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Do not overlook mental health consultation for complete wellness

Mental health has been a stigmatised topic in India for many decades. While in the cases of most physical illnesses, people are willing to consult a health professional as soon as they detect a disease, they find it challenging to do so in the case of mental health issues.

This is because of the widespread false notion that if you have a mental illness, it makes you a weak person or there's something wrong with you. It is not usually as easy to detect, so it often goes untreated. However, the recent interest in individuals' overall health and well-being has increased interest in purchasing the best health insurance policy in India, which also offers coverage for mental illnesses.

Ignoring your mental well-being can have several adverse impacts. Read the full article to understand the importance of mental health consultation for complete wellness.

1. Mental health affects your physical well-being
Mental health is often seen as something completely separate from physical health. However, we need to realise that the brain is the most essential part of the body. When it gets affected, it ends up affecting the whole body. If this seems too far-fetched, consider that poor sleep and insomnia are caused most widely by stress and anxiety. So are heart palpitations. In a way, the reverse is also true. Since problems in physical health can also cause mental health issues, people with chronic or life-threatening physical illnesses should be constantly monitored for mental health issues.

Trauma, such as head injuries, is the most common example of this. In these cases, it's best to consult a mental health professional immediately and buy the best health insurance policy in India that also covers mental illnesses.

2. Early detection makes a huge difference
As with any disease, early detection makes a world of difference. Symptoms worsen with time, and like physical illnesses, treating a mental health issue is easier when the symptoms are mild. Also, chronic mental issues significantly impact patients' daily lives and make regular routine seem more daunting. It may also cause strained relationships with family, friends, and co-workers, which is undesirable. Early treatment can avoid these complications.

Signs you might need to consult a mental health professional

● Sluggish feelings and declining physical health
Physical health is one of the most significant mental health indicators. Depression and anxiety cause many problems in the body, including headaches, fatigue, cardiovascular problems, and muscle aches. They also affect the endocrine and immune systems, affecting physical health adversely.

● Losing interest in hobbies
Depression and other mental issues can make you feel increasingly alienated from the hobbies and activities you previously enjoyed, whether gardening, a sport, or simply socialising.

● Withdrawal from previously fulfilling relationships
Isolation is one of the prevalent methods people use to deal with declining mental health. This can take a toll on your existing relationships and cause them to deteriorate, alienating the ailing person even further. A psychologist can be very helpful in these situations, as they can reinforce social skills and help you practise making healthy relationships again.

● Adverse impact on work performance
A decrease in work performance indicates declining mental health. When you start finding work extremely hard to do and feel lethargic all the time, it is essential to consult a mental health professional immediately.

There is no shame in seeking help when you need it. Taking care of your health's physical and mental aspects is of utmost importance. While consultations can help as a preventive measure, buying the best health insurance policy in India is an excellent way to protect yourself from rising medical costs.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Patience and parental guidance are all your child needs to make a great driver!

Driving is a task that entrusts the driver with the responsibility of passengers, pedestrians, and vehicles in their hands. This overwhelms most drivers, especially beginners learning how to drive.

In the beginning, when you take your grown-up child for driving lessons, you may find them nervous and frightened. This fear makes them attempt fundamental mistakes, like applying brakes while keeping their feet on the accelerator. You may get frustrated and scold your child for such silly mistakes. However, your actions can result in a loss of confidence and develop a greater fear of driving. Thus, it would be best if you become supportive of your child.

Making your child follow the traffic rules and scolding them to drive slowly will not make them great drivers. It would help if you built some qualities within yourself for your child to learn to drive. In addition to it, ensure that you buy new car insurance as a preventive measure.

Follow these tips to be a supportive instructor and a cheerleader by their side!

1. Make them drive
Your child wants freedom, primarily because they ask for a licence. You can make your child drive the vehicle during an outing at safer locations, especially in the daytime. Or you can make them your co-driver, so they get some experience. Moreover, encourage them to look at the mirrors and the incoming traffic and read the signs on the boards. It will enhance your child's understanding of driving.

2. Stay patient and calm
To teach your child to drive, you need to develop patience. Your child may get nervous while learning to drive, and shouting could worsen their practice. So, staying at ease and unstressed will make their learning experience enjoyable. Further, try to avoid conflict situations and take them to learn to drive when you are in a good mood. While you may get irritated with their learning practices, keep calm, and avoid disagreements.

3. Take the learner driver's insurance
Though you may have been driving for many years, ensure you abide by traffic rules before giving vehicles to your child. You are responsible for ensuring you have insurance covering your teenager's learning. Mistakes can happen at any time while your child is learning to drive. So, it is better to have insurance covering all mishappenings costs.

4. Become their mentor driver
Children often copy the driving habits of their parents. These include talking on the phone or drinking coffee while driving. Your children see you and will hold you accountable for such habits later in life. It will help if you become a role model for them in driving. They stay focused and try to avoid doing other things while driving. Therefore, developing such practices within you will be helpful for your kids.

5. Check that your child is prepared to learn
Even if your child has crossed the legal driving age, it doesn't mean they are ready to drive. Acknowledge your child's maturity and help them to handle pressure situations gradually. Also, assess the thinking and acting capacity to react to rough possibilities. Further, ensure your child is emotionally ready to take control of a vehicle at a certain speed. It will enhance your child's learning experience and show their willingness to learn.

Your child needs your maximum support when they learn anything. Driving is one of the most important activities your child should do calmly. Also, while teaching your child traffic rules and signs, ensure that you follow them correctly. Always buy new car insurance before your child starts learning to drive. It will ensure stress-free learning and make your child a great driver.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Replacing your headlights can be a DIY project with the right resources!

When your headlights give you a difficult time by going off, the instant reaction is to contact a mechanic. And why would you not? A broken headlight makes it feel like you are driving with one eye closed, causing night drives riskier. Also, what if a vigilant police officer stops you on the road? That generally means heavy fines, especially if a few things are wonky in your car. Additionally, the car now looks way less sleek than before. However, going to the mechanic proves to be costly and time-taking, which makes you delay the job unless there is a looming fine.

A one-stop solution to all these problems is just fixing the headlight yourself. This surprisingly easy task takes a few minutes to accomplish. It could be a fun DIY project which you undertake this season! This blog gives you the basics of replacing your car headlights at home!

Tool list: You might need the following tools to fix the headlights, so keep them handy: Screwdriver set, socket set, pliers.

Safety first!
There's nothing more important than your safety. Wear gloves and goggles to protect yourself, as you might have to reach some tight spots. Additionally, you'll hold sensitive bulbs throughout the process, which warrants protection.

As a precautionary method to ward off DIY enthusiasts, most car insurance companies do not allow significant self-modifications to the vehicle's interiors or exteriors. While checking new car insurance rates, read the policy fine print to check if it permits such changes.

Step-by-step process on how to replace your car's headlights:

1. Check your owner's manual
This is to get specific instructions on replacing your vehicle's headlights and what kind of bulbs you should get (HID or LED). The general instructions are similar, but you may need specific tweaks to suit your car.

2. Power the car down
Turn off your car, let it cool, and park it in a clean area on your driveway.

3. Access the bulbs
This may be a tricky step. Sometimes, you may need to remove the battery to access the bulbs better. Or, you can pop the hood and locate the headlight holder near the front of the car.

