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Let's understand how personal accident insurance can be beneficial for sports players

India is known to be a country full of diehard sports enthusiasts. Indians have a massive fanbase for cricket, badminton, tennis, and hockey players, to name a few. Over the years, as interest in sports has picked up, so has the interest in participation. While our international representation in renowned championships has grown, so has the focus on sports in schools. Presently, there are several opportunities for people of varying ages to explore various sports at their convenience and budgets.

One common risk in most sports is the occurrence of accidents. While sports require a certain level of competitive spirit and fierceness, it must be done carefully to avoid injuries. Be it minor or significant- an accident can alter a sports person's life and future opportunities. Besides the fun and excitement, safety is the most crucial aspect of sports.

Since accidents can occur to people involved in sports, purchasing a personal accident cover is advisable. In addition to it, sports players should put in extra effort to find the best personal accident policy in India to cover any costs allied with accidental injuries or death.

What is covered under personal accident insurance?

A personal accident policy covers medical costs that arise due to accidents. Accidents in sports are inevitable and often result in high medical expenditure. Purchasing a plan that covers the cost of hospitalisation and compensates the insured or the legal heirs in case of partial or permanent disabilities is prudent. While the formerly stated patients receive periodic pay-outs, the policyholder's family who dies due to an accident is entitled to a lump sum payment.

It also covers medical bills for frequent accidents like burns and fractures, legal processing, funeral, and child education expenses if opted for as an add-on to the policy.

Insurance policies have evolved over the years to include injuries occurring due to sports, except for adventure sports, which have more significant risks and mortalities. Upon closer observation of the fine print of the best personal accident policy in India, you may find that participating in any dangerous sports activity is not covered under the policy. Therefore, sportspersons need to raise questions and get clarity regarding what is included and what is not in their accident cover to ensure that their claims do not get rejected.

The need for sports players to purchase personal accident insurance:

With the increasing interest in sports over the years, especially after the pandemic, more people are inclined towards pursuing sports as a fitness hobby or career. Being fit is the new trend, and the easiest way to do so is by engaging in a sport you like as a hobby. Whether you are a newbie to the activity or an experienced athlete, the risk of accidents is ubiquitous for all sports persons engaging in strenuous sports

Since accidents come unannounced, sports enthusiasts must research and find the best personal accident policy in India to derive the most significant benefit. If selected right, there are several benefits of an accident insurance policy. It provides coverage against any liabilities arising from the accident in the form of hospitalisation costs and loss of income for a stipulated period. It may even cover your children's education fees if provided. A key feature is the provision of compensation for disabilities, in which case the insured is entitled to receive a lump sum amount.

Therefore, with due diligence, sports persons can easily discover the best personal accident policy in India to cover potential accidents and compensate them or their families for damages arising from such accidents. Injuries are a part of the journey of a sportsperson. Rather than running away, they must face it and conquer every fall to achieve success one day!

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips for enjoying healthy winter

Winter brings with it a change that most people welcome. The cold temperatures and delightful food choices make it a pleasant period of the year. Despite the enjoyable climate that makes one seek warmth and comfort from cosy cafes and piping hot winter delicacies, it is a time that you must watch out for health issues.

The drop in temperatures and shortened daylight leads to frequent sickness. In such times, taking good care of your well-being and purchasing a health insurance policy is key to saving on medical costs that may arise due to contingent illnesses. If not taken good care of, health in winter can take a toll and become frustrating due to the uninvited expenses.

While maintaining good health, purchasing or renewing health insurance online is the most important tip for preparing for a healthy winter. Here are a few tips you can follow throughout the upcoming winter months to stay fit while enjoying the season the most!

1. Practising good hygiene:
While this may seem like a no-brainer, good hygiene is the easiest way to prevent catching even the most insignificant cold. The low temperatures and damp environment facilitate microbial growth that can lead to compromised immunity, leading to falling sick often. Wash your hands regularly, especially when you visit public spaces and restaurants, use public transport services and washrooms, etc.

2. Focus on your food intake:
Healthy food has been considered preventive medicine and fuel for one's body, especially in the Indian culture. We usually emphasise immunity-boosting foods like ginger, turmeric, etc. Coupled with fresh produce, these foods rich in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C are sure to reduce your susceptibility to illness during the cold months.

3. Stay active:
Bundling up in your most comfortable blanket with a hot beverage to combat the cold is highly tempting. While your food choices can provide you with most of the required nutrients to keep you healthy throughout the season, some requirements, like Vitamin D, can only be supplied by exposing yourself to sunlight. Even a short walk in the early morning will improve your mood and keep you active and warm.

4. Ensure adequate sleep:
Sleep is an essential factor that is often overlooked when discussing health. It not only helps fight tiredness and stress but also allows you to wake up refreshed and ready to take on another day with new energy. Adults require a minimum of 7 hours of sleep daily. Provide your body with enough rest to recover and rejuvenate to ensure that it can function effectively and keep you healthy.

5. Dress appropriately:
In recent times, it has been noticed that winters aren't as chilly as they used to be. While present temperatures are noticeably less cold than previous trends, it is still necessary to keep yourself warm. Sometimes, our body does not recognise a cold draft, and staying exposed to it without enough clothing is bound to result in health issues.
In these situations where the weather doesn't warrant wearing heavy winter wear, simply layer on a few lightweight fabrics. These will keep you warm against a slight chill without being too heavy.

6. Quit smoking:
For smokers, foggy winter mornings may seem like an invitation to smoke to keep themselves warm. Smoking suppresses the immune system's normal functioning, which puts smokers at greater risk of falling ill in winter. It is best to quit smoking early and keep chest and lung-related problems at bay.

The cold climate makes one feel lazy and dull, but take the time to keep yourself in the best shape possible. Engage in light exercise daily, dress warm and ensure that you consume fresh food that will boost your immunity. While these tips can help prevent diseases, we encourage you to check your health insurance and purchase or renew health insurance online with just a few clicks so that winter doesn't get harsh on you!

Click HERE to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to look out for affordable health insurance for critical illness

Critical illness insurance covers serious health conditions that require expensive and long treatment. Such illnesses include cancer, paralysis, stroke, organ transplant, heart attack, coma, etc. The treatment for these illnesses can drain your savings and negatively impact your financial condition.

The recovery is time-consuming, beginning from the detection phase to a myriad of medical tests to surgery and then gradually returning to normalcy. All this will cost us much more than any normal health insurance coverage. This creates the need to have dedicated insurance cover for critical illnesses that are affordable and provide robust protection.

Let us look at the best tips for affordable health insurance plans for critical illness.

1. Comprehensive critical illness insurance policy:
A comprehensive critical illness insurance policy gives us a lump sum amount after we submit the required documents to the insurance company. You can use this sum to pay for the treatment cost, including diagnosis, hospitalisation, any surgery in the process, and the doctor's fees. The sum assured under such policy is fixed. Hence, you can plan your insurance coverage as per your specific needs.

