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Get rapid relief from sore throat with these natural remedies

Waking up with a sore throat can be worse than waking up from a nightmare. Every time you gulp your food or cough feels like sheer torture. On most days, the sore throat may vanish if you drink enough warm liquids, but sometimes it can take days to heal.

The pain and itch in the throat can be troublesome enough to distract you from your day’s routine and cause constant discomfort. There can be several causes for a sore throat like viral and bacterial infections, acid reflux, etc. While taking medicine for these illnesses is an effective way of getting rid of soreness, it may still take time to give you some comfort.

Antibiotics can take days to help, and if you have an important meeting to attend, you may be in for some trouble. Worry not; here are a few helpful natural remedies that can give you instant relief from a prolonged sore throat!

1. Saltwater gargles:
Gargling with salt mixed in warm water is one of the best and quickest remedies to relieve a sore throat. If an infection or inflammation causes your sore throat, warm salt water can help kill the bacteria present in the throat and reduce any inflammation.
Mix half a spoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle for at least 10 minutes. This will instantly kill any germs present, soothe irritation and calm swelling or inflammation.

2. Honey and Lemon:
Honey has antibacterial properties, which significantly reduces inflammation and soothes your throat. Lemon juice contains vitamin C to boost your immunity, break down the mucus and help you fight your infection. Add one spoon of lemon juice and two spoons of honey to warm water or tea and sip on it as a soothing concoction to get pain relief in a matter of minutes.

3. Chamomile or herbal tea:
Our ancestors have used herbal teas for ages knowing their medicinal properties. Chamomile or herbal tea has antioxidant properties that instantly calm inflammation and kill germs. Drink a cup of hot chamomile tea to soothe your throat from itching. You can add ingredients like turmeric to the tea to boost your immune system.

4. Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation is the best way to relieve your blocked sinuses, kill germs present in your nasal and throat cavity and clear the throat. It also helps you expel all the phlegm that may be causing congestion or soreness in your throat. Boil a pot of water and inhale through your nose and mouth to instantly relieve your sinuses. Continue this for a good 15 minutes to calm your irritable throat.

5. Cough syrup and lozenges:
While doctors usually prescribe cough syrups to fight infections, you can also use them to soothe your throat. Cough syrups have soothing anti-inflammatory properties that act not only on the infection but also on the inflammation in the throat.

You can also chew on lozenges containing ingredients like gingers, honey, lemon and peppermint to produce enough saliva that prevents your throat from drying out. This ultimately soothes your sore throat.

While you can simply buy online health insurance and ensure a safe future for you and your family, dealing with constant health ailments can be vexing. These few quick home remedies can give you rapid relief from a common cold or sore throat to make your daily life simpler! Try practising mindful activities like yoga, meditation, and pranayam to keep your body in the best shape possible and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips for uphill bicycle riding

Cycling has seen an increased number of enthusiasts over the past couple of years. Fitness lovers found a new way to keep themselves fit by cycling to the public parks as an alternative to the gyms. Cycling is an activity that does not require a lot of skill and techniques. Still, if you want to learn more about cycling as a sport or wish to venture into various terrains on your bicycle, there are a few things that you should keep in mind to make the process easier and more enjoyable.

One of the most challenging parts of cycling is traversing uphill roads. It is both exhausting and time taking. But with the proper techniques, you can easily manoeuvre this route.

Today we will discuss a few ways to make your uphill journey on the bicycle easier.

1. Do not start fast:
Many riders make the mistake of starting fast, right at the bottom of the uphill journey. This can be the first mistake that you make while riding uphill. Depending on the ascend and the steepness of the slope, it is best to distribute your energy and utilise it on the last leg of the peak. The final portion of the rise requires the maximum energy as it is the steepest part of the ascend.

2. Alternate between sitting and standing position:
Alternating between these two positions can help you significantly in manoeuvring the climb. Cover the distance while being seated and as you reach the final climb, stand up to increase the energy and to acquire the desired push. Activate your muscles, lift your body, and apply pressure using your legs to pedal heavily.

3. Finding a rhythm:
For longer climbs, it is best to set a riding pattern. As mentioned above, switching between speeds, positions etc., can help you form a rhythm and help you focus your energy more on riding instead of ascending.
Find a rhythm that works for you. Gasping is a sign of wrong techniques and wasted energy. For more extended periods of time on the ascend, your breathing should be deep constant.

4. Set small milestones:
Conquering the peak in one go can be a daunting task. Instead of looking at it as a mammoth assignment, it is best to set smaller goals instead. While making the climb, take note of the small details on the road. Like a post box, garbage bin or a tree. Setting these small goals can be an incentive for you.
You can associate these goals with rewards, such as after you reach a goal, you can change your pace, try a new method or just stop for a bit. This way, the road becomes a journey and not a task.

5. Don’t fight the wind:
Fighting the wind is probably the worst thing a rider can do. Your overall speed and energy levels are massively affected by the wind and its direction. Fighting against the wind always means using up all your energy which you can use later for your ascend. Instead, go slow if the wind is against your riding direction.

Sparing sometime of your day for such physical activities can help you in the long run. However, excessive cycling can lead to injuries and a weaker immune system. Uphill riding is never an easy venture, and acing it requires fitness and determination.

In the process, you might even face injuries and mishaps. This is why it is essential to strike a balance. In case of an injury, doctors suggest various physiotherapy sessions and other medications. These treatments can burn a hole in your pocket; hence you should consider buying an individual personal accident insurance policy. Individual personal accident insurance policy safeguards you in case of accidents and injuries, and the cost incurred during your treatment.

So, keep your passion for cycling alive, and ride your way to fitness!

Click HERE to know more about individual personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to improve your singing voice at home

“Music is the soundtrack of your life” – Dick Clark.
It is unimaginable to have a life without music and the ability to enjoy it. For most of us, music has been a medium that helps us navigate through the daily hustle of our lives. Few of us are blessed with singing ability, while the others are not.

Irrespective of whether we know or don’t know singing, we enjoy it in our solitude limited to our bathrooms or bedrooms. In this article, we will discuss a few ways to improve this craft and support your singing voice while being in the comfort of your home.

1. Warm-up:
People commonly discuss the importance of warming up for a sports activity but conveniently forget the importance of the same during singing. There are various ways to warm up your vocal cords to prepare before singing. Various jaw and muscle exercises such as blowing through your lips and sticking out the tongue can go a long way.
Another way to warm up your vocal cord is by humming tunes. Indian classical musicians use “sa re ga ma”. Using different variations of these notes is an excellent way to practice pitch and voice modulation.

