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Understand these smart tactics that car salespeople won't want you to know

Buying a car is more challenging than it seems. The salesperson uses many tactics to prevent their buyers or sellers from negotiating. Usually, buyers who lack detailed information about car sales and the buying process fall victim to these tricks the salesperson uses to draw more profit.

You also have to consider various things, such as auto loans, RC transfers, and hidden charges, when estimating the price of the car. So, you can create your strategy against these persuasive tricks and get your choice of car at a reasonable price. Here are some tactics that are commonly used to influence the customer.

1. Psychological profiling:
The car salespeople use the scripted questions to break down the needs and vulnerabilities of potential customers. These salespeople are experts in persuading people. The first question most car salespeople ask is about your budget. If you answer this question, you will show a vulnerability to car salespeople.
You should refrain from discussing your budget, family needs, vanity, and urgency to buy and ask for a test drive before signing papers. If you find a car you want, negotiate the price and leave trade-ins and add-ons for another discussion.

2. The Ben Franklin close tactic:
Most car salespeople use this classic tactic to fool the customer into buying a specific car. In this method, they draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper and list the reasons to buy or not buy the particular car. The information from the salesperson is either half true or false. You should avoid falling for this trap and becoming a victim of their motive.

3. The Porcupine close tactic:
The car salespeople use another tactic that includes a question starting with "if." For example, "If I can get you this monthly payment, will you be willing to buy this car today?" Car salespeople use this strategy to find a buying trigger in their customers.
When your car salesperson asks you this type of question, you should answer it with a negative. Instead, telling your car salesperson that you are negotiating with other dealers to get the best deal.

4. The waiting game:
When you go to your car salesperson to buy a car, there are salespeople, a team leader, a general manager, and more levels of leadership. They waste your time and trick you into selling what they want. If your car dealer takes too long to start moving the deal, you should call the deal off.

5. Look after the overall cost of the car:
People research the price of the car and divide the numbers into a down payment and a monthly payment. Most car dealers offer you monthly payments. You should ask them about the total price of the car and their best offer.
You can use an online car affordability calculator to check how expensive a car you can afford. Stay in the range and consider other things such as dealer fees, car insurance, and more. Choose the best car insurance company in India to get reliable insurance at the right price.

6. The impending event tactic:
Car salespeople use another tactic to sell their cars without negotiating. In this tactic, the car salesperson says that you need to buy this car today to take advantage of a big opportunity to buy it, or some other customer will get it.
You should refrain from showing any urgency and telling the car dealer in their eyes that if you come back tomorrow, they will not sell you this car.

These were a few ways to smartly deal with the tactics of salespeople and outwit them. Always stay alert while making such big decisions. Rely more on your research, compare different brands and categories, and take a test drive before the final purchase.

It is compulsory for people who buy a new or used car to get car insurance. When you find a strategy against the car salespeople's tactics, you should also look for the best car insurance company in India. Car insurance brings you many benefits, including personal accident cover, no claim benefits, damage or loss to insure a car, and third-party liabilities. Buy one today to make your driving experience safe and convenient.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best car insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Which type of car alarm is right for your car

Even in a country like India, where unequal wealth distribution has persisted over the years, the demand for luxury goods has risen across different landscapes. While rural settings used to limit their investments to affordable luxuries such as 2-wheelers, that is no longer the case. Although comparatively small, the number of car owners in rural and semi-urban areas is growing.

As more people purchase cars, one cannot ignore their allied risks. The risk of damage and theft are the highest-ranking troubles of Indian car owners. While you can cover damages by buying the best car insurance in India, multiple systems can help prevent theft, but none to eliminate it. Owners are left with no choice but to protect their vehicles with the most-sophisticated systems that can deter burglary.

While a basic alarm system is installed in all cars, an aftermarket security system doubles the protection. The availability of too many choices makes it difficult to find the best option for your vehicle. Here is a list of all the types of car alarms to help you choose the best-suited system for your vehicle.

1. Audible alarm system:
Starting with the most basic anti-theft mechanism, a blaring alarm is usually provided in most cars. It makes for easy identification of an issue and alerts passersby to intervene. However, it is an outdated feature, considering that thieves have started tampering with cars to raise the alarm to divert people’s attention from the sound of breaking windows to steal the items inside the vehicle. While necessary, it is not a comprehensive solution.

2. Silent alarms:
A silent alarm does precisely what an audible alarm does- but inaudibly, and only alerts the owner who has the key. Being inaudible can be considered a boon or a bane depending on the result of the situation. Since owners are warned without a sound, the thief remains oblivious to being discovered. As there is no sound, nobody but the owner would be aware of the incident, leaving it entirely up to the owner to tackle the situation.

3. Immobilising alarm system:
The best option of the alternatives discussed so far is an immobilising system. Once the car detects a potential thief at work, it automatically locks the vehicle. The owner does not need to intervene since there is no risk of displacement.
However, in most cases, thieves look for valuable items in the car to steal rather than stealing the vehicle itself, making the system useless in such cases. Alternatively, a key is required to unlock the car, which is not difficult to attain considering the instances of petty thievery and copying the key itself or its electronic signal that opens the car.

4. Additional GPS tracking:
While GPS is a commonly used feature while driving, it can also help keep your car safe if you keep it on even when locked. This way, irrespective of the car alarm system, you will always have access to the car’s location and can track it down in emergencies.

Our recommendation:
1. Why stick to one when you can double up and be extra sure? We recommend adding multiple systems simultaneously to keep your car safe. While you can choose between audible and noiseless alarms, we urge you to purchase at least one of the above-mentioned systems.

2. Consider activating passive security systems rather than active ones. In the case of active alarms, you must trigger them each time after locking the doors, which is often forgotten. However, passive systems work without an additional push. While identifying the best car insurance in India, read the fine print to see if a specific type of alarm is required to be installed to cover robbery incidents.

3. Let the professionals at a registered service provider install your add-on security system to ensure proper activation.

Apart from your choice of alarm system, a vigilant watch, a safe neighbourhood, and buying the best car insurance in India are other crucial factors to keep your car safe from thieves and get compensated for the damage or loss due to acts of robbery.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Things you should know about acupuncture

Of all the inventions and discoveries the human race has made over time, its progress in medical science has been the most significant. The human mind has made everything possible, from simple practices like using herbs to heal wounds by trial and error to developing advanced laser surgeries. Despite consistent advancements in scientific knowledge, certain age-old traditions, like alternative medicine, are believed to be effective and used in modern times while lacking complete scientific backing.

Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine rooted in Chinese medicine. It is believed to cure illnesses and eliminate stress. While not entirely backed by scientific evidence, western medicine converges on some beliefs of sticking needles in the body at strategic locations. While buying a comprehensive health insurance policy for family is the safest bet for keeping your loved ones safe if you're interested in acupuncture, here's what you must know!

What acupuncture seeks to resolve?
Like all ancient medical practices, acupuncture claims to correct many medical issues, ranging from muscle aches, back pains, headaches, and arthritis. Some also believe that targeting specific nerves with thin needles can eliminate cancer, cure infertility and strengthen the immune system.

The fundamental principle behind acupuncture.
Traditionally, the practice is seen as a corrective measure to balance an individual's energy, which is the cure for all of one's problems. However, western medicine agrees with some of its claims while stating a different reason- it is possible to cure pains and aches by targeting the muscles and tissues that are tense by releasing the knots formed.

