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Wallpapers or Texture paints: Which is the best for your home walls

If you are buying a new house or renovating the existing one, having the perfect and attractive walls should be your focus. The most prominent part of your home is the walls. They capture many memories and provide a lot of scopes to try out new styles and give your home a refreshing touch.

Investing thought, time, and money in decorating the walls will turn your home into a more welcoming space. But how do you finalise the look of your walls? Would they look better with wallpapers, or would texture paints achieve the finish you attempted?

We will try to cover all your wall decor questions. Let's get started!

1. Types of texture paints:

Various forms of texture paints, including emulsions, distempers, etc., are available in the market. They can either be water or oil-based and are used for different purposes. You can use solid colours and texture paints to give your walls a bold look. Apply other techniques to create patterns and textures on your walls to give them a zing.

2. Wallpapers:

Wallpapers come with a variety of patterns and textures. Using the right tools and proper measurements, you can stick them on your walls. They come with a solid adhesive and are easy to paste. You can pick the wallpaper's designs as per your taste and the look you want to achieve for the walls.

Wallpapers and texture paint – how are they similar?

● Both are available with many options and shades

● Both have tailor-made options to match your usage and decor plans

● Both require some pre-preparation time to set things up

● Both help you achieve your decor goals

Wallpapers or texture paints: Which is the best for your home walls?

If you are starting from scratch (a blank wall), both wallpapers and texture paints require a similar time to set things up and get started. But removing any wallpaper or colour is a tedious job. After removing the previous coat, you must prepare the wall before pasting the wallpaper or starting with the primer for the texture paint.

Application of wallpaper takes less time as compared to texture paint. You need to apply at least two coats to achieve the texture and pattern you aim for, while it takes about twenty-four hours for the wallpaper to stick appropriately and achieve the best finish. Texture paints can take up to forty-eight hours or more.

Textured paints are your best bet in bathrooms and kitchens. High moisture does not gel well with adhesives. Hence, applying wallpaper in the bathroom and the kitchen would be a massive waste of resources, and there's a risk that it might come off or get wet and torn. Variations of textured paints can be used outdoors, while wallpapers are more appropriate for enriching the interiors.

You might need help from professionals during the application of wallpapers. Textured paints and wallpapers are both cost-effective, but wallpapers might get a bit expensive if you are looking for a specific design.

Now that we have discussed the significant aspects of the two options, you can make a decision. And while you are at it, consider protecting your home against unforeseen circumstances and tragedies. You would want your home to be safe from unexpected problems that take a massive toll on your finances and happiness.

Fret not! This is avoidable with the provision of purchasing home insurance. You can explore your options and buy the best home insurance in India which suits your needs. Carefully look at all the terms and conditions before finalising the deal. There are multiple home insurance options that can help you have the best premium and provide extended coverage.

Click HERE to know more about the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Using alternative medicines? Here's what you need to know beforehand

We all have heard “health is wealth” a hundred times from our elders, haven’t we? And it is one hundred percent the quintessential truth. We all try to take care of our health by maintaining our physical and mental strength through yoga, exercise, and a balanced diet to add the perfect amount of nutrition. These factors influence the path towards your goal of a healthy body and mind. A slight health issue can delay your daily lifestyle, affect your wellbeing, and lower your confidence.

People in the olden days had the perfect routine which supported their bodies in every way possible. They had the cleanest air, food, and water for daily consumption. And they performed extensive physical activities throughout the day, which kept their body active and their blood pumping. Due to the hectic modern lifestyle, it has not been easy to obtain clean and pure resources to attain peak health in recent times.

Excessive pollution, global warming, and urbanization have also harmed humankind. While our lives have become more effortless, we are unfathomably dependent on technology to do a significant chunk of our daily chores, which has reduced the level of our physical and mental assignments, thus making us lazy and prone to diseases.

Nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors prescribe alternative medicines and supplements to ensure that our body receives the required amount of nutrients to build stronger immunity during severe medical emergencies like the covid-19 pandemic. Here’s what you need to know before using alternative medicines.

1. Connecting the mind and the body:

Medical practitioners recommend mind-body therapies to many patients to deal with various health issues. These therapies involve meditation, hypnosis, yoga, and tai chi. Meditation helps you develop focus, increase concentration, control anxiety and depression, reduce insomnia, etc. Yoga, tai chi, and hypnosis help you reduce stress, get sound sleep, treat back pain, manage weight, and boost your quality of life.

2. Nutritional supplements:

Many doctors prescribe certain standard nutritional supplements (vitamins, minerals, etc.) to ensure that their patients achieve the individual dietary requirements during the treatment of their respective medical conditions. Some commonly prescribed items include turmeric, ginger, primrose oil, castor oil, aloe vera, etc. They help in building a solid gut and immune system and treating various skin and heart issues.

3. Medicinal streams of treatment:

We all have heard about various medicinal treatments, which are considered alternatives to standard allopathy or western medicines. The ayurvedic system, homoeopathy, and naturopathy are the most popular alternatives with their own beliefs of procedures and treatment. Practitioners of Ayurveda strongly believe that just like our planet Earth, our body too is made up of the five essential elements: fire, water, earth, space, and air. The elements govern our bodily functions.
The Homeopathic system combined two theories that dictate that small doses are effective. And Naturopathy takes a traditional approach to treatments. These alternatives strongly recommend the usage of natural substances, medicines, and therapies which do not have any side effects on your body. They connect your body to nature and allow it to heal your ailments.

Other alternative medicine treatments include massages, acupressure, chiropractic techniques, therapeutic touch, etc.

While discussing various medicinal treatments and their alternatives is essential, it is equally important to understand how to safeguard your body in severe health emergencies, which usually come without warning. They can lead to excessive stress and unprecedented damage-financially, physically, and emotionally. To protect your and your loved ones’ health in sudden circumstances, you need to purchase health insurance. Opt for online health insurance to avoid the hassle of numerous procedures, submission of documents, and involvement of intermediaries.

Click HERE to know more about online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand how we can be caregivers for stroke patients

Have you ever been stuck in a health emergency due to a prolonged illness of someone in the family? If yes, you know how difficult it is to go through a tough time to wait for the total health recovery of the patient. It is also particularly challenging to take care of the patient on a daily basis. It requires a lot of willpower and patience to be a good caregiver to calm those in need.

You need to ensure that the patient follows a disciplined routine wherein he eats on time, gets good sleep, and takes medicines as prescribed. You also need to keep an eye on their symptoms, verify the reports and regularly monitor the patient’s condition.

Stroke patients are critical to handle. Their body becomes quite sensitive and vulnerable to any inconveniences. Hence, the caregivers of stroke patients need to take extra precautions to ensure that the patient stays mentally and physically healthy.

Wondering how you can take good care of stroke patients? This blog answers all your questions.

