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Effective tips for dealing with nausea due to long winding roads

Hill stations are among the most loved destinations for peace-loving and nature-friendly travellers. The sight of hills, lush greenery, and clouds surrounding us amid the freshness and chill of the mountains is always breathtaking. The roads leading to the hills are also ornamented with scenic beauty and visual delights to die for.

However, the roads to the hills are often long and winding and can cause nausea and motion sickness. Our stomach starts to crunch, and our head starts spinning. We start feeling unwell, gloomy, and dull, and the fun soon fades away.

But wait, we've got a fix for this issue! Let us go through some effective tips to deal with nausea due to long winding roads.

1. Eat light
Make sure you eat light food before you start for a long ride up the hills. Avoid dishes with excessive ghee, butter, and oil. You don't have to stuff up until you are full. Take a basic, light meal so that it gets digested easily.

It is also not advisable to skip a meal before such a journey. An empty stomach can disturb you during your journey and trigger motion sickness. However, avoid drinking too much fluid, such as milk or fruit juice, before you start.

2. Take the front seat
Take the front seat while you travel on long winding roads if you are prone to nausea and motion sickness. You will look straight at the road in front of you while sitting in the front seat and not just focus on the steepness of the hills and the zipping scenery on your sides.

Also, you will have the door handle to hold, which can be comforting. You will be in control of yourself, and your body will not flip with every turn your car takes, helping you to avoid motion sickness and nausea.

3. Talk and distract yourself
Nausea and motion sickness often come when we continuously think about it due to fear and concern. One of the best cures for it is to indulge in constant talking and chit-chatting with your fellow passengers. It will keep you busy and distracted and take your attention away from the treacherous and winding roads.

Play good music in the car to keep your mind engaged and jovial. Do anything that makes you forget about the journey uphill on the winding roads, and you will triumph.

4. Fresh air
Make sure your car is well-ventilated on long, winding roads. Roll down your windows every now and then and allow fresh air to come in. It will take care of your nausea. Do not rely much on your car AC. It will not allow the stench to pass if someone has already puked, making you feel worse.

5. Medication

There are several medicines available in the market that help to reduce nausea. Take it before you start your journey, and it will block your urge to vomit. These medicines also contain sedatives that will help you to doze off during your journey and help you to tackle motion sickness and nausea.

The only way to reach the highest of hill stations is to take that terrifying journey across the long, winding roads, as no train or flight will take you there. Hence, follow the above tips if you are prone to nausea and motion sickness during such journeys, and you should do well.

It is equally important to buy good car insurance that will protect you from financial trouble if your car meets with an accident, suffers any damage, or worse, is stolen during such a trip. Do your research well, and choose the best car insurance that meets your requirements and comes at the best price tag. Safeguarding your car is paramount. Thoroughly research before making a final purchase.

Click HERE to find a reliable car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Inflation may eat away at your home insurance policy in the event of a disaster

Inflation is a consistent and significant rise in the prices of goods and services over a long period in an economy. As the prices of goods in our consumption basket rise with time, so do our homes' construction and repair costs.

Inflation may also affect your home insurance policy in the event of a disaster. Besides the regular increase in raw materials prices, the labour cost also increases with time. Hence, we may find our house underinsured when making a claim. Our house insurance India policy should be adjusted according to the current construction costs at regular intervals.

1. Effect of inflation
While issuing a home insurance policy, insurance companies assess the probable cost required to rebuild a house. This is based on several assumptions. But they cannot consider the effect of inflation on the rebuilding cost in the coming years. It is a thing of the future and is uncertain.

Suppose your home insurance policy issuer has estimated the cost of rebuilding your house at 15 lakhs rupees in 2015 and provides coverage accordingly. By the time we enter 2023, the cost of rebuilding the same house has shot up to 30 lakhs rupees. This is because of the rise in building prices, construction materials, and labour wages over the years.

