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Get your tyres checked if you hear screeches regularly

The engine is often considered a two-wheeler's most crucial component. However, an experienced motorcyclist would tell you that well-maintained tyres are equally essential for a safe and enjoyable bike ride.

The various squeaks, screeches, and rumbles can tell you about a tyre's health. Since your contact with the road is made via tyres, they have a crucial role in defining your riding experience. Taking optimum care of your bike's tyres ensures longevity and a smooth ride. Buy 2 wheeler insurance online and get your bike serviced regularly to maintain your bike's safety.

Do tyres always make noise?

You cannot completely eliminate noise from your tyres. The rubber will make noise as it rolls against any surface. Natural rubber friction against the road will be the source of most of the noise your tyres make. Also, air flow through the moving tyre treads further increases the noise.

On the road, the sounds made by various tyre brands and products vary slightly. The sounds your tyres generate have a language, but translating them takes practice.

Let's now understand different screeches and how to care for them.

1. Squealing tyres:
The possibility of tyre squealing exists, especially while making sharp turns. You can hear this frequently in parking lots. Your front tyres may be underinflated if they appear to be making this squealing noise. You should check their pressure even if the tyres don't appear underinflated.

2. Squeaking tyres:
You need to pay immediate attention if your tyre makes a squeaking noise. Compared to a screech, it's riskier. The front tyres typically exhibit uneven tread wear, which a screech can indicate. You may feel some pulling to the left or right. Go to the tyre shop right away to have your wheels balanced, aligned, and tyres checked.

3. Grinding tyres:
The time to be afraid has come if you hear your wheels grinding. The most likely reason is your brakes' failure due to worn drums or pads. Get your two-wheeler inspected right away, wherever you are.

4. Rumbling and vibrating tyres:
Your tyres may rattle and tremble on some road surfaces, particularly ribbed ones. A worn wheel bearing may be indicated by rumbling and vibration from your tyres, especially if the noise gets louder as you go faster. It is a significant cause for worry since the wheel bearing holds the wheel in place.
Whether you are turning swiftly or braking hard to halt quickly, screeching tyres are to be expected. Low tread depth may be the issue, which you can resolve by taking your 2-wheeler to a tyre shop.

Dealing with unidentifiable sounds:
Sometimes you instinctively know something isn't right after riding on a pair of tyres for a while. When you hear a noise, you might not be able to place it in a certain category or even identify it, but you get the impression that it doesn't sound right. This might even happen if you stumble over a pothole. Other reasons might be the low tyre pressure, the tread may have worn down, or your bike's wheel may have fallen out of alignment.

Remember to pay attention to tyre sounds. Take a conservative approach if you are unsure of what it signifies. Check the two-wheeler and the tyres. Safety is the utmost priority for any rider on the road. The easiest way to prevent mishaps is to pay attention to your bike, regularly get it serviced, and purchase 2 wheeler insurance online as a prudent safety cover.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these steps if you're concerned about the authenticity of your bike insurance

Hundreds of options are available for your bike insurance, both online and offline. You must have encountered tempting advertisements promising you the lowest premium with complete coverage for your bike. Also, we frequently receive calls from insurance companies or their agents with lucrative offers for buying our bike insurance from them.

But wait a moment. Are all these offers authentic? Will they provide you with complete protection, safety, and quick claim disbursal in the unfortunate event of your bike accident? You need to follow these steps if you have the slightest doubts and are concerned about the authenticity of your bike insurance.

1. Check with IRDAI:
The first step for checking the authenticity of your bike insurance is to check the website of IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) and search for your insurance company. The insurance company will probably be a fraud if its name is not on the IRDAI website.

2. Go for a brand:
Always choose a bike insurance policy of a reputed company or brand. An insurance company that is well-known and reputed in the market is less likely to cheat and issue a policy with false claims and promises. Also, the chances of a fake policy from such companies are almost zero.
We often buy a bike insurance policy on the advice of an insurance agent or by getting influenced by some advertisement. You should first call the customer care of such companies and verify the policy details being sold to you. Also, you may visit the nearest branch of the company and verify the details there. Check whether the policy contains the same IDV (Insured Declared Value) and all the add-ons promised earlier to you. Buy the bike insurance policy only after you are certain about its genuineness.

3. Premium receipt and other details:
A genuine bike insurance policy will always issue a receipt for the premium paid by you. Also, the policy document will contain all the details, such as your name, policy tenure, terms and conditions of insurance coverage, etc.
To ensure the authenticity of your bike insurance, always insist on a hard copy of your premium receipt. Review your policy document thoroughly and ensure it contains all the required details.

4. Mode of premium payment:
A bike insurance company will give you several options to pay your bike insurance premium. You can pay it online through its website or issue a cheque in the insurance company's name and hand it over to the insurance company’s office or your insurance agent.
If your insurance company or agent is insisting only on cash payment or payment by cheque/bank transfer in the name of a person, it should be a red flag for you. The insurance company or the agent in between might not be genuine and authentic.

5. Verification link:
Insurance companies nowadays validate a bike insurance policy on their official portal at the time of issue. You can check the authenticity of your bike insurance policy by checking whether this link redirects you to the official website of the insurance company or not. This is especially important if you buy your policy from a 3rd party vendor.

The digitalisation of insurance services has contributed greatly to the progress and development of the insurance industry. However, fraudsters find new ways to dupe you while selling you a bike insurance policy. You need to be vigilant to protect your hard-earned money. Always verify the authenticity of your new bike insurance policy and its details before paying for it.

Bike insurance is compulsory under the law, and you must buy it from one source or another. Visit the nearest branch office of bike insurance companies, or go through their offerings in detail on their website. Call their customer care and confirm the details. Buy a good bike insurance policy that is genuine and does what it promises to do.

Click HERE to buy reliable bike insurance for your valuable two-wheeled asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These tips will save you from stressing on your daily long-distance commute

As the pandemic's effects subside and we return to offices, the stress associated with commuting has returned. Every weekday, most office workers face a huge challenge in the morning of whether travelling upwards of an hour one-way is worth their compensation.

Whether you choose private or public modes of transport, here are some tips and tricks to relieve stress from your daily commute.

1. Prepare the night before and leave earlier:
Hectic mornings increase stress levels during the commute, which results in irritation and reduced productivity. Worrying about being late every day can be very stress-inducing. To combat this, start preparing for your day ahead at night. Keep your work clothes and meals ready, and finish all your work. This will lead to a less stressful morning, resulting in you leaving 10 minutes earlier and not worrying about delays in reaching.

2. Try to commute actively:
Commuting via personal transport, such as a car or bike, can cause health issues. The best way to go about this is to walk or cycle as part of your commute if your work location is not far. This is known as an active commute, and it will drastically change the way you travel. Exercising on your way to work releases endorphins and improves mental and physical health. If walking or biking is not possible, try to take public transport. It increases your activity and reduces stress levels significantly.