1. Exercise is the key:

It has been observed that most stroke patients face movement issues and find it difficult or incapable of moving their limbs. Their movement skills and capabilities get affected severely due to the stroke. As a caregiver, encourage stroke patients to indulge in exercises daily.
Design a quick workout routine for them and guide them to exercise in the right way to get the best results. This would help the patients regain their movement abilities and a speedy recovery.

2. Let them feel and reflect:

Instead of pushing the patient to be optimistic, it is essential to create a safe space for them. This space is an outlet for their emotions and a trusted source to avoid complete breakdowns. Having suffered through a traumatic experience and facing critical health issues is no joke.
The patients need to embrace their grief and express all their feelings without hesitation. An essential part of being a caregiver is to help the patient through their emotional process and help them get through all the challenges and hardships.

3. Encourage them to be independent:

Don’t create a help-seeking mindset in the patient. While they must have a safe space for letting out their emotions, it is also necessary that the patient is encouraged to help themselves instead of seeking support every time they need something.
As a caregiver, you must motivate your patient to feel independent. Doing things independently would give them a sense of achievement and motivation to carry out their work with more zeal and confidence.

4. Keep an eye on their condition:

A stroke is a severe ailment, and the treatment and recovery process involve a lot of heavy medications. Since the medicines help the body cope with certain major complications post-stroke, they are bound to have some alarming side effects.
As a caregiver, you need to educate yourself about all the medications, their probable side effects, and how they might affect the patients (which could also be due to pre-existing allergies and conditions). You need to inform the doctor about the same and observe the patient for any symptoms which might occur as side effects of the medicines.

A stroke can be a traumatic experience for the patient and his family. If not handled efficiently, strokes can turn out to be one of the worst nightmares. We discussed how intensive care could miraculously heal stroke patients, sometimes more than their treatments and medications.

Similarly, you need to take care of your health at all times as one cannot predict when such needs might arise, and you might find yourself in a difficult situation. To safeguard your and your family’s health, you must purchase the best health insurance in India that can offer the best coverage to the needs of your entire family.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's know about these incredible benefits of journaling you weren't aware of

How often do you feel frustrated and overwhelmed due to work pressure? Everyone deals with the chaos of life, but a little organisation does not hurt. Putting your thoughts in line can help you manage a significant chunk of your life without the intensity and pressure of things affecting you negatively.

Our previous generations faced a hard time and struggled a lot to keep all the fronts of life in order. But thankfully, the modern generation has taken up the concept of “self-love” and “self-care” seriously. And thanks to social media, people are now aware of why it is essential that you admire, love, and respect yourself in all facets of life. It helps boost your mental health and enables you to gain confidence to face all that life throws at you.

One of the most important aspects of organising your thoughts is “journaling.” Writing down your day and your reviews can give miraculous results. Penning down all that runs through your mind gives those abstract thoughts a proper structure. And now that you have a problem in hand, it becomes easier to find a solution. But there is more to journaling and its advantages. Let’s know about these incredible benefits of journaling you weren’t aware of.

1. Define your goals:

Jotting down your goals makes it real for your brain to grab the concept of accomplishing them. Your mind starts thinking about how you can achieve your goals. It further helps you to take a walk through all the possible processes you might have to go through to get the work done. It searches for resources and opportunities to help you attain your desired results.

2. Healing is a process:

Healing from traumatic experiences and emotional baggage is not accessible. But journaling can help you sort your feelings by giving them a form of a tangible problem statement. Once your brain sees your emotions on paper, it begins to put the pieces together to understand the actual issue. It gives you clarity compared to the clump of feelings with no beginning or endpoint.

3. Manage anxiety and stress:

Revisiting the most stressful occasions of your day by writing about them in detail gives you a certain sense of disentanglement and detachment. And once you detach yourself emotionally from the situation, you can see it from a rational point of view and analyse the whole scenario in pointers. This will help you improve your reactions and responses the next time you are stuck in similar situations.

4. Regaining confidence:

We all tend to lose confidence once in a while. Going through difficult situations creates insecurity, which takes time and effort to overcome. And at times, these insecurities quash your self-esteem to the point of no return. But journaling can help you escape this web of uncertainty.
You can write down all your accomplishments and how you managed to handle difficult situations on stressful occasions and never give up on yourself. These things act as a reminder of confidence and help you balance your emotions in the best way possible.

Other benefits of journaling include boosting mindfulness, improving your communication abilities and memory, providing a safe space as an outlet for emotions, etc.

In this blog, we saw how journaling could improve your mental health and help you keep your cool even in the most stressful situations. Similarly, it is essential to take care of your physical health too. Health emergencies usually come without warning. So, it is crucial to safeguard you and your family members in any unprecedented situations which can put your health at risk. You can explore your options and purchase health insurance that caters to your needs the best.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance and its benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is the guide to planning the most exciting incentive trips for employees

The constant hustle of work-life can be overbearing and taxing for the employees. Planning an incentive trip is an effective way to appreciate your employees while also letting them know that you care for their health and wellbeing. But planning a trip for different people with a budget can be challenging. You have to keep their interests, choices, and health conditions in mind.

This article will look at some practical ways of planning incentive trips for your employees.

1. Understanding the budget:

The first checkbox to tick while organizing incentive tours is finalizing the budget. Having a clear picture of what you can do and where you can stay gives you an overview of planning the entire tour efficiently. You can find multiple hotel options with varying price points, thus making it easier for you to decide on factors such as food and living.

2. Understand what employees enjoy:

It can be a tedious task to attend to everyone’s needs. Hence, getting an idea of the likes and dislikes of others would help in making a balanced trip suitable for everyone. You can try conducting a survey for the employees. Choose viable tour options before handing out the survey forms so the employees can choose from the given options.

3. Duration of the trip:

Keeping in mind the budget and the number of people going on the trip, you must decide the duration of the trip. If you have a limited budget and plan to go to exotic destinations or expensive accommodations, consider limiting the number of days. However, if you are planning a trip to a place with a moderate hotel, you can extend the duration of the stay.

4. Choose a travel company:

Travel agencies are equipped with resources and know-how to plan all kinds of trips for you. Choosing a reliable travel agency can significantly reduce your time and stress. Before outsourcing the planning to a travel agency, verify their terms and conditions, cancellation policies, and, most importantly, their customer reviews. Good customer reviews ensure that you are entrusting the responsibilities to a genuine company.
Ask your travel agent for extra benefits or complimentary services as part of your package. Do not forget to sit down and have a detailed discussion on the itinerary and scope of various activities that the team can indulge in. Make sure that the accommodation has multiple recreational activities and food choices to suit the needs of everyone.

5. Do not go overboard with the planning:

Leave room for change and other opportunities. Give your employees the chance to make impromptu plans. This gives them a scope to bond with other employees and is also a great way to inculcate various team-building activities. Sometimes all that your employees need is a day’s rest. Leave sufficient time for people to unwind. Overdoing the activities and touring the place can be hectic and kill the retreat's entire purpose. Including a rest day in your travel itinerary is an excellent way to make it a relaxed tour.

