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Unsure of how to maintain your motorcycle helmet shield? Here’s all you need to know

A good helmet is an essential motorcycle accessory for your safety. It protects your head from severe injuries in an accident and can be a lifesaver. The helmet cushioning makes your ride comfortable, especially on a long drive. Moreover, you can also use it to add to your style statement.

A good motorcycle helmet shield is a must feature in a helmet. You should maintain your motorcycle helmet shield to extend the helmet's life and ensure clear vision. Let us discuss how to maintain a motorcycle helmet shield.

1. Cleaning:
The first step to maintaining our motorcycle helmet shield is regularly cleaning it. A dirty shield can obstruct your vision and invite an accident. In most cases, regular glass cleaners can do the job for you. Spray some glass cleaner on the shield, and use a soft and clean cloth to rub the shield's surface. It will remove the dirt from the surface and make your shield spotless.

2. Films and sprays:
Films for helmet shields are easily available at any motorcycle accessories shop. You can customise it according to the size of your helmet shield. It will create a barrier between rain and your shield and help to drip it off quickly. Moreover, you can put a film of any colour of your choice and make your helmet look cool and fancy.
Similarly, several sprays available in the market can be used for the same purpose. Anti-fog sprays are also available, which you can use from the inside of your helmet shield. They do not allow condensation to build up during the cold weather and help in clear vision. Films and sprays also protect your helmet shield from scratches and damage.
Ensure you do not keep your helmet shield up while riding through dusty passages, as it will ruin the effect of anti-fog spray and hamper your vision.

3. Wax:
Buy a good quality wax that can be applied on a helmet shield. Rub it on the surface, and use a soft, clean cloth to add shine to your motorcycle helmet shield. Wax can be effective in adding shine to your helmet shield while protecting it from scratches as well.

4. Keep distance:
Keep some distance from the vehicle in front of you while riding your motorcycle, especially at high speeds. This will ensure you are not bombarded with small stones and dust from their tyres. It will keep your helmet shield safe and secure. It will not crack, nor will scratches appear on its surface.

5. Keep your helmet safe:
Always ensure that your helmet does not fall from wherever you keep it. This applies to both home and outside. Also, avoid keeping it on the seat, mirrors, or handlebar, even if you are away for a few minutes. A fall can break your helmet shield or add scratches to it. Install a helmet hook on your bike and use it to hold your helmet while you are away.

A clean and shining helmet shield is a must while riding a motorcycle. A dirty helmet shield is a big no-no. It can hamper your vision and can cause serious accidents. Moreover, it will spoil your style and looks. When we talk about riding safety, two-wheeler insurance protects you and your motorcycle against damages and accidents, similar to a motorcycle helmet shield. Compare hundreds of options, and buy the two wheeler insurance online that fits your needs and budget. It will provide you with complete protection and financial assistance if your motorcycle is stolen or damaged.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why Claiming takes so much time!

It’s time we shorten the time to Claim.

You know what’s the worst part about making a claim? THE WAITING! That uncertain period of time between you submitting your case, and your insurance company responding with a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. We have all been through the ordeal, and we have all resigned to the bitter fact that there’s nothing you can do to change the situation.
Well, we decided we could do something about it! And we did!
Here’s how we manage to deliver seamless claims.

No waiting

You don’t have to wait for a third-party inspection, which may take days. Just do a quick self-survey using your smartphone camera by clicking pictures of the damage and send it to us. That’s it, your inspection is done in minutes!

No hard-copies

We don’t ask you for hard copies. We live true to our name and make everything ‘digital’. Which means, for any documentation or proof, just send us a soft-copy over email.

Our Customer Care works 24x7, making sure your claims are approved faster


Getting your health insurance is as easy as just a few clicks online

For today’s generation, long working hours, irregular sleep schedules, take-out meals, and an unhealthy lifestyle are becoming the new normal, impacting their everyday lives. An evident proof is an increased need for medical attention, which makes health insurance an obvious necessity.

With the 5G advancement of the mobile network, we trust the internet to provide us with faster and accurate information about everything, including health. Fortunately, so do the majority of health insurers. They rely upon the internet to offer a convenient, cost-effective, fast, and secure platform for their customers to buy online health insurance.

Why is online health insurance better? People still hesitate with the idea of online money transactions due to the possibility of fraud. But, this doubt holds no good if you are transacting on official websites of reputed insurance companies. Plus, the multitude of benefits that online policy portals bring is impressive. You get a better level of transparency than what any agent can provide you. You can also compare many websites for online health insurance before you finalise one.

The internet takes the whole idea of saving time to the next level. A few minutes spent online comparing different policies and their features is more convenient than visiting agents.

Health insurance companies are offering online buyers with exciting incentives to encourage more online health insurance purchases. As you buy directly with the insurance company, they save on intermediary costs and commissions to the agents. Therefore, online health insurance works out to be significantly lower.

Things to consider while buying an online health insurance. The most popular insurance isn’t necessarily the most appropriate one. The requirements and expectations of every person from their health insurance differ. To find the best plan for you and your family, consider the following factors:

• The number of members in your family that you want to insure

• Their age, diseases they suffer from, or if they frequently require medical attention

• The place you live, and the health factors associated with that place

• Your average medical expense

• The expected amount of cover

Note – The premium you pay is based on your current financial situation and family income.

How to buy health insurance online?

1. Visit the website of the desired insurance company.

2. Enter your requirements and the personal information of you and your family.

3. You will receive multiple quotes. Select the most suitable for you.

4. Enter your account details and make the payments of the required amount.

5. You will receive confirmation and the details of your policy via email.

6. Congratulations, you are now insured.

The best insurance agencies provide complete transparency so that customers make informed purchases. In addition, insurers strive to facilitate the best plans, give a shedload of options and a hassle-free experience by integrating the latest technology.

Often people make the mistake of buying the same policies as recommended by their friends and families. This may create financial stress on your family. Always have the right due diligence because your lack of knowledge might prevent you from enjoying all the features of the said policy.

With several promising technologies to enhance consumers' use and experience, take advantage of picking out perfect online health insurance for you and your family.

Know more about the Health Insurances available, click here…