3. Detach from the digital world:
In the age of social media, it is increasingly challenging to focus on oneself rather than what people on the internet are doing. It is essential to go off the grid for your mental health.
Your daily commute could be your time to read a new book, watch the view outside, or focus on yourself with meditation. Meditation has been a proven method of giving the brain the rest it deserves, and whether it be guided meditation or simply focusing inward, it will surely benefit you.

4. Try getting flexible hours:
It makes absolutely no sense sometimes that everyone has the same office hours. This causes the "rush hour," which is impossible to tolerate five days a week. If this is an option, ask your office for flexible hours, so you can come in before the rush hour and leave earlier too.
If this is not an option in your company, find some activities around your workplace before leaving for the day, like working out or reading a book in a nearby park. This way, you'll be able to avoid rush hour.

5. Try to buddy up for a long commute:
If you find driving incredibly dull and tedious, one way to improve it is to find neighbours who go to the same area for work and carpool with them. This way, the pressure of driving does not fall on you every single day, and you can chat with people along the journey. Ensure that you purchase new motor insurance or avail of online motor insurance renewal facilities to protect yourself and your car against the financial burden of accidents.

6. Stretch it out:
Keep stretching those aching muscles! Even when you're the one driving, always keep adjusting your neck and back, so they don't cramp up and give you further pain.

In conclusion, since long-distance commutes are an inescapable necessity in the urban lifestyle, effective management techniques are becoming essential to prevent strain on your mood and physical well-being. We recommend alternative commute methods to private transport for the best impact on your health. However, in case of no option but to travel by vehicle, ensure that you protect yourself against accidents. Check for your insurance status and get online motor insurance renewal before the due date.

Click HERE to know more about online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These tips can change the outcome of your DIY house painting project

Buying a house can be an expensive but gratifying event. It is an extensive process involving multiple options and intense decision-making to create your dream house. After spending massive amounts of money, effort, and resources on your home, investing in house insurance India is prudent to protect your home, belongings, and more from uncertainties.

After spending massive amounts on purchasing your home, consider these DIY for your home's interiors to save on additional expenses. Equipped with the right tools, creativity, and zeal, you can take on any home DIY project! A painting project is the ideal task to test your skills and is manageable. Before you start painting, here are some tips to enhance the outcome of your DIY house painting project.

1. Purchase premium paint:
Make sure to pay attention to the quality of the paint. Every room in your house deserves a different type of paint, so keep that in mind. Choose paints with minimal volatile organic compounds and odour to keep your family safe. For your favourite walls in your house, choose a standout colour to create an accent wall.

2. Remove the hardware:
Remove light fittings, doorknobs, electrical cover plates, window locks, and window lifts. Store the components in a bucket. Tape the screws to each piece of hardware, and identify each one with its location to simplify future reinstallations.

3. Identify the type of paint on existing walls:
Test a patch to determine what colour was used there. Apply alcohol-soaked cotton to a small section of the wall. The paint is latex if there is paint residue on the cotton ball. If not, the colour is oil-based.

4. Inspect and prepare the area:
Before applying new primer and paint, check for any cracked or peeling areas. These need to be carefully sanded or scraped, as the weight of the new layer will loosen the old paint. A small amount of soap and water, followed by a rinse with clean water, may be required for greasy stains, followed by a wipe-down.

5. Paint from top to bottom:
Use your brush to start with the edges of the ceiling. Then use the roller to apply an even paint coating from top to bottom. Once you're done with a patch of the wall, leave it to dry. Continue the same process for the remaining patch of the wall. You might notice colour marks and streaks on the already-done patch. Now, get ready for the second round of coating. Ensure that your application motion is the same as the first round of coating to get a bright and evenly looking finish.

6. Fill in fractures, voids, and holes:
Examine the walls and trim carefully for flaws. Fix any holes, dents, and dings with wood filler, caulk gun, or ready-mix spackle, depending on the situation.

7. Safeguard everything you don't want to be painted:
Protect your flooring, furniture, and hardware before starting a painting project. Drop clothes are essential. Protecting door knobs with small plastic sandwich bags is a simple solution.

8. Use a paint grid:
A paint grid is an attachment to the bucket's rim. It facilitates the removal of extra paint and uniformly distributes it across the roller cover for consistent paint application.

9. Apply primer:
Paint and primer combinations work well if the surface is clean and smooth. However, use a different primer if it has been over eight years since the last paint job or if the wall has dents and scratches. Use a bonding primer to cover a hard surface, such as glass or high-gloss paint.

Interior painting projects require time, effort, and skill. While you can take on this task by yourself, the same does not apply to protecting your home. Consider purchasing house insurance India to protect your home against irreparable damage and prevent the depletion of your finances.

Click HERE to buy the best house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Considering installing a solar panel rooftop? Here’s all you need to know

When switching to a sustainable energy source like solar, it is wise to conduct a careful study because this is an expensive purchase you will have to live with for 25 years. In this post, we will provide essential questions so you can learn everything you need to know before installing solar panels on your home. These solutions will simplify your solar journey.

1. How much can solar power reduce your household electricity costs?
The monthly savings from solar for household electricity users can be as much as 80%, and in certain circumstances, even more. Before ordering a solar system, determine how much money you will save.

2. Can you utilise net metering at your house? When should you apply if the answer is yes?
Savings from solar can be maximised using a net metering feature in conjunction with an on-grid or hybrid solar system. In exchange for payment, you can export the extra electricity your solar system produces to the grid.
Now, homeowners in all of India's states can use the facility. However, the advantages may vary based on the tariffs established by the individual states. Before and after your solar PV system installation, you can apply for net metering. Nonetheless, we advise you to apply for net metering before the system is installed for your convenience.

3. How much would it cost for your rooftop solar system?
Over the past ten years, solar system prices have decreased significantly. A typical 1 kilowatt (kW) solar system, which cost about INR 145 per watt (Wp) in 2000, is now available for about INR 35 per Wp. However, the final price varies according to the project's size, the skill level of the solar installer, and component quality.
Residential solar systems are often smaller than commercial or industrial ones, and because of the smaller scale of operations, the cost per KW tends to be more significant. The essential thing in this situation is not to hold back on the components' quality or the installer's knowledge.

4. When will your solar system reach financial stability?
With a properly installed household solar system, you should reach your breakeven point in about three and a half years. However, the system size and the state's DISCOM tariff rate affect the breakeven point. The critical thing to remember is that since solar energy returns come in the form of savings, they are guaranteed. You can use a solar calculator to determine your expected payback period and return on investment.

5. Is the rooftop of your house a suitable location for solar panel installation?
It is crucial to examine the capacity of your rooftop. Your rooftop needs to support the combined weight of the mounting structures and the panels. A rooftop must be free of any shadows cast by surrounding structures or objects because most homes in India are constructed too close to one another.

6. Are there any tax benefits for your residential solar investment?
Household electricity is not currently eligible for any tax incentives. However, the investment is worthwhile, though, because the savings on electricity bills alone are substantial.