2. Hydrate yourself:
If you are confused about what to drink before the event, then your answer is water. Drinking lukewarm water during rehearsals helps lubricate your vocal cords. Hydrated vocal cords ensure that you put forward your best performance. Another great alternative is herbal tea which has plenty of health benefits for your throat.

3. Take breaks:
Like any other activity, your vocal cords need rest as well. Over exerting your voice can lead to cracks, soreness, and itchiness that can tear your voice while performing. This can also lead to allergies and also aggravate any pre-existing problem. Hence you must avoid practicing on the day of the event. However, if it is mandatory, try not to strain your voice. Instead, try humming.

4. Avoid harmful substances:
Cold and aerated drinks should be avoided entirely for the good health of your vocal cords, as the high content of sugar in aerated drinks are harmful to your vocal cords. Smoking is highly detrimental to your vocal health and can lead to long term damage. When you smoke, you are subjecting your vocal cords to toxic materials—everything you breathe in passes through your throat, which can lead to permanent damage.
You should also be mindful of carrying masks or scarves while travelling through a highly polluted environment. While drinking alcohol has no direct effect on your vocal cord, it is dehydrating and inflammatory, hence not advisable for singers.

5. Do not sing if it hurts:
If you feel a strain on your throat, it is best to avoid singing. Straining your vocal cord can be devastating and can cause cysts in the long run. It is best to give your throat the rest that it needs. However, if the problem persists, visit your doctor.

6. Regular check-ups:
It is wise to visit your ENT specialist regularly. If you are experiencing any trouble, your doctor will examine the underlying problem. The doctor might suggest a few scans and medications that you can take for the speedy recovery of your throat.

These are a few ways to take care of your throat and your singing voice. As mentioned above, consider going to the doctor when you feel any kind of uneasiness associated with your throat. Avoid straining your vocal cords. If you are considering regular checkups, investing in health insurance will be a good idea as it will act as a safety net in case of any expense you might face during your treatment.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five best diet tips for people with lactose intolerance

Have you felt sick after eating a meal that comprises dairy products? This is a common condition that people suffer from, and the condition is called lactose intolerance. People with this condition cannot digest lactose, a type of sugar present in dairy products such as milk. It bars people from consuming a large variety of products since our country’s staple diet involves a large quantity of milk and other dairy products.

Over time, several alternative food products are introduced in the market for lactose-intolerant people. Those with the condition can use dairy-free products like soy milk, almond milk, and coconut milk while cooking to replace lactose-based products. However, even with new alternatives to dairy products, lactose intolerance has no cure and can only be managed by itself. You can only invest in reliable health insurance in India to secure your overall health in the future.

Even though undigested lactose is not severe, it can cause extreme discomfort, stomach cramps and intestinal pain, gas, and diarrhoea. Here are a few daily dietary tips that you can follow to manage your lactose intolerance better!

1. Avoid dairy-rich food products:
It is better to avoid consuming anything that can push your body over the edge. Avoid foods with high amounts of dairy content. The best method to follow is the 80/20 method. It involves having your diet composed of 80 per cent dairy-free food and 20 per cent dairy food.

2. Opt for reliable dairy-free products:
Opting for good quality dairy-free products can prevent you from developing symptoms of lactose intolerance. Many low-lactose and lactose-free products are available today and can enrich your daily diet without causing significant changes. Use almond milk or a dairy-free creamer for your coffee or low-lactose cheese for a burger.
While purchasing these products, you must ensure that they are FDA approved and authentic enough. Several products that claim to be dairy-free may not be completely free of lactose. As a trusting consumer, you may consume large quantities of these products and end up suffering from the symptoms anyway. Being a wise and knowledgeable consumer is critical when suffering from certain health conditions.

3. Choose yoghurt over milk:
Several lactose-intolerant people find yoghurt easier to digest than milk. Active cultures in yoghurt make it easier to digest lactose, which allows you to consume a rich source of protein without experiencing severe symptoms. A few spoons of plain Greek yoghurt can significantly improve your gut health.

4. Incorporate calcium and vitamin-D rich foods:
Being lactose-intolerant can cause significant calcium and vitamin D deficiency in your body. Your body needs a good amount of vitamin D to absorb calcium. You must ensure your diet has a well-rounded supply of these nutrients.
Include fish, almonds, green leafy vegetables, oranges, and tofu in your regular diet to ensure a stable intake of the calcium it needs. Eating eggs and salmon can back you up with enough vitamin D as well.

5. Try lactase supplements:
Several lactose-intolerant people take lactase supplements before consuming any dairy products. Lactase supplements can ensure you eat and drink lactose-rich dairy without suffering from any discomfort later. These supplements essentially help break down the complex lactose present in dairy while controlling the uncomfortable symptoms.

These few diet tips can help you enjoy a variety of foods without experiencing the discomfort of your condition. Even as there is no specific cure for lactose intolerance, controlling and managing it can go a long way in ensuring a comfortable and healthy life. Besides this, also remember to invest in comprehensive health insurance to safeguard your health against other ailments and concerns.

Click HERE to purchase the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few home remedies to deal with sprains

Sprains are one of the most common injuries people encounter by suddenly hurting their wrist, ankle or body while performing daily tasks. It is mainly caused due to stretch or tear of ligaments, and it takes up to two weeks to completely heal from the internal wound and pain. There are various ways to heal your injuries faster and soothe the sprain, some of which we will be discussing in this article.

However, it is crucial to note that while most of these remedies are home remedies, it is best to consult a doctor who can help you choose the proper medication and treatment if the situation worsens. Since the injuries that cause sprains can also cause a fracture, the doctor might suggest you take some tests.

Choosing the best personal accident policy in India is a step that you must take to ensure the best treatment for yourself. Your insurer will cover your medical expenses and hospital bills under this insurance.

Now let us look at some ways in which you can ensure faster recovery of sprains.

1. RICE technique:
Sprains heal the fastest when treated to the RICE technique. Let’s understand what RICE means.

R – REST – Resting the affected area is crucial for faster healing.
I – ICE – Ice pack reduces the blood flow to the affected area and helps in reducing pain or swelling. Apply an ice pack for 20 minutes. Give it a break for 5 minutes and put it back on.
C – COMPRESSION – This helps stabilise the injured area and helps subside the swelling. Wrap a bandage snugly around the wound. Avoid tightly bandaging the area as it might obstruct the blood flow.
E – ELEVATION – Elevation prevents fluid accumulation in the joint. Try to elevate the affected area using a pillow while resting.

2. Heat therapy:
While it is advised to use ice bags immediately after the injury, once the swelling subsides, a hot water bag periodically on the affected area can help soothe the pain and aid in the faster healing of the injury. The heat increases blood flow and relaxes any strained muscles. Another good idea would be to alternate between heating pads and cooling packs.