Remember that planning a trip can be a huge responsibility and require a reasonable amount of time to reach a conclusive decision. Plan the trip well in advance to ensure no last-minute unavailability in bookings and accommodation.

While travelling with a big group, there are possibilities of missed flights, overbooked hotel situations, and other mismanagement of events. To skip these worries, look for general insurance plans to safeguard your employees against any extra expenses that you might incur during the trip. Dedicated research can tell you about all the good policies of general insurance India you can invest in.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few ways you can use to make your balcony a cosy space

A cup of tea, a favourite book, and some music in the background while you feel the sprays of monsoon on your face. That’s what dreams are made for your casual & chic home. We all have unique ideas of our happy space and how we want to decorate them according to our tastes. Some of us are truly blessed with good aesthetic sense, while others have to depend heavily on the internet for ideas and inspiration.

After spending hours on various websites and choosing the best options, you create the perfect room for yourself. What about your balconies? This article will discuss some exciting and economical ways to revamp your balcony to make it the perfect cosy space for you to unwind.

1. Plants are the perfect backdrop:

Adding plants is one way to add colour and freshness to your balcony. You can opt for flowering or nonflowering plants depending on your choice. If you are a beginner, go for low-maintenance plants like the snake plant, money plant, spider grass, etc. You can also use different prints and colours on flowering pots to add more character to the balcony.
Artificial turf is a game-changer if you want more greens with minimum effort. Homeowners use these to give their balconies the feel of a miniature carpet garden that adds more comfort and cosiness to the entire space.

2. Sitting arrangements beyond ordinary:

Since your balcony is susceptible to rains and sun, one way to ensure the sitting area is not perishable by using metal chairs and tables. These bring a certain antique charm to your balcony without overbearing on your pocket. You can also add swings to make it more fun and quirkier. Adding rugs, floor pillows, and pouffes can make the space seem instantly cosy, and in the event of rain, you can quickly put them back inside.

3. Add lights for vibrant nights:

Adding tiny yellow lights and lanterns is probably the best way to make your balcony beautiful and warm for the evenings. You can further add scented candles if you have visitors, making it the perfect hangout spot for you and your guests. This way, you may even bring the romance right to your balconies and plan perfect dinner dates with your beloved or instead just indulge in your favourite pass time.

4. Textured wallpapers:

Using textured wallpapers can bring a new life to your balconies. Depending on the plants and other furniture used, you can either select a bright pop of colour or an understated neutral look. Wallpapers are a foolproof way to instantly elevate the interiors and add a certain elegance to the space.

5. Shade and privacy:

Most people do not spend time on their balconies because of a lack of privacy or unfavourable weather conditions. Use an awning or extended coverage to protect your balcony from direct sunlight or rains. Opting for a retractable or a folding roof is a choice that you must consider to change and alter the look of your balcony.

These are a few ways to turn your old balcony into a cosy living space. Remember to not go overboard with the decoration. A cluttered space kills the purpose of building a comfortable space for yourself. Talking to an interior designer or an architect can help you understand how you can modify the area without spending a lot of money.

Add value to your home and memories by investing in home insurance. Home insurance is a safety net for you and your family that will help you in case of any damages or losses. Along with beautification, you need to ensure your happy place's safety from mishaps like theft, fire breakout, etc.

Click HERE to learn more about home insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you aiming to take basketball as your sport? Here is the guide for you

Basketball is a lesser-talked-about sport in India, but it has seen an increasing number of people investing time in it. The enthusiasm of spectators is overwhelming, making this sport popular. Basketball can be one of the most physically demanding activities. If you are looking to start investing your time to this sport, this article will help you figure out the dos and don'ts of basketball.

1. Buying good shoes:

This is a no-brainer as any sport you play would require you to buy a pair of good shoes. Wearing the wrong size or one with no cushioning can lead to various injuries to the ankle. Buy shoes with proper cushioning and good ankle support while also keeping in mind the shoe's weight. Appropriate shoes are important for basketball players to obtain the optimum leg movement and lift to score baskets.

2. Warm-up:

A good game of basketball can be highly straining and exhausting. Warming up is an excellent way to prepare your muscles and joints for intense physical actions. It also helps reduce the chances of injuries and decreases the efficiency of various body parts. Jogging, jumping jacks, and skipping are some of the best warm-up exercises to prepare you for basketball.

3. Shooting practice:

Basketball is all about getting the ball in the hoop. Shooting from various positions and angles will help you understand the distance and the power you need to throw the ball. Understanding your shooting ranges is vital to ensure you perform well under pressure situations. Start shooting practice within the three-point line and work your way outwards to the half-court.

4. Dribbling:

One common mistake that beginners make is dribbling with their dominant hand. It is important to have command over the ball with both your hands. This is to ensure that in case you are up against a player from the opposing team, you are capable of making a switch between your hands without having to let go of the ball.
During the warm-up, one way to practice this is to try to dribble along the course of your jogging track. Dribble using your dominant hand using the first lap, switch to the non-dominant hand in the next lap and keep switching between the hands in the third lap. Repeating this cycle will ensure a good command over the ball.

5. Jumping:

Be it to defend the ball, collect rebounds, or make a go for the loop, jumping can not be ignored. Various jumping activities such as vertical jump training, jumping jacks, burpees, linear jumps, and rebounding are good ways to ensure flexibility and firm footing. At the same time, stretches effectively increase the height and the general mobility of the entire body.

6. Correct coaching:

Basketball is a team sport and taking note of how your fellow players perform and understanding their skills is vital if you want to improve your techniques. Another benefit of training alongside players is developing a good instinct for the game. It will give you a better insight into the body movements of other players, thus helping you in analysing and predicting the next move. If you intend on taking this sport, training under a coach's guidance will help you understand various tips and tricks associated with the game.

These are a few things you need to keep in mind if you wish to master the game of basketball.
Dedicate a considerable amount of time to practice. However, over-exerting your body can have other long-term implications, so it is also essential to take breaks now and then. If you consider basketball as part of your everyday fitness schedule, investing in personal accident insurance India would be beneficial. Personal accident insurance is an intelligent way to safeguard yourself in case of any accidents or injuries you might face while playing the game. Don’t let injuries hold you back, live your passion and make every moment count!

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few summer diseases you need to be careful of

With the summer months approaching, it's time to restock on our summer essentials, from sunscreens and deodorants to the quintessential cotton clothing. But having said that, it is imperative to remember that summer months also come with a plethora of diseases ranging anywhere from jaundice to heatstroke.

Due to increasing global warming, the temperature is constantly rising as high as fifty degrees Celsius. Summers can be extreme in certain parts of India, especially in the months of May and June.

In this article, we will take note of a few summer diseases that you need to be careful of and how to protect yourself from them.