4. Detach the headlight connector and disconnect the bulb
The base of the lightbulb is connected by three wires. Disconnect the plug that supplies power to it. Once you open the headlight, changing the bulb is child's play. However, be careful while unlocking the locked bulb out of its place. Try not to break the clips used in locking the bulb, as those are not easily fixable.

5. Screw the new light bulb in
Wearing gloves, carefully screw the new bulb without touching the glass of the bulb, as it may burst. Close the hood of your car, and the job is done! If one headlight is off, it's almost certain the other will go off in a few weeks. So, when replacing one, take some time and replace the other one too.

Headlights going off is a common problem. While it is usually from old age, there can be other reasons, such as extreme heat or cold, which affects the bulb's filament, causing it to go off. It can also be due to oxidation, common in modern-day halogen bulbs. Unfortunately, you might have to replace the whole headlight, not just the bulbs. In this case, taking the vehicle to a mechanic is best, as meddling with it too much might do more harm than good. To make this more pocket friendly, research new car insurance rates that also undertake your car's repair and maintenance costs.

Click HERE to know more about new car insurance rates.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Entering a tenancy contract? Here’s an insurance policy you must purchase

Have you ever entered into a tenancy contract? If so, have you ever considered the importance of home insurance? Many tenants overlook the need for home insurance India, assuming it is the landlord's responsibility to provide insurance coverage. However, this is only sometimes the case.

In this blog, we will explore why tenants need home insurance India and why it is an insurance policy you must purchase.

Why must tenants purchase home insurance India?
Firstly, let's understand what home insurance is. Home insurance protects your home and belongings against damage or loss due to unforeseen events such as fire, theft, natural disasters, or accidents. A typical home insurance policy covers the building structure, contents of the home, and personal liability. It is important to note that a landlord's insurance policy usually only protects the building structure, not the tenant's belongings or personal liability.

Benefits of having home insurance.
Now, let's consider the benefits of having home insurance as a tenant. Imagine you are renting an apartment, and a fire breaks out, destroying all your personal belongings. Without home insurance, you would be responsible for replacing all your lost items, which can be a significant financial burden. However, you can file a claim and receive compensation for your losses with home insurance. Home insurance can provide peace of mind, knowing you are protected from unforeseen events.

Moreover, home insurance India can also provide coverage for personal liability. For example, if a visitor is injured in your home due to your negligence, you may be held legally responsible for their medical expenses and other damages. In such a scenario, home insurance can protect you from financial liability by covering the costs of any legal claims against you.

Choosing the right home insurance policy.
You may be wondering about the cost of home insurance India. The cost can vary depending on the coverage you choose, the value of your belongings, and the location of your home. However, compared to the potential financial losses you may face in the case of unforeseen events, home insurance is relatively affordable.

Now that we have established the importance of home insurance for tenants, let's discuss the home insurance policies available in India.

Two home insurance policies are available: building insurance and contents insurance. Building insurance covers the structure of the building, including the walls, roof, and fixtures. Contents insurance, on the other hand, covers the tenant's personal belongings, such as furniture, appliances, and clothing.

It is important to note that while building insurance is usually the landlord's responsibility, contents insurance is the tenant's responsibility. Therefore, as a tenant, it is essential to purchase contents insurance to protect your personal belongings against damage or loss due to unforeseen events. You should research thoroughly before buying insurance. Know what can suit your requirements the best and invest in a plan that ensures the total security of your assets.

Investing in home insurance.
Home insurance India is an essential investment that can save you from financial losses due to unforeseen events. Protecting your home and personal belongings is crucial with the rise in natural calamities, theft, and other unexpected events. While some tenants may assume that their landlord's insurance policy will provide adequate coverage, this is only sometimes true.

In conclusion, home insurance is a necessity for every tenant. Home insurance India can protect against unforeseen events like fire, theft, natural disasters, or accidents. It can also provide coverage for personal liability, saving tenants from financial liability in case of any legal claims against them. As a tenant, purchasing insurance to protect your personal belongings against damage or loss due to unforeseen events is essential.

Click HERE to buy home insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


With insurance digitisation, buying multiple policies and non-disclosure is a thing of the past

Unfortunate events are a constant risk that one must always be prepared for. While you may have an optimistic view of the future, the financial implications of a mishap are always too heavy to burden. Online general insurance is a financial product that comes in the clutch in such uncertainties to protect policyholders after paying a comparatively meagre premium. With the demand for insurance growing daily, the insurance sector constantly evolves to provide better services, more values, stringent regulations, and preventive mechanisms to tackle fraud.

Initially sold as a safety mechanism, online general insurance policies are now seen as more than they offer at face value. They are seen as investments, tax-saving opportunities, and more. However, some policyholders try to take advantage of loopholes in the policy wording to derive the most significant benefit by defrauding insurance companies by resorting to means like improper disclosure of facts, misrepresentation, etc.

With the recent wave of digitisation, the insurance regulatory authorities are setting their foot down and laying the framework for a transparent and non-conducive ecosystem for insurance fraud.

The issue.
Over the years, the insurance sector has seen an extreme change, from witnessing the risk-averse masses to offering facilitative services like online general insurance that are convenient for consumers with the benefits of additional features.

However, over time, the scope of the policies is being misinterpreted, leading policyholders to purchase multiple covers to increase their net insured sum payout. This has been noticed especially in the case of online general insurance, where various policies from multiple insurers are purchased to enhance the total payout.

The primary concern in such a situation is that each asset has a fixed value determined by careful expert assessment and evaluation. After risk evaluation, the premium, coverage extent, etc., are decided. Policyholders purchase multiple policies to override this constraint on the payout and often do not disclose the same to the existing insurer.

Another reason that caused the lack of complete data availability with insurers is the intense and duplicate paperwork. Customers used to skip several essential fields due to redundant questions and excessive effort.

The solution.
During times of heavy dependency on paperwork, it was difficult for insurers to identify such cases until the point of raising a claim. However, with technological advancements and the onset of the digital era, the insurance sector is not left behind in upgrading its ecosystem to tackle such concerns.

The account aggregator system, which is now applicable for all non-banking financial companies, data sharing concerning customers' investments and savings is set to transform the information availability for insurance providers.

The account aggregator system will make all relevant data available to authorised bodies electronically. The use of e-insurance accounts (e-IA) will only facilitate the process. While the e-IA, a digital portfolio of insurance policies held by an individual, is for the policyholder's benefit, the aggregator system makes all the necessary data accessible in a few simple clicks to prevent over-insurance, fact-check disclosures, and reduce paperwork.

The concerns.
Anywhere that data sharing takes place is seen as a significant concern due to the constant risk of data leaks, especially when dealing with such confidential information. However, the RBI has already announced and laid the foundation for an institution to take care of data collection and protection to assure policyholders and protect their interests.

As we progress technologically, we will be in a better position to respond to the dynamic demand across various sectors, of which insurance is one. Policyholders must take extra caution while evaluating and purchasing online general insurance policies to ensure their safety and comply with the relevant regulations.