After investing in such sophisticated technologies and energy sources, it becomes crucial to protect your home against any unforeseen contingencies. In such cases, the best home insurance in India can also assist you in significantly reducing your financial outlay by protecting your home, its structure, and content from unexpected loss or damages.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Collisions: Types and how to avoid them

Accidents, unfortunately, happen far too frequently. They cause vehicle owners to pay for auto repairs, treating injuries, and increased insurance premiums when accidents occur. A small error might lead your car to be totaled in an instant. Purchasing a policy from a reliable motor insurance company in India secures you and your vehicle from various hazards and damages that could cause financial losses.

We repeatedly observe the same trends that lead to collision incidents. To decode this most common issue, we're presenting the most typical crash types and accident-prevention advice to make the roads safer.

1. Front-impact collisions:
When the front of your vehicle collides with another car or object, it is called a front-impact accident, accounting for 54% of all auto accidents. It can result from wrong-lane driving or a poor indication by the approaching vehicle from the front, especially while making turns.

How to avoid them:
Modify your driving according to the circumstances, such as slick roads or other weather-related issues. Give yourself more time to react and take control by driving more slowly in the rain and using indicators while taking turns. Keep your focus on the road and avoid any distractions.

2. Rear-end collisions:
Heavy commuter traffic on roads and thoroughfares, over-speeding, aggressive driving, and leaving insufficient room for the car in front of you are the common causes of rear-end collisions.

How to avoid them:
Driver distraction accounts for 89% of rear-end collisions. Avoid being distracted by putting the phone down, even in driving mode, and adjusting your audio. Additionally, stay aware of your surroundings and avoid tailgating by not maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle in front.

3. Parked-car collisions:
In crowded parking lots, bumper dents are all too typical. They occur when several vehicles travel in various directions or while reversing out of a parking space.

How to avoid them:
Parking lots can make viewing your surroundings challenging, especially when reversing. Before leaving a parking space, survey the area and use your rear-view mirror effectively. Park a bit further away from other vehicles.

4. Side-impact collisions:
Side impacts between cars travelling in different lanes parallel to one another are the norm in cases of sideswipes. This kind of accident accounts for 27% of fatal passenger crashes.

How to avoid them:
Refrain from speeding to beat the yellow light. Instead, be extra cautious and always check both ways at stop signs and traffic lights. Check your blind spot before changing lanes, and watch for sudden lane changes from other motorists.

5. Hydroplaning collisions:
Since the tyres can't touch the pavement when you hydroplane, you have little control over the direction of the automobile, which almost definitely results in a collision. More than 10% of car fatalities yearly are related to wet roadways.

How to avoid them:
Stop accelerating, and don't stamp your foot on the brakes if your car does hydroplane. Instead, keep the pressure constant and let the automobile slow down. Make sure the tread on your tyres isn't too worn out. When driving through significant road puddles, proceed slowly.

Although there are many steps you may take to lessen the risk of accidents, theft, injuries, or damage to your car, it's not always possible to avoid the unexpected. In road accidents, collisions are a significant factor in injury and fatalities. We recommend purchasing a comprehensive auto insurance policy from a trusted motor insurance company in India. This will protect you and your vehicle against various damages and provide monetary compensation for expenses resulting from theft, fire, natural disasters, third-party liabilities, accidents, and other tragedies.

Click HERE to learn more about the policies offered by the best motor insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


A clutter-free home is not a distant dream with our simplified guide

After purchasing your home, maintaining and protecting it becomes the highest-ranked priority. Keeping a clutter-free home helps you bring positivity and a better sense of well-being. While buying the best home insurance policy in India can help shift the burden of contingencies like burglary, vandalism, etc., how do we safeguard our homes from habits like hoarding and stockpiling?

If you find it challenging to keep your home clutter-free, here is a short guide to maintaining and optimising your space.

1. Identify clutter:
Our physical, mental, and emotional lives can become cluttered with irrelevant items. But what appears to be clutter may be an extraordinary item for you. Physical clutter usually occurs when we have too much stuff and no orderly mechanisms to store them. Owning less stuff makes your home clutter-free and more accessible. Having less material also positively affects our time, lives, and energy.

2. Get rid of the extra:
Eliminating the surplus items that consume our lives, time, and energy is the first step in keeping your home clutter-free. Clutter can be described as having too much stuff in a limited space, resulting in a disorganised home. Slowly navigate from room to room while using this filter to weed out items that are not required.

3. Avoid acquiring too many possessions:
Clutter can be efficiently managed by effective space management. You need to understand that the goods cost more than what is listed as their final retail price. We must alter our perspective and assess our purchases differently to stop the accumulation of goods in our houses. Start by asking yourself these questions before making a purchase –
● When I get it home, will there be a place to store it?
● Exactly why am I purchasing it?
● What value does it bring to our home and well-being?

4. Establish routines to manage your clutter:
Finding and creating routines to effectively manage your belongings will be the easiest way to remove the surplus. After removing the excess, it will be easier to identify the practices that keep your living environment clutter-free. Also, you'll find it simpler to adopt these habits once you've experienced the independence and stress-free lifestyle that comes with living clutter-free.
Clutter draws more clutter, and it needs to be eliminated. Create healthy habits for your family to control how your home's possessions are used regularly. They will be simpler to apply once you've identified them.

5. Plan decluttering maintenance times:
The most crucial step is to make a timetable and follow it. You can do this daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or seasonal. Remember, you need to declutter and organise regularly.
You'll feel better about your clutter-free home if you're disciplined about following through with your maintenance program. The more time passes between your regular sessions, the more you'll notice that your house could be cleaner and more orderly.

Building habits around clearing up excess clutter should be prioritised in your daily routine. The critical components to living in a clutter-free environment are recognising and knowing what to do with it and having the discipline to carry it through.

The beautiful thing about decluttering your house is that your efforts will have a long-lasting good impact on your sense of self-worth and how you regard your living space. While this will help protect the area inside your home and make better choices as per your tastes, buying the best home insurance policy in India provides the safety of external protection for your house.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Can accidentally misfuelling your car be a potential threat

Motor insurance is a boon that provides vehicle owners security against the financial burden of mishaps that occur to their cars. While it offers several inclusions, acts classified as contributory negligence do not fall under the policy's scope of coverage.

One such act is misfuelling your vehicle, which unfortunately happens frequently. If you find yourself in such a situation, here's all you need to know.

Case 1: Potential dangers of petrol in a diesel car.
Gasoline in a diesel car is a solvent for low lubrication and could damage the fuel pump. Metal pieces from the broken pumps could cause more problems with the fuel delivery system.

What to do: Avoid turning the key and igniting the engine.
The tank must be emptied, with all tainted fuel removed and replaced with a new charge. You can only turn it on after that.

Case 2: Threats of diesel in a petrol car.
Because the diameter of the diesel fuel filler cannon is often larger than the slot of petrol cars, refuelling a petrol car with diesel fuel is uncommon. However, in such situations, the engine doesn't start, and the exhaust severely smokes while running.
The spark produced by spark plugs is what drives a petrol-powered car. Diesel can clog the candles and the fuel system when you fill it up and start the vehicle. It can lead to misfires, smoke, and possibly even a motor failure.