1. Heatstroke:

Heatstroke has become common for people to feel extremely nauseous and experience severe headaches, cramps, and weakness. These are all symptoms indicative of heatstroke. Although these symptoms are often neglected and mistaken as lethargy, heatstroke can lead to coma and other severe health ailments.
Treating heatstroke focuses on cooling down the body by reducing the overall body temperature to keep it normal at all times. Maintaining the body temperature to ideal levels ensures a lesser risk of organ damage. Taking a cold bath will significantly help you in reducing your body temperature.

2. Jaundice:

Jaundice is another common summer disease that spreads through contaminated food and water consumption. The most common symptoms of jaundice are yellowing of the skin and the eyeball, loss of appetite, and dark-coloured urine.
If you notice the symptoms mentioned above, it is best to consult a doctor to get it checked immediately. Timely treatment is crucial to ensure optimal liver functioning and avoid any complications.

3. Food poisoning:

Food poisoning is an awful result of consuming contaminated, stale or toxic food and impure water. The symptoms include nausea, fever, cramps, weakness, and diarrhoea.
Mild cases of food poisoning can last up to three days and generally heal by themselves. However, to ensure faster recovery and regain strength, it is essential to stay hydrated. Drinking water and other liquids such as fresh fruit juices and tender coconut water help flush out the toxins in the body.

4. Sunburns:

The harsh sun is not healthy for humans. During the hot summer days, exposure to the sun for more extended periods can lead to redness in the skin, itchiness, or flaky skin. This can worsen, causing blisters and peeling off of the skin.
The best way to avoid sunburns is by using sunscreens and cotton clothing overalls. Sunscreen with SPF above 30 acts as a barrier between your skin and the UV rays in the atmosphere, whereas cotton clothes overalls are an excellent way to prevent sunlight from directly hitting the surface of your skin.

5. Chickenpox:

Red and small rashes all over the body and high temperature are symptoms of chickenpox. These red rashes are filled with fluids that eventually burst and spread throughout the body's surface. People with weak immune systems are susceptible to chickenpox. Chickenpox is highly contagious, and it spreads through droplets present in the environment of an infected person.
Chickenpox can last for up to 14 days, after which the symptoms die down slowly. Since the body tends to become extremely weak, it is advised to take ample amounts of rest to ensure a faster recovery.

These are a few common summer diseases that can take a toll on your happiness during vacation time. The summer is a favourite hosting ground amongst bacteria and viruses, being the most favourable weather condition for them to grow and spread. Proper hygiene and constant hydration are the simplest ways to keep these diseases at bay and spend your summertime peacefully enjoying with your loved ones.

If you feel dizzy or nauseous constantly, it is best to get yourself examined by a doctor who will be able to provide you with medicines or other remedies to combat the diseases. Do not forget to renew your health insurance to ensure that the tests and medicines do not burn a hole in your pocket and you are safeguarded against financial burdens.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few ways to deal with common dance injuries for passionate dancers

Dancing is one of the most beautiful art forms and has a unique method of storytelling. Dancers go through hours of rigorous practice and rehearsals to present a story or perform meticulously. This demands a massive amount of strength and stamina to present flawless performances. The demanding nature of dancing can cause injuries and severe health implications for the performers.

If you are a dancer or are undertaking lessons to become a dancer, there are a few things to keep in mind. In this article, we will be discussing some of the most common dance injuries and how to heal them faster.

1. Sprains:

Sprains are one of the most common dance injuries. They require 8-10 days to heal completely. Using a bandage to support the muscles can help them heal faster.
However, if somebody is prone to constant straining, it is best to show the affected area to the doctor. Unattended sprains can lead to severe ligament tears, which can be extremely painful and might also require surgery for proper recovery.

2. Slip discs and back pain:

As dancers, you are expected to position yourself in various postures constantly. Improper techniques or exerting your body for long hours can severely affect your spine and neck.
Misaligned backbones or slipped discs can cause severe pain and might need surgery for proper healing. However, going to a chiropractor every month to ensure proper bones and muscular structure alignment will ensure that your body stays strong and flexible.

3. Snapping hip:

Experiencing a popping sound near the hip joint indicates snapped hips. Repeated bending leads to tightness in muscles around the hip. Snapping hips can become painful over time and affect the dancer's performance.
The best way to avoid snapped hips is by applying ice to the area and reducing movement. Stretching and strengthening exercises under the supervision of a trainer also help significantly reduce the pain.

4. Knee injuries and ligament tears:

The knee is probably the most exerted part of a dancer's body. The constant bending can severely stress the knees and impact the knee caps. Overly exercising the knee can have serious complications such as the kneecap eroding, a painful tear in the ligament, muscle pulls, etc.
To avoid this, wearing knee covers is an intelligent way to cushion the blow from hard surfaces. Using heat therapy can also ensure faster healing of minor tears in muscles or ligaments.

The injuries and their severity can vary depending on the kind of dance and the number of hours one puts in. Taking proper care and allowing rest for your body is one way to ensure that you go through lesser injuries. However, if you face severe pain throughout the day or during practice, it is best to go to a doctor to fix the problem.

Using ice packs can ensure that your muscles and bones are well-rested after an intense practice session. If you are someone who wears shoes while dancing, you must wear good shoes with proper cushioning. Sometimes, these injuries can be completely unprecedented and even happen to experts. It is best to invest in a personal accident insurance policy to safeguard yourself in such situations.

If dancing is your passion, then enjoy it thoroughly! Keep these tips in mind and ensure your personal accident insurance policy to reap the best benefits and positive results even if you accidentally injure yourself while dancing.

Click HERE to know more about an individual personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Seven tips to make fitness your habit

While having the best health insurance policy in India can prevent you from financial losses due to hospitalization, but being fit can help you stay away from various health conditions. Fitness is one of the most fundamental needs of leading a healthy life, which cannot be achieved in any other way. Here are seven tips that will motivate and guide you to take up your fitness seriously.

  • Make time: One can not wait for the perfect day when you will have all the time in the world to kick-start the process. You can never have enough time, and it all depends on how you choose to prioritize your aims and set a timeline for the same. It is essential to schedule your workout efficiently and make it a critical part of your priority list. Analyze your habits and routines to finalize a time that will be perfect for you to hit the gym or workout on your own.
  • Move gradually: People believe that extreme workouts are all that matters when it comes to ensuring fitness. However, this is not the right approach since different bodies have a different limit, and pushing the body beyond the limit can lead to severe injuries. You can always start by engaging in some basic exercises, which can then be elevated into intense workouts gradually.
  • Formulate it easy has become an essential part of our lives with the advent of technology and regular developments. It is important to include the same for your exercise since your main aim is to transform it into a habit. If it is a gym, look out for ones which are near your workplace or home or in your society, since it will be easier for you to be a regular.
  • Search for your fitness personality: It is vital to have a little introspection and look for the inner motivation to push yourself. Maybe you are the kind who likes to exercise with a partner or in a group, or you could be the kind who wants to engage in the workout alone. You could like it fast-paced or feel better indulging onto slower ones. All these things must be taken into account before selecting a regime and formulating the kind of exercises you wish to pursue.
  • Give it sufficient time: 21 days is the minimum account for anything to transform into a habit, it is important to understand that it will take a minimum of 8 weeks for a workout to become a part of your life and showcase desirable results.
  • Choose your goals: It is important to remember that the performance is more important than results, thus enjoy the process of working out instead of focusing or hoping for immediate results. Look at the improvement made in your life during this time, and you will learn to adapt better.
  • Reach and celebrate small goals: Your progress and appreciate yourself for the efforts you are putting in. Celebrate your achievements by buying something beautiful for yourself or going for a “cheat meal.”