Click HERE to buy online general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Legalities you should know before renting out your home

Renting a house is a time taking process. If not handled correctly, it can become a significant headache. Tenant misuse of the property or refusal to leave, late rent and maintenance fee payments, and hunting for new tenants are some issues you may encounter when renting out your home. As a precaution, homeowners may get landlord insurance, specialised home insurance to protect themselves against potential financial losses that may arise from tenancy contracts.

You can safeguard yourself, your rental business, and property as a landlord by being aware of your rights and responsibilities under the law.

1. Written agreement:
For the law to protect the interests of both tenants and owners, a written agreement is crucial to facilitate a smooth transaction. The agreement must be written up in legalese and signed by both parties. The copies are given to the tenant, and the owner retains the original. Tenants shall be compelled to pay rent once the owner delivers a copy of this agreement to tenants.

2. No discrimination:
Ensure you adhere to the Rent Control Act while marketing your property, selecting new tenants, or setting apartment rules. Any acts or policies must be fair to everyone and cannot be perceived as marginalising certain people but not others.

3. A tenant's eviction:
A landlord can only evict a tenant by providing advance notice and a clear explanation. Typically, the notice period lasts between 15 days and two months. The landlord is entitled to receive equal to twice the monthly rent if the tenants do not leave the property within the allotted time.

4. Access to landlord:
Once the lease is signed, the apartment becomes the tenant's property, and the landowner is prohibited from entering without their consent. The tenant may file a lawsuit against the landlord if he does this. He must give advance notice regarding apartment inspections, repairs, or improvements.

5. Property's maintenance:
Apart from normal wear and tear, unless the agreement states otherwise, the upkeep of the property is the joint responsibility of both parties. If the owner refuses to pay for the repairs, the amount can be withdrawn from the periodic rent. If the tenants refuse to pay for the repairs, the amount can be subtracted from their security deposit.

6. Restriction on rent increases:
In violation of the contract's provisions, the landlord cannot raise the rent. If it is specified in the agreement, there is a cap on how much he can raise the rent.

7. Necessary supplies:
Tenants have a fundamental right to amenities such as water, power, parking, communication links, sanitary services, etc. Even in the event of non-payment of fees, neither the renters nor the owners may stop providing these services. The local rent authority may step in, launch an investigation, impose penalties on the parties involved, and compensate others.

8. Security deposit:
Tenants are entitled to their security deposit reimbursement within one month of vacating the property. Before reimbursing the money, owners can subtract the responsible amount. A security deposit exceeding three times the rent cost is illegal to demand.

9. Payable rent:
The landowner and the tenant must agree on the amount of rent due as specified in the written lease agreement in the case of a new tenancy. The landlord must provide the tenants with three months' notice if the rent is about to change. The overall worth of the building, which includes the market value of some of the land, the cost of construction, and the importance of amenities, is typically used to calculate the chargeable rent.

Sometimes, the landlord and tenant have a verbal understanding, but it's preferable to document everything. A formal agreement must contain all the specifics so that both parties know their legal obligations. If the tenant under your lease agreement fails, your home insurance for landlords will cover the loss of rent. Always review the prevailing regulations and consult a lawyer knowledgeable in landlord-tenant legislation.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Dents are not the only things that can ruin your car’s fresh paint job

Your car's aesthetics are important to public perception of its value. The first thing that everyone notices about a vehicle is its glossy, shining exterior. For an asset that doubles as a symbol of wealth, it is essential to check car insurance price in India to protect your vehicle against accidents and ensure the upkeep of its exterior appeal.

We all wish to protect our car's fresh paint job at any cost. Most of us believe that dents are the primary cause that ruins them. However, it is not so. Let us look at the factors other than dents that can ruin your car's fresh paint job.

1. Dust:
Dust is a major enemy of your car's fresh paint job. It may contain high iron that causes rusty discolouration and corrosion to the car's paint. Do not rub the dust settled on your car body with your hands or a dry cloth. It may damage the paint and cause scratches. Always wash off the dust with water and soap, and get your car paint waxed to protect it from external damage.

2. Fuel spills:
Often, fuel spills on the car paint while refuelling the car at a petrol pump. This causes permanent damage to its paint. The damage is usually more when the painted panel is not from the factory and has been repainted. Avoid filling your car tank to the brim, so fuel does not drip out. Even if it does, immediately clean it with a soft cloth, so it does not form a permanent stain around your fuel inlet and damage your car paint.

3. Stickers:
Big attractive stickers are available in the market to make your car look fancy and trendy from the sides, front bonnet, or rear. But have you wondered how they will impact your car paint when you remove them? Do not put stickers on your car's exterior, especially if it has returned from a fresh paint job. They have strong adhesives on them and will ruin your car's paint when taken off forcefully. Worse, they may start peeling off by themselves in bits and parts and make your car exterior look ugly.

4. Car covers:
Car covers are made to protect your car's exterior and paint, right? Surprisingly, even they can damage your car's fresh paint job. Car covers made of thick fabric or non-breathable material trap moisture inside them. They can cause rust formation from oxidation in the long run and damage your car's body and paint. Also, a car cover made of thick fabric can cause scratches and ruin your car's new paint job after coming in contact with the dust on your car's exterior.

5. Excessive sun:
Exposure to too much sun also ruins your car's fresh paint job. Excess sun exposure deteriorates the paint quality and starts fading and cracking after a while.

6. Tree branches and road debris:
If you park your car under a tree regularly, broken twigs and branches might damage your paint job. They can cause unwanted scratches and cause the paint to crack too. Road debris can have a similar effect on your car's paint. If you regularly drive through broken roads full of rubble and potholes, there is a high chance that they will clash against the sides of your car and ruin the paint.

Besides protecting your car's paint from external damages, buy car insurance that will provide financial assistance in case of accidents, damages, malfunctioning, or theft. Evaluate car insurance price in India from various companies, and choose the policy that provides you with the best protection at the most reasonable prices.

Click HERE to check car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Pedestrians beware! These tips can prevent you from getting into accidents

Pedestrians have the right to cross the street without being restricted. Unfortunately, the road can throw various challenges knowing the road conditions and the reckless habits of drivers. It is imperative to prevent pedestrian accidents because they can cause serious injuries or even death. We'll review some essential advice in this blog to keep you safe on the road and prevent pedestrian accidents.

So, pedestrians, these tips can prevent you from getting into accidents. Let's get started.

1. Should use pedestrian crossings strictly:
There are places on the road called pedestrian crossings where people can safely cross. Using these crossings is crucial since they are frequently marked with zebra stripes, which make it obvious to drivers that pedestrians have the right of way. Before going into the crosswalk and crossing the road, look on both sides. Even though you have the privilege, it's best to be cautious and hold back until approaching cars have stopped before crossing the street.

2. You must be visible from a distance:
When it comes to the safety of pedestrians, visibility is crucial. When it's dark or there is little light, wearing bright or reflective clothing can assist vehicles in seeing you from a distance. Carry a flashlight or use the flashlight function on your smartphone to boost your visibility while strolling in an area without streetlights. You can lessen the likelihood that a car won't see you and could cause an accident by being visible.

3. Eliminate every distraction:
It's crucial to remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings when walking. Steer clear of walking while texting, listening to music, or using your phone. These pursuits may divert your focus, making it difficult to see possible dangers like approaching traffic, potholes, or uneven surfaces. Step to the side of the road if you need to make a call or send a text to avoid obstructing other pedestrians or creating a safety concern.