When to avoid acupuncture?
While the procedure can set right multiple issues ranging from common posture issues to chronic illnesses, it is not suitable for everyone. If you have a bleeding tendency or suffer from weak immunity or epilepsy, you should avoid acupuncture. The same applies to pregnant females or patients with an unclear diagnosis since it may cause more significant problems.

Precautions to ensure before acupuncture.
You must approach any medical procedure with caution. A patient must take all necessary preventive measures to ensure that minimal risk is involved. Before you visit an acupuncturist, keep the following in mind:

1. Make sure to do due diligence when choosing an acupuncturist. Ensure you talk to previous patients about the procedure, clinic, and practitioner and their credentials.

2. Disclose your medical history to the acupuncturist to make an accurate diagnosis.

3. Avoid caffeine before your appointment.

4. Wear loose clothes to allow easy placement of the needles in appropriate places.

5. Make sure to check that sterile needles are used for each appointment.

An acupuncturist's appointment.
Like any other medical procedure, acupuncture is not a one-time solution that will eliminate your problems. It takes multiple sittings, supplementary practices, and a reliable acupuncturist to provide effective results. Here's a short synopsis of what the procedure entails

1. Diagnosis:
The first appointment is the most crucial as it is when the initial diagnosis is made regarding the patient's health while considering their medical history. Usually, the acupuncturist examines your overall health by inspection and requires supplementary information to make an accurate diagnosis.

2. Acupuncture sessions:
Usually, sessions can last between 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the severity of the issue. Sessions are generally scheduled up to two times a week and may continue for 2 or 3 months. This may also depend on the add-on services like acupressure, cupping, etc.

3. Associated risks:
Although rare, the procedure comes with the risk of developing some serious side effects. They include excessive bleeding, fainting, infections, and, worst case, puncture of organs.

Acupuncture may seem like a relatively harmless procedure involving thin needles, but it has several risks you must consider if your body is not susceptible to it. Irrespective of your beliefs in alternative practices, we strongly recommend purchasing a health insurance policy for family to cover the financial burden of medical issues.

Click HERE to buy health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few Ayurvedic herbs to give your hair a new life

With a hectic lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and stress, your health gets affected severely. Most of our organs are getting severely impacted and may cause health complications later. This drastic change around us and the hectic lifestyle affects our hair in the worst possible way. From dry and flaky scalp to hair fall, keeping your hair healthy amid a busy routine is challenging for most people.

When such a problem strikes, the solution lies before our eyes, but we fail to see it. Nature has been the source of many nutrients since ancient times. It has provided man with herbs that have medicinal value, including hair growth. Using Ayurvedic herbs for hair is one of the most efficient and effective ways to keep your hair in proper shape and in the best health.

Regardless, you must have a backup plan for your health if things go wrong. Research health insurance plans in India beforehand to get a bird's eye view of the different health policies and their benefits.

Numerous herbs help in giving a new life to your hair. They come with plenty of benefits of their own. They stimulate hair growth, add volume to your hair, and make it grow longer and stronger than ever. In this article, we have curated a list of the best Ayurvedic herbs that are essential for hair growth.

1. Aloe Vera:
Aloe vera is one of the most effective Ayurvedic herbs of all time. It works perfectly well for both hair and skincare. It has amazing benefits that will provide complete
nourishment to your hair. Aloe vera is renowned for maintaining the pH balance of your scalp. You simply have to massage the aloe vera gel into your scalp and see the magic!

2. Lavender:
Lavender flowers are not only beautiful, but they have plenty of benefits. They have soothing properties that can soothe your scalp. It also cures any existing bacterial or fungal infections of your hair and scalp. You can add the lavender oil to your oil of choice and apply it directly to your hair. You can also consume lavender tea.

3. Amla or Gooseberry:
Amla is rich in Vitamin C and contains many medicinal benefits. It has antioxidants and fatty acids that make your hair shiny and voluminous. It helps in the removal of dandruff from your scalp and excessive dirt from hair follicles. You can massage your scalp directly with amla oil for increased blood circulation.

4. Rosemary:
It is one of the most important ingredients in all hair oils. It has magical properties and prevents the growth of gray hair, reduces the occurrence of dandruff, and nourishes your scalp. This herb also prevents dry and flaky scalp. It has a calming effect on your hair. You can easily mix it with other oils like coconut and apply it to your hair.

5. Peppermint:
Peppermint can do wonders if you suffer from an irritated and itchy scalp. It soothes the scalp, stimulates hair growth, and makes them healthier and better. It also treats dandruff and other infections that affect the hair adversely. You can easily find peppermint shampoos in the market and use them for healthy hair.

These are some of the selected Ayurvedic herbs that guarantee your hair a new life. They are easily available and can be used as oils or shampoos for healthy hair growth. You don't have to worry about your hair health anymore! You should also get health insurance plans in India to provide all-around protection for your and your family's health. It is better to be safe than sorry! Investing in the right insurance can help you lower your financial worry and save money on your medical expenses.

Click HERE to explore and purchase the best health insurance plans in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Follow these health tips to boost collagen production in the body

If you are interested in skincare, you may be familiar with collagen production. Those serious about their skincare routine make significant financial investments in items that address their skin problems. One such skin problem that haunts people is ageing.

Skincare aficionados utilise treatments containing collagen to fight the effects and symptoms of ageing. Let's understand the different effective ways of boosting collagen production in the body that can promise you a dazzling look.

What is collagen?
The body's most plentiful protein is collagen, which is also a vital component of skin. Muscles, bones, tendons, blood vessels, and the digestive system are just a few of the tissues that contain them. It is important for a variety of biological processes, including wound healing.

Ways to boost collagen.

1. Vitamin C is crucial:
Low collagen levels brought on by a vitamin C deficiency can result in scurvy, a potentially dangerous illness. Best food sources for Vitamin C include citrus fruit, red or green peppers, strawberries, and broccoli. A doctor might suggest supplements if a patient's vitamin C levels are too low. Skincare businesses frequently use vitamin C in their barrier creams.

2. Consume egg whites:
Egg whites, which are high in proline, one of the amino acids that make up the majority of collagen, should be a regular part of your diet. In addition to egg whites, foods rich in proline include wheat, barley, and salmon.

3. Aloe vera gel:
Aloe vera gel is frequently used to soothe rashes and heal sunburned skin. Patients who take aloe vera sterols regularly tend to get their skin more hydrated, have less severe creases, and have almost quadrupled the amounts of collagen than before. According to the study's findings, aloe vera promotes the development of skin-friendly cells. Aloe-containing goods can be taken orally or applied topically as creams or gels.

4. Reduce your consumption of processed carbs:
Limiting processed carbs is also a good idea. Refined carbs get converted to sugar in the body. The collagen fibres' connections are then harmed by sugar, making it challenging to repair them.
Advanced glycation end products, often known as AGEs, are produced as a result of this process and may aid in the early ageing of the skin. It happens even more quickly when blood sugar levels are raised in the body over an extended period. So, if you crave sweets, consider turning to other foods like fruit, dark chocolate, or toasted coconut flakes.

5. Light therapy:
In addition to reducing wrinkles and improving skin elasticity, red light treatment may promote collagen formation. Researchers discovered that this treatment encouraged the synthesis of collagen.

