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The best tips for driving with a baby on board

Travelling as an adult can be a tedious process in itself. Figuring out the roads, the map, arranging for a vehicle, finalising the itinerary, making a list of the things you might need, medical emergencies, and packing your luggage are a few important things one has to do in the process of starting on a trip.

Can you imagine doing all of this while having a baby on board? It's challenging and hectic for parents and families to be travelling with young kids and babies, especially on long-distance road journeys. Things can go south in a matter of seconds, so you must ensure that you are prepared for whatever is to come beforehand.

But are you a parent of a new-born? We know you are seeking the best tips to organise a trip around the baby's comfort. Because let's face it- the higher chances of the baby being safe and comfortable, the better possibilities for the adults to enjoy the trip and claiming it a memorable journey.

This blog will discuss the top five tips that will make your driving experience less chaotic.

1. Car seat for babies:

It is uncomfortable for the parents and other people in your company to carry the baby throughout the trip. But it might also get annoying and cause discomfort for the babies. Using a car seat can do wonders in this situation. This way, the baby can sit comfortably, all buckled up hence no negative points for being careless about their safety. It also gives the baby a certain posture without hurting their head and neck muscles.

2. Backseat for the young ones:

Sitting in front has a higher chance of severe injuries. Hence, it is advised that you install your baby's car seat in the back where there is a comparatively lesser possibility of any impact of an accident. Also, fully functional airbags in your car can help lessen the aftermath of any dangerous mishap which can endanger your baby's life or health. Also, if you have two babies on board your vehicle, it would be wise to buckle them up individually instead of buckling them up together.

3. Let them sleep peacefully:

A child's sleep is more important than the parents'. And we are pretty sure that the young or new parents can vouch for this. Because as long as the baby sleeps, you can have some moments to yourself in peace. Similarly, it would be a good idea to put your baby to sleep during a trip to help them with the newness of a road trip and the discomfort they might feel along the way.
Staying in one position buckled up the entire time can make them irritable. If a baby feels uneasy, the situation can quickly become chaotic. To avoid this, ensure that you create convenient and familiar conditions for the babies to induce sleep.

4. Stops throughout the way:

If you are attempting to feed your baby whilst driving, STOP. You are endangering everyone's lives and creating a huge ruckus.
And if there's a tiniest event which causes inconvenience for your baby, the whole travelling situation could go downhill, real fast. Therefore, make stops throughout the way so that all co-passengers can take a breather after exhausting rounds of babysitting and travelling.

We hope the blog helped you with the preemptive insights to make your journey less daunting by keeping your baby happy! For additional security, you must ensure that your vehicle stays in the best possible condition. Be on your toes while undertaking your car's maintenance, especially while having a baby. One of the many other ways is purchasing car insurance. Browse through several available options and check the best car insurance price in India to see the ones which would fit your budget and cater to your needs.

Click HERE to find the best car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Things to know before planning a trip with family group on a bike

Riding a motorcycle provides the exciting feeling of being out in the open air and experiencing the beauty of the landscape. While riding alone is sometimes the goal, hanging out with family is one of the most enjoyable motorcycle experiences.

There's no doubt that motorbike road trips can be fun. However, road travel is more than just filling up the tank and driving to your destination. There's a considerable difference between riding a motorcycle down a local street on a Sunday afternoon and travelling hundreds of kilometres across a state.

A bike trip with the whole family is a great way to have fun and gather unforgettable memories. However, the happiest adventures typically begin with meticulous planning, so remember these four tips before your next family ride. Also, make sure you have a valid two-wheeler insurance policy before going on a trip. Now that insurance firms have gone digital, you may quickly purchase bike insurance online and protect yourself from unexpected costs.

1. Pre-ride meeting:

The group can plan the itinerary and route to the destination or any halting spot along the road. The primary goal is to travel safely. Therefore, determining who would lead the group is crucial to the family's safety. The leader should be aware of the group's path and identify any unique communication signals required to keep safe and connected.

2. Hand signals:

Hand signals to aid in group organisation and coordination while on the road. Knowing how to use hand signals is essential for people in charge of the group, as these signals alert the rest of the group to upcoming circumstances. As a result, ensure your partner knows how to signal a fuel stop or a road danger and how to slow down, accelerate up, or overtake other vehicles.

3. Staggered formation:

When riding in a group, ensure adequate room between two riders within their lane. Maintaining tight formation allows you and other riders a clear view. So, stagger yourself within a lane and avoid side-by-side formations.

4. Know the group:

Each member of the family will have a different level of riding experience. The goal is to keep each rider comfortable and safe; thus, keeping the least experienced members in the middle of the group is essential. This stance will provide them with a visual guide from riders in front of them, indicating upcoming items to be aware of, like traffic.
The riders in the lead and tail should have the most experience because they can best adjust to traffic and shield the others from traffic and road debris. Your most inexperienced bikers should also figure out when and where to rest.

A family trip on a bike is all about cooperation and communication, so follow the rules, and everyone will have a good time. As you prepare for the next family ride, keep these practical suggestions in mind to keep you and your company safe. Another valuable tip for motorcycle riders is regularly reviewing their bike insurance policy. If you require a review, get in touch with an insurance agent or visit the company's website for a quote as soon as possible.

Click HERE to find out more about bike insurance!

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are dry-type and wet-type clutches used in motorcycles

A clutch is one of the most integral parts of your bike, and without a properly functioning clutch, your bike won’t be operational. This mechanical device is used to engage and disengage power from the engine to transmission for the change of gears. It facilitates energy flow to the rear wheels to change the gears.

Changing the gear without engaging the clutch while the vehicle is static can be dangerous and cause friction. Over time this can affect the gearbox and even break it under stress.

When talking about clutches, there are two kinds: the wet type and the dry type. This article will look at both of them and how they work.

What are dry-type clutches?

The main difference between wet and dry type clutches is the build and the lubrication. Dry-type clutches are not covered in oil. Without lubrication, dry-type clutches fail to stay cool and cause the dry clutches to be louder. Dry-type clutches also undergo wear and tear rather quickly compared to wet-type clutches. They are not easily found on regular bikes for the reasons mentioned above. However, racing bikes tend to use these clutches as fewer drag results in enhanced speeds.

Why did bike manufacturers start using the dry clutch? Since the clutch is connected to the gearbox, it was meant to be located inside the engine. But this would hinder the lubricants in the machine, which the manufacturers didn’t want. Hence, they put the clutch outside, making the entire assembly smooth and lightweight.

Dry clutches are easy to operate and can be repaired quickly. Since it is placed outside the engine, it does not degrade the engine oil and aids in the longevity of the oil. It also gives higher power to the rear wheel for high-performance bikes.

However, because of lack of lubrication, dry clutches heat up quickly and can be susceptible to cracks and other wear and tear. Dry clutches have less life than wet clutches and require frequent cleaning.

What are wet-type clutches?

Wet clutches have been the more popular choice when it comes to clutches in recent years. Since the wet clutches are placed inside the engine, it is covered in engine oil, thus allowing it to cool down quickly.
With a higher degree of lubrication, these clutches can endure mishandling and perform better. As it is located within the engine, so any noise inside the engine translates to nothing outside the main body. If your bike runs on wet-type clutches, you can rest assured that your bike will experience a smooth ride and long life.