What to do: Don't turn on the ignition and refuel the tank.
Use a specialised additive that clears diesel traces from the fuel system if you fill the petrol tank with diesel in any amount. Furthermore, it matters how much diesel has dispersed throughout the car's internal components after entering the gasoline tank.
It is advised to do a complete tank drain and then fill the entire tank with gasoline. If less than 2 litres have been added, there will be no issues. Obtain assistance from a professional who can remove and clean the gasoline tank if the diesel content exceeds 5% of the tank capacity. Once completed, you can start the car and drive it further.

If your car is already running.
It is advised to drain the fuel tank and refill the fuel system with fresh gasoline before starting the car. If you're driving when you realise, stop as soon as possible. To eliminate the contaminated fuel, it is imperative to flush the tank. Replacement of the gasoline filter is essential in each scenario.

How can the risk be reduced?
No one purposefully fills their tank with the wrong fuel, yet many individuals do so even though the filler size varies for the two fuel types. The type of fuel used on each car is noted, typically on the tank cap and the filler cap as well. Before beginning to refuel, always double-check the type of fuel!

The repair cost may increase depending on how much-contaminated fuel is in the fuel system. You should always be careful to avoid such incidents, and if it does, you could incur significant repair costs.

One of your most valuable possessions, your car, needs to be protected because repairs are expensive. The best way to protect yourself is to purchase motor insurance, which offers several advantages that can increase your safety and safeguards your finances in the case of an accident.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you an off-road biking enthusiast? Consider purchasing these add-ons

Bikes are nothing short of an adventure on two wheels. While they have always been highly preferred in the Indian market due to their convenience, relative inexpensiveness, and ease of learning and riding, bikes are also doubling as a means of thrill providers over the last few decades.

With the varied topographical diversity in India, adrenalin seekers that enjoy motorbiking have found new joy in off-roading. While taking your bike on the road not commonly taken may give you momentary exhilaration, keeping your safety in mind before taking on such adventures is essential. Purchase a bike insurance policy that covers accidents resulting from such extreme sports.

Before getting started on your off-roading journey, consider purchasing these add-on covers to your bike insurance –

1. Engine protection:
The bike's engine is quite literally the heart of the machine. Ensuring it is in excellent condition is essential, especially when taking on challenging terrains. Since off-roading involves steep and rocky inclines, it puts tremendous pressure on your bike's engine. This makes it more likely to break down and leads to high engine repair costs. This add-on provides coverage for all expenses allied with engine repairs and maintenance.

2. Zero depreciation:
Wear and tear is a natural occurrence, and your bike is no exception. Usually, in case of raising a claim, the insurance company only admits a partial amount of the insured sum after factoring in the depreciation costs of the bike parts. However, buying a zero-depreciation cover can help you receive a higher claim amount than in the absence of such cover, making it easier to finance the cost of replacing bike components.

3. Theft of personal belongings:
Unlike regular riding, dirt biking requires special equipment that enhances the rider's safety. Such personal belongings are often expensive and require additional care to maintain. In case your riding gear gets stolen, a personal possessions cover can help you recover the insured sum or the cost of the stolen assets, providing peace of mind and financial security.

4. Roadside assistance:
Breakdowns may be frequent, even for regular bikes used for standard conveyance purposes on paved roads. Harsher terrains inevitably lead to greater chances of bike breakdowns due to multiple uncontrollable factors and mechanical failures. In such emergencies, it is necessary to have a backup plan to rely on. A roadside assistance cover provides reassurance of help in unforeseen conditions, making it a key requirement to purchase.

5. Outstation emergency cover:
The outstation emergency cover is necessary for off-road biking enthusiasts who enjoy long-distance biking adventures away from their residences. Generally, most bike insurance companies state the scope of coverage to be outside a 100-kilometre radius from the place of residence stated in the policy papers.

Can you buy specific bike insurance for your dirt biking adventures?

If you are a beginner to the sport, you may think of purchasing the above-stated add-on covers as a hassle and wonder why not buy an all-inclusive dirt biking insurance policy to protect your bike. Whether you intend to use a regular motorcycle for adventure sports or own a dirt bike, most insurance companies in India do not offer specific off-roading bike insurance. However, you may get comprehensive bike insurance that provides extensive coverage for your bike.

As the activity gains popularity, we expect the Indian insurance industry to adapt to the changing demand and provide suitable security cover for adventure activity. Until then, if you wish to take on the thrilling activity, we urge you to purchase the requisite add-on covers to make your bike insurance policy's coverage comprehensive for your needs.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Climate change is affecting not just the planet, but your home insurance as well

Climate change is the shift in the temperature and weather patterns over a long period. It affects the entire planet by causing abnormally cold conditions in some parts of the earth, while some areas witness extreme heatwave conditions. Some regions are experiencing long dry spells, while others are experiencing devastating floods.

Human activities are primarily responsible for the rapid climate change across the planet. Excessive burning of fossil fuels like oil and gas and irresponsible exploitation of natural resources result in climate change. If you wish to buy home insurance online India to deal with damages due to untimely incidents, here’s how this may directly impact you.

1. Increase in premium:
Some regions of the planet are witnessing a higher impact of climate change and increased natural disasters such as floods, wildfires, deep freeze, rise in sea level, etc., than others. Home insurance premiums have shot up at an alarming rate in such regions. It is becoming very costly for homeowners to buy home insurance online India policy in such areas.
This is logical as the risk of insuring houses in these places and the number of claims is rising. Hence, it is becoming financially unsustainable for insurers to provide insurance services at the prevailing rates. Home insurance premiums have increased by around 10%-12% on an annual basis. This rate varies and is even higher for houses in heavy disaster-prone areas.

2. Rise in the number of inhabitants:
Disaster-prone areas offer inexpensive land, which increases their demand. This results in the increasing population and limited availability of land in disaster-prone areas. However, houses in areas prone to flooding or nearby forests always have a higher risk.
Houses near a forest always pose a higher chance of starting a wildfire by accident. More house inhabitants mean more damage during severe flooding or other natural disasters. These factors influence home insurance policies, their terms and conditions, and premium in areas vulnerable to natural disasters.

3. Difficulty in getting home insurance:
Residents in regions that are witnessing disasters due to climate change are finding it difficult to get their homes insured easily. The probability of damage to their houses is very high because of the topography of their area. For example, rising sea levels due to climate change threaten the existence of dwellings close to the sea shores. Several cities in the world face the risk of extinction by submerging in seawater due to rising sea levels.
Insurers are not interested in insuring houses in such high-risk areas. This makes it difficult for people to get their homes insured, even after shelling out high premiums, which are often unaffordable for the middle & low-income strata. This increases the risk of complete financial ruin in the event of a natural disaster.

Abrupt climate change is catastrophic. It can cause extreme heat or cold conditions, floods and droughts, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Moreover, it can also result in biodiversity loss. Although climate change is inevitable, we can control the pace with which it changes. With the risk of abrupt climate change looming on our heads, the wisest decision in these times is to buy home insurance online India. Opt for comprehensive coverage against damages to the home structure and contents, loss due to short circuits, fire, floods, etc.