2. Buy it as a rider:
You can buy a critical illness insurance policy as a rider to your existing health insurance policy. Hence you will not need to buy a new insurance policy to get this cover. Also, try to get this additional coverage in the health insurance policy provided by your employer to save money.

3. Low cost:
A critical illness insurance policy does not cost us a very high premium. The premium for such policies is much less than that for your regular health insurance. However, these covers provide us protection only for specific situations. Hence, they should never be used as a substitute for your regular health insurance policies.

4. Compare the premium charged:
Always compare the premium charged for critical illness insurance policies of different companies and select the most affordable one. You can do a detailed online search instead of visiting every insurance company's offices individually.

5. Check for the exact inclusions:
Always check the features and the exact inclusions of the policy because they may vary with every insurance company. Do thorough research and list what the policy does not cover. For example, your policy may state that it covers cancer. But it may also be mentioned in the fine print that it will provide a cover for cancer only after it reaches a certain level of severity.

6. Waiting period:
Look for a policy with the least waiting period. Usually, you can raise a claim for a critical illness after 90 days from the date of commencement of your policy. If you have a pre-existing major disease, the cover may start as late as 48 months from the commencement of the policy.

7. Age limit and benefits:
Always ensure the age limit until your policy provides you with insurance coverage. This will be helpful to you when you cross 60 years of age. There are some companies that provide a lifelong cover. Hence, it is advisable to choose such plans. Also, you should assess the benefits of your policy, such as NCB (No-claim bonus), in case you do not make any claim in a year.

Critical illnesses can result in the loss of your job, partial or permanent disability, and leave you with no source of income. The high cost of treatment can result in draining your pockets as the coverage provided by standard health insurance policies is insufficient for such misfortunes. The solution is to go for the best critical illness insurance policy available. The above tips can help you to choose the most affordable health insurance plans for critical illness upon which you can rely in times of actual need.

Click HERE to buy the best affordable health insurance plans in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Guide on single-lane driving for beginners

Learning a new skill and mastering it can be challenging and time taking. The same applies to car driving. Beginners first need to understand the various functionalities of a car. Then they take time to build and sharpen their road sense. Furthermore, they need to constantly practice to hone their driving skills.

However, driving on a single road can be a new game for many. Beginners will especially face challenges adjusting themselves to the single road. If you are a novice driver and wish to learn the tips to drive efficiently on a single-lane road, here's our guide to help you get started.

1. Acquaint yourself with the car:
The first thing any beginner should do is thoroughly acquaint himself with his car and its features. Cars have different gear patterns, and the responsiveness of the clutch and brakes also differ from one car to another.
Single roads usually have much heavier traffic than double-lane roads. A beginner should understand how his car responds with the press of the accelerator, brake, and clutch. Applying all three must happen in a rhythm. This understanding is essential to help beginners drive and maneuver their cars effectively through the traffic and potholes on single roads.

2. Traffic rules and road signals:
A beginner should familiarise himself with the prevalent traffic rules. This will help you save money by way of fines and penalties. You should also be familiar with the different signals and signboards put along the roads and indications used by other drivers. If speed breakers are approaching, you should lower your car's speed by seeing the board of "speed breakers ahead" on the roadsides.
Also, you should know that if a vehicle approaching you on a single road is flickering its headlights, it means that the driver wants to pass first. These factors will avoid unnecessary traffic jams, inconvenience, and the possibility of an accident.

3. Correct seating position:
You should adjust your driving seat according to your height and comfort. You should be in a comfortable position to easily access the car's pedals. Also, the seating position should help you maintain good posture so that you do not develop strains or backaches while driving through the busy single lane.

4. Slow speeds:
As a beginner, you should avoid driving fast or carelessly. Slow driving on a single road will ensure you fully control the car. Generally, the traffic in peak hours on a single lane is heavy, so drive with caution. Always Keep your eyes peeled to help you reach your destination safely.

5. Maintain safe distance:
Maintaining a safe distance from the car or vehicle in front while driving on a single road is essential. Due to the heavy traffic, vehicles brake suddenly on such roads. There will be no space to swerve and change lanes on a single road. Hence, the chances of an accident increase.

6. Take a double-lane road where possible:
As a beginner, you should always look for an alternative way to reach your destination by taking double-lane roads wherever possible, even if you have to cover a few extra kilometres.

7. Avoid driving at night:
Beginners should avoid taking a single road at night unless it is very necessary. This is so because the beam light of the car coming from the opposite direction often makes it difficult for beginners to see clearly. This problem is more severe on single roads as the space between cars is very less.

Summing up the entire discussion, we conclude that beginners should tread with extra caution while driving on single roads in India. People tend to drive as closely as possible to other vehicles in traffic, which can be troublesome for beginners. Fret not! Follow the above tips and be confident in your driving skills, practice traffic rules, and maintain lane discipline.

It is also essential for you to have valid car insurance as it is mandatory by law. Secondly, a good car insurance India plan will protect you against any possible damage while driving and compensate you for the repair and maintenance of your car.

Click HERE to buy a reliable car insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Does car insurance cover damages due to firecrackers? If so, what's the process

Diwali is a time for festivity and celebration. Everyone celebrates it differently; some will enjoy barfis and ladoos, some play cards, and others set off fireworks. While bursting firecrackers is often frowned upon due to the damage caused to the environment, it is still prevalent among a part of the population.

In addition to contributing to pollution, fireworks can be a nuisance to the general population. Imagine the days when you thought a rocket would invade your home.

When you feel frightened in your residence, how do you feel about your parked car in the building or on the road? In a space-constrained city, it is not uncommon for individuals to park their vehicles on the street. Therefore, disregarding the danger of stray crackers inflicting damage on your vehicle during Diwali is impossible.

If your car catches fire by the crackers, will you get insurance? To file a claim, you must first determine whether the risk is covered by your car insurer, as only policyholders with comprehensive car insurance may be eligible to do so. Let's examine the process your car insurance provider might take in this situation.

Does car insurance cover firecrackers damage?

The answer to whether or not comprehensive car insurance covers damage caused by fire is "yes." This feature is subject to a few specific criteria.

For instance, if you have standard car insurance coverage that covers liability toward third parties, it will not cover the damage. However, if you have paid more and opted for comprehensive insurance, the policy will cover incidents of such nature.

You may get all the information concerning the terms and conditions of the plan from your insurance provider. If you prefer, you may look through the insurer's website, call them, or email them to express your interest in learning more about their car insurance policies.

Comprehensive car insurance coverage:

To address this question, it is necessary to take a step back and examine the concept of automobile insurance in India. According to India's Motor Vehicles Act, all vehicles must be insured to be legally driven on Indian roads. Vehicle owners must insure their vehicles with a third-party plan, which covers the owner's obligation towards third parties or properties harmed due to the covered vehicle.

With comprehensive cover, vehicle owners have access to the additional feature. This plan meets the necessary coverage standards (it contains liability coverage) and provides damage coverage. The insurance provider will cover damage to the insured vehicle, which is not the case with a liability-only policy. Comprehensive car insurance covers fire, theft, and natural disasters.