3. Salt baths:
After a few days of the injury, introduce the affected area to a salt bath. Salt baths are known for their soothing properties. It helps in soothing sore muscles and reduces stiffness significantly, making the affected area mobile and functioning effectively.

4. Protect the injured area:
As you start the healing process, it is crucial not to put much weight or pressure on the affected area. Exerting the area can lead to further tears in the ligament or fracture. In the case of ankle sprains, it is best to avoid any sporting activity or heavy exercise for about two weeks.
You may use crepe bandages to provide external support to your ankles. Remember not to pack them tightly as it will prevent circulation. Similarly, in the case of wrist sprains, avoid lifting weights and use a crepe bandage, as mentioned above.

These are a few ways to give your sprain the care and time it requires to heal. Most of these steps are the aftercare suggested by doctors. However, you must go for a follow-up checkup. This way, you can rest assured that your injury is completely healed, and you can carry on with your daily activities.

In most cases, insurance companies help you go cashless during the treatment. Nevertheless, remember to keep the bills and reports handy for your insurer to verify details. Always go for the best personal accident policy in India for hassle-free insurance claims.

Click HERE for the best personal accident policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the importance of airbags in car and passenger safety

Safety technology is one of the most critical aspects to consider when purchasing a vehicle. For first-time buyers who want to know the importance of a vehicle's safety technology, it is a collection of intelligent technologies and devices built in the car to prevent collisions and ensure the safety of the passengers and the vehicle. Airbags are a common type of protective device present in all cars today.

Maintaining and abiding by all safety measures is essential to keep others and yourself safe. However, investing in trustworthy online car insurance can add an additional layer of protection to your vehicle.

With the car companies upgrading to the latest safety technologies, we must also understand their importance, especially airbags.

What are airbags?
Airbags are a type of supplemental restraint device (SRDs) whose main aim is to protect the individuals in the front seat from any injuries in case of a collision. When the car crashes, an electronic mechanism is triggered, and these airbags inflate with gas quickly. They are designed to instantly cushion and protect the driver upon impact and deflate soon after deployment. When airbags were introduced in 1951, most cars had this flexible fabric bag installed only to protect the driver. Today, most car models have it inbuilt for both the front occupants, the driver and the passenger. In 2021, the Central Government of India made passenger airbags mandatory for all vehicles to improve safety norms in the country.
Some car models only have airbags installed for the driver and the front-seat passenger. However, there are a few advanced models that have them installed in a way to protect the passengers in the back seat. While it is only mandatory to have airbags for the front passengers, cars that provide airbags for both back and front are the best to ensure maximum safety.

How effective are airbags?
Airbags are a crucial mechanism in your vehicle, and one cannot ignore their significance in improving the level of safety of your car.
An airbag comprises a thin nylon fabric bag, a set of inflators, and a sensor. It is designed to signal the inflators to blow up the nylon bags on detecting a collision. This mechanism goes a long way in avoiding severe facial, chest and head injuries.
While this device cannot stop or prevent a dangerous event like a road accident or car crash like other advanced safety technologies, it can protect the occupants from injuries and fatalities. The passengers are not only saved from the harsh impact of a collision but also avoid hitting any hard or sharp objects inside the car that can cause severe damage.
Several reports have confirmed that the rate of fatalities caused by dangerous accidents or collisions has significantly dropped, thanks to the safety devices including airbags. They can be most effective when the passengers are buckled-up and sit firmly in their seats.

To sum it up, drivers and passengers must always follow specific safety measures like wearing a seat belt, driving at a steady pace, adjusting the rearview and side mirrors for a clear vision, and not being distracted while driving. In addition to it, having a secure online car insurance can further cover the damages caused due to road accidents. So, before you purchase a new car, consider all safety technologies including the airbags for crucial cushioning for people during a crash.

Find the best car insurance India for your vehicle HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Make these essentials a part of your summer travel checklist


Summers are here, and by now, you've probably made plans to detach from the routine life and plan an exotic vacation for the perfect summer. Overworking may lead to fatigue, stress, and significant health hazards. Taking a break is highly demanded by your body to unwind all the stress and rejuvenate to get back to work with a new positivity.

Whether you're flying across the nation or going on a road trip for a few days, there are a few travel essentials you should pick up before leaving your home. In today’s topic, we bring a helpful checklist of travel essentials that are a must to carry while planning a holiday this summer.

1. Sunscreen:
The scorching heat of summers invites tanning and burns that adversely affect the body. You should apply sunscreen before heading outside in the harsh sun. A sunscreen with an SPF35 or plus will block out around 95% of Ultraviolet radiation, which causes sunburns and raises the risk of skin cancer.

2. Hat and Sunglasses:
A hat will provide some relief from the heat by avoiding the direct contact of your head with the sunrays. Although a hat will provide some shade, it's also crucial to protect your eyes and ensure you carry your sunglasses.

3. Backpack:
One of the most pleasing aspects of an active holiday is the possibility of discovery. Invest in a good backpack to enjoy it. It should be light and with a waistband to relieve back pressure. We advise that you choose a rainproof rucksack with many safe and secure compartments.

4. Water bottle:
Hydration is crucial, especially in summers. We recommend getting a bottle with water level marking on it so that you can keep track of the amount of water you consume in a day. Regular sipping of water will help you stay active and keep your body engaged.

5. Comfortable clothes:
Most summer vacations are spent at the beach or poolside. Carry your swimwear and comfortable beachwear.

6. Footwear:
Flip flops are ideal in summers. Along with your flip flops, also carry a pair of hiking shoes. They will help you when you set out on a hike.

7. Quick-drying towel:
It's helpful to have a quick-drying towel to avoid soaking other things in your suitcase on the way home.

8. Dry-wet bag:
Separating wet and dry stuff is useful when on a summer vacation at the beachside. A bag with two separate compartments will do the job for you.

9. First aid kit:
There is always a risk of scrapes, bruises, bug bites, and even an upset stomach. It's usually a good idea to keep a modest first aid kit with the essentials. This contains bug repellent, bandages, essential medicines, antiseptics, pain relievers etc.

10. General Insurance:
General Insurance should always be on your checklist no matter where you go. It will protect your travel, and you can enjoy the vacation with complete peace of mind. Invest in the best general insurance India and be rest assured of a safe and memorable trip.

The best part about any vacation is to forget the worries of everyday life and be in the moment at your favourite beach or mountain resort. Summer is probably the best time for family vacations, and with the restrictions getting eased out, the opportunities for planning trips will increase.

Also, don’t forget to carry your masks and hand sanitizers wherever you go because the pandemic has not ended yet. Take all the necessary precautions and make the above essentials a part of your travel checklist to set off on an exciting, adventurous summer holiday.