Along with following these tips for better fitness, you must also opt for the best health insurance policy in India to take care of all aspects of your health.


Work from Home - The new normal    By Vikram Singh

Unprecedented times ask for unprecedented measures !! Many such measures and changes were enforced on our “way of life” due to COVID 19 crisis.

One such major change also for us Magmaites was WFH or "Work From Home". WFH became the new normal for us over the course of time, however this transmission has not been easy to many of us.

Once it was declared critical to put restrictions on physical movements to contain the spread of deadly virus - technology came to our rescue. This has been to ensure continuity of 'Work' even if it happens from the “safe” corners of our 'Homes'.

The vivid transition in our work lives -

1. To start with, it has evidently erased the physical boundaries of Home and Office

2. Those grapevine discussions over a 'Chai’ break' sound like a thing of past

3. Zoom has virtually intruded in to the Meeting spaces across all offices. One age-old proverb calling 'Man': a social animal, sounds meaningful and valuable now.

4. The very definition of “office time” has erased and one cannot see official and personal time differently as the office settings sometime tries to evade the personal or leisure settings. Perhaps, a reason, why Psychologists believe that separation from office-space would certainly have a toll on mental wellbeing of most of the people.

5. However, there are reasons to smile too. For, people are able to save a lot of travel-time - eventually adding to their overall productivity and happiness. They are able to give more time and attention to their loved ones as well. Almost everyone is trying their hands at long lost talents and hobbies - that is again adding to their mental wellbeing and creativity.

6. We were able to connect with our family members more and it has opened various possibilities in our relationships. This has definitely added immense value in our personal lives

At the end of the day, what we can look forward to is to have more disciplined and balanced approach to deal with these challenges and opportunities posed by our newly adopted WFH practices, and we can hope to get the better of this deadly virus soon enough, so as not to miss out on our beloved office tea breaks any longer !!


KNOW ABOUT CORONAVIRUS     – By Dr Sunilkumar Bura

Coronaviruses are a large group of RNA viruses. It comes under the sub-family Orthocoronavirinae. Coronavirus virions are spherical to pleomorphic enveloped particles. The envelope is studded with projecting glycoproteins and surrounds a core consisting of matrix protein enclosed within which is a single strand of positive-sense RNA (Mr 6 × 106) associated with nucleoprotein. The envelope glycoproteins are responsible for attachment to the host cell and also carry the main antigenic epitopes, particularly the epitopes recognized by neutralizing antibodies. OC43 also possesses a haemagglutinin. The size of coronaviruses ranges from 26 to 32 kilobases. Most human coronaviruses fall into one of two serotypes: OC43-like and 229E-like. Coronaviruses cause acute, mild upper respiratory infection(Common cold) to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS).

Discovery of coronaviruses

The very first discovery of the coronavirus took place in 1960, the name of this virus comes from the crown-like spikes that it has its surface. The word corona came from the Latin word "Crown." The early discovered was an infectious bronchitis virus which was found in chicken's respiratory tract and then later in 1963 two more cases were discovered from the nasal cavity of humans named As Human Corona Virus 229E and Human Corona Virus OC43 as a result of zoonotic transmission (transmission of disease from animals to humans). Since then the cases have occurred in several other forms in minimal numbers. Many shreds of evidence in history state that corona has always spread from an animal to a human, for instance, SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) was transmitted from bat to a human being in china in November 2002 and caused severe acute respiratory syndrome(Infected-8,098 and Killed 774). That virus disappeared by 2004. Middle East respiratory syndrome(MERS) is caused by the MERS Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) which is also called camel flu was transmitted from camel to human in Saudi Arabia in September 2012(Infected-2,056 People and killed 862 people worldwide). But this time the scientist are having difficulty in identifying the animal responsible for COVID-19.


Covid 19 means : CO = corona, VI= virus ,D= disease 2019.

A novel coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as an illness caused by a novel coronavirus now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-nCoV), which was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, China in December 2019, which has a well-known seafood wholesale market, were a large number of people come to sell or buy live seafood; this market is also known for its wide variety of seafood. This strain of coronavirus was named COVID-19 on February 11 by the World Health Organization. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director of WHO, mentioned that they had to find a name that didn't point out any animal, geographical location, a person, or a group of people. The name should be easily pronounceable and had a clear relation to the disease. It's essential to have an impartial name so that other names don't get stigmatized. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, its first such designation since declaring H1N1 influenza a pandemic in 2009.

How does infection happen?

COVID-19 appears to be spread via respiratory secretions when infected people cough or sneeze, similar to how influenza (flu) spreads. Currently, people at risk for COVID-19 include those who have been in close contact with infected people within 14 days before their symptoms began. The average time from when persons are exposed to signs of illness is about 5 days and can range from 2 to 14 days.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

People with COVID-19 have a fever, cough, muscle aches, headache, and diarrhoea, which are all symptoms similar to other viral infections, such as the flu. People who need hospitalization usually have severe pneumonia.

What are the prevention methods that we should follow?

1. Washing your hands with soap - every time you come from outside.

2. Social distancing of around 6 feet - so you do not get the infection.

3. Wearing a mask - this prevents the droplets from entering.

4. Living in a hotter environment - do not turn on your AC - the virus does not survive in hot conditions. Drink hot water/tea.

5. Cleaning and disinfecting the environment around you.

6. Take your medication for your illness - as COVID generally clings to your already existing illnesses and escalates it - this causes most deaths in diabetics, heart patients etc.


Is your car ready for a safe spin post lockdown?  

Life has been kind of different in the past two months, with minimal exposure to the outside world. Indeed, one crucial part of everyday life that we all miss is going to our offices. As work from home became the norm, meetings that happened in client’s conference rooms were replaced with e-meetings. The lunchtime chatter was substituted with a discussion of pending daily chores. While few may feel that work from home had perks like hot home-cooked meals for lunch (cooking at home became a compulsion for our safety), and the casual Friday clothing all days of the week but nobody will disagree that economy is suffering.

While COVID-19 may have altered our lives, but, it is crucial to get back to business. We must try and become better than earlier so that business of business, living and fighting Corona Virus can go on together. Pre-caution, vigilance and immunity/preparedness are the key operating sentiment. Some of these skills that we acquired as part of evolutionary growth will become sharper.