Wet-type clutches typically face fewer maintenance issues since it is well lubricated. But if the need is, service is challenging and time-consuming as the engine, and the casing needs to be dismantled to reach the clutch.

This article gives you a good idea about the advantages and disadvantages of different clutch types. Remember that no matter the kind of clutch, it is essential for your bike to undergo regular maintenance and services. Proper operational habits and servicing are vital to extending your bike’s life. Do not forget to look for bike insurance online to protect it in case of accidents, repairs, or general maintenance.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Using lenses and spectacles and determining which is the right choice for you

Your eyes provide the vision to see the world in its truest form and help you interpret and control every tiny movement in your body, whether it is a reflex or voluntary action. But in this era of fast-paced technological development, spending long hours with gadgets can significantly affect your eyesight.

Staying on the screens also comes with disadvantages; the major one is eyesight issues. This phenomenon can be easily seen in the younger generation. There are mainly two ways you can protect your eyes or rectify your vision problems- spectacles and contact lenses.

Are you someone who’s looking for some more information about the difference between using lenses and spectacles? This blog discusses the differences to help you make an informed decision. So, let’s get started.

How does using contact lenses or glasses help you?
They help with multiple vision problems like hypermetropia (farsightedness), myopia
(nearsightedness), distorted vision issues or astigmatism, age-related vision disorders
(presbyopia), and protection against blue rays emitted from screens, and much more.

Now let’s discuss the differences between using lenses and spectacles:

1. Time duration:

Wearing contact lenses for extended periods without removing and cleaning them can put your eyes at a high risk of infections. But if you clean them regularly, contact lenses can be used for comparatively longer durations and help you see clearly without discomfort.
On the other hand, glasses stay on your nose but tend to cause less discomfort and difficulties while you put them on. They are easier to clean and maintain. Glasses run a very low risk of infections.

2. Customisation:

The lenses can be customised according to your priorities and needs, for example, protection against the sun and UV rays. Some lenses also provide UV ray protection, but they cannot be considered as a replacement for using sunglasses built for the said purposes.

3. Safety:

Glasses can help you in avoiding severe eye injuries. They act as a barrier between external objects and your eye, thus preventing any substances or particles from impairing your vision. Lenses are put in place inside the eye, so protection against injuries and vision loss is at a lower grade when compared to glasses.

4. Risks during activities:

If you have to wear glasses constantly, it can be difficult for you in heavy activities such as workouts. You might end up breaking your glasses or experience significant discomfort as the glasses would run the risk of falling or slipping on your nose. Using lenses in such cases is a lot more convenient and low maintenance. The sweat would cause uneasiness in the case of glasses compared to the ease and comfort that the lenses provide.

Apart from the factors discussed above, other deciding factors between lenses and spectacles could be the price, replacement, availability, prescriptions by your doctors, peripheral vision, etc. You need to check all these points before arriving at a final decision.

While we spoke about taking care of your eyes against various issues and injuries, let’s not forget to consider your and your loved ones’ overall health. Due to some unprecedented circumstances, things can worsen the situation. In such cases, health insurance provides significant relief from all the financial stress of the moment. You can explore all the insurance options offered by online health insurance companies and choose the one which caters to your needs in the best ways.

Click HERE to learn more about purchasing insurance from online health insurance companies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Traditional vs. modern kitchen equipment: which is better for your health

A kitchen is called the heart of a home for a reason. It is nothing less than a laboratory for enthusiastic food lovers. These kitchen stars love to experiment with new recipes, but they hunt for clues when it comes to kitchen remodelling.

The battle between traditional and modern kitchen equipment has been a close one. Modern technology has given us reliable, highly accurate equipment with timers that help save time. So, they are our first choice while buying utensils.

However, studies have shown that various metals used in modern kitchen utensils are detrimental to health. For example, stainless steel cookware has nickel and chromium leaching from it to cause long-term harm to an individual's health.

The revival of the traditional vs. modern kitchen equipment debate has started from the new wave of awareness about the carcinogenic properties of these everyday utensils. It has shifted the paradigm in favour of traditional equipment.

This blog strives to give you an insight into why traditional kitchen equipment is the healthier choice between the two.

1. Brass utensils:

While modern living has made us turn to the more convenient steel and glass, utensils made of old-school metals have been noted to contain many benefits. Experts have found that food stored in brass utensils preserves about 93% of nutrients.
Brass is still used abundantly in small towns and villages across the country. According to Ayurveda, it increases haemoglobin count, improves skin conditions, and pacifies pitta (aggression). Additionally, water stored in brass vessels increases strength and immunity.

2. Copper utensils:

The modern Teflon and non-stick cookware are easy to use and look great, but they may lead to health issues. The chemical that comes from the non-stick cookware is highly detrimental to your skin and may also cause liver tumours, breast cancer, infertility, and kidney disorders.
Copper is a great alternative. Research has now proved that food cooked in copper vessels is rich in collagens that offer various health advantages. Water stored in copper overnight gives the maximum benefits of this metal. It detoxifies the body, helps increase haemoglobin secretion, and helps the peristaltic movement of the gut.

3. Silverware:

Silver is an unconventional choice for cutlery these days when everyone has turned to ceramic. According to Ayurvedic science, silver is good for people with dizziness and excessive thirst. It calms down inflammation and helps people with low sperm count.
Continuing the teachings of Ayurveda, if you're a pitta type, you have a higher chance of having red, sensitive skin and are quick to anger. Using silverware will reduce your irritation and calm reactive skin.

4. Clay utensils:

These utensils help in maintaining healthy nutrients while cooking. Although it takes double the time to cook in clay pots and generally doesn't look as sophisticated as modern kitchen utensils, they preserve complete nutrition in food. An Ayurvedic study proved that eating in clay utensils relieves pain in those with rheumatoid arthritis.

Modern kitchen equipment gives a level of comfort and sophistication to our homes. The traditional utensils have a charm of their own. They may look old-fashioned compared to the modern but overshadow their health benefits. You cannot compromise with quality when it comes to health.

It's always good to keep your health as the topmost priority. It is rightly quoted that "health is the greatest wealth". If health is compromised, then it can drain your wealth. Don't fall victim to unexpected health expenses. Choose the best health insurance policy for family to remain stress-free.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Must visit places for deep-sea diving in India

India has about seventy-five hundred kilometres of coastline spread across the subcontinent. It has nine coastal states and four coastal union territories, two of which are islands. Surprisingly, this makes India one of the wealthiest coastal countries in the world.

Adding to the coastal delight are several fun tourist activities that keep the golden sands and the blue water buzzing throughout the year. One such fun activity is scuba diving. Scuba diving is one of the most exhilarating underwater experiences every adventurer must try. Discovering peace beneath the sea, exploring marine life, and swimming with the fishes are sure to be among the most treasured memories.

This article will look at some of India's must-visit deep-sea diving places to add a thrilling flavour to your holidays.

1. Andaman and Nicobar Island:

The pristine island of Andaman and Nicobar is home to some of the best scuba diving spots in the world. Tourists from across the globe visit this island to explore the various underwater activities.
The colourful school of different fish and endless underwater canyons will leave a mark on your memory. Andaman promises one of the densest ecosystems of coral reefs spread across hundreds of metres combined with the view of the volcanic lava hills, making it one of the unique scuba diving experiences.