Click HERE to buy home insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Check out these home makeovers tasks on the upcoming weekend

A home is so much more than just a shelter. It is where you create memories, watch your family thrive, and compound your wealth. Considering the constantly increasing prices of homes, buying one is a dream that not many accomplish easily. Recognising the monetary and perceived value associated with the asset, it becomes essential to protect your home and personal belongings from unforeseen circumstances like burglary and vandalism by buying home insurance India.

While home insurance India is a periodic investment that satisfies your safety requirements for a specified tenure, the interiors of your house do not fall into the same category. With changing trends, tastes, and preferences, it is inevitable to wish to renovate and alter the aesthetic appeal of your home. However, you may not have the finances to avail the services of professional designers to bring your vision to reality and design your ideal space.

In such a case, fret not! Here are some inexpensive and easy DIY tasks you can take on the weekends to give your home a new look!

1. Entryway systemiser:
The area that greets a visitor upon opening the main door is the easiest way to build a great impression and set the tone for the decor used in the rest of the house. While you may customise it as per your tastes, it is essential to keep it organised to give your home a put-together look. Revamp your entryway with a compact organiser that stores all your keys, sunglasses, and bags. While you may purchase separate hooks, boxes, or frames for this area, consider arranging existing sturdy holders to create a sustainable assorted organiser.

2. Foyer frames:
The room that the entryway leads into, often known as the hall or living room, is the most used space in all houses. It is also the best place to display valuable memories such as photographs, achievements, and sample works of your hobbies and interests. The possibilities for this idea are endless, ranging from minimalistic matching frames to vibrant and funky options in different sizes and shapes.

3. Create an accent:
Often, homeowners feel the need to refresh their homes to complete renovations. However, if you wish to see immediate results and are working on a tight budget or with limited time, an accent wall or furniture may be your ideal solution. Identify a complementary colour to the current colour palette of your home’s interiors and consider options ranging from artwork, accessories, upholstery, furniture, or a wall.

4. Refresh your accessories:
Sometimes, small changes go a long way in creating the desired results. Consider changing minute details in a themed manner to achieve a cohesive effect. This may be by changing your lights to similar-toned ones to set the mood or switching your furniture’s hardware.

5. Switch things up with contact paper:
Contact paper is your rescue if you’re looking for a quick fix to alter your furnishing and flat surfaces’ visual appeal. You can achieve this without fundamentally altering their surface by using contact papers. These decorative materials come in several trending prints and are available in the length you require per your project’s needs.
Simply peel away the backing and stick it to the desired surface. It makes changing the look of your home effortless since it is easy to remove and reuse, making it perfect for renters who wish to personalise their rented homes without going against the rules laid by the homeowner.

When facing time and budget constraints, hanging lights and getting plants are only some of the makeover options available. With creativity and consideration of functionality, you can efficiently use your time, resources, and space to create beautiful additions to your home’s appeal. As you invest your time and energy in home renovation projects, we encourage you to consider purchasing home insurance India, which is an investment in securing your home from external contingencies and protecting your finances.

Click HERE to buy home insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are some tips to improve your home’s appeal in minutes

The first impression your house has on the visitors can be everlasting as they leave. It is a huge deal to keep your home tidy, chic, and beautiful. It can make you garner a lot of accolades from your fellow friends and family members.

However, the whole process can be tedious as the remodelling or redesigning can take time and effort. What if we tell you that you can make your house look appealing in a few hours? As shocking as it may sound, we have curated a list of the best ways to spice up your home’s aesthetic appeal. These ways are innovative, easy, and do not require much time or money.

Also, your house has a high perceived value and should be well protected. Hence, you must consider purchasing home insurance to keep your home and belongings safe from contingent events like burglary, vandalism, natural calamities, property destruction, etc.

However, if you are planning to make your home look better and more appealing to the guests or want to refresh the look of your home as per changing trends or your taste, then take a closer look at the following points.

1. Make your lighting better:
Lighting can make a big difference to your home appeal. You must have bright, chic, and charismatic lighting around your house. You can also spice up your bedroom lights by adding a touch of fairy lights or mood lighting. An addition of golden-hued lights to the dining area and living room adds to the ambiance.

2. Conceal the garbage bags and dustbins:
Nobody likes to see trash lying around in their homes. It can create a terrible impression on your visitors. When guests come over, you must thoroughly scan your house and conceal your garbage bags. Put them in a place that is not easily visible to your guests. A permanent solution could be to switch up your interiors to create a covered dustbin storage section.

3. Trim your lawn:
If you have a lawn, you must trim the grass before guests visit. You can also discard the weeds and pull them out from the yard. Additionally, spray fertiliser all over the lawns. A gentle trim can make a lot of difference to your home’s appeal in minutes.

4. Create symmetry:
Who does not like symmetry? You must follow a symmetrical pattern while displaying accessories, decorative pieces, and even lights. From your door frame to the lights on the lawn, make sure everything is balanced. It can thoroughly elevate the visual appeal of your home by manifolds.

5. Elevate your front door:
The front door is the first thing every visitor sees before entering your house. You can make it look more appealing by adding simple door decor to it. You can hang a wreath of pastel colours or any floral designs you like. Do not overdo it. Keep it simple yet elegant.

These simple yet effective tips can spruce up your house's visual appeal in minutes. You do not need much money, effort, or even skills to complete it. These quick, effortless tasks bring about a significant change around your home. You will surely get a lot of appreciation from your fellow visitors.

While considering the options for revamping your home’s aesthetic appeal, we also urge you to consider purchasing home insurance to rely upon if things go wrong.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Do you have a high credit score? You may be eligible for a lower insurance premium

Most people own numerous credit cards from single or multiple banks. While using a credit card does give you a specific advantage, not paying its dues on time can affect your loan and premium.

Have you heard about credit scores? A credit score is a term that describes a debtor's credibility, which is evaluated before availing of any financial services provided by banks or private finance companies.

Whether it is about taking a loan, applying for a credit card, or purchasing insurance, your credit score matters. It is considered to keep a high credit rating to ensure motor insurance India with a lower premium. Let's learn more about your credit score and how it affects your chances of lowering your premium charges.

What is a credit score?
A person's capacity to make timely debt payments is indicated by their credit score. In other words, a credit score is a numerical reflection of your creditworthiness. It is determined by several factors, including:
● Current loans
● Currently available credit
● History of repayment of loans and bills

Any bank will label a customer's credit rating with a numerical score ranging from 300 to 900. A person with a higher credit score is more likely to receive loan approval rapidly. Your credit score defines the level of financial risk you may represent to a financial institution when you seek a loan or insurance.

As mentioned above, an individual with a better credit score will likely get a car loan and insurance quickly. Moreover, they are also eligible for a lower insurance premium. Therefore, improve your credit rating for maximum benefits before applying for a loan or insurance.

How can your credit score lower your car insurance premium?

Banks and other financial institutions look for people with higher credit scores as they are more likely to pay their dues on time. Besides getting better loan options with a higher credit score, banks give insurance plans at lower premiums.