4. Keep track of turning vehicles:
Pedestrians can be seriously endangered by turning vehicles, particularly if the driver doesn't see them. Always watch for cars pulling into driveways or crossroads, and make eye contact with the driver before crossing in front of them. Also, it's a good idea to listen for any engine noises or vehicle signs, such as horns or reverse alarms.

5. Be watchful about the traffic:
Always stroll traffic-facing if you're on the road without a sidewalk. This allows you to see approaching cars and, if necessary, move out of the way. When you walk with your back to the road, it can be more difficult for vehicles to notice you, which raises the possibility of an accident.

6. Observe traffic signs and abide by the rules:
The purpose of traffic signals is to control the movement of automobiles and pedestrians on the road. When crossing the street, always heed the traffic signals, especially pedestrian signals. Even if there are no oncoming vehicles, avoid attempting to cross the road when the pedestrian light is red. You risk putting yourself in danger by disobeying the signal since other drivers may be turning or speeding.

7. While around large vehicles, exercise caution:
Oversized vehicles with poor visibility, such as trucks, buses, and trailers, make it more difficult for drivers to see pedestrians. Always use caution when navigating these vehicles and avoid wandering in or near their blind areas. Make eye contact with a bus or truck driver before crossing in front of them if you're walking close to one.

8. Keep an eye on the weather:
Rain, snow, or fog can impair visibility and make it riskier for pedestrians to cross the street. It's crucial to take extra precautions during bad weather, such as wearing reflective clothes or an umbrella to improve visibility.

In conclusion, the safety of pedestrians should never be taken for granted. Pedestrians can significantly lower their risk of getting injured in an accident by heeding the straightforward advice provided in this blog. And for unprecedented circumstances, you must purchase the best personal accident insurance India to safeguard yourself and your family against any life-threatening mishaps.

Click HERE to learn the benefits of purchasing personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Budgeting your travel plans in advance can prevent feeling a pinch

We all have experienced planning a vacation with our family or friends, checking the travel fares and hotel rates, and making a budget for our trip. However, a harsh shock awaits us when we try to book the flight, train, or hotel room close to our departure date. Last-minute bookings cost us extra, and we may not even get our preferred travel and stay options.

Last-minute holiday planning is almost always upsetting. Here, it would help if you also acknowledged the pinch of delaying purchasing personal accident insurance online only after the occurrence of a mishap.

Read on to know more about the benefits of budgeting for your travel plans in advance:

1. Soaring rates:
Airlines hike their flight rates closer to departure dates. Nowadays, train ticket rates are also priced on a flexi-fare system and get pricier as the travel date comes closer. Hotels also increase their tariff when demand rises. Therefore, the later you book, the higher you will have to pay for the same room.

2. Great deals and discounts:
Travel companies and websites offer great deals and discounts for early travel bookings. You get discounts on travel services, accommodation, rental cars, etc. Additionally, keep track of special deals and discounts that travel websites occasionally provide during festivals, special occasions, or off-season periods. Some companies also offer extra discounts for paying through a specific credit or debit card.

3. Planning for expenditure:
Budgeting your travel plans in advance can also help you save for your dream trip and be ready for it when you plan to go. Prepare a list of all the possible expenditures you may incur during travel. Make the possible reservations in advance so your travel expenditure is split up in parts and does not burden you in one go.
Proper budgeting of your expenditure will take away the stress from the process. You can streamline your payment and start saving more for your trip. You will not feel the burden of your travel expenses when you eventually go and will enjoy your trip with a free mind.

4. Extra time for research:
Every holiday destination has many options concerning the places to visit, travel modes, accommodation, sightseeing, etc. When you plan your trip in advance, you can thoroughly research the possible activities you can do there and find out the best rates for them.

5. Holiday rush:
Rates for travel, accommodation and other allied services shoot up during peak season and may pinch you hard. Make your travel plan well in advance and get confirmed reservations, along with saving a lot of your hard-earned money.

Travelling is a shared passion amongst a majority across the globe. However, it is by no means an inexpensive hobby to engage in. Always budget your travel plans in advance and prevent feeling a pinch in your wallet.

Similarly, Never compromise your safety behind the fun of going on a trip. With personal accident insurance online, you can avoid incurring financial upsets when you meet with an accident. Accidents don’t come announced and can cause heavy financial damage in the long run. Browse several personal accident insurance online, evaluate their pros and cons, and choose the most comprehensive coverage policy. Take all the necessary precautions and ensure that you have a safe holiday.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Financial blunders: Things you should know before investing

Managing one's finances and accumulating wealth are essential activities that one must learn right from childhood. However, since most parents do not talk much about finances with their children, young adults grow up without knowing much about critical financial decisions like how to buy general insurance online, investing fundamentals, savings, etc.

Investing is an ideal way to grow one's wealth. The drastic price dip and sheer boredom during the pandemic introduced new investors into the stock market. However, you should avoid those rookie mistakes that most investors make with their money. This blog presents some common financial blunders you should consider before investing.

1. Constantly consuming media about the market:
It is very tempting to watch news channels that offer trading advice 24*7. These channels give what seems like certain information, but it is not advisable to take advice straight from them as they have no idea about your financial situation. Additionally, when this information has been made public, it has already been factored into market pricing, and listening to them becomes futile. Seasoned experts in the market take their information from several independent sources and then derive their conclusions.

2. Being unclear about your investment goals:
Make sure you are clear about the direction of your investing journey. After having a separate savings account that serves as your backup in case something goes wrong, the rest of the money is safe to invest. A common mistake most individuals make when investing is to expect high returns as the end goal. While making money is important, you should balance it with the amount of risk you're willing to take, and that should be determined by looking over your other financial goals.

3. Too high expectations and a lack of patience:
Investments can be of two kinds, short and long-term investments. While short-term investments provide greater returns, they are riskier. Give long-term investments adequate time to maximise your returns. Bailing out before an asset has matured because of fear is one of the most common mistakes you should avoid.

4. Inadequate diversification:
Don't put all your eggs in one basket, even if it seems like the safest basket in the world. Often, investors make the mistake of putting all their money into one investment they believe will be secure for quick returns. This may be disastrous if the market moves another way. Diversify your portfolio to get consistent returns. Ensure you diligently research various asset classes and associated risk levels to identify the best returns at your risk appetite.

5. Letting emotions get in the way of your investments:
Too often, investors will fall in love with a particular company due to its value proposition or its past performance. However, it is essential to understand that the stock is only here to make you money. So, when the company's fundamentals no longer align with your interests, consider selling the stock.
Fear and greed are the greatest adversaries of an investor. They should not come in the way of your financial decisions. Market returns vary significantly in the short term but are generally predictable in the long run. To be more tension free, buy general insurance online after adequate research.

Investing sooner than later is one of the best decisions you can make. This gives you time to learn how the market functions. Most people fail to enter the stock market because they believe they don't possess the basic knowledge it requires. But this is a skill learned on the job. Start by investing significantly less money and increase it as your confidence increases. Happy investing!