6. Avoid exposing your skin to UV rays:
Too much UV radiation is the greatest risk for collagen formation and skin health in general. Free radicals are unstable because they lack an electron. As they hunt for electrons, these free radicals can adversely interfere with collagen's fundamental properties.

These were the methods for boosting the body's production of collagen. Just as you take care of your skin, especially as you age, it is crucial to value your overall well-being. The best way to achieve this is by investing in the best health insurance policy in India. Medical costs associated with an illness or damage are covered by health insurance. A health plan also offers several benefits, including cashless hospitalisation and free medical check-ups. Make the right choice today and say yes to a healthy life!

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to spot the clear signs of a good insurance agency

When purchasing insurance, people check the plan's conditions, coverage, and exclusions. A good insurance agency offers the best plans and benefits to its customers. But do you know how to identify an excellent general insurance company? If you want insurance for your home, business, or automobile, you must determine the best insurance agency for your requirements.

Here are some clear signs that help you choose a good insurance company.

1. Problem-solving:
A good insurance company can come up with creative solutions to your problems. You should ensure that the agency helps its clients with the right insurance plan according to their needs. If you get the right solutions, the insurance company is rated outstanding.

2. Genuine:
You should know that unethical insurance agents only stay in business for a short time. You can check the experience and reviews of old customers of an insurance company to determine whether they are transparent & genuine.

3. Ease of doing business:
If you can easily access an insurance company's product, you can put them in the category of a good insurance company. Some other factors that make the interaction between clients and insurance agents more seamless include online claim reporting, online bill pay, billing questions, policy changes, 24x7 customer service, and social media platforms.

4. Vast technical knowledge:
An excellent general insurance company knows how to sell its policy and win its customers' trust. You should expect that your insurance agency can instantly answer all your insurance, law, and tax queries. They must know income tax preparation, financial planning, and some other avenues of financial service to help their clients with their financial situations.

5. Customers delight:
You will feel encouraged to buy their product when you meet an agent or a team from a good general agency. Most good insurance agents are eager and excited, which makes it interesting and easier for clients to understand the details of their products.

6. Emotional intelligence:
If your insurance agency listens and empathises with clients, they can help you clear up your financial situation when you encounter a loss due to an accident. A good insurance agent is sensitive and able to understand the needs of their clients.

7. Good customer service:
Customer service doesn't mean being available at all times, but it should also solve your problems and satisfactorily answer your questions. Check whether the customer care team timely responds to their client's inquiries via phone, chat, or video calls. You may also go through the company's online reviews to get a clearer picture of their customer service.

8. A wide array of products:
If your agency offers comprehensive products and services that meet your specific needs, you can call them a good insurance company. You should check that they offer a wide assortment of general insurance, including motor, health, home, travel, commercial, and more. You should also look for optional features in the general insurance plan and decide on its requirements to get comprehensive coverage.

9. Sense of urgency:
A good agency has robust SOPs and processes for quick insurance approval. Consider the agency's time to explain its products and services, the application process, and other factors. You should check how fast your insurance agency can provide the claim money when needed.

Look for these signs in your general insurance company and decide whether they are the best agency for you. Choose the right insurance company that offers a wide array of general insurance products. You can benefit from the insurance plan if you encounter a loss or damage to your life, vehicle, home, or business.

Click HERE to know more about the best general insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are some frequently asked bike insurance questions

If you're looking for answers to some frequently asked questions about two wheeler insurance, look no further. According to the Indian Motor Vehicles Act, every two-wheeler and four-wheeler owner must have third-party coverage. As a result, you must get either standalone bike insurance or a comprehensive bike insurance plan if you wish to cover the damages your bike sustains in accidents.

Many individuals need clarification on the numerous facets of a bike insurance policy. Therefore, we are addressing many concerns about a two wheeler insurance plan in this post in the form of some frequently asked questions.

1. What paperwork is necessary to submit an insurance claim for a two-wheeler?
Depending on your coverage and the damage experienced, you may need specific papers to submit a two-wheeler insurance claim. However, the necessary documents required to submit a two-wheeler insurance claim are summarised below:

● A current insurance policy agreement

● R.C. papers

● Driving licence copy

● As reported to the local police, a First Information Report (FIR)

● Pictures that were taken at the scene of the accident

● Other supporting records, if any

2. How much is my two-wheeler worth, and how is that determined?
Insured Declared Value (IDV), to which you are referring in this sentence, is the maximum sum for which you will be compensated if your two-wheeler is stolen or lost in its entirety. The manufacturer's suggested retail price determines the IDV of two wheeler, which is then depreciation-adjusted. Similarly, the IDV for non-factory-installed items is determined separately if they need to be added to the coverage at an additional expense.

3. What steps are involved in renewing my bike insurance?
Nowadays, it's effortless to renew your bike insurance thanks to the online renewal process of two-wheeler insurance. Most insurers notify the policyholder of the policy's expiration date in advance. Therefore, to renew your bike insurance online, go to the insurance company's website and complete a few easy steps. In addition, you can renew the insurance offline by going to your insurer's office or getting in touch with customer service.

4. Which situations fall under a bike insurance policy's exclusions?
The policy wordings for bike insurance coverage include specific information about the exclusions. Before purchasing your bike insurance policy, reading and comprehending the exclusions is crucial. It is advised to get clarification if there are any questions about the exclusions in your bike insurance policy.
Here is a list of typical exclusions that can be encountered while filing a two-wheeler insurance claim:

● Getting behind the handlebar when intoxicated

● Riding a motorcycle without having insurance

● Driving without a valid licence

● Nuclear risks-related harm

● War-related damage

5. What kind of additional coverage is offered for my two-wheeler?
You must purchase comprehensive coverage that includes any injury or damage to a third party and any harm to your two-wheeler if you want to protect it adequately. Similar to the above, an add-on policy like Zero Depreciation would guarantee the total amount of your valid claim is paid without considering the depreciation factor.
Repairs and replacements of certain parts made of plastic, fibre, glass, etc., are priced on a depreciation basis under IRDA regulations.

6. Where can I find the policy number for my bike insurance?
When you purchase a two-wheeler insurance policy, you will receive policy documents having the policy number for your bike insurance. The correspondence letters, emails, etc., that your insurer sends you regularly include your bike insurance policy number as a reference.

7. Why should I purchase online two-wheeler insurance?
The advantages of purchasing insurance online include the following:

● Comparing prices and assessing coverage alternatives on a free and user-friendly platform.

● A quick and helpful customer service team can address any issues.

● Post-sale services that are prompt and trustworthy.

● Assistance with the claims and related issues as soon as possible.

These are the most commonly asked questions when purchasing bike insurance which offer you good clarity about the application process, claim settlement, premium, inclusions and exclusions, types of bike insurance, renewal details, and much more. Let's get ready to buy your bike insurance today!

Click HERE to buy bike insurance and stay stress-free.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


A few surprising benefits of having Tulsi plant at home

Tulsi is a popular houseplant in India and is worshipped by people as a religious practice in different parts of the country. You can find a dedicated area for the tulsi plant if you visit the traditional Indian houses. But things have changed a lot nowadays, and people have also started keeping a tulsi plant in their apartments for its many benefits.