2. Lakshadweep:

The Lakshadweep islands are known for their beautiful blue water offering some of the most spectacular views for diving enthusiasts. Turtles, sharks, and manta rays are some of the most common visitors during diving expeditions.
The calm waters and the diverse aquatic life makes it ideal for beginners to enjoy this activity without inhibitions. Coral reefs, shipwrecks, and caves are a few fascinating sites that one can see during underwater adventures.

3. Karnataka:

The pigeon island or Netrani Island is set off the coast of the quaint temple town of Murudeshwar. Divers seek this place out for its unique heart-shaped diving site. Since the coast is easily accessible by Goa, Maharashtra, and Karnataka, local tourists have an added fascination for this spot. The deep, blue, and beautiful water here makes the scuba diving experience a dream come true.

4. Maharashtra:

Witness the mighty opulence of the Arabian sea at Tarkarli, situated near Sindhudurg Fort. Swim alongside dolphins and other mammals and experience a state of trance as you get lost in the quiet undercurrents of the sea.
Explore exotic fish, coral reefs, underwater plants, and much more. The beautiful and quaint backdrop will keep you wanting more. Pause and relax at the beautiful beach after experiencing the crystal-clear waters of Tarkarli.

5. Diu:

The mesmerising beaches of Diu boast of quiet and serene white beaches. Many of the diving spots here are unexplored and untouched by tourists. They are known to be safe and filled with abundant varieties of fishes that will leave you stumped and wanting more. Add Diu to your list for exploring the unexplored and making memories of a lifetime.

6. Kerala:

The queen of the Arabian sea, Kochi, and the coastal town of Kovalam host some of the country's most breathtaking deep diving sites. You can experience diving with a diverse marine life on the panoramic beaches of Kovalam.

These are a list of some of the most beautiful and serene deep-sea diving experiences in India. Explore these fun spots with loved ones and family for your next vacation. Always explore the underwater with professionals equipped with expertise in diving and top-quality equipment.

A quick internet search can help you determine the best service provider in the area. While you do not compromise on the safety while trying deep-sea diving in India, it is important to check once with your insurance. No trip is complete without investing in a good insurance plan for your family and yourself. Opt for personal accident insurance online plans to ensure that you and your loved ones are safeguarded against unexpected expenses.

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance online plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How menstrual cups can transform menstrual hygiene routine

Menstrual hygiene has been a hot topic amongst people for the last few years. Earlier it was behind closed doors, but today it’s out in the open. Women have come a long way from using leaves to clothes to pads to tampons. With the times changing constantly, people have discovered newer, cheaper and more environment-friendly alternatives. The latest in the market is a menstrual cup.

What is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is an instrument woman can use during her menstrual cycles to avoid leakage and staining. After insertion, this device collects the menstrual fluid inside the vagina. Menstrual cups are typically made of flexible medical-grade silicone or latex.

Why is it a competent alternative to pads and tampons?

● Sanitary pads are made out of plastics that can cause irritation, pad rashes and chaffing. Sometimes, additional chemicals and fragrances are added to these pads, which can cause allergic reactions in women.

● If the pads are worn for long hours, it can cause bacterial infections. Changing the pad every three to four hours can be a cumbersome task for a woman who is always on the go. Limited access to public toilets makes the process all the more challenging.

● Pads tend to dislocate easily from their position, so undertaking active sports or other activities can be challenging as there is always a chance of leakage and staining.

● Tampons are invasive menstrual hygiene devices made out of cotton. This means that the tampons can sometimes leave fibres or other materials inside the body leading to health complications.

● With tampons, there is a great risk of toxic shock syndrome, which can sometimes be fatal.

● Depending on the brand, a tampon or pad can cost between 10 to 15 rupees. A woman spends about four hundred rupees a month on menstrual hygiene. This accounts for around five thousand rupees a year, which is costly.

A menstrual cup is a solution to all the problems mentioned above. The menstrual cup is a reusable device that can last up to 10 years and cost anywhere between two hundred and six hundred rupees. Since it is made of medical-grade material, there is no apprehension regarding its insertion into the human body. A menstrual cup can be worn for about 12 hours and can be reused after a single wash for the same cycle. Since it is made out of silicone, it can absorb any bacteria and not cause an imbalance in the ph balance.

How is it helping the environment?

A significant part of the sanitary napkin is made of plastics that can take up to eight hundred years to decompose. And even after that, they break into microplastics which pollute soil, water and air. Many women burn the menstrual pads after use, releasing highly toxic fumes into the environment. In India, about one lakh tonnes of menstrual waste is produced yearly. Switching the menstrual cups can bring about a considerable change for the environment.

Bringing this change can bring about a significant difference to your menstrual hygiene routine. It is cost-effective, environment friendly and most importantly, the most fuss-free tool. Starting with a menstrual cup can be a little tricky and intimidating, but there are several instructional videos on the internet to make this process easier for you.

Menstrual hygiene should never be compromised and should be taken seriously. Regular visits to your gynaecologist can help you better understand your body and its needs. Before taking a trip to your doctor, do not forget to renew your health insurance. Updating your insurance has become as easy as just a few clicks. You can renew health insurance online and save time and even get additional benefits.

Click HERE to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


List of key console organisers for ensuring the cleanliness of your car

Ever been embarrassed to bring someone to your car? A sock here, a pen there, it's infuriating not to have enough space to organise things in your vehicle the way you want them. Often, people turn to dump stuff on the seats, which looks highly unattractive. The revolutionary solution is to install console organisers.

This blog gives you a few different ideas so you can choose how to enhance the neatness of your car.

1. Full centre console:

The full centre console is a complete replacement of the console given with the car. It replaces your factory console, either due to damages to it or to have more storage in your vehicle.

2. Drop-in centre console:

Instead of replacing the entire console, this drop-in console lets you drop things into your existing console. It generally requires minimum installation. One unique advantage this console provides is that you can pull it and take your items with you on the go.

3. Double storage centre console:

If you have too many bulky items to store, a double storage centre console might be the way to go. This provides you with an upper storage compartment and a secondary dashboard.

4. Contractor centre console organiser:

Excellent addition for a rejuvenating road trip, this console is made for people who spend significant portions of their lives on the road. These organisers have all the essential compartments you need for a busy workday as a contractor and are most compatible with trucks. These provide two cup holders and offer an armrest that can multitask as a clipboard-holder.

Some great additions that you can install in your car.

Back seat organiser:

When you have kids travelling in the car, the back seat pockets more or less function as dumpsters. Back seat organisers help keep things tidy and you sane during long drives with kids. With pockets for juices, notebooks, pens, water bottles, games, and so much more, they are an essential need for every car.

Hand sanitiser pump for cup holders:

With COVID 19 and other diseases looming over us like a dark cloud, hand sanitisers have become necessary. Instead of forgetting a hand sanitiser and being frustrated over it daily, try this gadget which fits snugly into the car's cup holder and helps protect you from germs.

