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Simplifying commonly used insurance jargon

While checking any insurance plan, you most likely come across terms like deductibles, premiums, adjuster, etc. If you're unfamiliar with them, you may be confused and make wrong financial decisions.

It is now a given that everyone needs to have basic knowledge of terms relevant to general insurance. If not, you will find it daunting to buy insurance or apply for one. In such a case, it is extremely easy to get tricked. You will likely fall into the trap of fraudsters who can get more money from your lack of awareness and appropriate knowledge. Not knowing things can make the job easier for them.

If you need help understanding a few commonly used insurance jargon, this article is for you. This article will walk you through the various essential terms related to insurance. Prepare to dive into the world of simplified general insurance jargon that aids in making better financial decisions and equips you to help your peers and share your knowledge!

1. Claim:
This is one of the most important terms related to insurance used in all policies, including non-general and general insurance. A claim refers to the compensation or coverage of an incurred loss. It is a request to the insurance company to compensate you in cash or in kind for the loss you have encountered. It can be filed in case of a road accident, robbery, or even a natural disaster.

2. Adjuster:
An insurance company employs an adjuster to settle various claims. They investigate, examine, and evaluate before finalising any claim. The adjuster investigates all the crucial concerns. Be it the cause of loss, insurance coverage, the value of the loss, the amount of loss, and so on. Only after the adjuster adequately investigates everything the insurance company settles the claim.

3. Peril:
As the name suggests, this refers to a potential threat or danger that puts the insured at risk. It can also put an insured item or property at risk. It can be due to any irreversible causes and out of control. For instance, theft, fire, floods, and so on.

4. Deductibles:
This refers to the money to be paid by the insured for insurance coverage before the insurance company starts paying for the insurance policy. This amount is generally deducted from the claim before it is handed over to the insured.

5. Premium:
This refers to the amount paid to the insurance company to secure you against any damages or losses. It is a variable amount that depends on many factors while buying insurance.

6. Liability coverage:
As the name suggests, it protects the insured against any claim raised towards the damages and injuries caused to third parties or property.

7. Nominee:
This refers to a person entitled to receive the insurance claim if the insured dies. The insurance company redirects the claim to the rightful nominee declared by the insured as per the terms and conditions of the policy. They are generally the dependent, your spouse, child, parents, etc.

8. Waiting period:
This is the time that a policyholder has to wait before applying for a claim. Depending on various factors, the policy's terms & conditions, it can range from a few months to a few years.

With general insurance becoming necessary to protect your highly-valued assets and your finances, everyone must understand basic insurance jargon before evaluating and comparing policies. Only when you are aware of the basic terms can you buy the best insurance for yourself! Keep yourself aligned with the advancements of the insurance sector and buy general insurance online to get better offers and attractive premiums that account for efficient coverage.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Single mother: A health insurance can secure your and your child’s future

Women have surpassed their traditional gender roles and are now leading huge organisations, establishing their start-ups, investing for their future, taking care of their families, and when they decide to become mothers according to their own choices. While we all know how society functions and several stereotypes have been crumbled to the ground by women, we are still far from creating a safer space. But there is no second thought about how the position of women in society has improved over time.

Due to unfortunate circumstances or by choice of living a stress-free life, several women are single mothers today. And most of them hold sole custody of their kid(s). Again, the stigma against single parenting is quite challenging to go through. There are several aspects to ensuring you create a happy life for yourself and your kid. This blog aims to make single mothers understand the importance of health insurance and how it can secure their future and their child’s upbringing. Here’s a guide to achieving that and all you need to know about the topic.

1. Explore all your options.
There are several insurance options in the market. You will see a herd of insurance providers. It would be best to thoroughly research every health insurance- the merits and demerits, terms and conditions, renewal policy, sum insured, service quality, hospitals in the network, trust, and ratings. After all these detailings, if you still feel the process is overwhelming and you cannot differentiate amongst the integral factors, you can consult a financial expert who will help you prioritise your needs and put forth the best options for you.

2. How do you prioritise your requirements?
Health insurance should be at the top of your priority list. And while the details of various types of insurance available in the market can be overwhelming, you need to prioritise your requirements. How can you do that? You need to figure out your insurance coverage, keeping in mind the range of medical expenditures in your location, as geographical factors influence hospital expenses.
While determining the amount for coverage for your health insurance, you need to be careful about the limitations like the hospital expenses, the settlement for the claims regarding the ailments, etc. Health insurance with these restrictions tends to cost you lower than those who endorse full coverage. Listing your needs will help you find the perfect insurance for your necessities.

3. Plan ahead of time.
As a single mother, you have a massive load of responsibilities on your shoulders. It would be best if you secure your future and your child’s/children’s and family’s future from an early stage. Also, you will see a significant increase in medical inflation, impacting health insurance premiums, hospitalisation costs, prices of medical aids and equipment, etc. To combat the unpredictability of this journey called life, you will need to gear up.
You need to look for the additional benefits provided by the various insurance providers and the type of features these benefits carry, for example, daycare, expenditure of an attendant/caretaker, etc. You can explore and analyse the benefits you can get through different added features or insurance for critical illness.

We discussed the perks of health insurance for single mothers. But in no way is it limited to just single parents. Everyone out there requires health insurance to stay monetarily stress-free during difficult phases of life involving health troubles. And with technology, the hassle of buying and renewing insurance is just a matter of a few clicks now! You can purchase or renew health insurance online and be the master of your ship to choose what’s best for you and your family.

Click HERE to learn more about how to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Your car manufacturer’s service centres can help you cut costs in the long run

Although buying a vehicle is a significant investment, it also brings with it several additional expenses to ensure the driver’s safety and maintenance of the car. To ensure its longevity and appropriate functioning, get your vehicle serviced regularly and buy car insurance online to minimise the risk of accidents and the burden of allied costs.

Remember, both these factors are non-negotiable. While opting to buy car insurance online can get you the best insurers, your authorised service centre also helps you cut costs in the long run.

This article explains how you may derive greater benefits in the long run by availing of the services of the manufacturer’s service centre.

1. Specialised technicians:
The manufacturer’s affiliated garages employ specialised technicians that have undergone rigorous training in exclusive components or have the technical know-how of specific car models, making them the right persons to inspect and evaluate your car. You can also raise any concerns and ask for expert maintenance tips regarding essential maintenance.

2. Never worry about counterfeit parts:
While cars themselves are expensive, replacing components is also a costly affair. Some parts may require replacement due to obsoletion, while others depreciate and add up to a significant amount, which only some can afford. This situation leads to the rise of counterfeit parts. They are of similar specifications but are made of inferior quality, risking your vehicle’s safety. Authorised dealers only store authentic parts and provide a guarantee, eliminating counterfeit concerns and recurring costs arising from their use.

3. Keep your car up to date:
The global automotive software market is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 13.1% until 2027, indicating the vast scope of upgrading cars to increase efficiency and facilitate seamless driving. Manufacturers frequently release software updates, and there is no better place to get it than at an affiliated garage! Along with a regular check, you can also install the latest updates at no additional cost without delay!