As a corollary, a low credit score may make you pay a higher premium for motor insurance India. Check your credit score, see what factors are affecting it, and identify what changes you can make to improve it.

How to check your credit score?

It only takes a few minutes for anyone to check their credit score online for free. Enter the essential details like name, mobile number, bank name, etc., and the tool will quickly determine your credit ratings.

While the free tool gives limited information, a paid tool with premium services gives exhaustive information about your credit score and tips to improve the ratings.

What is a good credit score?

A credit score of around 750 or above is considered a good credit rating. The higher your credit score, the more your chances of getting loan approval and better insurance plans. While increasing your credit score may seem challenging, you can improve it in minimum time with better planning and information. Here are some tips you can follow to improve your credit score:
● Always maintain your Credit Utilization Ratio within 30%
● Avoid using multiple credit cards at one time
● Ensure not to apply for loan applications in short periods
● Reduce the number of loans
● Pay loan EMIs and credit card bills on time
● Use credit cards within manageable limits

Besides these, you can talk with your bank to learn different ways to improve your credit score. It is necessary to keep your financial records as clean as possible as it impacts your credit ratings. Check your credit history today and work on the items that need your attention to reduce your premium for motor insurance India significantly.

Click HERE to buy reliable motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Dealing with accident trauma and overcoming fears to drive again confidently

Road accidents can be dangerous, not just physically but mentally as well. The trauma of post-accident can be devastating and scare a person for life. Since an accident can involve a lot of gore, and even casualties, sensitive and weak-hearted people can take years to get over post-accident trauma.

Witnessing or even hearing of a road accident involving the loss of life or even injury to a close one is a disturbing experience. One can be too scared to drive again and may develop a phobia of sitting at the wheel. Vehophobia is the fear of driving that can take place after a road accident. It can significantly affect a person mentally and physically.

Knowing the effects on your life and vehicle, you should always buy motor insurance online to avoid problems later. While such measures are modern introductions, you can now seek help to overcome your fear of driving after an accident. You must take baby steps toward recovery and gradually return to the steering wheel.

This article will help you do that at the earliest with the following steps to overcome fears to drive again confidently.

1. Therapy:
Psychotherapy can help you a lot if you are dealing with accident trauma. Accident trauma can manifest itself as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It can prevent you from driving again. Your therapist can help you get to the root of your problems. They will also use coping mechanisms to help you drive again. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is the most effective tool to help with your recovery. It can help you move past your trauma and anxiety.

2. Be a passenger:
To help you get used to driving again, start as a passenger first. You must get in a vehicle first. It will help you adapt to the look and feel of a moving car again. Ask a trusted friend or family member to take you along for a ride. You can also play some music to keep the ambiance lively and help keep your mind away from negative emotions.

3. Don't drive solo:
Do not go solo as soon as you think you are ready to return to the wheel again. Start diligently from a quiet area with no traffic. You can start in a parking lot or open ground before getting ready for the road again. You should also ask a trusted friend to accompany you at all times. If anything goes wrong, they can take charge.

4. Employ a driving instructor:
A driving instructor can do wonders in a situation like this. They not only teach you to drive but also help you get over your fears. The instructors will help you take the much-needed baby steps in overcoming your fear of driving. They can also help you with defensive and more careful driving tactics. By this, you can avoid accidents in the future.

5. Be kind to yourself:
The whole process of recovery can be frustrating. You will feel like giving up many times, but you must fight the urge to do so. As recovery is a long process, you should be kind to yourself. Let yourself heal at your own pace.

You need to remember these things before returning to the road after an accident. Recovering from a road accident is difficult but not impossible. Give yourself ample time to heal and grow out of it. During this chaotic time, you can stay financially secure. Buy motor insurance online to protect your vehicle from unexpected expenses due to damages.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Common mistakes beginners must avoid while changing a flat tyre 21

If you don't drive often, you could believe you don't need the competence to change a tyre and may leave it to the mechanic. However, the "flat tyre" problem can happen to anyone at any moment, whether you're driving your car around the block or through highways. The process of changing a tyre is more straightforward than you may imagine. It is better to fix the flat tyre issue immediately before it results in an accident.

Also, remember another best practice to follow is to buy new car insurance. This will provide a considerable financial benefit if your vehicle meets with an accident and causes loss or damage to any third party's property.

Here are some of the most frequent problems encountered while changing a tyre are listed below.

1. Shifting while on an incline:
Get to level ground before pulling the jack out of the car and changing the tyre. If you try to replace the tyre while on a slope, the car can slide off the jack. Before you jack up the car and steady it, set the emergency brake. To prevent rolling, put wheel wedges in front or behind the tyres.

2. Lacking the required tools:
Most individuals don't examine the vehicle jack kit when they acquire a car and undermine the importance of a complete kit. Ensure you check the jack kit thoroughly before driving.

3. Having passengers in the car:
Consider the situation when you have to repair a flat tyre quickly, and you have located a suitable location to do it. Before the tyre-changing procedure begins, ensure all passengers, including pets, exit the car. This can help change the tyres easily as you remove obstructive weight from the vehicle.

4. Stuck alloy wheel rims:
Even seasoned drivers can get caught off guard by this one. Due to rust, alloy wheel rims that haven't been removed for a while may end up attached to the hub immediately behind where the tyre is located. You might need a hammer in the car, which you can use to hit the centre of the wheel covering the tyre. However, it is recommended to take the help of a professional mechanic.

5. Incorrect use of jacking points:
Every car has a few places on the underside that are intended to be used with a jack. Neglecting this part of a flat tyre replacement could cause damage to the automobile or cause it to fall off the jack. The owner's manual for your particular car model will include the proper jacking points. Always use those points to secure the jack.

6. Forgetting about your spare tyre:
Some vehicle owners heed it. An easy maintenance task is to check the spare tyre's condition every few months. If you need to put the spare tyre, do ensure that it is adequately filled and in good condition. If it's flat, weak, rotten, or fractured, it is of no help.

7. Impossible to unscrew wheel nuts or studs:
Even people with well-developed biceps may struggle with this. It might be relatively easy to manually free wheel nuts if they were excessively tight the last time you visited the workshop. Additionally, overtightening has the potential to harm threads permanently.

A flat tyre is a common occurrence that causes stress levels to soar. Take a deep breath and ensure you exit the road safely to prevent the risk of accidents. While there is no way to avoid a flat tyre, you can prepare for such situations by knowing basic car know-how. We also urge you to buy new car insurance since it covers the costs of an accident and financially protects your vehicle against the damages.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are extreme sports covered under personal accident insurance

Insurance is a financial product like no other. Upon payment of a meagre premium amount, it protects the insured person or asset against a contingent event involving a risk to its present or future value. While general, health and life insurance are relatively common products with a higher penetration rate in India, personal accident insurance online lags far behind.

While this may be attributed to the lack of awareness, it is straightforward why the product is required. Accidents are uncertainties that can occur in any setting, whether travelling, commuting, or at work. Since you cannot eliminate the risk of accidents, purchasing personal accident insurance online is essential to protect yourself against hospitalisation costs and other expenses resulting from an accident.