Having a tulsi plant at home can have many benefits, including calmness and happiness to the house. According to the ancient Vastu Shastra and Ayurveda, tulsi can benefit you in the following ways:

1. Tulsi leaves have medicinal values:
According to Ayurveda, tulsi leaves contain various medicinal properties. Taking tulsi leaves with honey can heal common coughs and colds. Moreover, tulsi leaves possess various natural antioxidants that kill free radicals in the body and improve the immune system. Regular consumption of tulsi leaves can help manage stress and high blood pressure. Notably, tulsi leaves feature multiple benefits without any side effects on your body.

2. Bring happiness to marital life:
It is believed that maintaining a tulsi plant in the east or northeast corner of your home can bring positive energy. As per the Vastu, a tulsi plant eliminates stress and brings happiness to your conjugal life. Gradually, your life will become happier and more peaceful.

3. Tea with tulsi leaves:
Tulsi can make your tea more refreshing and nourishing. Restaurants usually use dried basil to prepare such tea. But you can use fresh leaves if you have a tulsi plant. Tea is a source of various antioxidants, which improve your immunity, and when you add tulsi to it, the level of such minerals and antioxidants increases. The combination of tulsi and tea creates a warm beverage with many health benefits.

4. Insect repellent:
Many homeowners find themselves subjected to frequent insect attacks, and it often becomes annoying to tackle them. People use different kinds of toxic chemicals to remove insects, though these chemicals may harm pets and children in the house. Tulsi is a natural insect repellent, and your house can stay protected from mosquitoes, flies, and many other insects if you have this plant in your balcony garden.

5. Tulsi brings prosperity:
In Hindu mythology, the Tulsi plant has been represented as the form of the goddess Lakhsmi. So, it is believed that having a tulsi plant in the east or northeast part of the home brings good luck and prosperity. Having a tulsi plant in the house can protect you from unnecessary financial expenses. Also known as the queen of herbs, the tulsi eliminates negativity and spreads positive energy to the home.

How can you have a tulsi plant in your apartment? The tulsi plant needs direct sunlight for 4-5 hours a day. You can keep it on the window sill or balcony, where it can receive a good amount of sunlight.

So, these are some benefits of having a tulsi plant at home. Overall, people believe that tulsi brings peace, happiness, wellness, and good luck to a house. Your house will become a more beautiful place to live, though you must remember to invest in the best home insurance policy in India for financial peace during unexpected circumstances.

Click HERE to buy the best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Can you claim your two-wheeler insurance twice a year

Insurance is an umbrella that protects you from the financial burden resulting in the aftermath of the event you are insured against. In recent times, the insurance penetration rate in India has significantly grown with the increasing base of new policyholders. This may be attributed to raising awareness, the increased purchasing power which has resulted in the improved ability to purchase policies, and the steadily growing inflation rates that increase the burden of such financial stress.

Over the years, motor insurance has become a popularised offering by insurance companies. If you are looking for the best two wheeler insurance in India, there are multiple options with various features and price ranges. However, it all boils down to the insurance claim settlement procedure. If the claim settlement is fair and speedy, it is the natural choice for consumers. It is also the most confusing part of insurance that you must consider before purchasing two-wheeler insurance.

How many times can you file a claim annually? What are the required documents? Read on to find the answers to questions similar to these related to two-wheeler insurance claims.

Can you file for a biannual two-wheeler insurance claim?

Yes! The paperwork does not restrict policyholders to specific maximum claims you can file annually. Therefore, you may apply for two or more claims in the same year.

Effect of raising multiple claims within the year.

While there are no restrictions on claim filing, it may not be a good idea to do so frequently for the reasons mentioned below:

1. No claim bonus:
This is an incentive provided by the insurer to the policyholder at the time of renewal in case no claim has been filed within the insured period. In case of multiple claims in the year, the discount rate, usually between 20-50%, is lost with each claim. Therefore, by making a claim, or multiple ones, the insured loses the benefit of a discount at the time of renewal.

2. Increased premiums:
Since the insured person files multiple claims, they are seen as a greater liability than an asset to the insurance company. Therefore, they charge a greater premium from the person when compared to other insured parties that file fewer or no claims at all.

3. Inadequate compensations:
In case of minor damages and losses, it may be best to avoid filing a claim. Deductible items are removed from the repairs bill to compute the allowed damages. If such an amount is minor, we recommend not filing a claim since the compensation will be inadequate and only result in the loss of the no-claim benefit.

4. Limitations on zero depreciation insurance add-on:
This is an add-on facility to a comprehensive two wheeler insurance policy that restricts the number of claims you may file.

Necessary documents to file a claim.

Irrespective of the result of your search for the best two wheeler insurance in India, most insurance companies ask for the following documents for filing a claim:

● Claim form

● Two-wheeler registration

● Tax receipt

● Owner’s driver’s licence

● Insurance proof

● Copy of FIR

With insurance companies striving to make claim filing simpler than before, it may seem logical to claim compensation for even the most minor damages. However, even with the best two wheeler insurance in India and requisite add-ons, that is not the case. You must purchase bike insurance and file claims only after careful consideration.

Click HERE to buy the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on standalone damage car insurance

Standalone own-damage car insurance is optional, unlike third-party car insurance. However, you must buy your standalone damage car insurance since it will help you get coverage for damages to your car during an accident or a natural or man-made disaster like a fire outbreak, theft, flood, etc.

What is covered under standalone damage insurance?
By looking at what this policy covers, let's better understand how standalone car insurance functions. A typical own-damage policy will protect from the following:

● Accident-related damages or total loss

● Vehicle theft

● Damage that is beyond repair as a result of fire, lightning, explosion, or self-ignition

● Natural calamities such as landslides, earthquakes, or floods can cause damage

You can file a standalone damage car insurance claim with your car insurance provider if your vehicle is damaged as a result of one of these events. Nowadays, raising a standalone damage car insurance claim is simpler than ever before. You can visit the insurer's website, log in, complete a form, evaluate the damage to your automobile, and then make repairs after the claim is approved.

Factors that affect standalone car insurance premiums.

Your standalone car insurance premium can easily be impacted by a change in any of these variables.

1. Insured Declared Value:
Your car's IDV, or insured declared value, is its current market value and a key component in calculating its own-damage premium. If you decide to give your car a greater IDV, your standalone car insurance will be expensive.

2. Age of the vehicle:
Your vehicle depreciates with time and loses value. As a result, if your car is older, your car insurance premium will decrease.

3. Your location:
If you drive in an urban, congested area, such as a big city, your own-damage auto insurance rate will go up. This is because there is always a chance that the car will be stolen or damaged. The danger is also lower, and the premiums are lower in smaller towns and villages.

4. Car safety:
Installing safety features on your car reduces the possibility of damage. For instance, airbags reduce the likelihood of your vehicle sustaining damage, minimising car insurance premiums.

5. Model of the vehicle:
Any damage caused by an accident to a pricey or luxurious vehicle could be very costly. Due to the high risk associated with such a vehicle, the standalone insurance policy premium for own damage will also be expensive.

6. Engine cubic capacity:
Your car's engine cubic capacity significantly impacts your premiums. Compared to vehicles with engines under 1500cc, the damage premium for vehicles with an engine capacity beyond 1500cc will be higher.

7. No Claim Bonus:
When you renew the policy, your rates will be reduced if you haven't made any claims for auto-related damages during the policy year. As a result, avoiding these claims allows you to pay lesser premiums for your standalone own damage insurance.

Who should buy standalone damage insurance?
If you just have third-party auto insurance at the moment, it is advised that you purchase your standalone damage coverage. It increases the range of protection for your vehicle during emergencies like a car accident, a man-made disaster, or a natural disaster.