4. Maintain resale value:
Regular servicing is proof of a well-maintained car, and service records are documented evidence of the same. While your local garage may not offer reliable documentation, your manufacturer’s garages ensure that you have proof of the car’s servicing history after each check. If you choose to resell your vehicle, this record is essential to justify the car’s value and convince the potential buyer of its safety.

5. Early identification of festering problems:
There is no greater pinch to the wallet than an expense that could have been avoided by taking preventive checks and spending a minimal sum. The experts at your manufacturer’s garages are well-equipped to identify issues and recommend monitoring or an effective solution to curb the extent of damage to your vehicle.

6. Risk of invalidated warranty:
The manufacturer may refuse to provide warranty coverage without proof of the procedure, the equipment used, and the technician’s expertise. Hence, contacting a dealer for any significant concerns or repairs is ideal as it provides a more significant resolution to the issues related to your vehicle.

There is no greater relief than that of reliability, which authorised service centres provide. We recommend carefully assessing alternatives before choosing your preferred servicing garage and buy car insurance online to derive the most significant benefits possible.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Would your corporate health insurance suffice? Not amid layoffs

In the aftermath of a global pandemic and rising economic uncertainties, a job offers what matters most- financial stability and social security. It may also provide perks like allowances for specific purposes like children's education, medical expenses, relocation, etc., and perquisites like a company car, accommodation, etc.

A primary add-on facility is corporate health insurance for employees. While it may cover medical emergencies and allied expenses during employment, does it satisfy the need for additional health insurance? Experts suggest that, employed or not, each individual should buy health insurance to reduce the financial burden of medical expenses.

If you have a corporate insurance policy and need more clarification about needing a separate cover, read on to learn about the risk you face.

What is corporate health insurance?

Also known as group health insurance, the company takes the initiative to buy health insurance for all its employees during their tenure with the company. It covers medical costs arising from accidents, medical conditions, surgeries, etc. While the policy coverage is vast, it also extends to the dependents of the employees- creating an illusion of comprehensive coverage.

Not only does it benefit employees as an additional security against contingencies, but it also doubles as an attractive perk from the employer that makes the job offer appear comprehensive, leading to a satisfied workforce and resulting in greater productivity. The Indian Income Tax laws also allow claiming a deduction for the premium payment, sweetening the deal for both parties involved in case of a co-payment arrangement.

Concerns about corporate health insurance:

While the policy is undoubtedly beneficial for employees, it is not a substitute for individual health insurance.

1. Term period:
Corporate health insurance is purchased in bulk to cover all employees of the organisation. An employee is only protected until his employment tenure continues. Considering the volatile economic conditions and the talks of an incoming recession, more layoffs seem inevitable in the near future, making it essential to buy more health insurance at the earliest.

2. Standard coverage:
While corporate health insurance covers a broad scope of issues that may lead to medical expenses, you cannot customise the policy to fit your and your dependents' needs. The company makes decisions on the technicalities, including insured sum, number of dependents, etc., leaving employees at greater health risk with no option but to buy online health insurance individually to cover specific concerns. Even if you do not need a custom cover, we highly recommend purchasing an individual policy.

3. No direct benefit to the employee:
If you buy online health insurance and don't raise a claim during its active period, you can avail of a no-claim bonus, a reward that offers up to 50% discount while renewing the policy. The same does not apply to corporate health insurance.

4. Cumbersome claim raising:
When looking for online health insurance, comparing alternative insurers and purchasing a comprehensive plan from a company offering a seamless claim-raising experience is essential. Since the technicalities are outside your hands, you may have to deal with long wait periods and inefficient claim-settling mechanisms before reaching a fruitful settlement.

5. Undependable state of personal finances:
Health insurance makes for an integral part of budgets and financial planning. Choosing to rely solely on the insurance provided by your employer is a risky move that can affect your financial stability.

6. Lack of tax deduction:
Unless the premium has been paid under a co-payment agreement between the employer and employee, the employee cannot claim a tax deduction. The employer, however, continues to have the option of claiming the expense as a business expenditure that can be claimed as a deduction while calculating the profits of the business.

While group health insurance offers comprehensive coverage, it does not substitute the need to buy online health insurance. We strongly urge you to purchase separate health insurance, not just for tax-saving purposes but to ensure your financial security and protect your health under comprehensive coverage.

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why the joy of motorcycle riding only increases in a group

Travel has become more about exploration than just following the regular itinerary and checking off tourist spots. People have been curating their itineraries, inspired by travel vloggers, who have been popularising the lesser travelled locations and various affordable options across India. And whenever you think about high-altitude destinations like Ladakh, Darjeeling, Gangtok, etc., you picture a biking gang. Upon travelling, you will see several members of different biker groups taking frequent adventure tours.

And while some people are interested in riding their bikes alone and going on solo trips, the joy of motorcycle riding only increases in a group. We will discuss all that in this blog! Let’s get started!

1. The joy doubles:
We all have heard, “the more, the merrier.” The same goes for riding in groups. The happiness multiplies. The jokes, the moments, the pictures, and the memories double up. The joy increases significantly as people with different perspectives and opinions get together. You learn many new things and get opportunities to interact and diversify your knowledge base.
And riding a bike to challenging destinations through uneven routes creates a feeling of oneness. These biking groups become your family, and you and your biking brothers can forge lifetime connections that can prove fruitful in emergencies. And this extended family doesn’t always need to have a transactional relationship. You can share your highs and lows with everyone.

2. Create your brethren:
Along with diversifying your opinions, you also get to interact with like-minded folks who might have a larger perspective regarding your similarities. These people have the same routine as yours, face similar difficulties, and can provide a safe and judgement-free space to vent your frustration, speak your mind, and communicate about your daily personal and professional struggles. And while you might have specific differences since every individual comes with eccentricities, your love for bikes, adventures, and adrenaline unites you under one umbrella.

3. Introducing life-changing qualities:
Discipline, accountability, and responsibility are some of the most integral qualities one must inculcate to become an individual, leader, and member of society. All these qualities are developed when you are a member of a biker group. A team or group can only operate correctly with rules and regulations. You must follow a proper code of conduct and work together as a team to reach your destinations in an orderly fashion. This teamwork requires you to get over your feuds and prejudices, take responsibility, and ensure that the group does not fall apart during any difficulties.

4. Cannot forget about the safety:
Being part of a biker group indicates your shared love for motorcycle riding and adventure. Along with the other benefits of riding in a group, the most significant merit is safety. It ensures a higher level of protection than riding solo. You might receive the kindness of some stranger when you ride alone, but if you are in a group, you will be taken care of as other members also hold responsibility for looking after each other. These are rare opportunities where you can feel the “unity in group riding” and create a family away from home.

Some other reasons why the joy of motorcycle riding only increases in a group include enhancing your machinery and bike knowledge by exchanging information and tips with other professional riders.

You always need to ensure that you do not fall behind on the upkeep of your bike. But certain unprecedented circumstances can cause severe damage to your motorcycle, which might lead to heavy expenditure. To avoid the financial distress of such times, you need to purchase bike insurance. And to enjoy the comfort of your home while you explore all your options and arrive at a decision, you can buy bike insurance online before your next trip.