The limited awareness regarding personal accident insurance is also only partially reliable due to the misconceptions surrounding the product. While its coverage to the extent of travel accidents is commonly known, there are several questions surrounding its scope of coverage for adventure sports.

Find out whether adventure sports are covered by personal accident insurance online.

Defining adventure sports.

Adventure sports are easy to define in lay terms but are described differently by every insurer. It includes sports that involve contact, extreme speed, technical gear, and extremely high levels of risk. As the name states, these sports have a considerably high-risk grade, making most insurers hesitant to cover them. Common extreme sports include skydiving, skiing, rappelling, mountaineering, etc.

Generally, irrespective of the type of insurance- general or non-general, most insurers do not offer coverage for adventure sports due to the intensity of the activities.

Why should you check for adventure sports inclusion before participating?

The thrill of adventure is second to none, and the addition of multiple uncontrollable factors only adds to the experience for those who seek an adrenaline rush. However, one must always ensure to protect themself from potential accidents before participating in such sports for the following reasons –

1. Hospitalisation coverage:
With medical inflation on the rise, covering any possible medical expenses, including those arising from adventure sports, is prudent. Considering the high-risk profile of these sports, it is always better to be ready for the worst and prepare a financial net that shoulders the burden of such costs.

2. Allied perks:
Personal accident insurance online offers related allowances such as a daily cash allowance, transportation, and more. This reduces the strain on your finances during your period of hospitalisation or any inactivity as an earning member.

3. Mental peace:
The most significant benefit of inclusion is the peace of mind to engage in activities of your choice. You don’t have to worry about the consequences due to the existence of a safety net for your finances.

Does personal accident insurance online cover extreme sports?

At face value, one may assume that personal accident insurance online would offer extreme sports coverage. Most insurers in India presently do not include accidents caused while engaging in such sports within the scope of the policy.

However, if you want coverage against such risks, some insurance companies offer comprehensive accidental coverage across all terrains and destinations. It may take additional effort to discover such insurers amid all those that exclude such accidents. Here are a few factors you should consider before purchasing a policy from such a provider:
1. The extent of sports covered- land, air, water, etc.
2. Provision of immediate medical assistance
3. Customisation of a plan as per your adventure needs
4. Active policy period

Despite the exclusion of extreme sports by most insurers, personal accident insurance online is an essential requirement that provides financial assistance when you are only partially covered by your term or health insurance policy alone. We encourage you to consider purchasing personal accident insurance online to cover the other form of accidents and your risk exposure.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What's under a car’s bonnet? A basic guide for new drivers

Driving can be an overwhelming experience, at least when learning the basics of safe driving. While not difficult, it is a task that requires the presence of mind, effective judgement, and, most important of all, confidence. The more you know and the further you drive, the better driver you become.

Sitting in the driver's seat can be confusing initially, as various components are essential to the smooth functioning of a car, and it is impossible to know their importance and how to operate them instantly. While no manual can replace regular practice, you must brush up on the car's know-how to become a confident driver. Having complete knowledge of car features makes you enjoy driving your vehicle.

One such important section is the bonnet of your car. Located at the front of the car, lifting your bonnet will open up a whole new world. Most people need to learn about the components of a bonnet and the functioning of each part. While it may seem complicated, it is advised to know the basics of the workings of the machinery. Since breakdowns don't occur post-announcement, awareness of its working can resolve the breaking of your machinery.

You should also check under your bonnet regularly to avoid problems later. Also, you should buy car insurance in advance to avoid hassles later. Review the car insurance price in India before you invest in any.

For now, let's look at the basics of what lies under your bonnet.

1. Engine:
The engine is the most critical component located under your bonnet. The extensive working of the engine can be complicated. You don’t need to understand the work in detail. You just require to have a basic knowledge of the same. Here, the fuel consumed by your car is turned into power to run the vehicle. You should look for signs of wear and tear here. A professional inspection may help identify the same and point out any cause for concern. Frequently check for the level of different fluids like engine oil, coolant, etc., especially before planning a long trip.

2. Battery:
The batteries are surrounded by a protective shield and are easy to spot under your bonnet. The rectangular battery box has terminals on both ends, which are differently coloured. Red indicates a positive terminal, while black indicates a negative one.

3. Alternator:
Alternators are responsible for powering up the batteries, which keeps the car up and running. If it breaks down, it can lead to significant problems, including affecting the engine's functioning. The alternators resemble a wheel with slits on the side.

4. Radiator:
This is an essential component of the car that helps maintain the ideal temperature of the car engine. It regulates the temperature extensively. You should not interfere with the radiator much as it can be highly hazardous.

5. Engine coolant:
This fluid is responsible for keeping the engine's temperature in check and preventing it from overheating. You should check the fluid level regularly. It should lie between the minimum and maximum levels. You can easily spot the coolant tank upon opening the bonnet. The coolant should combine water and antifreeze.

Other important components that lie underneath include brake fluid, dipsticks, oil, crankshaft, belts, and cylinders. They have a distinct functioning of their own. You need to know the basics of the major components of your car's bonnet before you start driving a car. It always comes in handy, mainly when your car breaks down midway. You should also have suitable car insurance that protects it financially. However, before buying, you should know the car insurance price in India to understand various options and invest in the best one.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance to protect your valuable asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What's making your car insurance premium costlier

Most of us have invested financially and emotionally in our automobiles, making them more than just a convenience. While cars are undoubtedly a long-term asset, the associated expenses can often amount to a large sum that many may hesitate to bear.

Apart from the regular fuel and maintenance, another necessary cost is your car insurance. Despite being mandated, many find loopholes to escape the law due to the rising cost of premiums annually. Instead of evading the process, find out why your car insurance premium is rising and whether you can manage it.

1. Vehicle inspection:
Your insurer may inspect the vehicle if there is a considerable lag between the policy expiry date and the intended policy renewal date, which may result in a higher insurance premium. You can prevent such costs by renewing your insurance on time as per the due date.

2. Brand and model:
The price of the car relies on its model, due to which different models have different premiums. A vehicle with a lower Insured Declared Value (IDV) will have a lower premium than one with a high IDV.

3. Advantage of NCB:
No-claim bonus is the primary element of a car insurance policy that lowers the premium and promotes careful driving. It rewards car owners for not filing a claim with a discount of up to 20% while renewing the policy. By applying the claims, you risk losing this advantage and could pay a more significant premium than necessary.

4. Driving habits:
Defaulting on laws, failing to use a seatbelt, etc., could get you into difficulty with law enforcement and your insurance company. If any traffic violation is made in your name, your premium will likely go up.

5. Purchasing insurance from the dealer in a hurry:
Explore various car insurance options and evaluate the offering, premium, and coverage to find the best option. A hastily purchased car insurance is a bigger expense than an asset. Additionally, dealers have a restricted area of competence, offer fewer options, and seek direct profits from the sale, so they may offer a policy that is more expensive than you need.