Car vacuum:

Keeping your car immaculately clean can significantly improve your driving mood and serve as a badge of honour when someone else enters your car. Bring an easily portable car vacuum with strong suction power to keep your car uncluttered.

First aid kit:

If travelling with children, the elderly, or alone, keeping a first aid kit is always a good idea. Keep an emergency kit stocked with essential medicines for common problems, band-aids, ORS, and pills for motion sickness. Also, have a box of wet tissues in case someone vomits.

Silicone baking cups:

Put these adorable cups in your cup holders to catch all future crumbs, it just needs to be removed and rinsed, and you'll never have to worry about cleaning the cup holder.

Choosing the right console organiser can be a daunting task for a new car owner, but there are a few key points to remember. First, check if your desired console organiser fits the make and model of your car. Also, know what function the organiser will have in your car. If you need something with a lot of storage space, go for the dual-level console, but if you want many compartments to hold your things, get a drop-in console.

These organisers may seem all fun and games until you understand their actual functionality. A clean and organised interior helps you maintain a decluttered mind, leading to better driving and fewer accidents. While talking about convenience, it is also paramount to consider safety. Search for car insurance online in India to ensure your vehicle is safeguarded against any mishaps. Happy driving!

Click HERE to know more about car insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the advantages of lightweight wheels

When you consider a bike's performance, many factors such as top speed, acceleration, engine capacity and power, mileage, accessibility of spare parts, servicing and maintenance, braking system, etc., contribute to a good outcome. Adding to this list are the wheels of your bike.

The wheels hold the tyres tightly to create a good balance and help steer the bike according to your driving directions and intensity. If you have a bike or are a bike lover, you would know that wheels come in different types, mainly lightweight and heavyweight. While each of these wheels has its pros and cons, how would we know which one is suitable for your bike?

This blog will discuss the benefits of lightweight wheels and how they add the "zing" to your motorcycle, giving it the winning edge.

So, let's understand the advantages of lightweight wheels to help you conclude which one you should choose and why.

1. We need to understand why weight matters:

To begin with, it is crucial to understand why the weight of the wheels matter. We can apply the fundamental theory of physics here. If anything is light and has lesser rotational mass (the level of resistance required to change its position or state), moving it forward is much easier. This is why it is convenient and requires less power from your bike's engine to move the lightweight wheels than the heavy ones.

2. Fuel consumption:

We all must opt for techniques to conserve fuel and make our vehicles more fuel-efficient. Lightweight wheels provide a way for your vehicle to use less power. So lesser the amount of power required to move the wheels, the less fuel consumed by the engine. There will be a minimal strain on the engine leading to minimising fuel usage.

3. Smooth movement:

Lightweight wheels, as already proved, are comparatively easier to move. In addition to the easy movement, lightweight wheels aid smooth turning and respond quickly, specifically in the corners. The smooth steering is a huge plus and excitement factor for bike enthusiasts. Besides improving gas mileage, lightweight wheels provide comfortable driving and a quality ride.

4. Need for speed:

Lightweight wheels are your best bet if you wish to achieve high speed while riding. They provide the comfort, quality and top performance of your bike. They show the immediate effect on the speed as you accelerate, thus achieving top speeds in a matter of seconds.

Get that adventure you seek by choosing the lighter wheels. But make sure you handle your motorcycle well, as lighter vehicles tend to be a little less stable. Safety is a huge concern, and you must adhere to all safety regulations. Gear up properly before you take your bike out for a ride.

We have already looked into how you need to be careful no matter the wheels you choose, and it is not always possible to anticipate any accidents or injuries you might end up in. Therefore, you must invest in bike insurance to safeguard it against the damages. You can browse all your options and deals before buying bike insurance. Select a comprehensive plan that offers the best coverage to your bike and comes with a reasonable premium.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's how to stop your car's wipers from squeaking

The rains might not dampen your spirits on a long road trip, but the high-pitched jarring sound from the wiper blades will definitely. The peaceful sound of the rain, the music coming from the sound system, or the lovely conversations are drowned out by the annoying and shrill sound of the wiper blades, enough to ruin the mood. Not only does it affect the driver’s everyone's spirits, but it also affects the driver's concentration while driving.

Wiper blades can become noisy under several conditions, but the most common is dirt between the windscreen and the blade. A dirty windscreen will hinder the ease with which the blade glides over the screen, thus producing squeaking sounds. Another reason can be a mismatch in the blade's speed and the rain's intensity. If it's not raining heavily, and your wiper blade is set to high speed, it prompts the wiper to repeatedly go over the dry screen, resulting in unpleasant sounds. Squeaking wipers can also indicate worn-out and old wipers, and you must consider investing in a new one.

In this article, we will address some of these problems and a few ways in which you can stop your car's wipers from squeaking.

1. Dirty windscreen:

A dirty windscreen can be a driving hazard. Light refraction, obscured vision, and distracting squeaky wipers can hinder the driving experience. Maintaining your windscreen is imperative for a comfortable and safe ride.
You can avoid dirt and dust from accumulating on your windscreen by washing it with a good quality windscreen cleaner and a sponge. Before taking out your car to drive, ensure that your vision is not compromised.

2. Improper installation:

If your windscreen was recently adjusted or installed and you hear squeaky noises, then most likely, the setup wasn't correctly installed. You might need to remove and reinstall the wiper to rectify the issue. If you are unsure how to set the wiper properly, it is best to consult a mechanic at a trusted service centre.

3. Improper use:

It can become fragile if the wiper is not used correctly or overused. A broken wiper is of no use. Hence it is better to change and optimally use the wiper in the future.

4. Unclean wiper:

Wipers are often neglected when it comes to cleaning and care. It is a relatively straightforward process to clean the wiper blades. Some water, sponge, and soap are all you need to clean the wipers. Remember not to overdo it as fibres or cloth particles may be left behind, which can cause friction, further worsening the situation.

5. Wiper rubber blades:

Wiper rubber blades can go through wear and tear over time, and you should regularly inspect them for any damage. You can change the rubber blades once a year or whenever necessary.

These were a list of things you need to take care of if you hear squeaking or shrill sounds from your wiper blades. Remember that the tiniest discrepancies in seemingly small parts of your vehicle can cause serious driving hazards and even result in fatal accidents if not given timely care.

Regular maintenance and timely change of parts are essential to keep your vehicle working efficiently. Take that extra step towards the safety of your car and invest in car insurance. Buy car insurance online and get a value-added advantage to prevent additional expenses you might incur in damages and repairs.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Did you know about these side effects of excessive water consumption

Water is the solution to all problems, according to most people. And no doubt, it is indeed one of the most potent ingredients for a healthy life. Good skin, weight loss, better hair, or even mild headache, water is a cure for all. It is an essential resource for life to exist and flourish. However, excess of anything is poison. Similarly, excessive consumption of water can have several complications and side effects.

Surprising, isn’t it? This article is just for you if you want to know how overhydration can harm you. We will look at all the side effects that excessive water consumption can cause. Let’s take a look at different kinds of overhydration and their causes.

1. Overdrinking:

Overdrinking is a condition that happens when you drink too much water and your kidneys fail to flush out as much urine. This leads to water accumulating in your bloodstream, causing the dilution of essential substances.