Click HERE to learn more about buying bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What should you consider before purchasing super top-up health insurance

Ever since Covid brought the world to a halt, we have seen a rise in demand for healthcare assistance and services. We all remember the mass fear of getting trapped into health complications, even if people were not infected by the Covid virus strain. Every other day, you read headlines about the demise of highly fit people who had a proper workout regimen and cared for their health. However, life has its ways. While we might be powerless in front of our destinies, the least we can do is to stay fit. We need to take proper care of ourselves physically, mentally, and economically by making intelligent decisions like purchasing health insurance policies to safeguard ourselves during tough times.

We all have heard and read about health insurance and its benefits. But we are always on the lookout for something more. Something which can grant us more confidence and coverage to face unforeseeable circumstances with zero financial stress. Have you heard about super top-up health insurance? And, what should you consider before purchasing super top-up health insurance? You might have several doubts. This blog will discuss the answers to these vital questions.

1. Understanding super top-up health insurance in detail.
Just like the top-up plans we opt for while recharging our phones, a super top-up health insurance plan is the top-up for your policies. In addition, the term "super" brings many benefits, which take health insurance the extra mile beyond the limitations of a top-up insurance plan.
A super top-up insurance plan expands the coverage beyond your regular health insurance plan. It covers the medical expenditure after the limit of your primary health insurance policy is exhausted. In addition to expanding the coverage provided by your health insurance, a super top-up health insurance plan offers you coverage for more than one claim over your initial policy limit.

2. Who requires super top-up health insurance?
Senior citizens come first in the order of a super top-up health insurance plan requirement. Their frequent need for healthcare services suits this type of insurance plan, which would allow them to avail the benefits with no financial stress. People with severe health risks of hospitalisation can opt for super top-up health insurance to expand their coverage and avail successive medical benefits. To augment the benefits of group health insurance, a super top-up plan proves helpful and allows the policyholders to redeem the benefits beyond their insurance plan.

3. What should you consider before purchasing super top-up health insurance?
While the benefits of super top-up health insurance sound amazing and worth considering, you also need to be on the lookout for certain factors before buying a super top-up plan. Always choose the correct deductible limit, indicating the maximum extent of your primary health insurance policy.
You also need to cross-check the list of network hospitals that come under the super top-up health insurance so that you have complete clarity and verify whether the hospitals are serving your medical concerns, which is the primary reason for you expanding your coverage. A super top-up insurance plan can be customised. Therefore, you need to make sure that you read more about it and ask questions to be clear about its benefits and features before you insure a particular sum of money.

4. Other benefits of a super top-up insurance plan.
Some other benefits of a super top-up insurance plan include paying deductibles just once despite making multiple claims a year, accessibility to cashless payments at the network hospitals, eligibility for reimbursement post payment, coverage of Covid-19 treatment, tax benefits under section 80D of the Income Tax act on the premium paid for the super top-up health insurance policy, etc.

While we discuss expanding the coverage of your base policy through this top-up insurance plan, you need to understand the necessity of purchasing health insurance to combat medical emergencies and distress without worrying about the funds. Explore all available options and choose the best health insurance that caters to your needs optimally.

Click HERE to learn more about health insurance and its benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Top priorities for Indian car buyers in 2023

Safety is undoubtedly at the forefront of your mind when you plan to buy a new car. However, many other crucial factors come into play in this decision-making process. These factors include essential safety features, enticing designs, and performance. Remember also to consider purchasing online car insurance for added peace of mind.

To make your car-buying experience even more enjoyable and impactful, here's a list of these priorities, ranked in order of importance. Get ready to make an informed decision in 2023.

1. Price and budgets:
Every car buyer's #1 concern is cost. There is a set budget for everything, including purchasing a car or allied online car insurance. Everybody will work to maximise their car's potential while paying the least money. And because the transition to the BS6 emission standards resulted in a price increase. Carmakers know the purchasing power of their customers, hence offering the options of different variants and pricing accordingly.

2. Fuel efficiency:
When it comes to cars, mileage is a crucial factor, as any Indian car buyer would tell you. There have been old models that were strong and packed with best-in-class features but failed terribly due to their poor fuel efficiency. For Indian consumers, a low kilometre per litre is an absolute red sign.

3. Service and maintenance cost:
A buyer considers other factors outside of the car's initial cost. Adding to budget planning are the prices of routine services. Therefore, the car should become affordable over time. Because of their hefty service costs, certain brands lose their preferability. However, a reliable car care partner may help reduce those service fees.

4. Qualities and design:
For many Indians, cars remain an enviable luxury. Since cars double as a status symbol in India, regardless of their features or powertrain specifications, an unattractive vehicle will not sell. Despite the wide variety of aesthetic preferences, some people prefer their cars to be more understated and sophisticated, while others like them to be more showy and solid.

5. Transmission and performance:
While performance isn't a top concern for most car buyers, Indians want their cars to be quick enough. Because people love the power of such vehicles, turbocharged engines have recently become increasingly popular.

6. User protection:
Safety is essential when considering cars, especially since India experiences many fatal traffic accidents. Safe driving and general awareness regarding standard driving guidelines can help resolve this problem and minimise the risk of accidents and fatalities.
While the auto industry recognises the need for high-quality cars, it does not respond to such demand immediately since Indians are price sensitive and do not wish to extend their budget to factor in their safety. We must realise that the cost of cars will need to go up because of increased protection. A strict set of safety rules and regulations is utmost required in India.

7. Reduced wait period:
It is challenging to be patient when making a significant investment in a car that is not just a means of conveyance but a measure of comfort and a sign of material wealth. Post the global pandemic, supply chain disruptions led to shortages of highly customised components, stopping assembly operations of various goods, including cars. With more car manufacturing factories opening up across India, car buyers can expect some relief from long waiting periods to get their hands on the keys to take their new cars for a spin at the earliest!

An overview of the top 7 priorities for Indian car buyers shows that price and features continue to take primary importance in the checklist. The addition of safety characteristics indicates a shift towards safer cars. We encourage you to purchase online car insurance after careful consideration and comparison while purchasing your car to ensure that you have safe, stress-free driving experiences!

Click HERE to buy the best online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Telematics car insurance: A boon for the insured & insurer

Telematics in car insurance is used by integrating telecommunications and informatics to understand a driver's risk profile and help create insurance plans in which the premium is charged according to the usage of the car.

Insurance companies consider several factors, such as the distance covered, frequency of vehicle use, average speed, driving style, etc., to arrive at the appropriate premium to charge for the respective customer. Let us understand telematics car insurance in detail.

How does it work?

Once a telematics device is installed in the car, it makes a complete note of the car’s movement and distance covered, when, and how it was driven. The device also tracks acceleration style and habits, braking patterns, average speed maintained, etc. The insurance companies analyse all this data and create the driver's risk profile. They then arrive at the fair premium that a particular person should be charged.

A boon for the insured?

Two cars purchased in the same month or a gap of a few days command the same premium for the regular insurance policies, even if the driver's driving style differs. Some drive cautiously and efficiently, while others may drive rashly and negligently. There is a need for rewarding good driving style. Insurance companies have developed a genius idea of telematics car insurance in which we have to pay the insurance premium according to our driving style.

Usage-based car insurance is a boon for the insured as it motivates the users to drive efficiently. They become aware of their driving habits and realise how they can improve.