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are some situations where your car may need a jump start

Owning a car entails a considerable amount of responsibilities. You must take care of it adequately to maintain its functionality for long periods. Before you start driving, you must know how to keep it properly and prevent any breakdown. From knowing how to drive to changing your wheel if it gets punctured to checking all the fluid levels, there's plenty to learn and explore.

Additionally, you may also require expertise in jump-starting your car. Jump-starting your car is a viable alternative to starting your vehicle when using a key doesn't do the trick. You must know how the battery functions and why and when you should jump-start. If you do not learn the basics, you can cause severe damage to the car.

There may be several instances when you may presume the need to jump-start. However, to avoid damage, you must know when your vehicle needs a jump start and when it does not. This way, you can deal with your car better and more efficiently. Regardless, you should always buy the best car insurance in India to protect your vehicle against all damages.

This article will list all the possible reasons your car needs a jump start. They are –

1. Low battery:
Being low on battery is one of the biggest reasons for jump-starting your car. You'll probably need to jump-start your car if you have a low or dead battery. It is because your car would not start on its own. This may also arise if the battery needs to be heated up more. You'll experience this more often during cold weather. Batteries can give up due to old age as well.

2. Malfunction of starter:
If there is no problem with your battery, we move on to the starter. The starter may be dysfunctional. It can either be contaminated or extremely old. It can also malfunction due to corrosion. The best way is to check for weird noise that the starter might make. Often even jump starting does not ignite the car's engine if the starter is broken.

3. Bad spark plugs:
The ignition system has a built-in system of intricate parts that keeps it going. If one of them malfunctions, the car may not start. Apart from the starter, the spark plug is also included in the ignition system. It can malfunction due to clogging or contamination due to oil leaks. This can prevent the car from starting, and it may most certainly need a jump start.

4. Clogged or contaminated fuel lines:
Sometimes the problem is not with the ignition system or even the battery. In such a case, the problem lies in the fuel lines. If they are frozen or clogged, the fuel may not rush smoothly to the engine. This can disrupt the smooth start of the vehicle. It can be solved by jump-starting, but it will start creating problems again. Your car may stop in the middle of the road if it is not resolved soon. Jump-starting is not the permanent solution here.

Jump-starting a car is a practical way to rescue you from an emergency and help you reach the service centre or garage. However, it is not a permanent solution to fix the delay in running your vehicle. If you wish to have a smooth experience with your car, practise the preventive maintenance tips provided by the manufacturer.

Additionally, you must purchase the best car insurance in India that offers comprehensive protection against all maintenance and accident-allied costs. Car insurance can benefit you when your car demands high repair costs or, in the worst case, a total loss due to extensive damage.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s how you can support the driver while riding along as a passenger

Driving is an activity that requires extreme carefulness, responsibility, and special attention at all times. One tiny mistake can lead to significant damage to a person and property. Road accidents are frightening and can even prove to be fatal. Hence, being on your best behaviour when driving is recommended.

However, accidents while driving can take place due to a variety of reasons. One of them is the disturbance from your outer surroundings. This can also include the distractions that your passenger may create. It may induce driving concerns and cause road accidents or violations of road safety rules.

Apart from the driver, the passengers must also be highly responsible and dutiful while the car is in motion. They can play an essential role in maintaining peace inside the vehicle. If you're a co-passenger and want to contribute to the vehicle's safety, here are a few ways. Regardless, you should have private car insurance in India to protect yourself and your vehicle.

Let's discuss here how you can support your driver by being a responsible co-passenger.

1. Be attentive:
If your driver is getting distracted by texting or calling on the phone, call them out on their behaviour. It can be dangerous even if they talk with the passengers in the back seat. You must stay attentive to such situations and speak up whenever necessary. Politely request them to focus on the road.

2. Don't draw attention:
You can help your driver focus by not distracting them by any means. You should not talk to them unnecessarily or argue with them in the car. Emotional responses can distract the driver. Moreover, you should refrain from clicking pictures or showing them things on your cell phone. You should lay low and avoid all these activities.

3. Be careful of your surroundings:
You can easily be the co-driver for your driver by being extra cautious on the road. You can help them navigate busy streets by being their additional set of eyes. You can also help them read road signs, point out intersections, or alert them about possible hindrances they may fail to see.

4. Put on good music:
Good music can make the atmosphere inside your vehicle cheerful, serene, and lively. It can calm the nerves of your driver and help them focus better on the road. You should take control of the music in the car. You can put some of the driver's favourite tracks in a playlist on shuffle. This way, they need not constantly touch or operate the music system.

5. Keep quiet:
Small talk with the driver is alright, but you should refrain from having a full-fledged conversation that can distract the driver. You should not shout, yell, or sing loudly in the car. All these can make your driver lose focus completely. You should pause the music or stop talking when a congested road is approaching.

6. Stay out of sight:
You need to lay low and stop obstructing the view of your driver while driving. You should not physically block the driver from seeing the road well. They should also be able to see outside the windows. Apart from that, you should always be an adjusting and supportive co-passenger.

These are just some tips and tricks that you can use to be a good passenger inside the vehicle. It can lead to lesser accidents and mistakes on the road. A car journey becomes enjoyable and safe when the driver and co-passengers have a good understanding and coordination. The more focused the driver is, the better. Don't forget to buy private car insurance India and safeguard your finances against loss due to accidental damages to your car.

Click HERE to buy private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tech may not be the best solution to expand the Indian policyholder base

Even though the Indian insurance market has been expanding quickly in recent years, just about 3% of Indians currently have life insurance. Increasing the base of policyholders is essential to ensure that more people are sheltered from financial shocks. Although technology has been suggested as the answer to this issue, it may not be the most effective strategy to increase the number of Indian policyholders. This blog will discuss how tech may not be the best solution to expand the Indian policyholder base. So, without any further delay, let's get started.

1. Accessibility is still an issue:
As it is frequently out of range for significant portions of the population, technology may not be the most incredible way to increase the number of Indian policyholders. Despite India's tremendous internet expansion, many residents of rural areas still need access to smartphones and the internet.
The most successful way to communicate with these people is still through conventional media like newspapers, radio, and television. There is a substantial digital divide between tech adepts and those who are not. For instance, older individuals may need help navigating online insurance platforms, and individuals who do not speak English well may need help understanding the language used in many online insurance policies.

2. Price is one of the primary reasons:
Technology can be expensive to develop and maintain, which is another reason why there might be better ways to increase the number of policyholders. For smaller insurance companies, it might be too expensive to spend on technology, software development, and cybersecurity to build and manage online insurance platforms.
Insurance companies might also need to engage specialised personnel to operate the platforms, raising expenses even more. When costs like these are eventually passed on to customers through higher premiums, insurance becomes less affordable and less available to those who need it.

3. Lack of trust and belief in the insurance providers:
Additionally, there may be better uses of technology than fostering public confidence in insurance. Many individuals in India continue to be cautious of insurance companies and doubt their motives. This distrust is frequently based on prior instances where insurance companies have allegedly broken their commitments or failed to live up to their pledges. Personal interactions, open communication, and moral conduct are necessary for fostering trust and confidence in the insurance industry. Technology can undoubtedly make some of these encounters easier, but it cannot replace the value of human interaction, especially when fostering trust.