As we plan to get back, we will need to re-establish our routines. Your travel companion, your vehicle deserves your attention It is “it” that will run and literally carry you for business. After months of being out of focus, it is time we brought back the lights. Before you go out, here is a mandatory checklist for you to perform at least a couple of days before you start - Check whether your insurance policy is still valid. In case your policy has expired during the lockdown, do not worry. Just click on the link below to renew your Motor policy. (Provide renewal link)

Give a nice look to your vehicle form all the sides and see if there is any accidental damage. In case you find one immediately reach out to us. Also check for leaks, corroded fittings, rotten hoses or compromised seals. In case you find any immediately contact the car service centre for remediation.

- Ascertain whether your vehicle battery is charged or not. You will not be able to self-start the vehicle if the battery is dead. In case it is do not worry, our road side assistance program is there to help the customers.

-Check tyre air pressure and avoid ride disturbance that could happen due to inadequate tyre pressure. Do you see flat spot the spots that come on the tyre, if a vehicle sits for too long. Weight of the vehicle causes flat spots on the tyre where the rubber meets the road. While it may not be a cause if immediate concern but it does impact the tyre in the long run.

Agree that you couldn’t clean your car and dirt has piled up on the surface but hold. Don’t wipe the surface directly with a damp cloth. Ideally we should remove the dust sing a dry cloth or with an air pump otherwise using the damp cloth will cause swirl marks.

Clean the wipers with a damp cloth and avoid damage to wiper and windscreen

Check your running lights. Activate turn signals, headlights, brake lights, and high beams to ensure they are functional.

Now that you have reached a stage where everything mentioned above checks a tick on your list it is time to go for a quick spin. Take your car out for 20-minute drive close to home. It will loosen everything up and evaporate the moisture in the exhaust and in the engine. It will also give you a chance to listen for any rattles and engine misses while keeping an eye on the vehicle's gauges for abnormal engine temperatures, battery charging, and oil pressure.


Here are a few tips to fix the speedometer condensation

A regular motorcycle rider is aware of the everyday challenges of engine overheating, the exhaust getting clogged due to high pollution levels, and the electric wiring cracks after consistent usage. Besides these technical maintenance issues, you may face several obstructions to a smooth riding experience. While you can buy two wheeler insurance online and get immediate assistance for major problems, fixing the more minor issues can be confusing.

One of the most typical issues that two-wheeler riders face is extreme condensation of their speedometer and tachometer. While the majority of today’s advanced vehicles are equipped with premium instruments sealed much better against humidity and moisture, several models still face this issue.

Why does condensation occur in motorcycle instruments?

If you reside in a coastal town or a location with high humidity levels, you must face condensation problems with your bike. While four-wheelers have air conditioning to control the heat and humidity levels, two-wheelers still face significant concerns with condensation. The instruments in the two-wheelers are highly exposed to humidity and other weather conditions like rain, hail, snow, etc. The bikes often overheat due to prolonged hours of travel which can quickly cause condensation as the moisture from the environment can settle on the loosely sealed speedometer or tachometer.
Additionally, careless maintenance like washing the motorcycle with a high-pressure washer can lead to water entering several parts of the vehicle causing numerous complications.

Why is condensation on motorcycle instruments harmful?

If the covering on the speedometer or tachometer is not sealed tight enough, moisture can seep in, which can cause a blurred view of the dials. This condensation can be highly risky when on the road, as your knowledge of the speed and other technicalities about the motorcycle get compromised. This can confuse any rider as they need to know the appropriate pace to ride at and maintain it through their journey. While this issue can often occur, there is no need to panic as it can be fixed using some simple remedies.

How to avoid or get rid of the condensation on the motorcycle instruments?

1. If you spray water with a high-pressure pipe or washer to clean your bike, steer clear of the front area of the motorcycle that consists of the instruments.
2. If you choose to use water around the instruments while cleaning your bike, tape the meters with plastic or use a damp cloth to wipe the areas. Immediately wipe the vehicle dry to avoid water seeping into the electric system or engine.
3. If you are riding the bike during the monsoon and are caught amidst a shower, keep a dry cloth to dry off the vehicle.
4. Try to wipe the cover of the meters with a rag soaked with a bit of 90% rubbing alcohol. This is not a fool-proof method but may work for specific bikes.
5. Use a hairdryer at a moderate temperature to dry out the water droplets. Use the hairdryer from a distance to avoid any overheating.
6. Avoid opening or drilling any parts of the instruments as they can get further damaged. Ask for technical assistance from a trusted mechanic.
7. Go for a long, breezy ride. This ensures that enough wind passes through the instruments to dry off the moisture automatically.

On a conclusive note, it’s important to remember that condensation on the vehicle’s instruments is expected, and it is difficult to avoid. However, you must ensure you fix it using these few methods and prevent having a blurred view of the meters. Also, don’t forget to invest in two wheeler insurance online to protect your bike from unforeseen circumstances.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips to avoid the theft of petrol in a two-wheeler

The fuel prices have been skyrocketing and severely hitting consumers' pockets. With that, we see an increase in alleged fuel theft cases from the two-wheelers, making it even worse for riders. Petrol theft is a common problem faced by two-wheeler owners. Fuel theft is generally carried out by siphoning the petrol. The thief siphons the petrol from the fuel tank using a hosepipe attached to another vehicle or a storage container.

In this space, we will look at a few ways to avoid fuel theft from your two-wheeler.

1. Put a petrol lock:
An inexpensive yet efficient remedy to this problem is using a petrol lock. You can get this fitted onto your bike with the help of a local mechanic. The lock lasts for about 2 to 3 years, and getting it fixed barely takes five minutes. The cost ranges anywhere between a hundred rupees to two hundred rupees.
This lock adds security to your bike by avoiding any petrol theft. The petrol lock comes with a set of keys used to regulate the fuel flow. Once locked, the petrol flow is stopped, and you cannot move about unless it is unlocked.

2. Defensive parking:
Park your bikes close to a wall so that the fuel pipe is towards the wall. This makes it difficult to have access to the fuel pipe hence preventing the siphoning of the petrol. Although it’s difficult to always practice this method, one can be mindful of the placement of their vehicles in such a way that it hinders direct access to the fuel pipe.

3. Parking and garage facilities:
If you plan on leaving the bike for long durations, it is advisable to park your vehicles in proper garages or paid parking facilities. If you are someone who usually parks the vehicle outside the house, you must consider parking it in a more secure location that is away from trespassers. However, if you have to park outside, do so in a publicly accessible area. Thieves find it challenging to carry out these activities while under the public eye.

These are a few ways to prevent petrol theft from your vehicle. There isn’t much one can do to protect their vehicles from thieves, but taking note of the points mentioned above will prove helpful if you find yourself in a shady locality.