Good driving behaviour is rewarded in such car insurance, and car users enjoy lower premiums on their policy. A good driving style will also help to achieve higher fuel efficiency, lesser wear and tear on the car, and lower maintenance costs for the owner. Moreover, a cautious driver is less likely to get into a car accident.

Telematics car insurance is a boon for the insured who use their car less and still have to pay high premiums. This helps them to pay a lesser premium as the premium also depends upon the distance covered under such policy.

A boon for the insurer?

Telematics makes the drivers drive at appropriate speeds and avoid indulging in high-speed and rash driving. This means that car accidents should go down considerably, resulting in a much lesser number of car insurance claims.

Therefore, the insurance company will stand to benefit from such car insurance. Lesser claims mean lesser expenses, resulting in higher profits for them. Also, such insurance will provide a lot of driving data to the insurance companies. They can analyse it and offer customised insurance policies to their clients. This will help them create an improved clientele and increase their market share and profits.

Car owners should consider several questions, such as the frequency of their car usage, driving style, and premium amount compared to their existing car insurance policy.
Such car insurance is a boon for both the insurer and the insured. Time is not far when technology, combined with telecommunications, will take over, and telematics car insurance will become the best choice among all the available options in the market.

*Telematics car insurance is not much prevalent in India as of now. It is just in the introduction stage, and the concept is new to most users. Hence, it will take some time to evolve and spread. Therefore, contact your insurance provider for further details.

Click HERE to buy a reliable car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Inbuilt restoration benefit is a boon you must consider

Recent studies indicated a 0.4% penetration rate of health insurance in India in 2022. The true gravity of the situation is not felt when viewed in isolation but when compared to the 4.1% penetration rate in the US. Experts pin this lag on inaccessible insurance products and a general lack of awareness in the country.

Misinformation is undoubtedly the most significant concern that the insurance industry faces. An excellent example of misconceptions leading to losing out on benefits is unawareness regarding the restoration benefit offered under health insurance in India. If you have ever wondered about what happens when you need additional coverage after raising a claim and exhausting the insured sum within the policy period, here are all your answers about the restoration benefit, its advantages, and the types.

What is the restoration benefit?

A restoration benefit may be the most significant inbuilt feature insurers offer when purchasing the best health insurance policy in India. It is a benefit that is of greater significance in the case of family floater policies.

According to widespread misinformation, most policyholders believe they can no longer raise a claim in case of a second instance of hospitalisation against the same policy during the policy period. However, if your health insurance provides restoration benefits, you are insured for a greater sum than the insurance policy states. Your best health insurance in India offers a refill benefit, allowing you to claim up to 100% of the insured sum even after it is exhausted.

And, if your policy does not provide this feature, you can purchase a restoration benefit add-on to act as a security net in case of multiple occurrences of the event you are insured against during the policy tenure.

Types of restoration benefit.

1. Partial exhaustion:
As the name suggests, upon partial exhaustion of the insured sum, the restoration feature comes into play, renewing the insured sum to the maximum amount stated in the policy. If you have to purchase the add-on feature, it is preferred to have this type of restoration benefit.

2. Complete exhaustion:
The restoration feature only activates upon using the entire insured sum. Commonly, health insurance providers offer this type of benefit to policyholders since it minimises their exposure to risk by making restoration only applicable after the whole insured sum is exhausted.

Critical attributes of restoration benefit.

While the feature offers excellent benefits, you must not blindly purchase it or rely upon it without being aware of some of its essential characteristics:

1. The restored insured sum is not eligible for utilisation in the renewed policy period, irrespective of whether or not it is used in the relevant period.

2. Depending on your policy’s fine print, the restored amount may be up to 100-150% of the insured sum, depending on the cause for raising a claim.

3. The benefit does not apply to the first claim during the policy period but becomes applicable from the second claim onwards.

4. In the case of individual or family floater plans, multiple policyholders cannot enjoy the benefit of the restored insured sum simultaneously.

5. While it provides a backup in emergencies, it does not suffice as a replacement for increasing the insured sum in case of critical diseases or high-risk family members covered under the policy.

While purchasing the best health insurance policy in India, it is essential to check if the policy offers restoration benefits within the policy framework. Although it may not be a substitute for the need to increase your insured sum in your individual or family floater plan, it certainly provides a backup option to rely on in case of emergencies to cover insurance claims.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s why your health insurance premium rises each year and what you can do to manage it

Most investments are made to reap future benefits or protect yourself from contingent liabilities that may arise. Buying health insurance is one investment you must make to protect yourself financially in the present times. Even though several online health insurance companies deliver their services to your doorstep, buying health insurance has never been simpler. Surprisingly, about 30% of Indian households still do not have any health insurance coverage.

Experts believe that mass misinformation, complex policy wording, and the rising cost of premiums are to blame for the low figures. This requires the intervention of online health insurance companies to clarify and spread awareness among the public.

However, if the increasing cost of health insurance makes you think before purchasing or renewing your policy, read on to learn about the factors influencing the premium rates and whether you can manage them.

1. Inflation:
Unless you have been living under a rock, there is no way you could have missed out on the discussions regarding the skyrocketing rates of medical inflation globally.
The increased prices of healthcare services and consumables and an imbalance in demand and supply of equipment and professionals are also responsible for the rising costs of hospitalisation. This has directly increased premiums to minimise the risk online health insurance companies bear. But this trend is unlikely to settle, making premiums inevitably pricier each year.

2. Claim history:
Suppose you have raised frequent claims over the years. In that case, you are classified as a high-risk policyholder since renewing your policy will likely result in more significant payouts for the insurer. However, this does not apply to all online health insurance companies. Ensure you check the fine print of alternative policies and choose one that does not include a clause of increasing your premium with each claim you raise.

3. Age:
With age, one’s immunity weakens, making one susceptible to illnesses. Older people are at greater risk of diseases and hospitalisation, making them high-risk clients for health insurance companies, which is why they are charged higher premiums. Paying a higher premium means better coverage and a greater insured sum. Do not compromise on protecting your future by skimping on the premium, and ensure your policy provides comprehensive coverage against various illnesses and a sizable insured sum.

4. Policyholder’s medical history:
Online health insurance companies ask for a complete medical record of potential policyholders to assess the risk of insuring them. A health check-up before approving your policy informs them of general well-being and any pre-existing conditions that may lead to frequent hospitalisation, making you a high-risk client.

5. Add-on covers:
Depending on your age and medical history, you may purchase add-on covers that protect you against specific conditions or events. While they make your policy more comprehensive, they inevitably make it pricier.
However, it is best not to compromise your health needs and skimp on your health insurance coverage. Ensure you check your policy wording to purchase an add-on only when necessary.

Insurance buyers are advised to be alert and responsible while investing in health insurance. The rising premium is a concern, but a little alertness and awareness today can help in the long run. Here are a few key takeaways for managing rising health insurance premiums in India:

• Choose a comprehensive health insurance plan.

• Compare policies and opt for the best online insurance companies with the required features.

• Maintain a healthy lifestyle and use cashless facilities.

• Review coverage annually and look for discounts and special offers.

• Seek advice from a financial advisor.