2. Water retention:

This situation arises when the body cannot flush the water correctly due to various medical conditions. Several heart diseases and liver and kidney problems may cause water retention in your body.
The colour of the urine is a good indicator of water levels in your body. Pale yellow colour urine indicates the optimal amount of water in your body, while darker colour urine indicates dehydration. If, however, your urine is transparent, that is a clear indication of overhydration.

Now let’s take a look at the effects of overhydration:

1. Water intoxication:

When you consume more than five to six litres of water daily, you may start seeing symptoms of water intoxication. Some minor symptoms include headaches, cramps, spasms, vomiting, and fatigue. The more severe consequences of water intoxication can be seizures or blackouts.
If you start noticing symptoms like those mentioned above, rush to the nearest hospital. The excess amount of water in your body can lead to fluid build-ups in the cells leading to swelling. Swelling can lead to coma and seizures and can even be fatal if not given immediate medical attention.

2. Nausea or vomiting:

The symptoms of dehydration and overhydration are almost interchangeable. Since too much water is accumulated in the system, the body rejects the excess. This leads to diarrhoea or vomiting.

3. Headaches:

As the body’s salt levels deteriorate significantly, the cells swell. The swelling causes pressure inside the brain cells, causing severe headaches. Sometimes it can lead to clotting and troubled breathing as well.

4. Weakness and lethargy:

Like salt, the electrolytes dilute due to excess water in the body. Electrolytes are crucial when it comes to maintaining energy levels in your body. An imbalance in the electrolyte levels can lead to fatigue and weakness.
It can also cause muscle cramps and spasms. Your kidneys are working extra to flush out the unwanted water. This creates a hormonal reaction leading to drowsiness and feeling less energetic.

5. Swollen body parts:

Due to an increase in the water retention in your body, and the electrolyte imbalance, you may notice swelling in different parts of your body, such as the legs, lips and fingers. You may also notice a discolouration resulting due to hormonal changes caused by excessive water.

These are a few side effects of excessive water consumption. Excess water in your body can bring about various hormonal and other significant changes. Treatment for these should be taken under the guidance of a medical practitioner to avoid further complications. However, an immediate remedy to overhydration is the consumption of salts or electrolytes. Regaining the concentration of salt and electrolytes in your body can be a temporary cure.

Just like overhydration, there might be other issues in your body that you might not be aware of. Get an expert opinion to recognise any underlying issues and address them with proper and timely medication. Many online health insurance companies provide comprehensive coverage on all such check-ups and treatments that you might want to look into. Take advantage of this feature and benefit yourself and your loved ones.

Click HERE to know more about online health insurance companies.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the top three parts that can make your bike more fuel-efficient

With fuel prices skyrocketing now more than ever, it has become a rule of thumb to ensure that the vehicles you purchase or use, are fuel-efficient. Consumption of a limited amount of fuel can be an escape from burning a hole in your pocket. Plus, fuel-efficient vehicles help to reduce pollution and smog. So, making your vehicle fuel efficient can cause significant changes in your lifestyle, and you can contribute your part towards the biggest concerns of climate change.

Are you looking for suggestions for reducing your carbon footprint through less fuel consumption? Or do you wish to make your vehicle more fuel-efficient so you don’t burn through your savings?

This blog will discuss how you can achieve a more fuel-efficient vehicle using various techniques. Here are the top three parts that can make your bike more fuel-efficient. Let’s get started.

1. Give a rest to those breaks:

Your bike will consume less fuel and give you a better mileage if you unnecessarily avoid using brakes. Also, by preventing rash and aggressive driving, you save substantial fuel. Accelerating out of bounds and then hastily using the brakes will cause your vehicle to consume more fuel and power, thus diminishing the whole purpose of making your vehicle more fuel-efficient.
Always ensure you drive within the specified speed limit and abide by the traffic rules. This will not only help your bike stay in good condition but also prevent any accidents.

2. Be careful about the frequent gear change:

Along with the brakes, you must also ensure that you avoid changing the gears frequently and hastily. Driving at a constant speed will not only help you be safe on the road but will also consume less fuel, thus raising the fuel efficiency of your bike.
If you continuously operate your bike in the highest gears even when you don’t need it, it will lead to unnecessary fuel usage. Instead, always ensure that the operating gears are suitable for the road conditions you are driving in.

3. Take care of the tyres:

You must take care of the tyres to ensure that your two-wheeler consumes less fuel and maintains a good grip on the road. To take care of it, check if they are not underinflated. In the case of underinflated tyres, drag is created, increasing the friction, thus requiring more power and fuel to move the bike forward.
This unwanted drag can make it difficult for you to drive your vehicle. Properly inflated tyres reduce the drag, thus requiring a low power supply from the engine. This results in lesser fuel consumption.

Now, you need to keep an eye on the pressure and the amount of air-filled in the tyres. They must be inflated according to the default prescribed levels set by the bike manufacturer. Anything more or less than the mentioned limits can cause damage to the tyres and, in turn, the bikes.

Some other ways to make your bike more fuel-efficient include:

● proper maintenance of the bike and all its parts, using authentic and manufacturer-recommended spare parts in case of any damage

● driving safely and calmly

● purchasing the best fuel for your motorcycle

● check the air filters, and in case of any clogging, clean them

● regularly cleaning up your engine

We hope this blog provided valuable insights on making your bike fuel-efficient. Saving on fuel and spending extra during damages is not a wise thing to do. The best solution can be to purchase bike insurance to protect your bike against any damages, some of which might be sudden. Therefore, you must explore different options and buy the best bike insurance online to cater to your needs.

Click HERE to know more about purchasing bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Benefits of wearing orthopaedic shoes and quick tips for choosing the right ones

Just like any other part of your body, you must take care of your feet. Any ignorance can land you into severe issues such as extreme pain and discomfort while walking, hip problems, back problems, posture issues, hammertoe (pain issues in the joint of the middle toe), etc. The other common problem among women is metatarsalgia, a condition when the ball of your foot starts having pain and gets inflamed. This happens due to the constant use of high and tight heels.

Did you know there is a magical solution for all your feet problems? Orthopaedic shoes are one of the best options out there in terms of footwear. Orthopaedic shoes are made according to the doctor's advice and are accurate against foot problems. Foot troubles and conditions take quite a long time to heal; some might become critical if not taken care of initially. And orthotics are the best treatment that lasts longer and helps to heal. They act as a catalyst in your daily movement without any side effects.

Are you someone looking for more information on orthopaedic shoes? This blog will discuss the benefits of wearing orthopaedic shoes and quick tips for choosing the right ones. So, let's get started!

1. Boosts circulation:

Orthopaedic shoes are designed to improve circulation in the foot area instead of restricting the blood flow. The shoes help you adjust your feet, provide comfort, allow flexible movement, and improve the restricted blood flow. These shoes also provide immense relief from the pain in the nerves.

2. Improved support:

Suppose your shoes create discomfort while wearing or moving around. In that case, there is a considerable risk of severe foot problems like flat feet, metatarsalgia, and plantar fasciitis (pain in the heels due to flattening up of tissues that link the heel to the toes), etc.
These problems, if ignored, can go on to intensely affect your mobility and cause unbearable pain and discomfort. To avoid such grave health issues, wearing orthopaedic shoes provides an arch of support, proper padding, and cushioning for your heels.