6. Claim history:
You may be a risky policyholder if you have a history of making frequent claims. Your profile might be deemed dangerous if your claim is denied due to factors like illegal vehicle use or involvement in filing fake insurance claims. As a result, you may be charged a more significant premium since the higher the risk, the higher the premium.

7. Vehicle and driver age:
The older the car and the younger the driver, the higher the premium. An older vehicle is more prone to wear and tear, and a novice or inexperienced driver needs to gain the knowledge of an experienced driver. You can lower your rate by choosing a zero Depreciation cover for your insurance plan.

8. Lack of awareness of deductible's effects:
An expense that the owner of the car bears when filing a claim is deductible or voluntary deduction. Making a proper deductible decision is crucial. If you are a seasoned driver who doesn't need to file claims frequently, you can select a greater deductible to lower your cost. However, if you leave it at zero, you will receive your entire claim payment but will have to pay a higher premium.

9. Locality analysis:
The insurer may raise the cost of insuring cars from a particular location if data indicates, for instance, that there has been a significant surge in flooding or car theft in your area.

A closer inspection is all it takes to identify why your car insurance premium increased, even if it may appear unclear initially. Some factors are uncontrollable, while others can be managed by a potential policyholder who has done his research. We encourage readers to check and compare car insurance prices online before purchasing a policy to avail themselves of the best offer.

Click HERE to buy reliable car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What is constructive total loss in two-wheeler insurance

Whether you own a two-wheeler or a car, you should always ensure that you know everything about its maintenance and insurance. Getting insurance for your vehicle is of utmost importance. It protects your vehicle from severe damages by giving you compensation and solves third-party disputes.

However, just getting insurance for your vehicle is not enough. You also need to check out the various additional services offered by the insurance. This way, you can choose the most comprehensive insurance for your 2 wheeler. You must also inquire about all the essential terms relevant to your insurance. One such term is a constructive total loss. Although the term sounds complicated, it is not.

This article will help you to understand various aspects of a constructive total loss.

What is a constructive total loss?

You will likely file a claim for your 2 wheeler insurance only when your vehicle has suffered severe damages. Once you have filed a claim, the insurance company will inspect all the damages and reimburse the amount accordingly. Either you will get cashless compensation or money for the repairs. The damage is assessed well, and only compensation for the damages is provided.

If the vehicle is in dire need of minor repairs or servicing, the insurance company will reimburse that. It can also refund the amount for the replacement of bike parts. However, reimbursement only occurs after all the deductibles are assessed carefully. No matter the damage's severity, you will only get compensation up to the Insured Declared Value or IDV. You will not get any claim money that exceeds the IDV value.

There is also a major catch here. For instance, your two-wheeler undergoes irreversible damage. In such a case, the bike will be beyond repair. The insurance company can then declare it as a total loss. In other words, if the repair cost for the vehicle far exceeds its value, it results in total loss.

It is said that when the repair cost is more than 75% of the IDV, it is impossible to reimburse it. The constructive total loss takes place here.

Let's assume that your two-wheeler gets stolen. Then what will happen? In such a case, your insurance company will reimburse you for the IDV of your vehicle. The claim for theft of your bike will be treated as a total loss claim. The reimbursement amount will be sans the deductibles and depreciation.

How do you apply for a constructive total loss claim?

Now that you are familiar with constructive total loss let's look at the various steps to file a claim. They are:

● Go to the official website of your insurance company

● Look for the claims process tab or page

● You will see blanks to fill in your information

● Provide all the necessary information carefully

● After that is done, verify the self-inspection of your bike through the link sent to your mobile number

● A surveyor or inspector may be sent to get your vehicle inspected. Cooperate with them

● Once everything is done, you can submit all the required documents and forms

These easy steps can get you a total claim from the comfort of your home. You need to keep all these things in mind before you file a claim for your 2 wheeler insurance under constructive total loss. Once you give the correct information and abide by the guidelines, you can access the claim amount.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance to protect your motorcycle from unexpected damages.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What does the budget 2023 have for the insurance sector

The Government of India presented the union budget on 1st February 2023. It has provided incentives for the people to move from the old tax regime consisting of deductions and rebates to the new tax regime. This, in turn, will affect the insurance sector as well.

While there were a few surprises here and there, it has proposed a significant change by taxing maturity proceeds of insurance policies commanding an aggregate premium of over Rs.5 lakhs in a financial year. Such high premiums usually occur in the case of money-back insurance plans that require one-time premium payments or endowment plans.

Here are some of the key recommendations that would impact life insurance sector.

1. No change in Section 80C and 80D:
Insurance premium amounts paid for insuring the life of self, spouse, or child are presently eligible for deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act up to Rs.1.5 lakhs per annum. This is irrespective of whether our child is minor or major, dependent or independent. Also, individuals, as well as Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), are both eligible for claiming this deduction.
Similarly, Section 80D allows a person to claim a deduction for health insurance premiums and expenses incurred towards preventive health check-ups for self, spouse, children, and even parents up to Rs.65000/- per annum, subject to certain conditions.
The budget of 2023 could have been better for the insurance sector of the limits under Sections 80C and 80D. The industry expected a raise in the limits under these sections to boost consumer savings and investment. However, these limits have been left untouched in the budget of 2023.

2. The choice between the old-tax regime and the new-tax regime:
Till now, there was an option to choose between the old-tax regime that allows for several deductions and rebates and the new tax regime that taxes your income at a flat rate. You could choose either of the two and enjoy the above deductions under Sections 80C and 80D by choosing the old-tax regime.
There has been a shift in policy in this regard in the budget of 2023. The new tax regime is the default setting for individuals, under which you cannot enjoy these rebates. If you still want to enjoy deductions under Sections 80C and 80D, you will have to choose the old-tax regime specifically.

3. Aggregate premium clause:
According to the budget of 2023, if the aggregate premium paid by an individual is over Rs.5 lakhs in a financial year starting 1st April 2023, he will have to pay tax on their maturity proceeds. However, if such a policyholder dies, the nominee's maturity proceeds will be tax-free.
Maturity proceeds or income from insurance policies having an aggregate premium of less than Rs.5 lakhs in a financial year will be exempted from taxation. However, the introduction of this clause may discourage consumers such as High-Net-worth individuals (HNIs) from buying big-ticket insurance products to save taxes. As a result, the revenues or top-line of the insurance companies are bound to suffer and go down.

The Insurance industry plays a vital role in the overall financial growth of the country, and as such, the sector is undoubtedly not very encouraged with the budget for 2023. There was a general expectation of an extension of the Rs.1.5 lakhs deductions allowed under Sections 80C and 80D, which still needs to be met. Moreover, taxing the maturity proceeds of policies commanding an aggregate premium of Rs.5 lakhs or more in a financial year will further dampen the sales of high-value insurance policies.

However, insurance buyers need not be worried as the prevalent deduction limit is still the same and has not gone down. Also, a very small percentage of Indians buy high-value insurance policies, and the changed clause is unlikely to affect most Indian residents. Online general insurance policies continue to offer the same ease, protection, and security, and individuals can continue to enjoy its benefits.

Click HERE to buy online general insurance plan to safeguard your valuable assets.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.