However, for a comprehensive plan, you must pay a higher premium. The compensation for such a plan varies depending on the insurer.

Therefore, it is essential to conduct research and compare plans before purchasing car insurance. The luxury of the internet and smartphones have simplified this process considerably. A few minutes are required for research, followed by quick steps to buy and review the policy's information, and that's it. It is so simple and convenient!

If you have a comprehensive car insurance policy, then you are eligible to claim on your policy. Your claim will be successful if your car catches fire due to firecrackers and the vehicle is damaged beyond repair. It will reimburse you for the total value of the vehicle.

It is vital to note that you may not have a valid claim if your car catches fire, and you can repair it for less than what would be covered by the comprehensive policy. So, this Diwali season, let's invite happiness with the joy of festivity and reliable insurance coverage.

Click HERE to buy comprehensive car insurance to protect your valuable asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s the guide to help you design your “work-from-home” office or personal workspace at home

The “work-from-home” culture has gained prominence in India since the beginning of Covid-19 in 2020. Now, this culture is picking up pace, and many companies are urging their employees to work from home, knowing its advantages for both employers and employees. However, there are endless distractions at home in the form of answering doorbells, chaos due to daily household chores, and the absence of a proper working environment. Kids can also take up much of your time at home and distract you from your important office work.

So, how can you set up your personal workspace at your home amidst all these problems? Here is a guide to help you design your “work-from-home” office with minimal distractions and more productivity.

1. Create a separate corner:
Create a separate corner for yourself at home for your personal workspace. It can be a separate room, if available, a corner of a room, or any other space that can be distraction-free. Do not hesitate to tell everyone in the household that this is your personal area for office work, and no one should encroach upon it, especially when you are busy.
Try to put a partition in your working area, such as a glass door, as it will help you keep it noise-free. Other house members will think twice before entering it while you are working, and you can concentrate on your work.

2. Whiteboard / Pin-up area:
Get a whiteboard or a pinboard that you can hang on a wall in your working area. Develop the habit of regularly making a to-do list and jotting down small notes. You can note down what you intend to do the entire day. Setting up small goals inspires you to work harder and achieve them. Also, by doing this, you will never miss any task or forget important things.

3. Make your work-area aesthetic:
Make your workspace at home aesthetic. Get the area painted with vibrant and bright colours that appeal to your senses and help you stay jovial. Decorate the area with small and beautiful showpieces. Make sure your space is well-lit and properly ventilated to give you a fresh feeling throughout the day. All this will help you stay active, sharp, and in a joyous mood, and you can concentrate more on your work.

4. Get a good ergonomic chair:
Working from home can mean sitting in one place for long hours at a stretch. Also, the chair present at your house will most probably not be suitable for work. Go and buy an ergonomic chair that can support your natural posture and help you to reduce the strain on your lower back. Get a good desk along with a chair. A good sitting setup can greatly help increase your productivity and motivation levels.

5. Buy the necessary equipment:
If you intend to create a “work-from-home” office and use it for a long time, you will have to invest in good technological equipment. This may require a high-speed wi-fi network, a good professional laptop, a printer, etc. Also, place shelves and drawers that you will need for keeping your necessary files, folders, and papers. This will make you more organised, oriented, and focused.

Creating a “work-from-home” office at home may appear to be challenging, but it is more fun to do if managed correctly. You need to dedicate your complete focus and concentration to your work. Hence, each family member should cooperate fully and not disturb you while working.

You must secure a separate space at home for your work if you want to continue it for a long time. A home is where you spend most of your time and make memories. While making your home a dedicated workspace, it is also crucial to plan and invest in its safety. Purchase reliable home insurance to protect it against any possible mishap or damage caused by fire, theft, and even natural calamities.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance to safeguard your valuable asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Curating the best ways to kickstart your own babysitting business at home

Side hustles are the new rage that has taken over the world in recent years. Irrespective of one's age, many resources on the internet can guide you to finding the perfect side income generator. There's an idea for everyone, from remote online jobs to small-scale dropshipping businesses. And all this depends on the investment you wish to make and the time available.

Suppose you are intrigued by putting in a few hours of work from your schedule into a business that does not require much capital and involves engaging with young children. In that case, a babysitting business may be what you're looking for. While specialised businesses provide similar services, you can even run it from home, catering to your neighbourhood clients.

All you will need is some basic know-how about babysitting and a secure home covered by the best home insurance policy in India. Insurance is important to safeguard your most valuable asset from uninvited circumstances.

Here are some tips to kickstart your babysitting business from home.

1. Is babysitting a viable business?
The first thing you must consider before starting any business is the expected returns. A babysitting business based out of your home is akin to a profit-making machine from inception. Your client base would be limited to your locality, and you can save on the most significant expense of renting a space for business.
Since it is a home-run business, you can decide on the specific services provided with minimum cost, making it a profitable business. Based on your services and client reach, you can expand your business quickly by following our tips.

2. Spread the word:
We live in a world where purchases are primarily affected by customer reviews. Therefore, making your brand known and getting the first few clients is essential. The first step to starting your babysitting business is to create an advertisement that looks similar to a resume.
Its primary purpose is to build trust and inform potential clients of the services offered. Pick out timings and offerings that are customer-focused which entice the people to enquire about your business. The key to scaling a home business is to create awareness and hype about it.

3. Precisely describe your services:
Be very specific when providing details regarding your services. Ensure that you specify the age groups you cater to, what timings you babysit for, and every service you intend to deliver. This could include pick-ups and drops, meal provisions, or extra academic attention to older kids. Also, state the exact pricing per hour to avoid confusion.

4. Get additional training:
While certifications are not necessary for babysitters in India, a professional certificate of approval works wonders in building trust, authenticity, and credibility. There is no official comprehensive course you can get to make you better at the job. Look for short-term classes on child development, medical training, and other relevant studies that can help your business.

Finally, get your house ready…
Babysitting is a job that requires excellent trust from parents in their chosen babysitter. Even when babysitters volunteer to provide their services at the client's home, a thorough interview and background check is conducted on potential service providers. Expect the same for your business. Encourage interested parents to check out your place of operations for reassurance while showcasing your confidence.

Before you fix a date:
1. Ensure that you have made all the necessary arrangements.
2. Keep your home tidy and safe for kids of all ages.
3. Have some engaging toys on display and recreate the general atmosphere of a daycare business that is exciting and safe for kids. You should also consider purchasing the best home insurance policy in India since your home is no longer just a residence but also a fully functioning business.

Following these essential tips, you can start your babysitting business from home and eventually cater to a more extensive clientele!

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Everything you must know about ecotourism and how it is gaining pace in India

India is a diverse country with rich history, culture, and traditions, making it a worthy place for tourists. The tourism industry of India has been booming in the last couple of years and is marking a strong comeback post-pandemic. People from far and wide are visiting the country to witness its beauty, elegance, and charm. From the grand Taj to the charming little town of Darjeeling, India receives immense tourism every year.