3. Pain relaxers:

People who walk around ten thousand steps daily feel numbness and pain after a tiring day. Wearing orthopaedic shoes can help them ease into their routine and carry out their daily tasks effectively. It also prevents any redness and skin issues in the feet.

4. Say goodbye to the foot problems:

Orthopaedic shoes are your go-to solution against all kinds of foot problems like foot alignment, pain in the foot's arch, arch-related damages, etc. These problems can, over time, be corrected by the constant use of the right orthopaedic shoes. These shoes provide the best comfort, support, and cushioning to help your feet regain shape, alignment, and health.

While choosing the right orthopaedic shoes for your feet, do consult your doctors for the prioritising factors and dimensions required. Make sure to walk around in the shoes to analyse how the dynamics feel and be careful about the size. Buying the right size is very important. From formal to casual and stylish, there are multiple options of orthopaedic shoes.

That's a wrap on the benefits of wearing orthopaedic shoes and quick tips for choosing the right ones. As we talk about orthopaedic shoes and how they help keep your legs and feet in good health, it is wise to discuss health insurance for yourself and your parents. Specific problems come with age, and you must purchase the best health insurance in India for parents to ensure that they suffer no financial trouble as they grow older.

Click HERE to know more about purchasing the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to check and maintain your car's suspension

The comfort and the ease of driving your new car are something that you always remember. However, with time, you start noticing small changes and don't feel the same comfort anymore. There could be many reasons for that. Wear and tear in the car seats, engine load, worn-out tyres, etc.

A car’s poor suspension could also be the reason for the growing discomfort. A fully functional suspension system ensures a smooth driving experience and keeps the vehicle under control. Over time the suspension system in the car experiences wear and tear and can take away from you a wholesome driving experience.

A suspension system comprises components such as wheels, tyres, springs, steering, etc. Different driving conditions govern these parts' longevity and wear off over time. To ensure that your car is working in proper condition, it is crucial to recognise any faults in the system and address them immediately to ensure safety while driving.

In this article, we discuss a few ways to check and maintain your car’s suspension.

1. Check air pressure:

Properly inflated tyres ensure that the chassis is protected from any damage. If they are not fully inflated, they can affect the vehicle's handling and performance. This can also be extremely dangerous when driving. To ensure that your tyre pressure is optimum, check it after driving every two thousand kilometres.

2. Wheel alignment:

Wheel alignment is another vital activity that ensures proper and risk-free driving conditions. The more challenging roads you take, the more likely your tyres are misaligned. Wheel alignment should be checked every two years or less, depending upon the kind of tracks you drive on. If you face difficulty while handling the steering or manoeuvring your vehicle, this indicates misaligned wheels.

3. Check power steering fluid:

If you enjoy the comfort of power steering or the hydraulic steering system, then maintaining and changing the fluids is part of your car’s regular maintenance. Check the level at least once a couple of months and replace it every three years. It is best to talk to a mechanic or refer to an owner’s guide to understand your car’s needs better.

4. Inspect shock absorbers:

If your car shudders or bounces abnormally when you drive, then these are indications of flawed shock absorbers. Make a visit to your nearest service centre to have the inspection of the shock absorbers. Ensure to get the shock absorbers checked after the first ten thousand kilometres and then annually. More challenging tracks and changing climates can cause wear and tear faster in the shock absorbers and might need to be changed sooner than mentioned above.

5. Accidents:

Slight irregularities can also affect the working of the chassis. If you have met an accident, hit a huge bump, or ran across a pothole, the chances are that some nuts and bolts could have disoriented from their original position. An inspection by a mechanic will help you rest assured and will not give you any trouble in the middle of the highway.

These are some ways to ensure that your car’s suspension works correctly. To avoid extra expenses or a complete breakdown, it is best to undergo regular servicing and check-ups for your vehicle. These services are a way of ensuring that every part of your vehicle is functioning effortlessly and efficiently.

Ignoring problems can lead to several damaged parts, which can be extremely dangerous when driving. Buy private car insurance India to ensure maximum safety and an amazing driving experience for your car. The right insurance boosts the longevity of your vehicle and undertakes expenses that might cost you a huge amount.

Click HERE to know more about private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on when to change car filters

The most commonly overlooked part of car servicing is changing the filters regularly. This task is a big mystery for many as to when is the right time to change a car filter and how to do it.

Timely change and maintenance of your car filters help optimise the motor parts' functionality and allow them to function efficiently. However, you need not be a mechanical whiz to notice the signs of when to change your car filters. This blog aims to help you understand the signs or hints your car gives indicating an immediate filter change.

1. Cabin filter:

A cabin filter is used to clean the inside of your car. This is done using air conditioning or heating vents. Clean air inside the vehicle is imperative for personal health and for preventing allergies and other respiratory problems. Unclean or damaged filters can block the airflow and cause visibility issues when defogging the windows.
Cabin filters must be changed every fifty thousand kilometres. Still, it is best to talk to an expert mechanic or consult the manual for recommended vehicle maintenance. If the air from the vents blows with less force or contains an unpleasant odour, your filters likely need to be changed.

2. Fuel filter:

The fuel filter helps keep dust, rust, and other impurities at bay. By removing the contaminants, this filter ensures the efficiency and performance of the engine. A clogged fuel filter can experience difficulty in the free flow of fuel, so the engine pumps harder than it needs to. It can lead to poor acceleration or a troubled start every time.
It is suggested that the fuel filters must be changed after fifty thousand kilometres. But these criteria often keep changing according to your vehicle's build and brand. If you start noticing decreased power, stalling, difficulty accelerating while going uphill, shuddering movements, and difficulty starting the engine, these are signs of a clogged fuel filter.

3. Air filter:

An air filter in the car is used to prevent insects, sand, debris, and other minute particles from entering the engine. Air filters ensure a good mixture of air and fuel to enhance the engine's performance. The cleaner the air in the engine, the more power the engine has. Good air filters also ensure better combustion, thus reducing fuel consumption. A clogged air filter leads to incomplete combustion and releases impure black smoke from the exhaust.
Air filters can be changed every twenty thousand kilometres. The interval can vary depending on the tracks you choose daily. You should reduce this interval if you drive on dirty or dusty tracks. Decreased mileage, strange noises, less power, black smoke, or strong fuel smell are symptoms of clogged air filters. You should rectify these issues immediately upon notice.

4. Oil filter:

The oil filter ensures continuous oil flow and removes dirt, impure oils, and metal particles in motor oil without hindering lubrication. All moving parts, such as the rods, shaft, etc., are protected from damage if the oil filter functions well. Change the oil filters between ten thousand kilometres to fifteen thousand kilometres.
Poor performance, metallic noises, and low oil pressure are some signs indicating a damaged oil filter.

We have discussed everything you need to know about the various car filters and their purpose. Proper maintenance and servicing are essential to keep your car in good condition. To ensure the financial coverage for your vehicle's care, always look for insurance options provided by the best car insurance company in India.

Click HERE to know more about the best car insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is the special diet to keep you fit this monsoon

India is a country of diversity. Be its languages, cultures, traditions, customs, food, beverages, clothes, etc., the country provides you with a wide range of flavours linking back to the history and development of the region over time. The food palette in our country changes every hundred kilometres. And adding to the list are seasons. For every season, there are particular dos and don’ts regarding food.