4. Absence of proper awareness and information:
Since technology tends to overlook the significance of insurance education, there might be better answers. Educating the public about the advantages and importance of life insurance is essential to increase the number of policyholders. Understanding the many insurance policy types, the coverage they provide, and how to pick the one that best suits their needs can all be achieved with insurance education.
The value of in-person interactions with trained insurance agents who can answer questions, offer guidance and help people choose the best policy cannot be replaced by technology, even though it can help deliver this education through online tutorials, webinars, and other digital resources.

What could be some probable solutions to this issue?

Policymakers may concentrate on enhancing life insurance education and awareness initiatives, particularly in rural areas. Offering financial incentives to those who buy insurance policies, including tax savings, may encourage people to enrol in insurance. Insurance companies may also consider partnering with banks, post offices, or non-governmental groups to reach a larger audience as an additional distribution channel.

We hope this blog provides insights into this issue and how insurance companies can grow their consumer base. While we are on the topic, it only seems like a brilliant idea to talk about how you need to get insurance from the best general insurance company which caters to its customers' needs optimally and is available 24*7 to assist them with their queries, therefore, helping them arrive at a decision.

Click HERE to learn more about how you can choose the best general insurance company for your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


As your liabilities rise, so should your insurance cover. Here's all you need to know

In a world of uncertainties, a financial product like insurance is no short of an overlooked superhero that always comes in clutch and saves the day. Be it your home, vehicle, health, or business, general insurance India protects various assets essential for your life's unaffected functioning.

While the penetration rate of general insurance India only slightly lags behind the global average, it is a fact that can only be celebrated in isolation. Policyholders also need to periodically assess their situation to determine whether their policy provides adequate coverage in terms of insured sum and coverage benefits instead of sticking to the same policy to skimp on premium.

It is necessary to upgrade your policy as your financial situation changes, which is a game of balancing your assets and liabilities. Liabilities refer to events that certainly result in monetary outflow in the present or the future.

If you notice an increase in your liabilities or anticipate the same in the upcoming future, here’s why you should consider increasing your insurance coverage.

1. Inflation:
The cost of living only increases by the day. The official figures released by authorities are usually conservative. Still, upon careful research, one can identify that understated inflation exists in every industry and is only set to grow over time. While some rising costs are necessary to fuel economic growth, consumers ultimately feel the pinch on their finances.
Any assets you may have purchased are bound to depreciate over time and lose value, while any loans compound into more significant outflows, resulting in an imbalance of finances. Consider availing of general insurance India plans to protect your assets and yourself from defaulting on existing liabilities.

2. Diminishing earning power:
Over time, an individual's earning capacity inevitably stagnates, if not reduces. While strategic investments may compound your wealth over time, the lack of a continuous flow of income may put you in a challenging financial position. As liabilities continue to increase, a simultaneous addition in terms of revenue is essential.

3. Dependents’ financial stability:
Like numerous other vital issues, your primary well-being directly impacts that of your dependents, especially if you're the sole breadwinner of your family. Whether uncertainties come your way in the form of accidents, health issues, disabilities, or unforeseen calamities, it is always best to increase your policy’s insured sum after a careful risk assessment. Always take stock of such a situation and purchase general insurance India to protect your assets and finances. This way, you can minimise the financial impact of the event on your dependents.

4. Increased number of dependents:
If the number of dependents on you has grown recently, it is time to evaluate your policies’ insured sums. Irrespective of the kind of insurance, except those relating to tangible assets, ensure that you carefully assess various plans under general insurance India. This is essential to identify the best policy that provides adequate coverage and perks for your extended family.

5. Increased personal liabilities:
If you are taking more significant debt to fulfil any financial goals, consider increasing the sum offered by the insurer on the related asset. This may be in the form of education loan insurance, home or motor vehicle loan insurance, etc. It also applies to health insurance by upgrading your policy to a more comprehensive policy after accurate medical diagnosis and detection of significant health risks.

Through careful assessment of the situation and risk analysis, potential policyholders can purchase the best plans under general insurance India and derive the most significant value for their investment, whether their liabilities stay stable, diminish or increase!

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Check out these picture-perfect eco-tourism destinations

Travelling is one of the best ways to escape life's mundane realities and find peace in a distant land. It is excellent for your physical health and helps detoxify your mind. It also allows you to spend quality time with your loved ones. A vacation should be undertaken at least once a year to provide much-needed calm in the chaos and feel at ease with yourself.

In a country like India, there are various places that you can explore solo or with your partner or family members. They are diverse, serene, magnificent, and rare. There are a few enticing locations you will not find anywhere in the world. Eco-tourism is one such unique activity that has gained high momentum post Covid-19. India has been a hub for eco-tourism for the past few decades now. There's something for all, from the scintillating Himalayas to the backwaters in Kerala.

We have you covered if you're looking for exciting eco-tourism destinations for a refreshing vacation! However, remember to purchase your general insurance policy to protect yourself against any contingencies before embarking on your journey.

Here's our curated list of the best eco-tourism destinations.

1. Kerala backwaters:
Take a Kettuvallam, the local term for a houseboat, and embark on a journey of a lifetime among lush green surroundings. The backwaters of Kerala have their charm and character. The green cover all around soothes your eyes and soul. You can also stay overnight on these boats and enjoy a perfect water vacation amidst the natural surroundings of green trees, picturesque views, and gentle kisses of fresh air.

2. The green valley of Munnar:
This list is incomplete without the inclusion of Munnar in Kerala. Present at an elevation of 1,700 metres, Munnar is lined by lush green tea plantations and varied flora on all sides. The vast green stretches of land are a sight to behold. It is also home to various rare species of flora and fauna that are on the verge of extinction. You will only see vast stretches of cascading greenlands everywhere you look with the blue hues of the skies.

3. Galgibaga Beach, Goa:
Located in Goa, Galgibaga Beach is famous for the turtle nesting that takes place every year. It is one of the underrated beaches in Goa that is rarely visited by tourists all year round. This allows you to explore the golden white sands lined with palm trees away from the chaos of popular tourist destinations. It is serene, peaceful, and perfect for a vacation. You can also spot Olive Ridley Turtles during the winter here!

4. Kaziranga National Park, Assam:
Spread over a wide area of 430 square kilometres; the Kaziranga National Park is a world heritage site. It is home to many rare species of animals, birds, and insects. You can explore the wilderness by taking a jungle safari. It is a prominent place to spot species like Hornbills, vultures, hispid hares, jackals, and more.

5. Sundarbans National Park, West Bengal:
Sprawling over 1,330 square kilometres, the Sundarbans are the largest mangrove forest in the world. The Royal Bengal Tigers live here in utmost peace. You can catch glimpses of their natural habitat by visiting here. You can also witness some geographical marvels here and indulge in a conversation with the local and traditional honey collectors of the Sundarbans.

Eco-tourism is slowly becoming a must-activity for mainstream travellers in recent times. More and more people are visiting these tourist places for leisure and staying close to nature. However, we recommend purchasing adequate general insurance to protect yourself from mishaps before setting on your journey in the wilderness or travelling to off-beat places.