The travel sector in India is upgrading itself to satisfy the changing requirements and interests of travellers. One such emerging aspect is ecotourism. Ecotourism is one of the growing segments of tourism in India. If you want to know more about ecotourism, this article is for you.

When embarking on an ecotourism journey, ensure that you prioritise your safety. And you can achieve this by purchasing online general insurance to add a safety net to your travel.

What is Ecotourism?
The main objective of ecotourism is to focus on mother nature and promote the ecosystem's sustainability. It facilitates a healthy relationship with nature and its elements to ensure that tourists spend more time preserving the environment. It promotes sustainable activities that are mostly outdoor and prohibits any action that can harm the environment.

Why is Ecotourism gaining pace in India?
India has a diverse variety of flora and fauna and is home to several zoological parks, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, biological reserves, and botanical gardens. The country has been able to save its natural beauty till now.

With ecotourism, it aims to do it further by maintaining and promoting sustainable activities not only in wildlife sanctuaries but also in high mountains, and lush green valleys.

What are the advantages of Ecotourism?
In a naturally rich country like India, ecotourism is an ever-growing tourism segment. It also encourages plenty of other natural initiatives that contribute to the well-being of the ecosystem. The several advantages of eco-tourism are:

● The sole preservation of flora and fauna

● It generates awareness about the tribal communities and brings them into the limelight

● It is a significant platform for raising awareness about social and environmental issues in a particular area

● It is a great field for generating revenues. The revenues earned here can be utilised in the development of the country

● The remote and lesser-known areas of the country are developed under eco-tourism

● Tourists are made familiar with the diverse species of flora and fauna thriving in the country

● Tourists spend more time outdoors with nature and communities

● It develops a loving relationship with nature

Ecotourism is gaining momentum rather quickly in India. In the coming years, you can expect it to emerge as a pivotal activity that preserves the heritage and maintains sustainable tourism at local destinations. If you're a nature lover or love exploring the unknown, then ecotourism will greatly benefit you. You can undertake many activities, including trekking, camping, cycling, hiking, bird watching, wildlife photography, and farm stays, among others, to feel one step closer to nature's unmatched beauty!

You must understand that safety is paramount regardless of the destination you go to for your next ecotourism vacation in India. You can achieve this by investing in an online general insurance plan that caters to all your travel safety needs.

Click HERE to buy an online general insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Post-marriage amendments to be made in your health insurance policy

Marriage is a monumental step in anyone's life. And if you have made this important decision and are going to or have recently got married, one of the essential things to consider is your and your spouse's financial security!

Since you intend to spend your entire life together, you must have adequate health insurance coverage. Consequently, reviewing and updating your health insurance plan after marriage is essential to ensure the best coverage for you and your new family.

1. Understand your new healthcare needs:
While your health insurance needs may change, it is best to have in-depth healthcare knowledge on what type of coverage would best suit you and your family. Nowadays, most plans include outpatient care, prescription drugs, and hospital or facility stays for a fixed premium. Sometimes, your coverage may include vision, dental needs, and even mental healthcare.
Suppose you have a specific need for any coverage or want to consult about the best options for your family. In that case, we suggest you seek help from your medical insurance provider and financial adviser. You can also surf the internet to gain a comprehensive understanding of all online health insurance policies.

2. Add your spouse to an existing plan:
If you are satisfied with your current health insurance plan coverage, you can add your spouse to your existing policy.
Whoever owns the policy can initiate this process by submitting the necessary documents (such as the marriage certificates and KYC documents for the new member, comprising evidence of identification, proof of age, and pictures) and completing the necessary form. The adjustment will also require changes in the policy premium for the newly added member.

3. Include maternity benefits under your policy:
Most health insurance policies have a maternity waiting period of two to four years. You can only consider obtaining the wife's maternity benefits once the waiting time is over. Therefore, if you don't include maternity benefits in your plan now, you will be unable to utilise them when planning a family.

4. More add-on covers:
As a result of the many changes that marriage entails, you and your spouse may want additional protection for your family. Now is the time to look into online health insurance add-ons that you can include in your coverage to make it more tailored to your specific requirements.
In addition to maternity insurance, you should think about purchasing a critical illness cover, personal accident protection, or a top-up cover. These are all powerful add-ons to consider. As some of these coverages may come with waiting periods, making the decision as soon as possible is crucial.

5. Choose the right insurer:
When you update your health plan or acquire a new one to meet your post-marriage requirements, it is recommended that you switch to an insurer that provides superior facilities and services to get the most out of your new plan.
Therefore, if unsatisfied with your current insurance provider, you may easily switch to a new and potentially superior insurance company. Look for an insurer that provides you with various rider coverages and benefits.

Marriage is one of the most critical decisions in your life, and you must handle it responsibly. You must have not only the coverage you need but also the coverage that is best for your family. By doing your homework and researching the best online health insurance options available, you can ensure that you will protect your family's health for years to come.

Click HERE to buy the best online health insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips for the best winter joint protection for the elders

The winter season is the perfect escape from the hot and humid climate. But what appears soothing to the youth can be troublesome for elders. Winter is a difficult season to withstand and maintain good health, especially for elders suffering from joint pain. This season comes with cold conditions, low atmospheric pressure, and dry air, making the muscles tight and rigid, which results in joint pain.

If you have elders at home and you're wondering how to make the winter season more enjoyable for them, here are a few tips for the best joint protection.

1. Move frequently:
The winter season makes elders lazy and feels less energetic. They avoid going out and prefer staying indoors, often sitting or lying on the bed to stay warm and cosy. However, they should avoid doing this as their body will become more rigid and joints achy.
Elders need to be active during the winter months. They may take up small household chores to keep their mind and body active. Even a brisk walk now and then inside the house will help. Frequent movement of the joints will ensure they are not jammed and do not ache much.

2. Regular exercise:
Elders should exercise regularly during winter to keep their bodies in shape and their joints in rhythm. However, they should take proper care while exercising and not overdo it as it can cause more harm than benefit. Light cardio exercises, yoga, and stretching can be helpful to keep the elders free from joint pain. Exercise can also help to cure existing joint pain, if any.

3. A restricted and healthy diet:
Winters are a great time for food lovers and munchers to grab quick bites while watching their favourite TV shows or movies. We tend to eat more which increases the sugar intake. This can negatively impact the body weight and invite unwanted health problems.
Elders need to restrict their diet and avoid overeating. More weight means more pressure on the joints, resulting in pain. Weight control will help them to keep their joint pain in control and keep other critical illnesses like heart issues, hypertension, diabetes, etc., at bay.
Moreover, they need to maintain a healthy diet. Food with anti-inflammatory properties helps to relieve joint pain. Such food includes nuts, seeds, fish, turmeric, garlic, onion, and dark green leafy vegetables.

4. Supplements:
Many supplements available in the market help reduce joint pain and stiffness. Elders may also opt for calcium supplements to make their bones stronger and healthier.