Health insurance is an essential investment for your physical and financial well-being. While renewals may get pricier annually, a prudent policyholder can always get the most significant value from his premium payment by doing due diligence. Ensure that you initiate the policy renewal process before it is slated to lapse. Review the offerings of multiple online health insurance companies before choosing to renew or porting it.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance plan with an attractive premium.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's all you need to know about health insurance for smokers

Tobacco has been killing people for centuries, but people still don't consider it one of the biggest public health dangers the world has ever faced. Smokers are susceptible to various chronic and fatal diseases such as lung cancer, respiratory diseases, asthma, heart diseases and stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and osteoporosis. Moreover, female smokers may also face complications in pregnancy.

Hence, it is imperative that smokers should opt for the best online health insurance to ensure the right coverage during an emergency. Here's all you need to know about health insurance for smokers.

1. Need and importance:
India has a large population of around 120 million people that smokes. Moreover, smoking kills over 8 million people every year. They are also prone to various fatal diseases that need expensive long-term treatment.
Therefore, smokers should opt for a good health insurance policy. It will help them protect their hard-earned money and prepare them financially for the enormous hospital expenses they may incur because of illnesses caused due to their smoking habit.

2. Premium:
Health insurance policies for smokers usually command around 30%-40% higher premiums than other regular health insurance policies. This is because a smoker is more susceptible to diseases and gets hospitalised than a non-smoker. Many risks are involved in providing a health insurance policy to a smoker. Insurance companies offset this risk by charging a higher premium for covering a smoker's health.
The premium also varies according to the number of cigarettes a person smokes in a day or a week. A smoker who smokes more will have to pay a higher premium than a smoker who smokes fewer cigarettes in a day. Also, insurance companies increase the premium on a smoker's policy if he suffers health problems later on due to smoking.

3. Disclosure requirements:
A smoker must disclose his smoking habits and the number of cigarettes he smokes in a day when he buys the health insurance policy. Even if a person smokes just one cigarette daily, he should disclose it to the insurance company. An insurance company can reject the claim on the grounds that vital information relating to health was wilfully non-disclosed at the time of buying the online health insurance policy. They can also declare the policy null and void.
If a person turns a smoker after buying a health insurance policy, he should inform the insurance company about the same. This will make his claim settlement process hassle-free. The insurance company may modify and increase the premium and ask for a medical test too.

4. Benefits:
A health insurance policy for a smoker has numerous advantages. Smokers can need expensive treatments as they can catch diseases fatal to life, such as cancer. The policy will keep them financially protected and cover their hospital bills in such a situation. Moreover, they can enjoy cashless treatment benefits with their policy. Such policies also come with tax benefits on a smoker's premium under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

A health insurance policy should be purchased as a shield by any smoker as there are high chances of them being diagnosed with life-threatening diseases of the lungs, chest, and even cancer at some stage of their life. Smoking kills people, and the policy can provide financial support to smokers in times of medical emergencies.

It is always good for smokers to become aware of the dangers of tobacco and quit smoking. In addition, they should do adequate research and opt for the best online health insurance policy. They should go through minute clauses and details of their policy that may be affected due to their smoking habit. This will ensure financial protection, stability, and hassle-free claim settlement at a later date.

Click HERE to buy an online health insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few key ratios to consider before buying insurance

It is difficult for us to pick out the best insurance providers in the market without having in-depth knowledge about the company. You should not choose your insurance company by merely watching their advertisements in the media or by what your agent suggests. Always get in-depth knowledge about the credibility of the insurance company, its financial strength and stability, and the capability to support you financially in times of need.

Here are a few key ratios that will help you better understand an insurance company and which you should consider before buying insurance.

1. Claim Settlement Ratio:
This is the first and foremost ratio you should consider when choosing your insurance company. It denotes the number of claims settled by the insurance company per 100 claims it receives.
Even if an insurance company with a low CSR offers you a policy at a lower premium than others, you should avoid buying it. After all, such savings can be futile if your company rejects your claim during a medical emergency. The whole purpose of buying an insurance policy is forfeited in such a case. Hence, the company with the highest CSR should be given preference.

2. Liquidity ratios: Liquidity ratios tell you how capable the company is of meeting its financial obligations and claims raised by the policyholders. An insurance company should have good liquidity and be able to fulfill its payment obligations in case a huge number of unexpected claims come up suddenly at any point in time. This can happen in catastrophes such as floods and earthquakes when many people may raise insurance claims in a short period.
It also provides information on an insurance company's capability to meet its current liabilities from its liquid assets. A ratio of less than one will mean that the company may have to sell its long-term investments or borrow money to meet its current liabilities. This can be a worrying situation for the company and the people buying its insurance policies.

3. Solvency ratios:
Put theoretically, a company's solvency ratio measures its capacity to meet its debt obligations and other financial commitments. The current solvency ratio prescribed by the IRDAI for insurance companies is 1.5 in India. A ratio lower than 1.5 is a cause for concern for insurance buyers. It may result in bankruptcy risk if the company faces many sudden claims.

4. Earnings ratios:
The following two important earnings ratios ascertain the profitability of the insurance company and its competitive strengths.
Combined ratio:
There are several operating expenditures, commissions, and claims that an insurance company has to meet. Their cumulative total should be less than the total premium earnings for that period. A lower value of the combined ratio is advisable.
Return on net worth:
This ratio tells us the profit-earning capacity of an insurance company concerning its net worth. It considers the profit earned by the company after tax and indicates the overall return on equity of the insurance company. A higher ratio is better and preferable.

It is an arduous task to choose the best insurance company in the market, especially when so many big companies operate in the field of general insurance. A buyer should carefully review the above ratios and rate the available options accordingly. Before buying its policy, a good understanding of the insurance company is of utmost importance.

A policy buyer should be confident that his decision to choose one insurance company over another is sound and backed by statistics and numbers. After all, the insurance company should stand by his side and provide him hassle-free financial assistance in times of real need and emergency.

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance that keeps you financially safe.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Confused between authorised service centres and local garages? Here’s all you need to know

While purchasing a car is a huge deal, that is not all. You also need to invest in the upkeep and maintenance of your vehicle to increase its longevity. The car manufacturers have a set of rules and regulations regarding the servicing and maintenance of your car, like the distance limit before the first servicing, availability of the original parts, the fittings, etc.

Do you need clarification on authorised service centres and local garages to ensure your car is in its best condition? Here’s all you need to know.

1. Professional mechanics:
Authorised service centres provide you with the best-seasoned persons and specialised mechanics to service a particular company or type of car. These mechanics can have a closer look and understand any unusual issue that might pop up in your vehicle. They can provide the best insights and the accurate method to rectify the problem.
Local garages have mechanics, but their professionalism might require validation. They have a reputation for using the quickest methods or resolving issues using trial and error without actually having a deeper understanding of the working and what consequences the current problem might have. Lack of proper servicing can lead to a decrease in the life of the car, hefty costs of damage repair, and cause more troubles in the functioning of your vehicle.

2. Latest gears and equipment:
The authorised service centres always ensure that they have the latest equipment as prescribed by the companies for various models of their cars. As the brands are manufacturing vehicles with advanced technologies and upgrading their features, the spare parts and other gears should be upgraded without meddling with the warranty, even if there is a problem with your vehicle.
Whereas, with local garages, this is a massive issue. Usually, they do not have the latest manufacturer-recommended parts for repair, which might end up voiding the warranty and causing further damage to the circuits and other systems of the car.