Here is the formula to calculate standalone damage car insurance premium:

You must know your car's Insured Declared Value (IDV). Using the formula below, you can easily determine your four-wheeler's IDV:
IDV= (showroom price - depreciation cost) + (cost of any car accessories - depreciation cost)

Once you know your car's IDV, you may use the following method to determine the cost of standalone own damage insurance:
Standalone Damage premium = IDV X (Premium Rate) + Add-on Covers - Policy Discounts and Benefits

Check for new car insurance rates before investing in standalone damage insurance. Contact your insurance provider to get the desired answers if you have any queries.

Click HERE to buy a car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on passenger assistance cover in two-wheeler insurance

If you have ever randomly searched for road safety statistics relating to India, you would be concerned. According to data provided by many research firms, the road crash severity, i.e., the number of deaths per 100 road crashes, was 38.6. This implies that over a third of road accidents lead to fatalities. Our numbers are also the highest amongst all countries, making this an issue that requires immediate attention.

While infrastructure and planning of roads are partly to blame, so is driver negligence. Considering that over half the vehicles on roads are 2-wheelers, it becomes necessary to practise safe driving since 2-wheelers do not have the bare minimum safety that cars provide and lead to more significant damages if in an accident. With increased regulations, the demand for 2 wheeler insurance has risen steadily.

Still, riders continue to take unnecessary risks in the form of 3 or more riders, underage driving, and helmet-less pillion riders. While your 2 wheeler insurance covers the driver and vehicle, does it also cover pillion passengers? Read on to find out all about it.

Inclusion of a passenger in 2-wheeler insurance:

2 wheeler insurance is considered a comprehensive cover but is not in reality. By carefully reading the fine print, one can find multiple exclusions which can be added to the cover as an add-on facility. One such cover is to protect your passenger.

If you are considering whether or not to purchase the add-on, we strongly urge you to do so. Since two-wheelers are more vulnerable to accidents, minimal damage to the riders is inevitable. While your comprehensive plan covers you and your vehicle, buying an add-on will insure your pillion rider's life.

Inclusions of the add-on:

The add-on primarily lightens your moral responsibility towards your pillion passenger to keep them protected as long as you're responsible for their safety. In the following events, the insurance company approves the claims filed:

● Compensation for the death of the passenger to their legal heirs

● Payment in case of partial or permanent disability to the passenger

● Reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses incurred to treat the passenger

Who should consider buying the add-on:

While 2 wheeler insurance is mandatory for all, we recommend considering a pillion-passenger add-on as the same. However, suppose any of the following cases apply to you, then consider purchasing it at the earliest to minimise the extent of the financial burden you may have to face.

● If you regularly have a pillion passenger travelling along

● If your regular passenger happens to be a child or a senior citizen, it is best to cover for contingent mishaps

Exclusions to consider before filing claims:

This add-on is undoubtedly helpful in insuring your fellow rider’s life. However, before filing a claim, you must ensure that the following:

● The driver has a valid licence

● The driver was not under the influence of any substance

● The driver must be the owner of the vehicle and must purchase the policy and add-on in his name

● The accident must not be intended to be an act of self-injury by the driver

These are generally excluded conditions that reject a claim. Since making 2 wheeler insurance mandatory, its penetration has significantly increased. Authorities should also consider making policy equipped with comprehensive benefits to cover all related parties and ensure maximum protection of the riders and vehicle.

Click HERE to buy a reliable 2 wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Find out which businesses in India need public liability insurance the most

Do you own a business and are undoubtful if you need to purchase a public liability insurance policy? This post will discuss why you should get public liability insurance, the advantages, and a list of businesses requiring it. It is advised to have a public liability insurance policy if you deal with members of the public or clients to ensure protection against damage to third-party.

Following are the businesses that are at risk of going bankrupt due to a single lawsuit if they don't invest in the public liability insurance policy:

1. Businesses that produce chemicals

2. Restaurants

3. Contractors

4. Hospitals

5. Universities and colleges

Let's first define public liability insurance policy before discussing these five businesses.

What is insurance for general culpability?

Public liability insurance protects businesses and their owners from being sued if someone gets hurt within their property or causes damage to someone else's property. This insurance pays for the damage costs, which otherwise the insured might have to pay.

For instance, if you host an event and a public member is harmed within your property, your public liability insurance will pay for any associated legal fees and compensation claims that the injured party may make.

What all is protected by public liability insurance:

• Property damage and physical harm

• Cost of counsel

• Cost of a claim

What is excluded from the policy:

• Reputational damage or another form of slander

• Accidents involving employees

You can purchase general liability insurance (GLI) if you want more protection. GLI protects a broader range of people, like business owners, employees, and vendors, from these risks.

Here are a few examples of firms that unquestionably require public liability insurance policy.

1. Businesses that produce chemicals:
After the Bhopal disaster in 1984, the government required any company working in a dangerous area to have public liability insurance. The Public Liability Insurance Act of 1991 requires you to purchase PLI coverage to protect yourself from lawsuits arising from accidents and harm to the public.

2. Restaurants:
A necessary component of any restaurant business is public liability insurance. PLI safeguards eateries from the expenses associated with damages. Accidental hot food spills, cutlery that falls, and slick floors are possible scenarios. It also protects the business if a customer claims damages because they got sick from the food.

3. Business owners:
If you do construction, plumbing, or electrical work on a client's property as part of your business, you must have public liability insurance. While working there, the insurance will defend you from any claims against you for injuries to individuals or damage to the customer's property or equipment.

4. Hospitals:
Hospitals are another business that could be sued for injuries or damage to property that happens while doing business. Any harm or death caused due to the doctor's negligence in this situation is not covered by PLI. For such a risk, doctors need professional indemnity insurance coverage.

5. Colleges and universities:
If a fire breaks out on the grounds of your school or college and a few students are hurt, PLI will pay for the cost of legal defense and any compensation demanded by the injured students or their families.

We've talked about a few specific businesses that require public liability insurance, but this is a partial list. Public liability insurance is a requirement if your business interacts with customers, staff, or the public.

Finding a good insurance company and the best coverage for your business takes time, consistent efforts, and deep research. Once you've decided, you'll have an insurance agent to offer advice based on his knowledge and experience. Nowadays, things have become digital, and you can easily buy a public liability insurance policy online with just a few clicks and a hassle-free payment process. It is recommended to always seek legal advice to find the best solution based on your situation.

Click HERE to buy a reliable public liability insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few myths you need to know about public liability insurance

Public liability insurance in India is a kind of insurance that aims to shield business owners from claims that lead to legal actions. It protects you if a customer or general public claims that your business activities caused them to suffer an injury or property damage. A policy will pay for these costs, which may include any compensation you are required to pay if a claim does end up going to court.

More about public liability insurance in India:

The public liability insurance policy covers the insured's legal obligation to pay third parties for unintentional death, physical injury, disease, and loss of or property damage. Subject to the limitations of indemnity and other terms, conditions, and exceptions of the policy, it covers the financial claims filed against the insured during the policy period, including legal fees and expenditures spent with the prior agreement of Insurers.