5. Dress-up adequately:
Elders should take adequate care while dressing up in winter. They should choose attire that will keep them warm at home or if they plan to go out. Good quality jackets and coats are a must while going out. Also, they should stock up on woollen gloves and socks to keep themselves warm. Adequate clothing will ensure they do not suffer joint pain even in the harshest weather.

6. Stay well hydrated:
We tend to drink less water and fluids in the winter than in the summer. Staying hydrated is very important for elders during winter. They should frequently drink water and even warm liquids such as soup and tea to feel energetic and fresh throughout the day. Proper hydration will help the body to maintain its temperature. Muscles will be more flexible, helping them to keep the joint pain in control.

Now we know how winter can directly result in joint pain, especially in the elderly. Following the above tips judiciously can help them to curtail or minimise it in the tough cold weather and create a comfort zone for themselves.

Similarly, you should consider the best health insurance in India for parents and elders at home. These plans are specially curated to minimise your worries about their health and medical expenses. Under all severe circumstances, a comprehensive health insurance policy will ensure the elders' well-being.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What to do if you miss declaring your health condition while buying health insurance

A health insurance plan is an effective investment instrument to protect your finances against severe illness or an unfortunate accident. But did you know that your health insurance covers pre-existing ailments such as hypertension or diabetes too? Yes, it does! However, this insurance plan has a higher premium and different waiting periods.

You need to ask your insurer about all the available insurance plans and tell them about your pre-existing conditions. However, if you fail to inform your insurance provider about your health condition at the policy purchase, you should learn what will happen at the time of claim.

What are the pre-existing diseases?
A pre-existing disease is a person's health condition or illness before the purchase of a health insurance policy. To simplify, a pre-existing disease is an illness that physicians diagnose within 48 months of buying the policy. Some of these diseases include cancer, asthma, diabetes, cardiac conditions, and hypertension.

Ask your insurance agent about all the pre-existing diseases they cover in their policy. Policies that cover pre-existing diseases have a waiting period depending on your age and plan. Remember that the policy will not cover your medical expenses if you fall sick due to your existing medical condition during the waiting period.

How can non-disclosure of pre-existing conditions lead to trouble?
Non-disclosure of pre-existing medical conditions can be one of the primary reasons for claim rejection. Suppose the insurance company finds out that the policyholder has been suffering from health conditions like sleep apnea over the past seven years. In that case, the company will reject the insurance policy even though they have never made any claim in the past 05 years of buying it.

If another family member is part of the insurance policy, they will also experience rejection or cancellation of it due to non-disclosure of your pre-existing medical condition. So, you need to be careful and transparent regarding sharing essential information with your insurance provider to avoid missing out on crucial benefits.

The insurer has a robust finding-out mechanism that helps them know about their customers' health conditions. A policy buyer may forget what they disclosed in the insurance plan, but understand that the insurer never forgets.

What to do if you fail to disclose your medical condition?
If you fail to provide information about your medical condition when buying the policy, you can rectify your error during the 15-day free-look period. However, suppose you miss this opportunity to correct your mistake. In that case, the company will treat your policy as void at the time of claim, and you will not get any compensation for medical expenses.

According to the moratorium rule of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, the insurance company will not cancel your insurance policy if you have paid premiums for eight or more years.

Suppose you are unaware of your pre-existing medical condition when purchasing a health insurance plan. In that case, the plan will cover your illness and hospitalisation expenses by default. However, the insurance company will consider any illness contracted within 03 months of taking the policy as a pre-existing disease.

So now you understand why disclosing all the health conditions clearly when buying a health insurance policy is necessary. Opt for insurance that has a short waiting period. It helps cover your pre-existing illness at an early stage. And we advise you to purchase a health insurance plan at a younger age to avail of coverage in case a disease occurs.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance for you and loved ones.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Which one to choose: Single-trip or multi-trip travel insurance policy

veryone enjoys travelling and exploring new places, both domestic and overseas. You may be an occasional or frequent traveller; however, irrespective of your travel frequency, it is crucial to get travel insurance to enjoy your trip and put your mind at ease.

Choosing which travel insurance to purchase is never easy for anyone planning a trip overseas. While some travellers prefer purchasing single-trip coverage, others favour purchasing a multi-trip annual protection policy. Generally, those who travel abroad for extended periods (more than 90 days) and those who aren't likely to do so more than once a year should opt for a single-trip policy.

On the other hand, the yearly policy is intended for those who visit foreign countries more than once each year or plan frequent trips within the country. Inconveniences to your travel plans, such as flight delays, trip cancellations, and medical crises, are, nevertheless, covered by these travel protection policies.

Selecting appropriate travel insurance can be tricky for you. Here's how to pick a suitable policy to get the best benefits for your travel needs.

What is the difference between a single trip and a multi-trip travel insurance policy?
The single-trip travel insurance policy offers financial protection against exigencies for only one trip, whether it is domestic or international. This plan provides coverage for only up to 180 days. You can buy this travel insurance for multiple destinations by considering it a single trip. The validity of this plan begins once you board a flight to leave your home country and ends when you return to your home country or when the policy period ends. You can buy general insurance online with different duration of coverage according to your travel needs.

Ask the insurer about the single-trip policy's coverage duration and the benefits you might get. Generally, single-trip travel insurance provides financial support for passport loss, robbery or baggage loss, home burglary protection, hospitalisation expenses, flight delays, and loss of travel documents and personal items.

On the other hand, multi-trip travel insurance plans offer coverage for a specified period, usually for a year. This travel insurance policy provides money to support multiple trips you make under the same plan. It offers coverage for the loss of a passport, emergency medical expenses, and trip cancellation. However, some policies have different coverage periods varying from 30 to 70 days.

What to consider when buying a travel insurance policy?
Both travel insurance policies have similar coverage but differ in duration. It would be best if you chose a general insurance policy depending on the number of trips you want to take in a year. Moreover, consider some factors, like where you go on your trip. Some insurance companies offer separate coverage for some countries and exclude others.

Also, consider what you are going to do abroad. If you do activities like snorkelling or playing football, you will need a particular type of cover. Your travel insurance should also consider your pre-existing medical condition to get coverage for all medical emergencies.

You should also consider the cancellation coverage in your travel insurance plan. It helps you pay for the pre-paid cost of your trip. Consider if the plan offers coverage for lost bags, personal items, and other possessions by your airline. It is crucial to note all the factors before finalising which travel insurance to purchase.

Buy general insurance online as it will help you efficiently deal with the duration of the vacation, medical expenses, insurance plan exclusions, period and limits, and trip cancellations to get all-around coverage for your next trip.

When you invest in a travel insurance policy, you have 14 days to ensure that the policy purchased is the right one. Do your best research, compare different options online, and then make the final purchase.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How can you benefit from buying health insurance online

A sound health insurance policy is paramount in the present world because health-related risks are constantly rising, and so are medical costs. You can buy a health insurance policy through the tried and tested method of using an agent's services or visiting an insurance company nearby your place of convenience.

