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Simple tips to keep your home allergy-free 25th November 2021

The changing season affects our health, especially when it is winter. The chilly days are known for causing flu, cold and inviting other viral infections and allergies. There is not much we can do to prevent outdoor allergies, but we can take steps to stay safe indoors and keep our home allergy-free!

To help you with it, we have made a list of important tips for each area of your house to keep them allergy-free. Follow these steps to create a healthy environment for you and your family.


Your bathroom is the most prone to mold due to the high moisture present. And the key to preventing this fungus is proper ventilation and regular cleaning:

1. Install and use an exhaust fan while showering to let out as much moisture as possible.

2. Remember to wash your towels regularly.

3. To prevent mold growth, it is best to clean your showerheads, sinks, bathtubs, and other faucets with bleach every once in a while.

4. Stagnant water can be problematic even in the bathroom, so empty your bathtubs, buckets, and sinks of any standing water and clear the drain blockage.

5. Avoid wallpapers; instead, paint your walls as mold grows under the wallpapers.

6. Cleaning is a priority; make sure to scrub the toothbrush holders, soap containers, and shelves too.

Living room and general tips:

The living room is where your guest usually hangs out the most. Therefore, it is even more critical to create a safe, comfortable, and allergy-free space for them:

1. Manage indoor plants properly. Please keep them in a dry place, check for mold growth, ensure good airflow by placing them at a proper distance and spray the soil with fungicide.

2. Pay attention to the décor. Reduce the amount of dust collecting things like stuffed animals, heavy curtains.

3. Keep your pets in a confined region and bathe them once every week.

4. Keep wall decorations to a minimum.

5. Air conditioners are perfect dehumidifiers, and they also filter out pollen and discourage cockroaches.


It is our favourite huddle zone. Therefore, it is necessary to take extra measures to keep this place allergy-free:

1. Periodically wash your pillowcases, bed sheets, linens, floor mats, and curtains.

2. Try to vacuum at least once a day and use a hose to reach every corner.

3. A bed is a heaven for dust mites; it is warm, relatively humid, and has a lot of food in the form of dead skin cells; therefore, clean your bed every day and consider buying dust mite-proof covers.

4. Wash your comforters and pillows regularly.

5. Do not forget to clean your windows. Vacuum your window sills and use cleaners to wash the glass.

6. Use air filters if there is no proper ventilation through windows.


Most of the allergens and diseases are born in the kitchen. But, by maintaining a clean, ventilated, and dry space, we can control the growth of allergens:

1. Do not leave the dishes uncleaned overnight. It is best to wash them instantly after use. Also, dry them; never put wet dishes in the cabinet.

2. Please do not allow the food to go down the drain, as it will block the drain, leading to mold and stinking sinks.

3. Clean your refrigerator and try to consume leftover food as soon as possible.

4. Only cleaning the countertops after cooking is not enough. Regular mopping and dusting are essential to maintain proper cleanliness.

5. Take the trash out every day as garbage bins can spread way more germs than you think.

6. Make a note of the food allergies you or your family members have. And avoid buying such food.

Considering the above tips, you will manage your home’s health and keep the spaces free from allergens. Financially safeguarding your insured belongings is never a bad idea. So, think of investing in a house insurance plan to protect your home with a promise of trusted safety.

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