3. Time consumption and quality of services:
Authorised service centres take complete responsibility for customer care and quality services. While this is a massive plus against the local service garages, the waiting time is quite a factor that acts as a con for these service centres. There is a huge waiting list and a time taking procedure you must go through before you can get your car back in good shape.
If you approach a local garage to fix the issue with your vehicle, you will get your car back in no time. However, regarding the quality, even if it is a coat of paint on a small area that was hit against a harsh surface, you will be able to mark the difference between the fixtures of an authorised centre compared to the local garage.

While local garages provide quick, budget fixes to your issues, it is very evident that the authorised service centres are the smarter option of the two. Your vehicle is a massive investment, so it is wise not to cheap out regarding the maintenance, servicing, and compromising its safety. And you might end up in consequential trouble, which burns a hole in your pocket due to your reluctance to opt for quality service.

So always make an intelligent decision, one of which is to ensure that you purchase the best car insurance in India to stay financially stress-free during any unfortunate situations that might cause damage to your car. You can now buy the best car insurance in India, which is suitable for your needs, from the comfort of your home.

Click HERE to learn more about purchasing the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Check out these unique tourism niches in 2023

Ever since the world reopened after the Covid-19 pandemic, people have been making the most of their lives by travelling to different places and quenching their thirst for "wanderlust."

With the advent of the hustling lifestyle, people have become distant from nature, which is why travel has become an essential part of our lives. The popularity of travel vlogging on various social media platforms is helping users to get information about different types and destinations for trips, tickets, luxurious hotels, and much more. Travel has also become a career for many folks who have grown tired of corporate life.

With such an advancement in this sector, different travel experiences serve the various interests of people. Are you looking to explore much more than your regular itinerary? Check out these unique tourism niches in 2023 in this blog. So, without any further delay, let's get started!

1. Agricultural sites have become popular:
Agro-tourism, which involves organised tours and trips to agricultural farms and other farming sites, has recently gained popularity. These trips provide insights into the cultivation world and serve an educational purpose for people of all ages. Organic farming and agro-tourism have proven worthwhile for people who believe in consuming organic produce, are intrigued by the culture, or are building their businesses in the same sector. Apart from the tours to farms, agro-tourism has multiple activities like the detailed study of flora and fauna, horse riding, cooking sessions, wine tasting sessions, and much more.

2. Stars will always amaze you:
The universe will never cease to mesmerise you. The night sky is a world of its own, with stars as its main characters. Stargazing tourism is one such activity that will always be on the bucket list of anyone who can dream of lying under the stars and gazing at the beauty of the universe, which is beyond our imagination. Hardcore travellers and explorers are huge enthusiasts of stargazing tourism. Places like Norway, Iceland, Spiti Valley, Rann of Kutch, and many more provide the perfect stargazing spots.

3. Making to this list are VR and AR:
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are part of a travel niche called "armchair tourism." Gaining its market during the pandemic, virtual reality provides you with the perks of travel without leaving your sofa. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the downfall of the travel industry called upon a revolution. To accustom themselves to this new reality, VR and AR became popular and provided the much-needed escape from the dreary and dark times as the entire world shut down. Several hotels and brands from the travel industry include a virtual tour to give a glimpse of what they offer their potential customers, along with igniting excitement.

4. Solo trips are a must:
Solo adventures, especially women's solo trips involving treks, adventure sports, ethnic tourism, etc., have become increasingly popular over the past few years. The newfound opportunity due to financial freedom and a much safer environment has encouraged people to travel independently and see the world through their perspectives. Organised solo trips have started exploring lesser-known destinations. They have popularised the culture of exploration as solo women also want to cater to their own choices for their adrenaline needs.

And as we discussed travelling in 2023, it is a wise choice to discuss securing your trip to combat the monetary stress of unprecedented situations that can disrupt your travel plans. Purchasing general insurance is an intelligent decision to ensure that you stay stress-free in the financial aspect while travelling and enjoying it to the core. You can explore the options and extract a general insurance online quote, including all the details and the prices provided by different travel insurance providers. Plan and choose the one which best caters to your needs.

Click HERE to learn more about formulating a general insurance online quote and its benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


All you need to know about the impact of rising medical inflation on health insurance premiums

You must have seen people around you discussing the rise in medicines, procedures, consultation fees, and expenses. The skyrocketing prices are justified due to the increasing costs of medicinal equipment and treatments. The costs of living have been escalating every year. And while living by yourself looks economically intimidating, creating a family and raising children drives up the cost, which could be scary for a single source of income in these times.

In this blog, we will discuss all you need to know about the impact of rising medical inflation on health insurance premiums. This information will answer all your questions about how the fluctuation in the price of health insurance affects your finances. So, without any further delay, let’s get started.

1. Let’s look deeper at the term “Medical Inflation”.
Medical inflation indicates the rise in average and per unit prices of healthcare assistance. There can be various factors that can influence the increase in the cost of medical services like technological progress, increase or decrease in the number of professionals in the healthcare industry, rising demand, price of materials, transportation costs for medical equipment, and increase in the cost of usage of healthcare services per person.

2. What do you mean by “medical healthcare demand”?
With the fast-food culture gripping the roots of our lifestyles and the hectic work life, people have become addicted to stagnancy, which has caused more harm to our health than ever. Humans have become vulnerable to severe health risks like diabetes, blood pressure issues, hypertension, anxiety, depression, etc., drastically affecting our lifestyle. Therefore, the demand for medical assistance is causing medical inflation in our country.

3. What is the current medical inflation scenario in India?
The inflation in India has been on a consistent ‘single-digit’ rise. However, medical inflation is inching toward double digits, which is a matter of concern. The affordability of health treatments and services would become heavy on the pockets of people and will potentially cause a significant dent in their savings.
Hospital beds, medical staff, conveyance, etc., reported inflation of 9.4% back in 2018-2019, while the cost of medications saw inflation of 7.2% during the same period. And in 2021, there was an unimaginable increase in the inflation rate by 14%.

4. What is the expected impact of the rising medical inflation?
As discussed in the previous point about the rising medical inflation rate, there is a direct influence on health insurance premiums. In some cases, the health premiums increased up to 30%, as reported in the financial year of 2022. The demand for healthcare assistance saw a rise of almost 25%, which indicates the necessity of these services in our country. Many health insurance policyholders have increased their insurance coverage to accommodate the rising medical inflation.
It is suggested that while you purchase your insurance to cover significant procedures and surgeries, you also include minor treatments and diagnostics. As a policyholder, you must watch out for the medical inflation rates to adjust your policy and avail the provisions to expand your coverage accordingly. It would be best to always account for inflation before finalising your health insurance policy.

We hope that the insights proved helpful. To ensure that any medical emergencies in your family can be handled stress-free in the monetary aspect, you need to purchase the best health insurance policy that would cater to your needs in an optimum way and allow you to focus on the recovery of the patient and have no worries about the expenses.