A few important points to remember:

● No culpability is acknowledged

● Claims filed more than five years after the incident won't be considered

Myths about public liability insurance:

1. Professional assistance and counsel are covered:
It's common to mix up professional indemnity insurance with public liability insurance. Public liability in India covers the costs related to unintentional damage and injuries. In contrast, professional indemnity protects against claims from professional negligence in business services and advice.

2. If you are sued, you can close the company:
If you own a small business, closing it won't make the case go away if you are proven legally responsible for someone getting hurt or something getting broken. The lone proprietor will be held personally liable indefinitely for any claims brought against a small business. Even while persons who run a limited company can close their company, they will still need to deal with any legal actions brought against them. Only a public liability insurance policy will be useful in these circumstances.

3. The purchase of public liability insurance is mandatory:
Businesses are not obligated by law to buy public liability coverage. However, it would be crucial to buy this coverage if you want to shield your company from having to pay out astronomical sums in claims. While performing their duties, your personnel may harm people or damage someone else's property. Businesses operating in public areas or on clients' property need this insurance policy. Get a public liability insurance quote if you need to figure out how much it will cost.

4. Loss is compensated through public liability insurance:
That's only partially accurate. Public liability insurance in India does not cover pure monetary loss. Therefore, a third party cannot demand reimbursement for the monetary damage they have sustained due to a service provider's acts.

5. Every time you sign a new contract, you'll need new insurance:
Most of the time, firms only have a single policy to cover all the contracts and projects they take on. However, for public liability insurance, when a new contract entails significant risk or is substantial, buying new insurance can be required rather than renewing an existing one. Almost every public liability insurance in India has flexible coverage options.

This simplifies adding new features when the company expands or takes on new jobs. This will be practical and guarantee that your business needs are addressed. Working with trustworthy and renowned insurance providers is essential when looking for insurance coverage to safeguard your small business. Your business can benefit from having the best public liability insurance in India.

Click HERE to learn more about public liability insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips to help you ride your two-wheeler on congested roads

Due to the extreme population density, everything in the country is crammed up and congested, which also applies to the roads. Driving on city roads or highways is complex and challenging. If you're learning to ride a two-wheeler, this article might be helpful for you.

In India, road accidents are frequently encountered. Every minute, a road accident occurs in some part of the city, which puts everyone at risk. The density of people per square foot of the road is way more than it is supposed to be. So much so that it exceeds the safety limits.

If you own a two-wheeler, the roads can leave you vulnerable and scared. You should keep many things in mind when driving through congested roads, and your safety comes at the top. You should also have a valid insurance policy to safeguard you and your two-wheeler. Research the best two wheeler insurance rate in India and purchase the policy that suits your needs and is within your budget.

Let us thoroughly look at the tips to keep you safe while driving across congested roads.

1. Do not lose focus:
Focus is extremely important while riding a vehicle. Avoid all distractions that can cause you harm while riding. Phone calls, music, or small talk with your fellow passenger can be distracting. It can lead to road accidents in a blink of an eye. Hence, it is best to avoid them all.

2. Keep an eye on the road:
Whenever you drive, you should keep an attentive and careful eye on the road, people, and other vehicles. Most people are not cautious while crossing the road, especially in market areas or other congested roads. This puts the responsibility on you to be extra alert. Look out for any pedestrians on the road when you ride your vehicle.

3. Do not over speed:
Over-speeding is one of the leading causes of road accidents and fatalities in India. Fast driving on a congested road can lead to disasters. It is advised to slow down as and when necessary. It is best not to put too much pressure on the accelerator as congested roads have comparatively lesser space to occupy vehicles and allow them to commute swiftly. Plus, the risk of colliding with pedestrians or street vendors is always high.

4. Plan your trip well:
You must have a clear idea of the route you're going to take. It is wise to sort out your route on maps before you begin your journey. You don't have to waste time and effort sorting a route in between your ride. Preferably avoid taking congested roads even though they might show the shortest route.

5. Maintain a safe distance:
You should maintain a distance from the other vehicles. Do not drive too close to other vehicles. The same is advised for people on the road as well. Maintain a safe distance from all to avoid accidents. Also, look out for the speed breakers and potholes carefully.

6. Follow traffic rules:
It is mandatory to follow all the traffic rules whenever you're on the road. Violating traffic rules can land you into several troubles, from penalties to even imprisonment. It is best to wear a helmet and carry all required documents during your ride.

These tips can help you make your way through congested city roads. If you are a new rider on the streets, you should always focus on the road and be attentive while driving. Additionally, you should also insure your vehicle with a valid insurance policy. The two wheeler insurance rate should be researched and found beforehand to help you make the best choice.

Click HERE to know the best two wheeler insurance rate to buy a comprehensive policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the ways to find the expiry date of your bike insurance online

India ranks among the top 10 countries with the most two-wheelers in the world. Indian roads and highways are crowded with two-wheelers of all makes and designs running in different directions. This also means that you need to take great care of the vehicle that you ride on. It should have all the proper documentation. You will be compelled to pay a fine or compensation if you lack these documents.

Your bike insurance plays a pivotal role in the safety of your two-wheeler. You must renew your insurance from time to time to be free from any future problems. The expiry can result in a significant financial loss if it is not renewed. You may also be penalised for not adhering to valid insurance.

To prevent yourself from this mishap, you should be well aware of the expiry date of your bike insurance. You now have the option to know about the expiry date of your bike insurance online. The steps are hassle-free and doable.

Let's look at the ways and means to renew bike insurance online.

1. Visit the website of your insurer:
You need to go to the insurance company's website to look at your policy's expiry date. The steps are:

● Visit the website or app of the insurance company

● Sign in to your account

● Fill in all the important information and log in

● Go to the bike policy that you've opted for

● You will get all the information, including the expiry date

2. By VAHAN website:
VAHAN is the official website of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India, which keeps the records of all the registered vehicles in India. It has all the information about the insurance policies of these vehicles. The expiry date of your insurance can be easily checked on this website. The steps to follow are:

● Go to the VAHAN website

● On the designated field, enter the registration details of your bike

● Click on the button marked Proceed

● Go to the Services menu

● From the list of options, click on Additional Services

● When the new page is shown, enter all the details asked for

● Enter your registration number, chassis, engine number, and verification code

● Go to Verify Details

● An OTP will be sent to your registered number for verification

● Upon giving the information, you will see all the details, including the expiry date of your insurance

3. By Email:
Your insurer sends all the essential information, including policy documents, to your registered email ID. If you want to look at the bike insurance expiry date, you can simply search for it in your email inbox. Make sure it is the same email you used to register for the bike insurance.

4. Through RTO’s website:
For a country like India, RTO has all the given information as a record for all your needs. This also means that it has a track record of the expiry date of your bike insurance. You simply have to log in to the official RTO website and look at the process. Follow the steps to access all the information related to your bike. It also includes the expiry date of your policy.

5. State transport department website:
Most Indian states have introduced the new feature of checking your bike details online. The transport department of these websites has all the information you will need for your insurance policy. Go to the official website and enter the details to access the information you're looking for. You will have details of the expiry date as well.

These are some of the most effective ways to check the expiry date of your bike insurance. You should always renew bike insurance online to protect it against any accidents. Failing to renew your policy in time can make it null and void, and you won't be able to enjoy the benefits anymore. Damages incurred during this phase will not be covered by your policy, putting financial pressure on you.