Visit HERE to explore plans of general insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to choose the best flooring for your home

While building your home or renovating your existing apartment, design, furniture, wallpapers, paints, etc., are just some of the many things you need to consider. However, one of the lesser talked about things is the house's flooring. Choosing a floor involves various factors such as climate, the people, pet and child friendly etc. Having an interior designer can significantly help you in selecting the right fit for you.

Sometimes, even the best flooring can show defects due to various climatic and other factors, and you might need to change your flooring after a while. This is when your insurer plays a significant role. Your insurance provider will take care of the extra expense that you have incurred in the process of revamping your floors due to the damage. Keeping these things in mind, opting for the best home insurance in India should be your first step to building your dream home.

Today, we will be looking at a complete guide that will help you choose the best floors for your home.

1. Lifestyle:
Depending on the lifestyle of your family members, your flooring preference will change. e.g., if you live with older people, you might want to look for floors that provide some friction and prevent the cold. Hence, choosing a floor that serves functionality and style is essential. If you are a pet parent, you might want to opt for textured floors to ensure that your pet’s joints and muscles remain in proper health.

2. Durability:
Quite literally, your house stands on your floor. Hence, it is essential to opt for durable floors. Paying a slightly higher price for quality material ensures that your floor stands the test of time and sustains all the pressure.

3. Weather conditions:
Weather conditions are the driving factors in flooring selection. You need to keep your house warm. It is wise to invest in wooden floors and add carpets to ensure your floor remains warm throughout. Marble flooring is a smart option for hot or warm places as it retains the cold temperature during the night and keeps your house cool.

4. Colour theme:
While we discuss the floors' functionality and cost-benefits, choosing a floor that goes well with your house's colour and the theme is also important. An interior designer can suggest the latest trends and flooring patterns that add value to the interiors of your house.

5. Maintenance:
Opting for fancy flooring and sticking to a theme is just the first step in ensuring the longevity of your floors. It is also essential to go for options that are easy to maintain. Floors such as quarry tile, carpet tile, epoxy flooring are all examples of durable yet low maintenance flooring. The only thing these floors require is daily sweeping and deep cleaning once a month. On the contrary, high maintenance flooring requires regular upkeep and intense cleaning to avoid discolouring and scratches.

The floor is what holds your room together, so choosing the right floor can make or break the look of your room. The above discussed are a few points that you can look out for before selecting the best flooring options for yourself.

Compare the prices in the market to make sure that you are getting the best quality products for your home. Another good option would be investing in the best home insurance in India to safeguard your home against unforeseen circumstances. Remember, your floor selection is about balancing your requirements with your style. Use the internet and look out for various brochures and more ideas online.

Click HERE to know about the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These are a few ways you can detect bad clutch problems in your bike

Riding a motorbike with smooth-shifting gears gives you a sense of pleasure that no other thing can. The feeling of downshifting into a curve, soaring your RPMs, then switching back into high and rushing down the straightaway is unmatched.

But when the quality of your clutch starts deteriorating, it no longer grips as usual or allows you to smooth down and upshift. If you take too much time to assess a bad clutch, it might leave you stranded during a ride. While the rest of the crew enjoy the journey, you will have to spend extra time repairing or replacing it.

However, knowing the signs of a damaged clutch will help you repair the appropriate pieces before you're left stranded.

In today's post, we'll discuss ways to assess if your clutch is on its way to being damaged. Read along to know how you can avoid costly repairs before it's too late.

1. Slipping of clutch:
The clutch slipping indicates that it has already begun to wear down. You may sense a lag or a slight jerk when your bike starts picking up. The RPM starts to increase faster than it should. If any of these occur, your bike's clutch is worn out, and it's time to get it repaired.

2. Sticking of clutch:
Your bike's clutch will start to stick if there is a malfunction or oil-induced dirt in the springs. It can either stick in or out depending on when the event occurs. The clutch parts will cling together as you change gears resulting in a low-power transmission. A sticky clutch might be mistaken for a general bike problem, so be extra cautious and get it diagnosed.

3. Hard to shift gears:
If your clutch wire is loose or the clutch gap is compressed, the bike will not accelerate because you won't be able to shift gears. When parking your bike, it's best to keep it in neutral, although some people leave it in first gear. So if you ever experience a slack in shifting gears, visit the mechanic.

Tip: To minimise clutch dislocation and overheating, always start your bike in neutral. Overheating the metal components causes them to expand, lowering the spacing distance. However, the clutch relies on friction to transfer power, so oil the parts regularly to avoid overheating.

4. Sharp metallic noise:
If you've recently noticed a strange sound emanating from your bike and it becomes louder as the days pass, it might be your clutch asking for attention.

5. Burning smell:
A burning odour may signal a clutch problem, which you should not neglect. If a mechanical noise accompanies the smell, you should have the clutch pad checked out as soon as possible to avoid any more damage.

These are some ways you can detect a problem with your clutch system. Make sure you always park your bike on neutral. Oil the clutch system periodically, but don't put too much oil. Never use the clutch as the braking alternative unless it's very needful, like in case of brake failures.

While you ensure your clutch pad, insure your bike as well, it will help you in case of mechanic visits for your clutch repairs and avoid additional expenses. Purchase bike insurance online and add value to your two-wheeler with the benefits of comprehensive coverage.

Click HERE to get the best bike insurance online right now.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips to renew the vehicle fitness certificate of your old two-wheeler

As two-wheelers turn old, their performance and the quality of their internal parts start to deteriorate. Significantly, the engine gets severely affected, which leads to more fuel consumption and harmful emissions. Such two-wheelers are then considered not fit to ride.

If you own an old two-wheeler and wish to ride it on Indian roads legally, then you need to have a fitness certificate for it. The Government of India has made the renewal of fitness certificates convenient by introducing the 'Parivahan Sewa portal' that operates entirely online.

Applying online is a hassle-free process as you only need to fill out a form and submit all the required documents to your local Regional Transport Office (RTO) for verification.

In today's post, we will take you through the step-by-step process of renewing your two-wheeler's fitness certificate online:

1. Go to the official VAHAN website. Begin the renewal process by going to 'Online Services' and selecting 'Vehicle Related Services.'

2. After that, choose your state. Next, click on 'Application for Fitness Certificate' and enter your bike's registration number and chassis number.

3. Following that, generate an OTP using your registered phone number. Enter the one-time password (OTP) that you received on your phone to proceed with the process.

4. Go to the 'Payment' option and complete the transaction to start the renewal fee transfer.

5. After completing these procedures, take the appropriate documentation to your local RTO to complete the two-wheeler fitness renewal process. Officials at the RTO will perform a fitness test on your bike and verify your documents to complete the process.