If your home insurance policy is not adjusted for inflation and your complete house is destroyed, you will get a reimbursement of only 15 lakh rupees from the insurance company. You must pay the remaining 15 lakh rupees for reconstruction from your pocket. This will prove very costly and cause mental and financial stress at the time of claim settlement.

2. Inflation rider
You should always add an inflation rider or inflation guard clause to your home insurance policy. With this rider, the insurance company will automatically adjust your policy's coverage limit, which is a fair reflection of the current cost of construction at the time of renewal. Thus, your home insurance coverage limit will grow with time and take into account the effect of inflation.

You will not be underinsured anymore and will be reimbursed in full according to the current cost of reconstruction if any mishap occurs.

3. Cost of inflation rider
Insurance companies increase the annual premium of your house insurance India policy when you add the insurance rider to it. However, this rise is usually lesser than the rate of inflation.

Hence, you should always opt for an inflation rider, even if you have to pay an extra premium. This will give you peace of mind and prevent you from suffering any significant financial losses later.

4. Exclusions
The inflation rider will not consider any value addition to your house because of renovations and other improvements. You have to first inform the insurance company about any such value additions to enhance your policy coverage. For such cases, the insurance company may increase the annual premium of your house insurance India policy.

Inflation is a persistent problem in any economy across the globe, and you need to take care of it. It can result in a sharp increase in the cost of restoration and renovation of your house in the event of a disaster.

Hence, you should be cautious about it from the start and regularly review your house insurance India policy. You can estimate the replacement costs, inform the insurance company, and purchase an insurance rider. This will come at a slightly increased premium, but it is absolutely worth it and will give you complete peace of mind.

Click HERE to buy house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Dealing with a car breakdown? Here’s what you should do

Imagine going on an outstation vacation in your car with your spouse and kids, and your car breaks down midway. You come to an abrupt halt, worried and looking for immediate help to safely get you back to your home or desired destination. Things can be worse when your car breaks down in an emergency.

A car breakdown is always a stressful and harrowing experience. It can be disturbing, especially when you are on a highway. It can leave you helpless and stranded, with usually no assistance in sight for a long distance.

Does this thought scare you? Fret not! Let us go through a few steps you must follow while dealing with a car breakdown. By implementing them, you can rescue yourself from the chaotic situation safely.

1. Pull off the road
If you feel that your car is taking jerks, or is not responding to acceleration or braking, immediately try to pull your vehicle to the side of the road, away from the running traffic. Do the same if you see smoke from the bonnet or inside your car.

Pulling on the side will ensure you are not stuck in the middle of the road with a broken car. It will provide you with some space to look into the breakdown and get it repaired. Also, it is the best action for your safety and your co-passengers.

2. Put on the emergency brakes
Put on the parking or emergency brake when your car is stationary on the side of the road. This will prevent your vehicle from moving forward or backward while repairing it. Be extra careful while parking your car on a hill or a slope. You should turn the steering, so the wheels turn away from the road. Place some bricks or a similar barrier to prevent your car from rolling forward or backward.

3. Switch on your hazard lights
As soon as you have pulled up on the sides, switch on your car's hazard lights. The vehicles approaching the road will know you are stationary and will not line up behind you.

Turning on the hazard lights is extremely important if your car has broken down on a highway. There may not be proper streetlights, and the other vehicles on highways move at high speed, causing a risky situation for you. The hazard lights will announce your stationary position on the road.

4. Use reflective triangles
Your car has reflective triangles in the back for such emergency use. Take them out and keep them at the back or sides of your vehicle. This will make your car visible in the dark and alert the moving traffic.

5. Look for an assistance
After ensuring that you and your car are safe, call the Roadside Assistance number. If you have bought an RSA membership plan, the company will send help to you immediately. You can contact any paid RSA service providers who will also tow your car to the nearest service station for some charges. You can also look for a good car mechanic nearby, ask for his help and get your car started if the glitch is minor. This can be a time-saving and simple solution.