However, did you know that we can benefit more from buying the best health insurance policy in India online?

Let us have a look at these benefits.

1. Multiple options:
This is one of the most important benefits of buying a health insurance policy online. You can browse a myriad of options a company offers and then compare it to similar policies of many other companies. Hence, you can shortlist the right policy meant for you based on the required coverage, benefits, and premium amount.

2. Convenience:
Imagine the hassle of visiting the offices of multiple insurance companies and going through the details of their policies sitting there! Buying a health insurance policy online saves you from this hassle and eliminates the involvement of intermediaries. You can conveniently go through various policy options online from the comfort of your home and with the convenience of completing the buying process in just a few clicks. It is easy, convenient, and accessible 24/7.

3. Cutting away middlemen commissions:
No middlemen or agents are involved when you buy a policy from online portals. Hence, online purchasing the best health insurance policy in India helps you save substantially on the premium amount.
Also, agents tend to put pressure on you to buy a particular company's policy to earn higher commissions on the same. Buying a health insurance policy online does away with this pressure. You can freely buy any policy of your choice after properly comparing available options.

4. Inexpensive:
Technology and automation help insurance companies operate online with less workforce and low administrative expenditure. Hence, they are in a position to save a lot of money on operation costs.
To encourage more customers opting online policies, a part of this saving is passed on to their consumers through lower premiums. Hence, the customers enjoy a lower premium than what offline channels offer. It is a win-win situation for both the insurance portal and the consumers.

5. Transparency:
Agents often hide facts and information about restrictive clauses in a policy, so you do not deviate from buying it. However, this is not possible when you buy a health insurance policy online.
Every policy has restrictive conditions about its coverage, claim settlement procedure, etc. You can go through the terms and conditions of the policy in detail on the portal before buying it. This will save you from a lot of trouble that may arise in the future due to incomplete information and hidden clauses.

6. No geographical barriers:
Buying a health insurance policy online helps to eliminate geographical barriers. You can select the best health insurance policy in India, even if you reside in any remote area or village, without the presence of the physical office of the insurance company. Hence, your choice is not restricted due to your location.

7. Time-saving:
Buying a health insurance policy online will help you save time. You do not have to take out time separately from your hectic schedules to meet an insurance agent or visit the offices of multiple insurance providers.

We can easily conclude that buying a health insurance policy online is better than buying it through offline channels. Buying insurance should look like an effortless activity with less stress about finding the right deal with multiple benefits. Be the decision-maker of your investment by opting for an online method of buying the best health insurance policy in India.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


More information on health insurance terms while planning an organ transplant

Organ transplant is a process where we replace a malfunctioning organ with a healthy one from a fit donor. With the advancement of medical science and the introduction of state-of-art technologies, we can go for transplants of vital organs such as the liver, kidney, heart, etc. But these life-saving transplants come with heavy costs ranging between 1-2 lakhs to 30-35 lakhs of rupees!

Health insurance providers have started offering policies covering organ transplants to meet such heavy expenditures. You read it right! Let us look into such policies in detail.

1. Coverage:
Two parties are involved in organ transplants: the organ receiver and its donor. Health insurance companies will cover the cost of various tests, hospitalisation expenditure, cost of surgery, and other related procedures vital for an organ transplant of the receiver. However, there are restrictions on coverage with regard to donor expenses.
The insurance policy will cover the in-patient hospitalisation charges of the donor. But it does not cover expenses regarding medical screening, storage or transportation of the organ, and pre and post-hospitalisation charges that the donor may incur in the process. Coverage for the above costs is subject to the sum insured and cannot exceed that.

2. Types of costs:
You should be aware of the types of costs that you will incur during an organ transplant. The first cost to bear is organ screening. The hospital will check the condition of the donor's organ.
The donor will incur pre-hospitalisation costs for medicines and different tests. Then hospitalisation expenses, including room charges, doctor fees, nursing expenditures, etc., will be considered. Post all these initial formalities and screenings; the actual surgery can be performed.
Post-surgery complications often arise, and there might be a need to bear additional hospital and doctor fees, medical expenditures, etc. The donor's post-surgery expenses, such as doctor follow-up, medication, etc., are also to be considered.

3. Waiting and survival period:
A health insurance policyholder with organ transplant coverage cannot raise a claim for the initial few days after buying the policy. Such policies usually come with a waiting period of 90 days to even 2-3 years from the policy's inception, after which a claim for an organ transplant can be raised. This waiting time may vary from one policy to another as per their respective terms and conditions.

4. Guiding Act:
The "Transplantation of Human Organs Act (THOA) 1994" is the guiding act for all organ transplants in India. It guides the removal, storage, and transplantation process of human organs. Any health insurance service provider will not cover your organ transplant claim if it violates any of the provisions of this law. Also, your claim will be rejected if the organ transplant is done for commercial dealings or smuggling activities of human organs.

Saving a life by donating or receiving an organ is a fortunate incident, and having the right insurance plan can make the experience less daunting. We recommend that online health insurance is the best way to invest in organ transplantation coverage. Buying the policy online will allow you to study and compare various policies that provide such coverage per our convenience and requirements.

Organ transplantation is an expensive process, and making haste decisions can land you in unwanted trouble. Go through each policy's terms and conditions in detail before making your final decision.

You should also ask for a detailed break-up of the recipient and donor expenses from the hospital before going for an organ transplant. This will give you a fair idea of what expenditure will be excluded from your insurance policy coverage and what will be its financial implication.

Click HERE to buy an online health insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn About the Insurance Claims Process

Let’s address the big question, how to go about a claim?

The information on this page covers the part that you're most concerned about: Claims.

Our claim settlement ratio is something we're really proud of. Trust us, we are equally eager to settle your claims, should there be an untoward situation. Call us on 1800 266 3202 for seamless claim support.

Some important points related to the claims process:

For motor insurance claims, you can send us a video of the damaged vehicle taken from your smartphone, through the link that we share on your registered mobile number. You can also get in touch with your agent, visit our nearest branch or email us at for speedy assistance.

We promise you – we'll never leave you stranded. Our 24*7 Roadside Assistance add-on will help you with vehicle pick-up, repairs, and several other services (only if this service is opted for). For repairs, we urge you to choose our preferred workshops / network garages (where we'll settle the bill directly with the garage) or even if you don't, we'll settle the payment based on the relevant invoices and documentation (if only it is admissible under the terms of the policy).

To check the preferred garages near you, please click

For health insurance claims, in case of planned admission, we request you to inform us or your agent before the hospitalization, this will help us to process your claims quickly. Kindly intimate your claim within 30 days of hospitalization. You can avail yourself of the cashless facility at any of our Network hospitals.

To check the network hospitals near you, please click

You can also download our "Magma HDI" mobile app from the Google play store or Apple app store or visit our website for the following services:

1. Intimate and track claims
2. Avail wellness services
3. Download claim forms
4. Search hospital for a cashless
5. Access your policy facility features and health card, and more

For more clarity, we have summarized a few points to know why health claims get rejected, click here to view our blog.