Steps to renew fitness certificate of two-wheeler offline.

Here is how you can acquire a fitness certificate for your bike offline:

1. Visit the local RTO

2. Fill out an application for a fitness certificate renewal

3. After that, attach the required documents to the application

4. To finish the procedure, pay the RTO the renewal fee for your bike fitness certificate

The officers will review your submitted documents and schedule an appointment for your bike's inspection. You must arrive at the designated centre on time. Here, your two-wheeler will be thoroughly investigated, and if it qualifies the desired parameters, you will be issued the fitness certificate for your bike.

Note: Although the renewal process is the same for both two and four-wheelers, the fee differs for both types of vehicles.

Complete list of documents you will require:

• Tax token

• Registration certificate

• Vehicle permit

• Pollution Under Control Certificate or PUCC

• Valid two-wheeler insurance policy papers

• Passport size photo

According to the Motor Vehicles Act of 1989, a vehicle's registration is only acceptable if a valid Vehicle Fitness Certificate accompanies it. Commercial and private automobiles are required by law to have a fitness certificate. Failing to submit a fitness certificate carries a punishment of Rs. 100. For consecutive violations, the fine is increased to Rs. 300. If you don't have a valid fitness certificate, you'll be fined between Rs. 2,000 to 5,000.

The law also mandates two wheeler insurance India. Failing to have both these documents can lead to hefty fines. Save yourself from the trouble and get the fitness certificate and insurance today. You can only enjoy riding your two-wheeler if you keep the required documents up-to-date and avoid landing yourself in any unwanted trouble.

Click HERE to buy the best two wheeler insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the signs that show suspension problems in bikes

As a bike owner, you know that your vehicle requires routine maintenance, tyre replacements and bike insurance renewal. But how often do you consider your vehicle's suspension? Your suspension system works hard to make your ride comfortable by smoothing out bumps in the road and keeping the wheels on the ground. Bike owners often overlook that part when it comes to repairs. But how can you know if there's a problem with your bike's suspension?

Here are some of the most common signs of suspension issues. Keep in mind that these are extreme instances, and your suspension system may be subtler. It all depends on the bike's handling.

1. Unreasonable bumpiness:
The primary function of suspension is to facilitate a smooth and comfortable ride, even on bumpy roads. If you start to feel every bump in the road, it's a clear sign that your shock absorbers are failing and should be replaced. Conducting a bounce test can help you check the efficiency of the absorbers. Do this by placing your entire weight on the back of your motorcycle. Release the vehicle and count how many times it bounces. If it bounces more than three times, there is an issue with your suspension.

2. Thud or rattle from suspension:
In most cases, your shock absorbers should be almost noiseless when in use. It's a concern if it starts making more noise than usual. The seal separating the damping oil from the pressurised nitrogen charge may be broken, resulting in a noise during compression and rebound. A knocking noise is even more concerning since it indicates that something inside the shock collides with something it shouldn't. If you continue to ride it, the damage will be consequential - and costly to repair.

3. Oil leak:
Oil coming from the air seals or adjusters is the first sign of an oil leak, but it usually leads to a lack of damping soon after. As the oil accumulates dirt, it may create a horrible black sludge accumulating around the end of the shock shaft. If you notice this, it's only a matter of time before your shock is damaged.

4. Lack of damping:
Even the most mechanically uncaring riders should be aware of this, but that isn't often the case. You might find it difficult to control your bike while riding. Check if the rebound and compression damping settings are still working correctly. If they don't seem to be making a difference, it's time to get it checked out.

These are some of the most prevalent suspension issues. Regularly check your suspension system, do some maintenance or replace parts if required. Neglecting your bike's suspension problems can adversely affect its performance and functioning. It can also impact the rider's physical wellbeing due to jerks that gradually result in back pain and other health issues.

Besides regular maintenance, bike insurance is both a legal requirement and a wise investment. It protects you from losses that may occur due to an accident or theft, and it can even cover the expenses involved in your bike's repair and servicing.

Click HERE to buy the best bike insurance that fits your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Snake bite: Seven immediate actions you need to take

No matter how prepared you are or how well planned your life is, there is always something that catches you by surprise. You could be out on a trek, visiting a wildlife sanctuary, or just simply walking in your garden when you spot a snake, and while your first instinct may be to run, it is said that snakes do not attack unless they feel threatened.

So staying calm and avoiding movement might be the best option you have. However, if you find yourself in a situation involving a snake bite, these are the few things that you could follow to ensure your or the victim's safety.

1. Staying calm:
This might seem like a banal comment during emergencies, but staying calm ensures that your heart is not pumping blood vigorously. Panicking leads to faster circulation, which means it will spread the venom.

2. Restrict movement:
This step is crucial, as the passage of the venom is not directly associated with blood flow. The venom flows through your lymph, which only moves when you do. So any calls that you need to make for the ambulance should be done by somebody else.

3. Pressure immobilization:
Bandage firmly, 'above' the area of the bite. Use a piece of cloth if a bandage is not available. Roll it around the lymph till whatever place it can reach. Now splint the affected area to keep it still. Use any stick, rolled-up layers of paper, etc., to support.

4. Do not wash the wound:
Washing the area gets rid of the venom that the doctors can use to identify the species of snake. Therefore, it is advised to leave the affected area as-is for the benefit of the doctors.

5. Rush to the nearest hospital:
The only remedy to a venomous snake bite is to get an anti-venom as soon as possible. Rush to the nearest medical facility to ensure that timely medication is provided before the patient's condition turns critical.

6. Keep the victim warm:
It is crucial to keep the patient warm and calm to keep their blood pressure under control. However, no caffeine or alcohol should be given. In addition, any food or beverage, including water, should not be provided since it will slow their metabolism.

7. No ice packs and self-medication:
Research shows that using an ice pack on snake bites is harmful and can add to your problems. Avoid the inspection and cleaning of the wound, and avoid using medicines that you might use for regular cuts and wounds. Don't take any action without proper knowledge. The hospital staff are trained to attend to the wound, the venom, and the medication for every circumstance.

Sticking to the steps mentioned above will buy the patient some time before the anti-venom can be injected. As mentioned, a snake bite can create a sense of panic and fear, but maintaining your calm and taking the first aid measures ensures that you have sufficient time before reaching the doctor or medical facility.

Life is full of surprises, some good and some bad. Being prepared always helps, which is why you should invest in good health insurance. With a plethora of options available in the market, you can sit back and not worry about the unnecessary expenses you might face in case of such emergencies.