Another thing to note is that if you are someone who parks in a fixed spot in your office, gym, or other localities, then it becomes easy for the thieves to have access to your vehicle as they will be aware of your routine. So, switching up your parking spots can also help prevent theft. To ensure that your bike is not being subjected to petrol theft, keep track of your fuel level before parking the vehicle and look for scratches or damage in your fuel pipe.

If you notice any change in the fuel pipe or the fuel levels, it is best to take your vehicle to a mechanic and get the required changes done to ensure the safety of your two-wheeler. Before visiting the mechanic, look for two wheeler insurance India to safeguard your two-wheeler against incidents like theft, accidents, or damages due to natural calamities.

Click HERE to find out more about two wheeler insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few probable causes of poor gear shifting in bikes

No matter how convenient it is to own and ride a bike around the busy city streets, it comes with its own set of challenges. Even though two-wheelers are highly in demand today, before you decide to purchase one, it is essential to know about the issues you might encounter with them. Out of all the problems that motorcycle riders face, the gear not shifting properly while riding is the most common one.

The way you handle the gears can largely affect the quality of shifting in your bike. Some of the main reasons for poor shifting of gears in motorcycles are mentioned below.

1. Adjusting the shift pedal:
Factors outside of the engine can cause severe shifting problems. If you adjust the height of the shift pedal to your ankles, the linkage can be cramped against itself. As a result, the gear won’t fully engage on the final shift because the shift claw prevents it from pushing far enough.

2. Adjust the clutch cable:
There may be issues with the smooth shifting of the gear because the shift lever might become too stiff and changing the motorcycle's speed becomes challenging. This mainly occurs when the bike is cold and is caused due to the clutch cable. The locking adjustment needs to be readjusted, and pull the clutch lever a few times. You will notice a significant difference after.

3. Check the engine oil level:
Low engine oil levels can result in overheating of the motor, wear and tear of the mechanism, and a considerable amount of carbon deposits that can cause significant damage to your two-wheeler. These things damage various parts of the bike like its pistons, clutch plates, engine valves, and cylinder lining. Just as important as it is to buy bike insurance online, it is equally vital for you to check and renew the bike’s oil levels.

4. Inspect your motorcycle’s chain:
After years of riding the bike, the chain can become loose. It may have become loose for many reasons, such as rusting, etc. You need to clean the chain of your two-wheeler frequently using a cleaning agent or maintenance spray. Ensure you do this specifically after every ride you take along a muddy path or under extreme weather conditions.

5. Trouble with the transmission:
Another prominent reason for issues with shifting your gear could be caused due to a seized transmission gear. The presence of a foreign object between the gears may have resulted in a blocked gear. Some other possible causes for a seized gear are bent shift shafts or incorrect assembling of the transmission gears.
This issue will create resistance, and you won’t be able to change gears while riding or starting your bike easily. Get your two-wheeler examined by a mechanic to eliminate this resistance.

To sum it up, these are the few probable causes of poor gear shifting in your bike that you should inspect as soon as possible. Never delay or skip your two-wheeler’s servicing. Scheduled maintenance of your two-wheeler can protect it against internal damages and breakdowns. Get the servicing done at a trusted garage to examine all parts thoroughly and detect and fix if any flaws exist. Also, ensure that you invest in a reliable insurance policy for your bike. You may buy bike insurance online and avoid the unwanted involvement of intermediaries.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few best ways to detect oil leakage in bikes

Motorcycles require more maintenance than anticipated to stay up and running. Over a period, your bike tends to undergo severe wear and tear. One way to keep it functioning is by regular maintenance.

Oil leakage is a strong indicator of your bike being internally damaged. Figuring out the point of the leakage can seem like a difficult task, but there are a few methods that you can keep in mind to ensure your bike is not susceptible to oil leakage. The leading cause of oil leakage is worn-out oil filters. Broken seals in the oil filters allow the oil to escape, thus causing leakage.

In this article, we will discuss a few ways you can detect if your bike is leaking oil.

1. Filter cup:
A filter cup that is worn out or has misaligned fibres can cause the oil to spill out. The misalignment in the filter cup can be caused by improper tightening of fixing screws. Check for leakage around the cup, and if it is leaking from the bottom, tighten the hose clamp.

2. Carburetor:
A carburetor is an essential part of the engine. It controls the flow of air and fuel and assists in combustion. The bowl that holds the carburetor can cause leakage if it gets old and is incapable of sealing the carburetor properly.

3. Checking fuel levels:
Another foolproof method of figuring out oil leaks is checking the fuel level of your bike with a dipstick. After the bike has cooled down, take note of the dipstick levels. If you notice a change in the levels over time, there is a loss of fuel.

4. Clean the areas:
The most susceptible areas to oil leaks are oil filters, oil pans, filter cups, valves, and hoses. Detecting an oil leak is convenient by inspecting these parts. If you observe changes in these areas, there is a chance of spillage or oil leakage.

5. Use a cloth or a paper:
Putting a dry cloth or a piece of paper under the bike is another smart way to check for oil leakages. Leave these under the bike overnight, and if you notice any spots or stains, your bike's fuel is leaking.

6. Smoke from exhaust:
Sometimes you can tell about oil leakage by checking the smoke from the exhaust. While riding the bike, if you feel that the smoke coming out from the exhaust smells like burning oil, it is probably an indicator of oil leakage.

These are a few ways to detect oil leakage from your bikes. Leakage is usually an indication of improper maintenance and extreme wear and tear of your bike. To combat these problems and increase your bike's longevity, you must ensure your motorcycle undergoes proper care and regular servicing.

Problems like oil leaks can cause severe internal damage to your bike if left untreated for too long. If you miss out on these simple steps, you may have to replace various bike parts, which can be expensive. It is advisable to invest in a comprehensive bike insurance plan to avoid these extra expenses. By buying bike insurance, you ensure that your bike gets complete financial protection against any costs that will follow if it gets damaged due to an accident.

Click HERE to know more about bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What do the motorcycle warning lights indicate, and how should you address them

We all know about the various traffic rules to abide by the motorcycle riders. As essential as following the traffic signals, learning and understanding all the warning signals that your vehicle gives you is equally important.

If you own a two-wheeler, you must be familiar with its parts and how every element contributes to the overall working of your vehicle. However, people often ignore maintaining or paying attention to the motorcycle's needs. Being too occupied with the hustle of daily life, you may neglect your motorcycle's deteriorating condition and continue using it in that state. This negligence can result in unfortunate occurrences.

What are the warning signs in a motorcycle?
Your motorcycle is designed to alert you of its needs and requirements. Every two-wheeler has a dashboard equipped with warning lights that flash as coloured symbols when a problem arises. While every two-wheeler differs, its dashboard typically consists of the speedometer, RPM meter, and fuel gauge. Next to these numbered dials are a bunch of warning lights that flash in various colours.

These warning lights in a motorcycle mostly follow the same system as the traffic lights to display the severity of the warning.

Blue or Green: the motorcycle's system is active and functioning correctly.

Orange: Something is malfunctioning and must be looked into as soon as possible.