The onset of the monsoon season creates a soothing vibe. The luring downpour, clouds, gentle winds, and food make the monsoon a season of endless cheerful moments. Cravings for fritters and tea are synonymous with monsoons. While oily and fried food gets our taste buds, it is also essential to be mindful about what you eat, especially during the monsoons.

This blog will discuss the dietary restrictions you must maintain to ensure you don’t fall sick. Here is the special diet to keep you fit this monsoon.

1. Oily food is a strict no:

While we all enjoy pakoras with tea in the lovely monsoon drizzles, it is not suitable for your heart and digestive system. Consuming too much oil can make it difficult for your digestive system to break down into energy-providing carbohydrates.
The excess fat can eventually be deposited in your body and, over time, cause pressure on your nerves which helps in circulating the blood. This makes it difficult for your heart to supply blood to the whole body. It can lead to severe health and heart risks.

2. Say no to spicy food:

Just like oily food, spicy food is not very gut-friendly either. It can cause indigestion due to excessive spice consumption and lead to problems like acidity, stomach ache, burns, diarrhoea, etc. Spicy food can severely impact your metabolism, slowing down the stomach’s ability to absorb all the nutrients from the food you eat.

3. Confused about leafy vegetables:

Doctors, nutritionists, and dieticians spend their entire lifetime advising their patients and clients to consume leafy greens. But you should avoid them during the monsoons. Why? The leaf moisture can cause it to go wrong, and the humidity makes germ infestation much more convenient and accessible.
If consumed in such a state, it can have severe health consequences. Apart from this, all the pesticides and insecticides might also cause some trouble due to the rain. So, to sum up, avoid eating leafy greens in the rainy season. If you still wish to consume them, ensure to wash and boil them thoroughly before cooking.

4. Be watchful about water:

If you or someone in your family consume water directly from the tap or the borewell, STOP. It would be best if you were careful about the water you drink. And stay even more watchful during the rainy season as the water might get contaminated and become unfit for consumption.
Drinking contaminated water poses high chances of diarrhoea, stomach aches, typhoid, cholera, stomach infections, and much more. Install a proper and home-friendly water treatment plant to ensure that the water you and your loved ones consume is safe to drink.

Other dietary tips include consuming tons of fluids and tea with special spices and herbs to help with sweating and the enormous humidity levels, which can cause dehydration and loss of nutrients. Consume spices like cardamom, ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon to help boost your immunity levels and combat any health issues (for example, cold and flu). Eating freshly cooked foods is another way to ensure that your diet contains all the nutrition you need during the monsoons.

Follow these tips and keep a check on your health without falling sick or suffering from any health conditions. Younger individuals tend to recover quickly due to a high metabolism rate compared to the elderly. So, it would be wise for you to purchase the best health insurance in India for parents after browsing through all the available options in the market. Find the one which caters to your needs in the best ways. Keep your parents’ health a priority.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to hosting a party at your home

The world only recently started reeling from the pandemic that took almost two years of our lives. Malls, cinema halls, and amusement parks have begun functioning at full capacity. This is the perfect time to meet people and renew old friendships.

If you're excited to plan a reunion with your college gang, peer groups, or family, then why not host a party at your home. This article is just for you if you want to host a simple yet fun party at your home.

1. Sort your guest list:

Creating the guest list is challenging. With limited seating inside your house, hosting a huge crowd becomes difficult. Prioritise the people that you want at the party. Try not to mix your personal and professional groups at the same party. Focus on choosing people who are capable of leaving their work behind.

2. Order food in:

Hosting a party can be stressful only if you decide to handle every aspect of the party. Everything can become overwhelming quickly. Ordering food is a smart way to eliminate the preparation time and effort that goes into making the food.
One thing you can do before the party is to ask the guests about their food allergies or preferences. Be creative with the starters. Most people fill up on the starters and barely try the main course. Opting for fun and unique starters is sure to set a benchmark.

3. Use paper cups and glasses:

It might not sound classy or elegant, but tons of fancy and quirky cutlery is available in the market. Opting for disposable plates and cutleries helps eliminate the whole washing and cleaning routine.
You can also rest assured that none of your bowls or plates is broken. Also, you allow yourself the time to focus on enjoying the party rather than killing the excitement under the stress of washing the utensils later.

4. Keep the bathroom clean:

We end up fussing about the decor, the cushions, the sofa, and that one corner behind the TV stand that nobody notices. But we often forget the essentials such as bathrooms and kitchen. A dirty bathroom or a kitchen is sure to leave a mark, and no matter how dolled up your living space is, a dirty bathroom will be the talk of the town.
Throw in a couple of extra towels and set up multiple tissue boxes around the house so that people have easy access. Use room fresheners and other fragrances to keep everything smelling fresh and fabulous.

5. Let others help you:

Being a good host essentially means letting everyone enjoy a party. If people offer to help you with food or decorations, accept it. This way, you are sharing the load and enjoying a mix of different ideas and options. This will help you tremendously at the last minute as you know that there are fewer things that you need to be worrying about.

6. Account for kids:

If you are hosting a party and the kids are also invited, then you might want to set up a room just for them. A few games, puzzles, or a TV running in the background can help keep the kids occupied. If possible, make a dining set up exclusively for the kids as it's not fair to expect them to hold the plates in their hands while eating.
Also, customise some of the food items for the little ones. Almost every kid loves food items such as pizza, nuggets and juices.

Follow the above tips, and you're all set to host the perfect house party. Making all the arrangements, decorating the house, and creating a positive ambiance before planning a party is fun.

We put so much thought into making our home the best place to live. Why not take some time to ensure its safety? After all, our home is our responsibility, and safeguarding it should be our priority. The best way to do this is house insurance. Magma HDI offers the best house insurance India with several benefits for the homeowners. Buy your house insurance today and be assured of comprehensive coverage against unexpected circumstances.

Click HERE to know more about house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Plan to enrol your kids in these exciting activities and make the monsoon season enjoyable

The onset of monsoon is a gift for humans, animals, and plants. The lush greenery, the sweet smell of moist soil and the cold winds are a much-needed respite from the scorching summer months. But with all the monsoon goodness comes a set of challenges as well.

Children end up locked inside their houses, hoping for the pouring rain to go away. If you are a parent and you notice your kids growing increasingly impatient, this article is just for you. This article will look at all the activities you can enrol your kids in for a productive and fun monsoon season.

1. Take up a painting class:

Painting is an expressive art form. It is visually stimulating and allows your child to explore different colours and expression mediums. It gives your kids the opportunities to develop creatively and imaginatively.
This gives them the freedom to visualise and metaphorically paint the picture they want. You can help your children navigate the different types of famous artworks for inspiration. Later you can encourage them to join a painting class or workshops and learn to paint their imagination with passion.

2. Sports are always a yes:

In these distressing times of fast-paced technological advancement, we all have fallen sick and are easily prone to multiple health issues. Our bodies have become glued to the smart phones, and all you want is readily available with just one touch and tap of your phone. Rain can put a damper on your kid's physical activities.
Since being outdoors is a complete no-no, kids end up glued to screens. Indoor sport is your solution. Games such as table tennis, carrom, and chess are a few sports kids can play in the comfort of being indoors. Do not let rain be the reason your kids stay away from the fun.