Click HERE to renew bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How can comparing different bike insurance policies be useful

As the Motor Vehicle Act specifies, every bike owner must acquire a third-party insurance policy. You may compare bike insurance online and choose the policy that offers the most value for your money while providing superior coverage. You can compare different plans with a hassle-free process.

Why is bike insurance comparison important?

Given the variety of bike insurance options available in the market, it is advised that you compare these options online before selecting the best policy for your motorcycle. Online comparison of plans across numerous categories is simple as more information is readily available. These comparisons assist you in choosing the bike insurance that offers you the most benefits at the lowest premium.

The best two wheeler insurance is a comprehensive 2 wheeler insurance plan because it covers both own damage and the legally required third-party bike insurance. Additionally, you can purchase any necessary add-on coverage to broaden the scope of your standard policy.

Here are the key elements you need to consider while evaluating various bike insurance options online.

1. Best coverage:
You may go through several bike insurance plans when comparing two-wheeler insurance online. The coverage may vary slightly depending on the insurance provider. You can pick the best protection that will work out well for you.
You should be aware that manually comparing bike insurance policies will take time. The best way is to research online and digitally compare different policies and their coverage before making the final decision.

2. Most suitable policy:
It's best to assess your needs before comparing bike insurance online. Because you will be clear on your plan's benefits, the purchasing process becomes faster. It enables you to choose the insurance policy that best fits your needs.
A comprehensive bike insurance plan is recommended for those who expect to ride their bike for a long time as it provides coverage for "own damage," and the third-party bike insurance. Your insurance provider will cover the cost of restoring the bike in the event of any damage.

This kind of insurance also provides a broad range of coverage, including protection against accidents, theft, fire, natural disasters, man-made disasters, third-party liabilities, and personal accident insurance for the bike's rider.

3. Customer support service:
Always keep customer service quality in mind when picking a bike insurance provider because it guarantees the prompt resolution of your complaints. Checking the insurer's social media pages for consumer comments, reviews, and ratings is a good place to start.
It is crucial to purchase the best coverage from a reputable insurer and the finest policy possible. Look for special services that an insurer provides, such as prompt repairs, easy pickups, helpful customer service, etc.

4. Network of service centres:
The availability of network garages is crucial for hassle-free bike repairs. You must consider the number of network garages listed under specific insurance if you want a cashless claim settlement for your bike.
Finding a nearby cashless garage during a road incident would be easier if your insurer has a nationwide network. Therefore, pick insurance with an extensive network of garages so you can benefit from quick, stress-free repair services and efficient claim processing wherever.

Don't forget to check out the chosen insurer's social media pages, brochures, and website. You will gain insight into the company's reputation. Check features like a quick, paperless, and efficient purchase & claim settlement process before concluding the deal. If you intend to purchase bike insurance online, you must abide by the aforementioned requirements to find an affordable and appropriate policy that meets your needs.

Click HERE to buy the best bike insurance for your motorcycle.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about the grace period in car insurance

Car insurance is a shield that protects your vehicle and your finances in case of accidents or any untoward incident involving your car. You pay a fixed sum annually, known as the insurance premium, for availing of the insurance company's services. As your policy approaches its expiry date, you must renew it by paying the premium.

There may be instances when you cannot pay the due insurance premium on time. You may be busy, unavailable, or not have the funds to renew it or simply forget to renew your policy. What happens to your policy, then? Does it expire and lapse? No. You might enjoy a special privilege known as the grace period, which prevents your policy from lapsing.

Let us know more about the grace period in car insurance.

1. Duration:
An insurance company usually provides a 15-30 days grace period from the expiry of your car insurance policy. However, it may differ from one company to another as per the policy's terms and conditions.

2. Charges:
Normally you don't have to pay any extra charges even if you renew your car insurance policy during the grace period. There may be a penalty if you do not renew your policy even within the grace period and do it after it ends.

3. Accrued bonus:
No-claim bonus (NCB) is the bonus amount accrued yearly in your policy if you do not raise a claim in that year. You get a discount on the insurance premium amount at the time of renewal of the policy, depending upon the NCB accrued to date.
Does this accrued NCB expire if you do not renew your policy in time? The answer is "NO". You can enjoy the benefit of your NCB even if you renew your car insurance policy during the grace period. However, the NCB may lapse and become inactive if you fail to renew your policy even within the grace period.

4. Claim settlement:
As we have discussed above, your car insurance policy will still be valid during the grace period. What happens if your car meets with an accident or gets stolen during the grace period? Will the insurance company entertain your claim now?
The answer is "NO" again. Your claim will be rejected simply because you did not renew your car insurance in time. Hence, it is crucial that you always renew your car insurance policy before its expiry date or as soon as possible because accidents come unannounced, even during the grace period. The entire purpose of having car insurance coverage will be defeated in such a situation.

5. Legal aspect:
According to the Motor Vehicles Act, it is mandatory to have a valid and active car insurance policy in India. Your car insurance is technically invalid if your insurance policy expires and you enter the grace period. Hence, legally you will be driving without a car insurance policy. The police will have the right to fine you and issue a challan if you're being stopped.

6. Inspection:
The car insurance company may again send an agent for the inspection of your car if you renew your policy after the grace period expires. In such a case, you will have to bear the inspection charges.

An active car insurance policy is essential as it safeguards you against any mishap involving your car and third-party liabilities arising from it. So why wait for the policy to expire first to renew it?

You should always renew your policy in advance, so your protection remains intact. You can easily opt to buy car insurance policy online and also renew it online later. Buying and renewing a car insurance policy online is fast, simple, secure, and 100% reliable.

Click HERE to buy car insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know whether your two-wheeler insurance covers fire damage

Besides its legal obligations, bike insurance can help you avoid paying heavy amounts for any damage, theft, or mishaps. But if you buy two wheeler insurance online, you must look for the various coverages the insurance policy provides. What if your two-wheeler catches fire because of an accident or other disaster? Will your insurance policy cover it?

Fire can cause minor issues, such as wire or seat damage, or even the total loss of your vehicle. Repairing significant damages or even a total loss may cost you a fortune, as you have to pay a considerable amount for repair or replacement. Thus, it would help if you had a bike insurance policy that offered you financial assistance for the damages caused by the fire. This quick guide will help you know whether your bike insurance policy covers fire damage.

Which two wheeler insurance covers fire damage?
There are three main types of bike insurance, but coverage of damages depends on the type of policy you pick. However, here is a list of bike insurance policies and the range of coverage that each policy provides.

Comprehensive bike insurance:
Comprehensive bike insurance is one of the most popular types of insurance due to its wide range of coverage, and it covers both own damage and third-party damages. Besides covering fire damage, this two wheeler insurance policy covers the following damages:

● Third-party injury

● Vehicle theft

● Accidental damages

● Third-party property damage

● Death of the third party

● Natural calamities damages

● Artificial calamities damages

Standalone bike insurance:
A standalone own-damage bike insurance policy only covers the damage to your bike. Here is the list of coverage this policy allows:

● Damage caused due to fire

● Bike theft

● Natural calamities

● Accidental damages

● Artificial calamities

Third-party bike insurance:
Third-party bike insurance offers coverage for the injury or damage of a third-party vehicle. However, this insurance does not cover the damages to your bike, including fire damage. But, having this policy is mandatory by law:

● Third-party injury

● Third-party property damage

● Death of the third party

Inclusions and exclusion of fire damage in two-wheeler insurance:
When you buy two wheeler insurance online, you must know the terms & conditions and the coverage for fire damage. Here is the list of inclusions and exclusions for fire damage.