Red: A defect has been detected in your motorcycle's system, and you must stop driving as quickly as possible.

Here are the few commonly found warning lights.

1. Engine temperature:
Regular usage of the motorcycle can overheat the engine. In this case, the engine's temperature rises, and the surrounding components are prone to damage. The dashboard will flash a red warning light in the shape of a thermometer to warn the rider about this overheating.
When this warning light is displayed, the best thing to do is stop riding the vehicle. It is essential to rest and let the engine cool down. Riding an overheated two-wheeler can be risky.

2. Oil pressure warning:
Oil is used as a lubricant in every motorcycle to reduce friction between its moving parts and gears. The oil pressure warning light will flash on the dashboard to alert the rider of low oil levels. Low oil pressure can damage your vehicle's engine and severely affect the bike's performance.

3. Engine management warning:
This orange warning sign is responsible for alerting you about a broad set of features that may be malfunctioning either collectively or single handedly. While the signal usually stops flashing after a few seconds of ignition, the vehicle could have issues involving its emissions, air intake, fuel, etc. Although you may have purchased reliable 2 wheeler insurance online, you must remember that riding the motorcycle, despite this warning, can be destructive for the bike and your safety.

4. The indicators:
These are green warning signs on the dashboard that blink when the rider clicks on the indicator while turning.

5. Neutral indication:
A green warning sign simply indicates that the bike's gearbox is in neutral gear.

It is important that you remember these warning lights are installed to protect you. You might have opted for 2 wheeler insurance online to protect your vehicle, but understanding the functioning of your bike and regularly maintaining it is your responsibility.

Click HERE to buy 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Easy DIY steps to clean your two wheeler's trunk

You are aware of the importance of cleaning and maintaining your two-wheeler, which can help you extend the life of your vehicle. But do you know that the trunk is often the most neglected space of your two-wheeler?

Your helmet, papers, groceries, umbrella, water bottles, etc., are primarily stored in the trunk of your two-wheeler. This makes it most susceptible to dust and dirt. In this article, we will take a look at a few easy ways to keep your trunk clean.

1. Organize:
The first step to maintaining a clean trunk is to keep everything organised. Try keeping your papers, first aid, and helmet systematically instead of throwing them into the boot. Store the essential documents in clean zip-lock plastic to avoid tears. Keep the first aid in a small pouch for easy access in an emergency. Efficiently organising the materials within the trunk helps you keep the space clean and provides you with easy access whenever you want something.

2. Dry cloth:
We tend to keep the helmets or wet umbrellas directly inside the trunk without giving a thought. One way to ensure clean trunk space is always keeping a dry cloth handy. If it is necessary to keep your wet umbrellas in the boot, keep the umbrella in plastic before placing it into the boot. To ensure that there is no water left, take a dry microfiber cloth and pat dry the area inside the boot. Do not forget to dry the area just under the seat as well. Moisture can lead to corrosion, eventually eating up the entire chassis. To avoid this, always ensure that your vehicle is dry.

3. Use sprays and cleaning solutions:
Ever so often, use mild cleaning liquid to clean the space out. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the area. After this, use the soap to wipe down inside the boot. Use a dry cloth to wipe off any remaining liquids to avoid stains.

4. Accidental spills:
Sometimes, we forget our shopping bags and end up stuffing our trunks with groceries and other essentials. This can create a chance of an accidental spill. Always use a dry cloth and a plastic container to take out the waste. After clearing out the spill, use a wet cloth to wipe down the boot’s insides. Use a non-corrosive spray or a sanitizer to get rid of the greasiness. Use another dry cloth to get rid of the residue. If you notice any dirt inside the nooks and corners, use an old toothbrush or a makeup brush to reach the area and clean out the excess gunk.

These are a few ways in which you can ensure clean trunk space. In the future, if you wish to sell your bike, a well-maintained and clean vehicle is a testament to the excellent ownership displayed by you. Another way to add value to your vehicle is by investing in the best two wheeler insurance in India. Being a responsible owner, you must ensure the safety of your two-wheeler by having the best deals to get guaranteed financial protection against any accident.

Click HERE to know more about the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five best tips to adhere for ensuring total safety of workers at manufacturing facilities and factories

Workers are the backbone of any manufacturing facility. Working relentlessly to get the best quality products is a result of their hard work. But sometimes, we tend to neglect the importance of these workers and take their safety for granted. Inspection of workspace safety throughout the day is one way to ensure a safe environment in the factory. This also shows that you care for your employees and their well-being. Safe working spaces have a direct effect on the productivity of the workforce.

In this article, we will discuss a few ways in which you can ensure the total safety of your workers.

1. Usage of machines and their maintenance:
Improper use of machines is one of the leading causes of workplace injury. Using tools and equipment for their intended purpose only is the first step to avoiding an accident. For the newer workforce, orientation sessions can be conducted to familiarise them with the latest tools and machinery. Regular cleaning and inspection should also be made part of their work to ensure added safety and extended lifetime of the machines.

2. Clear the aisles:
Aisles are the most used parts of a factory. Be it the moving of various things from one place to another or simply the employee movement within the facility. It is extremely important to frequently clean the space if the area is used for liquids and other greasy materials. Clean up any spillage immediately to ensure the best working conditions. Also, make sure that there are no small parts of the machinery lying around that might cause tripping and falling.

3. Keep emergency exits clear:
Blocked emergency exits have been the reason for some of the most dangerous and fatal hazards in manufacturing units and factories. To ensure safe access to the exit, avoid blocking emergency exits. A cluttered work area will also pose a danger if one wants to exit immediately. Placing different objects in their specified storage areas will help keep the work area clean and organised.

4. Eliminating fire hazards:
Working with combustible materials can pose real threats to your factory and the people working in it. If you work with combustion tools, keeping only the required amount at hand can ensure a lesser chance of any danger. When not using the chemicals, keep them stored in a cool dark place away from ignition points. Do not forget to store the waste in metal holders and dispose of it daily.

5. Take breaks:
Work-related injuries are caused due to strained muscles and over exhaustion by the workers. When tired and burnt out, one finds it difficult to focus and deliver top-quality work. Instead, taking regular breaks ensures alertness during work. Providing the workers with proper restrooms and clean drinking water facilities is another way to ensure that your workers are taken care of and that you care for their well-being. A rule of thumb is to allow a fifteen-minute and a thirty-minute break for working for four hours and six hours, respectively.

These are a few ways to ensure that your workers are safe at the facility. Investing time and efforts for the well-being of your workers will provide a dedicated workforce that delivers top-quality outcomes. To add more value to their lives and work, invest in public liability insurance to help them and your factory in an emergency and cover the medical and other expenses incurred during the process.

Public liability insurance is a safety net that provides financial protection if your business faces a compensation claim due to a worker’s injury or property damage. Do not forget to look for the best public liability insurance India options.

Click HERE to find out more about public liability insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.