3. Never say no to learning music:

Music, like painting, is again an expressive art form. The sounds stimulate your brain, which can then interpret different versions of tunes and rhythms. They help your child distinguish between various moods and emotions, thus enabling them to create their music. Notice how your kids pick up different notes from the song. Understand and encourage them to pursue various music skills and may also enrol in a music class.

4. We have all heard of abacus:

Abacus and mental maths tips and tricks will always be everyone's favourites. It doesn't harm learning quick tricks to help your child academically in the future. This enables the brain to enhance its analytical and logical power. Abacus classes can help your child improve their logical reasoning and make brisk calculations.

Ask your child if these activities interest them, and let them take the lead while staying indoors during the monsoon season. Parents must always focus on planning experiences to help their children be independent and happy. Don't let the rain wash out the excitement of your children. Monsoon can be fun, too, if activities are planned rightly.

Apart from the skills development, you should consider the plans for keeping the kids protected under any unforeseen circumstances which might arise during different walks of life. One of the best gifts your child can get is insurance benefits. As a parent, you must discuss your options and purchase the best general insurance for catering to your children's needs in the best ways possible.

Refrain from taking drastic decisions while buying general insurance. Take your time, do the best research, understand your child's requirements, and accordingly select the plan that is the best!

Click HERE to learn more about how purchasing general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand a few common sports injuries and their effects

Sports are the preferred choice of physical activity by most people. It’s an exciting and fun way of incorporating physical activity into your routine. Spending at least half an hour a day playing can be magical for your mind and body. There is no better stress buster than playing your favourite sport.

If you are confused about where to start your fitness journey, playing a sport is a right start for you. However, are you worried about the many injuries that the sportspersons talk about? Fret not! We are here to clear the space of confusion and state all the facts and remedies before you.

This article talks about a few common sports injuries and their treatments for a faster and effortless healing process.

1. Sprains:

A tear or stretch in the ligaments caused is known as a sprain. As it can directly impact the movement of joints, even the menial tasks become highly painful. The most common are ankle sprain, wrist sprain, and knee sprain. Improper footing or a profound impact on different body parts can cause ligament tears or sprains.
Constant pain, swelling, redness, bruising, etc., are the general symptoms of a sprain. Sprains can typically take anywhere between a week to a month to heal fully. The easiest ways to fasten sprains' healing process are heat therapy, rest, and restricting movement.

2. Fractures:

Fractures are also a common injury that often occurs to sportspersons. Depending upon the severity of the injury, fractures typically take a month to six months to completely heal. Fractures can be cured using casts, padding, plasters, etc.
However, there are times when the doctor might suggest surgery to ensure that the bone fully grows back and is appropriately aligned. Misaligned bones can cause severe long-term implications if not fixed immediately.

3. Back and Shoulder injuries:

How often have we heard people complaining about their back giving them trouble? The spine is most susceptible to strain and stress during physical activity. Since your entire body frame is supported on your spine, giving extra care to your back is essential for staying fit.
Overlooking the stress on the back may lead to severe inflammation resulting in slip-discs and other back-related injuries. Treatments can vary depending upon the severity. Sometimes patients are recommended to take complete bed rest or undergo surgery.

4. Concussion:

In sports such as football and basketball, players can come across sudden high-impact injuries to the head. This traumatic injury can affect brain function. The symptoms can range from minor headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, and loss of consciousness.
Sometimes, these injuries do not show symptoms immediately and can take several months to manifest into other complications. Always consult a specialist to ensure that there are no severe injuries.

These were a list of the most common sports injuries prevalent amongst sportspersons. Remember to not over-exert the body whenever it shows signs of ache or strain. Sports and other physical activities are meant to be enjoyed while also helping you maintain an active lifestyle. But as the saying goes, "Excess of anything is harmful". Overdoing your practice can cause severe issues and aggravate the health of your body.

Always practice under the guidance of an instructor who can monitor your form and stamina. To safeguard yourself from the expensive treatments you might need during recovery, consider opting for the best personal accident policy in India. This way, you can rest assured that all your extra expenses are being taken care of. Never give up your spirit of playing a sport by surrendering to injuries. So, be cautious and continue passionately pursuing your favourite sport!

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Essential post-workout tips for the fitness enthusiasts

Exercising is something that no one should ever compromise on. And if you are someone who religiously works out, you are already better than the sixty-four percent population of the country. But exercising is not any random daily task that you need to tick from your to-do list. It is a strict health practice that demands your time and dedication.

Exercise has stages that usually are overlooked. Ask any fitness enthusiast, and they will tell you pre-and post-workout care is as essential as the workout. The pre-workout phase includes a warm-up session. This is needed to warm up your body and get your muscles ready for a round of the extensive workout. Warm-ups before exercise avoid injuries that can later turn fatal. But, what do you do after your workout is done?

This article will take a detailed look at everything you can do post-workout to ensure optimum functionality and maximum results for your body.

1. Hydration:

Drinking too much water right after your workout is unsuitable for your body. Instead, it shocks the body with a sudden temperature change. Due to this sudden temperature change, the body uses energy to heat the water, which can slow down the rehydration process. Instead, take small sips after every set of exercises.

2. Stretching:

Stretching is an often-ignored part of workout routines. It takes barely 05-10 minutes. However, if you are running short on time, you can stretch on the go. You can easily do stretching such as lunge walking, overhead stretches, bicep stretches, side bends, etc., as you walk to the exit gates of the gym.
Stretching enhances flexibility and decreases muscle soreness after a high-intensity workout. If you miss out on stretches, it can lead to severe back pain and muscle soreness.

3. Restore your proteins:

Protein helps in muscle repair. You can obtain your daily protein intake from various sources such as eggs, curd, paneer, etc. Protein powders and supplements can be consumed as an add-on.
The amino acids in protein act as building blocks, essential for the repair and regeneration of muscles. Protein intake also helps with soreness that might follow the subsequent day after a heavy workout.

4. Include nutrient rich food:

Add a balanced and nutrient-rich meal to your post-workout diet for growth and recovery. Include foods with high content of vitamins, fibres, minerals, and carbohydrates for a well-rounded meal. For carbohydrates, you can opt for oats, rice, millets, etc.
Add spinach, beans, and cabbage for added fibre and nutrient content. Snacking on nuts is a smart way to ensure the intake of healthy fats, which are key ingredients to reducing inflammation.

5. Rest and Recovery:

If you practice heavy workouts, the general rule dictates that you should give your body a break of forty-eight hours weekly. Take the weekends off and indulge in light cardio such as walking, running, cycling, etc. Do not forget to add stretching to your rest days.
Our body is constantly communicating with us about what it needs. Listen to your body and take notice of the small changes that your body is responding to. Avoid straining if you feel like there is a possible chance of injury.

These are tips you can follow to ensure that your efforts and fitness enthusiasm do not go to waste. As mentioned above, overdoing exercises to the point of exhaustion can have severe implications. Always follow a routine under the guidance of a professional to avoid injuries and fatigue.

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.