Click HERE to buy reliable general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few best natural remedies to ensure good skin care during summer

Your skin can suffer a lot in the summer. It can become dry, dull, and prone to breakouts due to heat, humidity, and sun's rays. Fortunately, there are natural solutions that you may regularly use to help maintain your skin healthy and radiant throughout the summer. This blog will review some of the top all-natural summer skincare solutions. Let's get started.

1. Increase your fluid intake during the summers:
Drinking lots of water will help keep your skin hydrated during the summer. If dehydrated, your skin may become dry, flaky, and prone to wrinkles. Your body may be cleansed of pollutants by consuming at least eight glasses of water every day, which will also maintain your skin looking young and healthy.

2. Protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun:
Your skin may become damaged by the sun's rays, leading to early wrinkle development and sunburn. Even when it's cloudy outside, you should use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from the sun. You should also wear a hat and protective gear when spending time outdoors.

3. Aloe vera to the rescue:
Sunburn-related redness and inflammation can be lessened by using aloe vera's anti-inflammatory qualities. Antioxidants included in it can also aid in shielding your skin from additional harm. Cut an aloe vera leaf from the plant and apply the gel to your skin to utilise it.

4. The infamous Indian summer staple – Cucumber:
Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances found in cucumbers can help lessen inflammation and redness. Cucumber can be used by simply slicing one and applying the slices to burnt skin for 10 to 15 minutes.

5. Say yes to tea tree oil:
Tea tree oil has antibacterial qualities that can assist in eliminating microorganisms that cause acne. Before bed, apply a few drops of tea tree oil to your skin after diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut oil.

6. Catering to the nostalgia – Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice is a home treatment that works naturally to reduce sun-induced hyperpigmentation and black spots. The citric acid in lemon juice can help exfoliate your skin and lessen the visibility of dark spots. Add lemon juice to your skin with a cotton ball, let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse it off.

7. Coconut Oil – the best solution:
Throughout the summer, coconut oil is a natural solution that can help keep your skin moisturised. Fatty acids in coconut oil can help keep your skin soft and silky. Apply coconut oil to your skin before bed and keep it on all night to use it.

8. Honey is mandatory:
Honey can be a natural cure to soothe and moisten dry skin damaged by the sun. Honey has antibacterial properties that can aid in the prevention of infection and foster the healing process. Apply honey to your skin, let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse it.

While natural therapies might be helpful, it's important to remember that not everyone will experience success with them. Before utilising any new product or cure, conducting a patch test is crucial because some people may have allergies or sensitivities to specific natural substances. A dermatologist should be consulted for any concerns or persistent skin problems. You can have healthy, radiant skin all summer long if you take the proper precautions and care for it.

In conclusion, natural therapies can shield your skin from the damaging effects of the sun and heat while keeping it hydrated and glowing. Remember, caring for your skin and staying hydrated throughout the summer is vital for preserving overall health and wellness. And to safeguard yourself and your family against unforeseen circumstances, you must also purchase the best health insurance. Several online health insurance companies provide insurance with different levels of benefits. You need to choose the one which caters to your needs optimally.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits provided by different online health insurance companies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How is your premium fixed? Here’s how actuaries do it

For most people, general insurance online quote is the first consideration when buying any insurance. We do a risk-return analysis based on the premium we pay for the policy, whether a one-time or annual payment. We then compare quotes of policies of other insurance companies and choose the one with maximum benefits and minimum premium.

But have you ever wondered how insurance companies calculate your general insurance online quote price and how it is fixed? Let us look at the answer to these questions in detail.

Who fixes your premium?

Actuaries are the guardians of the premium formulation process for any insurance company. It is based on sophisticated planning. They anticipate and develop detailed forecasts, evaluate them, make several assumptions, and fix the premium. It is a complicated process as the future is tough to predict. Also, it is a continuous process as the external environment is dynamic and keeps changing.

We can divide the process of fixing the premiums into four phases.

1. Pricing plan:
The first phase in fixing the premium is to create a pricing plan based on the short-term and long-term goals of the company and its priorities. It will depend upon the target market of the company, its existing competition, and its distribution technique.
The pricing should maximise the profits of the company while being competitive and sustainable at the same time. Actuaries club this information to design various insurance policies and try to fix the premium accordingly.

2. Actuarial assumptions:
Actuaries make several assumptions before testing the premium pricing. This is done by reviewing the dynamic external factors such as the economy, anticipated inflation, anticipated rates of unemployment and business failure, rules and regulations in the concerned market, accounting and taxation requirements, existing competition, customer tastes, preferences, etc.
The company prepares a pricing strategy based on risk, expected business volume, and capital availability. They also finalise product characteristics based on age groups, female premium procedures, etc. Actuaries then review their assumptions according to their recent market experience, investment earnings rate experience, new money rates by business category, etc.

3. Finalising policies and premium:
Actuaries use their professional judgement to determine the premium for any specific policy. By performing pricing studies, they arrive at the premium amount and dividends that meet the company's objectives. They ensure the various insurance plans are consistent with specific age groups, occupational classes, etc. Actuaries also design supplementary benefits with any plan and the riders that come along with it.

4. Managing the results:
For the final phase in general insurance online quote, they estimate the losses the insurance company may face in the coming year. This can be predicted by making use of historical data. They then establish benchmark rates for various policies that ensure that the insurance company will meet any insurance claim that arises in the future.

Actuaries apply statistical methods and the abovementioned considerations and calculate the premiums for client groups with similar predictive risk attributes. They also assess the insurance company's ability to pay off its claims by studying past data and forecasting the possible financial impact of any catastrophe that may occur in the future.

Fixing the premiums for an insurance policy is a complex process that actuaries perform. If you are a business looking for an insurance policy, you should inform your insurer about the steps you have taken or intend to take to minimise your business risks. This can help to lower your insurance premium.

When purchasing a non-term insurance policy, one must identify the best general insurance online quote by comparing the premium of similar other policies. Choose the policy that provides maximum or reasonable coverage at the minimum premium rates and stay protected.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Navigate roundabouts like a pro with our simplified guide

Have you already purchased car insurance India for your new car as a mandatory feature but still fear taking your vehicle on a spin? Driving in India often leaves most drivers intimidated. The crowded streets, impatient drivers, and lack of enforcement of traffic laws can make navigating the roads a harrowing experience. One of the most confusing elements of Indian roads is the roundabout.

Roundabouts, also known as traffic circles or rotaries, are circular intersections designed to help traffic flow more smoothly. However, they can be daunting if you need to become more familiar with them. But fret not! This blog post will provide a simplified guide to navigating roundabouts like a pro and help you stay safe.

What is a roundabout?

Before we dive into how to navigate roundabouts, let us first understand what they are. In a roundabout, traffic circulates counter-clockwise around a central island in a circular intersection. Drivers entering the roundabout must give way to vehicles already in the circle and continue driving counter-clockwise until they reach their desired exit.

Why are roundabouts safer?

Roundabouts have become increasingly customary because they are safer than traditional intersections. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety conducted a study that shows how roundabouts decrease the number of severe crashes by 78% and fatalities by 82% compared to traditional crossroads. Roundabouts eliminate many conflict points in traditional intersections, such as head-on collisions and right-angle crashes.

How to navigate a roundabout?

1. Approach with caution:
The first step to navigating a roundabout is to approach it with caution. Slow down as you approach the roundabout, and be prepared to stop if necessary. Look for signs and markings on the road to help guide you through the roundabout.