Click HERE to find out more about health insurance plans that you can invest in.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


World Cancer Day: Ten self-help tips to quit smoking

Tobacco use is both a physical and mental addiction. This deadly habit has affected a vast population worldwide. Nowadays, smoking and chewing tobacco observe no age as the majority of the youth are trapped under the negative influence of excessive tobacco use, which becomes irresistible and difficult to quit.

Nicotine delivers a transient high. To quit smoking, you must prohibit both the addiction and the associated behaviours and routines. With the correct assistance and quitting strategy, smokers can overcome their habit even if they've tried and failed previously.

We're all aware of the harm caused by smoking and how it isn't easy to quit. When you stop getting your tobacco dose regularly, your body goes through physical withdrawal symptoms.

Following are ten tips that will guide you to quit smoking in no time.

1. Make a quitting strategy:
Following the "no puff" criterion is always beneficial. Consider challenging situations and prepare your moves. Promise yourself not to smoke and stick to this until the cravings pass.

2. Observe when you require a smoke:
Identify the times when your cravings are at peak and avoid those situations. Instead, engage yourself during this time to keep you from giving in.

3. Get going:
Exercising is a known way to reduce addiction. For example, a simple 5-minute walk or stretch helps your brain to release anti-craving hormones that further reduces cravings.

4. Maintaining proper hydration:
It's an excellent idea to keep track of what you drink, just as you do with what you eat. While it is necessary to drink enough water, certain beverages are not suggested since they encourage smoking.

5. Apply relaxing methods:
Relaxation methods, such as deep breathing exercises, muscular relaxation, yoga, massage, listening to calming music, or visualisation, may help take the edge off.

6. Keep your mouth engaged:
Whenever you feel the urge to smoke a cigarette, munch on some snacks. And remember, you don't always have to snack on junk food; snacks can be healthy too. You can even eat chewing gum to keep your mouth engaged and avoid cravings.

7. Think about your diet:
Some meals, especially meat, make cigarettes more enjoyable. Others, such as cheese, fruit, and vegetables, make the smoke less desirable. So rather than your typical steak or burger, try having veggies instead.

8. Get some help in quitting:
If you have people around you who wish to quit smoking, offer them to stop together. Your local ‘quit smoking club’ may also assist you. With professional guidance and advice, you're four times more likely to succeed in quitting.

9. Keep a positive attitude:
You may have tried and failed to stop smoking in the past, but don't let that discourage you. Instead, consider what your history has taught you and how you want to do things differently this time.

10. Reassure yourself of the advantages:
Remember the benefits of quitting, such as better health and relations, healthy resistance mechanisms, etc. Also, keep in mind that every time you fight a cigarette urge, you're one step closer to becoming smoke-free.

It's never too late to undo something. So, let this World Cancer Day motivate you to quit smoking and walk towards healthy living. Smoking might give you pleasure for a couple of minutes, but it takes away more than you realise. Not to mention the severe illness and ailments that come with it. So, make the wise decision to just give it up.

Besides quitting smoking, buying health insurance can be crucial to living a healthy and long life. Take account and responsibility for your health, and don't hide any information from your insurance company regarding your smoking or drinking habits. Be true to yourself and give all accurate details to get the best benefits of your health insurance at the time of need.

To buy health insurance, click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Car Indicators: A comprehensive guide to know more about them

Cars have multiple indicators, all with specific functionalities. These indicators play a significant role in keeping you and your car safe, especially while driving. They exhibit deceleration, assist in showing the vehicle's change in direction and make the car's functionalities accessible. They help avoid collisions with other vehicles, thus protecting you from accidents and damages.

We need to understand car indicators in a better way. Let us discuss car indicators structurally, functionally, and common mistakes that can endanger you.

1. The structure of indicators:
Whether attached at the side, front, or rear of your vehicle, the car indicators on the exterior provide information to other people on the road via signals, thus maintaining a safe distance with other cars and pedestrians. These indicators are responsible for ensuring safety on the road.

Usually, a car's signal light consists of three parts assembled together-bulb holder, housing, and cover lens.

• The housing consists of moulded reflectors.

• The bulb holder places one or more light sources relative to the optical system of the light.

• The cover lens is in charge of the light distribution through patterned structures.

2. The functioning of indicators:
The rear light consists of several functions which work on the same brightness level during the day, fog, or night. But thanks to the Adaptive Signal System, the signal lights in the rear combination lamp can adapt to the weather conditions individually. The light intensity can be varied according to the weather and the visibility conditions.
More LEDs light up with more significant displays. Different braking signals meet their requirements in other ways, such as increased brightness or flash frequency, ensuring convenience.

3. Handling the indicators:
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) controls the light sources in many vehicles. It has many advantages, one of which is using the same bulbs for different functions. This also increases the service life of the bulbs.

Note: The manufacturer's information and specifications should be strictly complied with while replacing the bulbs in the signal lights. An incorrect bulb replacement can create an issue regarding the light intensity.

4. The faults:
A faulty indicator signal light can be snuffed out before it becomes dangerous. Without a signal, or failing to use your turn signal while turning or changing lanes can cause confusion between you and the other vehicles. It can further lead to severe accidental circumstances.

Improper use of high beams or glare can cause poor visibility of the vehicles coming in your direction, resulting in collisions leading to severe damages. Avoid driving without headlights at night and use high beams only when there is light traffic or absolutely no cars on the road.

Now that we have discussed car indicators in detail, a wise option would be to understand how unprecedented circumstances can endanger your car's safety and efficiency. To further protect your vehicle, you can research multiple insurance options that provide all possible features required by you. And once you finalise, buy motor insurance online to avoid all the outdoors hassle and add value to your valuable possession.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy motor insurance online

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best tips to ride a two-wheeler with an attached sidecar

Riding a two-wheeler with an attached sidecar is a rarity these days. However, this combination is a classic. Besides giving your two-wheeler a quirky look, attaching a sidecar increases efficiency and enhances the functionalities of your vehicle. But a two-wheeler with an attached sidecar comes with its own challenges.

Adding a sidecar makes your vehicle transition from a two-wheeler to a three-wheeler. So, it would be best to adapt to the dynamics and difficulties of riding a three-wheeler to prevent road accidents and ensure safety.

Let’s discuss the best tips to ride a two-wheeler with an attached sidecar to help you overcome the obstacles you might face:

1. Although it is challenging to drive in a straight path as the wheels are fitted in three odd planes, keep a firm grip on the handlebars and put the required effort to ride in a straight line. You will need to constantly pull the handlebars and manoeuvre them accordingly to avoid any collisions on the road.

