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Driving through the snow? Here's what you need to know 29th January 2022

Choosing to go for a drive while it's snowing outside may sound like an unusual option. So, ask yourself, "Have you prepared your car ahead of time?" A winter-ready vehicle should have enough tyre tread and air pressure, a vast tank of petrol, and a clean windshield.

Give yourself extra time to arrive at your location to avoid collisions. Do not take your hands off the wheel. Also, remember to get insurance from your choice of a motor insurance company and add a layer of protection to your car.

Keep in mind the following to lead a safer journey while driving through the snow.

1. Pay attention to the lights flashing:
If you turn and notice a flashing orange light, this is the stability-control system warning you that the vehicle is about to slip off the road. Ease off the accelerator until no more power is applied; this helps the automobile recover grip. Also, while making tight bends in town on icy or slushy roadways, do not accelerate rapidly. Always increase the throttle with steady momentum, so nothing unexpected occurs.

2. Install winter tyres:
This isn't a piece of driving advice; it's a survival suggestion. Winter tyres provide significantly greater grip in snow, sleet, and ice than even the most extraordinary all-season tyres. Installing a set of four winter tyres is the most intelligent thing you can do to boost your safety.

3. Handle the skids:
Skids, even large ones, are manageable, and you may quickly regain control of the vehicle. Firstly, don't panic—and don't slam the brakes. Instead, reduce your speed to avoid a front-wheel skid, which occurs when the front tyres lose traction, and the vehicle rotates in a broader arc than expected. In the event of a rear-wheel skid, swiftly move the steering in the same direction as the rear tyres are sliding. Keep your foot off the pedals. Steer back in the original direction when the rear wheels get a grip.

4. Drive extremely smooth:
The key component of driving safely in the snow is to be smooth with steering, acceleration, and braking. Why? Rapid control motions quickly unstick tyres with a fragile grip on the slick road. So every rotation of the wheel, a press of the brake, and movement of the accelerator must be careful, calm, and progressive.

5. Carry the necessary supplies:
Pack a snow shovel in your vehicle before you go, along with a bag of salt and a tow rope. The tow hook is located beneath the rear cargo floor, next to the spare tyre. Due to heavy snowfall, roads get severely affected, and tyres tend to get jammed, making the car halt.

Remember that your best chance for driving this winter is to ensure that your tyres sustain winter conditions. Snow can hamper the health of your car and make your journey troublesome. Stay adaptable, as it's best to pull over someplace to wait out the weather. Also, prioritise purchasing the ideal insurance plan from the best motor insurance company by considering your requirements and the benefits you can get from it.

Click HERE to head to the best motor insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