● Accidental house fire

● Natural calamities

● Riots

● Motor accident

● Vandalism


● Fire damage due to mechanical or electrical defect

● Damage due to the addition of extra accessories

● Damage due to deliberate acts or own negligence

● Fire damage caused outside the specific geographical area

How to claim for two-wheeler fire damage?
If your vehicle is damaged due to fire and you have your bike insurance policy which covers fire damage. Then you must follow the below process to claim for such damages:

● Contact your insurance provider and inform them about the damage and its cause within 48 hours

● Collect various evidence, such as taking videos or pictures of the incident or the damaged parts of your two-wheeler due to the fire

● Visit your nearest police station and file an FIR

● Submit multiple documents such as address proof, identity proof, etc.

● Then the insurance provider will send a surveyor for an inspection of your case

● In case of minor repair or replacement, the insurer will offer you compensation

● In case of a total loss, the insurer will give you the amount as per the policy's terms

Documents required:

● Driving licence

● Identity proof

● FIR copy

● Registration certificate for bike

● Report of the fire brigade

Various reasons can cause fire damage, and it can be pretty disturbing for you to pay for the repairs or replacement of the damaged parts. Thus, it would be best if you had bike insurance covering the fire damage and providing you with the financial assistance you need during an emergency. It is best to buy two wheeler insurance online, browse through multiple options and research the one that offers comprehensive coverage, including fire damage. This way, you can efficiently ensure the longevity of your two-wheeler and stay financially sound.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn more about engine protection add-ons in two wheeler insurance

Bike engine damage can be severe and adversely impact you financially. Even though it doesn't break down often, fixing the engine can be expensive. An engine protection in your two wheeler insurance helps you in case of damage caused by water getting into the engine or oil leaking and making the engine non-functional.

You always have to select it as add-on insurance, as the comprehensive coverage does not cover the engine. For a little higher premium, you may rest easy knowing that you are protected financially if the insured bike's engine suffers damage.

The bike engine protection add-on covers the cost of repairing or replacing engine and gearbox components damaged by water intrusion, lubricating oil or coolant leaks, or a hydrostatic lock of the covered bike. The engine protection add-on is essential that you should consider when buying bike insurance.

The two-wheeler engine protection cover's advantages are as follows:

• It covers the cost of the bike's most expensive component - the engine

• Protection against physical harm caused by hydraulic lock to the engine and gearbox

• Financial protection against engine oil or lubricant leaks caused by water intrusion

• Provides monetary security

• Ideal for residents of flood-prone areas

The engine protection add-on does not cover the following items:

• Any maintenance or replacement due to normal wear and tear

• Repair or replacement of an internal part of the engine or gearbox because the driver was drunk, illegally racing, or the bike was driven while the driver's licence was invalid

• Damage or losses caused by engine corrosion

• The price of lubricants or engine oil

• Any claim made following the deadline for notifying the insurer of the incident

• Any claim in which engine parts were repaired or replaced without first notifying the insurance provider

• Any claims that are beyond the manufacturer's warranty

Do you need an engine protection add-on?
When you buy insurance from 2 wheeler insurance India, the "Engine Protection" is generally not covered. It is an advantage that is provided as an add-on. You should opt for this feature if you live in a region prone to flooding. For a small additional premium, you can relax knowing that the most expensive component of your motorcycle is covered and stop worrying about unexpected repair costs resulting from engine damage.

Who should purchase the engine protection option?
With a small cost on your annual premium, the engine protection add-on cover provides additional protection. For the following reasons, it would be best if you gave some thinking to get the bike engine protection add-on:

• If you have just purchased a new bike

• If you live in a flood-prone location

• If you want financial protection against significant damage to the engine parts

Understand that any damage to the engine's internal components can be expensive. To prevent unintended damage to the engine or gearbox components, check the engine oil level frequently. The bike should be serviced regularly as per the schedule, and you should change parts like the air filter and oil periodically to keep the engine running smoothly.

Avoid over-accelerating the engine because this could cause it to overheat and harm its internal components. Also, avoid buying duplicate parts during any post-damage repair. Lastly, buy a reliable 2 wheeler insurance India with an efficient engine protection add-on to enjoy an exceptional benefit.

Click HERE to buy the best 2 wheeler insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand consumables in car insurance

The MV Act, or the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, regulates the legal environment surrounding motor vehicles. It states that every car owner must buy new car insurance after acquiring a new car or renew it immediately after its expiry. It is one of the three must-carry-along documents for drivers, including a PUC certificate and driver's licence. With increased regulations and growing awareness regarding the financial burden of shouldering expenses in case of an accident, the policyholder base of motor insurance has risen steadily.

Despite the importance of car insurance, it cannot be said to be a comprehensive policy. Some aspects are left out in the document's fine print and are available as add-on facilities. Therefore, while most people know the need to buy new car insurance, only some are aware of general exclusions.

A typical example is the consumables in car insurance, which is discussed in detail in this blog.

General inclusions under car insurance:

While each insurance company may offer a slightly varied version of car insurance, generally, third-party car insurance covers accidents that cause damages to other parties or their properties. Without such a policy, you will have to bear the losses and compensate the affected party.

A comprehensive policy has two aspects, a third-party car insurance policy and own damages cover. Thus, it provides enhanced protection against personal injuries and manmade and natural disasters. Since consumables are nowhere mentioned as included, it is implied that they are an exclusion from the policy.

Understanding consumables:

Consumables in accounting refer to assets used within the process and are sometimes held on standby for future use. The former part of the explanation applies to consumables in cars. These items are used in the general running of a vehicle and are subjected to continuous wear and tear.

Consumables in a car can be identified as brake oils, engine oil, lubricants, refrigerant for AC, ball bearings, nuts, screws, bolts, washers, etc. In simpler words, they aid in the efficient running of the vehicle without forming a large chunk of the cost and are put to use regularly, which is why they deteriorate faster than other car parts.

Consumables insurance:

While consumables may not appear to be a prominent aspect of the relevant cost incurred in purchasing a car, they play a crucial role in the proper functioning of the vehicle and must be noticed. It is prudent to insure your car's consumables to prevent any financial losses you may have to bear due to improper condition of consumables.

Although not included in comprehensive insurance, insurance companies provide the facility to select add-on consumables insurance by paying an additional premium for the service.
Add-on consumables insurance covers expenses incurred for replacing items like engine oil, brake oil, steering oil, coolant, AC gas, refrigerant, dust filters, air filters, engine filters, bolts, nuts, washers, screws, grease, etc. It is important to note that consumable insurance is usually provided for cars not used for more than five years.

Exclusions of consumables insurance:

It is a specific add-on insurance type that only covers relevant costs relating to consumables. The general conditions to claims are similar to any other car insurance or allied add-on facility. In the following conditions, the claim is not admissible:

● Driving without having a valid driver's licence

● Driving under the confluence of substances or liquor

● Misuse of personal vehicle for commercial use

● Prolonged delay in informing the insurer regarding the replacement of consumables

● Misuse or overuse of policy to claim the maximum benefit, as against a rational person's actions

Consumables play an essential role in a car and must be considered when you buy new car insurance. The policy is purchased by fulfilling common conditions similar to car insurance. It helps file a claim for replacement costs of consumables by informing the insurer.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.