Click HERE to learn more about health insurance and its benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These yoga poses can help you instantly burn your belly fat

Indians love having a high-calorie diet without balancing it with an equal workout regime. The direct result is the building up of belly fat. Inadequate sleep, hormonal imbalances, and our family history can also add to this problem. Most of us suffer from it and would surely want to get rid of that extra fat bulging out around our belly. The big question is how?
Yoga is the most straightforward answer to this problem, which is also great for your mind and soul.

Let us go through some yoga poses to help you instantly burn your belly fat.

1. Chakrasana:
Also known as the yoga wheel pose, it is a strong back-bending yoga asana in which your body takes the shape of a wheel. There are several advantages of this asana. It tones the abdomen by stretching the stomach muscles and helps lose belly fat. It strengthens and increases the elasticity of the spine. Also, it boosts your appetite and cures digestive problems. This yoga pose ensures that all your body organs function correctly and you become fit and healthy.

2. Baddha Konasana:
This asana is also known as the cobbler’s pose and is one of the simplest to perform. It stimulates your abdominal muscles, improves digestion, and burns belly fat while strengthening your knees and thighs. It helps open up the lower back area and relieves sciatica. This pose improves the overall health of the ovaries, prostate gland, kidneys and bladder.

3. Naukasana:
We also call this asana the boat pose. This asana can strengthen abdominal muscles, cure constipation and improve digestion. This helps to take care of belly fat while strengthening the arms, thighs, and shoulders. It improves blood circulation and is excellent for the back muscles. This pose stimulates the pancreas, kidneys and liver and is good for the prostate and thyroid glands.

4. Padahastasana:
A great asana to begin with, you simply need to stand straight and bend forwards to achieve the proper posture. This simple asana is excellent for the heart while burning your belly fat by putting pressure on it. It massages your digestive organs and cures constipation and indigestion. This pose stimulates the spinal nerves and tones them. It is also helpful for nasal and throat diseases. It is an excellent asana for increasing vitality and metabolism and boosting concentration.

5. Uttanpadasana:
This asana is good for taking away excess accumulated fat from your belly and hips region and toning it. It is beneficial in curing your back pain and improves the flexibility of your spine. It also strengthens your abdominal muscles and organs and improves the functioning of your reproductive organs.

Yoga is the perfect answer to help you burn belly fat. Moreover, yoga keeps your mind alert and fresh and has several other advantages for your entire body.

While practising yoga is an excellent way of keeping medical issues at bay, it may not completely prevent such occurrences. Therefore, buying a health insurance policy becomes necessary to take good care of yourself and your family during medical emergencies. It acts as a cushion and gives you comfort and backup when you or your family members need any expensive medical treatments. Choose the best health insurance company in India upon which you can rely blindly in times of need and stay safe.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best health insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Your guide to buying the best second-hand car in Mumbai

Pre-owned cars, often known as used cars, are very economical, available in good condition and have a lower depreciation rate. These benefits make buying used cars a good idea and fulfil the dream of every person to own a car.

Banks and NBFCs even provide used car loans with affordable interest rates and quick processing times to make owning a used car simple. In a city like Mumbai, you'll find multiple options for second-hand or pre-owned cars in various regions. There are numerous certified dealers with a wide range of cars to choose from.

Here is how to find the ideal used car at the most competitive price if you want to purchase it in Mumbai.

1. Check with family and close friends:
First, ask people you know for recommendations while searching for a used car. There may be someone you know who wants to sell their vehicle. Because of the added trust factor, you can be confident that you are getting the best value for your money. Even better, you may ask them to let you borrow the car for a few days. This way, you can test drive it and decide whether you will be interested in buying it.

2. Purchase and sale on social media pages:
Social media groups are another way to connect directly with sellers and avoid the fees that middlemen charge. For buying used cars in Mumbai, there are specific social media groups. Until you find a vehicle you want, you can search for ads offering used cars for sale. The good thing about these groups is that you can talk to the seller directly, negotiate the best price, and set up a time to look at the car before you buy it. You can also view actual images of the cars for sale.

3. Used-car gateways:
You might also check out online marketplaces that specialise in selling pre-owned automobiles. Retailers selling directly to consumers conduct the necessary audits before establishing their car prices.

4. Nearby used-car dealerships and garages:
You can also rely on a trusted mechanic in a nearby garage. These experts also know individuals who are planning to sell their cars. A technician can provide you with valuable information on any pre-owned cars currently on the market and point you in the right direction.
Another option is to go to a used car dealer. Always bring along a car fanatic or a mechanic who knows a lot about cars and can help you choose a perfect car.

5. Resellers with permission:
With a good reputation, carmakers have approved resellers who purchase and resell their brand's products. You can go directly to a reseller if you are searching for a specific make and model or have faith in a certain brand. Mumbai is home to many resellers who can provide safe and excellent cars.

You can apply for a loan once you have selected a used car to purchase. Here, a pre-owned car loan calculator comes in handy to estimate the EMI you would be required to pay. Follow these steps to locate the best buying spots in Mumbai and get great deals on different categories of pre-owned cars.

Get coverage for accidental damages by comparing and selecting the best car insurance company in India from leading four-wheeler insurers. If a policyholder's car is damaged or stolen because of something out of their control, the car insurance will pay for it. So, once you buy your pre-owned car, ensure that you also invest in your car's safety along with the transfer of registration and other essential documents.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best car insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why is wearing a seatbelt during a ride always a good habit

Road accidents in India are estimated at around 2 Lakhs per year, the highest in the world. This mainly happens as people fail to follow traffic rules, over-speeding their vehicles, and also the poor road conditions.

The government of India has set a few stringent rules and regulations for drivers. They are made to bring down the number of injuries and accidents. Wearing a seat belt is one of the essential practices of road safety that save lives in case of a crash. However, most people tend to ignore this simple yet crucial safety measure. They find it uncomfortable, unnecessary, and bothersome. This has caused many people to compromise their safety and surrender to a life-threatening event.

This article will briefly describe the various advantages of wearing a seat belt.

1. Holds you in one position:
You can undergo substantial damage if your car is moving at a great speed, and you suddenly crash. Without a seat belt, you can be thrown here and there. You can even jerk out of the car if the speed and collision impact is too high. It can result in severe injuries and even death. Hence, the seatbelt is extremely important.
If the car starts spinning or skidding, the seat belt will hold you firm in one place. If you do not buckle up, you are likely to get into a crash.

2. Restricts ejection:
As discussed earlier, if your car is moving at high speed, you are likely to be ejected out of the vehicle. It has happened a lot of times during car crashes or accidents. It happens mostly because the driver and passenger are not wearing seat belts. This causes them to lose control of their positions. Therefore, they are ejected out of the car.
With a seat belt, you will be firmly tied to your seat. This increases your chances of survival during an accident as the airbags will bear the impact, keeping you safe.

3. Matches the speed of the vehicle:
In general physics, our body tends to move with the speed of the vehicle. For instance, your body would do the same if the vehicle is at high speed and comes to a jolt. You are likely to hit the steering wheel or dashboard in this situation. If you're buckled up, this will not happen. It will keep you secured to your seat so that your body slows down with the vehicle. Seatbelts help you to adapt to varying speeds.

