professional driving schools will also make learners aware of road hazards, road signs, and other aspects not covered in practical lessons.

3. Building confidence:
Although practical lessons provide real-life experience to the students, theoretical input gives them the confidence to take that first step into driving that many lack the courage to take. Experts in the field can communicate the basic theory to every student with special emphasis on questions posed by students, which will further clarify their doubts. This will give them the confidence to drive professionally in all traffic situations.

4. Good theoretical backing encourages being safe on roads:
Staying safe on the road is a conscious choice a citizen makes daily. Safety is the top priority, and this is emphasised by theoretical knowledge. Along with knowing the rules and regulations to follow on the road, they also double down on the legal implications of reckless driving, drunk driving, and other risky activities.

Managing a car in critical conditions, such as a punctured tyre, or the case of an accident, is the knowledge that is best learned theoretically. These are important aspects of driving that instructors emphasise and should be carefully absorbed by the students, as this information comes in handy at some point.

However, no matter how much training a driver goes through, they are bound to be stressed about the risks and complications of having road accidents. This is an important concern that should not be neglected. Car insurance is necessary for every car owner to remain calm in the event of an accident.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What to do if your bike gets stuck in gear

All your bike's parts are crucial, but one of its most essential parts is the clutch. In addition to assisting you in changing gears, the clutch connects and disconnects the engine from the transmission. For a safe and comfortable riding experience, you must always ensure the clutch is working properly. Immediately take your bike to the closest garage if you notice any concerns so that they can be rectified.

But sometimes, it takes time to identify the issue. You might only be able to detect a failing clutch on a bike if you know a lot about how the bike and its components operate. It is always important to understand how to keep the bike's clutch in good condition.

We are here to help you with this concern! To maintain the clutch's optimal performance, consider these key points:

1. Proper lubrication of the chain:
Various motorcycle parts require lubrication to function efficiently. The clutch and chain are no exception. They need appropriate lubrication to be in their optimum working condition. If left unattended for too long, these can dry out and cause your bike’s gear to become rigid. The clutch faces significant damage, making it difficult for the rider to change the gear smoothly.
The only way to fix this issue is by regularly lubricating the chain and the clutch. Watch out for the amount of oil in the bike; if it appears low, then refill it to the appropriate level. Also, clean the chain thoroughly and later add lubrication to reduce friction.

2. Check the oil in the clutch:
The clutch needs lubrication, especially wet clutches like the ones on most high-end motorcycles and dirt bikes. The clutch oil does this to keep the clutch lubricated, control the friction, and to make it easy for the clutch plates to move. The oil also helps keep the clutch compartment cool, improving the clutch system's functioning and running the bike perfectly.

3. Sprockets:
Pull the chain away from the rear sprocket. Inspect the teeth for wear and rust. If you must replace the chain sprocket, see a professional. If you decide to replace it yourself, make sure you put everything back on the exact way you took it off.

4. Clutch cable:
Apply grease to the clutch cable stopper regularly to prevent cable breakage. In case you need to change the cable, you'll require tools, cable lube, and a new cable. To change it:

● Take off the flares and seats.

● Turn the adjuster screw down to get the clutch cable out of the clips.

● Take the cable off the handlebar as well as the engine.

● Take out the cable all the way.

● Grease up a new cable.

● Change it in the same way.

● Put the screws and covers back on.

Keep referring to these tips to spot the issues and know more about typical clutch faults and how to rectify them. Additionally, to keep your bike safe and protected from mishaps, you can purchase or renew bike insurance online if you have already had it. Remember that you can increase the longevity of your bike and ride it safely for years if you take good care of it.

Click HERE to renew bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understanding if motorcycle rides with your pet dog is a good idea

Are you a pet lover who wants to take your pet dog out for an adventure? With pets becoming closer to hearts than ever before, it's understandable to take your puppy with you for a motorcycle ride. This idea no doubt excites all dog lovers, but can this endeavour be a safe thing to do?

Let's understand why taking your tailed friend on a bike ride cannot be a good idea even though you might feel like trying it.

1. Determining the best way to take your pup on the motorcycle:
Motorcycles are risky machines if not driven with care. Even some human beings are skittish on them; similarly, only some dogs will be comfortable on a bike. After checking with your vet about any health conditions that might be aggravated by your pup being on a bike, use all resources to learn about whether your furry friend can be on a bike or not.
Consider the personality and temperament of your dog, as well as its age. If your dog is prone to startling you by jumping at the nearby cat it saw, it is probably not a good idea to take it out on a ride.
Also, bikes were never designed to fit the purpose of pet travel. Although, several bikers find locations on the bike that seems perfect for lodging their pet dog. Understand that fuel tanks or handlebars are not the places to make your dog sit and ride with you. You might also think of attaching a side carrier, but know that sidecars or carriers are open, and what if your dog tries to escape from it midway?