2. A bike with an attached sidecar moves differently when turned. In case of a left turn, permit the wheel on the rear end to spin slower than the sidecar wheel as you release the throttle. This will help you control the vehicle better.
In case of a right turn, allow the wheel on the rear end to spin faster than the sidecar’s wheel as you open the throttle. All in all, modulating the throttle will help you achieve better control of your two-wheeler.

3. Your sidecar has brakes. To use the front brake, you need to use the right-hand lever on your bike. If the sidecar has brakes on the rear end, you can use the right foot lever. To stop your motorcycle, you need to apply both brakes. In case of an emergency, apply the front brake.

4. Many sidecars have the provision of a steering wheel and an option to switch to the two-wheel-drive model. But make sure that you only use the two-wheel-drive function in emergencies (for example, if your motorcycle is stuck on a loose or slippery surface). Engaging the two-wheel-drive on a firm surface causes both sidecar’s and bike’s wheels to spin at the same speed, thus creating a risk of disbalancing the vehicle while making a turn.

5. Practice makes you perfect. The same applies when you learn the dynamics of riding a two-wheeler with an attached sidecar. Practising regularly in a safe environment with and without a pillion rider will help you learn efficiently. Take things at your own pace, don’t rush, and see the positive outcomes.

Sidecars ensure convenience and even allow families to spend quality time together. Now that we’ve shared the best tips to ride a two-wheeler with an attached sidecar, it is a wise thought to think about how to keep your two-wheeler safe on the roads. Along with taking good care of your bike, purchasing a bike insurance is your solution to safeguard your bike from unprecedented damages.

Click HERE to know more about bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn how to slow down your bike after an unexpected brake failure

We can rave about the look and mileage of our bike's engine, but, at the end of the day, it all comes down to how efficient it is on the road. Driving in a country like India, where the roads and the path walks have no clear distinction, we might encounter various instances where we have to dodge a huge pothole or the kids playing on the street. So, having an efficient brake system is vital to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

The properties, characteristics, and behaviour of brakes do not always remain the same. These can be influenced by temperature, operating habits, operating durations, and effects of interconnected parts, sometimes leading to brake failure.

In situations where you come across a brake failure, being prompt on your toes will help you avoid any accidents.

1. Maintain your calm:
It's common knowledge that maintaining your composure under pressure helps you navigate any problem. The same is applicable for the time that you are on the road. If possible, taking your bike to a less busy road should be the first step to avoid crashing into people or vehicles.

2. Do not turn off the engine:
Your first instinct could be to turn off the engine and let the bike stop, but this can be extremely dangerous. You need to control the situation to avoid traffic crashing into you. So having a constant acceleration in this situation can prevent a crash.

3. Stick to the road and not the sides:
Without the brakes, your bike will be difficult to manoeuvre. Sticking to the sides might present you with uneven roads. Instead, wait for the bike to slow down before pulling over to the side of the road. Only under hefty traffic conditions should you consider going to the side of the road while your bike is still retaining speed.

4. Use your gears:
Surprisingly, gears can assist you in slowing down your bike in a situation where brakes aren't responding. You need to be alert and immediately start lowering your bike's gears. This will create a mechanical resistance from the engine opposing the motion, causing the bike to slow down. Using this method can help you control the bike and prevent the situation from escalating. Once your bike slows down, you can pull it over to a safe place and then shut the engine.

5. Use your horn:
Many times, we come across people relentlessly honking their horns in traffic jams. While that might sound annoying in most cases, do not shy away from alerting people on the road. Since they are not aware of your situation, it is best to attract attention and to be careful.

These are some things that you can focus on if your brakes fail. Road safety is paramount whether you are driving or a pedestrian. Be alert while handling the bars, focus on the road, and resist overspeeding.

Regular check-ups and servicing ensure both you and your bike are covered. Having bike insurance can add value to your experiences. So, consider getting bike insurance online to protect you against damages, third-party legal liability cover, and 24/7 assistance for emergencies.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn how to control your bike on slippery roads or slopes

While riding a bike, it is necessary to know when to apply the rear or the front brakes. Randomly using both or either of them could lead to an accident.

Factors like maintaining your balance while driving or taking turns hold significant importance. Many people know how to ride a bike, but not everyone may be sure about controlling the bike in severe circumstances on the road. All you need is a little practice with a set of instructions to follow, and you're safe to go.

For now, we'll focus on how you can control your bike on slippery roads. This is because not everyone knows how to manage their balance, maintain a stable speed, and apply brakes on wet or slippery roads.

1. Brake force:
While you're driving on any conditional road, it is necessary to know all the braking techniques beforehand. For example, if you're driving at 20-30 miles per hour, you can use the rear brake and apply the same. But, it would help if you pressed it gently without much pressure. Applying too much pressure may cause you to end up slipping on the road.
Slippery roads are unsafe for driving. No matter what speed you're driving at, you can apply both brakes at the same time but with the same amount of pressure. However, pressing either one with higher intensity than the other could be risky.

2. Tyre gripping:
This is not well-known among most bike riders, but it is as important as knowing the braking system. A tyre should have a good number of treads to provide you control over slippery roads. So always make sure to check the grip of the tyres.
If the tyre does not have enough grip and treads, there won't be a layer of protection from the water on the road. A smooth surface can make your tyre straight flat and drastically increase the chances of slipping. Do not forget to check for any punctures or cuts on the tyre before heading for your trip.

3. Speed limit:
Many accidents occur because of the driver's negligence towards the speed limits. Managing the overall balance and speed in a car is different from bikes. If you want to stop or slow down, apply either or both brakes with equal pressure. Never slow down instantly. Leave the throttle and apply the brakes only after that.

4. Chain of the bike:
When you're driving on a wet or slippery road, the life of the chain could easily get affected by junk or jamming. In addition, if the chain is not oiled regularly, it could get loose and come off the socket. Hence, ensure to oil the chain regularly.

Driving on slippery or uneven roads can be tricky, so having bike insurance to protect you in any situation is essential. In addition, bike insurance will guarantee financial assistance in case of any damage to your vehicle and help you rest assured. With the tips mentioned above, enjoy your ride in the rain! Drive safe!

Click HERE to buy ideal bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few ways to identify worn-out brake pads and fix them

If you own a car, you have to check on different parts that might require maintenance and replacement from time to time. You cannot be careless; otherwise, it might risk your and your family's safety and cause damage to your vehicle. In addition, it might restrict your dependency on it until the issues get fixed. Therefore, you need to stay ahead of these problems and watch for future repair and upkeep indications.

This article will discuss a few ways to identify worn-out brake pads and how to fix them. Now, worn-out brake pads are a thing you can miss out on while driving your car. But, first, you need to understand why you need to change your brake pads and how often you should change them.