2. Yield to traffic already in the circle:
Once you have reached the roundabout, you must yield to traffic in the circle. It means you must wait until there is a gap in traffic before entering the roundabout.

3. Choose your lane:
Before entering the roundabout, you must choose the appropriate lane. If you are turning right, stay in the right lane. If you are going straight or turning left, use the left lane. If multiple lanes exist, choose the one that will take you to your desired exit.

4. Maintain a slower speed:
Once you have entered the roundabout, maintain a slower speed of around 10 km an hour. Do not stop or change lanes in the roundabout.

5. Use your turn signals:
If you are turning, use your turn signals to indicate your intentions. Don't make rash turns without giving proper signals. You may end up crashing your car in an accident. Make the best use of your car's rear-view and side-view mirrors to get a clear judgement of the traffic behind you while making a turn.

6. Exit the roundabout:
As you approach your exit, use your turn signals to indicate your intention to exit. Yield to any pedestrians or bicyclists in the crosswalk and exit the roundabout safely.

Roundabouts can be intimidating, but they are a safer and more efficient way to manage traffic. By following the above tips, you can navigate roundabouts like a pro and reduce your chances of getting into an accident.

Remember to maintain a cautious approach, pay attention to traffic already in the circle, and use indicators while maintaining your speed and staying in your lane. It is that simple! While the regulatory body mandates it, we recommend purchasing car insurance India to protect yourself from the financial damages you may incur in an accident. With these tips in mind, you can stay safe on the road and drive with confidence.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Poor driving posture is a compounding problem that you must rectify at the earliest

Poor posture is the new smoking. It affects almost everyone around the globe, but it is not nearly talked about as much as it should be. With rigorous commute time, there’s no doubt that the disastrous effects of poor posture while driving or travelling affect most people.

Bad posture can make a short ride uncomfortable and causes much more than a stiff neck in the long run. After years of this compounding problem, pressure on the spine results in slowly curving the spine, leading to Kyphosis. Kyphosis has many associated problems other than just aesthetic deformity. It leads to reduced shock absorption and imbalance and unyielding chronic pain. This makes you more prone to injuries and can put your life at risk.

Other factors, such as reduced metabolism leading to worse digestion and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, are matters of great concern. However, the good news is that poor driving posture gravely affects people only after an extended period, and you can fix it. The way we drive has a significant impact on our health and our car’s safety. Therefore, we recommend you buy car insurance online and health insurance to protect yourself and your vehicle from the financial strain of accidents and poor posture.

Additionally, read on to learn some tips to rectify poor driving posture.

How to rectify poor posture in a car?

It is tough to avoid poor posture in a car since they are usually cramped and made to provide temporary comfort but long-term damage. Lower and laid-back seats, along with tipped-back headrests, cause your hamstrings and neck muscles to get pulled and, as a result, cause pain.

Here are some things you can do to improve your driving posture.

1. Adjust your seat:
Most drivers make the seat low, which leaves their back unsupported and barely supports the thighs. Raising the seat higher will solve most of these problems and improve road visibility and prevent accidents. It will support your pelvis and thighs and put you in a neutral position to avoid slouching. Additionally, while sitting in a car seat, your tailbone should be propped up to the back of the seat, and you should rest against it to provide rest to your joints and muscles.

2. Stretch at regular intervals:
This tip is helpful during long road trips or if you regularly drive for long hours. Gently roll your shoulders, and stretch your arms and legs at stoplights to avoid them from going stiff due to gripping the steering wheel for too long. While stopping at rest stations, walk around, stretch, and get your body moving for the drive ahead.

3. Position your mirrors correctly:
Your rear and side-view mirrors should be adjusted appropriately to avoid additional strain on the neck. You should be able to see all the mirrors without changing your body’s position excessively.

4. Steer clear of keeping your arms above shoulder level:
This will prevent the build-up of strain on the arms and neck and relieve the pain you could get from your wrists and elbows.

5. Adjust your headrest:
Your headrest should touch the back of your head, such that the top of the headrest lies between the top of your ears and your head. This will prevent neck injuries in the case of collisions and give your head the perfect balance it needs while driving.

Proper positioning of the driver’s seat is necessary for visibility and safety. Additionally, it is also beneficial for the driver’s spinal health. It is a critical factor that all drivers should consider for a safe car ride and avoid health adversities due to bad posture. One must also choose to buy car insurance online that fits your needs perfectly and provides comprehensive coverage to prevent the financial costs due to vehicle accidents.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Taking insurance on your education loan may help you financially secure yourself

Higher education costs increase yearly, and many students turn to education loans to fund their studies. While a student loan can be a great option to finance your education, it can also be a significant financial burden after graduation. That is why it is crucial to consider taking out insurance on your education loan.

General insurance plans can offer you financial security in case of unexpected events that may cause you to default on the repayment of your education loan. Let's examine the benefits of taking out insurance on your education loan.

1. Financial protection for unforeseen events with education loan insurance:
Firstly, it provides financial protection to you and your family in case of an unexpected event such as job loss or a medical emergency. Suppose you cannot repay your education loan due to unforeseen circumstances. In that case, the burden of repayment falls upon the co-applicants. If you purchase insurance coverage, your insurer will ensure that your loan payments are taken care of, providing much-needed relief to you and your family during difficult times.

2. Improving credit scores with education loan insurance:
Insurance on your education loan may also improve your credit score. If you default on your education loan, it can adversely impact your credit score, making it more difficult for you to obtain credit in the future. By taking out insurance, you can avoid defaulting on your loan. This will help you maintain a good credit score and ensure that you are in a better position to obtain credit in the future.

3. Reduced burden of repayment:
Thirdly, insurance on your education loan can provide peace of mind. It can be stressful to think about the financial burden of repaying your education loan, especially if you are doubtful about your future income prospects. With insurance coverage, you can rest assured that your loan payments are taken care of. This will help you focus on your studies and career prospects without worrying about loan repayments.

4. Inbuilt insurance in education loans:
Insurance on your education loan may only sometimes be necessary. You can manage your loan repayments without insurance if you have a stable income and a good credit score. Additionally, some education loan providers may include insurance coverage as part of their loan package, so check with your loan provider before taking out a separate insurance policy.
Another critical factor to consider when buying insurance on your education loan is the type of insurance policy you choose. Various insurance policies are available, such as disability, unemployment insurance, etc.

5. Unemployment insurance for education loans:
Unemployment insurance can provide temporary financial assistance if you lose your job and cannot repay loans. It guarantees repayment of the loan amount without letting it reflect as a default. It also allows you to focus on finding stability and a consistent source of income rather than worry over the possibility of defaulting payments.

In conclusion, general insurance plans on your education loan can provide valuable financial protection and peace of mind. Similar to purchasing other general insurance plans, assessing your individual needs and circumstances is essential when choosing an insurance policy for your education loan. Carefully review the terms and conditions of the policy, and compare policies to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money.

Purchasing general insurance plans for your student loan is not necessary and only mandatory when applying for institutions abroad. It can be a valuable tool for all those who want to protect themselves and their families from unexpected events that may affect their ability to repay their education loans.

Click HERE to buy different general insurance plans online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.