2. Training it to be comfortable around and on a bike:
Most dogs are nervous around loud noises. You must have observed how your dog hides under the bed in the event of firecrackers bursting or thundering. Most motorcycles also have a startling sound that might scare your dog. Although, you can fix this by making your dog accustomed to the sounds and vibrations the bike produces. Still, even a slight discomfort or frustration during the ride can make things challenging. Your dog can get panicked and angry. This can be daunting for you to handle your dog and avoid any chaos on the road or disturb others.

3. Overloading the bike:
Bike journeys are always an adrenaline booster and a good stressbuster and travelling with your pet might elevate this to the next level. But what might seem an exciting thought might turn into a disaster due to the unpredictability of your dog's nature and the lurking possibility of an unexpected incident.
Also, you will have to plan everything your dog might require for the ride, such as its bowl, food, a leash, treats to keep it satiated, and a warm blanket in winter. Knowing that your bike can withstand a limited load and burdening it with your and your dog's essentials will impact the performance of your bike throughout the trip.

It is crucial to understand and accept that bikes are not dog-friendly machines. Building a strong bond with your pet is a nice gesture but not this way! This act can put several lives in danger.

Planning a bike trip with your pet might take a lot of effort, but you can live your passion for bike riding by frequently setting out on bike tours, either alone or with your other biker friends. But ensure that you have the safety gear and essential documents handy before planning your trip. Check out for your 2 wheeler insurance renewal or buy a new 2 wheeler insurance online if you don't have one. Making the right purchase will handcraft you a safer and more immersive riding experience!

Click HERE to know more about 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to installing central AC at your home

A central air conditioner cools the air in one area, then uses the furnace's air handling skills to circulate the cool air throughout the house. This sets it apart from mini-split systems, window or wall air conditioners, or any other cooling system that needs many units to chill the entire house adequately. The compressor is outside, and the evaporator coil is inside the residence, dividing the device into two main parts.

The central AC installation process.

Now that the fundamentals have been addressed let's go over the detailed procedure for installing central air.

STEP 1: Get a quote.
Find nearby Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) contractors by conducting an online search. The committed residential HVAC technicians may also come to your house to offer you a quote. This procedure includes inspecting any existing air conditioners and the areas of your house where the air ducts will be placed.

STEP 2: Choosing the appropriate central AC unit.
Your HVAC contractor will suggest an AC unit. This depends on elements like your home's size and the climate where you live. The following are the key elements that will help you choose the best AC unit for your house:

Unit size: Because homes come in various sizes and climates, HVAC manufacturers offer systems in multiple sizes. Most of the time, your contractor will assist in determining the ideal size for your property.

Ranking SEER: The performance of an AC system is based on its seasonal energy efficiency rating (SEER). For instance, high-SEER equipment will benefit from lower operating expenses, decreased energy usage, increased safety, and quieter operation. High-SEER units frequently cost more upfront. However, they lead to more savings over time and can provide a better return on your investment.

Productivity of the unit: The two main types of AC units that manufacturers provide are package systems and split systems. Since all components are contained in a single housing, the general package systems perform well for an "all-in-one" experience.

STEP 3: The unit is placed on your property.
Proper location is important while installing central AC as they have two drawbacks: they take up room and are noisy. So, where should your unit be placed for the best results? You should put the unit out of sight and away from beds. The side yard, a location near the kitchen, or the laundry room are frequently chosen by consumers. By doing this, you can lessen the noise in the vicinity of the rooms in your house where you sleep, rest, and work.

Step 4A: Check the existing ductwork in step.
Ask your contractor to look over the ductwork if it already exists in your home. Before setting up the new system, they can find any structural damage and replace or fix it.

STEP 5: Installation.
As previously indicated, if a split system is installed, a portion of it will be stored indoors, most frequently in the attic. If new ductwork is necessary for your home, it will be installed by your contractor.

The value of your property can be increased while keeping you and your family comfortable by installing a central air conditioner. To ensure the most seamless installation of your central air conditioner, don't be afraid to ask your installer questions about the process.

Also note that the best home insurance in India will safeguard your home against unforeseeable catastrophes, such as calamities caused by both nature and humans. Some insurance covers the house's structure, while others cover the building and the home's contents. Buy the best home insurance in India and reward your home with seamless protection.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.