Brake pads are made from various materials, ranging from metallic to composite to ceramic. However, irrespective of the material they're made of, you are supposed to replace them occasionally. Therefore, making sure that your car stays operational is very important, and changing worn-out brake pads is a part of accomplishing that. In addition, replacing your brake pads helps you in minimising your vehicle maintenance costs.

Now let's discuss WHY you need to change your car's brake pads:
1. Brake pads don't last the lifetime of your car and need to be changed at regular intervals.

2. They lose their efficiency every time you drive your car. So, the more you drive your vehicle, the more worn out the brake pads will be.

3. If you use your vehicle occasionally, the brake pads will still need replacement later than those who use their car frequently.

4. The car's ability to stop effectively reduces with worn-out brake pads. As a result, the overall effectiveness of the braking system also decreases.

5. The diminishing ability of your car to stop due to worn-out brake pads might lead to severe accidents, endanger the lives of the passengers, and cause severe damage to the vehicle.

HOW to identify if it's time to replace your car's brake pads:
1. It is helpful to have a brake pad sensor and "alert" light in your car. The light turns on, giving a notification that your brake pads need replacement.

2. Screeching or squealing noises while driving or applying the brakes indicate worn-out brakes.

3. Replace the brake pads if you notice that the car brakes are shaking. You will also realise that more effort is required to stop the car, and the braking is no longer smooth.

4. There is a grinding noise upon hitting the pedal.

5. During an oil change, when your car mechanic informs you about wearing and tearing of brake pads.

6. If they have reached their limit of service. Brake pads come with a stipulated period to work to their best performance. Eventually, they deteriorate in quality due to constant friction and wear and tear.

Now that we have discussed a few ways to identify worn-out brake pads, it would be wise to invest in car insurance to claim proper maintenance and various expenditures in unprecedented circumstances. You can explore all available insurance options and buy online car insurance that suits you best for your car.

Click HERE to know more about online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five best tips for picking the right two-wheeler to satisfy your needs

Imagine you are already running late for an important meeting and get stuck in traffic. It sounds dreadful. With increasing traffic situations, two-wheelers are the most convenient way to reach your destination. In addition, they are easier to maintain and much more affordable.

Two-wheelers are your asset, and investing in one means choosing the best for your needs without ripping your pockets. So, here's a checklist that will make the decision easier when you buy a two-wheeler.

1. Understand the purpose of your two-wheeler:
Understanding the purpose of your two-wheeler is very important. How much will you use it? What will your daily travel be like? Are you going to use it for office work, personal travel, long rides, etc.?
Based on your purpose, you can select the right two-wheeler. For example, if you are taking it for family use, you might consider taking a vehicle that's convenient for every member of the house. Similarly, if you are going to use it for office or personal use, a bike can come in handy.

2. Mileage:
This is no surprise that petrol prices are becoming sky-high. Every two-wheeler comes with extra mileage, and you don't want to invest in one that shakes up your finances with the increasing expense of petrol every month.
Depending on how much you can spend on fuel every month, look for a vehicle that gives good mileage. When you search online, you can get details about the vehicle's mileage and decide accordingly. For example, a sports bike will have less mileage than a scooter.

3. What is your budget:
Budget is one of the top factors to consider when buying a two-wheeler. First, understand your monthly income, consider your expenses, then look at how much you're willing to spend on the two-wheeler.
If you are looking forward to paying for your two-wheeler in monthly installments, consider determining the EMIs you will have to pay. If they are too much, you need to develop an effective saving plan.

4. Service and maintenance:
No two-wheeler works properly without good maintenance. However, when you visit the store, ask about the after-service that you will get. Mainly, most companies offer first three services. Understand how much you have to spend monthly on the vehicle's maintenance. It will always help if you go with popular two-wheeler brands whose spare parts are affordable and readily available.

5. Features:
Every person has different expectations from their two-wheeler. Some may look for a good design, while others lean more towards comfort. Additionally, if you have back issues, you may want to consider that driving the two-wheeler does not hurt your back. List all the features you are expecting and consider the above points before selecting the best two-wheeler for you.

The tips mentioned above will help you determine if the two-wheeler is perfect for you or not. After deciding, ensure that you buy bike insurance online to protect your vehicle if things take a wrong turn and put a less financial strain on you. Your dream two-wheeler is just a few steps away. Go ahead and confidently pick the one that suits your needs!

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Effective ways to jump-start your two-wheeler

Imagine you have an urgent meeting in five minutes, and your two-wheeler refuses to start! In such times our mind completely freezes and fails to think of any solution.

Your previous knowledge of jump-starting your bike can come in handy in a situation like this. In this blog, we will list down some of the effective ways to jump-start your two-wheeler in any case.

1. Check battery charge:
The first and foremost thing you need to do is check the charge of your two-wheeler's battery. If the backlight and the headlight are glowing brightly, the battery is okay. If not, you need to take care of it immediately because it prevents you from starting the bike or scooter. If your two-wheeler is not starting at all, it's time to resort to one of the following methods.

2. Use another bike:
Ask someone to lend their bike to jump-start your two-wheeler. First, make sure that both the vehicles are on neutral and off. Next, connect the battery terminals of both the bikes with the help of jumper cables. After connecting them, start the other motorcycle and start yours. With no extra effort whatsoever, your two-wheeler will start. After that, take off the jumper cables and keep them somewhere safe and easily accessible.

3. With the help of a portable jump starter:
Keeping a portable jump starter at home is usually advisable, especially when your bike is a few years old. This method is easy and also the quickest one:

• Check that your bike, as well as the jump starter, are in off position.

• Connect the attached cables of the jump starter to your bike and switch it on.

• Try to start your bike.

Generally, it doesn't take more than a second or two for the bike to start, but still, if it fails to start, give it a minute or two. In addition, always keep your jump starter charged.

4. Using outside stimulus:
One of the traditional ways to jump-start your bike is to apply an outside stimulus. The most used way is giving it a push from behind. All you need to do is ask your friend, neighbour, or passer-by to push your bike while sitting on it. Remember to keep your bike in second gear to ensure safety.

The other way is to find an empty stretch of road (it's always better if the road is downhill) and try to push your bike down it. Once your bike gains a needed amount of momentum, it should start. However, always remember that the downhill is not very steep and doesn't have sharp turns or traffic. These are precautions to take to avoid an accident.
It is difficult to ignore the fact that all these options can cause harm to your bike too. Incidents are unpredictable. Therefore, to avoid unexpected and unfortunate events, it is better to have bike insurance to save you from the fear of extra expenses. Ideal bike insurance can protect your pockets from the extensive costs involved in servicing and repairing your bike.

Click HERE to know more about different deals on bike insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.