4. Force distribution:
With the seatbelt, the force of a crash is distributed to the stronger parts of your body. You will not be restricted to delicate areas like the head, abdomen, or chest. Your body will be prepared better to deal with a crash with a seatbelt. The chances of injury also decrease.

5. Protects your brain and spinal cord:
A car crash is most likely to cause brain and spinal cord injuries. This can affect you significantly and cause irreparable damage like temporary or permanent disabilities. They can even be fatal. A seatbelt protects you from these life-threatening car crashes.

Most road accidents take place with people not wearing their seat belts. Many lives could be saved if we agreed to follow all road safety rules. It is best practice to buckle up the seatbelt before starting your car. Avoid overspeeding and ensure that the seatbelt is accurately fitting and neither too loose nor too tight. Safety is paramount, and the next step to ensuring it is insurance. You should buy motor insurance online to protect your vehicle from any potential damages. Keep the stress of finances at bay and enjoy an array of benefits if you decide to equip your plan with various add-ons.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why are preventive health check-ups offered by health insurance important

In the olden days, people unintentionally practised habits like following a set sleep schedule, eating locally sourced nutritious food, and engaging in physical activity, which are fundamental requirements for good health. Over time, we have grown to chase material wealth and forsaken our health in such pursuits. Hectic schedules, lack of time for personal interests, and excessive stress characterise modern lifestyles.

In such a background, it is almost impossible to follow healthy habits that lead to a disease-free life. This makes buying health insurance and following preventive measures essential to keep one’s health in the best condition possible. Additionally, periodic checks can help one recognise symptoms of an incoming illness and take corrective action at the earliest. This is facilitated by preventive health checkups, which are now included in health insurance plans. They provide several benefits to policyholders, which are discussed below.

Defining preventive health check-ups under health insurance.

Preventive health checkups are medical examinations run on to-be policyholders to assess their present state of health and identify their level of risk. It is an essential part of the insurance process as it makes the insurer aware of the existing illnesses suffered by the customer. The risk assessment directly impacts the annual premium paid for health insurance coverage.

Benefits of preventive health check-ups.

The above definition often puts potential health insurance buyers in a dilemma regarding their stance on the preventive health checkups offered. Detection of pre-existing medical conditions results in pricier premiums, but the checkup is highly beneficial to policyholders in multiple ways.

1. Substitutes individualistic effort:

Even when you are not sick, getting a health checkup is a prudent way to ensure that you are in the pink of health. Generally, a full-body annual health check is recommended for everyone. By purchasing health insurance, you no longer have to book an external appointment with a clinic. The insurance company takes care of the appointments and delivers the reports straight to your doorstep. Insurers even offer doorstep health checks, making the process incredibly convenient and hassle-free.

2. Early detection of diseases:

While the detection of disease increases the health insurance premium, on the bright side, it discovers an underlying problem that would otherwise have gone unnoticed and eventually led to more significant financial stress and physical discomfort. It is better to pay extra after early diagnosis and undergo treatment than bear the massive cost of a preventable illness that you neglected.

3. Tax deductions:

The Income Tax Act 1961 provides certain deductions that can be subtracted from your total gross income to arrive at the gross taxable income. One such deduction under Section 80D is preventive health check-ups.
Most insurance companies include free health checkups in their health insurance policy. However, in the case of non-inclusive health checkups, you can claim a deduction of INR 5,000 for medical checkups for yourself and your direct dependents, including your children, spouse, and parents. The Act also allows a deduction for health insurance premiums paid in the financial year of up to INR 25,000 for non-senior citizens and INR 50,00 for senior citizens.

4. Increases interest in self wellbeing:

Seeing the results of a health checkup is no short of a reality check. It can help you break poor habits, adopt a healthier lifestyle and work towards a more robust version of yourself. An additional incentive is a link between your health and premiums. Increasing premiums due to ill health is a great motivator to refocus your efforts towards building a healthy lifestyle and reducing the risk of diseases.

Preventive health checkups are a boon in the guise of a preliminary check that helps health insurance providers assess the risk of potential clients. These checks facilitate the early detection of potentially life-threatening ailments and provide appropriate facilities to take care of the problem at the earliest. While health insurance offers several benefits, including a safety net in medical emergencies, preventive health checkups are a perk you should take advantage of!

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why are hatchbacks a preferred car segment for small families

Hatchbacks are small cars with a hatch-type opening at the rear end that we can open upwards and often come along with boot space. They do not have a separate boot from the passenger cabin. They are ideal in size for manoeuvring easily in city traffic and have a seating capacity of 4-5 people.

Hatchbacks are a preferred car segment for families, especially middle-class families, because of their size, ease, and convenience, in addition to good mileage and cost efficiency.

1. Easy manoeuvrability:
Hatchbacks provide ease of manoeuvrability compared to sedans and SUVs on busy city roads. They are easy to handle, and constant braking, taking turns, moving through narrow lanes, etc., become easier for the drivers. Moreover, it is easy to park them in the ever-shrinking parking space of the big cities.
As the Sedans are longer in size, it can be a hassle to drive them on busy streets. Parking them can be even more challenging. SUVs are heavier and can be tough to manoeuvre around if you are using them for daily use amidst heavy routine traffic.

2. Foldable rear seats:
Hatchbacks come with foldable rear seats. Just open the rear hatch, fold the back seats, and you have massive storage space for your luggage and other stuff. Hence, hatchbacks can offer more boot space than even a sedan with a separate boot if there is no passenger in the back seat.

3. Better mileage:
Hatchbacks usually have lesser kerb weight than sedans and SUVs. This directly has a positive impact on the fuel efficiency of the car. Also, hatchbacks usually have smaller engines than cars of other segments.
Hence, they provide better mileage than others and save a lot of money over a long period. SUVs usually have big engines and can be fuel guzzlers. Sedans can also have poor mileage due to their size and engine capacity.

4. Cost-effective:
Hatchbacks cost much less than SUVs and sedans. As these cars cater to the budget-conscious category, their spare parts are also reasonably priced. Hence, hatchbacks are easier to buy as well as maintain. Their running costs are much lesser than cars of other segments. They turn out to be cost-effective and pocket-friendly.
Sedans come with long, elegant, and stylish exteriors making them more expensive. SUVs, including compact-size ones, are heavier than hatchbacks and come equipped with bigger engines, making them more expensive than hatchbacks. The spare parts of sedans and SUVs are also costlier than hatchbacks. Their running costs, maintenance, and service charges are also higher.

5. Sporty:
Hatchbacks are usually sportier and more fun to drive than sedans and SUVs, especially in city traffic conditions. They come in various colours and designs and are considered practical alternatives to sports cars for everyday driving.

Hatchbacks are a preferred car segment for small families. Modern-day families also avoid buying long-sized sedans as the three-box design is of little use to them in their daily lives.

You may buy a car from any of the segments- a hatchback, a sedan, or an SUV, but you will have to go for motor insurance compulsorily in India. Driving without valid motor insurance can attract hefty fines and cancellation of your driving licence. Also, the motor insurance India policy protects you from any financial burden in case your car meets with an accident and needs repairs. The insurance company will foot the bills for you and bring your car back in shape. Hence, go for a good motor insurance India policy and stay secure.

Click HERE to buy a motor insurance India of your choice.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.