A car breakdown can happen anywhere, anytime, and with anyone. Hence, we should always be mentally prepared for it and take action accordingly. Getting nervous and making hasty decisions can worsen your situation rather than improve it.

You can buy a roadside assistance top-up along with your motor insurance policy which can be immensely helpful in such situations. Choose the motor insurance company that can provide reliable services at the most economical cost and stay tension-free on your drives. Lastly, thoroughly service your car before planning a long-distance journey.

Click HERE to buy coverage from the best motor insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Experiencing a burning sensation in your chest? You may be suffering from acid reflux

Most people may have experienced a burning sensation in their chest at least once. Associated with discomfort and heaviness, the feeling may not appear severe but can be life-threatening. Typically, it is a symptom of gastrointestinal issues and lung problems. Considering the frequency and ubiquitous occurrence of this issue, it becomes essential to buy health insurance online.

There are several reasons for the burning sensation, like stomach ulcers and panic attacks. The likelihood of experiencing a burning feeling in your chest can rise because of reduced blood flow and lung inflammation. But if you feel discomfort in your chest, consult your doctor as soon as possible because it can be related to other severe issues.

But did you know that acid reflux can also be a cause of experiencing discomfort in your chest? Acid reflux is caused by heartburn, a burning sensation mainly because of stomach acid. It can affect people of all ages. Hectic lifestyles and poor health management habits are the contributors to this condition. Many risk factors cause acid reflux, some of which can be serious. It may occur due to smoking, pregnancy, low physical exercise, obesity, etc.

Let's dive deeper to understand acid reflux.

Why does acid reflux happen?
The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, a chemical that reacts with the food and breaks it down. This helps in preventing bacterial growth in the stomach. The ring of the muscle usually acts as a valve that lets food to the stomach but does not back up into the oesophagus. If this valve fails, the stomach content regurgitates into the oesophagus, forming acid reflux. And by this, a person may feel a burning sensation in the chest.

What are the risk factors of acid reflux?
Sometimes, acid reflux happens for absolutely no reason. But there are several risk factors that you should know.

● Active smoking
● Low level of physical exercises
● Pregnancy
● Obesity
● Excessive consumption of caffeine
● Consuming spicy and fatty foods
● Drinking multiple acidic juices
● Eating fast foods

How does acid reflux feel?
Heartburn is the primary symptom of acid reflux. It's a horrific burning sensation that starts in the oesophagus and leads to discomfort in the chest too. It gets worse while lying down and can last for several hours. Sometimes, the stomach fluid can reach the back of the throat, producing a bitter taste and a disturbed peace of mind.

Symptoms of acid reflux
● Heartburn
● A sour, bitter taste in the mouth
● Bloating in the stomach
● Vomit with blood
● A feeling that fluid is stuck in your throat
● Nausea
● Constant weight loss
● Dry cough or sore throat
Causes of acid reflux
Several reasons cause acid reflux, some of which are:
● Eating larger meals at a time and immediately lying down
● Drinking a large amount of alcohol, caffeine, tea, or any acidic juices
● Eating citric foods such as tomatoes, mint, garlic, and spicy foods
● Pregnancy changes

Treatments for acid reflux
There are several ways to avoid acid reflux, including:
● Quit smoking
● Eat smaller meals throughout the day and modify your food types
● Try to sleep in a chair in the daytime for small naps
● Do not wear tight clothes
● Lose weight and change your diet
● Indulge in physical activity

If you have had an acid reflux problem for over a week, you must consult your doctor for medications. It may happen due to several lifestyle changes. It is a common concern but cannot be brushed off, as it may be life-threatening sometimes. In mild cases, simple medicines may resolve your issue. However, for recurring problems, doctors may recommend surgery to cure acid refluxes. Considering the increasing medical inflation and health-related expenses, it is essential to buy health insurance online for your safety against hospitalisation expenses.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.