We've reached the end of this page. See how quick that was!

To register your claim, click


Do you have multiple health insurance policies? Here are some tips to handle them

Individuals nowadays may have multiple health insurance policies in the form of a corporate plan, a separate individual cover, a family floater cover, and a critical illness cover. The need for multiple policies arises because of rocketing hospitalisation and treatment prices in the present times. One policy may not provide adequate cover at the time of need. Also, when you leave your job, the corporate cover will end with it too.

It may confuse any individual to handle multiple health insurance policies, especially when raising a claim. Here are some tips for handling multiple health insurance policies.

1. Choice of policy:
When raising a claim, an insured has no compulsion to use any particular health insurance first from his multiple policies. You can choose any of your policies to raise a claim. Remember that you cannot file a claim for the same expense from two policies.
It is advisable to choose the insurance coverage provided by your office first. The claim settlement process will be quick without any waiting periods, and the chances of rejection of your claim will be very less. Also, your personal health insurance policy's NCB (No-claim bonus) will stay intact.

2. Room-rent limit:
Many health insurance policies come with a room-rent limit. Any extra room rent will have to be borne from our pocket. Hence, use the policy with a high room-rent limit first.

3. Co-payment or deductibles clause:
Many health insurance plans have a co-payment policy in which the insured has to take care of the claim amount. In deductibles, the insured must also bear a part of the claim amount, which the insurance company will reimburse. Hence, use the policy first, which comes without these clauses. This will not put any undue financial burden on your pocket.

4. Reimbursement limit:
Health insurance will cover your medical bills only up to the policy amount or the sum insured by you. If your medical bills are more than the sum insured, you can file a claim for the remaining medical bills with the second health insurance policy provider.
However, in this case, the hospital may not permit you to use the cashless mode to settle the remaining bill amount. You must clear the remaining bills and submit a reimbursement claim for your expenses with your second insurance provider. Also, you need to submit proof of the portion of the bill settled by the first insurance company along with the other relevant documents.

5. Raising claims with two insurers:
We cannot submit the same claims with two health insurance companies simultaneously. If the hospital bills are expected to go higher than the sum insured with the first insurer, then only you can ask for reimbursement for the remaining amount from the second insurer.

6. Disclosure:
We should always disclose our existing health insurance policy details to the insurance company while buying a second cover. Non-disclosure of previous policies with any health insurance service providers can lead to the rejection of our claim at the time of need. It will be considered a violation of the insurance contract.

Multiple health insurance policies are always beneficial for an individual. We usually get corporate cover as a part of our employee benefits, but it may not suffice. We should always go for additional health insurance coverage so that our existing coverage does not fall short in times of need. Also, specialised health insurance policies, such as critical illness policies, are always advisable and suitable for regular coverage.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on portability of health insurance policies

Health insurance policies now come with the portability feature in which you can transfer your current health insurance policy to a new service provider, subject to certain terms and conditions. You may look to port your policy for several reasons, such as poor service quality, a slow claim settlement process, higher premiums, and room rent restrictions.

Your NCB (No-claim bonus) amount accrued to date is also transferred along with the policy. Moreover, the waiting period served to date with the existing insurance provider is also considered and adjusted with the new company.

Here’s a complete guide to making the portability of health insurance policies clearer.

1. Eligibility and charges:
Individuals with an active indemnity-based health insurance policy are eligible for the portability process. But the porting can be done only with a similar health insurance policy.
For example, we can port a top-up insurance plan to another similar plan only. There are no additional charges for the portability feature in a health insurance policy.

2. Portability time:
The option of portability of your health insurance policy is only available at the time of the renewal. The policy must be running continuously over time, without any break-in period.
Moreover, any insured should apply for portability of his policy at least 45 days before the premium gets due for renewal. Also, he cannot apply earlier than 60 days from the renewal date of the premium of his existing health insurance policy.

3. Portability benefits:
Portability of time-bound exclusions and the waiting period already served with the current insurance service provider gets transferred to the new policy. Other benefits, such as accrued NCB (No-claim Bonus), also get ported.

4. Pending acceptance:
Suppose the health insurance portability acceptance is pending with the new insurance service provider, and your policy expires with the current insurance provider. In that case, the new insurer can request the previous one to renew the policy for a few days. They will charge a pro-rata premium for that period to extend the policy validity.
Your current insurer cannot cancel your policy until the new service provider confirms the issuance of the new policy or a specific request to your current insurer is made to cancel your policy.
If you raise a claim in this extended period, your existing health insurance company can agree to settle the claim after you pay the balance premium for that full year. Also, you will have to continue with that insurer for that year.

5. Higher SI (Sum Insured):
Opting for a higher SI or sum insured is permitted when porting your health insurance. However, the existing benefits, such as the NCB, will be the same as per the terms of the existing service provider when porting the policy.

6. Waiting period:
You need to be careful with the waiting periods offered by the new insurance company. All the terms and conditions of the new insurance company are applicable to the policy after you make the shift, including additional waiting periods, if any. However, the waiting period served under the current insurance policy will count and be adjusted with the new insurance company.

7. Group health insurance policy:
Suppose you are a part of a group policy and intend to change the service provider. In that case, you can do it by migrating to an individual health insurance policy with the same insurance company. You can then start the porting of your policy to another insurance company.

The portability of health insurance policies is a favourable option provided by the IRDAI. Being a valued customer, you have the right to receive the best services from your insurance provider. You can always port your health insurance to a better insurer if your current insurance company fails to provide adequate services.

Browse through all the available options and substitutes for your existing policy. It is preferred to opt for online health insurance, understand the terms and conditions of different options, and choose the best one for you!

Click HERE to buy online health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Do senior citizens have to wait longer for their health insurance claim settlement

Health insurance policies are a useful tool to tide over any medical contingencies. It is essential for people of all ages, especially senior citizens, to purchase individual or family health insurance that can cover expenses incurred due to hospitalisation or any other allied medical costs. Its importance is only increasing as the medical inflation trends in India increase each year.

We know that age increases the risk of hospitalisation and medical expenses. This creates the necessity to purchase the best-suited comprehensive plan for senior citizens in the family. This article discusses the ideal period for filing a senior citizen’s claim and the time it takes to settle.

The ideal period for filing health insurance claims:

The period of filing the claim is essential in determining the time it requires for processing. Therefore, one must take all the necessary measures to facilitate a speedy claim settlement to benefit from the insurance policy.

Ideally, the insured should file their claim within two weeks for reimbursement claims. This is not a general time frame, as different policies have different time limits. However, claims filed after two weeks of hospitalisation are likely to be rejected or settled later, depending on the case.

Average health insurance claim settlement time:

As per the surveys and research done by the insurance industry, health insurance claims made by senior citizens take 28 days to settle compared to claims made by policyholders younger than 60 years, which take 23.2 days. These results have stirred up interest in the discussion to find the cause behind the delay.

The surveys also state that even the proportion of claim settlements is lower concerning specific conditions like diarrhoea, cancer, or prostate enlargement. However, it is the opposite when related to coronary heart disease. While this may seem alarming to those who have purchased health insurance in India for parents over 60 years, there are simple ways to avoid this.

1. What causes the delay in claim settlement for senior citizens?
The primary cause for the delay in claim processing is the delay in filing a claim. It is essential to ensure that the claim is filed and processed at the earliest opportunity. The findings state that senior citizens may take a while to file claims for numerous reasons, which may cause delays. To avoid late results, senior citizens must file a claim within a week or two and get assured of timely action.

2. A simple tip to ensure timely claim settlement:
It is often seen that young adults purchase health insurance in India for parents not just to protect them from bearing the burden of substantial medical bills but also to file for tax deductions.
However, to claim its primary benefit, it is essential to file claims on time. Since the elderly may require more time to do so, help from the hospital, staff, or relatives to file the claim in time will ensure that it is settled within 23.2 days instead of 28 days.

Carefully read the terms and conditions of health insurance in India for parents that specify information dedicated to senior citizens about the different inclusions and exclusions of the policy. Since medical bills and the risk of falling ill are greater at older ages, it is necessary to be fully aware of the benefits of different policies and file claims within the stipulated period. Help the senior citizens with a good life and healthy well-being!

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Buying the best health insurance for your family decoded

Irrespective of age, health is easily one of the most overlooked aspects that are ironically detrimental to the quality of one's life. A few decades ago, maintaining health was not a matter of discussion as it is now, mainly because of the outbreak of viral infections, lack of exercise, and poor eating habits.

People of all age groups face health issues, the old due to their age and the young due to stress. The inconsistent lifestyles have become an open invitation to several health problems. And, as the severity of health conditions increases, it impacts your finances.

In unforeseen situations where you or your family may require to be hospitalised, a health insurance policy for family protects you from the rapidly rising medical cost. Managing finances during health emergencies can be daunting, but with the right insurance plan, you can handle everything well.

While it may seem complicated, keeping these factors in mind can help you buy the best-suited health insurance policy for family!

The need for family health insurance:

While most look at a health insurance policy for family as a means to claim tax deductions, it serves a far greater purpose. Medical emergencies are not preplanned, and without a comprehensive health insurance policy, you will have to pay for the expenses out of pocket.

These medical bills are almost in large amounts that are sure to vent your savings massively. Instead, upon paying a comparatively minimal premium annually, you can protect your spouse, children, parents, and parents-in-law under the same policy that covers any possible medical expenses.

How to decide on policy coverage:

While a health insurance policy for family is a one-stop solution to cover the entire family, it may not be enough based on your situation. If you are newlyweds or a young family, a family floater plan may suffice for your case.

Since medical emergencies are relatively infrequent at a young age, the premium is lower, and the cover is adequate. With time, as your family grows and the insured members' age increases, it is essential to take out individual insurance specifically catering to their health needs.

How much should your policy be for?

As medical inflation continues to rise, adjustments need to be made to these figures to accommodate any potential situations where a claim may need to be made. A cover of 5 lakhs should be the minimum for families with young adults. Since risks are fewer at this stage, premiums are also lower, and the amount is adequate to cover general medical bills.

With the increase in the insured members' age, the policy amount and premiums also increase. However, they do not rise proportionately, making it easier to purchase a higher-value plan at a relatively low increase in the annual premium amount. It is also necessary to factor in living costs and adjust these figures accordingly.

What is covered, and what is excluded?

While they are a convenient means of protecting your entire family without having to pay individual premiums for every member, there are certain exclusions to a health insurance policy for family that you must be aware of.

They generally include psychiatric medical expenses, provide annual health check-ups to all covered members, and even cover maternity-related costs. However, babies younger than 91 days and children over the age of 18 years cannot be included under family floaters. It also excludes any pre-existing medical conditions for which a separate cover needs to be purchased. Health insurance policy for family also has a waiting period, during which the insurance providers do not compensate for any expenses incurred.

A health insurance policy for family is a straightforward tool that protects your entire family at a low premium value from any medical contingencies. By attentively checking the inclusions and exclusions of the policy, one can ensure comprehensive cover for their family to combat health emergencies without any worries about finances.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the health benefits of cycling for elders

The end of the monsoon season is in sight, and even before we know it, we'll be ready for the winter days. The monsoon can be visually stunning, but it's not necessarily ideal for your bike. Post-monsoon brings a completely different downpour of problems for riders. This season demands a keen and prompt response to ensure your bike is in the best possible condition.

Now that the monsoon season is ending, you should give your bike its due attention. In light of the foregoing, we have compiled a post-monsoon maintenance checklist to get your bike road-ready. In that case, why delay any longer? Let's get this article rolling and prepare yourself for a thorough maintenance regime of your bike.

1. Tyres are important:
Don't let the air pressure in your tyres drop below the levels suggested by the bike's manufacturer. Inspect them for minor cuts that usually occur due to poor road conditions and potholes which might lead to more serious problems, such as a blowout. Make sure you inspect the tread depth of your tyres weekly. Make that the wheels are properly aligned and balanced.

2. Maintain battery:
If you want the bike's battery to last long with few problems, you should have it serviced right after the monsoon. Put some distilled water into the battery if needed. Look into the possible battery leakages. The bike must be in proper working condition and devoid of battery leaks. You should keep the motorcycle's battery fully charged if you haven't used it in a while.

3. Inspect the air filter and the exhaust:
Maintaining the air filter clean during the monsoon season is essential when airborne dust can quickly accumulate and clog the filter. Maintain regular air filter replacement schedules and increase cleaning frequency, especially during the monsoon days, since dust levels may grow in the winter. Check the exhaust for any residue or dirt accumulation due to flooding roads.

4. Don't forget to check the brakes:
Wet weather increases the likelihood that your bike's brakes will become more resistant to pushing, making riding in wet conditions dangerous. Therefore, it is essential to maintain an appropriate distance between the brake and the tyre.
Brakes that are either too stiff or too slack present a significant risk. If you experience screeching noise, it may be due to an oil shortage, or the front brake pads you’re your attention.

5. Remember the engine oil:
After the rainy season, keeping your bike's engine well-oiled is crucial for optimal performance and reliability. Before setting out on a long trip, ensure you monitor the oil level and keep it at the recommended level. Keep an eye out for any oil leaks that may have occurred because of the wet weather.
When carbon deposits are present, oil thickens, making it harder for engine parts to move. You should know that unclean oil will cause your motorcycle to use more gas and dramatically shorten the engine life.

This checklist of post-monsoon maintenance will be your go-to guide to having a fully operational bike ready to take you for your desired exploration.

Getting your bike serviced and having appropriate bike insurance will ensure your bike is maintained properly. Buying or renewing your bike insurance isn't as time-consuming or expensive as it was. Modern methods have made it possible to buy bike insurance online in minutes. Get yours now!

Click HERE to buy the best bike insurance online in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.